The scene of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden is a joke. Scenario New Year's holiday for adults

Arrows will converge soon at 12
The strike of the clock will thunder the new year
We must muster the strength
To meet him at the gate.

So that he comes to us with new happiness,
The old year must be spent on the road,
All good friend, you remember
And forget the bad.

So let's raise our glasses
Let's drink to the past now
So that in the new year only joy,
Loud music greeted us!

New Year is coming to us
He's already knocking on the door
Brings us magic
Here he is, I believe and I do not believe ...

"New Year" enters, a man dressed as a child

New Year (Says a little burr, like a child):
Well guys here I am!
Are you waiting for me?
I am a happy new year
I brought you a hundred troubles

Need to decorate the Christmas tree?
Buy gifts for everyone?
And besides, a snack, vodka,
And under a fur coat a herring.

Well, and most importantly, friends.
There is no fun here
How will you meet me
This is how I will be.

So sing, have fun
And don't skimp on jokes
Let's drink and dance
Meet my birthday!

New Year: Friends, have you learned a New Year's song for me?
All Yes!
New Year: Well, well, I'm ready to listen to her ....

Pre-printed lyrics are distributed to all those present.

Song about new year

Raspberry pickled wine,
We meet with champagne and snacks
We are New Year at the festive table
We sing this song to him

And the new year
Gathered friends
Sounds funny, laughter
And this winter carnival
Circling at the tree of all!

Santa Claus will bring us gifts
Let the Snow Maiden dance with us
And everyone will find love in the new year
And happiness will be next to everyone again

New Year: Ah, well done! How well prepared for my arrival. I will go to other people, otherwise they were waiting for me. Goodbye.

New Year visited us
And who did he forget?
Who gives gifts to children?
Who is the dearest of all in the world?
This is Santa Claus
pinching ears,
Colitis nose.

He got lost on the way
It's time to come.
And let's call Santa Claus in chorus.

All: Santa Claus! Father Frost!

Drunken Santa Claus appears

Father Frost:
Hi all!
Who was waiting for me
I'm a little late here...

Oh, and hard work
Distribute congratulations!
Because in every house
You have to raise your glass.

So I got up in the morning
That you barely got.
Still, congratulations to all
And for the new year I wish

All health, money, laughter,
And luck and success.
Raise tells you a toast:
Your cheerful Santa Claus!

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, where is your granddaughter Snegurochka?
Father Frost:
Oban, there is no Snow Maiden,
You can see it swelled up somewhere...
Maybe sleeping in the forest under the tree,
Maybe the wolves ate it!

Gotta find the girl...
Can you scream out loud?
Hey, Snow Maiden answer,
Come out and show...

Host: Can't hear. Guys, help the Snow Maiden find her way. Scream in chorus, maybe she will hear.
All (in unison): Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:
Well, hello, dear grandfather,
Eating again, always hungry...
I am a young girl, mischievous, fighting ...
Bay! How many guys are here
Maybe someone is not married?

Passes along the table, addresses the men

Let me take a sip of champagne
Chew chocolates.
Let's have fun guys
Let's shake our pants

Come on, turn on the music
Yes, rather stand in a circle
New Year's raskolbas
I'll show you now

You support the girl
Kiss, hug...

Santa Claus: Everyone dance!

The Snow Maiden dances, pestering men along the way

Snow Maiden:
Well, they danced great
We just didn't get poured.
Really, grandfather?

Santa Claus: Yes, of course, granddaughter ...
Snow Maiden:
Hey guys, let's get together.
Grandpa and I are one hundred grams each
And tell us a poem.

Father Frost:
Well, guys, who is under the tree
What will tell, al will sing
You prepared, you taught
Me poems about the new year?

Those who wish to perform in front of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, for this they receive symbolic prizes

Snow Maiden:
Well, did you read the poems
Still gotta sing a song
What would a blizzard winter night,
Warm up our soul.

Santa Claus, let's get together
Let's sing a song in the new year
What would be with this song
The people became more cheerful.

Everyone is given the words of a song to sing
Together with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, a song is performed

Collective song
(To the motive of the song by V. Kikabidze "... and I want the songs to sound...")

