Congratulations on the resurrection of Christ. congratulations on christ sunday

Good afternoon, our dear readers. Holy Pranik is approaching - Easter. Everyone celebrates it, without exception. We congratulate not only relatives and friends, we congratulate everyone we know, we go to visit, rejoice and have fun. How to congratulate each other on such a great holiday?

In the series of the Lord's feasts, the feast of Easter occupies a central place, and in the series of all Christian holidays, it "exceeds all the celebrations, even those of Christ and in honor of Christ, as much as the sun surpasses the stars." All Divine services and church rites of this holiday are especially solemn and imbued with one feeling of joy about the Risen One.

At the end of Matins, after the singing “Let us embrace each other, brethren! And to those who hate us, we will forgive everything on the resurrection” – all believers begin to greet each other with the words “Christ is Risen” and kiss each other on the cheek three times.

The joyful Paschal greeting reminds us of the state of the apostles in which, when the news of the Resurrection of Christ suddenly spread, they said to each other with amazement and delight: “Christ is Risen!” and answered: “Truly Risen!” Mutual kissing is an expression of love and reconciliation with each other, in memory of our universal forgiveness and reconciliation with God through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Each family has a rich table on the table, and there is always a colorful or, as well as painted Easter eggs. You can congratulate each other in prose, poetry, or simply by sending a beautiful picture.

Congratulations in verse, prose and pictures.

On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And in the blue sky, disappearing,
He sang the song of the Resurrection.
And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth," they said,
Wake up: your King, your God is Risen!

On the bright and kind Easter holiday, I sincerely wish that everyone in the family is healthy, that there are always faithful and kind friends nearby, that success and good luck await in business, that life is full of happiness, hope, love and grace.

On the day of Easter from the heart
I want to wish you
Spiritual joy, love
And never be discouraged.

Easter cake and eggs to consecrate,
Pray at church services.
Return home happy
Invite friends and relatives.

“Christ is Risen!” - meeting relatives,
And exchange paints
And kiss three times
“Truly Risen,” answering everyone.

After all, because Easter in the spring,
When nature is in full bloom.
And the whole world is full of bright colors,
Heat and sun round dance.

Happy holiday! Christ is risen!
I wish you happiness
Positivity and miracles!
Let bypass all bad weather.

May the Lord keep you
Will give rays of kindness and affection.
There is no lighter and brighter day
What a wonderful Easter!

Christ is risen. On this bright holiday, you can only wish health, happiness, love, peace and peace of mind. May your home always be warm and cozy. May understanding, love and care reign in him!

Christ is risen! He is the King of the worlds
Mighty kings Lord,
He is all humility, all love,
For a sinful world holy blood
Shed like an Angel-Redeemer!

Congratulations on the Bright Sunday of Christ. Light and goodness, prosperity and prosperity, faith and love to you. Peace and happiness to your home, you, relatives and friends. Christ is Risen!


In the bright hour of Christ's Sunday,
On this first day in May
With the triumph of nature awakening
Blagovest between villages and villages

City blocks ringing clean
Informs: our holiday has come.
To Orthodox people with a pure heart
The Holy Spirit descended on Easter.

Christians of the world celebrate Easter
Imposing the sign of the cross three times, They believe:
God is with us, he will not leave
In memory of the sacrifice of the eternal Christ.

Congratulations on the bright holiday of Easter! May everything always be beautiful, God protects from sorrows and illnesses, the house will always be filled with joy and light, and peace and mutual understanding reign in the family.

Christ is risen! And this news
May you be happy in the morning.
Let happiness pick up speed -
It's time for him to hurry to your house.

Let the Lord help you
And let goodness keep in the heart,
And we congratulate you on Easter,
We want you to live happily.

In love and health, in abundance ...
May God bless you.
And life is like honey, let it be sweet
And let comfort reign in the house!

Happy holiday! Let the angel cover with his big reliable wing from all bad weather. Let thoughts be bright, and happiness comes to the house with every dawn. Let life be filled with bright events, honest friends, positive mood, pleasant sensations.

Christ is risen! He announced
That on earth all people are brothers,
He renewed the world with love,
He forgave his enemies on the Cross,
And opened His arms to us!

May this holy holiday bring joy and warmth to the hearts, bring peace, prosperity and happiness to the house, give health and peace of mind. And most importantly, it will cleanse the heart of all that weighs.

