Drawing a Christmas tree: ways to draw a Christmas tree, a step-by-step master class on drawing a Christmas tree with children. GCD for drawing “Our decorated Christmas tree

GCD for artistic and aesthetic development
(visual activity – drawing)
in the senior group
on the topic: “OUR DECENT TREE”
Margarita Borisovna,
higher education teacher
qualification category

Topic: “Our decorated Christmas tree.” (HE, R, F, SK).
Goals of the teacher: Teach children to convey impressions in drawings
from the New Year holiday, create the image of a decorated Christmas tree. Learn to mix
paints on a palette to obtain different shades of colors. Develop figurative
perception, aesthetic feelings (rhythm, color), figurative representations.
Types of children's activities: visual, communicative.
Planned results and targets for preschool education:
knows how to mix paints on a palette to obtain different shades of colors,
conveys in the drawing the impressions of the New Year holiday, creates an image
elegant Christmas tree; shows independence and activity.
Materials and equipment: postcards with images of elegant Christmas trees,
reproductions of paintings by artists Mazanov L.N. and Zhukova N.N.; paper
A4 format, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins for drying
Contents of children's organized activities.
1. Organizational moment.
V o s p i t a t e l. Guess the riddle:
A guest came to us from the edge of the forest - green, although not a frog.
And Mishka is not clubfooted, even though her paws are furry.
And we can’t understand why she needs needles?
She is not a seamstress, not a hedgehog, although she does look like a hedgehog.
It’s very easy to guess who came to visit us today? (Christmas tree)
2. Conversation.
V o s p i t a t e l. Before the New Year, decorated Christmas trees are everywhere: and in our
group, and in the music hall, and in the center of the village, and in all the houses there are
dressed up trees.
Reads the poem “Christmas Tree”:
Oh, what a dress the Christmas trees are!
They are always green
Your young needles
They never drop.
Oh, what a dress the Christmas trees are!
On the last day of December!
Like among her needles
Festive balloons are lit!
Oh, what a dress the Christmas trees are!

Oh, how fun the New Year is,
If Santa Claus is funny
Gives gifts to everyone!
- The magic of the New Year for each of us consists of thousands
little things - the smells of Christmas trees and tangerines, cheerful bustle, childhood memories,
home traditions, hopes and expectations.
K. Dayan
The teacher exhibits reproductions of paintings “New Year Tree” by Mazanov
Leonty Nikiforovich and “Yolka” Zhukov Nikolai Nikolaevich. Together with
children look at them and share their impressions.
- All these wonderful artists also see the New Year differently. But
they also have something in common - their New Year turned out to be kind, magical and
3. Physical education session “Christmas tree”.
The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are blue shadows under her, (Raise our hands up)
prickly needles,
It's like there's frost in the white. (Lower through the sides, down)
The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Lights up everywhere. (Tilts to the right, left)
In all the houses, all over the country
The guys are smiling (Walking in place, smiling)
4. Visual activities.
V o s p i t a t e l. Think about how you would like to decorate your New Year's Eve
Christmas tree (Children's answers.)
The teacher praises the children for interesting answers and offers
draw and decorate the Christmas tree yourself.
Reminds us of ways to depict a Christmas tree, clarifies its structure, methods
transfer of fluffy branches, possible decorations. Reminds me of techniques
gouache painting
Invites one child to show at the board how to draw a Christmas tree correctly.
Independent visual activity of children.
During the drawing process, the teacher helps those children who experience
difficulties in clarifying the sequence of images, location on
sheet of paper, etc. Ensures correct drawing techniques are used
5. Exhibition of works.
At the end of the lesson, look at all the drawings. The teacher offers
choose the most elegant Christmas trees; notes the varied arrangement of toys and
beautiful combination of colors.
6. Reflection.
V o s p i t a t e l.

Svetlana Pavlovna Druzhkina

Subject: « Our decorated Christmas tree»

Prog. sod.: Teach children to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing; develop skills paint a Christmas tree with branches lengthening downwards, continue to teach children to use paints of different colors; evoke a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

Materials: Landscape sheets, gouache of different colors, brushes, jars of water, napkins - for each child. Artificial Christmas tree.

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment. Educator: - Hello guys! I want to tell you good news. A visitor came to us from the forest.

