Pedicure socks: reviews. Instructions for use

Tired of calluses and corns? Tired of rubbing your heels with a pumice stone every week? No time and money for beauty salons?

Now for all these problems there is one simple solution - Sosu pedicure socks, an effective and safe product from Japanese specialists. An innovative, progressive method of performing a pedicure without salons and without effort - at home, on the job.

How Sosu pedicure socks work - real experience

Eternal skin problems on the heels are known to every woman (and not only) - rough skin, calluses, bad smell, cracks and itching. And so I want to have heels tender and soft like a baby . But not everyone succeeds in achieving such an effect - there is not enough money for procedures in the salon, money, time for yourself, your beloved.

With Sosu socks, rough heels are a thing of the past. Result from using this product noticeable after the 1st treatment.

Why does the skin on the heels get rough?

There are many reasons for rough skin on the heels:

  • Illiterately chosen cosmetics.
  • Improper foot hygiene and care.
  • Tight and uncomfortable shoes.
  • Fungus.
  • Walking barefoot.
  • Disturbed metabolism.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Hormonal disorders.

If the problems with health and shoes are resolved, and the skin of the heels remains rough, then there remains only a cosmetic solution to the problem: in the salon, at home with the help of pumice, creams and a serious investment of time / effort, at home - with ease and pleasure - with Sosu socks .

What are Sosu pedicure socks?

Using this product is pleasant, easy and simple.

In modern packaging (it is not a shame to give it to a girlfriend or mother) - 2 pairs of socks .

They themselves are transparent, the top layer is waterproof, and inside - unique composition , in a certain way affecting the skin of the feet.

With the help of a special adhesive tape, the socks are fixed on your legs.

Is it difficult to use Sosu socks - we understand the instructions

You don't need any equipment You don't need to buy additional accessories either. . The only thing you need is a pair of traditional socks to fix the socks on your legs more securely and continue household chores.

So, how to apply socks for a pedicure?

  1. Open the package and cut the top edge of the sealed socks - as carefully as possible so as not to damage the integrity of the area where the liquid is located.
  2. Put socks on the legs and fix them with adhesive tape from the set so that they hold tightly on the legs.
  3. Put on regular cotton socks over the top.
  4. Do not remove socks for 2 hours.
  5. After the expiration date, wash the legs and rinse them with warm water.

3 to 6 days after the procedure - the beginning of the process of softening the heels. That is, the keratinized skin begins to move away (without discomfort and pain).

To speed up the process, it is permissible application of pumice (foot graters).

Usually the 1st procedure is enough to return softness to your heels. But with excessively rough skin, corns and calluses, the procedure will have to be repeated.

Sosu socks - the composition of the components to soften the heels

The special components of the socks have a double action - exfoliation of the upper layer of the "old" skin and gentle care for the new, young.

As part of Sosu socks:

  • Water, fragrances.
  • Lactic acid to increase skin elasticity, exfoliate the top layer and deeply moisturize the bottom.
  • Glucose.
  • sodium hyaluronate - to improve the general condition of the skin and normalize the water balance of the skin.
  • Ivy extract - anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Carotene, vitamins and oleanolic acid in the composition.
  • Burdock extract - healing properties, useful for cracks and calluses, skin problems.
  • Watercress extract - for deep nourishment / hydration of the skin, stimulation of cell renewal, protection against moisture loss and harmful external factors.
  • lemon extract - to nourish the skin, its softening and smoothness.
  • Soy glycine sterols - for moisturizing, youthful skin.
  • Hydrogenated lecithin - to protect against dryness.
  • Hydrogenated castor oil - to soften the skin and protect against dryness.
  • soapwort extract – cleansing component, sweat protection.
  • Sage extract – for bactericidal, deodorizing and antioxidant action. Effective ingredient for sweaty feet.

Advantages and disadvantages of Sosu socks - are there any contraindications?

This product has many advantages:

  • Possibility of application at home (no need to waste time visiting the salon).
  • High efficiency of the procedure.
  • 3 in 1 effect - aesthetic, cosmetic and therapeutic.
  • A quick, effective and painless solution to the problem of corns, calluses and rough skin.
  • Antifungal effect.
  • Financial benefit (in the package 2 pairs, which is equivalent to 2 visits to the salon).
  • Health safety.
  • Absolute sterility.
  • Free time for yourself during the procedure.
  • Long-term saving of the result.
  • Product quality (certificates, strict quality control).
  • Universal size (35-45).
  • The choice of flavor to taste - lavender, rose or mint.
  • Only 2 hours for the whole procedure, during which you can continue unfinished business.
  • Sosu socks are allowed for diabetes - they do not injure the skin.
  • This product does not contain salicylic acid. That is, the legs are protected from skin damage.

