Why do nails turn yellow after polish? Why nails turn yellow after shellac and what to do

Wipe off the nail polish. Using a cotton ball or pad soaked in nail polish remover, remove the polish that is currently applied to your nails. Just rub each nail until all polish is gone.

  • To treat yellowed nails, you need to clean them, completely getting rid of the varnish. After removing the varnish, you can carefully examine the entire surface of the nail plate.
  • Polish your nails. Use a fine-grained polishing file to remove the thin top layer of the nail. Gently polish the surface of the nail with the file, moving it back and forth, perpendicular to the growth of the nail. Such polishing will remove the top layer with the remnants of varnish, and your nails will take on a flawless and clean look.

    • By turning the nail left and right, you will be sure that you have polished it on the sides, and not just on top.
    • Buff each nail for approximately 10 seconds. Be careful not to accidentally remove too much of the layer.
  • Rub your nails with lemon juice. Cut a lemon in half and rub the inside of each nail for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. After rubbing all your nails in this way, leave the lemon juice to dry for about 10 minutes. After using lemon juice, apply moisturizer to your hands and nails to prevent dryness.

    • Spraying lemon juice on your hair and exposing it to direct sunlight can significantly lighten your hair. Lightening nails occurs in a similar way.
    • You can also squeeze lemon juice into a container and use a cotton ball or pad to apply it to your nails.
  • Make a nail scrub with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with 2 1/2 tablespoons of baking soda until the mixture reaches the consistency of a paste. Using an old and soft toothbrush, rub this paste into your nails. Rub your nails with the mixture for 2-3 minutes and then rinse with plain water. Be sure to moisturize your nails and skin after using this product - hydrogen peroxide dries the skin.

    • Try adding a few drops of lemon juice to this mixture to increase the whitening effect.
    • You can also make a bath by adding hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to a glass of water, and soak your nails in this solution for 5-10 minutes.
  • Use a whitening toothpaste. Apply a thin layer of hydrogen peroxide toothpaste to whiten your nails. Use your fingertips or an old soft brush to rub the toothpaste into the surface of your nails. Leave the toothpaste on your nails for about 10 minutes and then rinse with plain water.

    • After you've washed off your toothpaste, apply a moisturizing hand and nail lotion.
  • Whiten your nails with denture tablets. Dissolve 2-4 tablets in a container of water and dip your nails there for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, dry your hands with a paper towel, and then apply lotion.

    • This way you can soak your nails several times a month, but first you need to make sure that there are no varnish residues on them.
  • Shellac, gel polishes and other resistant coatings that are dried with an ultraviolet lamp made a splash: finally, a resistant manicure for 2-3 weeks! But after removing the coating, many girls noted that the nails look terrible: they exfoliate, break, become thinner ...

    We figured out why this happens, and how to restore health to the nails.

    The gel that is applied to the nails is a complex chemical compound based on hydrated collagen, which is “fused” into the top layer of the nail plate using ultraviolet light. When removing the coating, it is removed along with the very top layer of the nail plate. Therefore, when a new manicure method was invented, heated discussions arose among specialists about how safe the technique was. In fact, the controversy has not subsided so far, so the first piece of advice that is unanimously voiced by leading manicure experts is that resistant coatings cannot be applied all the time. Recommended mode - 2 manicures with a resistant coating - 3 months break (without coating or with regular varnish).

    But there are still some things you need to know before you decide.

    1. The ultraviolet light used during the procedure is very aggressive to skin cells. If you have moles on your hands, be especially careful. And for owners of sensitive skin, a UV lamp can even cause a burn!

    2. Under a resistant coating, the nail plate is completely devoid of oxygen and moisture, which is an additional factor causing the plate to dry out, become brittle and delamination.


    3. When removing the coating, an aggressive solution is used, which is applied to the nails under foil or a special impervious material for at least 20 minutes. It also destroys the nail.

    If you still think that a permanent manicure is worth it, take care to properly restore your nails after removing the coating.

    1. Nutrition

    You will be surprised, but this is the most important stage, and not at all medical varnishes or masks. Eat more oily fish, eggs, and cheese before removing permanent nail polish. The calcium they contain is a building material for the nail, and the thicker the nail plate, the less noticeable the damage caused by resistant coatings.

