The five most useful books on speed reading. Speed ​​reading for children

Speed ​​reading technology is in great demand today. After all, with its help you can not only understand the text better, but also spend less time on it.

Speed ​​reading actually turns out to be not so much learning to read quickly as developing the skill of quickly searching and analyzing information. In order to successfully master this technique, you must keep in mind the basic principles of speed reading. After all, the idea of ​​speed reading is not only in quickly swallowing the text, but also in reading the text faster and more competently. Speed ​​reading involves many cognitive processes, which is extremely useful for the reader, whether he is a student on the eve of an exam or a businessman who reads the terms of the proposed transaction. You can develop speed reading skills at home on your own by repeating the exercises daily.

First exercise

It is aimed precisely at the development of reading speed as such. Choose a story and read it from beginning to end. The next step is to read the text backwards, from the end. Repeat this exercise until the text reads equally easily in both directions, and until the speed increases. Gradually complicate the task and take larger texts, even entire books. Gradually, you will notice that the reading speed has really increased.

Second exercise

This exercise is performed in many speed reading trainings. But you can make it at home too. It is called "Pyramid", after the appearance of the plate, which serves for training and which really resembles a pyramid.

The essence of the exercise is to read the numbers on the "slopes" of the pyramid, while not taking your eyes off the numbers located along the central axis. This exercise helps to learn two important skills at once: concentration and reading in whole lines, when the eye does not slide along the line, but snatches it all out of the text. With such reading, the eyes move not horizontally, but vertically, and the reading speed increases significantly. Test yourself, see how many numbers you can read.

Third exercise

With it, you will train the speed of searching for words, which is no less important for speed reading. One of its principles is orientation by reference words. Indeed, in many texts, the information content is quite low, and the most important information has to be searched for a long time.

You will need someone from your social circle to complete this exercise. Choose a thick book that you haven't read, and have your assistant find the sentence, read it to you, and remember for themselves where it was (page and approximate line). Then take this book yourself and find this offer as soon as possible. Repeat until sentences start to appear at a markedly increased speed. Change the book periodically. You will also gradually train your memory: after all, gradually you will begin to navigate the book, remembering what is on which page. This can be another memory exercise.

Fourth exercise

This exercise is aimed at isolating important information from the text. Think of a word, noun, adjective or verb, and throughout the text from beginning to end, find it. You can underline the words you need, and then double-check yourself and see how many words you missed.

Fifth exercise

Everything works for the same purpose: filtering information. It is very convenient for those who speak a foreign language to do this, but if you understand only your own language, it will also work. Take a newspaper article. It can be small for the first time, and run through it with your eyes, finding foreign words, the meaning of which you understand vaguely or do not understand at all. In this way, you learn to find new information, which is important. Words that you don't know the meaning of, write them down and look them up in a dictionary. In fact, you kill two birds with one stone: learn to read quickly and replenish your vocabulary.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends! I'm with you, Yuri Okunev.

Scientists have established a pattern between the speed of reading and the performance of secondary school students: excellent students, as a rule, read at a speed of 130-170 words per minute, good students are content with a speed of 100-135 words per minute, three students - 90 words per minute and lower.

This is a vivid illustration of the fact that it is simply necessary for our children to learn the methods of speed reading. The topic of our conversation today will be speed reading, exercises for school-age children.

Your child knows the alphabet for a long time, reads in words, but his reading speed still leaves much to be desired. The reason is not in his desire / unwillingness, but in completely different factors:

  • undeveloped attention;
  • Weak articulation (diction);
  • Eye regression;
  • Pretty narrow field of view.

In the previous article, we have already dwelled on the analysis of each of them. The speed reading technique for children aims to get rid of these side effects.

What will we work on

  1. Development of articulation;
  2. Improved attention;
  3. Suppression of regressive eye movements;
  4. Articulation suppression (visual reading);
  5. Expanding the field of view;
  6. The development of anticipation.

Methodology for conducting classes

The optimal regimen for speed reading at home is daily classes for 20 minutes and 5 minutes before bedtime.

The lesson will look something like this:

  • Articulation workout. We read tongue twisters, tongue twisters in a whisper and in full voice. Reading a short text aloud;
  • Main part. Working with Schulte tables;
  • Articulation suppression. 1-2 exercises;
  • Exercises to correct attention;
  • Regression Exercises(at the initial stage) or on the development of ancipation (in subsequent lessons);
  • Reading with an adult for forced speed development;
  • Final part. Drawing based on the read text.