Of the shortcomings - only contraindications, but there are practically none:

  • Individual intolerance to the components.
  • Acute inflammatory process in the body.
  • Open wounds or injured feet.
  • During pregnancy, pedicure socks are not prohibited, but not recommended - use with caution, given the composition of the components.

Sosu pedicure socks - either cheap or fake?

A few tips for use and useful information about the product:

  • It is recommended to remove nail polish before the procedure. to optimally process the cuticle and not spoil the coating.
  • Keep socks on legs from an hour to two according to skin condition.
    The 2nd application is recommended after 2-3 weeks, not earlier. The effect lasts up to 2 months.
  • Sock fungus does not heal , because they are not a remedy for fungus. But they can help speed up the healing process. By the way, the fungus is not included in the list of contraindications.
  • If you steam your legs before the procedure , and after it - moisturize the skin with cream, the effect will be more noticeable.

The price of Sosu socks in pharmacies and stores in Russia

Sosu socks are quite expensive - from 700 to 1300 rubles , depending on the place of purchase. Beware of fakes! Cheaper, not always the real product!

Considering the fact that socks replace several procedures in a pedicure room, and also that they have a very prolonged action with several positive effects, the purchase and use of Sosu socks is a very profitable solution from all points of view.

All of us at some point find that our feet have become rougher and require maintenance and cleaning. You can use Japanese pedicure socks to avoid going to the foot care specialist. This miracle of cosmetics will allow you not to waste efforts on home procedures and not to go to expensive salons, while the result will be excellent.

Everyone knows that the Land of the Rising Sun has always been famous for its inventions in all industries. In addition, the Japanese always use the most natural, healthy and safe materials in the manufacture of their products. Japanese pedicure socks are no exception.

Pedicure socks: composition

Japanese pedicure socks should be used by those who have problems with the epidermal covering of the foot at least once a year, dry rough skin on the legs, scars or corns from improperly selected shoes, dry exfoliation of the skin and calluses, as well as heel cracks from lack of moisture. In addition, these socks help prevent and get rid of infectious, sometimes fungal diseases, get rid of unpleasant odors and pathogenic bacteria, which, according to doctors, may well cause varicose veins.

In terms of time frame and ease of use, pedicure socks are suitable for those who cannot devote extra time to remove unwanted skin on their feet, because their use does not restrict movement.

Such a wonderful remedy looks very simple, usually it is dimensionless (37-43) polyethylene socks or traces filled with a healing gel or liquid with a special formulation that contains vegetable acids and active ingredients to soften the skin. Their action is similar to that of a roll-peeling liquid.

The basis of the active healing filler in Japanese socks is made up of natural ingredients, oils and plant extracts.

The cleanser looks like this:

  1. Malic or lactic acid (rarely both at once).
  2. Citrus oils (grapefruit, orange, lemon) and lemongrass oil.
  3. Flower extracts (extracts) from calendula, chamomile, clematis, camellia, nasturtium.
  4. Extracts from wild herbs: horsetail, sage, ivy, meadowsweet, burdock (root), soapwort.
  5. Algae extract (brown algae).

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Read also: Hardware pedicure at home

Features of the use of socks, their advantages

There is nothing easier than using purchased Japanese socks. To start the procedure for cleansing and healing the legs, you just need to remove them from the package, open them and put them on tired feet, like ordinary footprints or socks. The time for softening and nourishing the skin of the feet will be approximately 1.5-2 hours. The process does not bring painful sensations, so you don’t have to endure and sit still, you can safely go about your housework or walk on the street with children or girlfriends. After this time has elapsed, simply wash off the remaining solution with warm soapy water. As a result, a minimum of time was spent, and relief and healing were brought to the legs, but you should not expect the effect right away, it will fully manifest itself in a week, during which unnecessary rough skin will be gradually removed, and the legs will become smoother and softer. To facilitate the removal of dead epidermis after manipulations with pedicure socks, you can immerse your feet in warm water before going to bed.

It is worth warning that the skin will first come off a little, and then in fairly large shreds, which you absolutely do not need to be afraid of, as it should be. The effect of such a pedicure lasts up to six months, it all depends on the degree of neglect of the rough skin on the feet.

The advantages of such care over the usual salon pedicure include the following:

  1. It's very easy to use. Put on like ordinary socks and wait for the effect, you don't need to go anywhere and spend a lot of money.
  2. Medicinal properties of the composition, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, preventing varicose veins.
  3. Get rid of unpleasant odor and sweating of the foot.
  4. Rejuvenation and slowing down the aging of the legs.
  5. Complete nutrition of the skin of the foot, increasing its firmness and elasticity, getting rid of future roughening of the stratum corneum of the foot.
  6. Removal of fatigue and swelling of the legs due to the active stimulation of blood flow in them.

