The script for the winter entertainment of carnival in kindergarten. "Wide Shrovetide"

The sun is round like a pancake

Smiling, shining.

We are glad to have a warm meeting with him

Adults and children!

Where does spring begin? Of course, with the wires of winter. So in our MADOU kindergarten No. 172 in Tyumen, Maslenitsa was celebrated widely, joyfully, with round dances and fun games.

Maslenitsa is a meeting of Spring and seeing off Winter, a mischievous and cheerful holiday. Spring brings life, the awakening of nature, sunlight andwarm. It was in honor of the Sun on this holiday that our chefs baked pancakes for the children, because they are round, yellow and warm, like the sun.

On February 16, the voices of the cheerful Skomorokh and the Beautiful Maiden invited everyone to the territory of the kindergarten. A guide with a Bear came to the holiday, they amused the honest people and played with the children. Not without the tricks of Baba Yaga, who tried to interfere with the celebration. But the Merry Snowman helped the children easily cope with her tasks.

Winter came to us and did not want to give way to Spring. But in this dispute, Spring won, and Winter had to leave. Everyone happily saw her off and said goodbye to her until next year. For Spring, the children sang songs and performed a perky folk dance.

Traditionally, the holiday ended with the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa and eating delicious and fragrant pancakes in groups. Everyone enjoyed the holiday!

Kindergarten No. 172, Tyumen

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The scenario of the Shrovetide holiday for a kindergarten group of different ages can be used for events both outdoors and indoors. If the weather does not allow burning a scarecrow on the street, then you can invite children, for example, to take pity on such a beautiful scarecrow, not to burn it, but to sprinkle Shrovetide with sparkles for everyone.



The scenario of the holiday "Maslenitsa" in kindergarten.

Location:playground in front of the kindergarten.

The date of the: 21.02.2017

Decor: flags, a stuffed Maslenitsa, the sun, "carousels" with ribbons, sleds.

Technical means:sound reproducing equipment.

Musical arrangement:songs dedicated to Shrovetide, musical accompaniment for games.

Suits: buffoon costumes, Maslenitsa costume.

Treat: tea, pancakes.

Event progress


Attention! Attention!

Merry party!

Hello dear guys,

Small and big!

The people are gathering

The holiday begins!

You wait, my friend is a prankster,

What holiday is today?

Children all: Maslenitsa!!!

That's right, Shrovetide!

Not English, not French,

Shrovetide is a Russian holiday!

We will sing and dance

Play Russian games!

Gather up, people! Maslenitsa is waiting for a visit.

Games, fun and jokes are waiting for you -

You won't be bored for even a minute!

Shrovetide wide open -

Let's start the fun!

To the music of __________, the children go out in a round dance to the playground.

Leading: Maslenitsa is a family holiday, and we gathered with our large, friendly family to celebrate this holiday, as they did in the old days. Dear parents, we also invite you to our holiday.

Well, we started the holiday! So that spring comes sooner and drives winter out of the yard, let's call spring, let's say a good word to her!

The children take turns calling.

1st child. Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,

ride on the hills,

Roll in pancakes!

2nd child. Our Maslenitsa dear,

It didn't take long for us to come.

Thought for seven weeks

It turned out - for seven days!

Buffoon. Well done! You know everything about Shrovetide!

What Russian games do you play?

3rd child. There are many different games

All of them are difficult to count.

We play, friends, do not be lazy,

We would play all day!

Buffoon. So let's play "Burners"!

Invite spring with a fun game!

The game "Burners" is being played.

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. Everyone goes in circles with words.

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One, two, three, run!

Three claps - and the children scatter, and the driver tries to catch them.

1-Buffoon: So it became lighter

Here it is getting warmer

Soon the birds will fly

And the mosquitoes will squeal.

It's time to leave Winter cold.

2 Buffoon: And where is our Maslenitsa?

(Turning to the children) - Guys, have you seen her?

(Children's response)

And let's call her together:

"Come to us, Maslenitsa,

Visit the wide yard!”

Buffoons (in chorus): Hurrah! Shrovetide has come to us!

Here is the image of winter-winter - this is Maslenitsa! Zimushka the naughty, frightened people and animals with her frosts, blizzards! (shake Shrovetide with a finger) But people are not afraid of winter, they sew warm clothes for themselves! Animals have learned to store food for future use and sit all winter in their minks, so winter is trying in vain, it won’t scare us! To drive us away from winter, and call on spring, let's play and dance!

