The aunt swaddled the teenager like a baby. From the history of swaddling

When we think about who did create diapers, then in search of an answer, we invariably stumble upon Alan Mills with his patented invention. And in all the few articles on the history of swaddling children, it is only casually indicated that the history of swaddling goes back many, many years and even millennia, that ancient people used moss and animal skins as the very first diapers. Naturally, this is a completely obvious fact.

This article is for those who want to know the details. We invite you now to travel back several millennia. Below we will tell you that in addition to moss and animal skins, the traditions of natural swaddling contain many amazing historical facts and illustrative examples.

What is swaddling

First, let's define what we mean by swaddling. Undoubtedly, there may be differences in this matter and many of us understand swaddling in our own way. For us, swaddling is a set of measures that are aimed at keeping traces of the baby's natural needs in woven and non-woven structures in order to protect the surfaces with which the child comes into contact (bed, mother's clothes, etc.). By a set of measures, we mean the use of diapers (both reusable and disposable), diapers, blankets, potties and other containers for planting a child. Swaddling, however, can also be understood as fixing the baby's body (arms and legs) with diapers to give a certain degree of restriction of movement (tight swaddling, wide swaddling, etc.) This definition is widespread and we will touch on it below, understanding, however, that we are primarily interested in swaddling in the first definition.

So, let's begin. At the link “natural swaddling” you can get acquainted with the modern view on swaddling. In ancient times, natural swaddling was somewhat different.

There are historical facts that the tradition of swaddling originated in the practice of caring for babies in ancient times. It was at this time that the first diapers appeared. And not just diapers, but reusable diapers with disposable inserts made from natural materials. The materials used for such structures were highly dependent on the climate and varied according to the region of residence.

Swaddling among Indian tribes

So Indian tribes in America used dry grass as an absorbent layer in a diaper and rabbit skin as a waterproof cover. The used grass was thrown out, and the skin was dried. Children were carried there in cradles, practically without taking them out, during the entire first year of life (it was believed that only in a cradle would a baby be absolutely protected from external evil forces). And since the children literally "lived" in the cradle, it was not difficult to attach an absorbent structure under the baby's ass.

Swaddling in warm climates

In tropical climates, babies were never swaddled from birth. Carried naked and landed by the first sign. It is from here, according to historians, that the tradition of planting children and capturing the signs of babies began. It was believed that a one-month-old baby, whom a mother carries in her arms from birth, is able not to stain her clothes and always remain dry.

Swaddling in harsh climates

In the harsh climate of ancient people, there was no question of landing. Toddlers were made prototypes of modern overalls from animal skin. As a diaper, a moss liner was used, which was placed under a robe made of sealskin. At the same time, there was no way to dry the seal skin, and in order to protect it from getting wet, the seal skin was smeared with seal fat from the inside (this is the very first prototype of lanolin care).

This is what the overalls of a Chukchi baby looked like in the 1st century AD. Please note that a diaper changing structure is attached to the groin area. Oiled sealskin insert, moss on top. The overalls were not changed when changing the diaper.

Despite the fact that this design allows for the exposure of parts of the baby’s body that is convenient for planting a child, there is not a single historical fact that children of the northern peoples were taught natural hygiene from birth. In addition, one of the museums in Alaska houses the oldest Eskimo sealskin pants. Moss was put into such pants for children who are already able to move independently.

Thus, in the tradition of swaddling of the northern peoples, there was no task of early potty training.

Swaddling in Asia

In ancient Japan, during the Edo period (1600-1850), the ejiko carrycot with an absorbent layer “built into it” was widely used. The bottom of the cradle was double. In the part that was on the inside of the cradle, a hole was made for the baby's buttocks. Everything that came out of the child flowed into it, and rags and straw soaked into the ashes, with which they stuffed the space between the first and second bottoms of this carrier, made in the form of a basket. The baby was not swaddled in a diaper, they put it naked, and covered it with blankets or diapers on top. Thus, the children spent the day while their parents worked in the rice fields.

Traditions are also strong in China. Since ancient times, the so-called kaidanku (splitpants) - pants with a hole - have been known. Toddlers pee so that their pants stay dry... well, almost dry. In addition, you can drop off a child in such clothes in a couple of seconds - you don’t need to take anything off. And the grown-up baby himself can empty the intestines by simply squatting down. By the way, traditional Chinese pants can be found to this day.

Among the drop-in products, there are many variations of drop-off pants. By the way, it is from China that the tradition of planting children in small pots comes. These pots (they should have a small diameter!) Were substituted under the baby's ass and worn in a shoulder winding.

Swaddling traditions in Europe

In Europe, children were swaddled in cotton and linen rags. Already from the 2nd century BC, in the days of ancient culture, the first prototypes of modern diapers are known - a piece of cloth wrapped around the baby.

In this mural from the Louvre, you can see what one of the first reusable cloth diapers was like - 2000 BC.