Before going to bed, spend five minutes reading with retelling (the child reads a short text and retells in his own words), or buzz reading.

Articulation warm-up (exercises)

  1. Consonants. We ask the student to take a full breath, exhaling, he pronounces a series of 15 any consonant sounds: F, Sch, L, V, Sh, K, T, S, P, N, G, Zh, B, N, R.
  2. Blow out the candle. Have the child take in as much air as possible and blow out one large imaginary candle. And now we blow out 3 small candles: we exhale air in three portions;
  3. The elevator moved. An adult and a child are in an imaginary elevator that moves from the first floor to the tenth. We call the floors loudly, each time raising our voice more and more. We call the numbers clearly, without swallowing the endings. We reached the last floor - we go down, gradually lowering our voice.

Field of vision development

It has been proven that the process of reading a text consists of:

  • eye movements;
  • their stops.

Moreover, the perception of the text occurs precisely at the second stage. This means that in order to increase the speed of reading, it is necessary to reduce the multiplicity of eye stops, while the field of view should increase as much as possible in order to capture neighboring words and sentences.

This effect can be achieved by practicing with Schulte tables.
The tables are a grid of 5x5 squares, in which numbers from 1 to 25 are entered.
The student consistently finds all the numbers for speed.

The ideal result is to meet 5 seconds. The secret of this task is that the eyes should always be in the central part of the table, in this case the field of view will be maximum.

In addition to the field of view, Schulte tables contribute to the development of RAM.

Regression Suppression

Regression is the reader's ability to look back at a line that has already been read. Anyone will say that this way of reading is extremely slow and irrational.


We read the text and cover each read word with a specially prepared bookmark. By training in this way, after a week you can get rid of the regression.

Articulation suppression

Articulation is the pronunciation of a readable text. It is important when a student reads aloud (the less he stumbles, the higher the reading technique), but it is completely unacceptable if we want to achieve a speed of 150 words or more (a person cannot speak at such a speed).

The speed reading technique for children involves the development of visual reading, when articulation is suppressed in every possible way and the text is read with a quick glance of the eyes. It has been established that in this case the quality of text perception increases sharply and the memorization process improves.

  1. To the music. We read the text with the music turned on, for a start it is better to take just music, without singing. Over time, move on to reading with song accompaniment. A prerequisite: at the end, the child must answer questions on the text.
  2. Bumblebee. The student is engaged in reading while making a buzzing sound, as if a bumblebee is flying. This is one of the most important exercises in speed reading.
  3. Knock rhythm. We read the text and tap a certain rhythm with a pencil. Rhythm should be learned separately and brought to automatism. The task is performed at first at an average pace, accelerating towards the end.
  4. Lock. The child tightly covers his mouth, presses his finger to his lips and begins to read the text as quickly as possible. Answer questions after reading.

Attention Correction Exercises

This part is very important, because due to insufficient attention, the quality of perception of the text being read deteriorates.

  1. Freeze words. Pairs of words are written on a piece of paper in which one letter is different, the rest are similar, for example, SLEEP - KON, LAZY - STUMP, etc. Ask the student what is special about these words, how they are similar and how they are not. Let the student continue the row;
  2. given long word e.g. INDEPENDENCE. Have the student make up as many short words as possible from the letters of this word. Compete with him. Who will be the first?
  3. Fonts. The child is invited to read the text, in which each word is written in different fonts mixed up. The purpose of the task: to learn to read any text with distortions at maximum speed.
  4. Confusion. Previously, we write sentences on a piece of paper, rearranging the words in places, for example, “late in the evening, the girls spun three by the window.” Enough 6-10 pieces of such confusion. The task of the child is to unravel.

The development of the ancipation

Ancipation is the ability to guess a word from its meaning. In the program of teaching speed reading, exercises to increase the ancipation are necessarily included so that the student, without seeing the extreme words on the page, can grasp their meaning in meaning.

  1. Ruler. We cover a part of the text on the right or left with a ruler or a bookmark for a width of 5 to 12 characters. The child reads the text at a normal pace.
  2. We read somersault. The student must read the text first in its normal form, and then turning it heading down. The exercise develops a semantic guess and memory well. You can try to read the text by rotating it 90 degrees.
  3. Halves. We take a sheet of paper and half close one line of the text that the child is reading at this time. Only the upper halves of the letters are closed, the lower ones should be visible. The line has been read. Now we close the next line and so we go further. In this method, a “military trick” is encrypted: if the child is even a little smart, he will try to read the lines even before they are covered with a sheet. This is how the speed increases!

