Swedish family: truth and fiction. Large Swedish family - features of people in Sweden

0 As my friend says - Good and fruitful relationships with women, the key to a healthy and long life". That is why he prefers to meet with several young ladies at once. To paraphrase Mumiy Troll " Drinks other girls juice"Whatever it means, but I guess of course. Most men dream on dark nights that they have several women at once, and this is far from a joke. Indeed, among the people, such relationships have long received their name, this Swedish family, which means you can read a little later. To understand this confusing expression, and other no less curious words, I suggest adding the site site to your bookmarks.
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So, let's continue, what does the Swedish family mean?

Swedish family- so they say when three people of different sexes live together, as one friendly and strong unit of society, and there is an intimate relationship between them

The origin of the expression Swedish family goes back to 70s 20th century. Moreover, it originated exclusively in the territory USSR. The sexual revolution was in full swing in the West at that time, and the echoes of this strange madness reached the Soviet Union. People who have visited "foreign countries" passed from mouth to mouth amazing information about the life of married couples in Europe. The Soviet people were especially struck by the Swedish youth, who settled in communes and indulged in sin on a scale unprecedented in our country. In addition, our fellow citizens liked the group " ABBA", which consisted of two couples, and performed romantic love serenades.

Today we know that only in the republics of the former USSR is the expression Swedish family used, its meaning is not known, both in the west and in the east. True, in the 50s of the last century, a similar phraseological unit got into the everyday speech of Europeans - " swedish sin"(swedish sin). At that time, stiff Europe was suspicious of the experiments of the Swedes in the field of sexual education of schoolchildren, as well as the rather bold films of Swedish filmmakers.

It's funny that almost none of the living citizens of Sweden "neither ear nor snout" about this popular expression, and about its popularity among Russians. In fact, the Swedes have a concept of this phenomenon, but they call it in Greek " poly"(A lot). It is in this way that the "Swedish Union of Sexual Education", which was founded already in 1933, denotes a romantic relationship involving three or more persons. True, in our time, this type of "perversion" is practically not common, and "close neighbors "went much further, and use other forms of interaction between the sexes, for example, "serbu", "samba", "shelvba", "delsbu", and in addition "bonus" and so-called "big" families.

By reading this article, you have learned what does swedish family mean, and what is meant by this mysterious expression today.

For the youth of the USSR, the concept of "Swedish family" has become synonymous with licentiousness and self-will, personifying the ideals of the sexual revolution that has come to our country belatedly.

What it is?

In fact, the Swedish family is not a cohabitation of two people, as in the traditional "cell of society", but more. For example, it can be 3 people (most often) or two united married couples.

Benefits of a Swedish family

First of all, it is, of course, the material aspect. Indeed, in a family, say, three working people, the total profit is much greater, and therefore a lot more prospects and opportunities open up for an unconventional family. One of the biggest advantages that the Swedish family has is that it can be quite strong. At least because there is no particular point in going “to the left” - the sexual life of all family members is already quite diverse and rich. In a traditional family, husband and wife often abandon their former friends, plunging into everyday life. This is not too correct, because understanding and friendship are of great importance in a person's life. The Swedish one is devoid of this shortcoming - each of the trio even at home receives a considerable portion of simple human communication. If a Swedish family consists of a man and two girls, they can help improve the demographic situation in the state. Statistics show that at the moment there are almost 2.5 times fewer men in the population than women! In the conditions of a Swedish family, you can give birth and raise 2 times more children. And, of course, by joining forces, the members of such a cell can overcome any life crises and difficulties much easier and more painlessly.

What problems can arise in the life of a Swedish family?