In famous biblical paintings, the baby Jesus is depicted in swaddling clothes. The fact that babies were swaddled is directly indicated by the text of the Bible: “ And she gave birth to her firstborn, and wrapped him in rags, and put him in a manger ... ”Long thin (3-4 cm) ribbons were used as diapers, with which they wrapped the whole body of the baby like a mummy. Under the child, like a pad, cotton and linen rags were placed - analogues of modern reusable diapers in Europe.

It should be noted that in terms of the cleanliness of diapers and the hygiene of swaddling, Europeans lagged far behind those countries where moss and grass were used. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, European children were tightly swaddled and rarely washed. Wrapped in rags and wet, they lay in their cradles for most of the day - mothers did not carry them in their arms until the age of about 5 months, when it became clear that the child would survive and not die from the disease. Wet diapers were dried over a fire, as urine was believed to have bactericidal properties. And diapers soiled with feces were often simply rinsed in the river. To make diapers more absorbent, wood ash was added to them, which absorbed urine into itself, becoming solid - then it was simply shaken off the diaper and used again. This is how the diapers were dried over an open fire. The work of a German artist.

Only in the middle of the 18th century, under the influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau's criticism of European swaddling as unhealthy, did parents change their minds about the use of ash and washing diapers (Rousseau criticized not only the use of ash and the lack of proper processing of diapers, but also the very fact of tight swaddling - he wrote that it is better and it is more useful to dress small children in loose clothes, allowing freedom of movement). Among European townspeople and wealthy people began to appear those who washed diapers and wrapped them under the woolen dresses of children up to a year old (both boys and girls were dressed in a long shirt-dress), replacing tight diapers. Often, sheepskin was used as a diaper on which the baby lay. It does not allow moisture to pass through and allows you to protect the clothes of the mother, who holds the child in her arms. In Rembrandt's painting "The Holy Family" you can see that the baby in his mother's arms lies on a sheep's skin.

It was at this time that a swaddling system appeared, very similar to the modern one (cotton diapers, woolen covering in the form of clothes), natural diapers. The invention of the first waterproof diaper-coverings dates back to the same time - silk diapers were oiled and wound over cotton or linen to prevent leakage. And only by the end of the 18th century the coating became woolen and it was processed with sheep fat. Thus, the prototype of the modern system of natural swaddling as we know it today appeared in Europe at the end of the 18th century.

To be continued…

- Bogoras, W. 1909 The Chukchee. American Museum of Natural History Volume XI. E.J. Brill Ltd., Leiden.

- Babies: History, Art, and Folklore.

- Maria de Wit. Kinderkleidung natuerlich und Gesund

- Babyhood: The Mother's Nursery Guide.

The first time I met Olya more than 3 years ago, and when I found out what she was doing, I was surprised .... It sounded unusual "postpartum recovery", and now I see similar reactions in people to this phrase. For some reason, most people think that we are talking about babies. But no, attention in this case is entirely given to the woman in labor, the mother, the woman. And this immediately appears some kind of secret meaning.

Exactly one month ago I gave birth to my daughter. Yes, I have a new role! Very responsible, unexpected, because I still can’t believe that life has completely changed once and for all! And I receive confirmation of this every minute (and even at night).

But not about that yet.)

The pregnancy was going great, sometimes I didn’t feel so pot-bellied at all, and only a new image was reflected in the windows.

We began to communicate more actively with Olya, because she is also a homeopath and an osteopath. And in pregnancy, you don’t want medical interventions at all. And I began to periodically consult with Olya about my position. 2 times she pulled me out of a cold-painful state with the help of homeopathy. And on the 7th month we met in Lisbon and spent several weeks with two families. It all ended with the fact that I was very imbued with Olya's approach to pregnancy and childbirth. And of course I wanted her to be present more often in my life. What I could not even dream of, since Olya and her family live in Ukraine. But (oh, a miracle!) her husband (my friend) suddenly arranged everything so that at the time of 9 months, they came to live in St. Petersburg!!!

I was happy!!

Actually, it turned out that Olya did a lot in my birth. She was my and Dusin's guardian angel! Every time I quietly thank her for this))))

And ... I deviated again .. I will skip the story about childbirth .. this is very personal ..

In advance with Olya, we agreed on my swaddling, preferably on the 5th or 7th day. We decided to do it a week after giving birth. I bought different herbs (as it turned out, even more than I needed, but in the end almost everything went into use) I begged my mother for old duvet covers. And it started...

I've been looking forward to this day! Almost the same as childbirth .. (although I waited much longer for childbirth))
I really wanted to experience this effect on myself, which until the end seemed to me somehow mysterious (after all, I could not even really explain to people what this swaddling meant).

First, Olya had a session of craniosacral therapy (osteopathy) to understand what changes had taken place in my body. Everything turned out to be more or less in order (only a slightly sagging stomach) Let me explain, my stomach in the last term was just huge !! About like a watermelon of 15 kilograms ... in the end it also sank, and I no longer saw my knees.

