Happy birthday greetings in your own words. Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague

There are two versions about the origin of the tradition of celebrating birthdays.
The first goes back to the pagan past of humanity. It is believed that on a person’s birthday, they are most susceptible to the influence of evil spirits and evil spirits. Therefore, it is necessary to surround yourself only with close people, spend the day in a pleasant environment, and the wishes of guests are perceived as spells that have the power to influence a person’s fate.

According to the second version, in ancient times the Persians celebrated the birthday of the pagan sun god Mithras; subsequently, Roman soldiers brought this holiday to Europe, where after a while it was transformed into the personal holiday of each person.

The first mention of this day dates back to the third millennium BC, when the birthday of the Pharaoh was celebrated annually in Egypt. Grand celebrations were held and some prisoners were released from prison. It never occurred to the Egyptians to celebrate their own birthday.

Birthdays were also celebrated in Greece - as many as 12 times a year - for each of the gods of Olympus. Among ordinary Greeks, only a privileged part of the population had the privilege of celebrating their day - men who had already become husbands and fathers.

It was only in the fourth century that the holiday gained the right to exist, when the Roman Emperor celebrated his birthday and at the same time recognized himself as a Christian. The spread of the rite of baptism also played a role.

Only by the 12th century in Germany did the birthdays and baptisms of citizens begin to be recorded everywhere in registration books, and the church softened towards this holiday.

In Russia, until the nineteenth century, only tsars and members of the royal family had the opportunity to celebrate their birthday; in the nineteenth century, such a privilege also appeared among the rich strata of society: the aristocracy and wealthy merchants.

How to celebrate a birthday

Of course, everything depends on the wishes of the birthday person, his age, nation, religion, financial capabilities and the number of invited guests, but the principle of celebration is similar. A party is held at which guests give gifts to the birthday boy, make wishes, and a ceremony of blowing out candles (according to the number of years) on the birthday cake takes place.

In Russia There is a tradition of pulling the birthday boy's ears as many times as he turns old. In his house on the holiday, pies and loaves were baked and beer was brewed according to a unique recipe. The song “Loaf” has come down to us from those very times.

In Ireland It is customary to turn a child upside down and lightly hit the floor once for each year he has lived. In Jamaica the hero of the occasion is covered with dust, and In Canada you need to seize the moment and lubricate his nose with oil.

How to wish happy birthday

In order for the congratulation to be special, unique and memorable for the birthday boy, let it necessarily contain your common memories, good moments, let the congratulation also talk about the best, strongest sides of the hero of the occasion.

It is best to write a congratulation in verse, but you can also write it in prose, only expressively and with all your heart. Fortunately, today on the Internet you can find congratulations for every taste, both for women and men, personalized and universal. If you supplement them with your own words, the wish will come out unforgettable.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman

Most women try to hint about the desired gift in advance. This is a well-known trick. If a few days before your birthday you watch what the woman is trying to draw your attention to and then please her with this gift, the birthday girl’s goodwill is guaranteed.

It is better for a man to congratulate his beloved either early in the morning, very first, or to make it clear that something special is being prepared and congratulate him last. Just so that she can be sure that her lover is only intriguing her, and does not remember the holiday at the last moment.

There are few things that touch a woman's heart like a bouquet of beautiful flowers and a card with a handwritten wish.

What do women prefer? It all depends on her: someone dreams of decorations, someone is waiting for kitchen utensils for the holiday. A loved one can give you a trip, and your best friends can give you items of clothing. We can arrange a surprise together.

The main thing is to choose a gift depending on the wishes and character of the lady.
Even the most modest gift, given from the heart, will delight the hero of the occasion. And if you accompany it with personal wishes in poetry or prose, it will remain in your memory for a long time.

May you never be cold
And the sun always lights the way!
May your heart be forever young
And you will be happy forever!

I wish to be so beautiful
Kind, affectionate and strong,
Let trouble pass by
You are invincible for her!
For you, my dear,
I'm ready to give the whole world
I hug you tightly,
Please accept this humble souvenir.

Let him remind you on a sad day,
What remained from the beginning
We are the closest in the world.
Accept my gift!

And remember, friend, forever,
The heart must be careless:
And fall in love and suffer
But don't be discouraged.