The very first and banal one is the jealousy of one of the trio. As they say, there is always a “beloved wife” (or “beloved husband”), therefore, in 90% of cases, conflict and the collapse of the family cannot be avoided. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Usually Swedish families are forced to face condemnation from the rest of society. Relatives, friends, acquaintances, religion and the Church - it is almost impossible to wait for their support. The big disadvantage is that it is impossible to formalize such relations officially. It would seem that this is bad? In "peaceful" time - really, no. But in the case of "divorces", when there is a need for a fair division of property and the solution of other equally important issues, there will be just a huge number of problems. Many members of Swedish families admit that it was quite difficult for them to come to terms with the birth of a child from one of the partners. On top of that, it is very important to be sensitive to the issues of raising children - they should not think that the "Swedish" family format is the only true one. The task of parents in this case is to educate a full-fledged personality capable of independently making decisions and making choices. Creating a Swedish family requires great responsibility and self-awareness of absolutely all participants. Despite the fact that it is a symbol of freedom and permissiveness, you need to invest in such a relationship twice as much.

Swedish family- this is how a form of polyamory is traditionally used in colloquial speech, in which three people of both sexes (one man and two women or two men and one woman) live together in the same house. Most European languages ​​use the term of French origin - menage a trois(lit. "household for three").

The Swedish family is not equivalent to a group marriage and does not at all imply group sex between participants (see triolism). Relations between persons of the same sex can be different - neutral, platonic, competitive (see love triangle), it can be a form of homosexual affection, etc.

The origin of the term "Swedish family" is not known for certain. Although it exists only on the territory of the former USSR, the idea of ​​Sweden as a country with sexually liberated residents who easily go to various experiments is also widespread in the West, in particular in the USA, despite the fact that this kind of family tradition is extremely rare in rather conservative Swedish society.

Swedish families in art

Swedish families are bred in many classic works of literature (“Envy” by Olesha) and cinema, including movies:

  • "Third Meshchanskaya" by Abram Room.
  • Jules and Jim by François Truffaut
  • "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" by J.R. Hill
  • "Retro Threesome" by Pyotr Todorovsky
  • The Dreamers by Bernardo Bertolucci

Notable historical examples

  • Russian poet and publicist Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, writer and memoirist Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva and her husband, journalist and writer Ivan Ivanovich Panaev;
  • Russian Soviet poet Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky, writer Lilya Yurievna Brik and her husband, literary critic Osip Maksimovich Brik;
  • British diplomat William Hamilton, his wife Emma Hamilton and Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson;
  • The Duchess of Devonshire Georgiana Cavendish, her husband the 5th Duke of Devonshire William Cavendish ( English listen)) and Lady Elizabeth Foster;
  • British politician, financier and industrialist Henry Mond ( English), his wife Amy Gwen Wilson and the English writer and playwright Gilbert Cannan ( English);
  • King Gustav III of Sweden, Count Adolf Fredrik Munch and Queen Sophia Magdalena of Sweden;
  • French writer Charles Villers English), a German female scientist, Ph.D. Dorothea von Rodde-Schlözer and her husband Bürgermeister Lübeck Mateus Rodde;
  • Violinist Olga Rudge English), American poet Ezra Pound and his wife Dorothy Shakespeare;
  • French poet Paul Éluard, his wife Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova and German-French painter Max Ernst;
  • English writer Aldous Huxley, his first wife Mary and Mary Hutchinson;
  • English poetess Edith Nesbit, her bank clerk husband Hubert Bland and his mistress Alice Hoatson;
  • American psychologist, inventor and comic book writer William Marston, his wife Elizabeth Marston and his journalist mistress Olivia Byrne;
  • German philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Re and their mutual friend, writer Lou Salome;
  • Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, his wife psychiatrist Emma Jung ( English) and his patient and later psychoanalyst, assistant and lover Toni Wolff ( English);
  • American writer and artist Henry Miller, his second wife June Edith Smith and her mistress Jean Kronsky;
  • Swiss theologian Karl Barth, his wife Nelly Barth and mistress Charlotte von Kirschbaum.

