The scariest dog in the world. The scariest dogs

Looks like her owner. She can be cute and attractive or vice versa. Today's ranking includes the 10 most feared dogs, whose repulsive appearance often hides a good heart and friendly nature.

Top 10 scariest dogs in the world

1. The appearance of a bull terrier for many did not become associated with a true friend, so the main reviews that can be heard in his direction were: a terrible or ugly dog. The egg-shaped head, white, short coat and slanted eyes, which are combined with a high level of aggressiveness, make him an ideal participant in fighting dog competitions.

2. The most terrible dog, which has thick hair that constantly falls into dreadlocks, is called a bullet. In order for her to stop looking like a junkyard regular or a fashionable mop, she needs to be carefully looked after. At the same time, the dog has a high level of attention and a sharp mind.

3. The Bedlington Terrier is in the scary rating because it has a curved body and unevenly growing coat. At the same time, keeping an animal will not be cheap, starting with a purchase for $ 1,500, ending with the solution of constant problems with his health.

4. The Brussels Griffon looks like an ugly dog ​​that has a mixture of Shih Tzu and hairy pug in the pedigree. Bulging eyes, a strange muzzle, overgrown with hair on all sides, does not prevent her from being a frisky playmate, responding to her name with lightning speed and barking loudly, greeting the owner.

5. The most terrible dog in the world, which has a phenomenal resemblance to a hyena, is called the American Staghound. Her appearance is repulsive: a long, hunchbacked, unkempt body hides a loving, loyal and sweet pet.

6. Affenpinscher, a representative of such a breed of dogs, which are spoken of as true friends. However, his appearance suggests that she stepped on a bare wire.

7. The Peruvian Inca Orchid may seem cute in its absurdity. Dark, like iodine, sometimes spotted body is covered with short hair, while a tuft of long blond hair grows on the head. These gentle, sweet creatures are much smarter than representatives of more beautiful breeds, so their main vocation is hunters and guides.

8. The Xoloitzcuintle breed rewards its representatives with an almost naked body with a small tuft of wool located right on the muzzle. The lack of external attractiveness does not prevent her from being popular for her kind and friendly disposition.

9. The Neapolitan Mastiff looks like a depressive monster. His black color, gigantic height and weight, reaching 60 kg, looks intimidating. At the same time, the dog is an excellent family dog. This is an excellent bloodhound and a reliable friend.

10. The appearance of the Chinese Crested is considered the most ugly, although it has some charm. A completely hairless dog is endowed with thick, long hair in some parts of the body.

The most terrible dog breeds

If we talk about a specific dog, then the monster competition is held annually in California. For several years in a row, the main prize went to the Peruvian terrible dog, whose name is Sam.

As you know, dogs are completely different in shape, size, degree of fluffiness, character, purpose. Usually people choose cute dogs as friends. However, among the existing pets, you can find those that frighten with their appearance and dangerous skills. Remember that even the scariest dog in the world can be friendly enough with the right upbringing.


Puli is a dog that received the funny nickname "mop". These pets do not require special care, they are quite friendly and provocative. They love children and are happy to babysit them. Bullets have an excellent memory and easily remember new tricks and commands. Their appearance is very unusual: the animal's hair fell into large dreadlocks, creating the effect of slovenliness.

bull terrier

The Bull Terrier is a fairly well-known breed. The unusual appearance of these dogs, especially the egg-shaped head with small slanting eyes, causes many people to negatively associate with rats. Bull Terriers are often called "killer dogs", attributing to them excessive bloodthirstiness. In fact, these animals can be quite cute companion pets and personal bodyguards. However, Bull Terriers need to be educated and trained to suppress the fighting skills of the past. It is not recommended to keep these dogs with small pets.

Attention! The most terrible dog breeds are a rather subjective concept. Some of the animals presented in the top seem very funny to many people.

peruvian hairless dog

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is sometimes romantically referred to as the Inca orchid, veringo, or calato. This ancient breed was originally bred in Peru. Veringo have a very repulsive and at the same time originally attractive appearance. The dark body of the dog is almost completely bald: only on the head and tail of the calato there are funny white mohawks. These pets are afraid of bright sunlight, for which they are compared with delicate flowers. There are few nurseries breeding this breed. They are mainly located in the USA.


Catalburun is a dog that arrived straight from Turkey. This breed is highly valued for its excellent hunting skills in the mountains. Catalburun has an unusual head shape, large eyes, but its main oddity is a forked nose (in some representatives, the two halves literally exist separately from each other). Because of this detail of appearance, some people award these dogs with the title of "the most terrible dogs." Photos of catalburun can be found quite rarely on the net. There are only a few nurseries engaged in breeding a mountain hunter.

