Give the girl the most beautiful flowers. What flowers are better to give a girl? Bouquets for young girls: admiration for simplicity

The best gift for a girl is fragrant flowers, because the tenderness and unearthly beauty of the petals symbolize love. Therefore, girls like to receive beautiful bouquets as a gift, and guys like to give them. However, every girl has her favorite flower. In order for the chosen one to be delighted with the gift, you need to know not only her preferences, but also the alphabet of flowers, because each of them has its own sacred meaning.


Girls simply adore the queen of flowers - the rose. She is a classic symbol of love. On the first date, it is better to present pink roses. On the very first date, you need to give one pink or white rose.

A maroon flower is fragrant with its beauty, but such a gift is not suitable for loved ones, because it symbolizes sadness. White flowers for a girl speak of the serious intentions of a young man. In Japan, yellow roses symbolize health, sun, happiness, while in our country they are a symbol of jealousy, separation.

mysterious lilies

Mysterious lilies are the personification of devotion, purity, beauty, wealth and innocence. The tenderness of the flower indicates that the fan has aroused interest and sympathy. However, as a gift, you should choose odorless lilies, as some varieties thin out a very unpleasant aroma, which can cause a headache.


Gerberas give a great mood, a feeling of bright, sunny days. Gerberas of any shade are suitable for a gift. The gift testifies to modesty, reminds of a great time spent, speaks of a hidden feeling.

Orchids are expensive and exquisite, a symbol of aristocracy. They give flowers to their sister, they are presented as a gift to girls, beloved women, wives, to say about a strong feeling. Orchids embody all the best features of girls: devotion, love, dreaminess, sophistication, passion and charm.


Tiny, touching chamomile suns give a positive mood. Daisies are adored by all women, without exception, because a small sun with snow-white petals is a symbol of innocence, youth, gullibility, romance.


Flowers have gained popularity due to their ability to retain their original appearance for a long time, even when cut. A bouquet in a vase will remind you of the first meeting for a long time. It does not matter what shades of carnations to present as a gift, however, the gifts of flora in blue tones look original.


Every lady expects a magnificent bouquet of white tulips as a gift from her beloved man. White color expresses sincere love and sympathy, is considered a symbol of happiness. In other countries, the tulip symbolizes depravity, a secret relationship with another girl, therefore, when making a bouquet, it is important to know these features.


These "daisies" can be a pleasant surprise for the chosen one, as they embody a sunny mood. With a bouquet of sunflowers, a man conveys to the girl his pride, happiness, warm feelings.


Chrysanthemums are light and free from any obligations. They do not carry any sacred meaning, so they can be given for any occasion. The persistence of a chrysanthemum, because it can stand in a vase for a whole month in a cut form, can be a proof of devotion and love.

Pansies are the most beautiful flowers for a girl. These are cute butterflies that embody the mystery of the first kiss. A bouquet of pansies indicates that a man misses his beloved very much.

Why give flowers to girls

What flowers to give a girl on her birthday? A chic bouquet with beautiful flowers will be a great addition to the main gift chosen with love for your soulmate.

On the anniversary of dating, you can also give ladies flowers - the young lady will be delighted that her chosen one has not forgotten the day on which fate brought them together.

Many guys give compositions on Valentine's Day, as this holiday is considered the day of all lovers on the planet.

Lovely ladies can be given flowers for no reason, especially when you love them very much.

Quantity Matters

Not the least important is the number of buds in the bouquet. Now field daisies have come into fashion, so the popularity of small bouquets has increased. The smaller the selected flower, the more inflorescences must be selected to compose the composition.

The number of roses for any holiday should start from 5 pieces, only one rose or gerbera is given for the first date. A bouquet of 51 roses looks gorgeous, but the popular composition of 101 roses is recognized as tasteless.

In a single composition, only roses and gerberas look good, all other flowers for a woman's birthday should be presented in a bouquet.

When composing a bouquet of spray chrysanthemums, it should include at least 3-5 branches. This rule applies to peonies, carnations, lilies and spray roses.

How to give flowers in an unusual way

Not only a chic bouquet can cause admiration among the fairer sex. It is important to know how to present a surprise in an unusual way so that the girl is delighted with such a gift. Many guys are starting to think about how to give flowers to a girl in an original way.

