Scenario plan for the celebration of Maslenitsa “Cherky Maslenitsa. Scenario for the holiday "Naughty Shrovetide House decoration for Shrovetide

Design of the thematic corner "Wide Shrovetide" (preparatory group)

Author: Burda Svetlana Alekseevna, teacher of MBOU "Progymnasium No. 237" Semitsvetik "Saratov, Saratov region.
Description: This material can be used in their work by educators of preschool educational institutions.
Purpose: show children's interest in folk holidays
Target: generalization of knowledge about the folk holiday, the design of a thematic corner.
Tasks: develop aesthetic taste, creativity, fantasy, imagination.

Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday with numerous customs, which has come down to our days through the centuries.
Maslenitsa is the most cheerful wild holiday on which we see off winter and meet spring.
So the children and I arranged a wide festivity, designed a themed corner of pancakes, which the children baked with their parents at home. Each child was happy to treat his friends with pancakes, which he personally made. We just held a competition for the most delicious pancakes. Each child was a winner in a specific category:
- the sweetest pancakes
- thinnest pancakes
- the most openwork pancakes
- the most oily pancakes
- the most fragrant pancakes
- the most curly pancakes

Also the main attribute of a wide festivities is the Maslenitsa doll. The presence of a carnival in the house of a domestic doll in the old days was mandatory. The doll was made for a year, and then at the festival it was burned or floated on the water. Traditionally, a Shrovetide ceremonial doll is made from straw, bast or bast, but you can also make it from fabric, thread or even paper.
This is how the Maslenitsa doll appeared in our group. A conversation was held with the children about its purpose, about how it is done. After the beauty was ready, the children also drew her from nature.
In honor of our beauty, they sang a majestic song:
Our dear Maslenitsa,
Avdotyushka Izotievna!
Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,
The scythe is long, triarshiny,
Scarlet ribbon, two-fifty,
A white scarf, new-fashioned,
Eyebrows are black, pointed,
The fur coat is blue, the swallows are red;
Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,
The footcloths are white, whitewashed!
(folk art)

The shape of the pancake is round and symbolizes the sun god Yaril.
So we made crafts of freckles-suns out of paper, with which the children ran and called for spring.
Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy!
With joy, with joy
With great mercy!
With tall flax,
Deep rooted!
With abundant bread!
With viburnum-raspberry!
With black currant
With pears, with apples!
With azure flowers
With grass-ant!
(folk art)

How beautiful to decorate the table for Shrovetide.

Maslenitsa- This is an ancient folk holiday not assigned to a specific number of the calendar.

Maslenitsa refers to the holidays associated with Easter. Shrovetide is the most fun holiday that every day of the week has its own name.

On Sunday an ancient rite of forgiveness of all grievances accumulated over the year is performed: "Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of anything before you!"

Then they kiss and bow low.

Like Shrovetide Week

Pancakes flew out of the oven!

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven!

All blush, hot!

Shrovetide, treat!

Give everyone pancakes.

Hot, hot, take it apart!

Don't forget to praise.

According to the ancient beliefs of our ancestors, the pancake, hot and flavored with butter, was a symbol of the sun.

Monday -a meeting,

The first day was called Pure Maslenitsa - a wide noblewoman. On Monday, Maslenitsa and Shrovetide, made of straw and dressed in dresses corresponding to their gender - women's and men's, were taken on a sleigh throughout the district, and then seated on the highest place with songs and dances.

tuesday-play ,

At dawn, the effigy of Maslenitsa was taken to a central place, round dances were arranged around it, reckless fun, then the young people rode from the mountains and on a swing, and those who were older had fun at the table.

Wednesday gourmet,

On this day, you need to eat as much as your soul accepts, hence the saying “Not life, but Shrovetide”.)


An obligatory attribute of Shrovetide was a bear - a live, chained, or a disguised person. A common pastime of Russian people was the fight with a bear. Children, also dressed up as animals, walked around the yards and caroled, collecting treats for the festive evening.

