Normal temperature for a healthy child. What should be the normal indicators, measurement features

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You can see completely different numbers on the thermometer, it depends on where in the body the temperature is measured. If you measure it in the armpit, the normal body temperature of the baby will be from 36°C to 37.3°C, in the oral cavity - from 36.6°C to 37.2°C, in the rectum - from 36.9 °C to 38°C.

Thermoregulation in newborns is not yet perfect; heat transfer is higher than heat generation. In this regard, babies can easily overheat or become hypothermic.

If a baby is often swaddled, then he will get sick more often

If parents constantly swaddle their baby, this does not help trigger thermoregulation mechanisms. Adaptation to environmental conditions does not occur, and such a baby will subsequently get sick often.

Proper care of a small child helps maintain normal body temperature.

The optimal body temperature is individual for everyone. It ranges from 36°C to 38°C depending on the location of measurement and depends on the physiology and developmental aspects of a particular baby.

You can find out the optimal temperature for your child by measuring it for several days in a row, three times a day. This will be an indicator of the average stable temperature.

Optimal temperature and its maintenance

While the child is small, you need to create a comfortable environment for him and maintain the correct temperature in his room. Necessary if possible observe the following recommendations:

The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 20ºС and higher than 24ºС;

In the hot season, the baby should be dressed like an adult, but in a layer less, and in the cold season, on the contrary, in a layer more;

At night it is necessary to cover the child so that he does not freeze. It is better if the blanket is made of natural materials, as it will retain more heat;

The baby's head should be warm when walking

Dress your baby for a walk according to the season and weather outside. You need to make sure that the head is always warm and not allow it to become overcooled, because up to 30% of the heat can be lost through it;

To better understand the temperature parameters of the air in the room, it is recommended to purchase a thermometer;

You can determine if a baby is warm by touching the back of his head.. If it is cool, then the child needs to be dressed warmer or covered.

Video: Komarovsky about temperature

How to avoid overheating

It is very important to prevent overheating of an infant, because it is much worse tolerated than hypothermia. Overheating can be determined by the behavior and condition of the child. This is especially true during the warm season.

If your baby has no appetite and activity has decreased, his cheeks are red, and his temperature has risen, then your child may have overheated.

Overheating in severe cases can even lead to death, so you need to prevent it in time. For this it is necessary to follow a number of requirements:

Dress your child strictly according to the weather;

Give plenty of fluids;

Don't leave your child alone in the car!

In hot weather, do not leave in the open sun, it is better to walk in the shade;

The baby should have a Panama hat or cap on his head;

If a child sleeps outside in a stroller in the summer, you need to make sure that the sun does not heat the stroller and overheat the baby;

Do not leave your child alone in the car.

The body temperature of infants depends on the individual characteristics of each organism. There is no need to worry about this if the child feels fine, is active and healthy, and has a normal appetite.

Parents tirelessly monitor the health of their baby. That is why they want to know what temperature a newborn should have. Pediatricians consider it normal if this indicator fluctuates from 36 to 37.5 degrees. These numbers are only relevant if the measurement is taken in the armpit. A few days after birth, the temperature will be between 36 and 37 degrees. After stabilizing the body’s thermoregulation, the indicator will become familiar – 36.6 degrees.

In contact with

Indicator norms

Normal temperature in a baby is an ambiguous concept. Its value directly depends on measurement method:

  • In the armpit area - from 36 to 37.3.
  • With the oral method of measurement - from 36.6 to 37.2.
  • Rectal version - from 36.9 to 38.

In newborns, the process of developing thermoregulation is still ongoing. Their body gives off too much heat, so they often get cold. In this case . Parents may also notice bluish discoloration of the arms and legs.


Important! Breasts can easily become cold or overheated, both of which are dangerous and can cause harm.

Additionally, it should be noted that the swaddling process will delay the formation of natural thermoregulation. The child cannot adapt to external conditions. In the future, the risk of colds increases. That is why the baby only needs regular care.

The normal temperature for a child up to one year of age varies from 36 to 38 degrees. In this case, the measurement principle plays an important role. However, other physiological characteristics should also be taken into account. To determine the indicator, it is necessary to take measurements twice a day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine the average stable body temperature.

