New Year according to the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year traditions

On the eighth day of the last month according to the lunar calendar, many houses prepare fragrant porridge - "labazhou", which includes 8 types of products: glutinous rice, chumiza, grains of Job's tears (bead), dates, lotus seeds, red beans, longyan fruits , ginkgo seed.

The twenty-third day of the last month according to the lunar calendar is called by the people "xiaonyan" (ie "small New Year"). People who strictly follow the traditions make a sacrifice to the deity of the hearth.

Before the holiday, the country literally blooms with a red bag. Everywhere there are posters with the hieroglyphs “fu” (happiness) and “si” (joy) gracefully written on them, garlands of lanterns and other decorations, and all of them are exclusively red, meaning prosperity, luck and prosperity.

Before the holiday, the house is supposed to do a general cleaning, wash and clean all clothes and blankets. After the house is cleaned, all panicles, scoops, rags are put away in a place where no one could see them during the holiday. The reason for this strange behavior lies in the legend: during the celebration of the New Year, the gods fly around the houses of the Chinese and give them dust, which symbolizes happiness. Therefore, if you clean up during the New Year, you may accidentally sweep all the happy moments of the future out of your house along with the dust.

Cleaned to a shine, the houses take on a festive look. All door frames are affixed with paired calligraphic inscriptions made in black ink on red paper. The content of paired inscriptions is reduced to the expression of the life ideals of the owner of the house or good wishes for the new year. Images of guardian spirits and the deity of wealth are pasted on the door in the hope that they will bring happiness and prosperity to the house.

Two large red lanterns are hung in front of the entrance to the house, and the windows are decorated with paper patterns. The walls of the rooms are decorated with bright New Year's paintings, which symbolize the wishes of happiness and wealth.

The night before the Chinese New Year is also called "the night of the meeting after parting." For the Chinese, this is the most important moment. The whole family gathers at the festive table for the New Year's dinner, which is distinguished not only by the abundance and variety of dishes, but also by numerous traditions. For example, a New Year's dinner is not complete without dishes of chicken, fish and "doufu" - bean curd, called "tofu" in Russia, because in Chinese the names of these products are consonant with the words meaning "happiness" and "prosperity".

According to tradition, on New Year's Eve, people do not sleep and stay awake until the morning, so as not to miss their happiness. If someone still lies down on New Year's Eve to rest, then he should get up early. There is a popular belief among the people: "If you get up early on the New Year, you will get rich too early."

With the onset of New Year's morning, people put on smart clothes. Young people congratulate the elderly on the holiday and wish them longevity. It is customary for children to give red envelopes with pocket money. This money in the new year is supposed to bring them happiness. In ancient times, money was given not in envelopes, but in the form of necklaces, which were made up of one hundred coins. It was a kind of congratulation, wishing a person to live up to a hundred years. One hundred coin necklaces are still very popular in China today.

In the north of China, it is customary to eat dumplings for the new year, and in the south - "niangao" (slices made from glutinous rice). Northerners prefer dumplings, because, firstly, in Chinese the word "jiaozi", i.e. "dumplings" is consonant with the words "seeing off the old and meeting the new"; secondly, dumplings resemble traditional ingots of gold and silver in their shape and symbolize the wish for wealth. For the same reason, southerners eat "niangao", symbolizing the improvement of life every year.

A joyful festive atmosphere fills not only every house, but also reigns in every street of every city and village. On the Spring Festival, noisy festivities and fairs are held for several days in a row, where lion and dragon dances are performed.

The dance of lions, according to legend, traces its history back to the events of the era of the Southern and Northern dynasties, when in a decisive battle one of the parties disguised itself as lions (which were never found in China) and won the battle, because the enemy’s war elephants were frightened by terrible masks and ran, dropping their riders. Since then, on solemn occasions, Chinese soldiers have performed the lion dance. In the XIV-XVI centuries, this dance spread throughout China and began to be performed during the Chunjie festival. It is designed to scare away all evil forces that can bring misfortune in the coming year.

The dance of dragons also has a long history. It was included in festive ceremonies as early as the 12th century and expressed people's admiration for the dragon and requests to him to tame the wind and pour rain for a good harvest. The dragon, made of paper, wire and wicker, can reach 8-10 meters. His body is flexible and consists of a different, but necessarily an odd number of parts (9, 11, 13). Each part is controlled by a single dancer with the help of a pole, the undulating, writhing movements of the dragon require great coherence of the participants.

The first five days of the new year are for meetings. Relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues visit and congratulate each other on the New Year, give gifts.