Friday - mother-in-law evening ,

the most important event associated with the newlyweds was the visit of the mother-in-law by the sons-in-law, for whom she baked pancakes and arranged a real feast. The disrespect of the son-in-law for this event was considered a dishonor and insult, and was the reason for the eternal enmity between him and the mother-in-law.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings,

This day has always been considered a family day. In Zolovkin's gatherings - the newlywed daughter-in-law had to give gifts to the sister-in-law.

Sunday is a forgiveness day.

The last day is the most cheerful and wild, despite the fact that it was called "Forgiveness Day". People went from yard to yard, asking each other for forgiveness.

The Shrovetide complex included such entertainments as skiing from the mountains, sleigh rides, various rites of honoring the newlyweds, fist fights, processions of mummers.

Maslenitsa is one of those holidays during which annual creativity and a “fresh approach” to the event are not required.

The whole point is to revive and preserve the traditions of their ancestors from year to year, for whom Maslenitsa was a bright event, an occasion for fun festivities and generous feasts.

Thanks to those presenters and teams who study and bit by bit collect the games, dances, ritual customs and old recipes characteristic of this holiday, so that each of us can feel the power of the roots of the Slavic peoples.

I will list the main heroes of the holiday and give an approximate guideline for the cost of services. Let me remind you that this is all in Moscow)). Maslenitsa is celebrated on a different scale in city parks, cottage settlements, on the territory of rest houses and sanatoriums, in schools and kindergartens. The program is compiled taking into account the duration of the event, the number of guests, the technical capabilities of the venue, and the budget.


Funny characters communicate a lot with the audience, organize mass games, hold traditional competitions (tug of war, running in bags and pillow fights). They know a lot of ditties and flirting, round dances and musical jokes.

From 3000 rub. one character.

Scarecrow of Maslenitsa

The ritual of burning the effigy of Maslenitsa is very fond of children, they are waiting with trepidation for this bright moment in all respects. The figure comes in different sizes and in different designs, so the cost is discussed "according to the pictures" in each case separately. Installation and burning, taking into account fire safety regulations.

From 4000 rub./pc.

Pancakes with fillings

Pancakes can be baked on site or you can bring ready-made stacks of treats to the holiday to warm up at the right time. Toppings to choose from. Additionally, guests will be offered tea, coffee, kvass, fruit drinks.

From 35000 rubles

Folk groups

The performance of folk groups with a program specially drawn up for Maslenitsa is an obligatory part of the holiday. Artists can be from 3 to 15 people, and the performance can last from 10 minutes to 1 hour.

From 20000 rubles.

Thematic workshops

Dolls from bast, painting nesting dolls, straw products, painting Dymkovo toys. Blacksmith's master class, minting coins, weaving bast shoes. The master brings all the necessary materials and tools with him.

From 6,000 rubles (up to 10 participants)

Russian fun

Competitions for strength, dexterity, ingenuity and fun entertainment always attract many participants and grateful spectators. It can be relay races, sawing a log for speed, holding heavy objects at arm's length, jumping over a fire, sledding and much more.

From 10000 rub.

Puppet show

Puppet theater can be shown not only indoors, but also on the street. These are short and funny Russian fairy tales and stories with funny plots. There are performances for all ages. Bright puppets and professional puppeteers, high-quality sound and large decorations - everything to create a festive atmosphere at the holiday.

From 12000 rubles.

Stilt walkers

These guys can be seen from afar. Bright symbols of the holiday invite guests and create a mood, surprising guests with their skill.

Good day everyone! Dear friends, the merry Maslenitsa holiday is about to come, there will be laughter, fun and jokes everywhere. And most importantly, in schools and kindergartens, as usual, fairs and exhibitions will be held, where everyone will eat and exhibit their handicrafts, which they will make with their own hands.

And at the end of everything, everyone will have a sweet tea party and a big holiday when they burn a big scarecrow and say goodbye to winter fun and everyone will meet the beautiful spring together.

On this day in Rus' it was customary to make a scarecrow of straw and burn it, as well as to make dolls from all kinds of materials, such as thread and all sorts of things that were at home. In modern conditions, you can make such a souvenir as a Shrovetide doll even from cotton pads.

