The most fluffy cats. Breeds of cats with a long tail: description and photo

Not all fluffy cat breeds (even those that are beloved and in demand) can boast of an official status confirmed by major felinological associations.

How many fluffy breeds are recognized FIFe, WCF, CFA

Currently, just over a hundred feline varieties are legally referred to as breeds.. They received this right thanks to three authoritative organizations:

  • World Cat Federation (WCF) - registered 70 breeds;
  • International Cat Federation (FIFe) - 42 breeds;
  • Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) - 40 breeds.

The figures are not considered final, since often breeds (under different names) are duplicated, and new ones are periodically added to the list of recognized ones.

Important! Long-haired cats make up slightly less than a third - 31 breeds, whose representatives are allowed for breeding, have their own standard and permission for exhibition activities.

Top 10 Fluffy Cats

All cats, including those with elongated hair, are divided into several large groups - Russian aboriginal, British, Eastern, European and American. Only the Persian cat (and the exotic close to it) is truly long-haired, while the rest are semi-long-haired, even if they are called long-haired.

Among Russian natives, this is a Siberian cat, among British ones, a long-haired British cat, among European ones, a Norwegian Forest cat, among Eastern ones, Turkish Angora, Burmese cat, Turkish Van and Japanese Bobtail.

In the American cat group, elongated hair is seen in breeds such as:

  • Balinese cat;
  • York chocolate;
  • oriental cat;
  • ragamuffin;
  • Somalia;
  • selkirk rex.

In addition, such well-known breeds as the American Bobtail and American Curl, the Himalayan, Javanese, Cymric and cats, as well as the Munchkin, Napoleon, Pixie Bob, Chantilly-Tiffany, Scottish and Highland Fold are marked with increased fluffiness.

The breed, whose homeland is Persia, is recognized by FIFE, WCF, CFA, PSA, ACF, GCCF and ACFA.

Her ancestors include Asian steppe and desert cats, including. Europeans, or rather, the French, met Persian cats in 1620. The animals were distinguished by wedge-shaped muzzles and slightly cut foreheads.

Important! Somewhat later, the Persians penetrated into Great Britain, where work began on their selection. The Persian Longhair was perhaps the first breed registered in England.

The highlight of the breed is a wide and snub-nosed nose. Some extreme types have a jaw / nose set so high that the owners are forced to feed them with their hands (since pets are not able to capture food with their mouths).

The breed, originating in the USSR, is recognized by ACF, FIFE, WCF, PSA, CFA and ACFA.

The breed was based on wild cats that lived in harsh conditions with long winters and deep snow. It is not surprising that all Siberian cats are excellent hunters, easily overcoming water obstacles, forest thickets and snow blockages.

With the active development of Siberia by man, native cats began to mix with newcomers, and the breed almost lost its individuality. A similar process (disappearance of primordial qualities) took place with animals exported to the European zone of our country.

It was only in the 1980s that they began to systematically restore the breed, in 1988 the first breed standard was adopted, and a few years later American breeders appreciated it.

The breed, whose homeland is called Norway, is recognized by WCF, ACF, GCCF, CFA, FIFE, TICA and ACFA.

According to one version, the ancestors of the breed were cats that inhabited the Norwegian forests and descended from long-haired cats, once imported from hot Turkey. The animals have adapted to the new climate of the north of Scandinavia, having acquired a dense water-repellent coat and developed a powerful backbone / muscles.

Breeders put a stop to chaotic mating, having started purposeful breeding of the breed in the 30s of the last century. The Norwegian Forest made its debut at the Oslo show (1938) followed by a break until 1973 when the skogkatt was registered in Norway. In 1977, Norwegian Forestry was recognized by the FIFe.

The breed, which owes its appearance to North America, is recognized by the ACF, TICA, WCF and ACFA.

These are dense and rounded animals, with a short back and muscular hips. The forelimbs are small and widely spaced, and also noticeably shorter than the hind limbs, due to which there is an association with a rabbit. A significant difference from other breeds is the absence of a tail in combination with long hair.

The start of breeding, for which the long-haired Manx was chosen, was given in the USA / Canada in the second half of the last century. The breed was officially recognized first in Canada (1970) and much later in the USA (1989). Since the long-haired Manx was found mainly in Wales, the adjective "Welsh" in one of its variants "cymric" was assigned to the new breed.

The breed, whose homeland is clear from the name, is recognized by FIFE, TICA, CFA and ACFA. A distinctive feature is the auricles curved back (the more pronounced the bend, the higher the class of the cat). Show kittens have crescent-shaped ears.