New Year's festivities end after the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiaojie or Dengjie), on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Today, exhibitions and competitions of lanterns organized in large city parks are very popular in the capital. Lantern exhibitions continue for several days and form an integral part of the New Year's holiday.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The traditions of the Eastern world are fundamentally different from the usual Slavic ones. Even the Chinese New Year in 2017 starts later than the date common in other countries. The Chinese are sure that for each event there is an individual spirit. He can be kind and generous, or he can be evil and treacherous. Depending on the intentions of the fairy-tale creature, it is customary to present and treat him or drive him away.

Chinese calendar

In China, residents keep track of the calendar according to the lunisolar calendar, so the year will not be 2017. Surprisingly, when the whole world celebrated 2016, the Chinese celebrated the onset of 4714. And the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire use a different name - the Spring Festival, decorating clothes with spikelets of rice as a symbol of the coming year's harvest. The name is translated literally, and the history of the Chinese celebration begins in 1911, although the New Year itself has been celebrated for more than 2 thousand years.

As the ancient legend says, a long time ago a terrible monster with huge horns on an ugly head came to the Chinese villages. It lived in the sea, but once a year it crawled out onto land to feast on delicious food. By the arrival of the monster, the inhabitants began to prepare for a few days, collecting everything of value and leaving their own homes. According to legend, the nightmare ends when a wise, gray-haired old man with a cane and a bag visits one of the Chinese villages. In a panic, no one paid attention to him, except for one woman who took pity on the traveler. She advised him to run, because according to the calendar, a monster was supposed to appear. However, the elder only grinned and asked to stay overnight in one of the houses. Unable to dissuade him, the villagers left the village.

The residents who returned in the morning could not believe their own eyes, because grandfather not only survived, but also managed to drive away the insidious Chun. A fire burned peacefully in the hut, warming with its warmth, and the entrance to the house was painted red. As it turned out, the monster was afraid of fun, noise, red color and flames of fire. Since then, laughter has reigned everywhere and garlands have been burning. The Chinese calendar uses a 60-year cycle that began in February 1984 and ends at the end of January 2044.

In the old days, the Chinese New Year lasted at least a month and was celebrated with luxury and grandeur. The accelerated pace of modern life does not allow such indulgences, and working people cannot rest so much. Holidays have been reduced to a half-moon and traditionally end on the 15th day of the holiday. When the Chinese celebration begins, for the first five days it is customary to meet with friends and visit each other. The grandiose Chinese Lantern Festival becomes the final point, so that evil spirits do not accidentally enter a new life. It is easy to calculate when the Chinese New Year 2017 begins and ends, if you know the basics of traditions.

How is the celebration

By tradition, the younger members of the family gather in the house of the elders, and the grown-up children return for a while to the parental hearth. No excuses are accepted, because in China it is customary to honor and respect the elderly and family customs. Giving gifts to each other for the new year is not customary, but the Chinese believe in omens. And on the first day, when the countdown of the next year begins, parents present a small amount of money to their children. Banknotes must be placed in a red envelope, as a symbol of material well-being and a wish for financial stability.

Not to be found even in large cities of China and greeting cards, since this tradition, popular on other continents, also did not take root in the east. If in other countries in the pre-New Year period, green ripples in the eyes, then on the streets of China everything turns red. It is considered the main color of the holiday, as it is able to expel evil spirits. Most of all, the Chinese are afraid that at the moment when the new year begins according to the calendar, an evil creature will enter the house and bring trouble with it. He is banished with fireworks, fun, laughter and light, so instead of cards, scrolls with wishes and many bright red lanterns are presented.

Before the holiday, the Chinese change into new clothes, carry out general cleaning in the house and prepare delicious dishes. Clothing should be bright colors:

  • Green;
  • Pink;
  • golden;
  • Red.

The brighter the outfit, the more likely it is that an insidious and cunning spirit that can bring grief and loss will not enter the house. The Chinese celebration begins and ends with the observance of all ancient customs. Young people do not have the slightest doubt that signs will help keep peace in the house and bring good luck. To do this, you need to build a talisman against evil and win over the owner of the new year.

Together with garbage and rubbish, the Chinese throw out the old stagnant energy, giving way to a new and living one. The main dish on the New Year's table is dumplings, which are shaped like a gold ingot. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are sure that this symbol of prosperity and wealth will bring good luck with the first minutes of the new year according to the Chinese calendar 2017. Treats such as fish and soy tofu should also be on the table. With these dishes, the Chinese thank the patron of the outgoing year for his generosity and indulgence. It is customary to decorate houses with ripe juicy tangerines in the amount of 8 pieces, which means infinity.

Chinese New Year is one of the most important Eastern holidays, which is celebrated not only in Asian countries. It is also eagerly awaited all over the world, including in Georgia, after the completion of traditional New Year celebrations in both new and old style.