Then she gave me a choice of essential oils (some were brought from Thailand, and these were the ones I wanted to use) All these oils, warmed up along with the base almond oil, were supposed to be rubbed into my body ... I was in anticipation))

Herbs, meanwhile, were already boiling in a saucepan, being in a pretty rag bundle. The herbs then floated in my bath. I undressed, climbed into the bath .. the water is barely tolerable, closer to hot. And this is done so that my body is thoroughly warmed up and succumbed to editing. Meanwhile, a drink was being prepared on the fire. This is for warming up the insides))

OMG, what a drink! MAGIC!! Viscous, sweet, tart, a thousand times tastier than mulled wine. Some ingredients have been kept secret. I drank about 3 large cups until I was completely exhausted .. And I still have to crawl to the bed ... the mind was already pleasantly turned off. Somewhere in the middle of my bathing procedures, Dusya asked me .... I thought to feed her, but when I lowered her into the bath, she began to look around with curiosity and with bliss on her face. The atmosphere in the bath was also fabulous, candles were burning, and the herbs made the water a rich tea color, add to all this aromas and evaporation. The daughter felt it and relaxed, ceasing to cry. On my stomach lay the same bag of hot herbs, it additionally warmed everything inside.

Then I moved into the room, onto the bed. There, Olya wrapped me in duvet covers, like a baby in diapers, rubbed my whole body with warm oil (not sparing .. it took a whole mug), put on woolen socks and a hat, and then another magic began ... The mind plunged into some kind of deep caves of oblivion... I wanted to completely switch off, surrender to the sensations of the body and swim along the river in my warm, tight cocoon.

But just then the work began .. Ties (head, chest, belt, hips, knees). What did I feel...? It pulled me out of oblivion .. and the body began to turn on .. Olya said, it began to work, because at some moments, it resisted such a tight contraction, and sometimes it seemed that I could no longer breathe .. but slowly, slowly from the outside) I got used to these sensations and again went into oblivion. Somewhere in the middle they brought Dusya, put him to his chest, fed him. Swaddling did not interfere with this at all, on the contrary, it united us (swaddled daughter and mother)

Pulling each place probably took about 20 minutes. And when it was all over, Olya pulled all the diapers out from under me and left me to rest (without getting up for 4 hours, and also lie on my back the whole next day).

The next morning I woke up still as if in hops (pleasant) and could not believe my eyes when I saw my stomach in the mirror (it was exactly half gone !!!) The body itself was soft, plastic and slow. This effect did not let me go for a few more days.

Then, on the advice of Olya, I tied up my stomach and wore warm socks (even though it was summer in the yard), I took care of myself and did not waste my strength. I gave all my time to my daughter and my recovery. After all, this is exactly how you should behave after childbirth, everything else will still be in time. For now, that's the only thing that's important.

Thanks for everything Olya!!!

She often publishes her news and interesting articles there. She can be consulted about health and everything))) She also travels a lot and is constantly developing! Welcome!