Stages of work:

1. First of all, you need to make a support in order for your chrysalis to keep well on the surface. To do this, take the bars and do something like the following, connect two of them crosswise, on one make a notch in the middle and drive in a carnation. Insert a long bar into the bottle and also make a notch where you will have a hand.

3. Make a head out of a ball and make a hole in it equal to the diameter of the cap on the bottle.

4. Then put on a sock or any brown stocking.

5. From woolen threads, sew or glue hair to the doll, and long ones.

6. Such a beauty has already turned out.

7. From cotton pads you have to make her an outfit. Take paints of different colors, red, green, yellow and blue, and decorate the wheels like this.

8. Well, now decorate with glue. The face can be made from buttons or special eyes, which are sold at any needlework store. Draw a mouth or glue it from self-adhesive red paper.

But to make it more convenient, make a skirt layout from strips of paper.

9. Now point the marathon, make her an original hairstyle in the form of pigtails, and decorate them with crabs and hairpins.

10. You can also make a faceless one, because they didn’t make outlines on dolls before.

On the YouTube channel, I found another version of the fabric.

If you are a craftsman in cooking, then you can make salty dough with your children and fashion and decorate the symbol of Maslenitsa - this is the sun.

Or make a picture of tea drinking from dough.

Also, such an option made of paper and cardboard, a horse that carries a stuffed animal, is perfect.

Or you can decorate an ordinary broom or whisk and bring it with you to the holiday.

Celebrate the holiday with felt toys

Such crafts are in demand among those who love creative work and needlework, because it is felt that is unpretentious, it does not crumble and it is easy to work with. Make a sun out of a pom-pom and one piece of felt.

Or you can cut pancakes and pierce them with an awl. By the way, you can write the designation of each Maslenitsa day of the week.

Using these pictures, you can easily sew such crafts in the form of a yellow-orange sun yourself.

Don't forget to bring your needle and thread.

Embroider eyes and mouth.

Or there is a more difficult option, which is done with a glue gun.

Or this one, reminiscent of a flower and a cheerful laughter.

Well, the simplest thing is to sew pancakes.

And of course you can bake them, how do you look at it? Recipes for openwork and lace with holes, you can find or here

You can sew a mischievous girl.

We create masterpieces from paper and improvised materials together with kindergarten children

As they say, the holiday came and brought pancakes after him. This is of course the most enjoyable and the children certainly enjoy the whole feast.

For the smallest representatives, I suggest making souvenirs from cotton pads and sticks.

Or you can take a regular sheet and cut a circle out of it, draw a face and glue the rays in the form of ribbons and insert a stick.

You can also arrange the rays in the form of palms.

Or make it from floss threads.

Such creative works will noticeably decorate the class, group and any event, and will also bring children very close to each other, which in turn is very good.

You can also decorate with all sorts of patterns and sequins, rhinestones, sequins and scrapbooking kits.

Make dolls look like a stuffed animal from threads and fabric.

Perhaps something will seem incomprehensible to you, so see the scheme of work below.

Here it is, it can be applied and made based on this photo instruction from paper strips or satin ribbons.

Well, it's finished with straw.

Ideas for students in grades 1-5 for an exhibition at the fair

Quite simply and interestingly, you can make such a craft with your own hands, while spending little time and effort, as well as financial costs.

1. Cut out three rectangles from paper, and then fold each of them with an accordion.

2. Then glue together to make a fan.

3. Now make out of paper and cut out parts of the head, apron, hair and scarf with scissors.

4. Then decorate so that such a creation takes on a finished look.

Or you can go the easy way and just fold the paper circle in half and glue your head to it.

In general, think and be sure to make such a charm with your child.

You can also watch and take something to your note from this short video.

Also, here is such a master class from the disk in these figures, you can easily make a bright and radiant sun on it without much effort.

You can even just cut out the sun according to the template and decorate it with plasticine or paints.

Therefore, look, those who want can even create spring flowers from sticks and the same plasticine.

Or make pictures from salt dough.

And also decorate plastic plates with plasticine.

Or even use only one plasticine and develop fine motor skills of the hands).

You can also make crafts using pasta.

It looks funny.

Surprise with crafts from pancakes

Of course, without pancakes, nowhere on this day, even in stores there is a tasting and such a cool and unusual pancake walks around the city, which amuses and pleases everyone.

