Presentation "New Year in different countries" presentation for a lesson on the topic. New Year's traditions and customs in Italy Celebration of the New Year in Italy presentation

Italy is a country of fun and pleasure, so it is not surprising that New Year's Eve here is noisy and fun. By the number of days allotted for the celebration of the Christmas and New Year holidays, it, perhaps, ranks first among European countries. So, the holidays here begin on December 24 (Christmas) and continue until January 6 (Epiphany).

New Year in Italian. The Italian New Year "Capodanno" has several names. This is the traditional holiday of St. Sylvester's Day, and translated from Italian - "head of the year", that is, a new day. Italians sit down at the New Year's table at 9 pm. According to tradition, there must be 13 dishes on the table, it is believed that this will bring good luck in the new year. Italians celebrate the New Year at a party with relatives and friends. Italy consists of many provinces, each of which has its own customs and traditions for celebrating the New Year. Nevertheless, all cities dress up their streets in bright illuminations, arrange noisy festivities and concerts in the main squares. So, in Venice, caps are put on the heads of the lions guarding the palazzo, and beards are glued to the muzzles. Christmas trees in pots flaunt on all balconies of houses and buildings in Venice.

In the capital of Italy, Rome, Christmas trees decorated with New Year's toys are installed in all squares. Shop windows and restaurants are decorated with garlands with red ribbons woven into them. In Umbria, all the local temples arrange jazz concerts on New Year's Eve. In Tuscany, villagers kindle large bonfires in the very center, around which they dance and have fun until the morning. Fireworks all over Italy on New Year's Eve. Naples is considered the record holder for the duration and richness of fireworks.

Italian Santa Claus Italian Santa Claus is called Babbo Natale. On New Year's Eve, he distributes gifts to children who have been writing letters to him all year and behaved well. For children's letters to Santa Claus, red mailboxes are installed on all the streets of Italy. Babbo Natale puts gifts in red socks hanging from the fireplace. Also, Italian children are waiting for January 6, when Epiphany comes. On this night, the good Fairy Befana, on her magic broom, flies around all the houses that she opens with her golden key, and distributes gifts to obedient children. Naughty children run the risk of getting a pinch of ash or coal from Fairy Befana. Also, Italian children write letters of gratitude expressing their love to their parents and put them under their pillows. Traditionally, after dinner on Christmas Eve, parents read the children's letters aloud.

New Year's table The Italian New Year's table abounds with festive dishes. Without fail, nuts, lentils and grapes are present on the New Year's table, as they are considered symbols of longevity, health and well-being. It is believed that the more lentils you eat, the richer you will be. Also on the festive table there are traditional Italian dishes that promise good luck and wealth in the coming year. Italians do not imagine the New Year's table without pork dishes. There's a pork leg and a pork sausage. On New Year's Eve, Italians always eat pork legs, seeing off the outgoing year. And after the clock strikes, a pig's head is served on a platter. Everyone sitting at the table should taste a piece of these delicacies, since it is believed that the pig always slowly but surely moves forward.

Italians also put fish and seafood dishes on the table. It is believed that fish caviar eaten on New Year's Eve will bring wealth. According to tradition, dishes on the festive table from Turkish peas will bring good luck. But chicken dishes are not desirable on the festive table. The Italians believe that the chicken is in a hurry to get back. New Year's Italian table is not complete without famous desserts. Here are festive pastries, and pies, and muffins. Italians celebrate the New Year not with a glass of champagne, but with the famous Italian wine. It is also believed that if you drink a mug of beer immediately after the clock strike, then luck will accompany you all year.

New Year's traditions The most famous Italian New Year's tradition is the liberation from everything old. So, on New Year's Eve, Italians throw old things out of the windows of their houses. Moreover, not only things from the old grandmother's suitcase are thrown away, but also completely new appliances, furniture, electrical appliances and other household utensils. It is believed, but the place of old things will definitely come new. Italians are very superstitious, so it is very important for them who they meet first in the new year. So, on the first day of the new year, it is considered a lucky sign to meet a child or a beautiful young girl. A meeting with a hunchbacked old man promises a rich and happy year. But to meet a priest on the morning of January 1 is considered an unkind sign. Another Italian tradition is associated with the first day of the new year. Early in the morning on January 1, you need to bring home “new water” from the source as a symbol of a new happy life.