It is known that the breed began with a street cat with strange ears, found in 1981 (California). Shulamith (as the foundling was called) brought a litter, where some of the kittens had maternal ears. When mating a Curl with ordinary cats, kittens with turned-out ears are always present in the litter.

Introduced to the general public in 1983. Two years later, a long-haired, and a little later, a short-haired variety of Curl was officially registered.

Maine Coon

The breed, whose homeland is considered the United States, is recognized by WCF, ACF, GCCF, CFA, TICA, FIFE and ACFA.

The breed, whose name in translation sounds like “Maine raccoon”, resembles these predators only in a striped color. Felinologists are sure that oriental, British shorthair, as well as Russian and Scandinavian longhair cats belong to the ancestors.

The ancestors of the breed, ordinary village cats, were brought to the North American continent by the first colonists. Over time, the Maine Coon has acquired thick hair and increased somewhat in size, which helped them adapt to the harsh climate.

The public saw the first Maine Coon in 1861 (New York), then the popularity of the breed began to decline and returned again only by the middle of the last century. The CFA approved the breed standard in 1976. Now huge fluffy cats are in demand both in their homeland and abroad.

The USA born breed is recognized by FIFE, ACF, GCCF, CFA, WCF, TICA and ACFA.

The progenitors ("rag dolls") were a pair of producers from California - a Burmese cat and a white long-haired cat. Breeder Ann Baker deliberately selected animals with a gentle disposition and an amazing ability to relax muscles.

In addition, ragdolls are completely devoid of the instinct of self-preservation, which is why they need increased protection and care. The official registration of the breed took place in 1970, and today it is recognized by all major associations of cat lovers.

Important! American organizations prefer to work with ragdolls of traditional colors, while European clubs register red and cream cats.

Originating in the UK, the breed is ironically ignored by the prudish English breeders who still bar cats carrying the long-haired gene from breeding. Solidarity with English breeders is also shown by the American CFA, whose representatives are sure that British Shorthair cats should have an exceptionally short coat.

However, it is recognized by many countries and clubs, including the International Cat Federation (FIFe). The breed, reminiscent of the character and exterior of the British Shorthair, received the legal right to compete at felinological exhibitions.

The breed originating in Turkey is recognized by FIFE, ACF, GCCF, WCF, CFA, ACFA and TICA.

Characteristic signs of the breed are pronounced webs between the toes of the front paws, as well as waterproof thin elongated hair. The area adjacent to Lake Van (Turkey) is called the birthplace of the Turkish Vans. Initially, cats lived not only in Turkey, but also in the Caucasus.

In 1955, the animals were brought to the UK, where intensive breeding work began. Despite the final appearance of the van by the end of the 1950s, the breed was considered experimental for a long time and was approved by the GCCF only in 1969. A year later, the Turkish van was also legitimized by FIFE.

The breed, whose homeland is the USA, is recognized by ACFA and CFA.

(appearance and character) are very reminiscent of ragdolls, differing from them in a wider palette of colors. Ragamuffins, like ragdolls, are devoid of natural hunting instincts, are not able to fend for themselves (more often they just hide) and peacefully coexist with other pets.

This is interesting! The moment of origin of the breed by felinologists is not exactly defined. It is only known that the first trial specimens of ragamuffins (from the English "ragamuffin") were obtained by crossing ragdolls with yard cats.

Breeders tried to develop Ragdolls with more interesting colors, but inadvertently created a new breed, whose representatives first appeared in public in 1994. CFA legalized the breed and its standard a little later, in 2003.

Most cats are covered with fluffy hair (with the exception of "naked" breeds such as the Canadian Sphynx, Ukrainian Levkoy and others). However, some cat breeds are more fluffy than others. And the owners of the "purr" with a silky fur coat have a hard time. They need to accustom their pets to a comb or brush to avoid tangles. Cat hair becomes an indispensable attribute of the clothes and furniture of the owners. But all the shortcomings overshadow the pleasure when stroking a long-haired mustachioed friend.

We present to you top 5 fluffiest cats according to the Cat Fanciers Association- an international organization engaged in the breeding and breeding of new breeds of "purr".

The harsh weather conditions of Siberia (a lot of snow, severe frosts and piercing wind) contributed to the appearance of dense and long wool in the Siberian cat, which does not allow moisture to pass through. And Siberians, as a rule, hold their fluffy tail high and with pride. The advantage of this breed is hypoallergenic fur. Thanks to this feature, Siberian cats can be kept by many people who are allergic to other breeds.

Animals of this breed show great interest in communicating with their owners. They often run to greet the owner or hostess when he or she returns from work, and then follow the person around the house. The long coat of cats is plush and silky to the touch, and needs minimal grooming. Thanks to his love for people and calm attitude towards any actions towards himself, the Ragdoll is an ideal pet for families with children.

