Distinguishing properties of ruby ​​and corundum. What kind of stones is corundum

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Sapphires and rubies have always been considered one of the. They belong to the same variety - corundum, but they have different colors. In addition, as it turns out, only blue sapphire belongs to the precious category. Buying any of these stones, you can often run into synthetic corundum. What does he represent?

Synthetic corundums

Most people assume that synthetic stones are fake. Actually it is not. Such a stone is a complete, analogue of natural, only grown in a laboratory. in its composition is similar to natural stone in structure, optical, physical and chemical properties.

There are several methods for the extraction of artificial corundum that are used in industry:

  • Czochalski method;
  • zone melting method;
  • obtaining from the gas phase;
  • hydrothermal;
  • from solutions in the melt.

Since each of the methods has its own technology, the end result is different. With the help of special equipment, one can not only see that the stone is not of natural origin, but also determine the method that was used to create it.

The stone may mimic natural minerals or have shades that are not found naturally. Among natural stones, artificial corundum replaces:

  • Colorless stone. It used to be used as, but was later replaced by cubic zirkonia, due to the fact that it had a higher refractive index and a cheaper production technology.
  • Red. This color of artificial stone is used instead of ruby, sometimes it can also be used to imitate garnet or spinel, but rarely.
  • Dark red is used to imitate stones such as pyrope and almandine. But most often they are replaced by dark red quartz.
  • Pink, imitations for other stones are also made from a mineral of this color - topaz, tourmaline, beryl.
  • Orange color is used to create types of sapphires - padparadscha, hessonite, and also as an imitation of hyacinth.
  • Yellow. Padparadscha, as well as yellow topaz and heliodor.
  • Green. Chlorosapphire, imitations of emerald, chrysoberyl, demantoid.

In addition, synthetic corundum is used to create stones that have their own trade names:

  • Rose of France. Lilac-red corundum.
  • Damburite is a dark yellow stone.
  • Rosolyn - dark pink.
  • Medeira topaz - yellow-brown.
  • Palmyra topaz - brown.
  • Amaryl - pale green.
  • Burmese sapphire - blue.

Recently, they began to produce high-quality rubies and sapphires with the effect of asterism. In such stones, inclusions in the form of rutile crystals, which are arranged in a certain order, create an effect in the form of a star with a different number of rays in the center of the stone. In order to simulate this effect, the molten solution is injected into titanium oxide.

In industry, an ore called bauxite is used to create corundum. It is melted and then crystallized in an oxygen-hydrogen flame in electric furnaces. Furnaces also contain a reducing agent in the form of iron filings.

In order to get a red stone, which will then be used as a ruby, chromium oxide is used. All yellow sapphires are obtained using nickel oxide.

If vanadium oxide is added during the manufacturing process, then in daylight the stone will have a reddish-yellow color, and in artificial light it will be red. The green tint is obtained by adding metals such as magnesium, cobalt and zinc. Chromium and iron give red colors, they are used to obtain synthetic rubies. Titanium is used to give corundum the color of blue sapphire. And with the help of three metals together they make stones of a purple hue.

To obtain a uniform color, refining methods are used that are applicable to natural corundums by diffusion and annealing. Although in fact both of these methods are based on the physical phenomenon of diffusion, just annealing stimulates the processes inside the stone. At the same time, the depth to which the color penetrates into the stone depends on the size of the dye molecule. During annealing, the entire stone is filled with color, to the full depth, and during diffusion, it is partially filled. Therefore, the second method is not durable, the color can come off when the stone is re-cut and polished.

History of cultivation attempts

The first attempts to recreate copies of precious stones most often consisted in imitation of gems with glasses, in rare cases they used crystal. In parallel with science, alchemists were also engaged in this direction, but their experiments also did not give anything. The breakthrough came in 1892, when Verneuil grew a ruby ​​weighing 10 carats for the first time in a laboratory. It was the discoveries made by this chemist that laid the foundation for a new branch of stone production.