As always a New Year's fairy tale
She invited us to this house
Here care and affection are everywhere
And fun and joy all around

We want,
No matter how the night ends
To fill a glass with wine
What would we all wish each other
What everyone wished for

We want this new year
It was better than the last year
To feel young again
Less hassle

Father Frost:
It's time for us to say goodbye
A year later in winter again
Together with the girl Snow Maiden
We will come to congratulate you!

Snow Maiden:
Guys don't be sad
If so, send a letter
In the morning only strong tea,
Kisses to all, goodbye!

Leading: Guests came to us, visiting guest performers.

Wandering artists appear with the song

Traveling Artists:
We roam all over the earth
We don't look at the weather
Where necessary, we will spend the night,
Whatever it takes, let's eat...

good evening gentlemen
We drove here for a long time -
They brought you beautiful ladies,
They will sing "Kan-Kan" for you!

And so meet loudly, together
You need to applaud them!

Under the first chords, “dancers” appear, the men dance an impromptu, comic “Kan-Kan”.

Bravo girls, beauties,
We invite you to sit down
Maybe some vodka
Or something to eat?

Pretty women: (sing)
Babes, Babes, Cabaret Babes
We're made just to enjoy
We don't need anything from you,
We are here just to say goodbye.

One beauty:
Well, let's drink champagne
At this festive table
Happy New Year to you!
Let's shout together
Let's wave our handkerchief and let's go!

Leading: The holiday is fun, someone is missing here
The one whom we have been waiting for all year, we will call very loudly!

All: Father Frost!

(F/g A. Grigoriev "Dance at the excavator": dance"drunk" Santa Claus)

Leading: Gentlemen, well, you give! Well, you call chroniclers?
Well, let's shout together again now

All: Father Frost

(f / g "Brigade"- “Cool” D.M. comes out)

"Cool" Santa Claus: Hello, ladies, gentlemen, I've been driving here for a long time.
I was told the arrow is here, I abandoned everything
Snegurka sent an SMS to send a Mercedes
You will be patient with gifts, if you call home
You are swinging at full speed. I - went! Happy New Year!

Leading: Not grandfathers, but nonsense, it is clear that their suit is not the same,
I can't imagine where that couple disappeared!
Apparently, their name is bad, since they don’t come to visit us;
We'll have to call them so that they can't refuse you

All: Father Frost!!!

(F\G to exit real Santa Claus)

Father Frost: New Year's Eve has arrived

Faces of acquaintances full hall
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Where is my granddaughter?
In the morning, a blizzard of chalk swirled,

She's probably lost...
(f/g; a "pregnant" Snow Maiden comes out, a balloon is fixed under the cape with adhesive tape)

Father Frost: Hello my granddaughter!
Why are you worrying grandfather in vain,
It's time to celebrate the new year
How about a flashlight?!
Oh my god, yeah, what happened?

Dressed up in a weird way...
And if you were not my granddaughter,

I would say that ... fell in love.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, well, what are you, really!
I'm in my thirtieth week.
No really seriously
You suffer from sclerosis!

Father Frost: Oh hold on! Oh, no urine -

The highlight of New Year's Eve!
And without a husband, I see.

Well, I'll tell people something!
Direct trouble, well, shame and disgrace;

Urgently give me a hundred grams!
(Snow Maiden at this time chooses a man in the hall and approaches him)

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandpa, here he is! Cute,
Where did it take you?
Confused the beauty-maiden,
I went abroad myself!
But now, don't twist
And ask for forgiveness!

Father Frost: No, granddaughter, wait,
The conversation will be male!
You tell me to start
Are you even single?
Well, now do not get away and you must marry.
We celebrate the New Year and we drink for the New Year,
We will play a wedding right here, drink and sing together!

Leading: But first, dance to them, our dear young ones!
(F / g "Tango". Snow Maiden and a man dance; at the end of the dance, the Snow Maiden pops a balloon - her "belly" - with a pin)

Snow Maiden: Guilty, oh sorry!
But you don't blame me
We come every year
Congratulate honest people
Requests, straight, more than enough,
Let's all sensation!
And not to disappoint
I decided to give a sensation!

Father Frost: Oh yes, granddaughter, oh yes, special!
No, literally, well done!!
Well, the "Groom" for work
The order is a festive suit.