1 buffoon : Let's celebrate Maslenitsa,

Yes, serve pancakes.

We will praise Maslenitsa

Yes, carry on sleds!

Sledge relay (buffoons or parents carry children on sleds).

Buffoon. come to me

Yes, bring your friends!

Don't pass us by

fast carousel

Spin now!

Skomorokh Gavrila

Makes everyone wonder!

Who has nothing to do

Ride until the evening!

Game "Carousel"

Russian folk melody sounds in the recording. Children stand in a circle, in the center - an adult with an umbrella in his hands.

Long satin ribbons are attached to the umbrella. Children take the ends of the ribbons, begin to slowly move in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

Carousels spin...

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, wait

Stop the carousel!

Well done guys, we got real Russian fun. What other Russian game do you know?

- "Golden Gate". - That's right. This is a primordially Russian, very old Russian game, which, among the few, has survived and has remained relevant in our time. Both adults and children love to play it. Invite your parents, let's play.

Rules of the game "Golden Gate"

If there are less than 20 people playing, then two players are selected who stand opposite each other, hold hands and lift them up, forming a “gate”.

If a lot of players have gathered, then 4 people are selected who stand in a circle, hold hands and raise their hands up, forming a “double gate” with an entrance and an exit.

The rest of the players stand in a chain (join hands or put their hands on their shoulders to each other) and pass under the gate.

Gate players sing:

Golden Gate

Come in gentlemen

First mother to pass

All children will be held

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you

At the last words, the gates sharply lower their hands and catch those who are under them. Those caught form new "gates". The game ends when all players are caught.

Presenter: Maslenitsa came to us, brought spring and joy! We will meet the guest with a blink and a ruddy pie! Guys, why do you think Maslenitsa, the first spring holiday, is met with a round blink? (answer options) Well done! Guessed! Damn - he's like the sun! Warm, round, yellow! In order for the earth to warm up faster, come to life after hibernation, we help it, we bake a lot of little suns! And we invite all our friends for a treat! Guys, which one of you wants to try baking pancakes for a friend? (two children from those who raise their hands are called) And we will bake them in such a game! Here is the dough (gives each child a double-sided yellow sheet with a pancake circle outline), and here is the baking tool (gives each child scissors). You will need to cut the pancake as quickly and accurately as possible! (As soon as the pancake is cut out, you need to put it on a plate and treat your friend with the words: “Help yourself, dear guests!”, And the friend should answer: “Thank you! Health to the owner (hostess)!” And make a Russian waist bow from the shoulder ). The game is played 2-3 times, the rest of the children can watch the game and "cheer" for their friends.

The game "Bake a pancake" (held 2-3 times). Requisites: 2 pairs of scissors, double-sided yellow sheets with a circle outline according to the number of children playing. Musical arrangement.

Guys, your mothers and grandmothers will bake pancakes all week and treat you and their guests. And today they and our chefs have prepared treats for all of us.

Assistant teachers and parents take out treats (tea, pancakes, jam, etc.).

The song "Pancakes" sounds

We played well, but now, guys, it's time to see off Maslenitsa.

On the last day of Shrovetide week, they made a straw effigy, decorated it, and then burned it so that it would take away all illnesses and misfortunes.

Get up around Maslenitsa (Maslenitsa is brought to the middle). Let's tell her the words that are customary in Rus' to see off Maslenitsa:

Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out.

Birds are flying in the sky, bells are ringing.

Sunshine, shine, clear, shine!

Bye Bye! Farewell, Shrovetide! Bye Bye! Goodbye Shrovetide!

1st child

Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,

Come to our wide yard

ride on the hills,

Roll in pancakes!

2nd child.

Our Maslenitsa dear,

It didn't take long for us to come.

Thought for seven weeks

It turned out - for seven days!

If the weather does not allow burning a Shrovetide effigy on the street, then you can invite the children not to burn such a beautiful effigy, take pity on it and, for example, just sprinkle it with sparkles together.

Shrovetide scenario in kindergarten

Characters: Host, Baba Yaga, Vanka, Marusya.

Equipment: "Carousel", Sunny, little suns for children,

The course of the holiday :

Cheerful Russian folk music sounds. Children gather on the sports ground (the girls are wearing Russian scarves and shawls, the children's cheeks are painted).