Reading with an adult

This is teaching speed reading to school-age children using an imposed reading speed. The child has to adapt to the speed of an adult, which means reading a little more lively.

  1. parallel reading. An adult reads the text, changing the speed - sometimes faster, sometimes slower. The student must put his finger on the text and follow, never straying.
  2. Relay race. Alternately, the text is read by either an adult or a child. Moreover, the change of roles can be sudden (not necessarily at the end of the paragraph). If possible, the adult tries to speed up the pace.
  3. Tail. The adult starts reading the text, and the student enters a little later, 4 words late. The text is read aloud, in an undertone. The task of the student is not to stray.


This is where I end. Train, learn, master new heights!

If you want to know more, I recommend Shamil Akhmadullin's book “Short reading for children. How to teach your child to read and understand what they read. It provides exercises for the development of reading techniques in three age categories of children, including speed reading for preschoolers.

The technique is convenient for classes on developing reading techniques at home, as it contains theoretical material in a brief form and tasks with detailed instructions.

Write about your impressions, difficulties or victories in the comments. Invite friends and acquaintances.

Reading is the most important process of processing and perception of graphic information, the learning of which begins from an early age.

The quality of mastering this skill largely determines the further success of a person in studies, in creativity, and even in everyday matters. We will consider not only how to learn to read quickly, but also how to capture the most important information in the text. The quality and speed of future intellectual work directly depends on the latter.

Why is it important to be able to read quickly?

Before mastering the art of fast and thoughtful reading, it makes sense to think about whether you need it?

If not, check out the article for general development and… read on anyway! Only choose those authors who are really interesting to you and cheer you up. Enriching the brain with new information is also an important task that keeps the intellect in good shape.

Maybe after a couple of years you will want to achieve something. Then all the initial data will be at your disposal. Namely, a more or less trained brain. Even reading fiction has been proven to make him tense.

If you are a goal-oriented person and want to become the best (s) in a field that requires serious intellectual work, this article is for you (it will detail how to read quickly and memorize).

What is a reading person like?

We live in the information age, in which the speed of mastering new knowledge plays a decisive role. A person who can quickly absorb a large amount of information:

  • Self-assured.
  • Has adequate self-esteem.
  • Achieve a lot in life.

How to learn to read quickly?

Let's move on to the rules that are applicable in practice. Learning to read a specific text quickly? Then let's go:

  • Read only useful books. For example, if you want to become a successful businessman, read the autobiographies of talented entrepreneurs. You will benefit from the story of Steve Jobs, which tells about the difficult fate of a man who made a breakthrough in the field of information technology (by the way, he did not differ in discipline and was a rebel in his youth. However, this did not prevent the implementation of his ideas). It also makes sense to read Adam Smith, namely his work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. It tells in detail about how the capitalist system functions, what its main problem is, and crises of overproduction have already been predicted.
  • Choose books written in an interesting and lively language.
  • Before reading the paper volume, flip through it and read the table of contents. This way you will be guided through the main sections of the book.
  • Read the piece quickly twice. Even if you do not understand some detail, do not focus on it: your task is to catch the main idea.
  • Study the book in a comfortable environment for you. This refers to a quiet place where no one can distract you.
  • Do not read unnecessary books: they clog your memory with unnecessary information.

Qualitative perception of information is the key to success

In this section, we will tell you how to read quickly and remember useful information. That is, how to understand the essence of the studied material. This is the purpose of reading - to learn how to extract the most important information from the text. Well, then put it into practice, if possible ...

Scientists have proven that a read text is well remembered when a person follows five simple rules:

  1. Share what you read with friends. When a person retells the plot of a book in his own words, the probability of depositing new information in memory approaches 100%.
  2. Takes notes as you read. They should reflect the key points of the book.
  3. He knows exactly the best time for his brain. It has been proven that most people perceive information well in the morning and afternoon. For other people (their minority), the opposite is true: they absorb information only in the evening or at night.
  4. Does not speak aloud what he has read - this reduces concentration.
  5. Focused only on reading the book: no external event can divert his attention from this most important matter.

Following these simple rules, the individual begins to read faster and learns to remember important information. It's great if these five points become a habit of a goal-oriented person.

In the next chapter, we'll show you how to learn to read aloud quickly.

Is oratory necessary today?