Snow Maiden: The gentleman was ardent, hot
I will give him a gift ... ( gives a balloon filled with helium, with the inscription "Christmas sensation")

Father Frost: And for this, gentlemen, will you need to drink? Yes?

Snow Maiden: And now, honest people,

Let's get together in a round dance
Let's take each other's hands and sing a Christmas tree song!
(after singing the song)
To continue the round dance, who will go to us with a Christmas tree?
(props: Christmas tree hat or shiny green wig)
And now we dance again, we’ll choose another Christmas tree:
To convey the role of the Christmas tree, you need to dance in the center
Get tired. Do not yawn again, choose a Christmas tree!
(i.e., during dance music, the Christmas tree hat passes from one dancer to another)

Snow Maiden: Friends, it's time to say goodbye
But you don't have to be upset!

Father Frost: You will not be affected by a blizzard and bad weather,
Happy New Year to you! Happy New Happiness!!!

New Year's script for adults: New Year! Good evening, dear guests! We are glad to meet you again in our hall. We see you once a year, but we remember all 365 days of the year. A year ago, we celebrated the Year of the Dragon together. Now let's follow him. Yes, everyone is tired, this year did not really favor us, but we worked, worked and worked again. But so that this noble animal does not take offense at us, let's leave all insults and sorrows in the past, and we will remember only the good. Leading. It's time to say goodbye to the old year. Toast! Let's raise our glasses to the outgoing year, friends! Let's raise our eyes, noble couples, Giving smiles to each other. Host (after 10 minutes). Something Santa Claus is delayed. Let's call him, shout together: "Grandfather Frost!" My name is. It turns out a little frail Santa Claus. Father Frost. Here I am! Hello friends! Have you by any chance seen where my Snow Maiden is? Leading. No, Santa Claus. Were you not together? Father Frost. What, what are you saying? I've become old, hard of hearing, Where is my Snow Maiden? Help me friends. Shout in unison, Perhaps she will appear. Everyone shouts: “Snow Maiden!” The Snow Maiden comes in, tall and in a short fur coat, from under which the elastic bands of the stockings are visible. In the teeth - a cigarette. He approaches Santa Claus and blows smoke at him. Snow Maiden. Hey old man! Where are we going? Santa Claus (brushes off the smoke). Where are we going? Snow Maiden. What are you, a parrot? Father Frost. No, Santa Claus. Snow Maiden. Yes, I don't care who you are. So for you or for me? Think fast, time is money! (Points to the clock). Father Frost. We go to the guests. Snow Maiden. Do you know the price? Santa Claus (shocked). What? Snow Maiden. With me so much (lowers the elastic of the stocking, the inscription $ 500 on the leg), and with the guests or in the presence of guests this is so much (lowers the elastic of the other stocking, the inscription $ 1000 on the other leg). Santa Claus (scratches the back of his head). What company pays like that? Snow Maiden."Winter Confusion". Santa Claus (baptized). Holy, holy Snow Maiden. So let's go? Father Frost. Hey, Snow Maiden, won't you get me a job in your company? And then these (nods at the guests) pay 300 tenge per hour. Snow Maiden. And you work for these grandmothers? Father Frost. So will you help? Snow Maiden. What can't you do for a relative? We have a free place in the male striptease. By the New Year, they have just an outfit of Santa Claus. It hurts you are puny. (Walks around Santa Claus). Okay, let's try. Father Frost. And what to do? Snow Maiden. In the frame, you see? Undress slowly to the music. The slower and sexier, the more grandmas the chicks put in their swimming trunks. Father Frost. Why do heifers need swimming trunks, honey? Snow Maiden. Are you brain freeze? They will put money in swimming trunks for you. Maestro, music! Come on, dance and undress. Santa Claus dances and takes off his belt, bathrobe (under the bathrobe - T-shirt, tie, felt boots, socks, family underpants). The music of the group "Freestyle" - "Oh, what a woman." Snow Maiden (gives instructions). Slower! Emphasis on male power! Movement is sexier. Santa Claus is left with only his shorts. He takes hold of the elastic band of his underpants, pulls back, embarrassed, and slowly begins to lower his underpants down, takes them off and throws them. Under them are some more shorts. (The more panties, the more interesting). Snow Maiden. Wow, you give! Very sexy! Come on, I'll fix you up. (Santa Claus collects things and leaves). Leading. That's Santa Claus! What to do? Will have to call another. Competition. (Makes an order by cell). While Santa Claus is on his way, your children want to congratulate you. What are you talking about? Do your kids celebrate the New Year in restaurants and bars? But these children are small - your illegitimate ones, who were born after the meeting of that New Year with us. Adults dressed as babies enter. The teacher carries a pot in front. He lines up the kids. One "girl" comes up to the table and asks the seated man for candy.
Girl. Daddy, give me candy! Educator. Mashenka, let's sing a song first, then dad will give you candy! (The girl sits on her knees and kisses him on the cheek, then stands back). Boy (teacher). SVETLANA NASIMOVNA, I want to use the potty. Educator. Go faster, Petya! Boy. I was kidding! Educator. That's what dad joked a year ago. Finally, you showed up. Educator. Dear daddies of these children! The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is performed for you. They sing, someone picks his nose, someone pushes or pulls his hair. After the song is performed, the “children” run to different men shouting “daddy”, “daddy”, “daddy”. Educator. Children, it's time to group. Your daddies will come to us in a year, and you will have brothers and sisters after this New Year. We won't be bored. Your daddies will provide us with personnel. (They are going away). Leading. On New Year's Eve, what kind of miracles do not occur. I'm happy for you, dear men. What happiness - to find