Once, while on vacation, my mother sent me to live with her aunt.
The aunt was a woman of 40 years old, looking neat and well-groomed. She was distinguished by an imperious, strong character, and apparently for this reason, despite her age, she was not married.
She received me without special greetings, took me to her room, briefly explained the requirements for me - do not touch any of her things with your hands, do nothing without her permission, obey her everywhere. I said that I understood everything, but she continued to repeat her demands several times, until I finally gave her my word that I would obey her.
At first, everything was fine - Aunt Tanya fed me, let me watch TV, read newspapers so that I would not be bored. But she fed me strangely. When I sat down at the table, she served porridge, but did not let me eat it herself, instead she sat behind me and took the porridge with a spoon and put it in my mouth.
- Open your mouth, Alyosha! - she told me, - eat ...
And she fed me like a little baby. I was very embarrassed by this and at first I resisted and said that I should not do this. To which Aunt Tanya strictly said that I should obey her in everything, since I made a promise to this. There was nowhere to go, in the end, I thought, because no one sees this and will not know that I am being fed like a child.
Having finished feeding, Aunt Tanya wiped my mouth with a napkin and ordered me to say "Thank you" to her for the food. I said \"Thank you\" and went to wash my hands.
All evening I read some magazines, trying not to show that I was a little dumbfounded by the recent shameful feeding for an adult boy ... By evening, I said that I was hungry again and it would be nice to have something to eat. To which Aunt Tanya said that she would arrange everything now, but first I need to go to the bedroom.
I went into the bedroom and saw a large pink bed with lace sheets and bedspreads. Suddenly, I felt that Aunt Tanya, having crept up behind me, picked me up. I was a very easy boy and it was not difficult for Aunt Tanya to hold me in her arms.
- Let me go! - I said - what are you doing.
- Quiet, quiet... Don't shout Alyosha, calm down.
Aunt Tanya then laid me on the bed, placing me on some strange sheets. Then, she began to roll up these sheets, wrapping the sheets around me in many layers, sealing them tightly with the "envelope". When I was already practically immobilized, I finally guessed that these were not sheets, but real baby diapers. This thought terrified me and I screamed for Aunt Tanya to let me go, and began to try to escape from the diapers. But Aunt Tanya was already tightly wrapping my diaper cocoon with a large pink ribbon, fixing the diapers motionless, and tying the ribbon into several knots, and then completing the tying with a large pink bow.
- That's my baby! Be a good boy...
It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't suddenly burst into tears, further strengthening my resemblance to a helpless baby.
“Well, why are you my little one, don’t cry,” said Aunt Tanya, “now I’ll bring you a pacifier and feed you, just like you asked, are you hungry?”
In the hands of the aunt was a large baby bottle with milk poured into it and a nipple at the neck of the bottle. My aunt stuffed this nipple into my mouth and ordered me to suck milk. I started sucking on the nipple little by little. My aunt stroked my hair, reassuring me not to cry anymore. After drinking a little milk, I calmed down and the tears disappeared. I thought that if no one sees that I look like a baby except Aunt Tanya, then there is nothing to worry about. This thought comforted me a little, and I drank milk no longer particularly opposed to it.
When I finished everything without a trace, Aunt Tanya put the nipple out of her mouth and asked if I needed more more or if I had already drunk enough. I replied that it was not necessary.
Then Aunt Tanya picked up my cocoon from the diapers in her arms and rocked me in her arms like a baby. She then put me into the baby crib that was next to the bed. (At first I did not guess that it was a crib). After making sure that it was comfortable for me to lie in it, and having straightened all the folds in the diapers, Aunt Tanya took a pacifier (without milk) from the closet, put it in my mouth and told me to gradually fall asleep. The nipple was attached to my head with an elastic band and I could not spit it out at will.
“Sleep, my little one,” said Aunt Tanya and left, turning off the light.
At first, I tried to break out of the diapers, thinking that as soon as my aunt left, I would succeed. But it wasn't here! The diapers were wrapped very tightly and all my attempts were completely in vain. I also couldn't spit out the pacifier. Therefore, involuntarily had to suck it. I didn’t understand why Aunt Tanya was doing this to me, maybe these are unusual ways of raising her? In the end, having toiled with unsuccessful attempts to escape, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
In the morning I woke up from the voice of Aunt Tanya:
- Wow, way, way!! Wake up my little one! I brought you food.
Feeding food was just like babies. At first, like yesterday, I drank my portion of milk from a bottle with a nipple. Then, slightly lifting my cocoon with diapers, my aunt began to feed me porridge with spoons from her hand. After eating porridge, I was again immersed in a crib, and a pacifier was placed in my mouth.
You can eat, but how to go to the toilet? I thought when I wanted to go to the toilet a little. Since I was sucking a pacifier in my mouth, I could not tell my aunt about it, and instead of words, I began to mumble and scream.
Aunt immediately carefully took the nipple out of her mouth and asked what happened.
“I want to pee,” I said.
- You can do it right in diapers. You are wearing good diapers that do not let moisture through, - Aunt Tanya said smiling and again put the nipple in my mouth, not even allowing me to answer anything.
At first I tried to protest and toss and turn in diapers, trying to free myself again, but after 10 minutes, realizing the futility of trying, I had to give up. I peed right into the diapers. Grimacing with embarrassment, I began to suck on the nipple more and more actively trying to distract myself from the fact that I peed right into the diapers.
30 minutes later my aunt came and asked if I had already done \"wee wee \"? I nodded my head.
- Well done, my baby ... We'll change diapers later.
All day I lay in a crib doing almost nothing and I was starting to get bored with it.
Towards evening I heard voices from the corridor:
\"Everything is in order, your son is a very obedient boy and honey!\", \"Don't worry, I feed him\" - said Tanya.
I realized that she was on the phone with my mother. If only she knew what position I was in. Or maybe she already knows? Then I listened to the voice of my aunt:
\"Yes, everything is in order, I take care of him like a child\",\"I feed him from the papilla\", \"Don't worry, everything is fine with us\"... - Aunt Tanya said to her mother.
I was shocked by what I heard, I could not believe that my mother gave me to be raised by Aunt Tanya, in order to take care of me like a little baby. Although to be honest, my mother was a very loving mother, very protective and caring for me. She could let go of me with great difficulty and at first she led me everywhere by the hand on the way back and forth to the kindergarten, not allowing me to take a single step on my own. And then just as accurately taking me to school in the first 3 classes. When I grew up, she also constantly accompanied me to school, but no longer holding the pen.
And then, for the summer holidays, my mother gave me to live with Aunt Tanya, which was a completely unnatural step for her. Well, she couldn't let me go further than a\"a couple of meters \" away from me, and then suddenly for some reason she allowed me to live with Aunt Tanya.
But now it became clear to me at what cost she let me go to her. It means she told Aunt Tanya to take care of me so tightly, as they take care of little babies. Make a baby out of me so that I can’t take a step on my own and not run away anywhere.
Realizing all this, I blushed with shame and began to even more ... suck the nipple. At that moment, Aunt Tanya entered the room.
- Well, baby, how do you feel?
Naturally, I could not answer anything because I was holding a pacifier in my mouth.
- Not hungry? And then your mother worries about you so that you get food on time. Do you want milk?
I nodded my head to show what I wanted. Indeed, I would like to drink some milk if there is no other food.
- Hold on! - my aunt changed my nipple, giving me a nipple with milk instead of a dummy.
To be honest, drinking milk from a nipple was very unusual and embarrassing. At the same time, you feel like a baby sucking a tit... And milk enters your mouth in small portions. You have to suck harder to drink more milk.
- Finished it? Give me a bottle here ... - said the aunt. - Mom told me to entertain you while you swaddled. Do you want me to sing a song?
I didn't answer. It was embarrassing for me to answer such a question.
And my aunt sang a lullaby song in a thin voice, while stroking my hair. After singing it to the end, my aunt smiled at me and left the room.
Well, since my mother wants it that way, then the situation is at least under her control and I can relax and not worry about anything. In any case, I thought that my situation is not so bad, they take care of me, they feed me, they treat me kindly. The main thing is that my schoolmates do not find out about me, but no one will tell them about this, I know that my mother cares about my reputation for others, and she probably told Aunt Tanya to keep all this a secret.
In the evening, having eaten food from my aunt's hands and drinking milk from a bottle with a nipple, I felt that I again want to "go to the toilet". My aunt said that the diapers are large enough that I can pee in them. That's exactly what I did. After that, my aunt began to unwrap me to change diapers. (all the same, the amount of liquid that I emitted was more than that of babies for whom diapers are made) Aunt did everything according to the rules, laying me on the changing table, untying the diapers, unbuttoned my old diapers and immediately put on new ones. Then she quickly began to swaddle me back. I didn’t try to break free, being unswaddled for a few seconds, why, if all the same my mother would not let me leave Aunt Tanya’s house without her permission. And then they swaddled me again. It seemed to me even tighter than before. Then they put her in the crib and gave her a pacifier.
It was getting close to sleep. I was fed some milk and put to bed.
The next day, about the same as yesterday was repeated - feeding from the nipple with milk, and food from the aunt's hands. Singing songs for babies, swinging on the handles. Swaddling and swaddling.
So I lived with Aunt Tanya all my summer holidays as a baby. This imprint remained in me for later life, and after that I became an overly submissive and obedient boy.