On the glorious day of the Resurrection of Christ
The post is over. Easter cake on the table.
In reality, everything is reborn. Again.
Bright paint life on Earth

It will be calm and clear.
I wish you happy days
Full of feelings and beautiful events,
Thoughts of bright and kind friends.

I congratulate you on Easter and on this wonderful holiday I want to wish you to go through life with a good dream, high aspiration, sincere hope, strong faith and great love. Let the delicate aroma of rich Easter cakes, bright colors and egg paintings, ringing laughter and bright smiles of loved ones fill this day with a real miracle and a wonderful mood.


Happy Sunday,
Happy great day!
Love, good luck, happiness,
To bathe in it.

Deeds of the righteous and pure,
The roads are always straight
All earthly blessings in the world.
And may the Lord keep.

Congratulations on the great bright holiday of Easter, may the light of God illuminate your souls on this day, may grace come to your hearts, may your home be filled with light, warmth and comfort. Be kind and tolerant to your neighbors, love and take care of those around you.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like the singing of angels from heaven
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Join all brotherly hands
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! On the bright and solemn day of Easter, I wish good, prosperity and peace to your home! May life be renewed together with nature, may the feeling of bright joy not leave the soul for as long as possible. I wish you harmony, love, family comfort and happiness!

All the angels sing from heaven
A miracle of miracles happened
Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!
Christ is truly Risen!

And Holy Pascha has already arrived,
And illumined us all with the light of hope,
Rejoice people, Christ is Risen!
He is truly risen for us.

Happy Easter! Prosperous and calm days, good to you and your home. May the Lord protect you from all troubles and protect your soul.

The royal doors are open before us,
Holy fire shines from a candle...
Around again placed in the temple
Colored eggs, Easter, Easter cakes,
It's still dark, but the sun is shining
Plays with all the colors of heaven.
And joyfully repeat to each other:
"Christ is risen!"
"Truly Risen!"

I congratulate you on the Great Easter! Bright and joyful day! May God protect you from all kinds of adversity, give peace and comfort. So that harmony and understanding reign in the family, and troubles are bypassed. May the holy holiday give good to you and the people around you.


Bright Easter is coming!
We heartily congratulate you!
We wish you sensitivity, affection,
So that in your window the light does not go out,

So that relatives are always near,
To be respected by friends
To make blue dreams come true
So that the family does not need anything!

Let nothing ruin your happiness
You try to keep it!
May the Lord protect your souls
So that you can love them.

In gratitude to the risen God
Just be kind to each other
And then he will show the way
To you in your dear worlds.

And let luck be with you
It will fall on you straight from heaven!
May your family be happy.
Congratulations! Christ is risen!

Congratulations on the bright holiday of Easter! May grace, peace and tranquility descend on your home, may love and kindness reign in your family, care for each other, health and happiness to you and your loved ones, mutual understanding, may your life be filled with fun and joy.

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!
In the smile of blue
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!

We congratulate you on a joyful and bright spring holiday of renewal, Happy Easter! May your heart be open to God on this holy day, may harmony and warmth come into your soul. We wish your home to be filled with comfort, ringing laughter, so that only good news comes to your family today, be healthy and prosperous.


There are many miracles in the world
Here comes the Resurrection!
"Christ is risen!" - everyone repeats
Health, happiness to everyone.

And now I want to congratulate
Leave the cherished words.
Happy Easter, my friends!
We are people, so we are Family!

Let order reign in the house
Care, peace, tranquility, prosperity.
Let love live in the hearts
Gives hope and faith to everyone.

And in the souls harmony always reigns,
Let good beckon like a magnet.
Let the children's laughter flow loudly
And let it “not tear where it is thin” ...

May the jubilation remain
The Lord knows all our troubles.
May he forgive everyone for sins
The people keep from heavy thoughts!

Let's smile
Forgive insults, kiss.
Visit relatives, friends
In fate, only the best to meet!

Happy Easter! I wish you a clear, clean, prosperous life, filled with happiness, comfort and pleasant moments. May love and kindness live in your heart, never be sad and achieve your goal. May your mood be only joyful, and your soul always open and pure. Share a piece of sincere happiness with others - they will please you with the same, and your heart will become warmer.

The clean air was saturated with ringing,
The songs of the birds rush to the sky
The holiday has knocked on your door
Rejoice in him - Christ is Risen!

The house will be strong and, of course,
Only fertile land
And be blessed
Angels your whole family!

Yes, it keeps the absurd from envy,
From bad, unrighteous people
rainbow pierced sky
On this day, the purest of all days!