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An excerpt characterizing the Swedish family

Napoleon took a lozenge, put it in his mouth and looked at his watch. He did not want to sleep, it was still far from morning; and in order to kill time, it was no longer possible to issue any orders, because everything had been made and was now being carried out.
– A t on distribue les biscuits et le riz aux regiments de la garde? [Have they distributed crackers and rice to the guardsmen?] Napoleon asked sternly.
– Oui, Sire. [Yes, sir.]
Mais le riz? [But rice?]
Rapp replied that he had conveyed the sovereign's orders about rice, but Napoleon shook his head in displeasure, as if he did not believe that his order would be carried out. The servant entered with punch. Napoleon ordered another glass to be served to Rapp and silently sipped from his own.
“I have no taste or smell,” he said, sniffing the glass. - This cold has bothered me. They talk about medicine. What kind of medicine when they can not cure the common cold? Corvisart gave me these lozenges, but they do nothing. What can they treat? Cannot be treated. Notre corps est une machine a vivre. Il est organise pour cela, c "est sa nature; laissez y la vie a son aise, qu" elle s "y defende elle meme: elle fera plus que si vous la paralysiez en l" encombrant de remedes. notre corps est comme une montre parfaite qui doit aller un certain temps; l "horloger n" a pas la faculte de l "ouvrir, il ne peut la manier qu" a tatons et les yeux bandes. Notre corps est une machine a vivre, voila tout. [Our body is a machine for life. It is designed for this. Leave life alone in him, let her defend herself, she will do more alone than when you interfere with her with medicines. Our body is like a clock that must run a certain time; the watchmaker cannot open them and only by groping and blindfolded can he operate them. Our body is a machine for life. That's all.] - And as if embarking on the path of definitions, definitions that Napoleon loved, he suddenly made a new definition. “Do you know, Rapp, what the art of war is?” - he asked. - The art of being stronger than the enemy at a certain moment. Voila tout. [That's all.]
Rapp didn't answer.
Demainnous allons avoir affaire a Koutouzoff! [Tomorrow we will deal with Kutuzov!] - said Napoleon. - Let's see! Remember, in Braunau he commanded an army and not once in three weeks did he mount his horse to inspect the fortifications. Let's see!
He glanced at his watch. It was still only four o'clock. I didn’t feel like sleeping, the punch was finished, and there was nothing to do after all. He got up, walked up and down, put on a warm frock coat and hat, and left the tent. The night was dark and damp; barely audible dampness fell from above. The bonfires did not burn brightly near, in the French guard, and far away through the smoke they shone along the Russian line. Everywhere it was quiet, and the rustle and clatter of the already begun movement of the French troops to take up a position could be clearly heard.
Napoleon walked in front of the tent, looked at the lights, listened to the clatter, and, passing by a tall guardsman in a shaggy hat, who stood sentry at his tent and, like a black pillar, stretched out at the appearance of the emperor, stopped opposite him.
- Since what year in the service? he asked with that habitual affectation of coarse and affectionate militancy with which he always treated his soldiers. The soldier answered him.
- Ah! un des vieux! [BUT! of the old people!] Got rice in the regiment?
- Got it, Your Majesty.
Napoleon nodded his head and stepped away from him.

At half past six, Napoleon rode on horseback to the village of Shevardin.
It began to dawn, the sky cleared, only one cloud lay in the east. Abandoned fires burned out in the faint morning light.
To the right, a thick lone cannon shot rang out, swept and froze in the general silence. Several minutes passed. There was a second, third shot, the air shook; the fourth and fifth resounded close and solemnly somewhere to the right.
The first shots had not yet finished ringing before others rang out, again and again, merging and interrupting one another.
Napoleon rode up with his retinue to the Shevardinsky redoubt and dismounted from his horse. The game has begun.