Vedas: Gather people! Maslenitsa is waiting for a visit

We invite those who love fun and laughter

Games, fun and jokes are waiting for you. You won't be bored for a minute!

Shrovetide wide open Let's start the fun!

May I ask what holiday is today? Maslenitsa -

family holiday and we gathered all our big,

friendly family to celebrate this holiday, as they did

in old times.

Oh, how many guests are here, there are many things waiting for you.

We will sing and play to remember the old days

Do you guys know Shrovetide spells? Well, let's listen.

Poems: (prepared)

1. Oh, Maslenitsa - wryneck We meet you well

Cheese, butter, rolls And ruddy pie!

2. And we met Maslenitsa We poured cheese on the mountain

They called out to the wide yard Yes, they ate pancakes!

3. Wide Maslenitsa We won't boast of you

Come visit us In the wide yard

Play with children On the roller coaster!

Vedas: Come, honest people, join the round dance

To make it more fun Hurry up your friends!

Round dance game In an even circle"

Words for the game: In an even circle one after another

We go step by step

Let's do it like this

(Merry music sounds, Skomorokh Vanka runs out).

Vanka: Hello boys wide leg pants

Funny girls, short skirts

I am a buffoon Vanka I walk around the world I know everything in the world

I came to you to have fun and have fun

Meet the Maslenitsa holiday!

And Maslenitsa has only one hero - Round and tasty, but his name is? ..

Children: Crap!

Vanka: To cheer you up, I'll put on a show

Tili - Tili, tram - taram I'll play the role of a pancake myself!

(Puts on a pancake cap, blushes her cheeks).

Vanka: Let me introduce myself: I'm a pancake For the whole world alone

All my brothers were eaten, but they didn’t have time for me

They just opened their mouths on me And I sniffed and ran away!

Let's sing and have fun, dance and somersault!

General dance "Like thin ice"

(Music sounds, buffoon Marusya appears, dressed in a Russian sundress, a cap in the shape of a pancake on her head).

Marusya : I left my grandmother I left my grandfather

I went through the snow ... Oh. I found the kids!

Eh, now I will shame And I will give you the game!

Game "Shrovetide"

Words for the game: And I'm a carnival, I'm not a stepdaughter

I’m walking with a handkerchief I’ll come to you now (between children)

A handkerchief lies on the shoulder Who will run faster?

Vanka: Who are you, tell me?

Marusya: Yes, I'm your sister, Oladushka!

Me, just like you. grandma baked

Vanka: Why are you so small?

Marusya: And I didn't have enough pain

Vanka: Why didn't you have enough pain?

Marusya: All the flour is gone on you

Vanka: Well, now we are brother and sister

Let's have fun together!

Marusya: So, a song about us, let's sing all together about how grandmother

baked pancakes - pancakes.

Song "Ladushki"

Marusya: (looks at Vanya)

That's the question that worries me Who does our pancake look like?

A very familiar face!

Vanka: My face looks like a pancake!

Marusya: And who else?

Vanka: Do I look like my grandfather?Children: No!

Vanka: Do I look like my grandmother?Children: No!

Vanka: Am I handsome and handsome?Children: Yes!

Marusya: Yes, you are beautiful and comely You look like the sun!

Vanka: I'm like the sun I'll go visit the sun

I'll take you with me, friends!

Marusya : We must go to the sun We must wake the sun

So that spring comes soon Awakened from sleep

Logo-rhythmic game "Rainbow - arc"

Not through the forest, through the taiga, but along the rainbow - an arc (they walk in a circle)

We kick top - top - 2 times

And below us, and below us go clouds with clouds

Slap, slap…. (slaps on the knees)

We, like birds, flew Clap ...... (waving their hands)

And sat on the cloud, stop! (squat)

(Marusya shows the children the sun with the back side)

Vanka: Guys, look, the sun is sleeping

We need to wake him up.

(Children read the incantations - the eldest gr)

1. Come on, Sun, wake up Get out into the clear sky

You will walk in the sky, sing songs and shine for everyone

2. Sunny, Sunny, look out the window

Sunshine, sunshine, show yourself a little

Here is your favorite - cute

INanka : Silent, Sunny, not smiling, completely proud!

Marusya : There's something wrong! Has something happened to the sun?