  • Unexpected surprise. You can order a bouquet for a girl and deliver it to a place where she will not expect a surprise. For example, it is important to know where your beloved walks in his free time. You can deliver the composition directly to the subway. The second half will be even more delighted if the courier hands her a bouquet in the company of her friends.
  • Quest. You can make a quest. Let's say a guy lives on the 5th floor, and his beloved lives on the 8th. Starting from a certain floor, you need to lay out small notes with tasks. You can call on the phone and give her tasks until she passes the intended path, and the guy should be waiting for her on the 8th floor with a bouquet in her hands.
  • For work or study. If the girl is studying at the university, you can order delivery directly to the couple. However, you should find out if there will be a test on that day.

What flower suits a girl according to the sign of the zodiac

Many advise choosing a bouquet depending on the sign of the Zodiac, because not only a girl has her own character, but also flowers.


Lovely ladies of this sign like inflorescences of fiery shades. Red roses, gerberas, tulips will suit quick-tempered and passionate natures. Having received fiery flowers, girls will be 100% sure that they are charming, attractive and beautiful.


By nature, Taurus are very good people who constantly show concern for others. Taurus can be given freshly cut flowers or houseplants in pots. To make the gift useful, you can give a small fruit tree for your birthday. Even if from such a tree it will be possible to collect a very symbolic harvest, but the girls will have something to look after.


Ladies prefer wild flowers, they are delighted with daisies, forget-me-nots. These plants testify to their light, fickle, windy, but charming nature.


Representatives of this zodiac sign like pastel shades. White lilies are given to kind, sweet and refined natures.


Girls love to be noticed. Therefore, the ladies of this zodiac sign are recommended to present a chic bouquet of bright flowers. The best shades are orange and yellow. Flowers should be with large buds. Peonies are considered the best option, they will be able to win the heart of a proud Lioness.


Representatives of the sign are devoid of pretentiousness, do not welcome bright colors. They are encouraged to give simple compositions. Carnations are the perfect birthday flowers. They are not catchy, but they bribe with their charm. Virgos are soft-spoken and have a practical mind, so the best gift would be hat compositions with pink, white, cream forget-me-nots, daisies, chrysanthemums.


Everything should be elegant and beautiful. It is advisable to give a bouquet of numerous miniature roses. When choosing shades, any tones are suitable, except for dark ones - they do not suit dreamy natures.


Beautiful and mysterious representatives of the sign prefer orchids, because they are majestic and divine. If you wish, you can give an orchid in a pot, but in such a way that the lady will look after the capricious flower.


Girls love attention, so they need flowers of impressive size. You can give gladioli. They prefer blue and pastel colors, like the marine theme.


It is very difficult to find an approach to lovely ladies, often they remain impregnable. Capricorns know their worth, so the best gift would be edelweiss - a luxurious and expensive present.


Soft bouquets are suitable for understanding and kind girls. The essence of Pisces lies in innocence and mercy, so lilies will be the best gift.


The representatives of the weaker sex are not enthusiastic about flowers, therefore, when choosing a composition, it is necessary to diversify it with others.
original little things. Aquarians will like a bouquet with sweets and chocolates, unusual small figures. The composition should not be catchy and attract attention.

The best gift for girls and women is a fragrant bouquet of flowers. Graceful, gentle, charming, they stretch with each of their petals towards life as the personification of love and beauty. That is why girls like to receive them as a gift, and young people like to present them. Only here every girl has her own preferences in colors. And besides, it turns out that each type of them has some kind of meaning. If you want to make the right choice, you should get acquainted with the alphabet of flowers.

If you remember, at all times, artists, poets compared the beauty of flowers with the charm of girls.

However, there are also men who are able to call a bouquet a completely unnecessary “broom”. In fact, they simply don't know what flowers are. an exquisite tool that can positively influence the wayward girlish nature. After all, any of the fair sex, seeing a bouquet in the hands of her young man, will immediately become kinder.

Men who have managed to perfectly master the magic of flowers can quite successfully use it, appeasing their life partner as needed. Even a simple small bouquet is quite capable of mitigating an unpleasant situation for a girl., for example, if the beloved was late for a romantic date or forgot to call at all.