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers are quite famous among breeders, but this breed is not very popular. The point is the very unusual appearance of these animals. The curved body, the uneven growth of wool in different areas give the dog a strange look of a cross between a sheep and a dog. Don't underestimate the Bedlington Terrier! In fact, it is a very fast and surprisingly strong dog.

German dog

Great Danes are famous record holders for growth among all dogs. Giants just scare people with their size and corresponding weight. This breed was bred in Germany specifically for hunting large prey (deer or wild boars). That is why this pet (whose growth record at the withers is 1.1 meters) will easily knock down a person.

brussels griffin

Try to imagine a strange cross between a fluffy pug and a Shih Tzu. What came to your mind is the approximate appearance of a rare breed of dog, the Brussels Griffon. These animals have a rather caricature appearance: large bulging eyes, a flattened muzzle, malocclusion, sharpening thick hair, stocky short legs and a very wide sternum. Griffins are quite loving and affectionate, despite their formidable name.

Neapolitan Mastiff

A real giant among domestic dogs, the Neapolitan Mastiff, reaching 70 centimeters at the withers and weighing more than 60 kilograms, can scare an unprepared person well. The formidable image is complemented by a depressing and rather frightening appearance. However, behind the outer formidability lies a kind and loving being who will faithfully guard his human family.


The Mexican hairless dog not only bears the title of one of the oldest breeds in the world, but is also recognized by many people as the most feared dog. Her official name is Xoloitzcuintle or Sholoitzcuintle, it’s even difficult to pronounce the first time. Xolo appeared in Mexico and was revered by the ancient Aztecs as a guide to the world of the gods. These hairless dogs have a very unpretentious appearance: wrinkled dark skin (sometimes with light spots), a thin body of a small size, a short tuft on the head.


For many people who first encountered the Affenpinscher, this little cheerful dog will seem ugly. The good nature of the dog is combined with capriciousness and slight nervousness. The image of the pet is complemented by an unusual appearance: small size, fluffy black hair carelessly sticking out in all directions, small button eyes, a flattened muzzle and short legs - all this makes the dog look like a harmful imp.


Azawakh earned his place in the list of the most feared dogs for his excessive thinness. The body of the animal is literally a skeleton covered with skin. In African countries, the Azawakh is considered an elite breed, but she has very few fans.

Chinese Crested

Chinese Cresteds are the scariest dogs in the world. Photos of these animals clearly demonstrate how one creature can combine elegance and sophistication on the verge of ugliness. These strange animals, of course, are not without a certain amount of attractiveness: a completely naked body is decorated with a mane on the head and tail, fringe on thin legs. Unfortunately, this breed is at too high a risk of developing genetic abnormalities.

Attention! Every year in the United States there is a competition for the most terrible dog. Pets with different deviations from all over the world take part in such competitions.

Whatever the appearance of your pet, you need to treat him gently. Remember, the main beauty of an animal is its character and love for you.

In the canine world, there are breeds that are contrary to beauty canons and have a special individual beauty.

How did they come into being and how do they survive? Rating of the most terrible dog breeds in a detailed review below.

We all strive for the best, choosing the most beautiful and expensive. In our society, the ideals of appearance are accepted and they affect pets as well.

Such dogs are not so well known, but they may have a number of positive qualities that do not have, etc. In our century everyone strives for individuality, and our companions should be no exception.

1. Peruvian Inca Orchid

A breed with such a beautiful name tops our rating. So, this South African native dog is the most feared in the world.

Peruvian orchid - a wonderful hunter (bred as a greyhound), does not sleep at night, in the evening her activity increases.

A unique feature of the breed is that the orchid sweats all over its body. Her skin changes color depending on the temperature of the environment. When it's cold, it brightens; when it's hot, it turns pink.

Peruvian Inca Orchid (not to be confused with) - one of the most calm and balanced dogs in the world.

2. Kai

The brindle breed is very rare even in its homeland of Japan. If circumstances so require, able to make decisions and take action.

Kai-inu recognizes only one person, for whom he will go even into fire, even into water. This, in its own way, terrible dog, possesses good health, is not prone to diseases and mutations. Despite her small stature, she is temperamental and courageous.

3 Catahoula Leopard Dog

Pretty scary breed with a glassy, ​​intimidating look and a coat color that adapts to the environment.

Breeders say: Catahoula has a "sixth sense" and will warn of danger in advance.