their children, the existence of which they did not know. Now the gypsy theater "Carmen" will perform in front of you. The gypsy song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is performed. Gypsies come out, in long skirts, kerchiefs on their hips, tambourines in their hands, and sing to the tune of “Black Eyes”. Oh, in the forest, ne-ne, She gave birth to a Christmas tree, And on it, ne-ne, One needle, ne-ne, Oh, in the forest, ne-ne, She gave birth to-a-a-s , Yes, she is All green. Dancing elements of gypsy dance. Leading. Dear guests! The Alexandrov Twice Red Banner Military Ensemble came to our city on tour. Their first performance in our city is in front of you. The same group comes out. The skirts are sandwiched between the legs and pinned at the waist - an imitation of trousers, caps on the head. They line up to the tree. Commander. Company! Stay where you are, one, two! Equal! Attention! A soldier's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is performed. To the motive of the song "Soldiers, on the way." Hello, dear Marusya, I'm sorry I didn't write. I walked half of Europe in these two weeks. Soldiers, go, go, go! A tree was born in the forest, It has one needle on it. She grew up in the forest, she was green. Soldiers - into the forest for the tree And for her needle. Farewell, the trumpet is calling. Soldiers, march! They leave, we form under the command of the commander: “Soldiers, go ahead behind the tree!”. Leading. New Year is at the gate. It's time to call Santa Claus. (The name is). Let's call the Snow Maiden right away, otherwise something might not work out again. (The name is). The new “normal” Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter. Father Frost. I am very glad that Frost was finally recognized in this hall. They didn’t forget to invite them to the holiday And they dressed up a miracle tree. Snow Maiden. Yes, the Christmas tree is marvelously decorated, Very smart and beautiful. Father Frost. But I see a mess in it. Let's say together: "One, two, three - the Christmas tree burn!" They light the tree. Leading. Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, your path was not close. Take some rest, watch the performance of our guests from the Academic Bolshoi Theatre. (Seats them.) A pas de deux is being performed from the ballet "Swan Lake" - the dance of small swans with black legs.
Fat women in black tights and tutus come out and dance a fragment of the dance, then lie down on the floor and “die”. Then they raise their heads and say in unison into the “window” from their hands: “Happy New Year!”, - they run away. Father Frost. I saw just a miracle, I will never forget you. You danced beautifully, Only you didn't read poetry to me. A poetry contest is announced about the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, and the New Year. For a poem - candy. Round dance at the Christmas tree with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden. The guests sang, danced and read poetry, it's time to distribute gifts. Father Frost. Right, granddaughter, I'll go and call the magic bag. Well, the bag is not in a hurry to us, Maybe he is sleeping under the tree? I'd rather go after him myself, If he sleeps, I'll wake him up. Leaves. A bag appears. The legs are inserted into the slots, the head looks out. The bag is tied around the person's neck. Bag. I've been waiting for you, So I went and took a walk. You tell me, friends, Maybe you don't need me? Snow Maiden. We have been waiting for you all holiday, And now we just called. You did not come to our call, Frost followed you. I'll put you here and go for grandpa. Leaves. Baba Yaga appears. Baba Yaga. BUT! The bag is already here. Bag. You can't cope with the bag, Santa Claus conjured, So that no one would take me. Baba Yaga. Don't cross me, you bastard! Bag. Well, then I ran! Baba Yaga. Stop! Where! Stop! Santa Claus enters. Father Frost. Ah, you are an old villain, why did you come here? Baba Yaga (pulls out a mirror, looks into it). And not at all old. I just had a lift for the holiday, shortened my nose, whitened my teeth. (Approaches the seated man, preens and coquettishly asks). How do I look, honey? Just tell me it's bad, my teeth are sharp, my nails are long. (Does not pay attention to Santa Claus, approaches the Christmas tree). Oh, where did I get? What a wonderful room is here? And all around the people sit, Yes, they look at the tree. Father Frost. What is this miracle? And where did it come from? Baba Yaga. You yourself are a miracle! I'm a beauty! Why don't you like my look? You, grandfather dear, It would be better if you danced with me. Dancing with Santa Claus "Lady". Baba Yaga can't stand it and runs away. Father Frost. Done with evil Snegurochka. Shall we play a win-win lottery? Father Frost. Of course, Snow Maiden! I've grabbed the second bag Erotic aphrodisiac. (Button clerical). Two-room apartment for a single man. (Family briefs). Two-chamber refrigerator for milk storage. (Brassiere). Dishwasher. (Mesh for washing, dishes). Vacuum cleaner "Typhoon". (Broom). Mercedes car. (Children's car). Cream for agent 007, who is going on a mission to Africa. (Shoe cream). An object that makes you want something. (Beanbag). Summer version of Reebok sneakers. (Traces). The garbage collector is cotton. (Handkerchief). Soap "Fool". (Laundry soap). Hair lightener. (White). Hairdryer "Roventa". (Comb). Food processor. (Knife). Father Frost. It's time for us to say goodbye. Snow Maiden. We wish you health, joy and happiness in the New Year, So that neither anxiety nor misfortune Do not guard at the gate. So that the sun gently shines, Everything that the heart is waiting for comes true. And just to make it gratifying All your life, like in the New Year. Father Frost. We'll say goodbye to each other And we'll part again for a whole year. And in a year the blizzard will howl again And Santa Claus will come with winter. Snow Maiden. You just don’t forget us at all, you wait for us, my grandfather and I will come. And meet us again with songs and dances, And we will bring you the best gifts. They leave.