Christ is risen! May the bright light of this great holiday illuminate the whole world today, give hope, joy and happiness to people. And may today and always your soul sparkle with faith, thoughts with goodness, and your heart with love.

How the sun shines brightly
As the sky is deep bright,
How fun and loud
The bells are ringing.
Silently in God's temples
Sing "Christ is Risen!"
And the sounds of a wondrous song
They reach heaven.

Christ is risen! Congratulations to all Orthodox Christians! We wish you all peace, harmony and prosperity! May there always be a holiday, peace and joy in every home. Good health to you and family happiness.


Praise the Lord from heaven
And praise, people!
Risen Christ! Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

Please accept congratulations on one of the most important Christian holidays, Happy Easter. I would like to wish peace and goodness, peace and warmth, light and harmony. May peace reign in your house, may love settle in your souls. And may the Lord keep your blood.

Christ is risen! And this news to the world
Like a miracle, it shattered in an instant!
Since then we've all been striving for the light
Where faith is only and our God is one!

I congratulate you on Easter with a pure soul,
To wish joy, humility!
May faith be truly great
To live and live happily!

May God grant more loyalty and happiness,
Good luck in life and business!
Let sorrows pass and bad weather,
And in life it will be in our hands!

With all my heart I congratulate you on Easter. I wish you to always keep love and faith in your heart, I wish you to look at the sky today and understand that you have a wonderful life and you need to live it with dignity and beauty. I wish you and your loved ones good health, happy rainfall in your life and promising forecasts.

Christ is risen! A miracle happened!
Glorified be His Name!
He broke the chains of hell forever,
He gave us salvation and eternal life.

May Easter transform your life
May the path of salvation be open to you.
May your spirit be reborn
Let the soul be renewed in grace.

Christ, let the sacrifice not be in vain,
Live in peace, joy and happiness.
Miracle of miracles happened today

That's all for today, stay with us, join us in Odnoklassniki. Bye bye everyone, Happy Holidays!

Happy Christ Sunday to you

Spring has come again. Now
Life has become a fairy tale again:
Happy Christ Sunday to you,
Happy and wonderful Easter!

Congratulations with all my heart!

On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil!
Glory to him forever!
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

A miracle of miracles happened

A miracle of miracles happened
Christ is risen again on earth!
Domes glitter in the sun
All the bells are ringing!

Birds are chirping, everything is blooming,
The Son of God brings happiness to us!
Happy Easter to you, friends,
May the family prosper!

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - the time of miracles,

There are no words brighter in the world -
Indeed, Christ is risen!

All faces shine with joy

All faces shine with joy
Hearts free from passions...
So miraculous effect
Holy words on people!..
Christ is risen!..
Oh sacred moment!
O miracle, above all miracles,
What were in the universe! ..
Christ is risen!

Happy Easter!

It's nice to congratulate you on Easter!
Christ is risen!
He is with us again!
Let everything go smoothly, okay
The Lord brings you light, love!
Let virtue be near
And God's mercy
Your children will be healthy!
I want to live and prosper!

The royal doors are open before us

The royal doors are open before us,
Holy fire shines from a candle...
Around again placed in the temple
Colored eggs, Easter, Easter cakes,
It's still dark, but the sun is shining
Plays with all the colors of heaven.
And joyfully repeat to each other:
"Christ is risen!" -
"Truly risen!"

On the day of Christ's Holy Sunday

On the day of Christ's Holy Sunday
Please accept our congratulations on Easter!
Let the soul be pure, enlightened,
Beautiful, merciful, inspired!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, I heartily congratulate you!
And on this blessed bright day
I wish you good and prosperity
May the love of the Lord keep you!

Lovely holiday

Orthodox world today

I congratulate you on Easter!

Christ is risen! today you
Feel yourself renewed
Let dreams come true

Kindness, love, miracles!

White tablecloth, candle,
The aroma of the cake
It pours into glasses of Cahors.
Drink a little - a deal.
colorful eggs,
And bright smiles.
Happy holiday!
Christ is risen!
Kindness, love, miracles!

Easter has come!

Easter has come
Joy embraced:
beloved Jesus,
Resurrected, resurrected.

Congratulations on the kindness
Happy Easter -
a wonderful holiday,
Miracle of Miracles!

Christ bless you!

Christ keep you
From every misfortune
From an evil tongue
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God bless you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and happiness again!