Therefore, the most valuable gift is "new water" with an olive branch. It is necessary to meet the New Year in everything new. Therefore, December is perhaps the most profitable month for clothing sellers. Italians prefer to celebrate the New Year noisily and cheerfully, not just because they have a cheerful disposition, but because, they believe, they leave all negative emotions, worries and troubles in the outgoing year. Italians believe that red underwear brings good luck, so it is customary to give it to friends and wear it on New Year's Eve. To make the year happy, each member of the family puts a coin on the windowsill or puts a lit candle on it. A special Italian tradition is associated with grapes. The Italians stock up 12 grapes and begin to eat them with the chimes. At the same time, the last, 12th grape, should fall on the first second of the new year. Then the whole year will be accompanied by good luck. After the twelfth stroke of the clock, the Italians sitting at the table turn off the light and begin to exchange kisses with each other.

I want to eat luck!
New Year in Italy is called "Capodanno". The gala dinner starts late in the evening, around 9:00, and continues until midnight. It is believed that the new year will bring good luck if there are 13 dishes on the table. But this condition is rarely observed, usually the New Year's table consists of 5-7 dishes. And I must say, it differs little from Christmas - the same fish and seafood dishes, lentils, turkey and zampone (a traditional Italian dish, which is the outer shell of a pork leg stuffed with minced pork with spices) ... True, in some areas of Italy it is considered that in order for the year to bring wealth, you need to eat fish caviar at New Year's dinner (logically, for this you should already be rich enough to eat caviar with spoons). Somewhere it is believed that Turkish peas bring wealth and health, and somewhere - that good luck will accompany you if you drink beer immediately after midnight, that is, in the first minutes of the new year. And if during the chiming clock you manage to eat 12 grapes so that the last grape falls on the first minute of the new year, then luck will also accompany you for the next twelve months. (You can read additional articles about different countries of the world on the website

Celebrating New Year's Eve in a restaurant is very expensive, so, as a rule, Italians celebrate the New Year at home. By the way, do not offer French champagne to an Italian for the New Year - he may consider this an insult. Italians celebrate the New Year exclusively with Italian wine, for example, Spumante.

New Year - red underwear
There are other traditions, the meaning of which is the same - to attract good luck, health and wealth. For example, each family member puts a lit candle on the windowsill or puts coins. To attract happiness and good luck, Italians put on red underwear on New Year's Eve (not only women, but also men), so don't be surprised if you find that all the shop windows are filled with red when you are in Italy in the New Year's season. In general, all Italians try to observe the tradition of buying new clothes to celebrate the New Year. A few years ago, following an old tradition, Italians threw old things and even furniture out of the windows in order to forget the bad and start a new happy life. But now this tradition is almost dead. If somewhere sofas still fall out of the windows, then this is more an exception than a rule.

Shortly before midnight, many Italians pour out into the street, especially a large crowd of people happens in the center of Rome, on Piazza del Popolo. And Italians celebrate midnight with an unprecedented fireworks display. By the way, Naples is considered the city of the longest and largest fireworks in Italy.

When candy in shoes is the New Year
But the Christmas holidays don't end there. Italian children are also looking forward to Epiphany, January 6th. On this day, the old witch Befana flies over Italy, which, although outwardly similar to the Russian Baba Yaga, does not steal anyone, does not offend anyone, but rather gives gifts. According to legend, Befana met the magi when they went to bow to the baby Jesus. They called the woman with them, but Befana refused, citing worries. Later, she regretted her decision and went in pursuit of the Magi, but lost their trail. Since then, she has been looking for the cradle of the baby Jesus, looking into the houses in which small children live along the way, and puts sweets in their shoes (if the children behaved well all year) or sugar coals (if, on the contrary, they were naughty).

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Italy is a country
fun and pleasure,
so it's not surprising
that New Year's Eve
it's noisy here
funny. In count
days allotted for
christmas and new year holidays,
she probably takes
first place among
European countries. So,
holidays here
start from December 24th
(Christmas) and
continue up to
January 6 (Epiphany).

New Year in Italian

Italian New Year
"Capodanno" has
several titles. This and
traditional holiday
Saint Sylvester's Day, and
translated from Italian
language - "head of the year", then
there, a new day.
The Italians sit down
New Year's table at 9 o'clock
evenings. On the table by
tradition should
must be 13 dishes,
it is believed to bring
good luck in the new year. New
Italians celebrate the year in
visiting with friends and

Italy is made up of many provinces, each of which
It has its own customs and traditions for celebrating the New Year. However,
all cities decorate their streets in bright illuminations,
arrange noisy celebrations and concerts in the main squares. So,
in Venice, the heads of the lions guarding the palazzo are dressed
caps, and beards are glued to the muzzles. On all balconies
Christmas trees in pots flaunt houses and buildings of Venice.