    2. Trace elements

    Bioadditives or vitamin complexes with a high content of iron and zinc are an excellent help to nails, these elements make them elastic, elastic, smooth and return a healthy pink tone.

    3. Vitamins

    Vitamin C is famous for its whitening effect, so a couple of citrus fruits a day will have a positive effect on the condition of the nails. No, not inside, but in the form of a mask: grind the pulp of a lemon, orange or grapefruit into a pulp, apply on your nails and put on gloves for half an hour.

    And now - what to do when the coating is removed.

    1. Cut your nails short.

    The shorter the plate - the less it exfoliates and breaks.

    2. Polish

    A regular polishing file will remove the remnants of the damaged layer and open air to the undamaged layers of the plate. Let your nails breathe!

    3. Buy gloves

    And in the next 2-3 weeks, do all the housework related to water with gloves. Give your nails a break from the chemicals!

    4. Treat your cuticles

    In the morning and in the evening, massage the cuticles (and the nail at the same time) with jojoba, apricot or olive oil. Oil for nails and cuticles will restore the structure of the nail and reduce its fragility.

    5. Use healing polishes

    Formulas with protein complexes are especially good.

    6. Make a gelatin mask

    Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of hot water and dip your nails into it as soon as the temperature of the solution becomes comfortable. Hold for 20 minutes, blot with a napkin.

    7. Try an iodine bath

    Do not be afraid: if you do it in the evening, by morning the iodine will evaporate, and the color of the nails will not suffer. So, dissolve in 200 ml of water 2 tablespoons of ordinary salt and half a tablespoon of iodine. Dip your hands in water for 15 minutes, then rinse with running water, apply cream and go to bed. This bath stimulates the growth of the nail and improves its structure.

    8. Prepare the paraffin wrap

    Melt the paraffin candle, let the paraffin cool to a comfortable temperature, dip your nails into the viscous mass and let it cool completely on your hands.

    The nail plate, which suddenly acquired a yellowish tint, should alert, because, as you know, it is nails and hair that are the first to react to complications with human health, not to mention the problem of an aesthetic plan.

    The sight of unhealthy yellow nails creates an unpleasant opinion among others that a person may not monitor the cleanliness of his own body enough, and perhaps does not treat a fungal disease that has arisen, which naturally causes disapproval and unwillingness to contact him.

    That's why it is necessary to deal with this pathology immediately, as soon as it has been identified. Having identified the cause of the problem, you can choose an effective way to eliminate it so that the nails are healthy and beautiful.

    Why are the fingernails yellow: the main reasons

    Yellowing of the nails most often appears in the following cases:

    Be careful! Not knowing why the fingernails are yellow, many women resort to the services of manicure masters to mechanically file off the yellow layer. Such a method can only aggravate the situation. In addition, this will only eliminate the symptoms, but not the root cause of the pathology.

    Nail fungal infections

    One of the most common causes of yellowing nails is fungal infections.

    Penetrating deep into the structure of the nail, the fungus thickens it and gives it an unusual shade.

    Most often, infection occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules., physical contact with people prone to infections, as well as visits to public pools and saunas, where it is simply impossible to remove the fungus.

    Injury to the nail plate

    If the nail plate is damaged due to a strong blow or mechanical impact, the nail is deformed and changes its structure. Its integral system is disturbed, edema appears, sometimes a hematoma.

    All these factors affect the color of the nail, and it naturally changes its color. However, this is a temporary phenomenon.

    After successful healing and fusion of the old nail, the color will return to normal and acquire its natural shade.

    Diseases of the internal organs

    Suddenly yellowed nails can be a serious sign, signaling possible diseases of the internal organs. If this pathology is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Usually, in such cases, the organs are susceptible to infectious diseases, such as pneumonia, dysentery, etc. Often, the nails turn yellow due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

    Exposure to chemicals

    Modern means, replete with chemicals, cause severe damage to the tissues of the body. Their molecules penetrate deep into the nail and, as a result of ongoing reactions, change its color.

    This most often occurs when ignoring gloves when using household chemicals. It is important to protect your hands from their adverse effects.

    Bad habits

    Smoking is one of the most common causes of yellow nails. The nicotine in cigarettes destroys the protective barrier of the nail, and nicotine resins give it that unhealthy hue. Often smokers do not even know why the fingernails are yellow.