The sun is shining from heaven!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green
Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - the time of miracles,
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no words brighter in the world -
Indeed, Christ is risen!

Easter divine shadow

Christ is risen on this great day!
May pleasant excitement come to you,
Easter divine shadow
Let it touch this Sunday!

We wish you that the Lord gives everything -
Health, prosperity, prosperity!
In business, so that nothing interferes,
Let this life be only sweet!

Christ is risen my love

Christ is risen, my beloved.
The Easter holiday has come
I so dream that, darling,
He gave you joy.

May the Lord save from filth,
And save you from loss
So that you follow the right goals,
May joy find you!

Bright feast of the divine Easter

On this day I want to wish
Good deeds and beautiful deeds,
Meet every day with a smile
More sunny-clear holidays,

Let luck go ahead
Gives the world only bright colors,
Let nothing stand in the way
On the bright holiday of the divine Easter!

I wish you dear

I wish you, dear
So that on this holiday you are a saint
Received special favors
And he never got discouraged.

May the Lord reward
To become rich and famous.
I wish you happiness in full
Let spring bloom in your soul!

The bells are ringing from heaven

The bells are ringing from heaven:
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"
Like a promise of miracles:
"Resurrection! He has truly risen!"

So let this voice of heaven
Bless the spiritual labor
Let the best feelings rise
And they will never die!

Easter bells

Easter bell. Christ is risen!
And sent grace from heaven
And faith, and goodness for all!
To you
happiness, joy, good laughter!

You live for many years!

Happy Easter holiday
Let luck enter the house
And with unrealistic success
May it bring you joy.

I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
Numerous victories,
Bright holiday celebrating
You live for many years!

The Holy Fire has descended!

The Holy Fire has descended!
This is a symbol of Christ's resurrection!
I want to enter into the soul
Holy Light and brought to salvation!

May God forgive you all your sins
May it cover with its grace,
To make your days easy
To lead you to peace and happiness!

Holy Sunday has arrived!

Holy Sunday has arrived!
How peaceful and light!
May life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hope and kindness!

My dear, dear

My dear, dear
Congratulations on Easter!
Christ Himself commanded us
Leave a bunch of things for everyone.

May good luck be the sea
And there will be no grief in life.
I wish you joy
Goodness and sweets!

Ringing, ringing spring bells

The spring bells are ringing,
And all the hopes in us woke up again.
After all, Easter
this is the feast of the Resurrection.
So let Faith and Love resurrect!

Beloved brother

Today I, beloved brother,
I am very glad to congratulate you.
May Easter be bright
Let no one judge.

I wish you love in life
And be faithful to the Fatherland.
Luck and peace!
And on this holiday - a feast!

Easter cakes are baked on a holiday

Christ is risen! And it smells good
Easter cakes are baked on the holiday.
Because this day is so special.
Christ is risen! Our light in the night

native grandmother

Happy Easter holiday
I congratulate you today!
Let it be gold leaf
Your life is covered, I wish.

Native grandmother, health,
And never lose heart!
May the world be filled with love!
I want you to flourish.

Blossom, granny, again!

May a good Easter holiday
Brings you love
Let life be like in a fairy tale
Blossom, granny, again!

Let youth be the second
Lead through life!
Happy Easter!
Let life go easy.

Christ came down from the cross

To the clouds and to the skies
SMS is flying today
Christ came down from the cross, and behold,
Rejoicing, celebrating the people!

On Easter I send you SMS

Here the dome plays with gold,
Congratulations to everyone on Sunday.
On Easter I send you SMS

A miracle of miracles has happened!

The great post is already over

The great post is already over,
The cathedral is changing its decoration.
In the candles flickering God's faces,
The verses are sung by the choir.
I congratulate you on this day
Salvation, I wish you happiness.

Easter enters every home

The sun came out radiant
Blessed with a bright day.
Let it be with sparkling joy
Easter enters every home.

Let the blessing come
And holy grace.
To wonderful moments
Relive again and again.

May the Lord with pure love
Keeps your whole family
Faith strong and earnest
And endow with patience!

We sincerely wish you a Happy Easter

Around nature is washed by the sun,
A new spring has arrived!
Let the insults be forgotten
Wonderful light illuminated life!

We sincerely wish you a Happy Easter
Christ is risen - these are the main words!
May the Lord save you from troubles
And reward good deeds!

Forgive everyone today

Forgive everyone today
Who offended and let down!
Today is the best day of days -
The Lord gave it to us.