Children, are you happy to have guests?

Educator: - I’ll tell you a riddle about her now and you’ll guess right away.

The teacher asks a riddle.

One color in winter and summer. What is this?

That's right, it's a Christmas tree. What holiday does the Christmas tree come for? (For New Year).

Tell me, guys, how will we decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Toys, garlands, tinsel, rain).

Who else lives in the forest where the Christmas tree came from? (Bear, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel, hedgehog).

Guys, what can you call in one word the animals that live in the forest?

That's right, they are called wild, but they also want to have a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree. But in the forest there are no beautiful toys, bright tinsel, or colorful rain.

Guys, let's help the forest dwellers and draw for them elegant Christmas trees?

2. Examination of the sample elegant Christmas tree. - Look. Guys, how decorated Christmas tree! – What shape are the toys on the Christmas tree? – What color?

3. Demonstration of techniques drawing: « Our decorated Christmas tree» .

Clarify the techniques for depicting a Christmas tree by calling 2-3 children to the board. Emphasize the variety of Christmas tree decorations. Remind tricks painting with paints.

4. Independent work of children. Remind the rules of work when drawing: back straight, legs together. Children who have drawing elegant Christmas tree is difficult - repeat the techniques drawing on your sheet.

5. Finger gymnastics: “1,2,3,4,5 – let’s count fingers...”

6. Analysis of work. Put all the works on the board, examine them, and praise the most beautiful and neat ones.

Good afternoon, we continue our series of articles on the topic “How to draw the New Year - 48 ideas and 10 lessons”. And today I’m adding TREES to the general collection of New Year’s drawings. We will draw Christmas trees using DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES. I will show you how to create simple drawings of Christmas trees, and how to create a real Christmas tree with your own hands with drawing of pine needles and glitter reflected in glass Christmas balls.

So, let's see what ways to draw Christmas trees I have collected for you in this article.


The easiest way to draw a Christmas tree is with a zigzag that expands downwards. It can be painted with a toasty brush (left photo) or a thin brush (right photo below).

How to draw a Christmas tree


This method is also quite simple for drawing with children's hands. You just need to draw on a piece of paper straight line(or slightly inclined if the tree tilts).

This line will serve the central axis of the tree- her spine. And then with paints - to the left and to the right of this axis - we will draw our bunches of panicles. You need to draw from the bottom rows of the tree to the top. This is important so that our upper tiers lie on top of the lower legs of the tree.

That is first we draw the bottom tier of the tree(a series of sweeping strokes-branches from below), then the second tier above the bottom (we put the strokes overlap to the edge of the bottom row), and then, one by one, tier by tier we go to the top.

Then on this Christmas tree you can draw snow.

Here in these pictures below also a Christmas tree painted using the BASCOLE technique. Note that, after we paint the New Year's balls on the tree, you need to take the green paint on the brush again and apply a few pine strokes ON OVER THE BALLS so that the balls seem to be peeking out from under the paws.

You can draw using the same technique Christmas trees in winter landscapes. The background for such a New Year's landscape can be circular snowstorm from shades of blue gouache. And we also paint the flying spruce branches themselves in SEVERAL shades of blue, turquoise and white.

It also looks beautiful when this technique is used in drawing. WATERCOLOR ON WET PAPER. We get fuzzy blurry silhouettes of a Christmas tree. And already New Year's balls on such a tree can be drawn clearly and clearly with perfectly straight edges.

Such a New Year's tree-broom can be decorated with dots of beads, bows, New Year's candies, and round spots of balls.

To make the ball perfectly round (as in the picture above), It’s better to paint it not just with a brush, but with a stencil. You just need to cut out a round stencil-hole from cardboard - it’s better to have several holes for different sizes of balls.

To do this, trace several glasses of different diameters on a sheet of cardboard, pierce each circle with scissors and cut out the inside along the circle line - and we will get round hole templates. We put them on the Christmas tree - the desired hole-circle in the right place on the Christmas tree. And carefully paint the hole with a thick and rich color. You can do this without a brush, and with a sponge- that is, with a piece of foam sponge for washing dishes. Using a sponge, the paint will lie evenly - since the bristles of the brush can crawl under the stencil and ruin the perfectness of the circle.