    Experts are sure that the most The best solution to combat this aesthetic problem is to stop smoking.

    The consequences of an incorrectly done manicure

    Women who save a lot on manicure products are at risk of ruining their nails. not only the appearance of a yellow tint, but also a violation of their integrity and strength.

    Cheap varnishes change their color under the influence of ultraviolet rays, thereby causing damage to the nail plate.

    Note! Experienced manicure masters recommend using high-quality proven products to decorate your hands, as well as using a base before applying any varnish. This will minimize the negative impact.

    If the problem has already arisen, it is necessary to allow the nail to heal completely, without using any nail substances.

    Yellow nails after removing gel polish or shellac

    This reason is closely related:

    • using low-quality materials, due to which the fingernails turn yellow;
    • with the wrong technique for removing gel polish.

    The combination of low-quality remover and rough, sloppy processing can lead to yellowing of the nail and damage to it.

    To avoid this, experts advise removing gel polish with a special preparation without emollients from a trusted master.

    Features of yellowing of the nail plate

    By the way in which yellowness was localized on the nails, one can understand the possible sources of its appearance. However, this method is approximate.

    Types of yellow spots and their causes:

    When yellow nails are a sign of illness

    The body reacts differently to the disease occurring inside it. In some cases, it is yellowed nails that can indicate the development of a person's disease. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the signals of the body.

    Yellow nails speak of a disease if:

    Which doctor to contact if the nails are yellow and what tests you may have to take

    The very first specialist who needs to be visited when this pathology appears is a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination, ask clarifying questions, try to find out the cause of the problem, and prescribe tests.

    If yellowing is not associated with serious diseases, but comes from an infection of the outer integument, a referral to a dermatologist will be issued.

    The therapist himself prescribed tests based on the external picture of the course of the disease. Most often, these are blood tests, cultures, and x-rays.

    These analyzes are given in order to identify the root cause of the problem., are prescribed by a doctor and can be supplemented at the discretion of a specialist.

    The scheme of complex treatment of the nail plate

    Ways and methods of treatment, first of all, bud
    ut depend on the root cause of the pathology. If these are diseases of the internal organs, then drug treatment with antibiotics will become fundamental.

    In each case, the doctor draws up a complete scheme, which in most cases includes:

    • prescribing medications to treat the cause of yellowing of the nails;
    • supporting vitamin complex;
    • in some cases, a therapeutic diet is prescribed.

    Important to remember! Full recovery is possible only in the case of complex treatment and the implementation of all doctor's recommendations!

    It is impossible to exclude any link from the prescribed treatment regimen. Otherwise, there is a risk not only not to eliminate the problem, but also to aggravate it.

    Remedies and ointments for yellow nails from a pharmacy

    In situations where it is not possible to consult a doctor, you can resort to the help of the drug industry.

    Note! Experts do not recommend self-medication. You can use the funds yourself only in cases of extreme necessity and full confidence that the cause of yellowing is in no way connected with serious diseases.

    The pharmacy sells ointments that can alleviate the condition of the pathology and stop the development of the fungus.

    All medical products of this type basically contain special substances designed to fight nail fungus as the most common reason why yellow nails are on the hands.

    However, they should be used only if the pathology is caused by it. In other cases, resorting to such drugs is not worth it.

    The most common remedies for yellowing due to fungus:

    These drugs require long-term use. Do not wait for the effect after the first time. For best results, you should also not skip the days of using the product.

    It is necessary to use these ointments strictly according to the instructions or instructions of the doctor.

    Vitamin complexes for healing nails

    Important! The use of multivitamin complexes, regardless of the root cause of the pathology, will help strengthen nails and prevent their diseases.

    Because of this, the fingernails become less yellow. In addition, the substances that make up the drug allow the nail plate to become stronger, firmer and more durable, as well as acquire a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

    When choosing such complexes, it is very important to pay attention to their composition. It should not contain artificial impurities and harmful substances.

    Preference should be given to proven popular brands that have long won the trust of not only ordinary consumers, but also specialists.