Remember what I say:
I'll give up everything, put it aside,
I will help and support!
Be dizzy
Happy birthday!

My golden friend, I wish you to remain as dazzlingly beautiful, infinitely kind, do smart things and share wise advice! I wish that every morning you wake up happy and fall asleep with a smile on your face.
May your guardian angel protect you and your beautiful family! I'm happy to call you my friend! Let the sun shine in your soul even in the rainiest weather!

Dear mom, may this holiday give you only the best memories! Thank you for your generosity and fairness! For your intelligence and patience!
For the fact that you never give up and don’t lose hope no matter the difficulties! For the fact that you will always help and always support in any situation! For always taking a minute to listen to me.
Hugs and kisses tenderly, mom! Let there be a holiday on your street every day from now on!

Our beautiful colleague! On this bright day, may birds sing in your soul, flowers bloom and the ocean whisper words of love! Age for a woman like you is a reason to be proud!
We wish you happiness in your personal life, peace of mind, success in your work and speedy career growth! Never stop there - life has many more gifts in store for you!
Make all your dreams come true, conquer peaks and set new goals! The whole world is open before you! We wish you to be as beautiful and happy all year as you are today!

I wish you happiness to heaven,
Mountains of gifts and miracles!
I wish you a sea of ​​joy,
Cars of sweets,
A figure that will be the envy of everyone!
To stay forever
You are young at heart.

May you be all this year
Live without worries and worries.
Happy, beautiful,
Luxurious, beloved,
Energetic, desirable
Just as beautiful!

Let the children be happy
And let the sun shine
In your soul forever,
Stay cheerful
Stay carefree
And wise and cheerful,
Satisfied and kind!

Happy birthday! May you be happy in every role you play. Remain a beautiful woman, a happy mother, a beloved wife, a wonderful housewife, and successful in your work. May harmony and tranquility settle in your soul forever.
I wish that the black cat does not cross your path! I wish you good luck and success! Remain as infinitely charming and incredibly charismatic!

I wish that this year you don’t have to regret anything! So that all the difficulties that we had to endure remain in the past and give way to bright beginnings! I wish that every new business is crowned with success, and every new meeting brings joy! I wish you to always live in peace and love!

May this most important day of your year give you the warmest memories! So that you turn over each page of the book called “Life” without regret, since each next line will be even better than the previous one. May every next day make you even happier! Happy birthday!

Your years are your wealth, dear! All men turn around after such a beautiful woman, women envy her! And you remain as simple and wise, cheerful and bright, happy and calm!

I wish you great victories, well-deserved awards, high achievements! I wish you to walk easily along all the steep ascents of life, so that you do not feel the falls, but only sway, as if on the waves of the ocean. I wish your dreams to come true and your peaks to be conquered! Love you!

Happy birthday greetings to a man

You can start congratulating your beloved man in the morning and arrange an unforgettable day for him, preferably from breakfast in bed. Let him be charged with a good mood for the whole day.

If time and weather permit, take your loved one for a romantic walk, and in the evening - to a restaurant. If you want to be completely original, book a hot air balloon flight for two.

If your lover has to go to work on his birthday, you can prepare in advance many different small trinkets, notes with wishes and hide them in your jacket pockets, wallet, or car glove compartment so that he finds them throughout the day, and after work, arrange an unforgettable evening for him. All in your hands!

If you need to congratulate a friend or colleague, then it is better, taking into account the tastes of the birthday person, to give household appliances if he lives alone. You can give a digital camera, stereo, electronic reader or watch as a gift.

If he is interested in sports, you can give him a rare ticket to an important hockey or football match. If funds are limited, you can find a beautiful diary or flash drive, keychain or original pen.

It all depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion and the capabilities of his friends or colleagues. The most important thing is to approach the choice of a gift responsibly and with all your heart.
And if you accompany the gift with a personal congratulation in poetry or prose, there will be no price for it.

I wish you long life
And good health,
I wish you ups and downs
With all my heart, with love.

So that the sun illuminates the path,
And the sky was blue.
Be happy, my dear friend,
Let's put aside sorrows!

I wish this birthday
Remember forever
I wish to become wise
Without growing old
So that after many years
Everything was fine
Let your family, my friend,
Illness bypasses
And prosperity pleases!