Exists there are many different reasons for giving flowers to a girl. And there are never too many. However, most often flowers are given in the so-called "candy-bouquet" period. Also, they must be purchased on the days of your symbolic dates that have passed since you met. Maybe it will be a month, maybe a year, or maybe even 80 days - all this will already be a reason to present a bouquet to your beloved. Well, and, of course, you can’t do without them on holidays such as March 8 or name day.

Features of choosing a bouquet as a gift to a chosen one

Be sure to consider the tastes of your chosen one choosing a bouquet for her. The perfect gift would be her favorite flowers. You can try to find out about the girl's preferences during an innocent conversation on this topic.

Most of the established standards like “blonds love chrysanthemums, and brunettes love roses” simply break against the wall of female rejection.

After all, each girl is individual in her preferences, regardless of the color of their hair. If such “reconnaissance” did not give a concrete result, you can try to choose those flowers that can only decorate her image. Sometimes, at the same time, for a shy young man, the flower manages to express those very main words.

When preparing a bouquet for your chosen one, do not forget to take into account:

  • type of selected plants;
  • their colors;
  • packaging;
  • decor.

The age of the recipient of the gift also plays an important role.

Eg, for a very young girl the best option would be a small bouquet consisting of delicate violets. Also very touching are small roses, coupled with miniature carnations, which are tied with a beautiful ribbon, matched to the color of the petals.

For a young woman flowers of red flowers, personifying desire and passion, will be appropriate.

It is quite possible for young girls to give a bouquet of opened buds. And here older ladies it would still be more appropriate to choose plants that have already blossomed.

Let's try to consider in more detail which flowers are better to give a girl.

The value of the number of flowers in a bouquet

When choosing a bouquet, it is imperative to take into account such a fact as the number of flowers that will be in it. It can be some number that symbolizes your personal specific date, or maybe something else, but the main rule is that it must be odd.

What do these numbers mean anyway?

Thus, it turns out that a bouquet in which there are a large number of flowers should not be particularly happy. After all, it may well be that the same 9 or more large beautiful roses are only a symbol of friendship, and by no means love.

Do not forget that no matter how beautiful the bouquet is, if it is not presented correctly, then all efforts will go down the drain.

According to the rules of etiquette, the bouquet should initially be in the left hand, after greeting it must be transferred to the right hand, after which it is handed to the girl.

A huge armful is allowed to be held and presented with two hands.

If the flowers are presented indoors, it is imperative to remove the packaging, unless it is intended as part of the decoration of the composition. And most importantly - more beautiful words and smiles when presenting a bouquet. Indeed, under the admiring gaze of a young man and his slight embarrassment, not a single girl's heart can resist!

The choice of flowers as a gift for a girl

One of the most important criteria for what kind of flowers you can give a girl is the type of plant itself. After all, each of them hides a specific meaning.


Any of us knows perfectly well that the rose is rightfully called the queen of flowers. She is a classic symbol of love. If you are thinking about the question: “What flowers to give a girl on a first date?”, then pink flowers will be the best option.

At the very beginning of the acquaintance, according to tradition, one pink or white rose is presented.

But flowers of such a beautiful shade as dark burgundy are not given to loved ones, as they are considered a symbol of sadness. Yellow roses usually represent separation or jealousy. Although, for example, in Japan they are considered the embodiment of the sun, happiness, and even health.

Flowers of white shades are able to show the purity of a man's intentions.

They are a symbol of the sun, joy, summer and good mood.

They are usually handed over to cheerful girlfriends, while the color scheme of the bouquet does not really matter.

Also, gerberas represent modesty, evoke memories of wonderful days spent together, and can even tell about hidden feelings.

Especially such a bouquet will please a girl if it is presented on a rainy autumn or cold winter evening.

These beautiful flowers are able to stand in water for quite a long time, so their fragrance will remind the girl for a long time about the meeting when the bouquet was presented.

The color scheme of carnations does not really matter.. However, a very unusual bouquet, consisting of flowers in blue tones.

You should not take into account such a stereotype that carnations are appropriate as a gift only for older ladies, and they are not presented to young girls - this is absolutely not the case.

Quite often, men still doubt what flowers to give to a girl so that the surprise is pleasant.

In this case, you can opt for sunflowers, because they are rightfully considered the personification of a sunny warm mood.