Now, look at the pictures below. Here we see our STROKE technique being performed. in the other direction. Here the strokes are not placed in a downward direction from the axis-trunk of the tree, but on the contrary, the lines of the needles are laid semicircular vector up. And we are already getting new silhouette New Year's tree. That is, a different type of Christmas tree.

CONCLUSION: The main thing in this technique is AXLE-BARREL(we base our brush strokes on the branches from it). And most importantly SEVERAL PAINT COLORS— strokes should be made from paints of different shades of green (or different shades of blue). Then our tree will look voluminous, textured and close to its real natural beauty.

How to draw a Christmas tree


silhouette bicolor

This method is also very simple. Little children adore him. First we draw the usual Christmas tree silhouette– shaggy (left picture below) or geometric with sharp triangular corners (right picture below), as you like.

Paint over silhouette in green. Let's dry it. And on top of the dried background we draw Christmas tree decorations. Or we immediately place Christmas tree decorations, and then separately paint the spaces between them green.

The silhouette of a Christmas tree can be the SIMPLE one - an ordinary rectangle. Stars, balls, and the stem of the trunk make any triangle look like a Christmas tree.

And here in the photo below are another examples of SILHOUETTE Christmas trees, but with DOUBLE PAINTING. Here the silhouette is divided into ZONES - each zone is painted in its own shade of green.

The zones are drawn with a pencil on a dry green background - and then painted over with a new shade of green. Let's dry it. We draw decorations, beads, ribbons and a star - and the Christmas tree is ready.

How to draw a Christmas tree


Tiered Christmas trees We all knew how to draw in kindergarten. When they built tiers of triangles of different sizes. Here in the pictures below I present to your attention variations of this technique Christmas tree images.

Tiers may have rounded corners And smooth lines floors (as in the left picture below). Or tiers may have sharp corners And broken lines floors (as in the right picture below).

Tiers can have a CLEAR SYMMETRY (as in the left picture below).

Or each tier can be UNSYMMETRICAL - not the same on the left and right (as in the right picture below).

Each tier can be painted over in your shade of green. From dark to light, or alternating dark and light in turn (as in the picture of Christmas trees below).

Along the edges of the tiers of the New Year's tree, you can lay out lines of SNOW, or lines of a TREE GARLAND.

A tiered Christmas tree can have an interesting stylization - like, for example, these Christmas trees in the pictures below - the edges of their legs twisted into curls of varying degrees of coolness.

Drawing a Christmas tree


drawing shadow areas.

And here are the New Year trees, which no clear tiers– but hints of tiering are given drawing shadows under the spruce paws. That is, due to the fact that on the silhouette of the tree we highlight BROKEN UNEVEN LINES and paint them with a darker shade of green - due to this we get silhouettes of shadow zones on the tree - and the tree becomes textured, with clearly defined coniferous legs (as is done in pictures of Christmas trees below).

Above the shadow areas, you can whiten out the snow in some places (as in the New Year's picture below).

And below is a drawing of a New Year tree, where shadow areas are presented in the form of ROUND LINES.

That is, we draw with a pencil on the green silhouette of the Christmas tree rounded lines and loops. That is, coniferous paws are depicted in the form of sort of flat cakes.

And then we draw along these lines dark green tassel. Let's dry it. And here and there we put light spots of light green on the green paws - this gives the tree paws a visual bulge.

How to draw a Christmas tree


This method is good to depict on gift wrapping, on postcards and as an interesting entry into a New Year’s drawing competition at school.

We start by drawing on a piece of paper with a pencil draw a triangle. And then with paints fill in this triangle with a variety of shapes (Christmas tree decorations, flowers, birds, snowflakes and other patterns, etc.).

Draw a stylized Christmas tree.


Horizontal lines.

But the way to draw a Christmas tree is perhaps the simplest - we draw the outline of a triangle on a piece of paper with a pencil. And then inside this drawn triangle we lay horizontal lines of different colors. According to your taste, the lines can be - straight, wavy or broken lines as in the picture below. They can be placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

An easy way to draw a Christmas tree.