The procedure called pedicure has been around for a long time. It is known for certain that even the ancient Egyptians did pedicures many, many years ago. And so far, this procedure has not lost its relevance.

If you want to pamper your feet, you can go to the nearest beauty salon, or get a pedicure at home. In the latter case, you will be able to avoid many of the possible risks associated with the pedicure procedure.

Pedicure at home and its benefits

As already mentioned, in order for our feet to be beautiful and healthy, we can go to the salon or get a pedicure at home. What are the benefits of a home pedicure?

First, going to the salon, you will have to spend a significant amount of time getting to your destination and waiting for your turn. Pedicure at home will help you save this time.

Secondly, the pedicure procedure begins with steaming the legs. To do this, the legs are placed in a special bath filled with water. This water must be chlorinated or filtered. In addition, it must contain special antimicrobial substances. The bath in which customers soak their feet must be disinfected. However, due to the workload, many salons neglect these precautions. As a result of such a negligent attitude, the client can “earn” fungal and other diseases.

Thirdly, many salons have recently offered a newfangled procedure using fish to help remove dead skin. The use of these fish is considered illegal in many countries, and for good reason. These fish are carriers of various diseases.

In addition, you should not do a salon pedicure if you have any skin damage (wounds, cuts, bites, etc.). Microorganisms, which are the main danger of nail salons, can penetrate deep into the skin through wounds on the skin. This will cause significant harm to your health.

On the Internet, there are various instructional videos of pedicure at home. As a rule, such videos can be a good helper in the procedure for creating a pedicure.

We suggest that you also consider how to do a pedicure step by step at home.

However, before proceeding with the consideration of this procedure, it is necessary to make a few remarks.

Pumice stones and exfoliating scrubs are great for getting rid of dead skin. However, it is worth handling them very carefully, as these products can cause serious damage to your skin (especially if used incorrectly).

When doing a pedicure at home, you should not round the edges of your nails too much. This may encourage them to grow.

Also, pay special attention to the cuticle. Don't cut it too deep. Remember that the cuticle protects our body from microbes.

So, knowing all the precautions, you can start doing a beautiful and proper pedicure at home.

First you need to prepare all the necessary devices. You will need: foot bath, water, nail clippers, nail file, orange sticks, cuticle trimmers, pumice stone or brush, nail polishes. In addition, you can use bath salts, cuticle oil, massage lotion.

Remove old nail polish if necessary. Fill a tub or bowl with hot water. You can add some bath salts or essential oils if you like. Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes. Hot water will help soften the skin on your feet and remove dirt.

Once your feet are well steamed, take them out of the water. Start by trimming your nails to the correct size. To do this, use nippers. Please note that the shape of the nails should be slightly square. Sharp edges are slightly rounded with a nail file. Remember that nails should be filed in one direction. This will help prevent splitting of the nail layers and damaging them.

After that, we proceed to the cuticle. Using an orange stick, gently push back the cuticles on each nail. Then trim it with a trimmer. After you've finished trimming, apply cuticle oil. It will help soften and moisturize the skin.

Smooth out your nails. Using a special file, cut down all the bumps.

After you are done with your nails, you can start cleaning and softening the skin of your feet. Use a pumice stone to remove any calluses on the heels and arches of the feet. Using a brush, clean the skin of the legs. Use soap if necessary.

Rinse your feet with plenty of water after cleaning. Then dry them with a towel and, if desired, apply a massage lotion. If you decide to use foot lotion, then after applying it, wipe your nails again with nail polish remover. Be aware that lotion can create a layer that makes it difficult to apply nail polish.

Apply a base coat on your nails. This will help protect your nails from yellowing and allow the nail polish to last longer.

After the base coat has dried, apply the base color of your choice. Nail polish is first applied to the center of the nail and then around the edges. In some cases, you will have to use two coats of varnish.

After the base color has dried, apply a lacquer fixer to your nails. Wait for it to dry.

We looked at how to make a beautiful pedicure at home and made sure that this process is quite time consuming. However, you still want to have beautiful nails and well-groomed legs. And here socks for home pedicure come to our aid, helping to greatly facilitate the process of caring for feet and nails.

Currently, there are various pedicure socks. What is their difference, and which pedicure socks are better to choose? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Exfoliating Japanese socks for pedicure (composition)

There are various socks for pedicure. Japanese, Chinese and Korean pedicure socks can be distinguished. The price of Japanese pedicure socks is the highest.

This is due to the high quality of the product. If your budget allows, then Japanese pedicure socks are the best choice.