Measurement Features

Newborns in different conditions are characterized by certain temperature readings. A mercury thermometer should only be used in the armpit. It is allowed to take measurements in a sitting position after the baby grows up.

Parents should monitor the placement of the device. Don't forget about the dangers of mercury. up to a year will show the correct value if measured within 8-10 minutes.

An electronic thermometer is considered completely safe. It's much easier to use. This will ensure that the correct result is obtained. It is simply irreplaceable in the first month of a child’s life. For ease of use, the device is equipped with an audio timer. The whole procedure will take no more than three minutes. Such a thermometer can be used for rectal and oral measurements. We should not forget that the result obtained in the armpit may differ by several degrees.

For the oral measurement method, the thermometer should be placed under the tongue. The procedure will take no more than one minute.

The normal temperature for a child under one year old will only be obtained if all preparations are carried out correctly. During the rectal measurement, the baby should lie on one side. At the same time, mommy presses his legs tightly to his stomach. It is also important to pre-lubricate the tip Vaseline or baby cream. The result will be obtained correctly only if the thermometer is inserted into the rectum to a depth of at least two centimeters.

Some parents prefer to use a temperature indicator. This is a small strip with divisions that must be applied to the baby's forehead. It will take just a few seconds to get the result.

At 2 months it is convenient to measure temperature using dummy thermometer. However, it is only suitable for those children who are already accustomed to this device.

Measuring a child's temperature

Maintaining normal temperature

The baby will maintain a normal temperature only if the regimen is followed. To create comfortable conditions, you must strictly follow the following recommendations:

  • The air temperature in the children's room should be from 20 to 24 degrees.
  • Experts advise putting on a child one more or less layer of clothing than adults now wear. Attention is always paid to the weather and season.
  • It is important for babies not to freeze at night. It can only be covered with a blanket from natural materials. They help keep you warm inside, but do not interfere with natural thermoregulation.
  • During walks at 3 months and later, the baby should be dressed according to the season. There should be a cap on the head. With its help, it will be possible to reduce the likelihood of hypothermia to a minimum. In infants, about 30% of all heat comes out through the pores on the head.
  • You should hang a regular one in the room wall thermometer. Thanks to it, it will be possible to control the temperature in the room.

Infants should not be overheated

Preventing overheating

A normal temperature in a child of 4 months and older will allow him to grow and develop properly. Additionally, it should be noted that for infants overheating is much more dangerous than hypothermia.

Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that if the child is comfortable, he will have a pink body. Additionally, he will exhibit moderate physical activity. If parents notice a decrease in appetite, then most likely the baby has a fever. Quite often such situations arise precisely in the warm season.

Important! Overheating of a child is very dangerous; it can lead to death if the necessary measures are not taken in time.

Overheating a child is dangerous

A normal temperature in a child at 4 months and later is important. To maintain it, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  • You should choose carefully. In the hot season, you should opt for a shirt made of cotton fabric. It is sometimes allowed to cover his body with a sheet.
  • For a child, it is important compliance with the drinking regime. During the day he should receive a sufficient amount of fluid.
  • In hot summers, walks can only be done in the shade. Open sun can harm the condition of the skin.
  • Don't forget about the Panama hat. It will protect the baby from sunstroke.
  • You must not leave the stroller outside unattended.
  • The child should not be left alone in a completely closed car.

Maintaining optimal temperature conditions is very important for the baby. If mommy suspects an increase in this indicator, then you can use a regular mercury thermometer. Today, electronic versions of the device are also very popular. The choice of measurement location is of no small importance. Depending on this, the results are interpreted.

Useful video: temperature in newborns and infants

In the first months of life, the child is still adapting to external conditions. The parents' task is to surround him with care and attention. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to grow and develop properly.

The normal body temperature of an infant in the first days of life, measured in the armpit, is 37.0-37.5 °C. After just a few days, the temperature can fluctuate from 36 to 37 °C. (In general, everyone’s usual temperature of 36.6 is established only at the end of the baby’s first year of life.)

Normal baby temperature

  • 36 - 37.3 °C - in the armpit;
  • 36.6 - 37.2 °C - oral temperature;
  • 36.9 - 38 °C - rectal temperature.