It has a pronounced hunting instinct - does not get tired, has a sharp sense of smell and instant reaction. For the family will be a good guard and a loyal defender.

4. Deerhound

Terse gloomy giant of the Middle Ages- dirhound. Big size dog does not get along well in a city apartment, clumsy, but selflessly loyal to the owner.

Universal greyhound, the best helper for deer hunting.

Can't keep him on a leash no matter how strong the owner is, therefore, unquestioning obedience must be achieved.

Deerhound needs a lot of training, his the body is designed for running and chasing prey.

5. Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The dog of the "old lady of England" has a very extraordinary, terrible appearance - a pretty muzzle rests on a short body.

Baby squat, has a freedom-loving character and a clear mind. Dandie Dinmont Terrier straightforward and brave like a real warrior, has an iron grip and sharp fangs.

The dog is very lively - loves active games and sports.

6. Bergamo Shepherd

Bergamasco - informal among brothers, owner of a specific appearance and carrier of dreadlocks (not to be confused with).

The Bergarmian Sheepdog does not tolerate loneliness and can even become depressed.

Designed to serve a person without whom he cannot live. Despite the terrible appearance, loves and is loved by all family members for their innate playfulness.

If the puppy is left alone in the apartment, then he can smash everything to smithereens.

7. Moody

small farm dog adapts easily to new conditions, easy to train, alert and agile.

Dog breeders did not like this breed too much because of its specific exterior, but on the farm - this is the first friend and helper.

Moody is an inexhaustible source of energy.

This breed hypersensitive psyche, the dog is very playful and emotional.

8. Catalburun

The main feature of the breed is split nose, which gives the ability to superfine scent.

Catalburun - the representative is very much appreciated for his working qualities - stamina, reflexes and flair.

Smart balanced nature, easy to make friends with children. At home - in Turkey, these terrible dogs live on the street due to hyperactivity, they are simply cramped within four walls.

9. Chinese Crested

exotic wool makes the appearance of the Chinese Crested Dog extravagant. In China, it is still revered as a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

According to legend, this dog found a lost baby in the forest and, in order to warm him, shook off her hair on him, and when their parents found them, they took the animal home and now the dog is forever attached to a person. By the way, in the litter there are also fluffy puppies, the so-called "puffs", but they do not belong to thoroughbred individuals.

- nature with a disposable character, cheerfulness and friendliness.

10. Slyugi

The Arabian greyhound (slyugi) completes our highly subjective list of the Top 10 most feared dogs in the world. Despite their unsympathetic appearance, this breed is valued:

  • in Africa among nomads for their ability to hunt and excellent watchdog qualities;
  • in Europe - as a participant on the run;
  • in America - as a family dog.

Slyugi needs to move, her space cannot be limited. She clean, does not shed, licks itself like a cat, odorless.

arabian greyhound needs special food, her favorite dish is young lamb.

Concluding the review, we note: each dog is beautiful in its own way! Look again at these representatives of a special appearance These are rare animals, they need care and attention.

Each of them can become a best friend, companion and pet. These are special friends loyal and devoted, unlike the rest.

Additionally, check out a short video about the most terrible dogs in the world:

A dog is man's best friend. And this is a known fact. A dog is always devoted to its owner. Scientists have proven that dog owners are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and, in general, their health is much stronger. A furry friend will be with his master any minute. But, looking at some breeds of dogs, it is difficult to believe in their good-natured disposition. Let's be honest, not all dog breeds are as cute as Collies, Samoyeds, Labradors or Huskies. But behind the formidable appearance, a cheerful and positive dog \u200b\u200bcan be hidden, which will be your best friend in the most difficult moment. Love after all not for appearance. This rule also applies to pets.


The Staghound is considered one of the fastest dog breeds. A dog can move faster than coyotes. It is impossible to keep a dog of this breed in a cramped city apartment, it needs a lot of space to run. The breed was first bred in the 19th century. The dogs helped local farmers guard their livestock from coyotes. As befits a greyhound, the Staghound has long thin legs and a narrow body. Despite its not very attractive appearance, the deer greyhound has a calm character. Dogs of this breed are alien to aggression and they get along well with other pets.