(Music sounds, Baba Yaga runs out)

B.I: Hello guys! Hello Oladushki!

What, it doesn’t work to wake up the Sun and meet the Red Spring?

This is what I tried. Me and myself in my dense forest with

the sun is good!

INanka : Oh, you, Baba Yaga, bone leg, return the joy to our sun.

B.I: Am I a bone leg? Are you completely out of touch with life?

I remember when it was!

I am Baba, modern Yaga Life is so dear to me

No one needs to eat There is a big pension

TV, telephone VCR

I have a car so I don't need a mortar

At three hundred years old, I'm young, not thin, not sick

And the leg is not bone Look at me How sweet and how smart!

INanka : Forgive me, Yagusya, I said it without thinking. You're very

even cute.

B.I: Here's the same thing. Well, okay, play with me, then Sunny

yours will fall apart.


1. "Carousel"

And who didn’t ride on the carousel during Shrove Week?
Everyone run here to me And ride for free!

1. "Take care of your feet" (jumping over a broom

2. "On a broomstick, like on a horse" - relay race

(B. I turn the sun to face)

INanka : Here it became lighter Here it became warmer

Soon the birds will fly and the mosquitoes will squeal

Already you, swallow, you, killer whale,

You take the keys Lock Winter, unlock Summer!

On the last day of Shrovetide week, they made a straw effigy, decorated it, and then burned it so that it would take away all illnesses and misfortunes. When Shrovetide was burning, they noticed how the smoke was coming. If it rose like a pillar, then it foreshadowed a good harvest. If smoke drifted along the ground, it was a sign of crop failure. The ashes from the scarecrow were fluttered over the fields - "for a rich harvest."

Shrovetide was burned under the words:

Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out.

Birds are flying in the sky, bells are ringing.

Sunshine, shine, clear, shine!

And just sweeter Maslenitsa

Treat - delicious pancakes,

Pancakes are delicious, ruddy,

With egg, butter, sour cream.

Marusya: It's time to go cold winter

It's time to say goodbye to Shrovetide, our guest.

Burn Shrovetide

(During the burning of Maslenitsa, children are given suns)

B.I: Guys, from Maslenitsa, the suns lit up in our hands and they remind us of the last day of the Maslenitsa week, which is called

"Forgiveness Sunday" People ask each other for forgiveness for the wrongs they have done. This is a very good ancient custom. You shouldn't forget about it. Let us also bow to each other and hug each other as a sign of forgiveness of our mutual insults and listenpoetry.


1p: Wide Maslenitsa We boast of you

We ride on the mountains, we eat Blinks

2p: As in Shrovetide week Pancakes flew from the oven

Maslenitsa, treat everyone to pancakes.

(According to the birds singing, "Spring" enters).

Spring. Hello! Here I am, Spring, has come to you!
Brought warmth.
I heard your calls, but I hurried here as soon as possible.

Spring. We baked you food -
Five hundred, maybe six!
A treat for glory, and for fun for the guys!

The song "Pancakes" sounds (Treat pancakes)

INanka : Teen - Teen Give Blink

Pancake - surplus Butter piece

Marusya : Disassemble with heat, with heat Do not forget to praise

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven All blush, hot

INanka : Hey boys and girls Youth and kids

Ride on the hill Today is the time!

(Mobile games in the areas)

The script for the children's holiday "Maslenitsa"

Vedas. Hello dear guests! We gathered today to remember the Old Russian holiday, to rejoice, to have fun, as our grandfathers had fun at Shrovetide.

The buffoons run out.
1. We are tired of winter, bored.
Hands frozen,
All joints pereznobila.
Blizzard eyes all puffed up,
A blizzard-blizzard took everything.

2. We are tired of winter,
I ate all the bread.
And picked up the straw
And swept up the chaff.
She carried a cold in a bag,
Cold shook the ground.
Step yourself up
Ride down the hill.

A round dance is performed with a staging of the Russian folk song “Like on a thin ice”.

Like a little white snow fell on thin ice.
A little white snow fell, Vanyushka-friend rode.
Vanya rode, hurried, fell off his horse's goodness.
He fell, fell, lies - no one runs to Vanya.
Two girls saw it and ran straight up to Vanya.
They ran straight to Vanya, put Vanya on a horse,
They put Vanya on a horse, showed him the way.
They showed the way and punished:
“How will you go, Ivan, do not yawn on the sides!”