If you work in a company with a staff of five people or more, then most likely you will have a noisy corporate party before the New Year. Even if the director of the company saved money and did not organize a holiday for his employees, in this case, often the employees themselves are going to celebrate the main event of the year. And in order for the evening to be a success, and the feast to leave a good impression, you need to prepare for it.

So that the evening does not turn out to be boring, you need to make an entertainment program, contests, skits, invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (or change clothes yourself).

We offer an exemplary corporate party with jokes.

For a corporate party with jokes for the New Year 2018, you will need:

  • scenario;
  • gifts for winners in competitions (chocolate, notebooks, pens, calendars, bottles of alcohol, symbols of the coming year - Dogs, etc.);
  • colored paper or cardboard;
  • paper clips;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • elastic band, one and a half meters long;
  • scotch;
  • ribbons;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • two apples;
  • leaflets with the names of dances and songs;
  • attributes for dogs: food, collar, leash, etc.;
  • chairs.

Leading events come out to those gathered in the banquet hall, you can turn on the music louder at this moment.

Father Frost:

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Today we have come to you to paint this evening with bright colors!

Snow Maiden:

Today, the smile will not leave your faces, because we have prepared an incredibly interesting program for you!

Father Frost:

Enough time to get drunk! After all, there is nothing to hide why we are gathered here today!

Snow Maiden:

Well, what are you saying, grandfather! And we gathered here to take our souls away, have fun from the heart and spend a hard year. Let's give the floor to our leader, who will sum up the outgoing year!

(the word is given to the head of the company - it sounds like the first toast).

Father Frost:

Thank you, dear (name and patronymic of the leader). For such words it is worth drinking a glass of champagne!