Korean pedicure socks are inferior in quality to Japanese ones. However, if we consider these pedicure socks in terms of price-quality ratio, then they can be a good option. Chinese pedicure socks are the cheapest. They have a fairly long shelf life. However, reviews of Chinese-made miracle pedicure socks tell us that their size grid is rather small. For example, you will not find Chinese pedicure socks in size 40.

Japanese pedicure socks will help you take care of the beauty of your feet. Smart Japanese are very pedantic and appreciate naturalness. Thus, we can be sure about the quality of Japanese pedicure socks.

Originally, Japanese pedicure socks were developed for people suffering from problems related to the surface of the skin of the feet. Subsequently, sosu pedicure socks became more widespread.

Reviews of Japanese soso pedicure socks are quite positive. They tell us that using such miracle pedicure socks is very simple. To do this, you just need to put on soso pedicure socks on your feet and leave for 1 - 2 hours. Then wash your feet with soap and water.

Japanese sosu pedicure socks are simply indispensable when caring for the beauty of your feet.

Exfoliating pedicure socks work quite simply. These pedicure socks are filled to the maximum with useful substances and vitamins. The composition of the pedicure socks includes components such as: malic acid and burdock root extract, grapefruit juice and kelp extract, lemongrass, orange oil and meadowsweet extract, camellia and nasturtium extract, calendula and sage flower extract, chamomile and lemon extract, ivy and horsetail extract.

Thanks to this composition, exfoliating pedicure socks can be used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment of various skin diseases.

sosu pedicure socks have a number of advantages:

- Incredible ease of use.

— the effect of using suction socks for pedicure is noticeable after the first application.

- using pedicure socks, you can get rid of swelling, tired legs and sweating. When using socks for a pedicure, regulation of the sebaceous glands is observed.

- reviews of pedicure socks tell us that they help improve blood flow and lymph flow in the legs, and also contribute to the elasticity of skin tissues.

- pedicure socks stimulate metabolic processes, slowing down skin aging.

- pedicure socks can have an anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body.

Also, pedicure socks have antimicrobial properties. They are useful for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases.

- pedicure socks prevent excessive keratinization of the skin.

In general, the reviews about sosu pedicure socks from Japanese manufacturers are the most positive, which cannot be said about Chinese-made pedicure socks.

Chinese pedicure socks, in principle, work in the same way as Japanese ones. What is the difference? First, it's cost. If you decide to buy Chinese pedicure socks, you will have to spend about 200 rubles. If you make a choice in favor of a Japanese product, then the frames will have to pay about 1,500 rubles.

Secondly, it is the composition of the active substance. Chinese pedicure socks have a simpler composition, unlike Japanese ones. You will have to use Chinese pedicure socks for longer to achieve a positive result.

To be objective, it should be noted that not only the Japanese product has positive reviews. You can also often find positive reviews about Korean-made pedicure socks.

Where to buy real Sosu socks and what is included?

So, after viewing photos and reviews of pedicure socks, you decided to purchase this miraculous product for yourself. Then you need to know where to buy pedicure socks and how much they cost.

First, let's figure out where and how to buy pedicure socks. Residents of big cities do not have any problems buying exfoliating socks for pedicure. As a rule, such pedicure socks are sold in many pharmacies and a number of specialized stores. The main question here is: what kind of pedicure socks do you need?

The price of exfoliating pedicure socks varies depending on the manufacturer.

If you decide to buy Japanese pedicure socks, then you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend an impressive amount. As a rule, the price of pedicure socks from a Japanese manufacturer varies from 900 to 1500 rubles. Also note that if you decide to buy soso pedicure socks, then you should choose a more expensive product. As a rule, such socks are of higher quality.

If it is quite easy for residents of big cities to buy sosu pedicure socks, then what about residents of remote areas?

Residents of remote areas can buy soso pedicure socks online. You can order socks for pedicure in the online store with delivery. Considering regular promotions, the price of sosu pedicure socks can be greatly reduced. Thus, you can save money and buy pedicure socks at an attractive price.

The price of sosu pedicure socks is quite impressive. If your budget does not allow you to purchase this product, then you can buy pedicure socks from Chinese and Korean manufacturers. The price of these products is usually much lower. However, having studied reviews of pedicure socks from Chinese manufacturers, we can say that in this case, saving does not make sense. You want to have beautiful and well-groomed legs!

Having purchased socks for a pedicure, you should check their complete set. What is included in the pedicure sock set?

As a rule, the equipment depends on the manufacturer. The set of socks for manicure includes the socks themselves, packed in plastic bags, which should be opened immediately before using the socks, Velcro, allowing you to fix the socks for manicure on your feet, and, in some cases, a special gel that is applied after using the socks for pedicure.