    The best means:

    • "Revalid", costing from 700 to 1200 rubles. Fairly environmentally friendly product. It is based on an extract of millet, as well as an infusion of wheat, copper, and iron. These ingredients replenish the nutrients of the nail, help strengthen its structure from the inside;
    • "Alphabet Cosmetic", costing about 500 rubles. It contains a wide range of vitamins, including vitamins C, B, E, as well as an extract of aloe, birch, horsetail. This tool helps to restore the process of nail regeneration, prevents its delamination and promotes accelerated growth of the plate;
    • "Perfectil", costing from 600 to 1500 rubles. It contains a fairly rich complex of useful substances that have a beneficial effect not only on the nail plate, but also on the body as a whole. Contains B vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. They nourish, strengthen, and also create a protective shell on the surface of the nail, protecting it from the effects of adverse factors.

    It should be borne in mind that the cost of drugs varies based on their configuration and the number of tablets themselves in the package.

    According to doctors, such preparations for healing and strengthening nails must be used in courses. However, their duration should not exceed more than one month.

    If you break this rule, then there is a significant risk of harming your body.

    It's also a good idea to consult your doctor before starting a multivitamin.

    Folk recipes for the treatment of the nail plate from yellowness

    It is quite possible to improve the situation in folk ways. Such methods have practically no contraindications, and in addition, they additionally contribute to improving the appearance of nails.

    Therapeutic baths

    Salt bath - one of the simplest and most affordable for the nail plate which you can easily prepare on your own.

    Another obvious plus is its economic feasibility - you do not have to buy additional substances.

    For manufacturing you need:

    • salt. Ideally, it should be marine, because it contains more nutrients and minerals. However, the usual cookbook is also suitable;
    • water in the volume of one glass. It must be boiled and warm;
    • oils. They are needed for additional nutrition and hydration of the plate. Tea tree oil is the best for this purpose. However, in the absence of specialized oils, the addition of sunflower oil is allowed. The required amount of any of the types: 9-11 drops.

    The procedure goes like this:

    The berry bath will nourish the nails, give them shine and strength.

    For a berry bath you need:

    • seasonal berries in the amount of several pieces. It is better if they are sour varieties. Since the acid included in them will significantly whiten the nails. In addition, these berries contain vitamin C, which is extremely useful for them.
    • mineral water in the volume of one glass.

    The procedure is this:

    1. The fruits themselves must be mashed, and then combined with mineral water.
    2. The procedure time is 15 minutes.
    3. After carrying out, it is necessary to rinse your hands and grease with a nourishing cream.

    Whitening with fruit acids

    Fruit acids have a unique property of eliminating the yellowness of the nail plate, from which the nails on the hands become less yellow. This is due to the presence of vitamin C in the composition.

    It is worth noting that a positive effect and a long-term result is achieved only after a long-term use of fruit acids.

    There are two most effective ways to use fruit acids to brighten the plate:

    • with a lemon: fruit cut into small pieces. One slice is applied to the plate for 5-8 minutes. After, they rub her nail. Such actions must be carried out on each finger. The remaining juice is washed off with water. Alternatively, make a bath of this fruit. To do this, squeeze the juice of 1/3 of a lemon into pure heat water. Keep hands in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.
    • with grapefruit: half a fruit is mashed, and then it is slightly diluted with water. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails, hold for 10 minutes. The remains are thoroughly washed off with water, the nail plate is rubbed with olive oil.

    A problem that causes your nails to turn yellow can be either a minor side effect of cosmetic procedures and household chemicals, or a sign of a serious illness.

    Anyway, do not put off going to the doctor for a long time, contact a specialist as soon as possible.

    From this video you will learn why the nails on the hands and feet are yellow and how to fix it:

    This video will show you an easy way to whiten the nail plate:

    Gel polish gives women's hands a well-groomed look, makes it possible to grow nails, lasts for a long time and pleases with a variety of palettes. However, it can cause an unhealthy shade of the nail plates. If the nails turn yellow from the varnish, what to do and how to solve the problem, the manicurist will tell you.