A man who presents a girl with such bright flowers conveys all his love and passion along with them. After all, you must admit, women rarely receive such unusual bouquets of sunflowers!

If you are thinking about what bouquet of flowers to present to a girl, buy lilies.

These beautiful flowers represent tenderness and admiration. Lily is considered the embodiment of purity, innocence, beauty and wealth.

The girl will surely be delighted to receive a bouquet of these delightful flowers as a gift, provided that she is not allergic to their strong fragrance. Sometimes it also happens that a girl simply does not like the specific smell of lilies.

Orchids are classified as exquisite and quite expensive flowers.

They are presented to a woman dear to the heart, a girl in order to express their strong intimate feelings for her. The orchid embodies sophistication, lightness, devotion, dreaminess, passion and love.

Still thinking what flowers to give a girl? Feel free to buy orchids.

But such universal flowers as chrysanthemums and irises are characterized by lightness and freedom from any obligations. They do not promise anything, which is why they are handed out on a variety of occasions and to any girl. In a vase, these flowers can stand for almost a month. Her perseverance is an excellent occasion to prove her devotion and love.

Chrysanthemums are closer to fun and good mood. But irises embody reliability, faith and wisdom. Their bright coloring creates a wonderful mood, in addition, irises have a rather delicate aroma.

An amazing gift for a girl is a huge bunch of daisies, little suns.

Chamomile is a touching flower that brings only positivity and a smile. I want to give these flowers not only to my chosen one, but also to all other women around.

Usually, daisies are used to make fairly large neat bouquets, which are presented as an addition to the main gift or just like that. Many of the fair sex like not only daisies, but also other wild flowers, symbolizing innocence, youth, purity, romance and the sun.

Thinking about what flowers to give a girl other than roses? A lush bouquet of tulips, especially white tones, will be the best gift for your girlfriend on a sunny day. By the way, in our country, such a bouquet is the personification of a rather exquisite recognition of one's feelings and a symbol of sincere sympathy and love for a woman.

But in the countries of the East, tulips, on the contrary, mean debauchery and a hint of erotic thoughts about the recipient of the bouquet. Therefore, being in such a place, men should be especially careful.

A nutty eyes

Shy pansies tell the girl how much the man missed her.

These flowers represent an air kiss addressed to the beloved woman.

The meaning of shades when choosing a bouquet

When choosing a bouquet, it is worth considering not only the variety of the flower itself, but also its color, which is of great importance.

For example, a rose can tell a woman a lot about the feelings of a man who chose flowers.

Therefore, it is very important to consider what color to give flowers to a girl. With the right combination, you can tell a lot more about the depth of feelings experienced.

White color considered a color symbolizing purity and innocence. Flowers of such tones are distinguished by neutrality and unobtrusiveness. A bouquet consisting of flowers of red tones symbolizes love, fire and passion.

They are quite suitable in order to present them to your mistress or girl, for whom the young man has the warmest feelings.

Yellow it is not at all necessary to associate with separation, because in fact they are a symbol of happiness, good mood and joy.

But in the event that you have recently met a girl, you should not still experiment with the colors of yellow tones. After all, different girls treat him differently.

Pink color symbolizes tenderness and love for a woman. Flowers of such shades are universal and suitable as a gift for women of absolutely all ages.

orange flowers are the personification of happiness, celebration and wealth. In addition, it is also the color of positive and joy.

Also, what kind of flowers to give a girl depends largely on her appearance.

brunette flowers of red tones are more suitable, which will be a symbol of her passion and expressiveness.

Blondes but they are simply created for delicate, light shades - pink, cream, fawn colors will suit better than others.

They will not divert attention from the recipient of the bouquet, they will be in harmony with her appearance, and will emphasize all her sophistication.

For red-haired beauties and brown-haired women buy bouquets consisting of purple or burgundy flowers, which will be decorated with lots of greenery.

When purchasing flowers, be sure to pay attention to their appearance - the bouquet must be absolutely fresh. Avoid any glitters and paints that confirm the staleness of flowers. Petals should be shiny, smooth, not wrinkled.

Some people pick flowers also Zodiac sign.

Don't know what flowers to give a Sagittarius or Leo girl?

These signs prefer large, showy, flowers that have a pronounced aroma - peonies or roses, gladioli or tulips will be accepted by them with delight.