Should also consider how to use pedicure socks?

How to use socks?

As mentioned above, pedicure socks should be opened immediately before use. Before using this product, you should carefully read the instructions for use. Instructions for Japanese pedicure socks are often printed in many languages ​​other than Russian. Often, such instructions are presented in English. It is quite difficult for people who do not speak English to figure out how to use pedicure socks. In this case, the pictures presented on the package will come to your aid. In addition, you can watch a video about Japanese pedicure socks on the Internet, in which the use process is described in great detail. The instructions for Chinese pedicure socks are slightly different from the instructions for the Japanese product.

So how do you use pedicure socks?

Wash your feet thoroughly with water without using soap. Opening socks. We put them on our feet, fasten them with Velcro. You can wear regular socks on top. We leave socks for pedicure on the feet from 1 to 4 hours (depending on the manufacturer). After the specified time, remove the pedicure socks. Wash feet with soap and water. If necessary, apply a special gel.

If you do not immediately notice the result, then do not be upset. The skin on the legs will begin to peel and renew itself in a few days.

Sosu socks customer reviews

In conclusion, I would like to consider reviews of silicone pedicure socks from various manufacturers. Let's start in order. First, let's look at reviews of Japanese sosu pedicure socks.

Irina, Kazan:

I heard a lot about soso pedicure socks, and so I decided to try it. To be honest, immediately after using the pedicure socks, I did not notice any result. I was already upset that, once again, I was deceived. But on the fourth day, my legs became covered with white cracks, and the skin began to peel off. The process is not pleasant, but still tolerable. I steamed my legs in the bath and removed dead skin. And, oh miracle! A few days later, I simply did not recognize my legs. They became smooth and soft, like a baby.

Anna, Stavropol:

After reading reviews about soso pedicure socks, I decided to try this newfangled product. I bought it, put it on, sealed it with adhesive tape, and looked like this for a while. Didn't experience any feelings. Then she took off her socks, washed her feet,

according to instructions. Didn't notice any effect. After that, I forgot about the procedure done. Well, it didn't work and it didn't. On the third day, waking up in the morning, I noticed that the skin on my legs began to peel off terribly, and peel off in layers. At first I was afraid. I went looking for an answer on the internet. I re-read the reviews about Japanese pedicure socks again, and realized that nothing bad is happening to me, everything is fine. When all the skin was completely peeled off, my legs were simply unrecognizable. They got soft! After that, I tried to make pedicure socks with my own hands. However, the result was just terrible. Now I plan to buy Soso pedicure socks again, and I recommend it to everyone.

And what are the reviews about Chinese pedicure socks?

Marina, Tver:

I thought for a long time what socks for a pedicure I should get. Japanese, they say, is better. But the Chinese ones are cheaper. I decided to save money for the first time and bought Chinese goods. For a test. I didn't find any instructions inside the package. Therefore, I found a video on the Internet about pedicure socks with a detailed description of their use. As it turned out, there is nothing complicated there. Did everything the way you were taught. Was looking forward to the result. However, the result did not entirely satisfy me. Maybe it happened because my skin on my legs is too rough and hard, with a lot of calluses and corns. Based on the results, I realized that it is necessary to repeatedly use Chinese socks in order to achieve the maximum effect. Now I want to try Japanese pedicure socks and compare the result.

Now consider the reviews of Korean pedicure socks. What do people who have used this product say?

Svetlana, Moscow:

I have already used Japanese sosu pedicure socks several times. The result has always been satisfied. And for the last time I decided to check out Korean socks. Are they good or inferior in quality? Didn't notice much of a difference. Korean pedicure socks also deserve high praise.

Every woman strives to find the perfect personal care product. This also applies to pedicures. Pumice stone, laser graters, electric files, various baths and creams - there is no limit to perfection. In pursuit of smooth heels, a lot of money and time is spent, but the result, as a rule, has a short-term effect or does not live up to expectations at all. Tight and uncomfortable shoes, wearing heels quite quickly negate the achievements of salon masters or their own efforts.

What is baby foot?

However, modern cosmetology does not stand still. Cunning Asian masters a few years ago invented another miracle remedy that turned the whole idea of ​​pedicure upside down. We are talking about special socks, the so-called baby foot. Manufacturers promise that by using this tool, you can get rid of corns, calluses, unpleasant odors and get perfectly smooth soft skin.

The most popular are Japanese, Korean and Chinese products. However, knowing China's love for brand imitation, it makes sense to think about the advisability of acquiring such a "pig in a poke".