(guests fill glasses)

Snow Maiden:

Now, let's get straight to the competition. We have prepared the most interesting quizzes for you! Grandpa, start!

Father Frost:

Dear, what is the most important thing on the New Year's table?

(the audience tries to answer - the correct answer is: menu, food, snacks)

That's right, the menu. I’ll ask you to be smart: I will say the letter, and you will tell me the name of the dishes that begin with this letter. Whoever names the most dishes wins a prize!


Snow Maiden:

What kind of economic girls we have, how many names of dishes they know!

Father Frost:

So knowing is one thing, they still need to be cooked! Let's raise our glasses so that our beauties remain wonderful housewives!

(raise glasses)

You can take small breaks between competitions, during which guests can drink, have a bite and chat a little. Hosts can also join the table. The main thing is not to delay with such pauses, otherwise the guests will get bored or get drunk quickly, and it is unlikely that they will be able to play.

Father Frost:

We decided on the menu, now we move on to drinks.

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, there is champagne on the tables ...

Father Frost:

My dear child, champagne, it's just to warm up, as they say. For real men, you need something stronger! So, for those who want to drink something stronger, I propose to guess the riddle!

Riddles with jokes. Options are best written into the script right away. The one who gives the most correct answers wins a prize.

Riddles for corporate parties for the New Year 2018

  1. Quenches thirst alive.
    Drink from a mug. This is (beer).
  2. Burns the mouth and throat.
    They drink from a glass. This is (vodka).
  3. Delicate smell. Tasty but
    My head hurts. (wine).
  4. Cuties drink, bitches drink,
    Adding ice and juice - (vermouth).
  5. Replaces sleep and bromine.
    It is drunk with cola, - this is - (rum).
  6. Disperses gloom and spleen,
    If it pours into the tonic (gin).
  7. It smells like bedbugs - the most relish! -
    French vintage (cognac).
  8. Having adopted the manners of the lord,
    We drink cold (champagne).
  9. No medicine, no bed
    Not cured (hangover).

Father Frost:

And now, I would like to give the floor to all those who have something to say and wish each other! Let's still remember!

(those who wish come out with congratulations, or raise a toast from their place at the table)

Snow Maiden:

I propose to play a game that our beautiful ladies will enjoy!

Dressing contest: those who wish are given scissors, ribbons, adhesive tape, marker, paper clips, cardboard or paper. From the proposed props, you need to come up with a dog costume and put it on yourself. The winner receives a prize. You can also choose "Miss Audience Choice", for which the majority of the guests of the evening will vote.

Father Frost:

Work hard, now you can drink and eat!

(guests raise their glasses, after which you can make a short musical pause)

Snow Maiden:

We ate, rested, and now I propose to strain the convolutions of the brain and solve a few more mysteries.

Riddles Examples

  1. What is it - small, white, flies and buzzes?
    B. (Fly. Why B? Because blonde)
  2. Why don't elephants fly? (by air)
  3. What dishes can not eat anything? (From empty)
  4. What is: green, bald and galloping? (Soldier at the disco)
  5. What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street)
  6. What can't be done in space? (hang yourself)
  7. How do day and night end? (soft sign)
  8. Small, gray like an elephant (Elephant)
  9. What is it: the power lies, and the water runs? (The deputy is given an enema)
  10. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

Since the riddles are all tricky, one of the presenters should help and answer. The point of these charades is not to guess who guesses, but to make the audience laugh.

Father Frost:

Something we have almost all drunk and eaten, but have not yet danced. Come on, let's shake off the fat that we have accumulated this year to enter the next one with a small waist!

Snow Maiden:

We offer a dance competition! Everyone can come to us in the center of the hall.

Pre-prepared cards with the name of the dance are pulled out by the participants of the competition one by one. Music can sound completely different, not even suitable for the type of dance that has fallen out. This is the essence of the competition: to dance a certain dance to any music. Men can also participate, it will even be more interesting. The winner is a prize.

Dance options:

  • lezginka;
  • striptease (light);
  • polka;
  • break;
  • waltz (you can invite a partner);
  • cancan;
  • Boogie Woogie;
  • tap dance.

You can add to the list with other types of dances.

