Maslenitsa life-size puppet with their own hands. Do-it-yourself Shrovetide doll made of fabric with photo and video

Good afternoon everyone!! Ahead is the final month of winter - February, which means that the merry Shrovetide holiday is just around the corner. I personally always look forward to this event, because for me this is another reason to have a great time with my family, and the celebration of Shrove Tuesday is always associated with warmth, bright sun and the arrival of spring.

During the celebration of Maslenitsa, that is, for a whole week, it is customary to bake and treat everyone with delicious ones, as well as arrange various gatherings with fun games and contests. Well, according to a special tradition, on the first day of this week, they make and put up an effigy, and at the end of the holiday, on Forgiveness Sunday, they burn it at the stake.

Of course, it’s hard to make such a big fun girl on your own, but it’s quite possible to make small dolls. Moreover, they are very relevant at the fair, which is always arranged on this holiday. Such crafts act as real amulets, and they are also performed for various competitions and entertain children, introducing them to ancient traditions. Today we will analyze how you can make such a souvenir with your own hands at home.

In general, do you know, or have you ever thought about why it is customary to burn an effigy of Maslenitsa at the stake?!

It turns out that together with the burnt effigy, people get rid of all troubles and misfortunes, and the ashes are scattered across the fields so that the new harvest is good, and the vitality is replenished and gives excellent results in any activity.

The simplest and most traditional material for making a young lady (a scarecrow is always associated with the female sex) is straw. This is explained by the fact that it lights up and burns very well, well, in the old days everyone always had stocks of straw.

Another main feature is the bright scarecrow outfit. And by the way, there used to be a custom, first to carry a doll throughout the village, and only then burn it.

We will need: twigs, straw, thread, fabric, felt-tip pens.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Put the sticks on top of each other, making a cross and bandage them at the junction.
  2. You can make a head from straw or from fabric, paper. Be sure to draw a bright face on it. And tie a scarf.
  3. Make a body of straw and decorate with clothes from various rags.
  4. At the end, soak the product with saltpeter water, then dry the craft.

And here are a couple more schemes for making stuffed animals:

  • They connected two sticks, fixed the straw and decorated with clothes

  • Option with weaving hands with a pigtail

  • Use of straw and thick threads

  • Step by step photo instruction

  • Craft from bast

Along with the burning of Madam Maslenitsa, unnecessary things are also burned.

Master class stuffed Maslenitsa from paper

It is certainly not easy for city dwellers in our modern time to find straw. And then plain paper comes to the rescue. Such products are very cool to make with children, they are very simple and bright.

We will need: paper of different colors, threads, bright ribbons, toilet paper roll, newspaper and felt-tip pens.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take the thread and connect two strips of cardboard so that you get a cross.
  2. Wrap it in toilet paper.
  3. Cut out a dress from white paper, fold it in half and cut out the neckline.
  4. Put on a frame on the dress, fasten it with a thread, and preferably with a ribbon around the waist.
  5. Take paper of a different color and make an apron.
  6. Cut a scarf out of cardboard and put it on your head.
  7. Draw a face.

And here are some other crafts you can do with the guys in kindergarten and elementary school:

  • Option to work with corrugated paper and cotton pads:

Making a souvenir from a broom

And the simplest way to make our crafts is the method using a broom. After all, all you need is to take a ready-made broom and dress it up. Here, look how beautiful it turns out.

  • Make a braid from a thin broom, and the body itself from a voluminous

  • If you still have fragments from a broom, then collect them together and make just such a small doll

  • Take a broom as a basis and shape it with cotton wool and cloth

And be sure to watch the video story on making such a souvenir. A great option for burning stuffed animals in the country.

Do-it-yourself scarecrow for Shrovetide to school

Now I offer you a photo selection of what can be done for the competition at school. I don’t know how it is now, but in my school years, fairs were organized where they sold and held reviews of amulets dolls.