Pedicure socks

What are exfoliating pedicure socks? Outwardly, they look like thick polyethylene shoe covers, only higher and with special adhesive tapes for fixing. Inside each product is a layer of non-woven material. It can be soaked in a peeling solution, or the solution is attached separately, and it will need to be poured into socks before or after putting them on your feet - this is everyone's personal choice. There is no fundamental difference here.

There may be one or two pairs in a package. This depends on the manufacturer. Soso pedicure socks are sold in 2 pairs, while Chinese and Korean brands usually produce one pair each. But in any case, it turns out that the use of socks is more profitable than visiting a beauty salon.

Do not worry that you will not be able to use the miracle remedy due to non-standard leg parameters. The size grid is impressive - from 35 to 45 sizes. So the socks will suit both Thumbelina and larger ladies.

Pedicure socks: application

Let's figure out how peeling socks work, what is included in their composition and what they are. The composition of the socks for each manufacturer is, of course, different, but lactic or fruit acids will be mandatory components.

Japanese pedicure socks

Babyfoot from the Japanese company Sosu is the most popular in Russia, perhaps due to its availability - you don’t have to wait a long time for the package, you can go and buy the product you like. In addition, these pedicure socks reviews are numerous and mostly positive. According to them, peeling is able to ennoble even very neglected heels and restore smoothness and softness to the skin. There are three versions of socks with different fragrances - mint, rose and lavender. Products are convenient because the inner surface is already impregnated with the active substance, it remains only to put them on and wait for the result.

The peel contains lactic acid, which affects the exfoliation process. In addition, the tool added:

  • Ivy. The extract tones the skin of the feet, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
  • Sage. Reduces redness and irritation that may appear on the skin. Reduces sweating and eliminates unpleasant odor.
  • Mylnyanka. Prevents the occurrence of dermatitis.
  • Soy and castor oil. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the feet.
  • Ceramides. Helps to increase the immunity of the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Deeply moisturizes the skin, gives elasticity.

Due to the action of lactic acid in the composition of the active substance, softening and exfoliation of rough skin, corns and calluses occur. Herbal ingredients enhance the exfoliating effect and care for the legs.

Korean pedicure socks

Another fairly well-known pedicure remedy at home is Shiny foot peeling from the Korean company Tony Moly. The company has existed for more than one year and has proven itself both in the domestic market and abroad. Pedicure socks reviews are good. The manufacturer claims that peeling, in addition to its intended purpose, will eliminate unpleasant odors, relieve excessive sweating, relieve stress and help restore water balance. In addition to lactic acid, the composition claims extracts of green tea, peach tree leaves and sophora root.

The kit includes one pair of socks, peeling active and instructions. Unlike Japanese Sosu, the Korean version involves self-infusion of liquid into socks.

Chinese baby foot

No less popular are Chinese foot fit pedicure socks. These products have been in high demand lately. Although these pedicure socks have the most controversial reviews: some buyers are satisfied with the result and note that the tool can even get rid of old plantar warts, others write that the products are ineffective. Perhaps it all depends on the duration of the procedure or on the quality of the socks.

The composition of the active substance includes lactic, oxysuccinic, glycolic, salicylic and citric acids, alcohol, castor oil, natural extracts (saponaria, chamomile, horsetail, clematis leaves, sage, ivy, citruses), arginine, butylene glycol and water.

The package contains one pair of products with an inner layer impregnated with a special gel. They need to be kept on the feet longer than Korean or Japanese Soso pedicure socks (2 hours). Also, significant differences include what is allowed to achieve the best result and accelerate the exfoliation of old skin, gently rub the heels with a hard washcloth for 3-4 days after the procedure. Of the minuses - all buyers note the unpleasant smell of the product, and someone is alarmed that the nail polish is peeling off, even if it is freshly applied.

European pedicure socks

European manufacturers, as always happens, could not stay away from the product, which is very popular, and released their analogues of Asian products. Almea baby foot pedicure socks from the British company Almea are proof of this.

It is stated that exfoliation occurs due to the action of fruit acids, but they are not listed in the composition. Orange and grapefruit oils, extracts of meadowsweet, sage leaves and clematis, cellulose and glycerin appear.

Unlike Asian counterparts, European socks do not have a special adhesive tape for fixing, nor any ties. Therefore, if the choice fell on Almea, it makes sense to stock up on scotch tape in advance.

It is recommended to keep the socks on your feet for 2 hours, before use, you need to remove the coating from the nails. Although, judging by the reviews, the active substance does not affect the varnish in any way. The process of exfoliation of the epidermis takes a long time, up to 5 weeks, even with the use of scrubs. These pedicure socks have mixed reviews: equally enthusiastic praises and negative reviews.

Instructions for use

How to use pedicure socks? A big plus of this procedure is that there is no need to purchase any additional accessories or tools. Except scissors.