The positive side of the process was not only that beautiful jewelry could be available to a wider range of people, but also that the stones could be used in industry.

Modern methods are based on the same Verneuil method, but now, thanks to some adjustments and modifications, it has become possible to recreate a much wider range of synthetic stones.

Even diamonds are now produced artificially. But this is done at very high pressure, so they still have a price, only slightly lower than natural ones. The exception is a stone of completely natural origin - pearls. The process of creating pearls by human hands takes place in the same shell of a mollusk.

At first, jewelers were apprehensive about such technologies. They were afraid that the stones would be indistinguishable from real ones, so as new technologies for the production of synthetics appear, work is underway on methods for distinguishing them.

How to distinguish artificial corundum?

There are a number of ways to distinguish corundum from a fake. In the case of artificially grown stone, everything is somewhat addition. Visually, a synthetic mineral looks more beautiful, its color is deeper. Defects are often found in natural stones. It can be both inclusions and cracks.

It is impossible to give a 100% guarantee only by visual methods. However, there are some distinguishing features that suggest that the stone was born in the laboratory:

  • Artificial gems may contain inclusions in the form of air bubbles, you can notice them if you examine the stone with a magnifying glass. Such bubbles are also present in natural stone, but in artificial they have the shape of a sphere.
  • If you consider a sapphire with magnification, then its color is not very uniform, you can notice the alternation of darker and lighter stripes.
  • In some sources, one can find statements that allegedly natural stone is harder, but this is not always the case. This test method will only be good for distinguishing sapphire from its imitations, artificial stone can often be even harder.
  • Natural sapphire or ruby ​​can have a variety of inclusions. These can be zircon crystals accompanied by black voids, other crystals, as well as substances in another phase or several at once.
  • The cut that is applied to natural stones plays an important role, while synthetic stones can be cut according to other rules, for example, depending on the shape of the source material.

In laboratories, methods are used that are based on the determination of color, growth lines and the composition of inclusions. In order for the results to be reliable, it is necessary to use equipment that can only be available to the most eminent laboratories.


There were no sources of natural rubies and sapphires in the USSR, so almost all of them were artificial. Although the stores did not report this, and they were sold as real ones. Therefore, now many people, having inherited the rubies of their grandparents, are surprised to find that they are not real.

Synthetic corundum ring

Probably everyone remembers the “twelve ruby ​​clock”, inexpensive but long-lived mechanisms. Obviously, not real stones were used for manufacturing, otherwise the price of such a product was tens or even hundreds of times higher. The main advantage of such watches was the high hardness of the synthetic mineral, which was so presented in the form of films. Unlike crystal, which was also used in this area, they were not so prone to abrasion.

Even now, plates made of synthetic corundum are widely used in the field of medicine. They make implants, surgical instruments. Whereas a steel scalpel is a few minimeters wide, a sapphire one can be only a couple of microns wide. It does not actually cut the fibers of the flesh, but pushes them apart. Sapphire implants are very popular due to their high chemical inertness. They are also used as a thin heat-insulating coating.

Unfortunately, now it is rarely possible to buy on the market a ruby ​​or sapphire of artificial origin of normal quality in our country. The fact is that the technology of the times of the USSR was sold abroad, and the current stones are also made there. And here comes the actual marriage.

Such a situation has already been observed several times, when synthetic rubies got on sale, having inclusions similar to natural ones, and were hardly distinguishable at all. At the same time, they were actually withdrawn from the auction at the last moment.

So, if you have a piece of jewelry with a synthetic ruby ​​from the times of the USSR, do not rush to sell it, as the price for it will be low, and very few can afford natural rubies.

But some other corundums, for example, imitation alexandrite, you can sell, they practically do not cost anything.

Thus, a synthetic stone is not a fake, but only an analogue of a natural one, obtained artificially. Synthetics cannot be distinguished by any physical characteristics of the mineral, only by the nature of the inclusions. They are no worse in properties than natural rubies and sapphires, but less valuable, because they were not grown by nature.