1 buffoon.
Gather up, people! Spring is coming red!
Gotta get rid of the winter
Together to sweeten Maslenitsa!

2 buffoon
Spring, red spring! Come, spring, with joy!
With joy and great mercy.
With a large flax, with a deep root,
With great bread!
2 boys carry Maslenitsa - a straw doll, put it in a decorated corner.

1 buffoon.
Shrovetide is coming, dear,
Our guest of the year!
Yes, on painted sleds!
Yes, on raven horses!

Children read poetry.

1. This holiday is coming to us
early spring,
How many joys
He is always with him!

2. Ice mountains are waiting
And the snow sparkles
Sledges run down the hills,
Laughter doesn't stop.

3. Pancake flavor at home
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends to pancakes,
Let's eat them together.

4. As in Shrovetide
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!

2 buffoons.

The good guys came
Cut off all ends.
To all the stumps on the hill,
Even Russian proverbs.
Need suggestions
Make a sequel.

Competition "Continue the proverb"

One pie twice is not ... (eat)
Without tasting bitter, you will not know and ... (sweet)
He made porridge himself, he himself and ... (disentangle)
Butter porridge is not ... (spoil)
If you want to eat kalachi, don’t lie on ... (stove)
Whoever wants to eat a fish must go into the water ... (climb)
Without breaking eggs, you won’t make ... (fried eggs)
Leftovers... (sweet)
From a black chicken and white ... (egg)
From a black cow and white ... (milk)

The child who gave the correct answer receives some thing, which, after the competition, he puts on for Maslenitsa.

1 buffoon.
Get it together people
Cheese week is coming!
The second day comes
All filled with play!
Day of fun and treats
Laughter, songs and fun!
Come on, hurry up
Have fun with us!

2 buffoons.
A new challenge for you
You have to turn into a car.
The people will have fun
Who is faster? Who's ahead?

Relay "Wheelbarrow"
(A “car” child is selected, who must transport his team to the opposite side)

1 buffoon
And now I beg your attention!
New competition!
Who wants old and young
Pull the rope?

"Tug of War"

The game "Dawn-Dawn"

Dawn - lightning, Red maiden,
I walked across the field, I dropped the keys,
Golden keys, blue ribbons,
Entwined rings - Went for water!

Throwing snowballs at a target.
Two participants throw a snowball at a target with a pre-prepared shield with a painted target. The winner is the one who made the best throw (in the top ten or as close to it as possible).

Bag fight.

Game "winders".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the ribbon are held by two participants. They must wind the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who reaches it first will win the prize.

2 buffoon
Today we have Lakomka!
Treat this time!
It's two meals!
Dance right at the table!

Eat pancakes,
Let's eat pie!
We won't leave a crumb
Sitting at the table!

Song "Oh, pancakes"

Like butter week
We wanted pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Our older sister
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

On the tray she puts
And she brings it to the table.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Guests, be healthy
Here are my pancakes ready.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

1 buffoon
Everyone laughs, everyone makes noise,
Everyone is dancing.
Shrovetide, Shrovetide!
Everything is like in a fairy tale!

2 buffoon
Come on, line up!
Extend your hand!
And take a pancake from Maslenitsa!

Pancake meal.

Forgiveness Sunday.
One line:
Forgive me for what I am guilty of or have sinned against you.

Another line:
God forgive you, and I forgive you.

Everyone bows to each other. (They kindle a fire, burn Maslenitsa)

You are goodbye, goodbye
Our Carnival.
You are goodbye, goodbye

Our Maslenitsa is wide.
You did not come on Wednesday and not on Friday,
You came on Sunday
Fun all week long.
You came with good
With hoppy beer and wine,
With pancakes, pies
Yes, with pancakes.
Pancakes oil,
Shangi smeared.
We're rolling down the mountain
From dawn to dawn.
And today, Sunday.
Our fun is over.
Bye Bye,
Our Carnival!
Round dance "Winter is passing"