The first mention of the Affenpinscher dates back to the 16th century. The origins of the breed lie in Germany. In those days, Affenpinschers were bred as rat-catchers. The dogs were larger in size, and the fur was not black, as it is now, but gray, yellow or brown. Gradually, the breed from the stables and farmlands began to move into noble houses. Now Affenpinschers are small dogs with an unusual muzzle. Outwardly, the dog does not look very friendly, but the character of the Affenpinchers is calm and good-natured. Dogs are very curious and get along well with small children. True, Affenpinschers do not get along well with other pets.

brussels griffon

The Brussels Griffon is one of the most loyal dog breeds. Wherever the owner goes, the furry friend will always follow him. Brussels Griffons love to be the center of attention. And if you go too far with this, then the dog becomes capricious and spoiled. Dogs of this breed have a small, but very gloomy muzzle. At first, it may seem that the dog is always dissatisfied with something. The corners of the mouth are always lowered, so it seems that the dog is not very happy about you. But behind all the formidable appearance is a devoted and loving friend. True, Griffons are very aggressive towards other dogs and even try to get the better of dogs that are larger than themselves. In general, the dog has a calm character and even a little shy, especially when it comes to new surroundings or strangers.

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers were first bred in England in the 18th century. It is rather difficult to call the appearance of dogs of this breed attractive. In animals, the body structure resembles hounds, and the head is pear-shaped. It is because of the shape of the dog's head that they seem unattractive to many. Bedlington Terriers were first bred as rodent hunters that filled mines and caused a lot of problems. Later, dogs began to be taken for hunting. Bedlington Terriers in an instant turned from a calm pet into an aggressive hunter. The nature of dogs is wayward and it is not desirable for people who do not have experience with dogs to get Bedlington Terriers.

Chinese Crested

Scientists have not been able to establish the homeland of the Chinese Crested, but most researchers are inclined to believe that Africa is the homeland of hairless dogs. The Chinese Crested is striking in its appearance. This small dog with large ears (the breed's hair grows only on the ears, head, tail and paws) seems ugly to many. But if you look closely, you can see the special charm of these pets. In addition to hairless breeds, there are also long-haired Chinese Crested. Long-haired look quite ordinary dogs, unlike their counterparts.


Catalburuns would be quite ordinary dogs, a bit reminiscent of beagles, if not for one feature. Dogs of this breed have a double nose. The nose of the dog seems to be divided into two parts, and for those people who see this breed for the first time, it may seem that the dog has health problems. The homeland of the Catalburuns is Turkey. You can meet the breed only in the territory of origin, that is, in the province of Tarus. Now the number of Catalburuns barely reaches 200. Catalburuns are not only very unusual dogs, but also quite rare.


The birthplace of the Puli dog breed is Hungary. They used to be bred by shepherds. It is simply impossible to confuse Puli with another breed of dog. If in other breeds the body is covered with hair, or it is completely naked, then the Bullet has dreadlocks. In fact, the coat of dogs resembles this hairstyle. And the longer the dog's coat, the better. Bullets are cheerful, active dogs that love to play with children and other pets. Due to the peculiarity of the origin, the dog needs a lot of space. Like any herding dog, it needs a lot of movement to feel comfortable.

bull terrier

Bull Terriers give the impression of angry and aggressive dogs. They don't have the most friendly appearance. An elongated muzzle and small eyes, as well as a powerful physique, are the main characteristics of the breed. Inexperienced people should not start Bull Terriers, only a professional can cope with the difficult nature of the dog. After all, the breed was originally bred as a fighting dog. Therefore, genes often make themselves felt if the dog is raised incorrectly. But, despite the formidable appearance, in experienced hands the dog grows up as a devoted and loving friend with a relatively calm character.


Mexico is the birthplace of this dog breed. Calling Xoloitzcuintle cute and friendly dogs at first glance is quite problematic. Let's face it, the dog is not the most pleasant appearance. At home in Mexico, Xoloitzcuintli are considered a national treasure. But if you look closely at the dogs of this breed, you can see the natural grace and athletic physique. And it immediately becomes clear why the Mexicans are proud of the Xoloitzcuintli. The formation of the breed took place without human participation. Dogs have an easy character, they become attached to all family members and quickly find a common language with other pets.

Peruvian naked Inca orchid

As the name of the breed suggests, the dog was first discovered in Peru. There are hairless Peruvian dogs and short-haired ones. The naked ones were usually kept in the house as pets, and the short-haired ones were taken hunting. Now the breed is rare. A distinctive feature of the naked Inca orchid is the crest on the head. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by another unusual quality. Dogs are known to sweat through their mouths. But the Peruvian dog sweats its body, just like a person. Despite the fact that dogs are relatively calm, without exercise they become irritable and aggressive.

The World's Ugliest Dog Show has been held in California since 1998 as part of the Agricultural Fair. The competition has now become famous. The organizers position this show as a manifestation of the owners' love even for an ugly dog.