I wish you success
And big victories!
I wish you happy
And happy years!
To let sorrow pass by,
And happiness is at the door!
Stay loved
Happy, beautiful,
What are you like now?

Dear, congratulations on this special holiday! You have become wiser and more experienced for another year.
Thank you for being a support in any situation. That you can be relied on in any trouble or joy.

Thank you for giving such practical advice and proving by your example that nothing in life is scary and things work out if you keep going. Thanks for your support! I wish you good luck in all your endeavors and achieving your goals!

I wish, friend, to always be lucky, happy, contented, beautiful, strong, loved, courageous, responsible, rich, healthy, cheerful! May you always have true friends and your beloved woman nearby!

You are a special person! Your sobriety of reasoning and life experience have helped many of us. You combine fortitude, courage and responsibility. You have a heroic soul and a knightly heart!

We wish that music always plays on your street and birds sing, so that your days are never darkened by sadness! I wish you conquering peaks and loving people nearby! Happy birthday!

You are a wonderful husband, a wonderful father and a caring son! You are a unique colleague and a kind boss! You are an amazing friend and a delightful conversationalist! I wish that life always remains a pleasure for you and only makes you smile!

You combine a kind family man and a professional in your work! You combine fun and responsibility! Modesty and charisma! Ardent heart and bright soul!

I wish you happiness and peace in your family, good luck and success in your work, may you always catch the biggest fish. Happy birthday!

No matter how much you prepare to celebrate a birthday, it always comes unexpectedly! Today there will be many wonderful congratulations, delicious dishes and joyful meetings! Let this day be remembered for many years as one of the happiest!

With your sparkling sense of humor, the numbers in your passport are not scary, they only speak about your endless experience and worldly wisdom! Your advice always helps and your words support! I wish you good health and only good news from loved ones! Be happy!

There are many cheerful people, but few cozy people. With you you always feel that everything is fine and everything will be fine. That you will protect and help. With you there is no fear in any situation, no matter what you have to endure!

Let worries and problems remain in the past, and today turn the page of life for joy and success!

Personalized congratulations

Personalized congratulations stand out from all the others. These are not just faceless words, but a personal message. Such congratulations will forever remain in the memory as a vivid memory.

May life be brighter and more beautiful for you,
May success come with every beginning!
Happy birthday to you, my love Masha,
For me you are the most beautiful of all!
Dear, beloved Nastya
Let bad weather pass by,
So that happiness shines through the window
And it was always there!
Stay as beautiful and kind as you are,
Cheerful, perky and vigorous!
I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible:
Happy twentieth birthday, Sergey!
Congratulations Veronica
Happy main holiday of the year!
We wish you joy and blessings,
Reach the peak in your endeavors.
May there be sadness and darkness forever,
And the sorrows will go away!
So that whatever you wish for
It definitely came true!

We wish you couture dresses
A bag of green bills
So that Ira, our dear,
She always sparkled with diamonds!
May you always shine
Like a prom queen!
At my beloved's Christina
Today is the name day!
May you be surrounded by fun
Happy birds singing
May it be on your birthday
You will meet only joyful faces!
As everyone knows, Oleg
A very kind person.
And he will help and advise
He will teach and show!
May they always go with you
Luck and fun
Love, prosperity and comfort,
And many birthdays!
Our kind Marina
She gave us only joy!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you happiness, victories,
Conquering peaks
And success afterwards!
Stay Katerina!
Forever irresistible!
So that you conquer everyone,
How you charmed me.
I wish you happiness and luck,
And love! How could it be otherwise!

Expensive Victoria, your name means victory! And we, as a friendly team, only wish you to win and delight others with your success! So that from today you will not know sadness and anxiety! We wish you to overcome all difficulties and achieve all your goals!

Universal congratulations

Universal congratulations will definitely come in handy when you need to congratulate a person, but you don’t know him well enough, and when you don’t want to contact him personally.

I wish you happiness and good health!
Eternal good luck, bright mood!
All wishes come true
On this important birthday!
I wish you friendly smiles,
Sincere, kind words!
The holiday of the brightest
And a lot of joys!
I wish you good luck, I wish you success!
Today I wish you fun and laughter!