In newborn children, the process of thermoregulation is not fully formed and heat transfer prevails over heat production (heat production), children often freeze, which is expressed in hiccups, cooling and blueness of arms and legs. Therefore, it is easy for infants to become overheated or hypothermic.

Video consultation: why newborns have a temperature of 37.1-37.3

Parents should know that under conditions of constant swaddling, thermoregulation mechanisms “do not start.” This delays the child’s adaptation to the natural environment and makes him susceptible to colds.

Maintaining a normal temperature in the youngest children is achieved through routine child care.

Body temperature is not the same for all children and fluctuates, as indicated above, from 36 to 38 degrees (depending on where we measure), plus it depends on many factors in the development and physiology of the child. To determine the optimal (normal) body temperature of your baby, you need measure it over the course of several days in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. In this way, parents will be able to establish an average stable temperature for their newborn baby.

Note to moms!

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Video: how to measure a baby's temperature

Ways to maintain normal body temperature in a newborn

The smaller the child, the more he needs to create a special thermal regime. There are simple ways to create a comfortable environment for your child.

  1. The children's room should be well heated from 20º to 24ºС.
  2. An infant should be dressed in one more/less layer (depending on the season) than an adult would be dressed under given conditions.
  3. Make sure your child doesn't get cold at night. Cover it with a natural blanket (wool, cotton), which better retains heat while ensuring proper thermoregulation.
  4. To walk outside, an infant must be. It is important that the baby's head is kept warm to avoid hypothermia, because... Almost 30% of heat is lost when the head is open.
  5. At first, it would be wise to use a simple wall thermometer in the room to determine the temperature in the room ( See article ).
  6. To make sure your baby is warm, touch the back of his head with your palm. If the back of the head is cool, then the baby needs additional warmth.

How to prevent your baby from overheating

At the same time, parents must be careful to prevent the baby from overheating, because... Infants suffer overheating much more severely than hypothermia.

Normal body temperature is determined by a warm body, pink skin, and activity of the child. If parents notice a decrease in the child’s activity, lack of appetite, or an increase in temperature (especially if such signs occur during the warm season), the baby may have overheated. ( In especially severe cases, overheating can even lead to death.)

To prevent overheating, use the following methods:

  • The baby should be dressed appropriately (in summer, a cotton shirt and a sheet for covering will suffice).
  • Provide your child with plenty of fluids.
  • In hot weather, do not take your newborn out into the open sunny space, try to walk with him in the shade.
  • Place a Panama hat on your child's head.
  • Do not leave your child unattended in the stroller for naps in the summer, as the sun can heat not only the stroller, but also overheat the child.
  • NEVER Do not leave an infant alone in a closed car.

Each child is individual and the normal temperature for each infant may be different. If the child is active, healthy, eats well and does not experience any discomfort, then there is no reason to worry!

Well, if your child has a high temperature, then read the articles:

There are some criteria by which the general well-being of a newborn baby is determined - behavior, sleep and appetite. However, the most significant indicator is the normal temperature of the baby. It differs somewhat from the norm in an adult, and its indicators depend on multiple factors.

What should be the optimal body temperature for a baby?

Thermoregulatory processes in childhood are formed before reaching 12 months. By this time, the body temperature of newborns becomes the same as that of an adult, that is, 36.6 degrees.

To measure oral temperature, a digital thermometer is placed under the uvula for a minute

The normal temperature of a 1 month old baby varies between 37-37.5 degrees. In the future, these indicators usually decrease. The normal temperature for a 2 month old baby is already from 36 to 37.

Answering the question, what temperature should a newborn have? it is necessary to take into account where the measurements take place:

  • armpit area - the normal temperature for a baby is from 36 to 37.3 degrees;
  • oral measurements - normal temperature in newborns is 36.6-37.2;
  • rectal measurements can range from 36.8 to 38 degrees; This method is used if the child is able to lie still for several minutes, otherwise damage to the intestinal walls is possible.

A newborn's temperature of 38 degrees will be considered normal if the baby's general condition does not cause signs of concern.