Today is Easter. So let
Your dreams will come true.
And don't forget to do
Good deeds!

I wish you Easter, daughter

I wish you Easter, daughter,
So as not to throw life over bumps,
The road is smooth to be
And you bravely walked along it.

To find your love
And tenderness in the heart saved.
To achieve everything,
And never make a mistake!

I wish my sister on Easter

I wish my sister on Easter
Good luck endless
Let sadness burn in the fire
And the joy will be eternal.

May this Easter grace
You let your life
I wish not to be discouraged.
You are the best - you know!

Easter holiday

On the feast of Easter forever
Flying down from heaven
From person to person
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

On the Easter day of the messenger of heaven
I ask you to give you health
Kindness, love, good luck, bread.
To help in your destiny!

I wish you on Easter

"Christ is Risen!" I say and congratulate
And on Easter, I sincerely wish
To live in full health and joy,
You are without sorrows, sorrows and envy.

So that everything comes true, what you dreamed about

On Easter day, so transparent
I sincerely wish you
Health, joy, good luck,
So that you are rewarded for your deeds!

So that everything comes true, what you dreamed about.
Today will be on the lips
Only speeches with kind words
And the name of the Lord Christ!

I gently hug you

How music flies from heaven:
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
I hug you tenderly
And I hold it tight to my heart.

God bless you always
Always protected from harm!
your lucky star
Let it burn in the sky for many years!

I wish you great health

Happy holiday of Christ
I congratulate you today!
I wish you great health,
Big love without end!

I wish you happiness and warmth
On the day of Easter, joyful and clean!
So that life, like a May garden, bloomed
Your radiant smile!

I congratulate you on Easter!

Orthodox world today
A wonderful holiday celebrates
And in every house - a noble feast!
I congratulate you on Easter!

Christ is risen! today you
Feel yourself renewed
Let dreams come true
On a great day unsurpassed!

Happy Easter dad

Happy Easter dad
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
God is not to be angry at all
And always be happy.

Experience a lot of happiness.
Know no problems
So that for good deeds
Mercy has been given!

Christ's resurrection has arrived!

Do you hear the Easter bells?
Christ's resurrection has arrived!
Easter brings joy and love
To make the world a better and brighter place.

I wish this spring
The Lord has blessed you with gifts,
So that happiness and peace reign,
And you responded with good deeds.

It's Easter

Christ is risen! Saint again
It's Easter. And golden
The head of the capital shone
And my heart became sweeter:

Today the sun shines brighter
Stronger wind beats in the window,
And the cry rushes to heaven:
Christ is truly Risen!

We are all God's creations

May the day of Holy Sunday
Gives you earthly blessings,
We are all God's creations
May He be in the heart from now on!

And Blessed be the fire,
That descended like a miracle
Promises you bright Love,
That Easter reigns everywhere!

Feast of the human soul

Today Easter is a holiday for the body,
And the feast of the human soul,
Who soared divinely
Our world is upside down and crushed!

To you, relatives, friends, acquaintances -
I wish everyone happiness and warmth!
And so that the road that leads from home
Back to the house and led!

Ringing, singing bells

Ringing, singing bells
Calling everyone to the liturgy.
Praise be to the great Creator!
Christ is risen, ascended to paradise.

Great Lent has passed

Great Lent has passed
And with him - sadness and sadness, and passion ...
For the return of life - a toast!
May we be healthy and happy!

Great miracle!

Great miracle! Oh, miracle of miracles!
People rejoice, rejoice,
Christ, he truly, people, is risen
Let the miracle repeat a hundred times.

Resurrection of the Lord

For the Resurrection of the Lord
Sounds like a wonderful canon.
Easter holiday is today
All generations and times.

Easter blue height

Descended from the cross, exalted above us,
Today we praise him with you!
Easter blue height,
That is the gate to the paradise of the Lord.

Easter verses.

In a foreign land I sacredly observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I release the bird
At the bright holiday of spring.
I became available for consolation;
Why should I grumble at God,
When at least one creature
I could give freedom!

A.S. Pushkin

Resurrection of Christ.

On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And disappearing into the blue sky
He sang the song of resurrection.
And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth," they said,
wake up: your King, your God is risen.
Wake up mountains, valleys, rivers.
Praise the Lord from heaven.
He has conquered death forever.
Wake up and you, green forest.
Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn
To the one whose commandment is love.

Elena Gorchakova

Day of the Orthodox East.