We wish you joy, goodness,
Love, comfort and warmth!
Enjoy life with confidence
So that you never get tired of it!
We will say thank you to fate
For your goodwill!
May your life be fun and easy!
May luck always smile!
So that all the bad things go far away,
And everything good came true!
It's hard to smile when you're sad
And think about it when it's funny.
Just seem indifferent
When everything was cramped from pain!

From now on, be always warm
Love with warmth and sunshine!
So that never sadness and sadness
They wouldn't darken your path!
I wish you to live your life in love,
Don't face sadness
Whoever you like, love him
And never part!

We wish you happiness for all the years,
In the soul of cloudless weather!
So that the heart smiles,
And dreams came true!
May this wonderful birthday
Brought only joy and fun!

In life you need to be strong like an oak and flexible like a willow branch. I wish you to never give up in trouble and resolve any difficult situations! I wish that you never have to cry again, that life brings a reason for joy every day! Happy birthday!

Let the birthday boy always remain young, because youth is not years, but a state of mind! May your soul always sing and your heart rejoice! The first hundred years of life are always a little difficult, but then it becomes easier. I wish you would tell us later! Long life and good health!

Congratulations! Today is a special day for you! Try this year to take from life everything it gives and not miss a single chance! I wish that all problems recede, and from today the brightest streak in life begins!

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the birthday will be forever remembered by the hero of the occasion if loving people put their soul into the congratulations and take the choice of a gift and choice of words seriously.

Let life become a long journey, full of adventures and discoveries, let every day promise a holiday, and the night - a fairy tale!

Hello! Congratulations on entering a new age! May it bring you bright impressions and new invaluable experience, as well as more joy and happiness!

Good wishes with birthday in prose

Congratulations on your birthday! On this day I want to give you a huge bouquet of compliments, and all of them will be true. Your sharp mind, beautiful appearance, wonderful character and sparkling humor can be the envy of many. Everything works out for you, everything succeeds - fate is favorable to you, and this is very pleasant. May everything you want and dream come true quickly, easily and beautifully. On your birthday, I want to wish you joy, kindness, health and good luck. She already accompanies you in everything, may Fortune continue to be favorable to you. I also wish you great personal happiness, so that it warms every day of your life, fills your soul with love and warmth. Happy birthday, and may this day be bright, beautiful and happy!

A universal wish from the bottom of my heart

I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! May everything always come true! I wish you many smiles, kindness and joy, true friends, pure and mutual love, good health, endless happiness, great patience in life, all unearthly blessings and all the best, most beautiful, and radiant things!

I wish you to live to be a hundred years old! Let the engine in your chest work without interruption and without repairs. Let your life be a wide and smooth road without bumps and ruts. I also wish that you do not skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Have a good and happy journey!

Happy Birthday wishes to a man from the heart

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, I wish with all my heart...
So that the green “Mercedes” of your life takes you easily and happily through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that the road goes through a blooming garden and all those you need are nearby. For your well-being and success!

Beautiful birthday wishes from the heart

I wish you to move to the heights of life, while not being afraid of difficulties, joyfully meeting every new day and believing in the fulfillment of your dreams. And then, without a doubt, you will succeed! Happy holiday!

Especially for the site

Universal congratulations in your own words with deep meaning

Enjoy every minute of your life. Drink it carefully, in small sips, without spilling a single precious drop. Admire nature, because it also admires you. You have everything you need to be happy and you will definitely achieve everything you want. Believe in your strength, in your dream! Happy birthday!

It is worth noting that there are many different options in which you can arrange beautiful birthday greetings. This could be, for example, a congratulation in verse. True, let's be honest - not so many people are able to independently compose truly beautiful poems for a significant date. However, as a last resort, what prevents you from using ready-made poems by literary classics or contemporaries if you want? Knowledge of poetry will also make an impression on a person, especially if this person is loved. But if you really are not at ease with poetry, but still want to send beautiful birthday greetings, you can always do this in prose. You just need to do them sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, and then there will be no problem with how to choose the right words and how to combine them in a single composition. And then everything will work out as it should, because congratulations that come from the bottom of the heart always come out especially well and heartfelt.

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
Let everything you want come true.
Love, faith, hope, goodness to you!

I wish you joy always
And a cheerful mood,
Never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never be discouraged
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile,
Just like on this birthday!

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.
Birthday is a special date,
This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
Someone smart once came up with:
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, the smiles of hope,
Wishes of health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
So that things are successful.