Women love stones. Bright, unusual, attractive and somewhat magical. Even the townsfolk know about sapphires and rubies. One of the most famous representatives in the vast world of gems. Many will answer with confidence that sapphire and ruby ​​are two different stones that have nothing in common with each other. But thanks to the development of science, it became known that this is one group of minerals, which is called corundum. Independent names took root thanks to jewelers. Of course, it is easier to name each separately, but the scientific distinction does not change from this.

An interesting and memorable name goes back centuries. The opinions of historians are divided, there is a version that it appeared in India. Others believe that this is the second name of the ruby, in the ancient dialect.

In chemical definitions, corundum is aluminum oxide. The mineral has a gray color and this is a fairly common occurrence. The real treasure is crystal clear corundum, but it is extremely rare in nature. That is why jewelers appreciate it, such a mineral can be painted in almost any color. The more common corundum by nature can be endowed with an independent color: yellow, red, blue.

Corundum has been known to mankind for centuries. It is known that corundum jewelry was popular in ancient Egypt and Jerusalem. Later they came to India and gained real popularity there.

Types of corundum and its colors

Mineral deposits

Corundum is mined in India, on the island of Sri Lanka, in Thailand and, of course, in the Urals. The distribution of the mineral is quite extensive. The largest finds are always on the territory of Russia. Everyone's favorite rubies and sapphires are more often localized in the Urals, a large deposit was recently discovered in Kazakhstan.

The magical properties of corundum

Corundum has been credited with magical effects since ancient times. It is believed that he is very active and helps people who set themselves big goals. It should not be worn by lazy and mediocre individuals. The mineral does not like these and can even harm because of incompatible energy. Corundum has the ability to awaken inner potential. He directs all the thoughts and desires of the owner in the right direction, but only if he makes an effort and shows interest. The stone has a function that drives away fears. They belong to many. Before starting an important business, everyone feels insecure. Corundum completely destroys the barriers to success.

Previously, it was worn by everyone who was engaged in mental activity. In the modern world, it can be advised to students, analysts and anyone who needs an increased concentration of attention and logic. The bond between corundum and its host is inseparable. The owner of the stone feeds him with his aspirations, and he, in turn, gives him all his energy messages aimed at accomplishing his plan. This is such an interesting cycle and exchange. The stone wraps energy, transforms it. It automatically eliminates failures. The ancestors believed in all this.

The very impact of the stone can be controlled and it depends on the color of the mineral and the place on the body where it will be located.

If you wear corundum around your neck, in the form of beads, pendants or necklaces, you can find unearthly peace. Irritability and fears will disappear. They will be replaced by prudence and a competent view of things.

Everyone thinks about the meaning of life and tries to catch the wave of harmony. Corundum will help with this if you wear earrings with it. Since ancient times, it was believed that when corundum is worn in the ears, it seems to whisper to the owner all the right actions and deeds.

Rings with corundum activate all talents, even those that were not previously known. It will push a person to acquire new knowledge.

This is such a powerful effect on actions and ways of thinking that corundum can have.

Medicinal properties

Hand in hand with the magical effect of the stone are its healing properties. It is generally accepted that corundum gives peace of mind, it can treat depressive states on the verge of breakdowns, as well as nightmares. There is an opinion that corundum can help people with serious mental disorders.

Corundum has an effect on the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. It normalizes high blood pressure and promotes the proper functioning of the heart, nourishes the muscle and normalizes blood circulation.

Those who believe in the healing properties of corundum claim that different colors affect different diseases. Reds are responsible just for blood and vessels. Blue is for eye health. Violet treats those same mental and nervous disorders against the backdrop of various events.

Anyone who wants to get help from corundum should treat the stone with respect. Legends say that the stone is hard on mockingbirds.