Day of the Orthodox East
Holy, holy, great day,
Spread your blessings wide
And clothe all of Russia with them!

But holy Rus' is the limit
Do not hesitate to call him:
Let it be heard in the whole world,
Let it pour over the edge

With your distant wave
And seizing that valley,
Where it fights with the infirmity of evil
My birth child -

That bright land, where in exile
She is preoccupied with fate.
Where the sky of the southern breath
Like medicine, she only drinks ...

Oh, give healing to the sick,
Breathe joy into her soul.
So that on Christ's Sunday
Whole life resurrected in her ...

Fedor Tyutchev

Praise be to the resurrected.

Praise the Lord from heaven
And sing incessantly:
The world is filled with His miracles
And glory unspeakable.

Praise the host of incorporeal forces
And angelic faces;
From the darkness of mournful graves
The light shone great.

Praise the Lord from heaven
Hills, cliffs, mountains!
Hosanna! The fear of death is gone.
Our eyes light up.

Praise God, the sea is far
And the ocean is endless!
Let all sorrow be silenced
And hopeless murmur!

Praise the Lord from heaven
And praise, people!
Risen Christ! Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

K.K. Romanov

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! He is the King of the worlds
Mighty kings Lord,
He is all humility, all love,
For a sinful world holy blood
Shed like a redeeming angel!

Christ is risen! He gave people
Testament of holy forgiveness,
He gave mercy to the fallen
And for holy convictions
He ordered to suffer as he himself suffered!

Christ is risen! He announced
That on earth all people are brothers,
He renewed the world with love,
He forgave his enemies on the cross
And he opened his arms to us!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like the singing of angels from heaven
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Join all brotherly hands
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

Congratulations on Easter.

Congratulations - Christ is risen!

We wish you well, great miracles,

to live brighter with God in the heart,

he is with us again - Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! In the rays of love

Sorrow gloomy cold will disappear,

Let joy reign in the hearts

both those who are old and those who are young!

White tablecloth, candle,
The aroma of the cake
Pouring into glasses of Cahors:
Drink not much - a deal!
colorful eggs
And smiles of bright faces,
Happy Holidays!
Christ is risen!
Kindness! Love! Miracles!

With a feeling of deep joy and from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter of the Lord! We wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes and good undertakings, peace, kindness and love.

And we have a cookie

Golden peel!

Painted testicles

There is a slide on the tray.

milk in a jar,

A feast like in a fairy tale!

Not a speck of dust in the house -

Off for Easter!

And our dinner is Vesel!

Christ is Risen!

Congratulations on Easter (ukr.)

I hope in the souls to revive the wisdom of faith and love!

Kvіtne svіt uves!
I drop the yangoli tobі pіrїnki z krill,
As a sign that God has blessed you.

On the Resurrection of Christ, I cherish you!
Live in joy and love in the soul of my soul!
Let it be the last day of Great Paska
I will be blessed with you God's caress until forever!
Hail God Matir protects you,
And the Holy Spirit is healthy.
The Lord grants an Angel from heaven!

Spring has blossomed
like a fairy tale
And shines with the sun
the heavens rise.
greetings with light
Easter holiday!
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!
Truly Risen!
The sun is brightening.
The whole world rejoices.
Let faith in the heart
and goodness prevails.
May sincere joy
Easter eggs are given!

I woke up and heard
Spring is knocking on the window!
Drops rush from the roof
Everywhere is light!
And it seems - not birds,
And the angels are flying.
That Easter is coming soon
They will let us know!

The joyful news is out!
The world of Jesus magnifies
Easter bells,
singing with a pure heart -
full of faith Clear,
good hopes!
Easter sunrises to you!

Christ keep you
From every misfortune
From an evil tongue
Sudden misfortune.
Keep you from pain
Betrayal, disease,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God bless you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and lots of happiness!

Drops drip loudly
In front of our window.
The birds sang merrily
Easter has come to visit us!

Hail, majestic Easter!
The Lord looks down from heaven
How the Orthodox rejoice:
Christ is risen!

Spring has come again. Now
Life has become a fairy tale again:
Happy Christ Sunday to you,
Happy and wonderful Easter!

Great Lent has passed
And with him - sadness and sadness, and passion ...
For the return of life - a toast!
May we be healthy and happy!

On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil!
Glory to him forever!
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

For the glory of life gave the Creator
Holy grace happen,
To descend from heaven into every house
Salvation world! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!
And triumphs
Life reborn again
Light, driving away the darkness of Winter, rejoices,
Christ is risen!
And with him - love!