Here we draw a triangle on a piece of paper. And then place a large drop of light green paint anywhere in the triangle - next to it is a drop of dark green paint. And just use your finger to mix these two drops into a round rosette curl. As a result, the paint of two shades is mixed and we get a two-color roll. We repeat the same procedure in another place of the tree. And again and again until we fill the entire field of the outlined triangle.

How to draw a Christmas tree.



And here is a way to draw a New Year tree using the drawing of pine legs.

Let's use the example below to look at how exactly such an image of a New Year tree is created on a sheet of paper.

To get such a Christmas tree, we must first draw a triangle with a pencil. Then paint it over with a dark green background color. And then, on top of the background, draw lines-bones of future coniferous legs. And then grow green needles on these seed-twigs.

We draw Christmas trees shining with lights.



And now I want to show how unusually beautiful the Christmas tree we painted looks if you think about the BACKGROUND in advance. The background you start drawing the Christmas tree on can make your drawing shine.

That is, if you make the background not a solid one color, but make a wide background stripe in the center of the sheet that is a tone lighter than the rest of the background area of ​​the sheet. Thus we get something like a pillar of light within which our Christmas tree will shine.

And in this light beam (when the paint has dried) we will paint our Christmas tree in any chosen way. And in the end we will get a tree of shining, unearthly beauties. In the picture above you can see how impressive this background looks. The tree seems to be illuminated by heavenly light.

And the pattern of the Christmas tree itself is a jumble of spots of different colors (essentially stuck with a finger). But the illusion of an unearthly radiance of the picture is created - due to the fact that 1.) the background of the leaf in the center has a whitish light shade 2.) except for colored spots, scattered throughout the tree White spots.

Let's now look at a detailed master class on drawing a coniferous Christmas tree, for which we will use the SUCH BACKGROUND DEVICE - as a “pillar of light”.

How to draw a bright Christmas tree



And in this figure below we also see the same technique for background preparation of the sheet. The sheet was painted bluish in the center and yellowish along the edges (it is better to paint the background not with a brush, but with a sponge or dishwashing sponge).

Using the same example, we Let's learn how to draw light glossy highlights on Christmas balls.

Please note that this Christmas tree (in the picture above) is drawn in a technique similar to the BROOM. Only here not alone there is no central axis from which our brush strokes dance (as in method No. 2) - here the axes for the panicle needles are multiple axis lines, chaotically scattered in different directions.

Let me draw you step-by-step MASTER CLASS, with a detailed diagram of the stages of drawing such a New Year tree.

(I’m too lazy to take out paints and a brush, so I’ll draw with a computer mouse. This will slightly distort the resemblance to the original, but will still convey the essence of the technique itself. So...

STEP 1– make a general background, glowing in the center with a bluish spot.

STEP 2– in a luminous background we set a dark background for the future Christmas tree.

STEP 3– We draw on top of our base and around it axis lines of future spruce legs. We draw chaotically and, most importantly, not very thickly (so that there is more air between them). And the main thing is that they look down and slightly apart.

STEP 4– Take light green paint on the brush. And we begin to cover the LOWER TIER of the TREE with long panicles and needles. It is important to start drawing the legs of the Christmas tree from the bottom up - mentally divide the tree into 4 tiers and floors and start from the bottom, gradually moving upward. Then the tree will look natural (where the upper legs cover the lower ones - just like in nature). In this master class, in order to save my time, I will show only one lower tier.

STEP 5– We take just green color on the brush – and between the light needles we make rich green needles. It’s also chaotic - we make brush strokes here and there.

STEP 6– take light brown gouache on brushes. And we also use this color to make brown pine needles here and there. Finished with the LOWER TIE.

STEP 7— We move on to the second tier - and do the same thing - we draw needles alternating brushes with light gouache, rich gouache and brown gouache.

STEP 8- take it with a brush dark green color(the darkest shade) and here and there we add dark strokes with a brush - drawing the needles that are in the shadow under the paws. We draw anywhere. Without hesitation.

AND MORE continue with the third tier and the fourth tier at the top of the tree. Until the entire tree is covered with coniferous branches. I will no longer draw here to the very top - a computer mouse is not the most convenient tool for drawing.

Now let's figure out how we will draw decorations for this Christmas tree.