    When nails turn yellow from varnishes

    Among the main reasons why the nails on the hands are yellow after removing the gel polish, experts identify several:

    1. Application of a decorative coating without the use of a base coat. This technique saves time and money on the acquisition of the base, but worsens the condition of the nails. Colored pigments penetrate deep into the nail plate, stain it or give it an unaesthetic shade.
    2. Use of low-quality cosmetics. Cheap, low-grade varnishes contain harmful substances (nitrocellulose, formaldehyde) that adversely affect the appearance and health of nails.
    3. Abuse of decorative cosmetics and the use of aggressive means for removing manicure. The constant application of shellac does not allow the nail plates to rest, causes oxygen starvation of the tissues, a decrease in local immunity, the development of fungal infections and a change in the natural color of the nails.
    4. Using iodine to strengthen nails. The periodic use of baths with this pharmacy is useful, but with frequent strengthening in this way, a chemical burn of the nail plates occurs.

    Nails turn yellow from varnishes and when there are malfunctions in the work of internal organs and systems. These can be chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder and lymphatic system, hypo- and vitamin deficiency, lack of calcium and selenium in the body, endocrine disorders, decreased defenses due to prolonged use of antibiotics or a protracted illness.

    Folk methods

    To whiten yellow fingernails, you can use folk methods and available improvised means:

    • Hydrogen peroxide (3%). Make a slurry of 2 tsp. baking soda and a small amount of peroxide. Apply the resulting product to the nail plates, hold for 3-5 minutes and rinse.
    • Lemon. Moisten a cotton or gauze swab with freshly squeezed lemon juice and wipe the nail plates with it. The second option for using the product is baths made from 0.5 liters of warm water and lemon juice squeezed from half a lemon. Another way is to cut a lemon in half, stick your fingers into it and hold for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, citrus can not be thrown away, but used for the next whitening session.
    • Table or sea salt. In a glass of warm water, stir 1 tbsp. l. salt, dip your fingers in the solution and hold for 15-25 minutes. To enhance the whitening effect, it is useful to add 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, a few drops of essential oil (sandalwood or tea tree, bergamot, olive, grapefruit).
    • Toothpaste . Any white paste (without dyes, colored stripes and spirals) can be used as a gentle abrasive. It must be squeezed onto the nail plates and spread in a thin layer over the entire surface, rubbed with a brush for 3-5 minutes, then wash your hands with warm water. Instead of toothpaste, you can use a mixture of tooth powder, baking soda, and a few drops of water.
    • Oil . If the nails turn yellow, castor oil will come to the rescue. It must be rubbed into the plates at least 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. A positive result will appear faster if you use a mixture of jojoba oil, ylang-ylang and lemon juice.
    • Cranberry . Mash fresh or thawed cranberries with a fork until pureed, apply the mixture on the surface of the nails and hold for 5-10 minutes. Repeat the whitening procedure until the yellowness disappears completely. Alternatively, you can use freshly made cranberry juice, red currants, or fresh pineapple pulp.
    • pharmaceutical camomile. 2 tbsp. l. pour dried flowers with boiling water (250 ml) and infuse for 30 minutes. Add warm water and bring the volume of liquid to 500 ml, dip your fingers in the bath and wait 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every 2 days.
    • Polishing . Yellow nails, if they are not too thin, can be lightened mechanically by removing the top layer of the plate with a finely abrasive manicure file and buffing it with a buff. However, such manipulation is allowed to be done no more than 1 time per month.

    Recipes can be modified by adding certain ingredients to them. For baths or lotions to help, the product must include a weak acid (lemon, vinegar), a disinfectant (chamomile), a hardener (salt) and an emollient component (baking soda, essential, cosmetic or vegetable oil).

    After washing off any bleaching agent, hands should be lubricated with a moisturizing or nourishing cream, evenly distributing it over the skin and nail plates.

    Cosmetical tools

    The fair sex, who do not trust folk remedies, but who want to whiten their nails after shellac, can purchase special cosmetics:

    • gels;
    • creams;
    • lotions;
    • air conditioners;
    • varnishes and corrector pencils;
    • special tablets for baths;
    • whitening and brightening coatings.

    The choice of nail care products in cosmetics and perfumery stores is large, so every woman can find the best way to get rid of yellow nails.

    Nail care to preserve natural color

    To prevent the appearance of a yellow tint on the nails after gel polish, simple preventive measures will help:

    1. When buying shellac, carefully study the composition of the drug. Refuse to purchase products containing nitrocellulose - the main reason for the appearance of yellowness.
    2. Be sure to use a base coat (varnish base).
    3. Periodically give rest to the nails, taking a break of several days between removal and the next application of a decorative coating.