Father Frost:

And let's find out which of us is the most flexible? I'm sure it is me!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, slow down! Just look at the men sitting at the table. How can you compete with them!

Father Frost:

And we will find out now!

A ribbon or elastic band is pulled between two chairs at the level of a person's belt. The point of the contest is to pass under the ribbon without touching it. You can't crawl, you can only bend forward or backward. Who touches the tape or falls - immediately leaves. The remaining participant wins.

After the competition, you can make a musical pause so as not to tire the guests and give them a little breath and relax.

Snow Maiden:

We found the most flexible, but who is the coolest of our team? Let's find out!

Boiled eggs will come in handy for the next competition. How many eggs - so many participants. Contest for men only! Eggs are laid out on a plate, participants are told that one egg is raw. Everyone must take an egg and break it on the head. Who gets the raw egg? No one, because he doesn't exist! But the contestants don't know that! Therefore, the tension will increase with each broken boiled egg! Based on the results of the competition, small gifts can be awarded to all outcast participants.

Snow Maiden:

These are the men we have! One is stronger than the other! Let's drink to the strong half of our wonderful team!

(raise glasses)

Snow Maiden:

Do you know how much work we did when we prepared this scenario for a corporate party? For a long time we came up with jokes and contests with jokes. And the smiles and laughter on your faces today are evidence that our labors were not in vain! We want the New Year 2018 to be as easy and happy for you as this evening!

Father Frost:

You won't praise yourself, no one will praise you! So, Snow Maiden? Did you hope so? Okay, ate, drank, now let's start the next game. No celebration is complete without this fun competition. Only in advance I ask you not to push hard, not to fight, otherwise we will break the dishes - they will demand money from us!

Chairs are placed in a circle in the center of the hall. The number of chairs must be one less than the number of participants. Chairs are arranged in a circle, seat facing out. To the music, the guests begin to run around the chairs. As soon as the song ends (the DJ can hit the stop button at any time), the members quickly sit down on an empty chair. The person who did not get a seat is eliminated from the game and takes one chair with him. The winner is the one who manages to sit on the last chair.

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, do you love me very much?

Father Frost:

You know, granddaughter, sometimes I love you, sometimes not so much.

Snow Maiden:

Will you kiss?

Father Frost:

What's the matter with you, my child, I'm your grandfather, not your betrothed!

Snow Maiden:

Then I announce a competition in which I will also participate, since you don’t want to kiss me!

Two teams will be needed for the next competition. Each team has 4-5 members. If so many are not typed, then you can assemble one team. The meaning of the game is for the guest to take an apple in his mouth (the fruit must be washed in advance) and pass it to the second participant, but not with his hands, but with his mouth. It turns out a kiss through an apple. The one who drops the apple is out. The couple or one person who doesn't drop the apple wins.

Do not forget that a successful corporate party should consist of costumed heroes, in our case, these are the leading Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. You can make a theme party and replace the costumes, for example, with the image of Jack Sparrow and his beautiful companion.

Since the upcoming New Year 2018 will be the year of the Dog, this moment should be taken into account in the script. A corporate party with jokes will be more fun if you come up with some interesting and funny facts about dogs, or a dog contest.

Dog Contest

The guests name as many dogs-characters of famous films and cartoons as possible. If the names of animals are difficult to remember, then you can only name the name of the movie or cartoon. The winners will receive dog gifts: bones, collar, leash, etc.

List of films and cartoons with dogs:

  1. Kitten Woof.
  2. Prostokvashino.
  3. Catdog.
  4. There lived a dog.
  5. 101 dalmatians.
  6. Visiting Barbos.
  7. White Bim Black Ear.
  8. Scooby-Doo.
  9. White Fang.
  10. Belka and Strelka.
  11. Chestnut.
  12. Dog in boots.
  13. Barboskins.
  14. Pluto.
  15. Puppy Patrol.

At the end of the corporate party, you can announce a white dance. Or again give the floor to the leader. It is not necessary to follow all the points in the script for the New Year 2018. A festive dinner with jokes will perfectly decorate spontaneous jokes that may arise in a conversation with guests. You have to act according to the circumstances. Perhaps one of the guests will prepare their own contest, or the invitees will not show interest in quizzes.

No need to go too far and arrange one game after another. This is likely to quickly tire people who came to relax and unwind in the first place.