To determine what temperature is considered normal in newborns, it is necessary to take measurements over several days at the same time. It is not recommended to measure immediately after the baby wakes up or eats. It is also important that he is in a calm state and not capricious.

How to measure a baby's temperature

To determine what the normal temperature of an infant should be, it is necessary to measure it over several days. For this purpose they use (the following article discusses in more detail the issues of selecting a thermometer for a baby):

Standard mercury

It is considered universal, but far from safe. When using such a device, the baby's body temperature will be displayed with maximum accuracy, but it will take more time to hold it.

Usually it is within 10 minutes, which creates significant difficulties, since the baby is not able to wait calmly for such a period.

In addition, according to calls from the World Health Organization, the production of such thermometers should be discontinued before 2020. This is explained by The mercury used to make the device emits vapors that are dangerous to the human body..

Digital electronic

It is considered one of the safest methods. The baby's temperature is measured in a matter of seconds, and a sound signal is given at the end of the process.

The main disadvantage of the electronic device is the inaccuracy of indicators when measuring in the groin area or armpit.

This is due to the fact that there is no close contact of the body with the thermometer, which is necessary to obtain accurate readings. After the beep sounds, you need to hold the thermometer for a while.

It will not be possible to use a pacifier thermometer to measure the temperature of only a child who is screaming heart-rendingly or who does not recognize pacifiers at all.

Such a device is convenient to use when measuring temperature in newborns, when other methods are not possible. The miracle pacifier has many positive reviews and is popular in use.

In addition, this measurement method has been proven to provide fairly accurate results.

Auricular tympanic

This device is designed to measure infrared radiation from the eardrum. Contraindications for use include:

  • age up to 3 months;
  • ear infection.

Non-contact infrared

It is also distinguished by its convenience and safety, but is considered one of the most expensive. In addition, the data shown is not accurate.

Thermal strips

They are convenient to use while away from home. It only takes about 20 seconds to measure the temperature. The strip is applied to the forehead area. Main disadvantages: inaccurate data and short shelf life.

It is best if the temperature is measured in the armpit area.

Body temperature monitoring is usually continued until it normalizes.

It is more difficult to obtain a normal temperature in a baby using the oral method, since the child can push out the thermometer with his tongue.

The rectal method has more accurate results, but also causes some discomfort. In addition, the thermometer will need to be washed after each use..

The body temperature of newborns up to a month increases not only in case of illness, but also for other reasons, for example, overheating or uncomfortable room temperature. Read about elevated temperature in a child without symptoms, where you will learn about 5 causes and 7 hidden diseases.

What to do to avoid overheating

Each parent should pay special attention to their child and not allow the baby to overheat, since this condition is much more difficult for infants to endure than hypothermia.

Normal temperature in newborns is determined by several criteria:

  • warm body;
  • activity;
  • pink skin color.

Signs that your child is overheating may include:

  • decreased appetite;
  • low activity;
  • temperature increase.

In more serious situations, overheating can be fatal.

To prevent this condition, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The child must be dressed according to weather conditions. So, for example, in the summer you can get by with a cotton shirt and a sheet to cover your baby. We talk about the intricacies of selecting items for a discharge kit for a newborn in the summer.
  2. Plenty of fluids should be provided at all times.
  3. You should wear a hat or scarf on your head.
  4. In extreme heat, you should try to walk in places where there is shade, and not go out into open sunny space.
  5. In the summer, you can’t keep your baby outside for a long time, since not only the stroller, but also the baby can get hot under the rays of the sun.
  6. Under no circumstances should you leave your baby alone in a closed car, even for a short period of time.

6 ways to maintain normal temperature in your baby

In order for the newborn’s temperature to be normal at all times, it is necessary to observe a special temperature regime. To create comfortable conditions, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  1. In the room where the child is, the temperature should be between 18-23 degrees.
  2. Regardless of whether the baby is indoors or outdoors, he should be dressed in a layer less or more (everything will depend on the time of year) in relation to an adult.
  3. It is important to ensure that the baby does not freeze while sleeping at night. It is better to use a natural blanket, made of cotton or wool. It can not only retain heat efficiently, but also provide the necessary thermoregulation.
  4. The child needs to be dressed depending on the season and weather conditions. The baby's head should be kept warm. This will prevent hypothermia of the body, since up to 30% of all heat is lost when the head is uncovered.
  5. At first, it is advisable to keep a thermometer in the room to measure the temperature in the room.
  6. To determine whether the baby is warm or not, you need to place your palm on the back of the head.. If it is cool, this indicates that the baby needs an additional source of heat.