  • Here is such a cute option made of straw, fabric and thread

  • Cardboard blank, decorate with a broom and draw a bright face

  • Another option using a broom and cloth

  • Thread weaving

  • Bright craft made of cardboard, colored paper and fabric

  • Or you can make this option from fabric and foam

  • Symbolic dolls with the sun in their hands

  • Crocheted scarecrow decorated with ribbons and fabric

How to make a small scarecrow at home

And in conclusion, I suggest you make a souvenir from improvised materials that every home has. The work is very simple, even the kids can handle it.

We will need: newspaper, scissors, thread, colored paper or fabric.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut the newspaper into noodles, like straw. Make the strips as thin as possible. Colored paper can be used instead of newspaper.
  2. Now form the head, body, arms and legs from these blanks. And connect the parts of the body with threads.
  3. Cut out clothes from waste fabric or colored paper, dress up the doll and tie a bandage.

  • Or maybe you will like this fabric souvenir

  • Or such a scarecrow

  • Or the traditional straw version

In fact, a stuffed Maslenitsa can be made from any material at hand, the main thing is a good imagination and a desire to work. I wish you creative success and good luck in everything!!

Summary: What is a carnival doll. Shrovetide doll photo. Pictures of Shrovetide dolls. How to make a Shrovetide doll with your own hands. Master class doll Maslenitsa. Shrovetide doll home.

One of the indispensable attributes of Maslenitsa is the Homemade Doll Maslenitsa. Just please don't confuse it with the Scarecrow of Shrovetide, which is burned at the stake on the last day of Shrovetide week. The Shrovetide doll is a home amulet, which is made by hand from scraps of fabric, straw, birch bark. Made in a good mood and with good intentions, the Shrovetide doll will bring family well-being, prosperity and health to your home. There are many ways to make a Maslenitsa doll with your own hands. Here we will give examples of the simplest and most accessible, including for children, master classes on creating a Maslenitsa doll with your own hands. It will be especially interesting to make Shrovetide with your own hands for girls, because. then such a doll can be used in games. Please note that the Maslenitsa doll does not have a face. Such dolls are especially valuable for children's games, because. the child can endow the toy with any emotions according to the game plan.

1. Doll Maslenitsa. DIY Shrovetide doll

In order to make a Shrovetide doll you will need:

White fabric - 1 square 20x20 cm for the body, 2 squares 10x10 cm for the handles;
- bright, colored fabric - 2 squares 20x20 cm for a skirt;
- red fabric - a versatile triangle, whose largest side is 12 cm for a scarf;
- a piece of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool to form the head;
- red threads.

We draw your attention to the fact that for the manufacture of Shrovetide dolls it is recommended to use red threads or yarn.

1, To make the head and torso of Shrovetide, we form a ball from cotton wool or synthetic winterizer (paralon) and put it inside a square (20 * 20 cm) of white fabric. Rewind with red thread.

2. We continue to make the Maslenitsa doll with our own hands. Now we need to attach the handles. From two squares of white fabric 10 * 10 cm, we make such twists (see the Shrovetide photo below).

3. We put our hands between the folds on the skirt of the Maslenitsa doll and rewind it with a thread. At the ends, also wrap the handles with red thread.

4. Now we will make a skirt for our Shrovetide doll. To do this, fold two squares of colored fabric diagonally, you will get two triangles. Lay them on top of each other at a right angle as shown in the photo of the Shrovetide doll. Now you need to twist the skirt and rewind it with a thread.

5. It remains only to tie a red handkerchief on our head with our own hands. Look what a glorious Shrovetide doll we got as a result!

2. Doll Maslenitsa master class. Doll Maslenitsa home

Previously, Maslenitsa was celebrated in Rus' at the beginning of spring, on March 1. Maslenitsa is a national holiday of meeting Spring and seeing off Winter. With the advent of spring, it was customary to make such mischievous and bright stonefly dolls. This doll is a charm of youth, health, prosperity and happiness. With the introduction of Christianity, Maslenitsa began to be celebrated in the last week before Lent, so now Maslenitsa falls on different days every year. But even today Maslenitsa is a holiday in honor of Spring and the Sun. Therefore, in the form of such a doll, it would be appropriate to make a Shrovetide doll at home with your own hands.