STEP 9– using a round stencil (a hole in the cardboard) we draw circles of the SAME COLOR anywhere on the tree – but preferably under the legs – that is, we place each ball between the branches. It is important - to make the balls look natural(then in the last step we will slightly cover them with needles from the legs hanging from above the ball).

STEP 10– on the brush we put a color of the same shade as the ball itself – only a few shades darker. And on the ball we draw curls of this dark color.

STEP 11– on the brush we take another shade of color NEXT TO THE DARK. And next to the first dark curl on the ball we put another one, also dark, but of a different shade.

STEP 12– take a light (but not white) shade of color onto the brush. And in the center of the ball we place a spot of light color - a spot of a round shape, or in the form of a thick curl.

STEP 13– take the WHITE color on the brush. And in the center of the ball we place a thick white dot. And in the lower side of the ball we make a white semicircular stroke. Thus, our balls sparkled like real glass ones.

STEP 14- Now we take a stick with a round tip, with which we will draw BEADS DOTS. A simple pencil with a round erase on the end will do. Pour thick white gouache into a saucer - poke the end of a pencil into the saucer and draw a chain of beads between the balls. White beads and red.

STEP 15– And now we need to push the Christmas tree needles onto the balls a little bit. To do this, we again take the green color on the brush - and put a few sharp needle-smears on the tops of the balls. We alternate shades of green – a couple of strokes light, a couple dark. This way our balls will be slightly covered with pine needles and will look natural hanging under the legs of the tree.

By the same principle you can draw any of the Christmas trees presented below.

This Christmas tree, for example, is painted entirely first with a DARK GREEN BRUSH, and then, after drying, we take a LIGHT SHADE OF GREEN onto the brush and paint light legs on top of the dark needles.

But please note: We draw light branches without repeating the dark contours - that is, dark branches stick out not the same ones sides that are light.

But here (picture of a Christmas tree below) it’s just different. Here the light branches of the pine needles are drawn on OVER the same dark branches. Only lines of light needles are applied a little out of order with dark ones.

On such a dense tree you can place very few toys. The main thing is to make sure that after drawing the balls you don't forget again take a green brush and again draw the needles of coniferous paws, which with their edges CLICK ON top of Christmas tree decorations. To the New Year's balls as if partially drowned in dense needles and looked out from it with their glossy smooth sides.

It also looks good on a Christmas tree like this a garland of bright multi-rayed stars.

To make the stars glow with LIGHT FROM INSIDE (picture below), we use cunning way. We use flat brush(where the bristles are lined up in a row, and not in a round bunch), and onto the palette we drop a light yellow drop of paint and a dark yellow one next to it. We apply a brush to this paint so that one edge of the bristle row of the brush takes light paint, and the other dark.

And now like this two-color brush draw rays of stars. The rays are simply brush marks - we print the brush in a circle, placing its light colorful edge in the center of the circle, and the dark colorful edge of the brush on the outer side of the star circle. (Look at the stars in the picture of the Christmas tree below - their rays are yellow towards the center and darker at the edges). After the rays have dried, place a round spot of white paint in the middle of such a star.

And a white artificial Christmas tree you can draw thick spruce branches using the same technique. To do this, on a bluish background with a gray brush, draw the same legs of the Christmas tree (shaggy branches). And then we draw white shaggy branches on top of their gray outlines. And we get a picture where the white needles stand out against the background of the gray pine shadow (as was done in the picture of the Christmas tree below).

How to draw a winter tree


snow-covered Christmas trees.

And here is another nice snow-covered evening tree, hallowed by a lantern. I tried to draw this Christmas tree step by step using a computer mouse. Of course, this is not as convenient and revealing as brush strokes, but still this master class conveys the general principle of creating a drawing in this style. Here it is shown how the mosaic arrangement of tiers of the legs of a Christmas tree is conveyed with simple, sloppy strokes.

Many are created using similar technology snowy images of painted Christmas trees.

Let's take a closer look at how at home a simple unprepared person (without art education and everyday experience of waving a brush on paper) can create a masterpiece himself in one evening using a brush and a jar of paint that is unfamiliar to his hand.

Here is one of the clever ways to draw a Christmas tree with your own hands in a short time. First, draw the outlines of a triangle on paper.

On the triangle, be sure to draw the central line of the axis (this is necessary in order to know in which direction - left or right - to turn the tip of the brush).