In the capital of Italy, Rome, on
all areas
decorated with new year
Christmas tree toys. Showcases
shops and restaurants
decorate with garlands
woven into them
red ribbons. AT
Tuscan villagers
kindle in the center
big fires near
which they dance and
have fun until morning.
All over Italy in
New Year's Eve thunder
Record holder for
duration and
wealth of fireworks
considered Naples.

Italian Santa Claus

Italian Santa Claus
called Babbo Natale. AT
New Year's Eve he
giving gifts to children
who have been writing all year
letters to him and behaved
OK. For children
letters to Santa Claus
all the streets of Italy
set red
mailboxes. Babbo
Natale puts presents in
red socks,
hanging from the fireplace.
Also Italian children
looking forward to January 6th
Baptism is coming.

This night the good fairy
Befana on her
magic broom
flies around all the houses,
which opens its
golden key and
handing out gifts
obedient children.
The naughty children
risk getting from Fairies
Befana a pinch of ash or
ember. Also Italian
children write letters
thanks from
expression of your love
parents and put them under
pillow. Traditionally
after dinner on Christmas Eve
parents read
aloud children's letters.

New Year's table

Italian New Year's table
replete with festive dishes. AT
obligatory on New Year's Eve
table contains nuts, lentils and
grapes, as they are considered
symbols of longevity, health and
well-being. It is believed that what
the more lentils you eat, the richer
you will. Also on the holiday table
there are traditional
Italian dishes that promise
good luck and wealth in the coming year.
Italians don't represent
New Year's table without dishes from
pork. After the chiming clock on a platter
pork head is served. Each
sitting at the table should taste
a piece of these delicacies, as
it is believed that the pig is always slow,
but moving forward steadily.

Italians also put on the table
fish and seafood dishes.
It is believed to have been eaten
new year's eve fish caviar
will bring wealth. Traditionally
dishes on the festive table
chickpeas will bring good luck. AND
here are the chicken dishes
desirable at the festive
table. Italians believe that
the chicken rushes back.
New Year's Eve is not enough
Italian table and without
famous desserts. Here and
holiday pastries, and pies, and
muffin. Italian New Year
not greeted with a glass
champagne, and the famous
Italian wine. Counts
Also, what if immediately after the fight
chimes to drink a mug of beer, then
good luck will accompany you throughout the year
to you.

New Year traditions

the most famous
italian new year
tradition is
freedom from everything
old. So the Italians
new year's eve
thrown out of their windows
houses old things.
And thrown away
are not only
things from the old
grandmother's suitcase, but
and brand new technology
furniture, electrical
appliances and other
It is considered but the place of the old
things are sure to come

Italians are very superstitious, so for them it is very
what matters is who they meet first in the new year. Yes, in
the first day of the new year is considered a lucky sign
meet a child or a beautiful young girl.
A meeting with a hunchbacked old man does promise a rich and
happy year. But to meet on the morning of January 1
the priest is considered an unkind sign.
Another one is connected with the first day of the new year.
Italian tradition. Early in the morning on January 1
bring home "new water" from the spring as a symbol
new happy life.
Therefore, the most valuable gift is considered "new
water" with an olive branch. Meet the New Year
needed in everything new. Therefore, December is perhaps the most
profitable month for clothing sellers.

Italians love to celebrate the New Year
noisy and fun, not just because they have a fun
disposition, but because so, they feel leave in
the outgoing year, all negative emotions, experiences
and trouble. To make the year happy everyone
a family member puts a coin on the windowsill or
puts a lit candle on it.

A special Italian tradition is associated with grapes.
Italians store 12 grapes and start eating them with
chimes. At the same time, the last, 12th grape, should
fall on the first second of the new year. Then the whole year will be
accompany good luck. After the twelfth stroke of the clock, those who are seated
at the table, the Italians turn off the lights and start
exchange kisses with each other.


If you ask the Italians what their favorite holiday is, you will notice that the vast majority of the inhabitants of this sunny country will call you (Natale) or (Capodanno). And in fact: Italians always look forward to the December and January holidays, carefully preparing for them many weeks before their onset.

Like any other people, the Italians have a number of special New Year's traditions and rituals that they try to carefully observe in order to "catch" good luck for the whole next year.

In Italy, on New Year's Eve, no one can sleep: festive fireworks blaze in the sky until the morning, like crackers. Why is this tradition interesting?