Date of celebration

New Year according to the Eastern calendar does not have a fixed date and is celebrated every year at different times. The exact timing of the Chinese New Year depends on the lunar cycle and occurs on the first new moon of the new year. Therefore, every year this holiday falls on one of the days in the interval from January 21 to February 21.

© photo: Sputnik / Isaev

The Chinese live according to their own calendar, so their calendar does not coincide with the generally accepted in the world. Since ancient times, China's chronology has been based on the lunar calendar, which was formed around the 14th century BC, thanks to the development of astronomy.

According to the Chinese calendar, 4717, the year of the Yellow Pig, will begin on February 5, 2020, which will last until January 25, 2020, when it will be replaced by the year of the Silver Rat.

The Chinese calendar uses a sixty-year cycle that begins with the Year of the Wood Rat and ends with the Water Pig. This cycle began on February 2, 1984 and will end on January 29, 2044.

The New Year for the inhabitants of the East marks a new round of time, a beginning, a renewal. On the day when the Chinese New Year arrives, winter will meet spring and a new life cycle will begin.

Celebration time

In the countries of the East, the New Year or Chun Jie, which literally means "Spring Festival" is one of the longest holidays, which in the old days lasted a whole month. It has been celebrated for over two thousand years.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

Nowadays, the Chinese have reduced the number of days off by almost half due to a busy lifestyle and busy work schedule. Therefore, the holiday ends on the fifteenth day - the grand Chinese Lantern Festival.

Traditionally, in China, at this time, business life freezes for two weeks - the holiday is celebrated for 15 days, each of which has its own traditions and customs.

Wherever a Chinese is, according to tradition, he should celebrate the New Year with his relatives, since this holiday is considered a family holiday and is called "Family Reunion Day" or "Meeting after separation"

They also believe that on New Year's Eve, the spirits of dead ancestors are present at the table, who are also participants in the holiday.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Wilf

On New Year's holidays, people visit each other with congratulations, gifts in the form of money in red envelopes, and necklaces made of coins and tangerines as a symbol of wealth.

Throughout the celebration of the New Year in China, fun folk festivals, fairs, costumed dances and masquerade street processions are held.

In anticipation of the New Year, the people of China change their old clothes for new ones, thoroughly clean their houses so that the favorable energy circulates freely in it and does not stagnate. During the cleaning, they throw away all the rubbish and unnecessary things accumulated over the year.

Accordingly, festive treats are prepared. Dumplings are a favorite dish, their shape resembling an ingot of gold - a symbol of prosperity. Often houses are decorated with tangerines, always eight pieces - a number symbolizing infinity.

In accordance with the eastern horoscope, each year has its own patron, element and color. The patron changes according to a twelve-year cycle, and the element and color - according to a ten-year cycle.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Incredible Facts

The beginning of the new lunar year is approaching and millions of people around the world are preparing to celebrate one of the most colorful holidays - the Chinese New Year.

According to the Chinese zodiac cycle, January will be the beginning of Year of the Rooster.

On this day, it is customary to give gifts and celebrate the holiday with the family. Also, many in the Year of the Rooster are interested in what the new sign of the Rooster is preparing for them.

When does Chinese New Year of the Rooster 2017 start and end?

It is the longest holiday in the Chinese calendar. The celebrations begin on New Year's Eve on January 27 and last for about two weeks.

Every year Chinese New Year falls on a different date, as it is based on the lunar calendar. As a rule, it is celebrated between January 21 and February 20.

How is Chinese New Year celebrated?

The Chinese New Year is a veritable celebration of light and sound, with bells ringing, fireworks lighting and traditional dances.

In Chinese families, it is customary to gather in a close circle for a festive dinner, clean the house in order to drive away bad luck in the new year.

Children are given red envelopes with money for good luck and positive wishes.

Year of the Fire Rooster 2017

In the Chinese calendar, each lunar year within a 12-year cycle passes under the sign of a particular animal.

2017 is the year of the Chinese calendar Fire Rooster. People were born in the Year of the Rooster 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993 and 2005 of the year.

Also every year passes under different types of elements. So, for example, there is a year of the Wood Rooster, the Earth Rooster, the Golden Rooster and the Water Rooster.

People born in the year of the Rooster active, popular, sincere, honest, loyal, sociable and charming. They love to be the center of attention, but can be vain and boastful. However, they can be called reliable, punctual and responsible especially at work.

They are considered one of the most driven signs in the Chinese zodiac and always prioritize careers.

According to traditional beliefs, children born in this Year of the Rooster are best suited to the profession of a journalist, soldier or surgeon.