It doesn't really matter which flowers you choose. The main thing is to present them with all your heart. After all, not every girl knows the language of flowers, but absolutely everyone knows the language of feelings.

Flowers are a wonderful gift for a girl. But their diversity is great. Moreover, each flower has its own characteristics, individual beauty. Plus, there is also a certain symbolism, the rules of flower etiquette. How to take all this into account? What flowers can be given to a girl to please her and present a present that she will definitely like?

Flowers and their symbolism

What flowers are better to give to a girl so that they reflect the state, feelings of a man towards her?

  • Roses are a symbol of love and passion. It is customary to give them to those girls for whom a man has sincere feelings;
  • Lilies are the very tenderness and admiration. They symbolize interest, sympathy. Great option for a first date;
  • Gerberas are a good mood, flirting and at the same time modesty of feelings;
  • Carnations - passion, honor, loyalty. But more often, girls give such flowers to men, since their meaning is expressed in female love;
  • Orchids - intimate love, charm, sky-high dreams. Perfect for a sophisticated girl;
  • Tulips - great, pure love. It is worth giving them if you want to show that a man feels happy;
  • Irises - trust, wisdom, hope, faith in a serious relationship;
  • Chrysanthemums - high spirits, love in the broadest sense of the word;
  • Daisies - for young girls, as they represent romance, innocence, youth.

It is permissible to give composite bouquets. But you should remember about their competent combination. The difficulty lies not only in the symbolism of flowers. Not everything can be arranged indiscriminately in one bouquet. There are rules of floristry, they must be taken into account. Such rules are always observed by experienced florists-sellers of "Cvetclub", which eliminates the floristic illiteracy of bouquets collected from different flowers.

Bouquet colors

What color to give flowers to a girl? The color scheme is quite varied. But a charmer, for whom a man has certain feelings, needs to be presented with flowers of certain tones, shades.

  • Whites - young, young, innocent;
  • Red - with ardent love and fiery passion;
  • Pink - with a reverent attitude towards the lady, suitable for any age;
  • Orange - if you want to reflect your happy state.
  • Yellow, mistakenly considered a symbol of separation, can also be preferred. After all, they symbolize sunlight, love of life, joy. Do not be afraid of a negative reaction when offering a bouquet of yellow flowers. Just explain what the color of the Sun carries.

Number of flowers in a bouquet

What bouquet of flowers to give a girl, from what number of plants? Of course, not all men have the financial ability to give big presents. Therefore, we advise you to present:

It is always appropriate to present more flowers. And armfuls of roses, tulips, etc. are able to delight any charmer.

Answers to questions that concern many men

What flowers to give your girlfriend? Based on the above, red and pink, white and all variants of this color are a great solution. Roses, tulips, lilies, delicate flowers such as freesia - the choice is huge.

What flowers to give a young girl? Symbolizing inexperience in life. As a rule, white, pink is suitable, preferably a delicate tone.

What beautiful flowers to give a girl? All flowers are beautiful, it is inappropriate to argue on this topic. Each option is worthy of maximum admiration. The beauty of any kind lies in the shape, size of the petals, their location to the center of the bud, and other points that nature itself has flawlessly thought out.

You can buy a stylish jewelry with sparkling emeralds for a girl’s birthday, give her an iPhone of the latest model, or please her with a ticket to the Maldives. But if at the same time you don’t have a festive bouquet in your hands, her joy will be incomplete. And do not even try to look for a logical explanation for this. Just take it for granted: a birthday bouquet is no less important than a gift! So, his choice must be approached with all seriousness.

Choosing a bouquet for a girl on her birthday

Psychologists say that donated flowers always touch the deepest strings of the female soul. Therefore, an incorrectly chosen bouquet can upset and even offend the birthday girl. For example, yellow buds are very often perceived as harbingers of separation and getting them from a beloved man is a real nightmare for many young girls.

The same can be said about the chic roses of a noble burgundy hue. They have long become a sign of wisdom and maturity, and therefore it is strange to give them to girls, and dangerous to adult women: such a bouquet is clearly perceived as a hint of a far from young age.

A win-win option - flowers of light, pastel shades. Bouquets in pink are also perceived positively by birthday girls. And if you want to emphasize the youth and cheerfulness of a girl, go to her birthday with a bright multi-colored bouquet made up of small flowers.