Additional material:
Original Russian holiday - Maslenitsa. He came to us from paganism. Maslenitsa is a mischievous, wild and cheerful farewell to the cold, boring winter and at the same time a meeting of the long-awaited spring, sun and warmth. Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent and seven weeks before Easter. In different cities and villages she was called differently: honest, broad, cheerful, Semikov's niece, a commoner. But more often met, of course, the name Shrovetide or cheese week.
Each day of the Maslenitsa week was given its own name:
First day of Maslenitsa. Meeting.
Wealthy people began the Maslenitsa meeting by visiting relatives. In the morning, the father-in-law and mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law to her father and mother for the day, and in the evening they themselves came to visit the matchmakers. Here, behind a round cup, it was established when and where to spend time, who to invite to visit, when to ride through the streets.
By the first day of Maslenitsa, mountains, hanging swings, booths for buffoons, tables with sweets were arranged. Not to ride from the mountains and on a swing, not to make fun of buffoons meant in the old days - to live in bitter misfortune, and in old age to lie on a deathbed, to sit like a cripple without a leg.
Second day of Maslenitsa. Flirting.
On Tuesday, unrestrained, cheerful and daring games, skating, fun began. All carnival fun and fun tended, in fact, to matchmaking, in order to play a wedding on Red Hill after Lent. Guests were received and greeted at the gate, at the porch. After the treat, they let them go for a ride in the mountains, where the brothers looked out for brides, and the sisters looked furtively at the betrothed.
Third day of Maslenitsa. Gourmand.
Mother-in-laws took their sons-in-law to pancakes at Lakomka, and for the fun of the sons-in-law they called all their relatives. And in the evenings they sang songs about a caring mother-in-law treating her son-in-law with pancakes; they played farces with a dressed-up bear about how the mother-in-law baked pancakes for the son-in-law, how the mother-in-law's head hurts, how the son-in-law said thank you to the mother-in-law.
It was believed that on Maslenitsa, and especially on Lakomka, you need to eat as much as your heart desires, or, as the people said, "how many times the dog will wave its tail."
Fourth day of Maslenitsa. Revelry.
On Thursday, a wide revelry began: rolling through the streets, fistfights and various rituals. For example, they attached a pole to a huge sleigh, tied a wheel to it, and put a peasant on the wheel - a joker and an entertainer with wine and rolls, and after this "train" with songs, the people were drawn. And they also started to carry a stuffed Maslenitsa and carols: dressed-up kids went from house to house and sang: "Tryntsy-Bryntsy, bake pancakes!", thus begging for treats for the festive evening.
Fifth day of Maslenitsa. Mother-in-law evening.
The mothers-in-law had not had time to feed the sons-in-law with pancakes on Wednesday, how now the sons-in-law invite them to visit them! After all, on Friday, on mother-in-law evenings, sons-in-law treated their wives' mothers with pancakes and sweets. Therefore, they said that "my mother-in-law's son-in-law is a beloved son."
Sixth day of Maslenitsa. Zolov's gatherings.
On Saturday, at the sister-in-law gatherings (the sister-in-law is the husband's sister), the young daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her. The newlywed daughter-in-law was supposed to give her sister-in-law gifts. It is interesting that the very word "sister-in-law", as it was believed, comes from the word "evil", since the husband's sisters treated the daughter-in-law ("who came from God knows where") incredulously and wary - remember, at least Russian folk tales.
Seventh day of Maslenitsa. Forgiveness Sunday.
On the last day of Maslenitsa, everyone asked forgiveness from each other, the newlyweds traveled to their relatives, gave gifts to father-in-law and mother-in-law, matchmakers and friends for wedding gifts. They also went to present a godfather with a godfather: it was believed that the most honorable gift for a godfather was a towel, for a godfather - a piece of soap.
On Sunday, an effigy was burned as a symbol of the winter that had ended. And the ashes were fluttered over the fields - "for a rich harvest." In the evening, Forgiveness took place between relatives and friends: the children bowed at the feet of their parents and asked for forgiveness, after them all relatives and relatives came. Everyone asks each other for forgiveness, being freed from sins before Great Lent. They bow at their feet. And in response they hear the familiar: "God will forgive." Maslenitsa is leaving, and with it winter. Leaves under the sound of a drop. Spring comes into its own In this way, people were freed from old grievances accumulated over the year, and met the new year with a pure heart and a light soul.

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew from the pipe!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

relay races
Relay race "Get Frost and Winter to drink water."
Participants transfer water from one bucket to another with a spoon. Whoever has the most water wins.