    So that after removing the varnish the nails are not yellow, you need to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, take care of your health. Experts recommend including more fresh fruits, vegetables and berries in the diet, as well as foods containing calcium, iron, iodine, vitamins A, E and D.

    Gel nail polish is one of the most beloved beauty trends of the fair sex. And she is one of the most controversial. No matter what the manicure masters in beauty salons say, complications after it are much more common than we would like. Is it always the fault of the woman who made the manicure, or does the manicure master bear the share of the blame?

    Gel polish dries under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which is emitted by special lamps. From a safety point of view, LED lamps are more preferable, as they complete the task much faster, thereby reducing the risk of skin damage.

    Experts note that if a woman regularly repeats the procedure, each time exposing her hands to ultraviolet light, she may encounter such troubles as premature aging of the skin of her hands, the appearance of age spots and wrinkles on them. It also increases the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, it is always worth putting on special gloves with open fingers before starting to dry the coating.

    Long wear of gel polish is also unsafe. When manicurists say that a manicure should be done at least once every 4 weeks, you should listen to their words. These tips are dictated by concern for the client, and not by the desire of the master to “enrich” his wallet. Exceeding the period recommended by the manufacturer for wearing the coating is fraught with the appearance of chips and cracks on the nails, delamination and thinning of the nail plate, peeling of the skin of the hands and cuticles, the appearance of fungus and other diseases.

    The blame for spoiling the client can also fall on the shoulders of the master. Gel polishes of the latest generation are usually very resistant, which is both a plus and a minus. The bad news is that removing gel polish without consequences is not always possible. Especially if the master uses cheap, low-quality bases from AliExpress. Twenty-minute soaks of nails in acetone or in solutions based on it also dry out the cuticle. Therefore, they become every time weaker and thinner.

    Dermatologist from New York - Dana Stern says: “Nails are made up of cells called keratinocytes. Under a microscope, they look like tiles on a roof that fit snugly together. When you remove a gel polish, you not only remove the coating, but also the top layers of these cells, which can lead to textural bumps and white dots on the nails.” An alternative to the manual method of removing gel polish can be a hardware method that removes the coating more safely and delicately.

    If, when removing gel polish, you find fragile nail plates, the surface of which is uneven, there are delaminations, the color has changed, there is an unpleasant smell, and the cuticle is dry - know that your nails need to be restored, which, depending on the type of problem, may require 1 ,5-3 months.

    Expert comment

    Every woman wants the manicure to remain neat for as long as possible, the varnish to hold well, retain its color and not lose its appearance under the influence of water or any mechanical influences. Therefore, recently gel polishes have become especially popular.

    Gel polish adheres very well to nails. Firstly, because of the method of its application, and secondly, because of the composition. Nail plates are pre-prepared for coating. The top layer of each nail is sawn off, after which a gel polish is applied, which hardens under the influence of UV rays. Since the protective layer is broken, the product adheres firmly to the nail. Gel polish lasts an average of three weeks.

    When it comes time to remove the coverage, some women, due to cost savings or lack of time, decide to do it themselves without having the specific knowledge to do so. In such cases, a solvent or acetone is often used. An aggressive agent dissolves the varnish and removes it from the nail plate. But during this time it also affects the nail itself, dries it out, makes it brittle, due to which the nail plate begins to exfoliate. Some women chip off the old coating, as if “tearing it off” from the nail. Since the nails were initially damaged, they become thinner even more.

    After removing the coating, the nails become dull, easily broken and exfoliated. May take on a yellow tint. There are even cases when the plate completely moves away from the nail bed and the nail comes off completely. There are risks that an unhealthy nail will grow in place of such a nail.

    Before planning treatment procedures for nails, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to exclude fungal and dermatological diseases. In addition, you should enlist patience - the result will be only on the condition that you follow all the recommendations on a regular basis.

    1. Change your diet

    Not the most obvious advice, but one of the most effective. Nutrient deficiencies in your diet can be the cause of wavy nails. In addition, a balanced diet supports the health of nails, stimulating their growth and contributing to a speedy recovery. Try to include more meat, fish, eggs and cheese in your diet, as they contain the protein that nails need.