So, to make a Maslenitsa doll, you will need:

1. White (or beige) piece of fabric 35x12 cm (body and head)
2. Two colored pieces of fabric (different colors) 35x15 cm (dress)
3. A patch of colored fabric 12x16 cm (hands)
4. One-color piece of fabric for an apron 9x7 cm. This can be lace, fabric for embroidery, etc.
5. Various ribbons, braid, red strong threads, synthetic winterizer, any bright knitting threads for hair.

1. We form the head and body of the Maslenitsa doll with our own hands.

2. We make hands Maslenitsa.

3. We connect the hands with the body. We rewind the Shrovetide doll in the chest area with threads.

4. We put on skirts for Shrovetide.

5. We tie an apron to the Shrovetide doll with our own hands.

6. We make hair Shrovetide.

7. We braid the doll Maslenitsa home. Do not forget to weave bright satin ribbons into the braid.

That's all! Do-it-yourself Maslenitsa doll is ready!

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

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Ritual doll "Maslenitsa" - master class

For any holiday in Rus', the family made a doll into which a particle of the soul was invested. It was a ritual doll, a charm. The most protective were dolls made without a needle and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it.

The face of the ritual doll, as a rule, remained white. A doll without a face was considered inaccessible to the installation of evil forces into it.

According to legend, Maslenitsa lived in the North, she was the daughter of Santa Claus and Metelitsa. One day, a man saw a fragile girl hiding behind huge snowdrifts and asked to help people who were tired of a long winter to warm and cheer them up. Maslenitsa agreed and, turning into a healthy, ruddy woman, pancakes, laughter and dancing made the human race forget about the winter storm.

Shrovetide doll is an indispensable attribute of a fun folk festival - seeing off winter.

The presence of a carnival in the house of a domestic doll in the old days was mandatory. The doll was made for a year, and then at the festival it was burned or floated on the water.

Maslenitsa symbolizes prosperity in the family and is a powerful amulet of the home. The doll is placed in front of the entrance to the house or in the red corner of the hut. Many still believe in its miraculous power.

Traditionally, the Maslenitsa ceremonial doll was made of straw or bast, but a tree was always used, personifying the violent power of nature.

Ribbons were hung on the hands of the doll, tying which made a wish.

I propose to make an amulet doll "Pancake week".

Necessary materials:

birch sticks

White fabric - square 2x25 cm

Colored fabric - 20x20 cm - for a shirt

Red fabric - for a dress and a scarf;

A piece of synthetic winterizer - to form the head

Lyko bast

Red and white threads

Satin ribbons, braid


We take a square of white fabric (I have marlin, size 20x20 cm, birch stick 28 cm, synthetic winterizer.

We cover the synthetic winterizer ball with a cloth, put it on a stick and tie it with a thread.

We take white material, a synthetic winterizer, a birch stick 16 cm in size, twist and bandage it in three places. Got pens

We tie the hands with a thread cross - crosswise to the body of the "Pancake week".

On both sides we tie a bast to the stick

We make a roller from white material and synthetic winterizer (a blank for the chest) and tie it to the doll crosswise

We make a petticoat from white material

We fold the colored piece of fabric intended for the shirt in half and make an incision for the head and hands.

Gently dress over the head

Tie with thread at the waist. We bend the sleeves and tie with a red thread.

We take a red rectangle (I have satin) for a skirt

And tie with a thread at the waist

From yarn for knitting yellow and orange weave a braid

We attach the scythe to the head of "Pancake week"

Tie a scarf around the back of the neck

We make an apron from white fabric, supplement it with braid, tie the apron with braid to the craft.

Here's a beauty I got!

We tie ribbons on the handles

Dear friends, thank you for your attention and support!

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Maslenitsa doll is an invariable attribute of the holiday of the same name. It is a kind of amulet, a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Even an inexperienced craftswoman can make such a charm. The main thing is to be patient, show a little imagination and, of course, invest a particle of soul and warmth.