Scope of the mineral

Of course, the first and main area of ​​application is jewelry craftsmanship. For framing and inserts in products, popular sapphires and rubies are used. But corundum has found a niche in other areas as well.

It is used for the manufacture of abrasive powders, emery, grinding discs. But only opaque corundum rocks with a porous and granular texture are used.

Modern production has learned to use corundum as a substitute for glass. And it received the beautiful name "sapphire". Most often it can be found in cameras, mobile phones.

Surprisingly, what an important field of application, albeit not extensive, corundum has occupied.

How much does it cost to buy corundum

The price of a mineral always depends on the color and transparency. The cheapest are corundums, which are endowed with a brown undertone. And logically, bright representatives are considered expensive.

Artificial synthetic corundum

The first synthetic corundum was obtained back in 1877. Now such laboratory production is concentrated in Russia, Germany and Switzerland. Corundum is one of the most popular minerals that are profitable and convenient to grow artificially. In the future, they are also used in jewelry in the same way.

Corundum and the signs of the zodiac

Since the stone has a huge magical effect on a person, then it must certainly apply to astrological indicators. Not all zodiac signs are lucky enough to be able to wear corundum. He favors only a few. Crayfish, Aquarius and Pisces are the "favorites" of corundum. He will promote these signs, help and guide. Male Capricorns and Aries should avoid this stone. He can literally drive these representatives to madness. The power of the stone will be concentrated in the wrong direction. Aries women, especially at a respectable age, can safely wear corundum. Maybe he will not do anything supernatural, but he will return his former enthusiasm and thirst for life, which is not bad. The rest of the signs of the zodiac can safely wear corundum, but it is unlikely that it will bring them any support and help. Only its beauty and nothing more.

When choosing corundum as an amulet, it is worth considering all the parameters, both zodiacal and internal. Passive and naturally calm people should not give preference to corundum. All bright, brave, active people can choose this stone as a reliable talisman.

The natural beauty of corundum is eye-catching. The hardness makes it comparable to diamond. Unusual properties, mysterious and powerful, make you respect the stone. Here is such a famous mineral, with an unknown name.

Zoisite is a stone of positive emotions Fire opal and its properties Hyacinth - a stone of wisdom and good luck

The ruby ​​is a precious gem that in some cases is worth more than diamonds. In the people it is called "red yahonta" because of its rich color. The ancestor of the ruby ​​is corundum. This is a mineral, the varieties of which include many stones. including sapphire.

The ruby ​​has a fairly high value. Therefore, you need to know how to determine a natural stone from a fake and how to properly care for it.

Characteristics and origin

Ruby is a variety of corundum, which is the hardest gem after diamond. Therefore, these stones are quite durable and can be stored for a long time.

In its purest form, the ruby ​​is transparent and has a slightly pronounced color. Impurities make it saturated and bright - chromium, iron or titanium, the concentration of which determines the shade. Most rubies come from Burma, specifically from the Mogok Valley. But even from this region, not all stones are of the same quality. Therefore, there is a spread in price, you can find a stone worth $ 20 per carat, or you can give $ 5,000 per carat.

The price is determined by the color of the stone, its saturation, beauty, purity and the absence of damage to the gem. If there are foreign impurities in the structure, this will most likely lower the price, but not always. The presence of "silk" in a ruby ​​makes it more expensive than a pure stone. But if nature overdid it and put in too much impurities, such a stone can be rejected and sold for next to nothing.

Allocate a star ruby, which has the shape of a star, rich color and at the same time transparent. But in this case, the assessment of the stone comes from a subjective opinion and can be both minimal and sky-high.

The territory of distribution of this stone is mainly Burma, but there are other deposits. Ruby can be mined in Kenya, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and a few other countries. Some of the highest quality stones come from Tanzania.

But in the conditions of the high price of stones, scientists have developed a way to grow artificial rubies. To date, the production of synthetic stones has managed to achieve good quality. In nature, these stones have cracks, uneven color, turbidity.