During the time of Hippocrates (460-377 BC), physicians were unanimous in their belief that all babies should be swaddled. It's just that there were different opinions.

For example, there was such a method: the baby was wrapped in ribbons 3-4 fingers wide, arms and legs - separately. Then the whole body was wrapped once with a diaper, then with a piece of linen, which was fixed with wide ribbons.

It is known that the ancient Romans washed their newly born children and immediately after that swaddled them with long narrow ribbons “like a mummy”, as reported by the ancient Roman poet Titus Macchius Plautus (c. 251-184 BC).

By the time of the birth of Christ, the rites common among the Jews were exactly the same as described in the Bible: “ And she gave birth to her firstborn, and wrapped him in rags, and laid him in a manger ...»

Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) was probably the first physician to object to swaddling. In one of his books, he expresses a doubt: is it right and good that a person is wrapped in swaddling clothes and wrapped with ribbons immediately after birth, which is not characteristic of any other creature?

“Thus lies the being who, in time, should rule over all living creatures, bound hand and foot, weeping bitterly.”

The earliest mention of swaddling in the Netherlands in written sources is not in medical records, but in one of the accounts of Count Albrecht van Bayern, who lived in 1360. This bill was issued to him when his daughter was born in The Hague:

"6 1/2 cubits (arshin) of white linen was bought to swaddle my little daughter."

On top of linen children in Holland were wrapped in a woolen diaper. Sheepskin was necessarily laid in the cradle for him (a vivid illustration - “).

  • In 1457, the physician Bartholomeus Meterlingen from Augsburg wrote down recommendations for the location and strength of the arms and legs of a newborn when swaddling.
  • The surgeon Felix Wurtz (1518-1574) warns in his Practice of Surgery (Practica der Wundartzeny) against too tight swaddling and urges mothers not to make "art" out of swaddling children. Too tightly swaddled baby experiences a feeling of fear and discomfort during sleep.
  • At the end of the 17th century, Dr. Francois Marceau writes that the child, on the contrary, should be tightly swaddled, which will give his body the correct beautiful shape and teach him to walk straight. Otherwise, he will run like an animal on all fours. There was also a belief that if small arms and legs were not swaddled, they could be easily damaged and they were even afraid that they might fall off.
  • At the end of the 18th century, Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) wrote that it was better and healthier to dress small children in wider clothes, which would give more freedom to arms and legs.
  • In the middle of the 19th century, they again returned to the opinion that the child should be swaddled. This was explained by the fact that since the body, arms and legs are strictly fixed during swaddling, they are protected from damage and will not be deformed when the child rolls from one side to the other. However, there were many complaints about tight swaddling - it made breathing difficult and disrupted the functions of the whole organism as a whole.