For those who decide to try pedicure socks, the instruction will not be superfluous. For the final result will depend on the correct sequence of actions. In order not to be disappointed in the tool, you must follow all the recommended steps.

Doing it right

  • Open the package. Take out the exfoliating pedicure socks , carefully cut along the perforation of the top of each piece. Be careful not to damage the socks themselves or spill their contents. If the solution is attached separately, pour it inside.
  • Put on plastic socks and try to evenly distribute all the liquid so that your feet are completely covered with it. Do not be afraid to tear your socks, they are quite dense, so they will survive all your manipulations.
  • Secure the socks with the supplied adhesive tapes. If you suddenly forgot to put them in the kit, use tape. If desired, you can additionally wear ordinary cotton products on top. This will not affect the procedure in any way, but it guarantees a secure fixation of the pedicure socks and will not allow them to slip.

  • Stock up on patience. It is necessary to stay in socks from an hour to an hour and a half or two, depending on the condition of the skin of the feet and the manufacturer's recommendations. If you keep them smaller, there will be no visible result. Overdoing, focusing on "to be sure," is also not worth it. It is not recommended to actively move or move around the apartment during the procedure, so as not to tear socks, spill the peeling liquid, and this is inconvenient. Read a book or watch your favorite program - combine business with pleasure. While you rest, a special solution will transform your legs.
  • After waiting for the right time, remove your socks and wash your feet with warm water without soap.
  • Pedicure socks are designed for one use. Therefore, after the procedure, discard the used bags. Repeated use will not give any result, since the active composition will no longer be the same.
  • Get ready to wait. There will be no instant results. Approximately 3-5 days after the procedure, exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis will begin, which will take about a week or a little more. To speed up this process a little, you can do steam baths, but in no case should you treat your heels with a hard washcloth or pumice stone. You can damage the tender new skin and cause some kind of infection.

Keep in mind that the exfoliation process is not very aesthetically pleasing, if not intimidating. Therefore, try to spend it before the period of sandals.

Where can I buy pedicure socks?

Home peeling product can be purchased at chain stores: Rainbow Smile, Scarlett, Spectrum have Asian pedicure socks in their assortment. The price is more than acceptable - from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. L'etoile offers its customers Korean pedicure socks at a very affordable price - 252 rubles per pair. They are quite effective. In addition, you can purchase pedicure socks at a pharmacy or order directly from Korea, Japan or China. However, they will cost more - from about 500 rubles.


Like any other cosmetic product, pedicure socks have contraindications for use.

They can be used no more than 1 time in 3-4 months. You should also avoid direct exposure to sunlight during the procedure. With caution, such products should be used by pregnant women, diabetics and women during lactation. There is no clear opinion about these groups: someone calmly uses socks both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. It's like with hair coloring: some do it, others don't. In order to avoid consequences, you must first consult with your doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure if there are fresh cracks on the feet, any irritation or wounds, including scratches. Do not forget that peeling contains acids!

It is forbidden to use pedicure socks for children under 12 years old.

If during the peeling there is a clear feeling of discomfort, burning, it is necessary to remove the socks and rinse the feet with plenty of water.

At home, it is quite difficult to achieve soft and beautiful heels: for this, you need to regularly carry out lengthy operations to remove hard skin. Exfoliating pedicure socks allow you to completely solve the problem of cracks and roughness on the feet in a matter of days.

The principle of operation of miracle socks

Pedicure socks are a plastic container filled with a certain liquid. Unlike most well-known tools, such as pumice stones or heel files, these cleaners work solely through chemical components.

Exfoliation of dead cells is carried out with the help of acids, which are found in large quantities in the socks themselves. In most cases, they are loaded with lactic acid, as it is known for its mild exfoliating properties. In addition, they can also be filled with hyaluronic acid or a mixture of active chemicals.

But some Korean types do not contain acid, but alcohol or vinegar. Depending on the content, the principle of operation will change.

It should be noted that you should not try to make such care products with your own hands. You can exceed the allowable dose of aggressive components and harm the skin.

Indications and contraindications

Therapeutic pedicure socks are a great way to get rid of rough heels and keratinized areas on the feet without leaving home. They replace several professional pedicure sessions.

Indications for pedicure socks:

  1. Horny areas on the heels and feet (yellow, coarse growths);
  2. Old calluses, corns. In some cases, experts recommend gel packs even when treating deep corns;
  3. Cracks in heels and feet. They are formed as a result of the lack of exfoliation of dead cells and the constant load on the legs. If you remove the keratinized areas, then it is possible without mechanical intervention;
  4. Rough, rough heels. This is purely an aesthetic indication. Some girls prefer to get rid of these shortcomings with the help of mechanical tools, but socks provide a more lasting effect.