Synthetic gems are completely transparent, with a pure saturated color and a high degree of durability. At the same time, the price of such a stone will be much lower. Although it is difficult to find high-quality synthetic corundum. This is due to the difficulties in production and its high cost.

Lab-grown rubies were very popular in the Soviet Union, but in modern conditions, buyers more often prefer natural stone.

Unscrupulous sellers may try to pass off a synthetic ruby ​​as natural, and here you should be wary, especially if it is saturated, transparent and has no defects. After all, stones of this quality, mined in nature, are rare and are sold at very high prices.

An artificial ruby ​​was used in the first laser in 1960 as an active medium that helped to emit light. Now such stones are used to create inexpensive jewelry. Often they can be seen as inserts in the watch mechanism.

By intensity, red rubies are divided into:

  • bright, saturated;
  • normal color, medium red;
  • light;
  • dark.

In terms of value, large and flawless ruby ​​stones can exceed even diamonds. So, in 2006, at an auction, one of the British jewelers paid 3.6 million pounds sterling for one mineral. This gem was placed in a Bulgari ring.

To achieve the noble appearance of the ruby, special techniques are now used. For example, heat treatment

Thanks to it, it becomes possible to remove excess impurities. This makes the stone transparent and acquires a uniform color. There is also a technique for filling cracks and voids with glass.

Magic and healing properties

Red color refers this mineral to the element of fire. Therefore, the one who wears it can feel confident even surrounded by enemies. The ruby ​​grants the wearer invulnerability.

But in order to get all these positive properties, it is necessary to wear this stone correctly. Usually it is hidden under clothing - closer to the body. Plus, you can't take it off for long periods of time.

The influence of a ruby ​​depends on the nature of a person:

With this stone you can:

  • increase leadership abilities;
  • cultivate responsibility;
  • get rid of complexes and feelings of insecurity, excessive modesty.

You can use a ruby ​​or other corundum as an amulet for depression.

While wearing a stone, many noticed a craving for the beautiful and sublime - art, scientific discoveries, military affairs. It is worth remembering that this gem is a symbol of passion and carnal love. With their help, they control the energy of sexuality. But sapphire, on the contrary, is a means to calm passions.

Regarding the medicinal properties, we can distinguish the following:

Sometimes ruby ​​also helps patients with epilepsy.

It is important to understand that the strength of a stone depends on the person with which zodiac sign it wears. The best option would be Leo. This is the zodiac symbol of this gem. This stone will also favorably affect Sagittarius.

But to abandon the ruby ​​is Virgo and Taurus. Such a mineral can negatively affect Cancers and Scorpios.

Wear and care

Initially, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the properties of the ruby. Since these rules will not help those to whom it is contraindicated.

Ruby is a rather finicky gem. He loves hands. So it is better to buy products with such a stone for this area - rings and bracelets. As for combinations with metals, everything is also clear here - only gold is suitable.

Despite the dominant properties, the ruby ​​can be combined in jewelry with some minerals:

  1. Piezoquartz. This stone softens the power of the ruby ​​over a person and his actions. At the same time, the protection against the gem remains the same strong.
  2. Freshwater pearls. Helps the owner of the jewelry to open the heart and mind towards the new.
  3. Pink quartz. Favorable for people who want to know themselves and engage in self-development.
  4. Diamonds. The best combination that actively affects all areas of human life. It is recommended to combine two stones in one product.
  5. Aventurine. It can also be considered as an addition to ruby.

When wearing such a gem, it is necessary to fill your soul with the energy of love. Then he will help in all matters. Before each putting on a product with a stone, you should stroke it and “charge” it with your energy.

There are also recommendations on which finger to wear ruby ​​jewelry:

  • on the nameless - due to the fact that the ruby ​​is a stone of love;
  • on the index - a universal and classic version.