The Italians do not only set off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate the New Year: they firmly believe that loud noise scares away evil spirits that may appear in the coming year.

January 1

In Italy, there is an opinion that the coming year will pass in the same way as the first of January. Therefore, after New Year's Eve, the Italian will never borrow or lend money or work.

red underwear

Residents of sunny Italy believe that the color red must certainly bring good luck. Therefore, they are happy to dress up in red for the New Year's table. It can be either a suit, dress or trousers, or underwear, which is simply full of shop windows.

Coins and candles

The Italians are simply obsessed with luring good luck on New Year's Eve. And they are ready for anything, just not to miss it. To do this, as already mentioned, they dress in red, and also put coins or candles on the windowsill - harbingers of prosperity.

"New Water"

In some regions of Italy, there is a custom to bring "new water" from the spring into the house on the first of January. Italians believe that water brought before sunset will bring happiness in the new year.

First person

>Another wonderful belief associated with the New Year says that it is of great importance who you meet on the street first in the coming year. You're out of luck if it's a priest or a child. But if grandfather crosses your path, you will be provided with happiness and prosperity until December 31 of the year that has just come.

12 grapes

To the sound of the clock, we write a wish on paper, burn it, and add the ashes to champagne and drink it. However, the inhabitants of Italy came up with a much simpler, but still a little strange tradition, associated precisely with the last minute of the outgoing year. They lay out 12 grapes, eating one with each stroke of the clock. It is believed that the one who ate the last berry in the first second of the coming year will be accompanied by ... of course, good luck.


Residents of the post-Soviet space associate the New Year with its invariable attributes: Russian salad, tangerines and, of course, champagne. However, this alcoholic drink is not popular on New Year's Eve. Moreover, drinking French champagne is completely bad manners. Italians prefer to count the chimes with a glass of wine produced in their native country.


Italian kids don't get presents on New Year's Eve. No, this does not mean that their parents are mean people. The thing is that the good Fairy Befana puts gifts under the Christmas tree for children, and she does this only on January 6th. Italian kids are looking forward to the fairy-tale heroine, hanging their socks to the fireplace, and in the morning they rush to unwrap gifts. However, not all children will receive them: for those who behaved badly last year, the fairy put a piece of coal in her sock.

Throwing away furniture

The good old Italian tradition of throwing away unnecessary things in the last minutes of the outgoing year is not an invention at all. Getting rid of unnecessary trash, the people of Italy get rid of the negative energy that has accumulated over the past year. Therefore, walking around the Italian streets on New Year's Eve is a very risky activity: torn trousers or a rare TV may fall on you.

The Italians to this day have many interesting and funny traditions: Christian and pagan, their own and borrowed. Therefore, celebrating the New Year in Italy is a great opportunity not only to celebrate this holiday with dignity, but also to get to know the country and its eccentric inhabitants better.


Christmas in Italy is a family holiday, and New Year is a friendly one. That's why Dec. 31 Italians fill numerous establishments and have fun until the morning. Firecrackers are rattling around, cities are decorated with festive illuminations, bouquets of flowers and bright red ribbons. The main squares of the cities are decorated with live Christmas trees, and around there are huge flower beds with a variety of flowers. According to the full program these days, the famous Venetian lions, which turn into cute cats, go to. Italians are people with a sense of humor, so they put cute hats on the heads of the kings of animals, and cotton beards are attached to the muzzles.

New Year customs in Italy

Luck in Italy has its own color, so all residents dress up in red. If you meet an Italian, say, in green pants and a yellow jacket, then do not hesitate, at least something on him that day is necessarily red. And you don't have to show it to others.

Italy. New Year. Traditions

Perhaps the most popular Italian tradition is throwing old things in the trash. Of course, basically we are talking about things that fashionable Italians are no longer going to wear, so fashionistas will never throw away an old but good designer thing. Yes, and serenely strolling on December 31 through the picturesque Italian streets, be careful, they throw old things right out the window. Please wear a helmet or walk straight along the road. As a rule, during the holidays, the roads in Italy are at the mercy of pedestrians.

In addition to old things, sometimes money falls out of the windows. And all this is due to the fact that the Italians put, for good luck, a few coins on the windowsill and light candles nearby. Sign: if a candle burns on the windowsill, it means that soon money will fall from there.