The ancient Greeks knew about the importance of beautiful and fast speech aloud. Philosophers and thinkers, which Ancient Greece was famous for, had excellent oratorical skills. That is why their valuable thoughts and ideas were easily perceived by ordinary people.

Is it important for a modern person to be able to read aloud quickly and without hesitation? The answer will definitely be positive.

And this applies not only to actors, philologists and scientists. Even an ordinary economist will need this skill in life. If only because at the end of the university each student defends his diploma in front of a large audience. And in further work, the ability to speak quickly and beautifully can become a decisive skill: often the promotion of an individual on the career ladder depends on a well-pronounced speech.

Now you know why this skill is so important. Next, we'll show you how to read aloud quickly.

It is best to learn this from a competent teacher. However, no one canceled independent education either. If you chose the second path, your assistants will be:

  • audio courses;
  • spelling dictionary (in it you can find the right stress for any dubious word);
  • interesting audio books and TV shows (it is advisable to choose those in which people with a philological or acting education participate);
  • voice recorder - it's very funny to listen to your speech in the recording and find mistakes;
  • constant practice - it is she who determines further success in this direction.

Speed ​​reading - what is it?

So, what does this interesting two-root word mean? Speed ​​reading is the ability of a person to quickly read the text and navigate it 100%. Of course, it sounds strong ... and not too believable for an ordinary person who remembers how much time it took at school to study a difficult paragraph on history. Of course, if the individual turned out to be inquisitive, he certainly knew the material well. But for a qualitative study of 10-15 pages of text, sometimes it took more than one hour of time ...

Historical figures showing phenomenal results in speed reading

We will try to convince the reader that it is quite possible to read a book thoughtfully in one day. In any case, history knows individuals who can do this. Who are these amazing people?

  • Lenin - read at a speed of 2500 words per minute! He was a unique person in every way; and such individuals are characterized by outstanding intellectual abilities.
  • Napoleon.
  • Pushkin.
  • Kennedy.

The list can be continued for quite a long time... What contributes to such phenomenal results in speed reading? Two aspects - a person's devotion to an idea (this applies to politicians. Lenin is the most striking example) and the natural desire to create something new (this applies to creative people).

Specific speed reading techniques

We are still writing an article not about outstanding people, but about how to learn to read quickly for an ordinary person. The scientific methods will be presented next.

  • First, the book is read from beginning to end; then from the end to the beginning. The essence of the method is to gradually increase the speed of reading.
  • Diagonal reading. This method consists in studying information obliquely, quickly scrolling through pages. Effective when working with works of art. This method was especially fond of Lenin.
  • Driving your finger from the bottom of the line. This method, known to every person since childhood, is effective. Conducted studies prove this.
  • appropriation technique. Means identifying and remembering keywords.
  • Empathy technique. It consists in the visualization of the main character or the events taking place in the book from the side of the reader. This technique is effective when reading fiction.
  • "Assault method". Used and used by scouts of various countries. It consists in the rapid assimilation of a certain amount of information by a specially trained person.

Speed ​​Reading for Kids

Intellect should be developed from a young age, that is, during the active growth of a person. During this period, the child's brain is 100% ready to assimilate new information. And in later life, all the skills acquired at school (including the ability to read quickly) will play into the hands of an already formed person.

In the previous sections, we looked at how to learn to read quickly for adults. Next, we will talk about speed reading techniques for children. Namely, how to read very quickly.

First, let's talk about a not very pleasant (but quite common aspect in our time) - about the reasons for slow reading in childhood. Then - about how to teach a student to read quickly.

Reasons for slow reading

  • Low vocabulary. It is replenished in the course of reading new books, learning new things and communicating with people.
  • Weak concentration of attention on the text.
  • Weak articulatory apparatus. This problem is eliminated by special exercises presented in children's manuals.
  • untrained memory. It develops by constant reading of interesting texts and performing semantic exercises for them.
  • The content of the book is too complex. Not every student is able to perceive the intricate plot of a literary work. Here an important aspect is the knowledge of the parent of the characteristics of his child. Then there will be no problem with choosing a book for a child.
  • Return to the same word or phrase (usually complex). The child does not understand its meaning and therefore rereads it again. Of course, this reduces the reading speed. It's great if the child is not shy to ask the meaning of an incomprehensible word. And the parent, in turn, is able to play the role of an explanatory dictionary - that is, to explain on the fingers what this or that word or phraseological unit means.

How to increase the speed of reading a child (or how to teach to read quickly) will be discussed further.