    To keep nails strong and hard, lean on foods rich in calcium - dairy products, nuts and legumes. Another element that matters for nail health is iron. It is found in red meats and especially in the liver. Don't forget about zinc! This element helps nails become stronger. You can find it in seafood, poultry and meat.

    2. Minimize the length

    The longer damaged nails grow, the more they are prone to cracking, splitting and damage. In this case, weak nails break, as a rule, very deeply. For a speedy recovery, you need to cut the length as much as possible, making small roundings along the edges of the nail.

    3. Take care of your cuticles

    The condition of the nails depends on the health of the cuticle. Apply cosmetic cuticle oil (or natural - castor, almond, wheat germ) to the skin around the nail two to three times a day. Then "seal" it with a thick fat cream. Thanks to such actions, the cuticle will receive all the nutrients it needs and moisture will not evaporate, but will remain under a layer of cream.

    Resist the temptation to "correct" the ridges around the nail. The cuticle is designed to protect the new nails that form directly below it in the matrix. And this is another reason why the cuticle should always be moisturized.

    5. Avoid nail polishing

    No matter how much you want to "align" the nail plate, don't do it. Additional polishing will further damage the nails, due to which the recovery process will increase significantly.

    6. Use repair varnishes

    On sale you can find therapeutic nail polishes with vitamins A, E, D and B5, keratin and minerals. Choose ones that mask dull nail color and yellowness. They can be colored and with glossy tints, for daily wear and use several times a week.

    This unique beauty product is specially designed for sealing nails. In addition to beeswax, the formula may include honey and other nutrients. After application, a thin film appears on the nails, which protects them from external damage and gives a beautiful natural shine. It is worth considering that beeswax is rich in resins, beta-carotene, minerals and propolis, which are good for nail health.

    The technology of the procedure is simple: first you need to do a manicure, then apply a drop of wax on the nail plates and rub it well directly into the nails and the skin around them. Finally, polish the surface of the plates with a polishing file (1200 grit) until the nails are perfectly smooth.

    8. Practice paraffin baths

    Purchase cosmetic paraffin, heat it in a water bath to a pleasant warmth and apply the mixture generously on the skin of the hands and nails, then put on gloves, creating a thermal effect. The procedure treats peeling and dehydration of the skin, slows down the aging process and promotes the restoration of nails. You need to practice it 2-3 times a week, lasting 15-30 minutes.

    9. Try a professional restoration

    There are lines of professional products that are created directly for the restoration of nails after

    If the material began to peel off from the nail plate or broke off from the ends, remove the old coating and, if desired, make a new one. Otherwise, the nail will dry out. Also, food can get into the bundles, which can become moldy there. If the material breaks off at the tips of the nails, then soon the nail in the same place will break and the nail will break if the coating is not removed in time.

    • Where to remove the old coating?

    Entrust this business to a professional. New generation coatings are now being used, rubber bases and protective coatings that are difficult to soak. And if you soak your nails 2-3 times, this will also lead to overdrying of the nail plate and the skin around it, so the masters mainly remove gel polish by hardware.

    • What to do with damaged nails?

    It is necessary to restore the elasticity of the nail. To do this, the salons offer a wonderful procedure - a hot manicure. This procedure is for deep moisturizing of nails and skin of hands. There are also other types of restoration: therapeutic sealing and restoration of the nail plate with the IBX system.

    Therapeutic sealing is more suitable for those who do not have a thin nail plate. IBX is suitable for the prevention of nail problems and their recovery.

    • What to do at home?

    Heat any cosmetic oil, cream or hand lotion in a water bath to 38-40 degrees Celsius. Dip your hands into it (you can use the phalanges of your fingers), hold it in heated oil for 15-20 minutes. Then blot with a dry cloth and massage your hands and nails. Before the procedure, it is better to peel the skin of the hands and remove the delamination from the nails with a grinder.

    If you decide to go without gel polish, you need to protect your nails from external factors while they are still weak. Use cuticle oil and wax. You can also apply medicated varnishes daily. By following these rules, you will save your nails from damage!

    Let your nails be elastic, strong and with a healthy shine!