This discussion of pundits passed by ordinary mothers.

Since their mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters swaddled their children from time immemorial, they continued to swaddle theirs. They believed that by swaddling their children, they only do better and in this way prevent the occurrence of an umbilical hernia. It was believed that even the way of caring for a woman in labor can affect the character of the child. If the nurse sat on a special chair for feeding (something between a low chair and a basket with a high semicircular back) too close to the fire, then it could well happen that the child grows hot-tempered.

It wasn't until the 19th century that tight swaddling gradually faded away, but swaddling very young children remained commonplace. Until the 1950s, the custom was to swaddle a child while sleeping.

Babies these days are only swaddled for the first ten days, and then they usually wear rompers.

When we have grown up, we already know how to handle our limbs and the freedom of movement that our arms and legs have. A small child is still very far from this! Before birth, in the womb, he sits like in a tiny house, as small as you can imagine. During childbirth, all "borders" suddenly open, and the world appears as something huge and bright. The child, protecting himself from external light, closes his eyes and sleeps. But the small body feels lost in space.

When we swaddle a baby in a warm diaper, we echo a reminder to return to him the feeling of security that he knew before birth, and give him the opportunity to understand where he is now - straightening his legs, he feels the fabric of the diaper and knows where he is. Perhaps this can explain why many children want to lie down and rest their heads against the upper part of the cradle - where they feel, touch?

“I'm not here anymore, there's something else here,” - then he begins to find, to feel his form. One poet said: "I take shape where I feel the boundaries." Children are constantly looking for their shape and need the boundaries that we create for them. First in the form of a diaper that gives them a sense of security. Then, after a couple of months, they can try their hand at the same diapers or sliders, twitching their arms and legs, trying to break the restriction. Even later, they begin to test the strength of the boundaries of "allowed" / "not allowed."

The diaper should be tied in a knot or securely fastened so that the child cannot unwind it by jerking the handles and kicking with his feet. But at the same time, there should be enough space so that the child can move and, with colic or convulsions, pull the legs to the stomach.

There is another one - a bag of diapers is surprisingly warm!

Babies up to 9-10 months of age especially need a protective sheath of physical warmth in order to grow and develop their brains and other organs. It may seem that babies never freeze - however, if the baby has cold hands, then he really is very cold! He simply cannot yet independently distinguish what is cold and what is warm! He is still too "foreign" in his own body. And besides, how could he tell us that he was cold? An adult, when cold, produces heat by processing the calories consumed in food. His heart begins to beat faster, his breathing quickens until the desired body temperature is reached.

An infant does the same, but unlike an adult organism, its body cannot retain heat. It has to continuously produce energy to stay warm. Only when we surround him with a warm shell from the outside will he be able to relax and fall asleep peacefully.

An experiment conducted with a naked infant showed that children generate energy into heat until the ideal temperature (29°) is reached in the immediate vicinity of his body.

An interesting experiment was conducted by researchers of animal behavior (ethologists). They wanted to know which surrogate mother a newborn chimpanzee would choose: the one that feeds him or the one that keeps him warm. The first was a wire frame with a bottle of milk, and the second was woolen. Chimpanzee babies always (!) chose a warm woolen "mother", although she did not feed them. That's how important it is for a newborn to feel warm!

If the child is awake and there is a threat of freezing, then he begins to “warm up” himself from the inside, transferring energy into heat. But, if the child is fast asleep, it may happen that he does not feel that he is starting to freeze. A cold child has cold hands and feet, although the body may feel warm under the clothes. The child begins to worry, breathe faster and cry. If you wrap him in a woolen blanket or take him to a warm room, he will calm down.

Swaddling, we provide the baby with a calm and harmonious development.

Vests and blouses should, if possible, be made of natural materials - wool or silk, and for swaddling and on hot days it is better to use cotton.

Special woolen diaper panties protect the diaper from getting wet and keep the baby from freezing even if the diaper is wet. In this case, there is no need to spend energy to keep warm, and you can direct all your efforts to growth and development.

The baby needs warmth to "master" his body. Only in warmth can the human "I" be born. We are all well aware of this feeling when, having come home, very cold, we do not feel anything and cannot understand who we are and what we are. And only by putting on woolen socks and a sweater, warming our hands and feet, we can calmly say: “Now I feel like a man!”

An excerpt from Maria de Wit. "Kinderkleidung natuerlich und Gesund"
Translation: Anastasia Dranova

Swaddling experiment:

Before the experiment, there was a fear of lying immobile for 3 hours, it seemed that prolonged immobility in itself is sufficient torture. When I came to Volka there was no fear of the experiment. During the experiment, I decided not to hold back negative emotions - I just wanted to observe what was happening to them.
The wolf swaddled me in such a way that I could move my head from side to side, I could slightly move my shoulders, a little fingers (for example, scratch my hips) and could slightly bend my knees. I couldn't make any other moves. From above, the Wolf covered me with a light blanket.