An old legend says:
When was a person born?
The star in the sky will light up,
To shine for him forever.
So let it shine for you
At least until a hundred years old
And happiness guards your home
And joy will always be in him.
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Happy birthday
I wish you happiness and joy!
So that your health is strong
Yes, everything was going well in business
And more often life is sweet
Everything happened as in dreams

The scents of velvet roses,
Every bright, wonderful moment,
Fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May your birthday be a joy!

Gentle, sincere words of warmth
Let it warm you with a magical breath,
So that there is always happiness in your soul
And any wishes came true!

An old legend says:
When a person is born -
The star in the sky will light up,
To shine for him forever.
So let it shine for you
At least until a hundred years old
And happiness guards your home,
And joy will always be in him.
Let everything be wonderful in life,
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Let life go peacefully
Live without knowing troubles.
And good health,
And many, many years! Happy birthday!

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Type of congratulations: | | | | | | | | | | |

On this birthday holiday
I wish you, as always, -
Happiness, joy, patience
And health for years.

Many vivid impressions
Pure sincere love,
Zero worries and zero worries,
Dreams come true!

We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you peace and goodness.
After all, what is inspiration?
It's spring time in my heart.

So that the sun appears more often
On your life's journey,
And you lit up with a smile
Those with whom you go next.

May luck follow you
Let your health be strong.
Love will make you richer
And money will show the way.

Your life experience is rich
Has not weakened or faded away,
And today we are with this date
We heartily congratulate you.
The years fly by, but it doesn’t matter
There's no need to worry about that
It’s not for nothing that Vakhtang sings the words:
“My years are my wealth”

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
And wish these words:
Don’t get sick, don’t be sad, don’t grieve
And of course, be friends with wealth.

May your home be filled with laughter
And luck is knocking on the window,
Stay like that person
It's so easy to communicate with you!

I don’t want to wish much,
To be happy
For a better road
In this life I chose
I want you to achieve
No height obstacles,
So that your family works out,
Personally there was no thunderstorm.

Happy Birthday,
And I want to tell you
About a friend like you,
You can only dream!

Usually on a day so big,
Which is named birthday,
Friends with an open mind
Congratulations are coming to you.

So let life be pure,
And let every day be bright,
And so that life is beautiful
I came to you as a gift.

This is the happiest day!
It's your birthday!
On this day with all my heart I
I want to wish you everything!

And wealth and health,
And, of course, warmth!
So that your life is similar
It was always a dream!

On this day like this
Light without a doubt
I want to congratulate
Happy birthday to you.

Much to wish
Good and bright:
Joy, love,
Selfless happiness.

Let life spoil you
Day after day,
And it will work out well
This evening.

We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness,
With a smile and good mood
Continue your path through life.

May every ordinary day of yours
It will turn into a wonderful holiday,
And never a shadow of sadness
It won't be reflected in your eyes!

I wish you happiness - ocean,
Luck is simply an abyss!
Wonderful gifts from fate,
What they give for free.

Adventurism and ideas,
Have the most pleasant discoveries,
Cheerful, loyal friends
And joyful events.

Beautiful and pleasant words,
A bag of sincere smiles.
Keep your nose up, because then
Nice life lesson.

I wish you joy always
And a cheerful mood,
Never know sadness
And all the best in life.

Never be discouraged
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile,
Like this birthday!

It's very difficult to be a woman
You have to get up in the morning,
Do different hairstyles
Serve breakfast to the family.

You're doing great
This is not an easy matter,
And with you, I know for sure,
We will never oversleep.

Let your wishes come true
All your cherished ones,
You'll lie down on the sofa
No worries or fuss!

May every day bring you joy,
Success in work, comfort in the family,
Let old age come later than everyone else,
Live long on earth!
We wish you sincerely, heartily,
Do not know worries and interference,
To accompany you forever
Health, happiness and success!

We wish you happiness and health,
We want you to be young in life
Your beautiful road
Didn't become a narrow path.

We wish you more love,
Huge, pure, like a tear,
And to smile more often
Your happy eyes!

I wish you success with all my heart
In important matters and activities,
And joy, jokes, laughter
May your every day be filled.

May everything work out well in life,
And as fate wills,
To have more opportunities
And happy chances to you.