To do this, the parent will need:

  • Interesting and short text. It is desirable that it is suitable for the age of the child.
  • Timer.

Record the time before the start of reading (for example, 1 minute). After the specified time, stop your enthusiastic child and recount all the words you read.

Then repeat this operation for the second circle and so on. If everything goes right, then with each new time the read passage of the text will become larger. This suggests that the child's reading speed is increasing.

This section answers the question of how to learn to read very quickly.

How to teach a child to comprehend information?

As mentioned earlier, in reading, not only speed is important, but also the quality of perception of new information. It’s great if a person acquires the habit of meaningful reading from childhood.

Meaningful Reading Techniques for Children

  • Extraction of key information. After reading a certain passage of text, ask the child to tell in a nutshell what the meaning of what they read is. If difficulties arise, repeat the exercise again.
  • Role reading. Suitable texts in which there are dialogues between two characters. Invite the child to read the direct speech of the character that he liked the most. You voice the lines of his opponent.
  • Reading funny phrases. You can remember the ones you read as a child. The most important thing is that they are interesting for the child. For example: "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry." This technique also answers the question of how to learn to read aloud quickly.
  • "Schulte table". It is a lined square, designed for 25-30 cells. A number from 1 to 30 is written in each cell. The child is asked to silently find the numbers in the process of increasing. This exercise improves the scope of operational vision.
  • Regularity of lessons. One of the most important points. No matter how simple or complex methods of fast reading a child learns, the only sense will be from regular classes.
  • Don't forget to praise your child. At the end of the lesson, you need to tell the baby that he is making progress, and all the acquired skills will help him a lot in later life.

One of the most important school skills is speed reading. How to quickly read and understand the essence of the studied material, we discussed above.

The easiest way to compare speed reading with eating. Just as we consume proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins, we consume written information. When we read fast, we shorten "lunch time", but in some cases this does not make sense.

In addition to calories and nutritional value, there are many other pleasures in eating. We are not trying to swallow at speed a restaurant dish prepared by a chef, decorated according to all the rules on a served table. Speed ​​reading fiction looks just as strange, unless, of course, you are a student of the philological faculty who needs to download a long list of literature into himself in a semester.

It is necessary for business purposes, for educational purposes. When we say "reading" in this article, we mean reading academic or business literature, professional texts, and news. The average reading speed of an ordinary person is about 800 characters per minute, taking into account the memorization coefficient. How much can it be increased?

Business shorthand is also different:

  • Analytical- the most difficult. It is necessary to master and understand new paradigms, principles, approaches. For this information, the structure of assimilation has not yet been formed, we do not know how to use it and how to classify it. This is the slowest reading, because this information needs to be seriously considered. My speed is 3,100 characters per minute.
  • Introductory- easy and understandable reading. We already have a system of knowledge on this subject in our head, we just add new facts, concepts and points of view. This includes all news and stories. Fast reading. One and a half to two times faster than the analytical one. My speed is 4,800 characters per minute.
  • search engine- the fastest reading. Search for the necessary information in a large array of text. Suitable for restoring knowledge in the head. Speed ​​reading, 4–5 times faster than analytical reading. My speed is 14,000 characters per minute.

The benefits seem to be obvious. The given speed - taking into account the coefficient of memorization. After each test, questions are asked to check what information is left in the head.

With these objective advantages of speed reading, I meet "evidence" that . Unfortunately, these statements are propagated by people who either do not own speed reading, or tried to master it, but could not. Classic story: "I have not read Pasternak, but I condemn."

What to do to love speed reading

Imagine a preschooler who cleverly argues that reading by syllables is a much more conscious approach than reading by words. It allows you to thoughtfully perceive each word, listen to its sound. Funny? This is what a person looks like who proves that slow reading by words is better than speed reading.

Of course, speed reading won't work if you learn to just absorb the text. To read fast, the ability to quickly download text into the brain is not enough. Speed ​​reading is a set of skills for processing written information. What else do you need to know to make speed reading a useful and favorite tool for you?

Ask questions

A basic skill without which it is generally useless to read. Reading must be prepared. If we read without questions, then the information has nothing to cling to, it passes us by. Questions are the hooks we place in the way of information. Our task is to catch the meanings. Through questions, we immerse ourselves in reading consciously, focusing not on the process, but on the goal.

Ask yourself: “What do I want to find in this book? What actions am I going to take after reading it? What do I want to learn to do differently? What am I missing?"