What I experienced at the time of the experiment, I evaluated on a ten-point scale.

Experiment notes (beginning at 2 days)

- After 10 minutes of lying motionless and looking at a tree that hung from above in the window, thoughts arose: "Interestingly, I like the state - immobility is not perceived as something terrible, on the contrary - a state of calmness arises." I like to lie like this. Disappointment arose, I was sure that all children suffer from the fact that they are swaddled, but my condition, on the contrary, is cool. Due to the limitation in movement, there was a perception that my visual perceptions were "increased" - as if I could physically perceive what I see.
Volka came and offered to close the window with curtains so that I would not be distracted by the cool paws of the tree. I agreed. As soon as the window was closed, I immediately had anxiety at 3.

- Unpleasant sensations in the neck at 3-4, it became clear that I could not do anything to change these sensations. There was indifference to this - it seemed that "it would hurt and it would definitely pass."
- Clarity that the child cannot tell his mother what is wrong with him - what he does not like and what he wants to change in the position of the body. When Volka wrapped me in a sheet, she left a tubercle of the sheet right under the spine. I could explain to her exactly where exactly I had discomfort, and even in this case, she did not immediately find where the sheet was crumpled. Obviously, a child who cannot speak will simply endure it.
- The left hand was numb in the area of ​​​​the brush, moved a little with his fingers and the discomfort disappeared.

- Starts to get a little short of breath - it seems like an accident, as if he just wanted to yawn. It suddenly became clear that it was possible to breathe deeply, but it was unpleasant, as the sheet tightened the abdomen and chest. You have to make an extra effort to take a deep breath.
After ten minutes of lying with the curtain closed (it was light in the room, the curtain just covered the tree), loud noises outside the window began to cause bursts of fear. And I know that there is no reason for fear, but because of the inability to move, irrational fears arise, complete helplessness and the inability to move, these fears intensify. I wanted to roll over on my side in order to reassure myself that helplessness could be overcome, but I could not roll over. I managed only to twitch under the covers and feel how tightly the tied sheet holds me. He calmed himself by the fact that he did not twitch strongly enough, put off the attempt to roll over for later.

- Again, fears from loud noises, this time stronger. The extent of fears increases due to the perception of helplessness. There is rational clarity that there is nothing to be afraid of, but this does not help, fears still arise.
- There is a fear that fear can get out of control. Bursts of fear arise even from what I can easily explain - a cat jumped onto the bed; I know it's a cat, but I can't see it and the fear arises at 4. It seems that both the cat and the loud sounds "by themselves" can do something to me.
- It seems incredible to me, but the comings and goings of Wolves from the room are beginning to be perceived as a threat to me. I'm starting to be afraid of her - all because I can't move.
- My throat is dry for 3. I want to drink, but I can’t ask and show. It is unpleasant to swallow dry saliva for 2-3.
- The body is preet at 3, sweaty hands touch the body, it is unpleasant at 3-4.
- My head starts to hurt until it gets in the way.

- Difficulty breathing, constant yawning. Yawning is also unpleasant, as the blanket does not allow you to breathe deeply.
- Sweat for 4-5. My face itches for 4-5, it's also very unpleasant, but I can't do anything.
- He poked his head to scratch it on something, nothing came of it.

- The air in the room is stale, breathing is difficult and unpleasant. Volka says that from her point of view, the air does not seem stale at all (when you enter the room) and the desire to make it become no longer arises. And I suffocate in it, I feel hot, my body is sweaty and it is unpleasant to breathe such air.
- Constant yawning, I start not to find a place for myself, I want to escape.
- I want to breathe with my mouth open all the time, but it’s also unpleasant to breathe like that - due to the fact that the throat is dry and the air scratches the throat unpleasantly.
- I sweat a lot, my body is 5-6 wet.
- Suddenly I caught myself thinking that "there is nothing terrible here, you can suffer." Damn, I want other people to suffer too. This is hazing - I myself suffer, and then I will watch how others will do it.

- The only reason why I do not fall into hysterics and do not twitch convulsively under the covers is the understanding that this is impossible, I still cannot change anything. I really want to twitch so that I can escape and that it all ends.
- The body sweated so that the sweat flowed into the ass, it's unpleasant for 4-5 - it's there, and I can't even touch that place.
- Mouth dry at 6.
- Suddenly there is a "helicopter" - this happens when you overdrink alcohol and you start to twist in the air and bring back, although you know that you are lying on a horizontal, non-moving surface. Passed through 10 seconds.
- The head is buzzing and spinning in the background for 2-3.