Let the house be full of happiness
And it will, without a doubt,
Have a wonderful, bright, good day
It's your birthday.

Happy birthday to you!
I wish you great happiness in life,
Bright days and a bouquet of smiles,
Don't get sick, don't grow old for many years!

On your birthday
Let's say a lot of loving words!
We wish you strength, ideas,
To make life more fun.

So that all the people who are nearby
They supported you with their gaze.
May this year be your life
It will only bring joy!

We wish that soon
No later than a couple of days,
Filled your wallet
Strong cash flow!

The stars are shining in the sky,
At the table - you shine.
We are celebrating today
Beauty's birthday.

On this holiday we wish,
Only joy to you.
Stay the sweetest
And beautiful on earth.

And may your guardian angel
Flapping its wing over you,
Will give you joy,
And good luck in everything.

Dance, spin and have fun -
Today is your big holiday!
Let your whole life be festive,
Happy, bright and crazy!

May you always be happy
Your love lives with you!
Let melancholy and nonsense
Doesn't disrupt your flight!

May all your dreams and desires come true,
And let your heart sing with happiness,
I wish you success in all your endeavors,
Let your income always be high!

I want to wish you true friends,
So that every moment of yours is filled with fun,
Smiles, kindness and colorful, bright days
On the most wonderful holiday - your birthday!

May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road.
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Let only friends visit your home,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you well,
Long life, health and happiness!

Let the work be easy
Let love come on its own!
Let the flowers be fragrant
Well, summer is all year round!
Let life be so easy
And a smile on your face
May the sun always shine!
Happy Birthday already!

I wish you new colors in life,
Emotions and happy years.
So that the day does not pass without dancing
Only light came from the heart.

I wish you a happy birthday
And let the syllable be immodest,
I wish you to live by the sea -
Where there are seagulls, sun and sand.

From the heart
I want to wish you so much
On your birthday:

May the sun always
Lights up your path.
Adversity on the way -
Go around, go around.

Endless love
Great happiness
With bad people
Never meet.

I wish you good health
Good, inspiration,
A hundred times to celebrate
Happy birthday to you!

A sea of ​​happiness, a sea of ​​laughter,
An ocean of great love.
In life you are like a princess,
Walk with pride.

Let them lie in stacks,
All the beauties are on the way.
So that you are loved and desired,
Every day you were there.

May your eyes always shine
And sparkle with kindness
Always be so beautiful
And of course, young.

How to congratulate? What to wish?

Consider the question of congratulations on your birthday or any other memorable dates.

So this is how it usually happens. The man says: " Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you great, great happiness, that everything goes well with you, that you have money, and health! “After turning 40, people generally forget to want anything other than health. They completely forget about it. So that your children grow up healthy, so that you are good, so that you help your parents and the like. In the end, all this does not come true, because if all this came true, then why say all this every year. This is boring, everyone has been tired of it for a long time, and everyone has long known what will be said. Few people enjoy it.

Good and correct congratulations

Let's try to reveal the secret of a truly good and correct congratulation. How is it possible it's right to congratulate?

You need to tell the person what he means to you.

For example, you congratulate your friend. And say: " Kolya (Vasya, Tolya...), I am very glad that you are my friend! When you are next to me, my strength seems to multiply. I am very grateful to you for the fact that we know each other, for the fact that we are friends, for the fact that you taught me a lot ". Here, of course, you will have to remember on your own what he taught you), well, for example, use some computer programs, fish, bake a pie, and everything in the same spirit.

To tell a loved one nice and proper congratulations, tell us about the person himself, about what you admire about him. Again, let's give an example, your friend cares very much about his children. So, tell him what a caring, wonderful, sympathetic and simply wonderful father he is. About how much his children love him. And of course, tell him that this is very good and that it really inspires and delights you. After such a congratulation, the person will really be pleased.

Tell the truth

That is, when proper congratulations, it is necessary to tell the person the truth. For example, to properly congratulate a manager (a good leader whom you respect, and so on), congratulate him, tell him what he did for you, for example, helped you get used to this profession, taught you how to really work, tell him that he became a good example for you of how to work, and, perhaps, live. And if this is true, and you really feel this way about him and say it from the heart, then the person you are congratulating will be very pleased.