Train your memory

The amount of information that remains in the head does not depend on the speed of reading. Therefore, the statement sounds strange that after speed reading, little information settles in the head. Let me ask you, how much did we remember from the last read at normal speed? Can we retell its content or main theses? In order for information to fit in your head, you need to develop memory.

There are hundreds of exercises that help us keep new knowledge in our heads. There are mechanics that fix new words, images, data.

Practice even if you are not going to master speed reading: a strong memory will always help in life. Make a habit of the 30 second exercise: learn to articulate the key messages of any communication in 30 seconds.

So your attention will always be focused on remembering important meanings and linking them to the existing knowledge system.

Concentrate on text

Our mental abilities at the moment have a limit. We can keep a limited number of thoughts in our heads. Usually, reading slows down and memory decreases because we are constantly distracted by extraneous thoughts. If we learn to control external stimuli and concentrate on the text, then much more information will remain in our heads.

Attention is scattered when we are either bored or anxious. To concentrate attention, you need to get out of this state.

Other exercises for concentration of attention can be easily found in the literature and the Internet.

Think Parallel

We all have rudimentary two-channel thinking. We can talk on the phone and think about which way to turn at the intersection. We can make plans for tomorrow and cook dinner. But we do not develop this ability, but we can use it to its fullest: simultaneously read and think about the text at high speed. If you read quickly, but do not have time to think, then, of course, you lose the meaning of what is written.

Over time, you will pump the second channel of thinking, and when reading one book, you will have the opportunity to read and think at the same time.

Go back to what you read

What to do if the information is too difficult to comprehend on the go? Usually we stop and think over an incomprehensible text. Such stops slow down reading in general, because you need to accelerate from zero each time. At the same time, we are all familiar with the principle of Tetris, when continuous actions become faster and faster. How not to lose either speed or information?

For me, it's reading with a pencil. No need to stumble on every interesting thought, and then accelerate again. It is enough to mark interesting places that require reflection in the fields and return to them after the "high-speed approach".

Sift the text of the book through your questions. When you come across answers that you need to think about, just mark them, you don't have to think right away. Re-read them later - so you spend much less time.

Use the information received

This is a continuation of the previous rule. The vast majority of readers do not return to the material they read, do not use it in their lives. Read a lot, but do little. For such people, speed reading will not help until they change their behavior.

Few of us turn information into results. It does not matter how fast the book, article or news was read. We suffer from information obesity: we receive information and do not use it, we do not turn it into knowledge and actions. It looks like a person who absorbs sweets and starchy foods, receives huge energy doses, and sits on the couch. But after all, there are people with a high metabolism: at least at night they will eat a chocolate bar, but nothing will be deposited anywhere.

How to increase informational metabolism? It is necessary to put into practice the chain of information transformation. Reading should make sense.

  • Information that has not become knowledge is meaningless. Questions turn information into knowledge, we started with this rule.
  • Knowledge that has not become action has no meaning. Knowledge turns purpose into action. What do we want to change with the help of information, what to achieve?
  • An action that has not become a useful result is meaningless. Will and discipline turn action into results. Create your habits.
  • A result that does not bring satisfaction is meaningless. Values ​​turn results into satisfaction. Does the result correspond to our internal values?

If there is a need for specific information, purpose and value, then speed reading is a necessary and useful skill. If you are ready to process and assimilate a large number of meanings, then you will need the ability to read quickly.

To read quickly, you need to be able to:

  1. To ask questions.
  2. Remember.
  3. Focus.
  4. Think in parallel.
  5. Return to reading.
  6. Use information.

It is not uncommon for younger schoolchildren to study either shaky or roll, because they read very slowly. The low speed of obtaining information affects the speed of the entire work as a whole. As a result, the child sits over a textbook for a long time, and academic performance is at the “satisfactory” mark.

How to teach a child to read quickly and at the same time be aware of what they read (more in the article:)? Is it possible to ensure that reading becomes a cognitive process that provides a lot of new information and does not become a "stupid" reading of letters and syllables? We will tell you how to teach a student to speed reading and not lose the true meaning of the lesson. We read quickly, but qualitatively and thoughtfully.

How to start teaching short reading?

Speaking about the classic method of speed reading, we emphasize that the basis in it is a complete rejection of internal pronunciation. This technique is not suitable for younger students. It should start no earlier than 10-12 years. Before this age, children better absorb information that is read at the same speed as when speaking.