Do-it-yourself Maslenitsa doll - manufacturing rules

  • You determine the size of the finished doll yourself, but traditionally its size ranges from 20-25 cm.
  • To make your doll joyful and elegant, choose bright and colorful fabrics.
  • During the manufacture of the doll, it is necessary to use threads of exclusively red color. It is this color that has long been a symbol of protection and amulet.
  • The Shrovetide holiday is a farewell to the harsh winter and an invitation to a blooming and joyful spring, so the fabrics used when sewing the doll should contain woody and floral motifs.

Do-it-yourself Shrovetide doll made of fabric

To make a doll amulet you will need:

  1. White fabric - flap 20*20 cm and 2 fragments 10*10 cm
  2. A red flap is a triangular fragment, one of the sides of which is 12 cm
  3. Bright colored matter - 2 pieces 20 * 20 cm in size
  4. red threads
  5. Foam rubber (synthetic winterizer or cotton wool) - a small piece for decorating the head.
  • Making a doll begins with the formation of the head and torso. Take a white flap measuring 20 * 20 cm. Place a ball of cotton wool (or synthetic winterizer, finely chopped foam rubber) in its center. Take a red thread and rewind a cotton ball.
  • Now let's start shaping the hands. To do this, use two flaps 10 * 10 cm. Fold them as shown in the figure below.

  • Next, bend the flap in half and get 2 triangular fragments.
  • The resulting “hands” are placed between the folds of the body. Fix their position with a red thread.
  • Rewind the free ends of the triangles with red thread.
  • Next, proceed to the formation of the skirt. Take 2 bright patches 20 * 20 cm and fold each of them along the diagonal line. The resulting triangles are stacked perpendicular to one another. In the center of the composition, lay the previously prepared doll blank. Wrap bright patches around the body of the amulet and fix the skirt with a red thread.

  • Take a piece of red fabric and tie a neat scarf to the doll.

Do-it-yourself Shrovetide doll from threads

Another variation of the amulet is the manufacture of a doll from threads. Prepare:

  • A skein of bright woolen threads (for example, yellow)
  • Red threads - for dressing parts of the product
  • Red flap - for decorating a scarf
  • Wooden stick or skewer - to form the base of the doll
  • Scissors
  1. Prepare the body of the doll. To do this, wind yellow threads around your fingers or a piece of cardboard. The width of the winding is determined by the desired height of the doll.
  2. Stepping back a little from the edge of the winding (the indent corresponds to the size of the doll's head), tie the warp threads with a red cord.
  3. Thread the wooden frame through the threads. Decorate the doll's head.
  4. Prepare the hands of the doll. To do this, wind the threads around your fingers or cardboard again.
  5. Remove the resulting skeins and tie them with a red thread in two places, stepping back a little from the ends.
  6. Install the received hands between the threads of the body. Fix them by tying them with red threads to a wooden base stick.
  7. Using red threads, fasten your hands and shape the body of the doll - tie the body of the amulet crosswise.
  8. Cut the ends of the skeins (body, arms) with scissors. Tie a red scarf over the doll's head.

Do-it-yourself Maslenitsa doll made of straw and bast

Bast (or straw) can serve as an alternative to threads. To make a doll you will need:

  • Tufts of bast - 20-25 cm long and 15-18 cm long
  • Wooden stick - 30 cm
  • Patch of bright fabric - 25 * 30 cm (for a dress)
  • Fragment of matter - 15 * 15 cm (for a headscarf)
  • Threads in red
  • Scarlet ribbons, no more than 0.5 cm wide
  1. You put the wooden base in a large bunch of bast. Tie it with a red thread, forming a head.
  2. Two small bundles are also tied with threads, but already on both sides. So we got the hands of the doll.
  3. Insert your hands into the body (closer to the head).
  4. Bandage your arms and torso with a red thread, thus fixing the limbs.
  5. Fold a 25 * 30 cm flap in half and make a slit for the head. Dress the resulting “dress” on the doll.
  6. Using red thread, fasten the dress on the model below the arms.
  7. Fold a piece of cloth 15 * 15 cm diagonally and tie it on the doll's head.
  8. Tie thin scarlet ribbons on the hands of the doll in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brush.
  9. If desired, the finished image can be decorated with lace braid.