Pink flowers are given to real princesses, which is why girls love them so much, regardless of age. After all, even if the young lady is seriously aiming to conquer the career ladder, but for now she confidently goes to a red diploma, deep down she considers herself tender and fragile.

Bouquet for your girlfriend

It will be even more difficult to choose flowers if the birthday girl is neither a sister, nor a girlfriend, but a beloved girl. She is already waiting for the most luxurious bouquet from her young man. And to find out what he is in her mind is a question that should be taken care of long before her birthday. You can ask about it directly or find out from your friends.

Red flowers are a symbol of fire and passion in a relationship. Therefore, it is worth giving them only to your beloved girls. The rest of them can be perceived as a frank hint.

Flowers by zodiac sign

If it was not possible to find out which flowers the birthday girl loves, you can take a chance and take the advice of astrologers. They claim that each sign of the zodiac has its own flower.

Purposeful Aries loves bright colors and catchy bouquets. And on their birthday, such girls dream of armfuls of peonies and English roses.

Compliant calves roses will also appeal to you, especially if they are red. And do not forget to buy a vase for them - housekeeping is very to the liking of girls born in May.

cheerful twins they love everything unusual, so feel free to give them orchids and alstroemerias. And also prepare a fascinating story about why you chose this particular bouquet.

crayfish more than other signs value home comfort, and girls born under the auspices of the moon are gentle and mysterious. And therefore, like no one else, snow-white lilies and roses, symbols of purity and innocence, will suit them.

noble lions would never agree to a modest bouquet. These girls expect armfuls of orchids and gladioli from men.

If the colors prescribed by astrologers were not in the salon, this is not a reason to be upset. After all, most girls do not know the language of flowers, but they will surely appreciate a bouquet chosen with love.

Lean Maidens On the contrary, they are waiting for expensive gifts and believe that it makes no sense to spend an impressive amount on flowers that will soon wither. Give them a small bouquet of hyacinths or carnations and they will be happy. Unless, of course, diamond earrings will be attached to the flowers.

Libra girls are real aesthetes. They will admire the presented bouquet for hours, and will never leave it to wither on the table. For them, hastily bought roses are a real insult. Therefore, a bouquet for a girl born under the sign of Libra should be bought in a good salon and ordered in advance.

Fatal sporpion beauties, oddly enough, I like modest chrysanthemums and delicate daffodils. They will never evaluate a bouquet by its value, and will be sincerely grateful.

Restless archers do not understand the proud beauty of roses. They like delicate violets, fragrant lavender and any bouquets reminiscent of fields, forests and endless expanses.

Capricorn girls on the contrary, they value thoroughness. Therefore, potted plants are preferred to all cut flowers. Well, or at least those flowers that will stand in a vase for at least a couple of weeks: eustoma, orchids, carnations.

Aquarius appreciate originality in everything. Have you wondered for whom bouquets of eringium are created, but simply decorative thistles? That's it for them! And the more original the composition, the better.

wise fish, of course, are familiar with both astrology and the language of flowers. Therefore, it is worth giving them bouquets only from those plants that are recommended to them according to the sign of the zodiac: magnolias, lilies and orchids.

What flowers to give besides roses?

Undoubtedly, the queen of flowers is a rose! And 90% of the girls in response to the question about their favorite flower will name her. But no one offers to give daisies from grandmother's flower bed. Flower shops order exotic plants from Holland and Italy, Lithuania and Ecuador, and bouquets from them are no less elegant and festive than from roses. So why immediately limit your choice?!

Color Meanings

The language of flowers is not at all an invention of glossy magazines. It was introduced into use by Charles II, King of Switzerland, who ruled in the early 18th century. Even then, flower dictionaries could be found in bookstores, which were bought up with great enthusiasm by young gentlemen.

hyacinths. Such a bouquet presented as a gift is a promise of vivid emotions and memorable events. From time immemorial, it was considered the flower of Apollo, and therefore an exciting love game awaits the birthday girl, in which there will be neither losers nor losers.