If you put a ring on the middle finger, there may be a discord in intimate life. It is believed that in this case, the stone affects the degree of pleasure.

In order for the mineral to be stored for a long time and not deteriorate, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules for caring for it:

It is important to adhere to all conditions in order to preserve the beauty and brightness of the product.

Is it possible to distinguish a fake from the original?

It should be remembered that natural minerals always differ in an unusual shape, color and have some defects. If there are no such indicators, then the cost of jewelry should be very high.

A low price and good visual indicators may indicate that the stone was produced in a synthetic way.

There are several factors that will help recognize a fake:

You need to understand that in nature all gems have irregularities, turbidity and large stones are considered rare. Given all these factors, it will be easy to distinguish the original from the copy.

When choosing such a precious stone as ruby ​​corundum, you should familiarize yourself with all its properties. So you can understand whether it will bring happiness to its owner or not. It is important to learn how to properly care for it in order to pass it on from generation to generation.

Many are perceived as one and the same stone. And this is not unreasonable. Both minerals have a glassy luster, have a pink-red hue, the stones are durable and resistant to acids and various chemicals. A detailed examination of corundum and ruby ​​raises a logical question: what is the difference between both stones, which one should be considered precious and which of the two will cost more?

Where are they mined?

There is an opinion that rubies were first discovered on the ancient mainland of Pangea. As a result of natural processes, earthquakes and ground shifts, the mainland collapsed, and all the precious mineral deposits were distributed over segments of the disintegrated territory: some remained to ripen in the depths of rocks, some broke off along with sections of the mainland, and it was carried away to the sea. It was this part that, when interacting with water, the minerals changed their color to blue, blue, etc.

To date, the extraction of corundum and ruby ​​is carried out in several large deposits: India, Ceylon, USA, Russia, Canada. Also deposits of precious stones were found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania and Greece. The most valuable, and therefore expensive, are the minerals mined in the Asian part. Even in terms of external parameters, such jewelry inserts look more transparent, crystal clear and shiny.


Corundum and ruby ​​are used not only in the creation of decorative jewelry. Laboratory grown corundum is of high value in the production of refractory materials and high quality coatings. Given that rubies and corundum are second only to diamonds in terms of strength, these stones are actively used for industrial and construction purposes. They are especially important for sanding and grinding work.

What is the difference?

Today, corundum jewelry is very popular in jewelry art. And you can often hear that corundum is an analogue of ruby. Is it true? The answer is ambiguous. In terms of characteristics, both minerals have many similarities. They have the same color, structure, luster, etc. But corundum stone is a more general name for minerals. It can be called the mineral base from which the future ruby ​​is formed.

In scientific terms, corundum is crystalline aluminum oxide. This is a heavy-duty stone that is formed in rock deposits in the form of individual crystals or soldered columns. In its pure form, corundum is an absolutely colorless mineral. Only under the influence of temperatures and natural impurities, it can acquire different shades: white, blue, black, green, red, yellow. It is in color that the main difference between corundum and ruby ​​​​is. Corundum can be of a wide variety of colors, ruby ​​- only red. The scarlet or pink shade of a ruby ​​depends on how much chromium impurities are in the structure of corundum.

A subspecies of blue corundum is commonly called sapphire. Its color indicates that there is an admixture of titanium in the structure of the stone.

The main difference between corundum and ruby ​​is that ruby, due to its longer period of "ripening" and the presence of impurities in it, can be classified as precious stones, but corundum cannot. Also, knowing the process of formation of both stones, a ruby ​​can be called corundum, but not vice versa.

Corundum is a mineral with the chemical formula Al2O3. The name of the mineral has ancient Indian roots and means ruby ​​in translation.

Corundum has a glassy luster

There are many other names for this mineral:

  • chlorine sapphire;
  • almandine sapphire;
  • leucosapphire;
  • oriental diamond;
  • bengal amethyst;
  • padparadscha;
  • ruby corundum.