These socks also have contraindications:

  • Open wounds or ulcers. If there is a violation of the skin on the legs, then the acid in the socks can cause inflammation of the skin and deterioration of the epidermis;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components;
  • Hypersensitivity or the presence of tattoos at the treatment sites.

Instructions for use

Instructions on how to use Butterfly pedicure socks at home:

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the legs for processing. To do this, dry heels are rubbed with a file or pumice stone. After that, a bath is taken to remove dust and dead cells;
  2. There are no exact sizes for socks. They are sold from 37 to 41, while they will not fit the skin like regular wardrobe items. Therefore, think in advance how you can fix them on your leg;
  3. Heels and feet are wiped dry. If there are tattoos on your legs and you still decide to do a pedicure with socks, then you need to smear the drawing with a thick layer of oily cream;
  4. The bags are opened and legs are lowered into them. It is necessary to ensure that they are strictly on the feet, it is advisable to sit all the time during the procedure. Then the probability of getting the mixture on the upper parts of the legs is extremely small;
  5. An hour will be enough for a good home pedicure, but depending on the composition and aggressiveness of the components, this time can vary from 40 minutes to 120;
  6. It is best to use socks for home pedicure in early spring or winter. A few days after application, severe peeling will begin, due to which it will not be possible to wear open shoes;
  7. It is recommended to do such a pedicure as needed, but if after the first time the effect is not impressive, then the session can be repeated after 2 weeks.

Photo - Instructions for pedicure socks

Often these socks are reusable, so you can carry out a pedicure for a long time and with one pair.

Video: how to use pedicure socks

Review of popular brands

Reviews claim that the best silicone socks for pedicure are produced by the company sosu. Their main advantage is the absence of harsh chemical components. The composition includes ceramides, plant extracts (sage, ivy, soap dish and others), castor oil, lactic and hyaluronic acid. They have a cumulative effect, so it is recommended to use them regularly - 2 times a month. The peculiarity lies in the fact that in addition to cleaning from dead cells, it also provides skin nutrition, moisturizing the heels and prevention of corns and corns.


- These are Japanese socks that are great for home pedicure. They have a pleasant aroma and, like Sosu, they consist of plant extracts and natural acids. They contain malic acid, citrus oils, extracts of calendula, sage, lemon and other plants.

Chinese gel pedicure socks Braphy Callus Removal Pack contain a large number of alcohol, due to which exfoliation occurs. They are one of the cheapest among analogues. Not recommended for owners of sensitive skin, can greatly dry the epidermis.

– professional wax socks for peeling. They will not help eliminate the problem of chronic corns or corns, but with their help you can do paraffin therapy at home. Enriched with coconut and peach oils. Can be applied every week. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to supplement the procedure with exfoliants. For example, It`s skin Self Care Foot Peeling or To-Plan My Pure Foot.

Mask-socks for legs - the development of a domestic manufacturer. The cost of a pair is much lower than foreign analogues, but the effect is also slightly inferior. The composition includes hyaluronic, glycolic and salicylic acid. The gel is supplemented with papaya and apple extracts. Strongly overdry the skin, which harms the delicate young layer. You can use no more than 1 time per month. A similar Liquid Pumice From Calluses has a stronger and better effect.

Consider a list of lesser known socks:

Name Composition and action
Ecotools Sustainable Moisture Socks Disposable moisturizing sachets with iherb. They do not eliminate the problem of corns, but deeply moisturize the skin, which makes it less rough. Made from bamboo fiber infused with plant extracts.
Skinlite Exfoliating Foot Mask Exfoliating mask from Skinlight with acids and vitamins. Quickly removes corns and corns, known for a long-lasting effect. Composed of propylene and glycolic acid. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to buy Rolanjona Aliexpress Crystal Exfoliating.
Shary Magic Foot Peeling Due to the high content of herbal extracts, these packs only help with minor problems. The effect appears due to lactic acid. Reviews say that with regular use, you can forget about corns altogether.
Tony Moly Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid Korean socks for soft peeling from Tony Moly are especially popular with girls with hard skin. They do not remove corns, but contribute to a more effective self-cleansing of the skin. Contains herbs and hyaluron. Similar in action to Holika Holika Silky.
4skin Avec Moi Foot Peeling Mask Very gentle mask for Brazilian pedicure. Effectively cleanses the skin, removes keratinized areas. Recommended for regular use 2 times a month. Contains glycol. It is an analogue of Amazing Plus.

You can buy pedicure socks at a pharmacy, shops and dealerships - their price will depend only on the chosen company. On average, the cost of a pair varies from $2 to $7.