Alstroemeria. The main advantage of these flowers is the complete absence of aroma, so even allergy sufferers can give them. Alstroemerias symbolize the duality of female nature: fragility and strength, tenderness and brightness. - this is admiration for the girl's talents, and a wish for her to succeed in all areas of life.

chrysanthemums great for making bouquets for "autumn" birthday girls. In the East, this flower has always symbolized a high position in society and boundless happiness. But rare red orchids are a declaration of love.

Hydrangeas proud beauties. That is why, having received a bouquet of white, blue or pink inflorescences as a gift from a loved one, it is worth considering whether you are too cold and reserved. And yet, according to folk legends, it is the hydrangea that is able to drive away misfortunes and failures from the birthday girl, so this one on her birthday will become a reliable amulet.

orchids help to express sincere admiration for the girl. Chinese florists even insist that only loved ones can be given bouquets of orchids, this one carries too intimate a message.

Don't take the symbolism of flowers too seriously. Moreover, in different countries the same bouquet can have different meanings. For example, in England the symbol of love is forget-me-not, in China it is a peony, and in many European countries pure feelings are represented by white acacia.

gerberas, on the contrary, symbolize ease and ease in communication. Because of what, experts on the flower alphabet are advised to give them to birthday girls with whom you have exclusively friendly relations.

tulips- Like roses, they are considered a symbol of love. There is even a belief that happiness is hidden in their tightly closed buds, which will surely envelop everything in the area, as soon as the petals open a little.

Eustoma- the flowers are very delicate, touching, but at the same time, viable: in the cut, they retain their freshness for at least 2 weeks. That is why they give birthday girls with wishes to always remain young in both soul and body.

peonies. They are given only to unmarried people with the wishes of an early wedding with a loved one. But women who are in a happy marriage can be pushed to thoughts of infidelity.

carnations. For a very long time, these flowers were symbols of victory in the Great War, and therefore they were given exclusively to veterans and men for serious anniversaries. Today the situation has changed: large terry carnations of delicate shades will also please a young girl. Moreover, in the language of flowers it means a sincere wish of good luck in all matters.

How many flowers to give a girl for her birthday?

An Arabic proverb says: “It is better to give a girl one flower every day than one day to bring a whole armful.”

Oh, this difficult flower etiquette! It turns out that it is not enough to choose suitable flowers, you also need to pay attention to their number. In the Slavic tradition, there must be an odd number of them. But how much directly depends on the intentions of the young man:

  • one flower- recognition that the birthday girl occupies a special place in his heart, she is the one and only;
  • three flowers talk about friendship and respect;
  • five flowers- this is a declaration of love. But if it’s difficult to say this directly, 5 scarlet roses will best tell about the feelings;
  • of seven flowers traditionally make up bouquets for congratulating the newlyweds. And if you present it to a birthday girl, this is nothing more than a hint of the most serious intentions;
  • nine flowers- alas, the number is quite unromantic. Such bouquets are given to friends and business partners, and bringing them to a birthday is the same as admitting that a birthday girl, like a girl, is not interesting to a young man;
  • eleven flowers usually give to their spouses in gratitude for mutual sincere love;
  • fifteen flowers on a birthday they give if they want to apologize for their misdeeds;
  • twenty five flowers they literally scream that the donor is going crazy with his love;
  • one hundred and one flowers- An offer of marriage.

In fact, there is nothing terrible in a bouquet of thirteen roses. In the language of flowers, this is a sincere admiration for the beauty and talents of the birthday girl. But if the girl is superstitious, you should not upset her.

There is no need to meticulously count the buds in a prefabricated bouquet carefully composed by a florist. The number of flowers is important only if large flowers of the same type are chosen for the present: for example, roses or peonies.

And if you are convinced that the birthday girl, having received a bouquet, will not run to look for its meaning on the Internet, you can do it much easier: give exactly as many flowers as the girl is old.

Original bouquets

Birthday flowers are a classic! But sometimes guys spoil their chosen ones so often that it seems impossible to surprise the beauty. However, there is a proven way to arouse admiration. And these are bouquets collected not from flowers.

The most common option is a bouquet of sweets. He will make the sweet tooth very happy. And a bouquet of Teddy bears and other soft toys will cause tenderness not only in a little girl, but also in a completely adult young lady who will feel like a child again.

In fact, an experienced designer will be able to assemble a bouquet from anything: fruits and vegetables, stationery and cosmetics. The main thing is that the chosen theme should be close to the birthday girl.