The first description of the mineral was made by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History, where the author gives information about this stone and its properties. Pliny quite clearly described the color of the mineral, brilliance, as well as the ability to refract light rays, which affects the color. In addition, the book contains a description of places with corundum deposits.

In addition to the scientific characteristics of the mineral, in the same work one can also find a description of the magical properties, which indicate that there is a male and female corundum. Pliny told that the inhabitants of Ethiopia placed the gem in a solution of vinegar for a period of 14 days, after which the brilliance of the mineral became special.

For example, in ancient India, it was believed that red corundum was formed from drops of blood, and thus got its color. And only in 1800 were the varieties of corundum described in detail. In most cases, the mineral has a yellowish-bluish-gray tint. But they also find specimens whose bright green color resembles an emerald. White corundum is often found in nature, but due to the presence of various impurities, the mineral can be painted in different colors:

  • red;
  • blue;
  • violet;
  • green;
  • pink;
  • Orange.

As impurities, corundum includes the following elements:

  • titanium;
  • vanadium;
  • iron;
  • chromium.

The mineral is characterized by a glass luster, sometimes there are varieties with diamond. Corundum has a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale. With such hardness, the density of the mineral is 4. As for the fracture, it can be conchoidal or uneven. Corundum has a trigonal syngony. The mineral is characterized by the formation of crystals of various structures and shapes.

For the formation of corundum, special conditions are needed. In particular, we are talking about the deficiency of silica, which must necessarily be combined with a high content of alumina.

The formation of the mineral is possible in places where the intrusion of granitic magma into crystalline limestones occurs. It was also found that it can be formed in the case of exposure to hot vapors on dark rocks with a basic composition. An example of such an area is the mica zones, which are located on the territory of the Polar Urals.

The high pressure, combined with the high temperature that occurs in gneisses, creates the conditions necessary for the formation of corundum. There are a lot of small, so-called technical corundums in nature compared to jewelry ones. In the process of growth, the mineral forms thin and wide crystals that grow on themselves.

The largest mineral deposits are in the Urals, Africa, Burma, India, Turkey and Greece.

What colors are corundum?

The most famous types of corundum are ruby ​​and sapphire. Despite their identical chemical composition, the difference between the 2 minerals still exists. The main difference is in color. For example, a ruby ​​is only red or its shades. As for sapphire, in nature it is found mainly in blue, but may have another color:

  • blue;
  • transparent;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • black.

The main factor that determines the color of a mineral is the presence of impurities. Quite often, in 1 sample, several chemical compounds can be present at once, which are not included in the main composition of the mineral, but are capable of determining its properties.

Sapphire and ruby ​​were known to mankind as early as 400 BC. e. Even then, there were names of minerals that have survived to this day.

Gallery: corundum stone (50 photos)

Magical and healing properties

People have always believed that corundum has unique magical properties. It is generally accepted that the mineral is highly active and will certainly help people who intend to achieve great success in this life. But it is not recommended to wear the mineral to inactive and lazy people. Due to incompatible energy, the stone can harm them.

Magicians believed that corundum, whose properties are able to activate and develop the inner potential of a person, directs his desires and thoughts in the right direction. But in order to achieve success, it is necessary to make at least minimal effort and show interest, and the stone will do the rest.

Ancient magicians and priests used corundum to overcome fears. Today, the mineral is recommended to students and analysts - those who need a high concentration of attention and logical abilities.

Magicians and priests have always believed that the connection between the owner and the stone is inextricable. The owner of corundum feeds him with his energy, and he, in turn, thanks the owner with his influence.

The ancient magicians considered their main success to be the ability to control the influence of the mineral. The impact of a gem directly depends on its color and the place where the owner wears it. For example, if you wear this gem around your neck in the form of beads and pendants, then you will be able to find peace. All phobias present, along with irritability, will disappear. A bad state of mind will certainly be replaced by a calm and sober view of the world. Thinking about the meaning of life will come first.