Criteria for selecting a freak for the title

According to the conditions, all dogs performing at the show must be healthy, and deformities must be congenital.

The grand prize is a $1,500 cash check and the winner is provided with a year's supply of food and the right to participate in TV shows and broadcasts.

Winner 2000 and 2001, photo

Due to the fact that the first competitions were held in the conditions of an annual agricultural fair, the number of participants was limited geographically to several states adjacent to California. Consequently, the first winners did not receive much fame, it is only known that in 2000 and 2001 the dog Nana won, the exact breed of which is not known.

Dog Winner 2002

Already in 2002, the winner of the competition was the so-called crown prince: the dog came from a family where his immediate ancestors repeatedly won various freak competitions. Rascal is the name of a dog and has won various similar shows no less than fourteen times. Its owner, Danish actor Andrew Sunnyvel, has managed to make his ugly but extremely charming pet a movie star career.

Rascal has appeared in four horror films, has appeared in commercials and talk shows, and has been the subject of numerous articles in the media. The Raskala breed is the Chinese Crested, in the genetic code of this breed there are deformity genes, lethal genes. Rascal's nickname is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Winner 2003, 2004 and 2005 as the ugliest pet in the world

The next winner Sam was also a Chinese Crested male, and at the time of the first victory he was in old age. He was twelve years old, he was completely blind, and after the last victory he did not live long.

The owner euthanized the dog due to an incurable heart disease, and more than once in an interview noted how she misses the dog.

The scariest in 2006

Archie, a Chinese crested dog from Arizona, was the official winner in 2006. All the time of the show, Heather, the hostess of Peoples, wore the dog upside down, which bribed the judges, because according to the results of the Internet voting, Archie scored a modest number of votes. Archie's appearance is peculiar: his body is covered with a scattering of warts, and almost all the teeth are missing, so that the tongue falls out of the mouth all the time.

Archie became a member of the Peoples family as an adult dog when Heather saw him at a stray dog ​​shelter. She worked there and decided to take the dog home for a while, but her husband fell in love with the pet at first sight. By the way, the owner received the first reward for Archie when she took the dog from the shelter, it amounted to ten dollars. Archie lived after winning the competition for another two years.

Winner 2007

A two-year-old male Chihuahua and Chinese Crested mix named Elwood was the 2007 winner. His owner, Karen Quigley, bought the baby from the breeder, persuading him not to euthanize the puppy due to its extraordinary ugliness. It is noteworthy that in the previous competition, Elwood took second place, but could not surpass the ugliness of the old Archie.

Elwood looks like a gremlin from the movie, he is a bald dog with very dark skin, a white tuft on the top of his head, a round head and an upturned nose. The tongue hangs from the mouth like a limp rag.

2008 Winner

Nine-year-old male Gus of the Chinese Crested breed from Florida became the next winner of the competition in 2008. The old man had only three paws, the fourth was removed as a result of the operation, and one eye. The other eye was injured and leaked out after the fight with the cat.

In addition to the main prize, which the hostess spent on intensive chemotherapy for the elderly Gus, he had the opportunity to participate in the New York channel CBS. The owners found the dog in the basement of a nearby garage when he was about two years old.

2009 Winner

The only case when a boxer named Pabs became the champion of the competition.

The dog's incredibly protruding jaw brought her both a nickname and worldwide fame. The boxer did not differ in particular ugliness, but had a rather decent appearance.

2010 Winner

Princess Abby Francis - the most terrible dog breed in the world in 2010, humpbacked, without one eye, without ears and short front legs.

This four-year-old Chihuahua suffered from a congenital bone defect, but the owner, Kathleen Francis, claimed that there was no one better than her pet in the world.

2011 Winner

The famous fourteen-year-old Yoda, a Chihuahua-Chinese Crested mix, won the prize in 2011. Yoda weighs less than a kilogram, and when owner Terry Schumacher saw her in an abandoned house, he mistook her for a rat.

Yoda has major health problems due to birth defects and old age, but her owner thinks she looks great for her age.

2012 Winner

Finally, a dog not from the USA became the World Champion! The English owner Bev Nicholson brought to the competition a male Chinese crested Magli, who became the favorite of the competition. Eight-year-old Magli looked handsome against the backdrop of sick and one-eyed participants, but he still managed to win.

The only strange quality of the dog's appearance is the many white hairs randomly located on the dark bare skin. The owner beat off this dog in the park from hooligans, and now Magli visits hospitals, delighting children and the elderly.

Winner 2013

A funny dog ​​with a unique duck gait is the result of crossing