- Flashes of impotence interspersed with rage.
- All negative emotions begin to be experienced as a "fire" - they arise instantly, capture me entirely, last longer and more intensely.
- It's wet in the ass at 5, very unpleasant, a surge of strong resentment for what they do to me. Suddenly I realized that I have a hatred for the Wolf when I think of her as a mother, on which my condition depends. Hostility to the Wolf on 4-5.
- Loud thought - "How can you love someone who does this to you !!!"

- Negative emotions go off scale. The strongest is self-pity at 9. I called the Wolf several times, she did not go, and every time I realized that the cry remained unanswered, there was a strong resentment and anger at her. I wanted to shout “Why don’t you go, don’t you understand how bad and unbearable it is for me here!?”.
- Anger and hatred for the Wolf were replaced by apathy and indifference to what is happening to me.
- I don't want to sleep at all. Made several attempts to fall asleep, as there were thoughts that this was the only way to disconnect from this nightmare; I wanted to forget myself in any way, if only it would stop, and sleep was perceived as the only possible way out.
- The thought of swaddling with me again makes me want to scream “No” out loud.
- The beginning of the experiment seems very far away, I don't believe it lasts "only" an hour and a half.

- Everything depends on the mother - she is both a savior and a slave owner in one person. This is how I begin to perceive the Wolf.
- The head hurts for 3-4.

- If I were a child who could talk, then I would say the following to my parents: “Are you crazy? How can you be so stupid and think that swaddling me in two layers will not make me hot and sweaty? What kind of indifference you need to have towards your own child in order not to do a very simple thing - you don’t know what it will be like for a child in such conditions, so take it and wind yourself up for 2 hours! It's very easy to understand what I'm feeling, why don't you do it?
- I want to fight in hysterics under the covers.
- Unpleasant sensations have become constant and not passing - they interfere with me so much and are so unpleasant that I start moving my whole body just to distract him from what is happening to him. After I got tired of these movements, I fell into complete apathy for what was happening to me, I just want to stare at the ceiling ..

- I wanted to twitch under the covers so as to roll over on my side in order to somehow change my position. He twitched violently under the covers, but neither rolled over nor changed position.
- Unexpectedly, I understood why the children grunt - they are very bad, but they can’t say anything. I remembered that earlier I was touched by the fact that the children "groan like a child." A person suffers, they look at him and feel tenderness.

- Humility with what is happening in me and indifference to everything around.
- I asked Volka to bring half a glass of warm water and pour it into my waist area to simulate what a child feels when he pees on himself. Suddenly it became clear to me - I do not feel the liquid poured on me at all, and this is because I myself was sweating 8. I touched my thighs with my hands, they are slippery 8 from sweat.
- It is clear that everything they write about diapers and diapers is garbage. I was sweating at 8, water is dripping from me, there is no air circulation - the body cannot be dry there, no matter what diaper you put on the child.

- The throat is dry for 7-8, the entire surface of the back itches for 6-7, I want to somehow turn around so that it stops, even at the cost of a twisted arm or severe pain in another place. I want to cry out of self pity. It lasted a minute and went away on its own. Again a flash of indifference and apathy.
- Another outbreak of rage, it seems to me that emotions are so uncontrollable that in a fit of rage I can easily hurt myself. Each such outburst is replaced by apathy and indifference.
- Hot at 8. Several times I felt a distinct beat of my own heart.
- Again he made a desperate effort to roll over on his side - he could not.

I really want to get out of all this pain. I tried to "seize the moment" and fall asleep when apathy arose. It is not possible anyway - too strong background unpleasant sensations in the body.
- The whole body itches again - this time it lasted 2-3 minutes. Unpleasant to breathe, hot. I want to breathe only through my mouth, but I still can’t take enough air.

- The body soprelo on 8-9.
- 3 minutes again convulsively moving under the covers to distract him from strong discomfort. It was worth stopping, as unpleasant sensations at 9-10 were instantly renewed. I only think about when the experiment will end.
- Thoughts that this is real torture. The clarity that if this is repeated with me day after day, then I will be ready for anything - perhaps even for the destruction of the person who does this to me. There were no thoughts about the destruction of the Volka, but it was clear that “ready for anything” means that.

- The experiment is over. Volka took off the blanket from me, began to feel the sheet and said, "You're so fucking wet."
- I immediately went to the shower. When I washed off the sweat, I felt squeamish at 10, it seemed to me that I was washing away some painful discharge. I peed in the shower and suddenly realized that I perceive my urine as something very painful and nasty, there was disgust for it at 10 and its yellow color on the floor seemed disgusting. I wanted her to disappear quickly. A disgust arises for the whole body - I want to wash off all this muck from myself and get rid of it forever.

After the experiment, the state of aggression kept on in the background, it was easy to imagine how I was walking down the street and kicking something with my feet. Crap. It's only 3 hours. Volka said that they do this with children not every day, but twice every day. About half an hour I was in a state of shock, I washed in the shower, sat talking with Volka, a cool cool summer wind flew from the balcony and I still could not believe that I was not tied up there on the mattress.