Lucky Symbols for Roosters

lucky numbers: 5.7 and 8

lucky days: 4th and 26th day of the Chinese lunar calendar

lucky colors: gold, brown and yellow

Flowers: gladiolus, celosia

Direction: south, southeast

Months: 2.5 and 11 Chinese lunar months

What Roosters Should Avoid:

Color: red

Numbers: 1,3 and 9

Direction: East

Months: 3,9, and 12 Chinese lunar months

What are the years of the Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

Wood Rooster(1945, 2005) - Energetic, overconfident, gentle, unstable

Fire Rooster(1957, 2017) - reliable, punctual, responsible in work

Earth Rooster(1909, 1969) - sweet, generous, reliable and popular with friends

Golden Rooster(1921, 1981) - decisive, courageous, hardy, hardworking

Water Rooster(1933, 1993) - smart, witty, kind and sympathetic.

Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 for signs

According to the Chinese calendar, this year people will become more polite, and less stubborn, but will tend to complicate things.

2017 is focused on progress, maximum integrity and the ability to subdue your passions.

Those who are born in Year of the Rat, waiting for many happy moments, including financial success.

People born in GOd Bull will enjoy unexpected success and unforeseen circumstances.

People born in Year of the Tiger, will not need anything, and will be under special protection, and loyal friends will come to their aid at the right time.

This year will be full of positive events and good news, career advancement and profitable business for those born in Year of the Dragon.

In that Year of the Snake will draw attention to themselves professionally and they will be promoted.

For those born in Year of the Horse, it will be a good year, with personal and financial achievements, but lack of balance and career changes. They can become irritable and go against the rules.

The year will bring those born in Year of the Goat high costs, which can lead to problems in the family and loved ones.

For Monkeys the year will be really good, especially in a romantic way.

born in Year of the Rooster will easily solve any problems that arise and will receive the support of strong and influential people.

It will be a harder year for those born in Year of the Rabbit, as the year will bring them a lot of difficulties and stress in material terms.

For those born in Year of the Boar, the year will be active and intense. Financial and professional problems may arise, and they will require special patience and perseverance to resolve them.

For those born in Year of the Dog, it will be an average year with unexpected health and romance issues.

New Year 2017 according to the Chinese calendar will come on January 28, and this time the Red Fire Rooster will patronize it. This means that you need to prepare for his meeting.

In China, the New Year is celebrated on a grand scale, the celebrations last for two weeks. Accordingly, the finale of the holidays falls on February 11th. And the Fire Rooster will transfer its powers on February 16, 2018 to the Yellow Earth Dog, writes

Chinese New Year Traditions

On the territory of the CIS, the New Year in the Chinese style is celebrated for several decades and not in large numbers, but in China - for more than 2000 years, and everyone: young and old.

We took the brightest and most understandable elements of the celebration for ourselves: launching luminous lanterns, dragon dance (not as professional and spectacular as in China, but still), creating sound effects (firecrackers, salutes, fireworks), gifting relatives and friends with money invested in a "Chinese" red envelope.

All this is correct, but you can still use the Chinese New Year celebrations to your advantage. Since this is the Chinese New Year - a holiday of spring, look for a suitable seedling of a tree or a perennial flower, plant it in the country when it's warm - in China they plant a tree (tangerine) during the celebration.

Visit friends or relatives with a traditional New Year's gift - tangerines (in China they symbolize wealth). Residents of the Celestial Empire always devote the third day of the celebration to visits to loved ones.

During the New Year celebrations in 2017, mass fairs, exhibitions and entertainment events similar to the celebration of our Maslenitsa will be held in China. The peak of Chinese celebrations often coincides with the Slavonic farewell to winter. So why share these two wonderful holidays? Participate in the fun, attend concerts, buy original souvenirs at the stalls of street vendors. And if you want more China, book a table in an oriental restaurant where there are no pancakes - only rolls.

How to celebrate New Year 2017 in Chinese

On the eve of the New Year, general cleaning and the process of decorating dwellings begin in Chinese homes. Decorate not only the house inside, but also the yard and garden. The main decor, of course, is rice paper lanterns.

On the night of January 27-28, light up the lights, complete the home extravaganza with the remaining candles and Chinese lanterns - and consider that the holiday was a success.

This evening, gather your family at the same table (in China, everyone tries to come to their parents' house on New Year's Eve), if possible, follow the dress code: dress in red clothes or with elements of a fiery shade.

New Year's menu this time vary according to Chinese cuisine. Of course, no one will forbid you to serve the most festive of winter dishes - Olivier salad, but chicken, and Chinese dumplings, and fish dishes, and “porridge of material well-being” - labadjow should be on the table.

And where do you get the ingredients for this porridge? In its preparation, one should adhere to the recipe at least a little bit, and in it it requires the obligatory presence of eight components, among which are the petals and seeds of the sacred lotus.

You can safely cook Labadijou in your own way: take rice (it is also welcome on the festive Chinese table) and add meat and six more herbs, spices and sauces to it - you get porridge from eight products.