Take black paint onto the brush. An important condition is that the shape of the brush should be flat (not a round tuft) and the bristles should preferably be stiff. The second important condition is that the paint should not be too wet. That is, we dilute a thick, dryish black mixture and dip an equally dry brush into it. And we print it to the drawing - this way we will get imprints of the fibers of a natural contour that is not blurred by excess moisture (similar to the contour of real needle needles).

And then you can take it and apply it to the tip of the same black brush dryish white gouache(also spread thick gouache on a saucer, dip the edge of the bristles of a flat brush and lay its prints along the tiers of the tree - in even rows.

Here's another quick way to draw a Christmas tree. Everything is even simpler here. This method is similar to the very first one zigzag method in our article. Only with the addition of white snow.

And here is the way where the Christmas tree is painted with a wet brush, she was dipped in dark green paint, and then the tip of the same brush dipped in white gouache. And immediately this white tip was sealed to the bottom of the drawn oval tree leg. This way we will get a foot where the bottom edge has a pure white outline, and then white-green streaks go up from it.

And here is a real jewelry way of drawing the needles of a snow-covered Christmas tree. Here it is drawn subtly and gracefully every large needle on the needles. Here we see with our own eyes a method where the brush is dipped in paint on both sides.

And with such a brush we apply pine needles along the drawn branch. First the left row (like on a comb), then the right row (like on a comb), and then (!!!) definitely as many as three central rows of needles(so that the coniferous branch gets volume).

You can draw such experimental Christmas trees in gouache in one picture at once, placing them into a single winter landscape.

These are the ideas for drawings of a New Year tree that I have collected for you today in one Family Heap on our website. Now you can choose any way to draw a Christmas tree, based on the materials available and faith in your abilities.

Go for it. Take aim at artistic masterpieces. And may everything work out for you.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Summary of organized educational activities

on artistic and aesthetic development

"Our decorated Christmas tree"

in the senior group


    Learn to convey impressions of the New Year holiday.

    Create an image of a decorated Christmas tree in your drawing.

    Learn to mix paints on a palette to obtain different shades of colors.

    Develop figurative perception, aesthetic feelings (rhythm, color).

Preliminary work:

    Preparing for the New Year's holiday in kindergarten.

    Watching television programs.

    Learning New Year's poems and songs.

    Looking at New Year's cards.

Materials for the lesson:

    Album sheets,

    Gouache of different colors,

    Brushes, jars of water,

    Napkins - for each child.

    ArtificialChristmas tree.

Methodological literature:

    Approximate general educational program for preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

    Komarova T.S. Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten: Book. for a kindergarten teacher. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Education, 1991. – p. 105

    Internet resources

OOD progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! I want to tell you good news. A visitor came to us from the forest.

Children, are you happy to have guests?

I’ll tell you a riddle now and you’ll guess right away.

The teacher asks a riddle.

One color in winter and summer. What is this?

That's right, it's a Christmas tree. What holiday does the Christmas tree come for?(For New Year) .

Tell me, guys, how will we decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year?(Toys, garlands, tinsel, rain) .

Who else lives in the forest where the Christmas tree came from?(Bear, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel , hedgehog) .

Guys, what can you call in one word the animals that live in the forest?

That's right, they are called wild, but they also want to have a beautiful,elegant Christmas tree. But in the forest there are no beautiful toys, bright tinsel, or colorful rain.

Guys, let's help the forest dwellers and draw for themelegant Christmas trees?

2. Examination of the sample elegant Christmas tree .

Look. Guys, how decoratedChristmas tree !

What shape are the toys on the Christmas tree?

What color?

3. Demonstration of techniques drawing : « Our decorated Christmas tree » .

Clarify the techniques for depicting a Christmas tree by calling 2-3 children to the board. Emphasize the variety of Christmas tree decorations. Remind tricks painting with paints .

4. Independent work of children.

Remind the rules of work when drawing : back straight, legs together. Children who have drawing elegant Christmas tree is difficult - repeat the techniques drawing on your sheet .

5. Finger gymnastics:

“1,2,3,4,5 – let’s count fingers...”

6. Analysis of work.

Put all the works on the board, examine them, and praise the most beautiful and neat ones.