Relay "Cross the stream on the plank."
A log or board is placed on 2 columns. The task of the team is to run through it without falling "into the stream".
Games - entertainment
Entertainment "Pleten" (entertainment for Maslenitsa)
All participants are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other.
Participants braid the "wattle" - they join hands through one, crosswise.
The members of the first team walk towards the other team, which at this time is standing still, and say: “We all congratulate Masha and wish her good health!”. They say the second half of the phrase, stepping back. Then the other team does the same. Then everyone lines up in the back of the head and follows the leader, who tries to walk in such a way that everyone is confused. As soon as the leader claps his hands, both teams take their places and again braid into a “wattle fence”.
Usually after that, "extra" hands appear.
Game-entertainment "Brook" (entertainment for everyone on Maslenitsa)
This game was known and loved by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. There is no need to be strong, agile or fast. This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood, cheerful and cheerful. The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the "brook". And passing under clasped hands, he takes away with him the one he likes. This is how the “stream” moves - the more participants, the more fun the game is, it is especially fun to play with music.
Not a single holiday in the old days was complete for young people without this game. Here you have a fight for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch on the chosen hand. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely significant.
The main entertainment on Maslenitsa is skiing. You can ride on anything - they rode from the mountains on ice rinks, on horseback through the village, on skates. In Rus', women rolled children - "so that long, good flax grows." So take sleds, ice boots, dress warmly and go ahead - storm the nearest ice mountain.
snow shooting range
A very fun game for both children and adults - shooting with snowballs. For this, entire winter towns are being built, with loopholes, shields and targets. You can shoot down targets, or you can split into teams and throw snowballs at each other. The main thing is to replenish the number of "ammunition" in time.
tug of war
Traditional Russian fun, for which you only need a long rope, two teams and an absolute desire to pull everyone over.
The players line up in pairs, holding hands. The driver stands in front of the column a few steps away, with his back to the players. He says:
"Burn, burn brightly
To not go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last pair run!"
On the word “run”, the last couple should quickly run around the column and stand in front. The driver should also strive to take one of the places of the first pair. The one who did not have enough space becomes the leader. Instead of the words "last pair", the driver may say: "Fourth pair", or "Second pair". In this case, all players need to be very careful and remember what they are in the column in a row.
Who is faster on a broom
Skittles are placed in a chain on the site. It is necessary to run through the copyright-by-holiday on a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The one who knocks them down the least wins.
Handkerchief game.
(Children walk in a circle, Maslenitsa moves in the opposite direction.
Everyone is singing.)
And I'm Maslenitsa
I'm not a stepdaughter
I walk with a handkerchief
I will come to you now.
(Shrovetide stops between two children.)
On the shoulder is a scarf
Who will run faster?
One, two, three - run!
(Children run, Maslenitsa holds a scarf. Whoever runs the circle faster, grabs a scarf - he won.)
Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - “dawn” walks behind with a ribbon and says:
Dawn - lightning,
red maiden,
Walked across the field
Dropped the keys
golden keys,
blue ribbons,
entwined rings -
Went for water!
With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn". The game is repeated. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.
Concert competitions:
- ditties (Do you want to win a girlfriend, Sing a funny ditty.);
- spoon-makers (Try to play on spoons to the accompaniment of an accordion player);
- dance ("Lady", "Gypsy", "Yablochko", "Semyonovna");
Auction of proverbs about pancakes, carnival
1. Like a butter week
Pancakes flew from the pipe
Oh my pancakes
2. If only, if only, yes if only,
mushrooms growing on the nose
We would cook ourselves
Yes, and rolled into the mouth.
3. Dress sewed from cabbage
Dressed in a cucumber
Got angry, ate the dress
What have I done?!
4. Children! Butter is coming!
Who will ride us?
Petrukha in the yard
Sivka is gone!
5. Buy, dad, a horse for me,
crow's feet
I will ride the girls
On the big track.
6. I see in my window
Cats sit on the porch
A cat walks in front of them;
This is a beauty contest.
7. You listened to ditties,
We say thank you
You boys, you girls
We thank all guests.
There are several explanations for the appearance of the name of the holiday "Maslenitsa".
According to one of the statements, the origin of the word "Shrovetide" is based on the tradition of baking pancakes. It turns out that the tradition of baking pancakes on this day is connected with the fact that people, as best they could, tried to attract the mercy of the sun, to persuade him to warm the frozen earth more. So they cooked pancakes - a sort of sunny kids-kruglyashi. In addition, in Russian villages it was customary to perform various actions associated with the circle - go around the village several times on horseback, decorate the wheel from the cart and carry it on a pole through the streets, dance. It was believed that such ceremonies "appease" the sun, make it kinder. Hence the name - "Maslenitsa".
According to another version, the name "Maslenitsa" arose because this week, according to Orthodox custom, meat is already excluded from food, and dairy products can still be consumed - that's why butter pancakes are baked. For the same reason, Maslenitsa is called Cheese Week.
And if you believe the legends, Maslenitsa was born in the North, her father was Frost. Once, in the most severe and sad time of the year, a man noticed her hiding behind huge snowdrifts, and called to help people, warm and cheer them up. And Maslenitsa came, but not as a fragile girl that was hiding in the forest, but as a healthy, vigorous woman with fat ruddy cheeks, insidious eyes, not with a smile on her lips, but with laughter. She made a man forget about winter, warmed up the blood in his veins, grabbed his hands and started dancing with him until he fainted. That is why in the old days Shrovetide, perhaps, was the most fun holiday.
By the first day of Shrovetide, common mountains, swings, tables with sweet dishes were arranged. In the morning, the children got along with a straw doll - Maslenitsa - and dressed her up in a caftan and a hat.
On the second day, Tuesday, the girls and fellows were invited to ride in the mountains and eat pancakes. Here the brothers looked out for the brides, and the sisters looked furtively at the betrothed.
On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to pancakes, and for the fun of their beloved son-in-law, they called all their relatives.
As soon as everyone comes to their senses after a visit to their mother-in-law, the fourth day comes. That's when the real fun begins! They carry a scarecrow on a wheel, ride, sing songs, start caroling, perform various rituals, and create fisticuffs.
On the fifth day, sons-in-law treated their mother-in-laws to pancakes, sometimes - and copyright-by-holiday to all relatives. The son-in-law was obliged to personally invite the mother-in-law in the evening.
On the sixth day of the wild week, the young bride invited her relatives to her place.
On this day, a snow town with towers and gates was built on rivers, ponds and fields, then the gang was divided in half: some guarded the town, others had to take it by force.
The customs of the last day of Shrovetide are associated with the cult of ancestors, farewells and farewells were accompanied by various rituals. A straw doll - "Shrovetide" - was solemnly burned, and the ashes from the effigy were scattered across the field to give strength to the sowing, the future harvest. Farewell between relatives and friends took place in the evening. The farewell ended with a kiss. On this day, all insults and insults are forgiven.