Holy Sunday has arrived!
How peaceful and light!
May life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hope and kindness!

In the morning, washing your face,

Break the egg and, taking a glass,

Say it like a toast

In truth, CHRIST is Risen!

In the evening, barely hobbling,

Carrying sacks of food

Young aunt from work

Walked down the street home.

Potatoes, onions? - she whispered,

Sausages, mayonnaise, kefir,

Cod, sweets, bun, lard?

Yes, like everything took? And the cheese ?!

No, did you buy cheese too??

Every step was difficult.

Listed again and still

Won't calm down.

And then she enters the hallway.

Maniac stepped towards her!

Through the eyes of the victim he finds

And the cloak opened spectacularly!

And under the cloak - a naked body

She shows hers!

The aunt looked at the body

And suddenly she said: ?E-mine??

Wearily lowered the bags

And continues to say:

Here, you old fool - did you forget?


The moral of the story is-

Get ready for Easter, gentlemen!!!

Christ is risen. This is how Orthodox believers congratulate the arcs of a friend at a meeting or by means of SMS messages. But besides the standard congratulations, I always want to wish something good, good, eternal.

On this bright day, everyone around pronounces only words of congratulations. Any work on this day is a sin. One can only rejoice in congratulating family friends and celebrating Easter. Ask for forgiveness from God and from relatives and friends, but also forgive yourself.

On the tables in almost every house there are beautiful Easter cakes or cottage cheese Easter, painted eggs. Everyone has fun and congratulates their relatives and friends. Our small selection of congratulations will make your congratulations a little more beautiful and not the same as everyone else.

I baked Easter cake
I will send it to you as a gift.
And I will tell you with kindness:
I love you all very much.

Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ,
I wish you all the best:
Be confident, beautiful and healthy
Live with a smile of happiness on your lips.

Congratulations! Easter holiday
Finally at the door.
The sun, like in a fairy tale,
Sends rays for all people.

There is hope for salvation
Happy Easter Sunday,
So let her shine in the soul
Bless you with love!

Christ is risen! We congratulate you -
After all, the Lord has saved us for eternal life.
We want to rejoice and have fun,
Pray to God for everyone today!

Let the soul rejoice! Christ is risen!
And it couldn't be happier.
Believe: by the power of divine miracles
Everything that gnaws at the heart will be dispelled.

Happy Easter, I congratulate you!
I wish you health and joy,
Good luck, wealth and good news.
May all that is desired come quickly.

Christ is risen! I congratulate you!
Let happiness come to the house.
Let warmth, love, care
Easter will bring with it.

I wish you earthly blessings on Easter,
And many good deeds of people,
Warmth, health and patience,
Peace in the soul and mood.

Happy Easter and Sunday,
With joy, warmth of spring,
With grace from heaven.
We rejoice all. Christ is risen!

Happy Easter, congratulations.
May it bring peace to your home.
I wish you happiness and good
Good luck in business awaits you.

The bell ringing spreads
Good news to heaven.
I congratulate everyone on Easter.
Happiness to you! Christ is risen!

Happy Easter, bright Sunday,
God's blessing.
Let the house be filled with good
Happiness, joy, warmth.

Happy Sunday, Happy Easter.
Let the heart be warm
Joy, warmth, love.
Let happiness be with you!

Happy Sunday, Happy Easter.
Warmth, kindness and affection.
God's pure grace
Happiness and love radiant!

I congratulate you on Easter,
Let the warm wind blow
Bring good luck to the house
And bless everyone!

Easter brings guests to the house,
Get the cookies quick
Wish your loved ones good luck and happiness.
And let bad weather bypass your house!

Happy Easter, congratulations
Bright days, I wish you love.
Be kindly warmed
In life, you have joy to meet!

Happy Easter, congratulations,
I wish you well at home
So that the light does not leave him,
And your path is always illuminated!

Happy Easter, bright Sunday!
Let the soul be warmed.
There was no evil in life,
Love entered the house forever.

Congratulations dear,
We wish you a great holiday,
They brought large paskas,
Bow before the face
We are saints, we ask for happiness,
Let bad weather go away.

That's like Easter eggs
We covered with different paint,
The post is over, let's put on some weight!
Happy holiday! Christ Resurrect!

The New Year has passed and the masks have been removed.
Take out the eggs, paint for Easter.
Grace came from heaven!
And Jesus Christ is risen!