The Norwegian Forest Cat's luxurious coat is thick enough to survive the harsh conditions of Norwegian winters. These cats are moderately active, sensitive and intelligent, and their coat does not require daily grooming, unlike other semi-longhaired cats. A weekly combing will suffice, with a little extra attention in the spring.

The second place in the ranking of the most fluffy cats in the world belongs to the aboriginal breed, which originated from cats that live on farms in the US state of Maine. Maine Coons are known for their long, shaggy coat with thick undercoat, friendly temperament, and large size. The weight of males can reach 12 kilograms, and females - 8 kilograms. The fur on the head and shoulders of the Maine Coon is short, with the exception of the collar, and on the belly, back and sides it is long. A special pride is a long, very fluffy tail.

The list of the most fluffy cat breeds is headed by the Persian breed. Probably the most famous in the world, thanks to its long (up to 12 centimeters) and soft hairline and affectionate, phlegmatic character. Their soft-touch coat requires daily grooming to prevent tangles and hairballs. "Persians" are called "sofa" cats for their calm nature, but in games these fur balls can be very mobile.

Shaggy fluffy cats are without a doubt adorable creatures. But you need to understand that their wool is not only a source of pride, but also a source of endless trouble for the owners. A luxurious fur coat should be looked after carefully so that it does not fall off, and the tail does not look like a shabby brush. Wool requires special attention during the molting period.

If people who are not afraid of careful care, they believe that they can handle everything. It is in such citizens that fluffy cats settle at home. Especially for such brave people, we have made a selection of these graceful creatures. So, what are the breeds of fluffy cats? Now let's look at the types in more detail.


The most fluffy are Persian. These cats are very popular in Russia. By nature, they are soft, calm. The weight of an adult representative can reach seven kilograms. The chest and back of the Persians are wide, their paws are short, and their head is large. The coat of these cats is long and quite thick. Needs careful daily care, as it is prone to the formation of tangles. Note that such fluffy cats, the photos of which you see in our article, shed all year round, but especially in the summer. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not swallow its own wool, otherwise a blockage of the intestinal tract or stomach may occur.

In general, keeping such animals is not troublesome and quite convenient. Such fluffy cats become attached to the owners, try to be closer to them (unobtrusively). These pets are gentle, curious, playful, and are not afraid of children. Such animals easily get along with people and other representatives of the fauna.

Ragdoll (ragdoll)

Describing the breeds of fluffy cats, one cannot help but recall the ragdolls. Representatives also need to carefully care for their coat, otherwise tangles will appear that will need to be cut out. For some colors, this is unacceptable. For example, dark hair may grow in place of a cut out spot in light representatives. For color points, this is a real disaster.

Representatives of the breed have a unique ability to relax muscles. Sometimes taking such a cat in your arms, you can feel the complete relaxation of the muscles. That is, it is completely in the power of the owner. In connection with the peculiarity, you need to be more careful with the cat, do not leave it, otherwise it can lead to traumatic consequences. She cannot change position in the air and jump on her paws.

By nature, cats are phlegmatic, peaceful. One kitten costs an average of twenty thousand rubles.

Siberian cat

These cats are descendants of wild ones. They have a fairly large body, muscular paws. The weight of representatives reaches twelve kilograms. Their head is wide, the ears are rounded at the ends, medium in size.

The eyes of cats are oval in shape, large enough, can be either green or yellow.

These cats have preserved hunting instincts. By nature they are independent, calm, restrained. Such cats are active, fearless, physically hardy. They respond well to training, get along with people and animals.

sacred burma

Such fluffy cats need daily grooming. It needs to be brushed two or three times. They have a very beautiful fluffy tail and a luxurious woolen silk collar. By nature, they are quite sociable, they like to play and communicate with other relatives and people. Moderately active.

Maine Coons

These are not only fluffy cats, but also the largest. The coloring is similar to the color of an ordinary raccoon. The weight of representatives reaches fifteen kilograms. The body of such cats is large, muscular, the chest is developed, rectangular in shape. The rather large head has sharp features, the neck is of medium length.

The ears are set wide apart, at the ends of the brush, due to them, these fluffy cats are similar to a lynx. The eyes of the representatives are beautiful, slanted. They can be golden, green and amber. The tail is wide at the base and pointed towards the end, long, reaching at least the shoulders. Its shape is conical, lowered.

The price for one kitten ranges from five to fifty thousand rubles, depending on various features and factors.