Parents and educators can still learn for themselves a number of useful principles and techniques that are included in this methodology. A child's brain at the age of 5-7 years has all the possibilities for full disclosure and improvement - many teachers of venerable schools say this: Zaitsev, Montessori and Glen Doman. All these schools begin to teach children to read at this age (about 6 years old), only one Waldorf school known to the whole world begins the process a little later.

All teachers agree on one fact: learning to read is a voluntary process. You can't force a child to read against their will. Parents can help the baby find inner strength to master a new skill by using games.

Ready for preschoolers to read

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know from me how to solve exactly your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

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Today on the shelves of stores there is a huge range of manuals for learning to read. Moms and dads, of course, begin this process by learning letters, for which they buy alphabets in a variety of forms: talking books and posters, cubes, puzzles and much more.

The alphabet comes to the aid of the youngest children

The goal for all parents is extremely important, but it should be remembered that you need to teach right away so that you don’t have to relearn later. Often, without knowing it, adults teach using the wrong methods, which ultimately creates confusion in the child’s head, which leads to mistakes.

The most common parenting mistakes

  • Pronunciation of letters, not sounds. It is a mistake to name alphabetic variants of letters: PE, ER, KA. For correct learning, their short pronunciation is required: P, R, K. An incorrect beginning will lead to the fact that later, when compounding, the child will have a problem in the formation of syllables. So, for example, he will not be able to identify the word: PEAPEA. Thus, the baby cannot see the miracle of reading and understanding, which means that the process itself will become absolutely uninteresting for him.
  • Erroneous learning to combine letters into syllables and read words. The following approach would be incorrect:
    • we say: P and A will be PA;
    • spelling: B, A, B, A;
    • analysis of the word only with a glance and its reproduction without taking into account the text.

Learning to read correctly

You should teach your baby to pull the first sound before pronouncing the second - for example, MMMO-RRPE, LLLUUUK, VVVO-DDDA. By teaching your child in this way, you will see positive changes in learning much faster.

Reading skill is closely related to the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Very often, reading and writing disorders take their basis in the pronunciation base of the child. The kid pronounces sounds incorrectly, which affects reading in the future. We advise you to start visiting a speech therapist from the age of 5 and not wait until speech is established on its own.

Classes in first grade

The famous professor I.P. Fedorenko developed his own method of teaching reading, the main principle of which is that it is important not how much time you spend on a book, but how often and regularly you study.

You can learn to do something at the level of automatism even without exhausting long sessions. All exercises should be short-term, but carried out with a regular frequency.

Many parents, unwittingly, put a spoke in the wheel of the child's desire to learn to read. In many families, the situation is the same: “Sit down at the table, here is a book for you, read the first fairy tale and until you finish, do not leave the table.” The reading speed of a toddler in the first grade is very low and therefore it will take him at least an hour to read one short story. During this time, he will be very tired from mental hard work. Parents use this approach to kill the child's desire to read. A more gentle and effective way to work through the same text is to work on it in portions, for 5-10 minutes. Then these attempts are repeated two more times during the day.

Children who are forced to read usually lose interest in literature completely.

When a child sits down at a book without pleasure, it is important to use a gentle reading regimen in this case. With this method, between reading one or two lines, the baby gets a short break.

For comparison, one can imagine viewing slides from a filmstrip. On the first frame, the child reads 2 lines, then studies the picture and rests. Then we switch to the next slide and repeat the work.

Great pedagogical experience has allowed teachers to apply various effective methods for teaching reading, which can be used at home. Below are examples of some of them.


Syllabary speed reading table

This set contains a list of syllables that are repeated many times in one reading session. This way of practicing syllables trains the articulatory apparatus. First, the children read one line of the table slowly (in chorus), then at a slightly faster pace, and for the last time - like a tongue twister. During one lesson, one to three lines are worked out.

The use of syllabic tablets helps the child remember combinations of sounds more quickly.

By studying such syllable tables, children begin to understand the principle by which they are built, it is easier for them to navigate and find the required syllable. Over time, children understand how to quickly find a syllable at the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines. The combination of vowels and consonants becomes clear to them from the point of view of the sound-letter system, in the future it becomes easier to perceive words as a whole.

Open syllables must be read both horizontally and vertically (more details in the article:). The principle of reading in the table is twofold. The horizontal lines display the same consonant with different vowel variations. The consonant is read lingeringly with a smooth transition into a vowel sound. In vertical lines, the vowel remains the same, but the consonants change.