Dishes for the New Year in Italy

How is New Year celebrated in Italy? Italians love to eat, and always and everywhere, and especially on New Year's Eve. The St. Sylvester Dinner, which is how they call the New Year's Eve feast, starts around 9 pm and lasts until midnight. On the tables, usually, there are from seven to thirteen different dishes. Italians love lentikkie or, in our opinion, lentils and serve this cereal, so similar to small coins, as a New Year's side dish. Also on the Italian New Year's table there are nuts, pork dishes, caviar and, of course, grapes.

It is also customary on the last day of the old year to treat your homemade pork legs. As if raising a glass of wine, Italians elegantly pick up pork legs and eat them as a farewell to the old year.

New Year brings Italians not only a lot of good mood, joy and fun, but also a variety of hearty and unusual dishes. For example, original dishes from a pig's head. The Italians believe that the pig is a stubborn and very prudent animal, and if not always neatly, it slowly and surely moves forward. But with chickens, everything is the other way around, Italians believe that when eating game, they take a step forward and two steps back and hint at sluggish chickens. On the Italian table you will definitely find caviar as a symbol of wealth, as well as very fatty and spicy pork sausage. If you are on a diet, excuses are not accepted. Without trying at least a piece of this sausage, you run the risk of inflicting a blood offense on the owner of the house. Better not argue, but eat, at least a little. Well, then absolutely everything is used, from seafood and beans with honey to pies and traditional Italian wine. By the way, drinking champagne or neighboring French wine is simply unacceptable. In some regions of Italy, it is believed that one will not see good luck in the new year, who does not eat a plate of chickpeas at the festive table, washed down with a mug of light beer.

The tradition of 12 grapes

The world-famous Italian New Year's tradition about 12 grapes originates in ancient times. Each blow at the onset of the year is a reminder that another grape should be in the mouth. If you are nimble enough, then with the first second of the New Year, the last of the 12 grapes will be in your mouth, which means that good luck will await you all year. It seems to be everything, but in fact this tradition has an interesting continuation. After the 12th stroke, the lights in the whole house turn off, and all the guests in the house will certainly kiss.

And now in Italy they celebrated the New Year, it has come and thousands of people pour out into the streets of cities and continue the fun. In Rome, the most popular place to celebrate the New Year is the central square of Piazza Del Poppolo. Around the square there is an unprecedented noise and din, accompanied by explosions of firecrackers and bright fireworks. It is unlikely that you will be able to sleep in such an atmosphere, and this is one of the main goals of the New Year holidays - to have fun until the morning without getting tired.

Finally, Italians are very superstitious. They pay attention to every little thing, down to who they meet on the very first day of the year. For example, meeting someone from the clergy or a small child will bring disappointment. Oncoming grandfather opposite - happiness and prosperity. And if he still has a hump, then consider that you were generally born under a lucky star: there will be more than enough money, love and fun in the new year. New Year traditions are also popular among Italians, for example, the belief about clean water. It is believed that by giving clean, drinking water to one of your friends, you bring new, bright energy to their house, and together with life-giving moisture, you give a good part of yourself. Even if you have nothing to give a friend for the New Year, bring a container of drinking water with you, it will come in handy on January 1st. And, in every sense.

After celebrating a stormy New Year's Eve, Italians have a good sleep, and when they wake up they go straight to dinner. Lunch on the first day of the year is always satisfying, tasty, but hardly healthy. On this day, the Italians will treat you to a fatty, baked turkey and raise a couple of glasses to World Peace Day. On this occasion, the Pope will even celebrate the traditional festive mass in St. Peter's Basilica.

Santa Claus in Italy

And where are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? We do not promise the Snow Maiden, but Babbo Natala will be very useful. That's what the Italians call this kind old man. Baba Natalia - he is Santa Claus, and most likely Santa Claus, appeared in Italy with the help of the Americans and spread throughout the country only in the 20th century. In appearance, he is no different from his American prototype, the same fat, ruddy and always in glasses on the same cart drawn by deer.

When Santa Claus Babbo Natale fades into the background, the good Fairy Befana appears in the forefront, who gives gifts to children. By January 6, the kids run out of all their New Year and Christmas treats, and then the good fairy brings them some more gifts. By the way, she is kind only on a piece of paper, in fact, Fairy Babbo looks more like a Russian Baba Yaga with a hooked nose, a bone leg and dirty, holey clothes. Nevertheless, Italian children are very fond of Fairy Yaga and are waiting for her appearance, almost more than Babbo Natale. Fairy, all according to the same - the American tradition puts gifts in stockings and God forbid the kids behaved badly, instead of delicious sweets they will receive pebbles or coals.

This is how they celebrate the New Year in Italy!