Turkish Angoras

The nature of cats is flexible, affectionate. They are inquisitive, sociable and playful. Such pets become attached to the owner. Easily get along with people, animals.

Care does not require much effort. You need to comb three to four times a week. You can wash once a month (not more often!).

There are still many interesting breeds of fluffy cats left, but it’s impossible to list them all. We have identified the most interesting representatives.

A small conclusion

Now you know what are the most fluffy cats. All of them are beautiful in their own way. If you are also not afraid of careful care, then choose such beautiful pets for yourself. You definitely won't regret it!

Fluffy and naked, affectionate and wayward, fidgets and couch potatoes - all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are lucky enough to own a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for him, than to feed him, and what tricks to expect.

The history of the emergence of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by chance, others are the result of long selection work, and still others have managed to retain the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which cat lovers appreciate them. So, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cutie British Shorthair cat once just caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked very different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about bald breeds: to some they seem to be aliens of the cat world, their appearance is so different from the usual Murchikov and Murok. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the feline brethren can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on breeding new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the thoroughbred beauties that are known to people today were registered only in the last century. However, all of them have become so firmly established in our lives that it is difficult to imagine it without their funny tricks.

Varieties of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest, Sacred Burmese, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and docile character.
  2. Most in the world. This is the Siamese, and Oriental, and Abyssinian, and Russian Blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to single out any special joint features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most conflicting feelings. Photographs cause tenderness in someone, and disgust in someone. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that these are the most ordinary cats, although without hair. But they are very attached to the owner, they play a lot and eat a lot, because they are always trying to keep warm.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Lovers of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and quick-witted. Are the outbred street vagrants any less intelligent? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of the yards have a love for cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about cat independence.

Love your furry friends, no matter if they have a great pedigree. Always be close to them, because every day next to a mischievous cat or affectionate kitty is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. Who can make us happy!

Many owners prefer to have short-haired pets - they are quite easy to maintain order in the house. But if you dream of a shaggy lump and are ready to take care of his coat every day, choose a four-legged friend from the fluffiest cat breeds.

A long-haired individual is easy to find among outbred cats or mestizos. However, when purchasing a thoroughbred pet, you can find out in advance its character and mores.

A cat named Colonel Meow in 2013 got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most fluffy cat in the world.

The length of his coat was almost 23 cm. Colonel Meow became the star of the Internet thanks to his shaggy fur coat and sullen expression of the muzzle. Such an unusual kitten was obtained by crossing representatives of the Persian and Himalayan breeds. The record holder died of heart disease in 2014.

Persian cat

These fluffy cats were brought to Europe from Persia in the 17th century. On the territory of our country, these animals appeared at the end of the last century.

The wool of the Persians is very soft and silky, the length reaches 15-20 cm. The cat itself is large, with a massive head and round eyes. The color of the Persians is the most diverse, often solid, sometimes with white spots. There are Persian cats of a smoky, tortoiseshell, shaded, Siamese color, as well as a color of stripes and spots - these cats always have orange eyes.

The character of the Persians is friendly, calm. They are not very curious, but still like to play. The Persian cat is attached to its owner and misses in his absence. To draw attention to themselves, the Persians can even feign bad health.

If you need a kind and calm furry friend, feel free to choose a Persian.

Maine Coon

This breed of cats comes from North America; Maine Coons appeared in Russia at the end of the last century. A characteristic feature of the breed are the tassels on the ears, like a lynx, as well as the very large size of the animals. An adult weighs 15 kg or more, the height at the withers is 60 cm.

The Maine Coon's coat is long and silky, these cats resemble raccoons in color, any shades are acceptable. The coat on the belly, chest, back and sides is longer than on the head and shoulders. The undercoat is dense, softer than the outer coat.

Despite their impressive size, Maine Coons are quite affectionate and friendly. But they will not strive to be in the hands of the owner, but will prefer to be located nearby. These cats are suspicious of "strangers" - guests, but they do not show aggression, they quickly get used to new family members.

Due to their large size and mobility, Maine Coons are cramped in a small apartment. You can easily take your pet for a walk - representatives of this breed are completely loyal to collars.

If you have the opportunity to provide a cat with walks in the fresh air, get a Maine Coon. Please note that you need to feed this animal with premium dry food and fresh meat.

Siberian cat

These animals are not descendants of wild forest cats at all. They were brought from the central regions in the 18-19 centuries to Siberia, where, under the influence of harsh climatic conditions, the appearance characteristic of the modern breed was formed.

Siberian cats are usually large in size with a short head and low wide cheekbones. Eye color is often combined with coat color. White cats and color-pointed cats have blue eyes.