Choral pronunciation of the text

They train the articulatory apparatus at the beginning of the lesson, and in the middle they relieve excessive fatigue. On the sheet, which is issued to each student, a number of tongue twisters are offered. First-graders can choose to work out a tongue twister they like or related to the topic of the lesson. Whispering tongue twisters is also an excellent exercise for the articulatory apparatus.

Performing articulation exercises improves the clarity of speech and helps speed reading.

Comprehensive Reading Program

  • repeated repetition of what was written;
  • reading in a fast rhythm tongue twisters;
  • continuation of reading unfamiliar text with expression.

Joint implementation of all points of the program, pronunciation in a not very loud voice. Everyone has their own pace. The scheme of conduct is as follows:

The read and conscious content of the first part of the tale / story continues with choral reading in an undertone of the next part. The task lasts 1 minute, after which each student makes a mark to which place he has read. Then the task is repeated with the same passage, the new word is also noted and the results are compared. In most cases, the second time shows that the number of words read has increased. An increase in this number creates a positive attitude in children and they want to achieve new successes. We advise you to change the pace of reading and read it as a tongue twister, which will develop the articulatory apparatus.

The third part of the exercise is as follows: a familiar text is read at a slow pace with expression. When children reach an unfamiliar part, the pace of reading increases. You will need to read one or two lines. Over time, the number of lines needs to be increased. You will notice that after a few weeks of systematic training, the child will notice a clear progress.

In training, the sequence and ease of exercises for the child is very important.

Exercise Options

  1. Task "Throw-serif". When performing the exercise, the students' palms are on their knees. It begins with the words of the teacher: “Throw!” Having heard this command, the children begin to read the text from the book. Then the teacher says, "Serif!" It's time for rest. Children close their eyes, but their hands remain on their knees all the time. Having heard the “Throw” command again, the students look for the line where they stopped and continue reading. The duration of the exercise is about 5 minutes. Thanks to this training, children learn visual orientation in the text.
  2. Task "Tugboat". The purpose of this exercise is to control the ability to change the pace of reading. First graders read the text together with the teacher. The teacher chooses a pace that is convenient for the students, and students should try to keep up. Then the teacher moves on to reading “to himself”, which is also repeated by the children. After a short period of time, the teacher starts reading aloud again, and the children, with the right tempo, should read the same thing with him. You can increase your reading level by doing this exercise in pairs. A better reading student reads “to himself” and at the same time runs his finger along the lines. The neighbor reads aloud, focusing on the partner's finger. The task of the second student is to keep up with the reading of a stronger partner, which should increase the speed of reading in the future.
  3. Find a soul mate. The task of schoolchildren will be to search in the table for the second half of the word:

Program for children over 8 years old

  1. Search for words in the text. In the allotted time, students must find words that begin with a certain letter. A more difficult option when teaching the technique of speed reading is to search for a specific line in the text. Such an activity helps to improve the visual search in the vertical direction. The teacher begins to read the line, and the children must find it in the text and read the continuation.
  2. Insert missing letters. The proposed text is missing some letters. How much? Depends on the readiness level of the children. Instead of letters, there may be periods or spaces. Such an exercise helps speed up reading, as well as help combine letters into words. The child correlates the initial and final letters, analyzes them and makes up a whole word. Children learn to read the text a little ahead in order to correctly select the right word, and this skill is usually formed already in children who read well. A simpler version of the exercise for children over 8 years of age is a text with missing endings. For example: Veche ... step ... into the city .... We moved… along the paths… between the garage… and mind you… little… kitty… etc.
  3. The game "Hide and Seek". The teacher begins to randomly read a line from the text. Students must quickly orient themselves, find this place and continue reading together.
  4. Exercise "Word with an error." While reading, the teacher makes a mistake in the word. It is always interesting for children to correct inaccuracies, because in this way their authority increases, as well as self-confidence.
  5. Self-measurement of reading speed. Children, on average, should read about 120 words per minute and even more. It will be easier and more interesting to achieve this goal if they begin to independently measure their reading speed once a week. The child himself counts the number of words read and puts the results on a tablet. Such a task is relevant in grades 3-4 and allows you to improve your reading technique. You can find other examples of speed reading exercises and videos on the Internet.

Reading speed is an important indicator of progress and should be monitored regularly

We stimulate results

Evaluation of positive dynamics is very important. The child will receive a good incentive to further work if he sees that he has already achieved some success. Above the workplace, you can hang a table or graph that would display progress in learning to speed reading and improving the reading technique itself.