Changes in the temperature regime in young children occur when the body’s protective functions are activated, which react in this way to infection. When the baby's temperature rises above 37 degrees, most of the viruses and bacteria die, their reproduction in the body of the newborn baby is interrupted, as a result of which the gradual extinction of pathogenic microorganisms occurs.

What is a baby's temperature?

Physiologically, it is designed in such a way that body temperature changes under the influence of the environment. This process is called “thermoregulation of the body,” and its main center is one of the parts of the brain. In infants, this mechanism does not yet function quite correctly, so babies often overheat or cool down. A baby's body temperature is regulated through two processes - heat transfer and heat production.

Heat production in newborn babies works very actively: a child produces much more heat than an adult, but children are unable to release it well due to the underdevelopment of the sweat glands. The source of heat for babies in the first months of life is brown fat, which accumulates in a small body from the end of intrauterine life. The subcutaneous layer of fat in babies is very thin, so the heat generated is not stored inside the body. Since newborns cannot tremble, when they freeze, they actively twitch their legs and arms.

Normal temperature in a baby

In newborns, before they reach one year of age, the temperature indicator can reach 37.4 degrees (if the measurement occurs in the armpits). This conditional temperature norm for an infant is due to imperfect thermoregulation of the child’s body. Sweating in babies is poorly developed, so they cannot give off excess moisture. This necessitates the need to carefully monitor the baby’s temperature changes.

Since each child is individual, the thermometer reading may vary. If an elevated temperature is detected in a baby, and the baby is calm, eats and looks well, then there is no reason to worry. Also, parents should not worry if the baby’s temperature drops slightly (to 35.7 degrees) - this may be due to the individual characteristics of the child’s development.

Body temperature in newborns up to a month

Young parents are interested in what temperature a newborn should have in the first month of life. Despite the fact that thermoregulation in infants has not yet been adjusted, a normal temperature is considered to be between 36.3 and 37.5 degrees. Parents, in addition, need to know that in the evening the thermometer reading of children may rise by several tenths. At the same time, the newborn's temperature drops slightly when he falls asleep. If the baby is hot during the day, his body heats up and, as a result, the temperature rises: in this case, the baby needs to be undressed for a while.

How does a baby's temperature manifest?

Until approximately one year of age, the average body temperature of a baby remains within the range of 36.6-37.4 degrees, while there is no harm to its health. Later, the thermoregulation function improves and the thermometer readings become more stable. If the temperature rises after eating, strong screaming, active movements or crying, this is considered normal. Signs by which an increase in temperature can be determined:

  • rare urination;
  • sweating of the body and head;
  • hot, reddened forehead skin;
  • hot extremities (the child did not eat or cry);
  • baby anxiety.

Temperature 37

Pediatricians consider this indicator acceptable for babies under one year old. There is no need to worry if the baby eats well, behaves actively, and has normal and regular bowel movements. A mark of 37 degrees on the thermometer is considered normal, since due to poor thermoregulation, children quickly overheat and become hypothermic. The baby's body is just developing the ability to control physiological processes, so such a temperature in the baby does not require treatment. Mom and dad should be alerted to a situation in which the symptom is accompanied by others:

  • poor appetite, lack of it;
  • loose stools;
  • passivity;
  • anxiety.

The baby's temperature is 38

This indicator indicates a protective reaction of the baby’s body to any irritant. As a rule, babies easily tolerate this temperature, continuing to be active and having a good appetite. In this case, parents should often give the baby warm water or herbal infusion. It is not necessary to resort to methods of reducing temperature, since in the range between 38 and 39 degrees the body’s immune functions are activated. At the same time, it is important to continue to monitor the baby in order to promptly consult a doctor if other symptoms appear.