The wool of Siberians is soft and thin, with a dense double undercoat, does not cause allergies. The Siberian breed is distinguished by the presence of the so-called integumentary hair. It is hard and long, has water-repellent properties. Different colors are acceptable: white, smoky, striped.

Siberian cats are very mobile and active, they love to play. Siberians get along wonderfully with other cats and even with dogs. But you should not start rodents, because Siberians are excellent rat-catchers.

Representatives of this breed love affection, but never bother the owner. Siberians do not like strangers, treat them with suspicion and even growl. Get serious about choosing a name for a pet - Siberian cats quickly get used to the name and respond only to it.

Siberian cats need to be walked outside even in winter, and to care for their coat, you need to get a whole range of tools. If this does not scare you, feel free to bring a purebred Siberian into your home.

Himalayan cat

This breed is a mixture of Persian and Siamese cats. The breed appeared in the middle of the last century in the United States. The Himalayan cat has absorbed all the best - fluffy hair up to 12-15 cm long and a recognizable color-point color.

Himalayan cats have hair on the body - a light cream shade, on the paws, tail and muzzle - dark shades. This specific color is caused by the difference in body temperature in different areas.

Experts note that Himalayan cats living in cool rooms have a darker color. Kittens do not have pronounced dark areas, the color is completely formed in the second year of life. Dark spots can be of various shades: blue, brown, dark gray, cream, red.

The nature of the representatives of the Himalayan breed is more flexible than that of Siamese cats. That being said, Himalayan cats are quite energetic when played with.

Himalayan cats do not like loneliness, they should not be locked in a room alone. But without walking on the street, they do quite well. Important - Himalayan cats are advised to wipe their eyes every morning so that they do not watery.

If you are looking for a fluffy housebody cat with an interesting color, the Himalayan breed is the perfect choice.


This very rare and valuable breed of longhaired cats was bred in California in the 1960s and was officially registered in 1994. Ragamuffins are the result of crossing phlegmatic ragdolls with Persians and outbred longhaired cats.

Ragamuffins weigh about 8 kg, shaggy neck resembles a collar. The eyes are almond-shaped, heterochromia occurs. Silky thick wool comes in various colors: blue, tortoiseshell, gray, white, black, spotted. The pigmentation of the nose and paw pads often contrasts with the color of the coat.

Ragamuffins are very peaceful, calm, devoted to the owner. Young individuals are quite active, like to play and can be trained. It is easy for these cats to find a common language with all family members. The main condition for keeping representatives of this breed is attention from the owner.

american curl

A relatively new breed of cat with ears that seem to turn outward, from which tufts of wool stick out. Curls are strong, flexible, graceful animals with a long thick tail. The head is rounded with large eyes.

Soft silky coat without undercoat comes in a variety of colors, often plain or tabby.

Curls are very friendly and affectionate, they have excellent immunity. Curls are easily trained, quickly get used to their name. Pets behave unobtrusively, but respond with pleasure to the invitation to play. The long-haired Curl should be combed twice a week with a large comb without the use of any specific tools.

angora cat

Turkish Angora cats were brought to Europe from Turkey. Beautiful and fluffy white Angora cats are considered descendants of the Persians. The Angora cat has a flexible body, almond-shaped eyes of bright colors.

Heterochromia is very common. The thick and long coat of Angora cats on the belly can be wavy.

The character of the Angorka is calm and restrained, while the animal is very sociable. Cats are friendly, attached to the owner, get along well with children. The owners of angoras note the curiosity of their pets. The cat always comes to look at the guest, and after a few minutes it can climb into the lap of a stranger.

Since Angoras are characterized by a white color, they need not only to be combed out, but also to be bathed often - up to two times a month. Angoras cats are distinguished by excellent health, subject to a balanced diet.

Other fluffy cat breeds

  1. Neva Masquerade - a variety of Siberian cats, large animals of color-point color.
  2. British Longhair - a mixture of British and Persian, a cat with a long and dense coat.
  3. The Norwegian Forest cat is a large cat with almond-shaped eyes and high cheekbones, distinguished by independence and a stern disposition.
  4. Sacred Burmese - one of the hybrids of the Siamese and Persian cats, playful and inquisitive pets.
  5. The Munchkin Longhair is an affectionate fluffy cat with disproportionately short legs.
  6. The Oriental Longhair is a large, yet flexible and graceful fluffy cat with large ears and a wedge-shaped head.

In addition to officially registered breeds, there are many hybrids and mestizos in the world. If your plans do not include participation in exhibitions, you can safely take a kitten from your hands. If you need a purebred representative of the breed, contact the nurseries, where you will be provided with all the documents and the pedigree of the animal.