We congratulate you on the Easter holiday.
And we want to live like in a fairy tale.
Let there be a cake with wine on the table.
And only joys come to the house!

Happy Easter, holy congratulations,
I wish you happiness and health.
Peace, peace in the country,
Sunshine in your window.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Rushing from earth to heaven.
And on Holy Sunday
Please accept Easter greetings.

On the day of Christ's Resurrection
I send you congratulations on Easter.
I wish you fun
I'll even have a glass.

I baked Easter cake
I will send it to you as a gift.
And I will tell you with kindness:
I love you all very much.

Flocks of birds in the blue sky
Bells are heard.
I congratulate you on Easter
Spare no kind words.

Congratulations on the spring holiday
Early Easter pleases April.
On a clean day of holy Sunday
I wish you to enter the door of happiness.

To the ringing of bells at Easter
I wish you a break from the Fast:
Easter cake, egg and sausage
On the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

All Christendom with delight
Meets the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.
I congratulate you. Protected by God
Let the cherished dream come true.

Sunday the sun shines,
Christians around the world celebrate Easter.
I congratulate you, I send joy from the heart.
Let the sunny door open for you

Joy comes to us with Easter.
Congratulations on the Great Day.
Let everyone have krashenki with sausage
Delicious that day.

On the Great Day of Easter, the feast is bright
Send congratulations to everyone.
"Christ is Risen!", and colorful
Start the holiday with an egg.

All the snow melted on Easter
The sun shines from above.
Happy Great Day everyone,
I wish you all beauty

Under Easter church bells
We say: "Christ is risen!"
Congratulations on a spiritual day
The sun brings you from heaven.

"Christ is risen!". We assure you without a doubt
We lift up to the sky three times a cry.
"Christ is risen!", and this Sunday
Accept congratulations and Easter cake.

Beautiful Easter greetings for mom

My dear, kind mother,
I wish you on Easter
So that you are the most beautiful,
More tenderness, joy, affection,

So that she does not know any troubles or sadness,
To be young and healthy
So that the eyes shine with happiness
Admire that dad you!

The aroma of the cake
Tears from the wax pours a candle
Mom, Happy Easter
I wish you all the best

Happiness, sun, kindness,
Youth, beauty,
Peace, joy, kindness
And spring warmth!

Mommy dear
Happy Easter
I sincerely wish
Let life be a fairy tale

Sunny and bright
So that you do not know troubles
smiled more often
And met spring!

Happy Easter, mommy, you,
I wish you a lot of happiness
To be cheerful and not know evil,
Love, you, health, family warmth!

Spring comes bright
Nature is awakening
I wish you mom
May happiness never end

May joy give you
Easter Annunciation,
Christ is risen, dear,
Truly risen!

Dear, my dear
I congratulate you on Easter
I wish you, mommy
From the bottom of my heart, love and affection.

May your life be bright
Comfortable and stress-free
And let spring blossom in my soul,
Good luck, joy on Christ's Sunday!

Easter greetings in prose

Easter greetings can be given not only in poetry, but also in prose. In principle, anyone can compose something festive in prose. But if you don’t have time to come up with a beautiful text, and you need to send it very urgently, then try these congratulations.

We congratulate you on a Happy Easter! We wish peace, kindness, love, peace of mind and prosperity! May love always warm your hearth, your loved ones will be there, all your expectations will certainly come true, and your cherished dreams and wishes will come true!

Christ is Risen! So let your heart rejoice on the day of Easter! May the faith, hope and grace given by the Lord on this day become a reliable foundation for a long, happy and joyful life! Good and happiness to you and your loved ones!

On the day of Easter, I wish you and your loved ones happiness, harmony, peace and understanding. May your soul be cleansed, the house be filled with grace, and your heart with the desire to do good, to give yourself to faith, the desire to love and be loved! Let the bright Easter heal the souls with the ringing of bells, and let the eyes shine from the realization of the Resurrection of Christ! Christ is risen!

Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing, warm, wonderful day - the feast of Holy Easter! May your souls, like today's spring, inhale the warmth of Easter and be reborn clean, warm, joyful! This day grants us renewal and victory over death! So may holy grace and love be with you! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen we say with hope and a smile. We wish that peace, goodness descend from heaven today. Health, joy, peace, peace of mind, holy inspiration, support from loved ones, help from friends, all worldly blessings and a full bowl of table, and faith in the best, love, hope, and good luck, and many bright days. Happy Easter!