Temperature 39

When the thermometer reading is 39 degrees, the baby experiences lethargy, he may refuse to eat, becomes irritable, his eyes become clouded, his legs and arms become cool, and breathing with palpitations becomes difficult. Such symptoms require urgent medical attention, so there is no need to try to help the baby yourself, otherwise the baby may experience serious complications.

Reduced temperature

If the newborn has a relatively low reading (35 degrees or so), and the baby behaves as usual, remaining active and calm, then there is no reason to panic. Perhaps this is the child’s individual norm or is associated with changes in thermoregulation processes. The baby is just beginning to adapt to external conditions, and temperature changes are evidence of such adaptation to the environment. If the child's condition does not worsen, there is no reason to see a doctor.

What temperature should be brought down in an infant?

It is important for parents to know not only what temperature is considered normal in an infant, but also at what thermometer reading it is worth starting to lower it. Most doctors do not recommend reducing the indicator below 38.5, unless the baby is at least 2 months old. In this case, it is better to use available means rather than medications (taking the latter is justified at 39 degrees and above). If the thermometer shows above 37.5 for a long time, this may indicate the presence of childhood infections, so it is worth showing the child to a doctor.

Reasons for rising temperature

One of the brain centers is responsible for thermoregulation, and an elevated thermometer reading is a symptom and not an independent disease. The causes of fever can be different:

  • infectious diseases that are provoked by viruses and bacteria that enter the baby’s body;
  • non-infectious (endocrine pathologies, neuroses, high emotional or physical activity, etc.).

In addition, the thermometer readings can go off scale when:

  • stress;
  • overheating;
  • dehydration;
  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • acute reaction to vaccination;
  • teething.

How to shoot down

Almost any disease causes a fever in the baby, which, in addition, may indicate overheating, a reaction to a vaccine, the onset of teething, or dehydration. If the thermometer shows a not very high value (up to 38.5), nothing bothers the baby: he eats well and behaves actively, his condition can be alleviated by wrapping him in a wet diaper. You can also establish thermoregulation using the following methods:

  • cooling the room to 20 degrees or lower;
  • providing the child with plenty of drink in large quantities (water, compote, breast milk, herbal decoction, any other warm drink);
  • wiping with a damp sponge (suitable for very small babies);
  • temporary release of the baby from clothes.

Antipyretics for babies

With viral infections and other diseases, there is an increase in temperature and a general deterioration in the health of the newborn. In this case, you need to call a doctor, who will probably prescribe medications with an antipyretic effect. What will bring down the baby's fever:

  1. Children's paracetamol. Analogs are Calpol, Panadol, Efferalgan. Children's medications belong to the category of antipyretics and can eliminate pain. For children under 6 years of age, it is recommended to limit treatment to 3 days. In this case, it is recommended to give syrup to children 6-12 months old at 5-8.5 ml at intervals of at least 4 hours. Rectal suppositories are used for children 3-9 months, 1 suppository no more than 4 hours a day with the same interval before the next dose.
  2. Ibuprofen. An antipyretic drug relieves inflammation and pain. It is prohibited to use the product before reaching six months of age. The drug has no strict contraindications for the duration of use, however, you can give suppositories or syrup to a child no more than 3 times a day. Ibuprofen is used exclusively at high temperatures. The suspension is given at the age of 6-12 months, 2.5 ml (maximum daily dose - 7.5 ml). Suppositories are given to children 3-9 months old every 6-8 hours, for older babies - 1 suppository every 6 hours.

What not to do

It is forbidden to wipe the baby with vinegar, vodka or alcohol, as these liquids are quickly absorbed into the skin, causing serious intoxication. In addition, children who are too young should not be wrapped in a wet, cold cloth - this can cause vasospasm, as a result of which such treatment will cause convulsions. Do not wrap children in warm blankets or wear too much warm clothing. Any medications and measures to reduce temperature may only be used after consultation with a doctor.

It is not recommended to treat babies with Analgin, since the medicine can cause dangerous side effects: in many countries this drug is prohibited or strictly limited (used exclusively in hospital settings). List of other medications that are strictly prohibited for newborns, after taking which serious negative effects may occur:

  • Phenacetin;
  • Amidopyrine;
  • Antipyrine.