I present to you photo ideas, that's how cute and beautiful crafts can be made from pancakes, who would have thought.

Even a hut can be laid out if you roll them up into a tube.

You can take an unconventional option and make a hedgehog with berries.

And also use red and black caviar.

That's all for me, I hope that for someone I was useful and you came to visit me for a reason. Write your feedback and wishes, add to the group in contact, I will be very happy! See you! Bye!

P.S By the way, after all, Valentine's Day is usually celebrated in the same month as Maslenitsa, so be prepared too and make beautiful and original ones in advance

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Shrovetide is probably one of the most fun and long-awaited folk holidays, it is not surprising that it is often and with pleasure celebrated in. This is a great opportunity to introduce kids to traditions, instill in them a love for folk songs, folklore, traditions, call for spring, and finally, just dilute the prolonged winter with fun

place decoration

Maslenitsa is a farewell to winter, so it’s worth decorating a playground that will remind you of winter. Photos of winter landscapes, reproductions of paintings depicting winter, and finally, drawings of winter that children drew with their own hands - all this can be hung around the perimeter of the playground. Such drawings and photos will help create the right mood, even if the weather failed, and you were not lucky with beautiful snowy weather .. Before the holiday, children, under the guidance of a teacher, can draw or cut snowflakes with their own hands, which can be placed on bushes, trees, and other structures that is on site.

Seeing off winter

Additionally, you can use balls - they can be blue and white and symbolize spring, or multi-colored. Finally, do-it-yourself or purchased garlands of flags look very nice. Finally, the playground can be decorated in the style of a Russian hut - using images and figurines of brownies, windows and an oven in which you can bake pancakes - the main delicacy of the holiday. It is good to make such a decorated playground for a holiday, where children will learn how pancakes were made, and also get acquainted with the Russian stove.

Pole for a round dance

Such a pole is a real decoration of the holiday, because it can be used for various competitions and become the central element of the entire site. Photos of such poles can be found in books, albums and the Internet, and it is best to do it yourself. The place for it must be chosen so that there is enough space on all sides. It is best if it is smooth, thick enough and high - a little higher than the growth of an adult, smooth.

After the pole is installed, it can be decorated - paint the pole itself “under the tree”, then fasten multi-colored ribbons on it (according to the number of participants in the holiday). The ribbons are fixed slightly higher than the height of an adult, their length should be such that the ribbons in a suspended state almost reach the ground. It is better if they are bright, multi-colored. The top of the pole can be decorated with a double-sided image of the sun, which you can print from a photo, or draw yourself. Such a sun can also be made voluminous.

- it is very interesting!

Scarecrow of Winter

The main decoration of the playground for Shrovetide is, of course, a Shrovetide effigy. It can be made with your own hands from straw, hay or twigs, decorated in the form of a female figure. It is better to choose clothes for a scarecrow in a folk style, buy or make it yourself. It is best to put a scarf on the head of such a scarecrow, tying it with the “ears” up, decorate the neck with bright beads, wooden or plastic, or paper, made with our own hands together with the children the day before and painted. In a similar way, with children, you can decorate the face of a stuffed animal with your own hands: draw cheeks with red watercolor paint, black eyes and eyebrows. You can hang colts on the whiskey of the doll.

Scarecrow of winter

How to burn a scarecrow

On the territory of the kindergarten, including playgrounds, it is, of course, impossible to burn a scarecrow for real. In this case, an image of a fire will come to the aid of the educator - a printed photo or a self-made one, and photos that show how the effigy of Winter is burned (they can be arranged in the form of a book or hung on the pavilion).

And now you can play

Finally, Maslenitsa is a great opportunity to play outdoors. It is very good to remember such a Russian folk game as gorodki.

To do this, you need to clear the snow and arrange two paths and two places for the figures. The ground in this place should be flat. In addition, children enjoy playing more familiar games - throwing rings on poles (they can be wrapped with colorful ribbons), round dances around the pole, tug of war and relay races, which can also be timed to Maslenitsa. The tug-of-war can be carried out on the site of the playground, prepared for playing towns, or near the pole.