Like Shrove Week

Pancakes flew out of the oven!

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,

All blush, hot!

Shrovetide, treat!

Give everyone pancakes.

From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!

Don't forget to praise.

There is a lot of entertainment for children on Maslenitsa. In the old days, children took an active part in the Maslenitsa festivities - they rode carousels, from the mountains, on horseback and, together with adults, ate pancakes with a wide variety of fillings.

Shrove Tuesday is the second half of the festive week, which begins on Thursday. At this time, you can no longer do any chores, it is supposed to rest and have fun.

The people believed that joy and fun during the holiday week would bring prosperity and well-being to the family. In addition, it was supposed to eat as many pancakes as possible - in Rus' they believed that by doing this a person receives a charge of strength and health for the whole next year.

On this day, a straw effigy of winter was burned in the villages and Shrove Tuesday was celebrated, preparing for the beginning of spring and agricultural work. The newlyweds were supposed to visit relatives and friends with thanksgiving offerings. All family members asked each other for forgiveness for the offenses they had caused to each other in order to proceed to Great Lent with a clear conscience.

On February 20, the Maslenitsa holiday was held at MBDOU Khmelevitsky kindergarten. The guys with rosy cheeks, in bright scarves, circled in a round dance, luring the entire kindergarten into a merry dance, and then played merry Russian folk games. Children's eyes expressed delight, and a smile shone on the face from the bright emotions of the holiday.

Our holiday was saturated with folk color: Russian folk melodies and costumes, dances and round dances, games and fun. The Maslenitsa holiday ended with the burning of an effigy, which symbolizes the passing of winter. At the end, the children were treated to delicious pancakes and hot tea. An atmosphere of joy and merriment reigned everywhere. We spent the winter with a cheerful and provocative holiday! Let's wait for spring!