Since ancient times, people believed that the mineral is able to whisper to its owner how to do the right thing. That is why they began to decorate earrings with sapphire inserts in order to hear this whisper well.

Wearing a ring with corundum, it was possible to reveal all the talents. In addition, a ring with a mineral can push a person to study, not just guiding him, but helping to achieve success in this matter.

Medicinal properties

The mineral easily relieves various depressive conditions and nightmares. Many psychoanalysts claim that it can help people with obvious mental disorders.

Corundum has a positive effect on some body systems, for example, on the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Due to its energy, the mineral is able to stabilize blood pressure and heart function. It constantly nourishes the heart muscle with energy and improves blood circulation.

It is believed that the mineral, depending on its color, can influence various pathologies, alleviating them or completely curing them. For example, if we are talking about red corundum, then it will have a positive effect on the circulatory system, and blue corundum can cure eye diseases. The purple variety of the mineral will have a positive effect on the psyche.

Who suits according to the horoscope?

Despite the huge positive potential of the gem, not every zodiac sign can wear it.

Best of all, the mineral suits Pisces, Aquarius and Cancers. He always helps those born under these constellations, bringing them good luck and directing their energy in the right direction.

It is best for representatives of the strong part of humanity who were born under the constellations of Aries and Capricorn not to wear this mineral. It can have a very negative impact on their mental health. It is explained by the fact that the entire energy of the mineral will be concentrated in the wrong direction.

But women born under the constellation Aries, on the contrary, are recommended to wear corundum. The stone will be especially good for women who have reached a respectable age: he is able to return the lost thirst for life.

Representatives of other signs can wear jewelry with corundum, but the mineral will not be able to bring them good luck or success. It will be just a beautiful decoration, nothing more.

If you choose a stone as an amulet, then you need to take into account all the characteristics: internal and zodiac. If a person is not active, then it is better for him not to wear a stone. As for bright and purposeful people, for them the corundum mineral will become an excellent talisman.

How to distinguish a fake?

At home, it is difficult to recognize a fake, but it is possible. A 10x magnifying glass will help with this.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the color and luster of the mineral. Real precious corundums will have a bright color and shine. The fading of the stone indicates artificial corundum. In addition, fakes always have flaws in the form of white spots.

Another very simple method for recognizing fakes among corundums is mechanical damage. If the sample is easily scratched, then there is no doubt that it is synthetic corundum. After all, it is known that the mineral is second only to diamond in hardness, so it is not easy to scratch it.

It is also worth trying to see if he is able to cause damage to other material. To determine the authenticity, it is necessary to press the sample against the glass and draw a line. Natural corundum must necessarily scratch the surface. If there are no scratches on the glass and colored lines remain, then it is safe to say that this is not real corundum. The color trace remains after the artificial tinting of the sample.

Various materials are used to create artificial corundum:

  1. Tourmaline. Red silicate stone. The hardness of tourmaline is much lower compared to corundum, but higher than that of garnet.
  2. Garnet. It belongs to the silicate family and is characterized by a dull, dark red color.
  3. Composite stones. They are a high-quality counterfeit of corundums, since natural samples are used to create them, the size of which increases due to the presence of a large amount of glass. Thus, scammers increase the cost of the sample.
  4. Glass. The cheapest fake corundum at cost, which is characterized by its fragility. In most cases, a glass fake is determined without any difficulty.

Varieties of corundum (video)

Application of the mineral

Due to its beautiful color and transparency, corundum is considered the most popular in jewelry.

Rubies and sapphires are corundums that are characterized by a unique quality - the presence of an asterism effect. The asterism effect is a regular star formed when the stone is rotated by rays moving along its surface. It is this property that makes minerals very expensive and in demand in the jewelry industry.

Granular types of corundum are used as abrasive materials. The same application was found by artificial corundums, which were obtained as a result of different processes. Such minerals are characterized by high hardness, second only to diamond.

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