Returning from Prince Andrei to Gorki, Pierre, having ordered the bereator to prepare the horses and wake him up early in the morning, immediately fell asleep behind the partition, in the corner that Boris gave him.
When Pierre woke up completely the next morning, there was no one in the hut. Glass rattled in the small windows. The Rector stood pushing him aside.
“Your excellency, your excellency, your excellency ...” the bereytor said stubbornly, without looking at Pierre and, apparently, having lost hope of waking him up, shaking him by the shoulder.
- What? Began? Is it time? Pierre spoke, waking up.
“If you please, hear the firing,” said the bereytor, a retired soldier, “already all the gentlemen have risen, the brightest ones themselves have long passed.
Pierre hastily dressed and ran out onto the porch. Outside it was clear, fresh, dewy and cheerful. The sun, having just escaped from behind the cloud that obscured it, splashed up to half of its rays broken by the cloud through the roofs of the opposite street, onto the dew-covered dust of the road, onto the walls of houses, onto the windows of the fence and onto Pierre's horses standing by the hut. The rumble of cannons was heard more clearly in the yard. An adjutant with a Cossack roared down the street.
- It's time, Count, it's time! shouted the adjutant.
Ordering to lead the horse behind him, Pierre went down the street to the mound, from which he had looked at the battlefield yesterday. There was a crowd of military men on this mound, and the French dialect of the staff was heard, and Kutuzov's gray-haired head was visible with his white cap with a red band and a gray-haired nape sunk into his shoulders. Kutuzov looked through the pipe ahead along the high road.
Entering the steps of the entrance to the mound, Pierre looked ahead of him and froze in admiration before the beauty of the spectacle. It was the same panorama that he had admired yesterday from this mound; but now this whole area was covered with troops and the smoke of shots, and the oblique rays of the bright sun, rising behind, to the left of Pierre, threw on her in the clear morning air a piercing light with a golden and pink hue and dark, long shadows. The distant forests that complete the panorama, as if carved from some kind of precious yellow-green stone, could be seen with their curved line of peaks on the horizon, and between them, behind Valuev, the big Smolensk road cut through, all covered with troops. Closer, golden fields and copses gleamed. Everywhere - in front, on the right and on the left - troops were visible. All this was lively, majestic and unexpected; but what struck Pierre most of all was the view of the battlefield itself, Borodino and the hollow above Kolochaya on both sides of it.

I grew up in a strict church family, my father held a very high position in the Swedish church, we moved a lot. Until the age of nineteen, I was unaware of my homosexuality. At seventeen or eighteen I had first one boyfriend, then another. Not that I was delighted with these relationships, but I didn’t particularly stare at the girls either. In general, I was sure that I was straight.

About meeting his wife

I met my future wife in college, on a literary course. I liked her right away. Although she had a boyfriend, and I was free. But some kind of chemistry between us arose immediately. I did not dare to take the first step, because I did not want to interfere in their relationship. I soon realized that she liked me too. After our first kiss, she left her boyfriend and we started dating. For the first six months we lived separately, and then, when we entered the university, we decided to move in together. Then I decided to confess to my parents and older sisters that I was a lesbian. The sisters were not shocked by the news, although, of course, they were surprised. My parents, oddly enough, supported me, they said that they would love me for who I am. This touched me very much, although we are not very close with them. After this conversation, they no longer returned to this topic. It seems to me that this still causes some embarrassment for them, although they immediately treated my future wife with sympathy.

Benefit for housing
we got full size like
and heterosexual couples

About living together

We started living together in a small university town in the south of Sweden. In general, neither in Stockholm, where we moved later, nor in small towns where I happened to live, I did not feel a lack of tolerance. Although misunderstandings happen often. For example, according to Swedish law, a young couple living together (this is called sambo. - Approx. ed.) Can receive financial assistance for renting or buying a home. Since my girlfriend and I already officially lived together and were registered at the same address, we applied for this subsidy. I got a call from the lady from the social department and said that since we are friends, we are entitled to a smaller subsidy. I objected that we are not friends and are in a romantic relationship. The lady hesitated a little, and then said: "I understand, okay" . We received full housing allowance, as did heterosexual couples. We registered the “Partnership” in 1999, then it was still called that. But already in 2001, when the parliament equated gay marriages with heterosexual marriages, we filed a new application, and our partnership received the status of a marriage. Then my wife took my last name. We thought it would make things easier, but we had to clarify everywhere that we were not sisters. Especially since I have a rare surname.

About the birth of children

When we got married, we had a small wedding, invited close relatives and a few friends to it. Everything went modestly, but I consider this day one of the happiest in my life. Already at the beginning of our relationship, we knew that we wanted to have children. In Sweden, according to my observations, they made some kind of cult out of it. If you get married - it doesn't matter if it's a same-sex marriage or a different-sex marriage - everyone around is interested in when you are going to have children. And if there is already one child in the family, everyone starts pestering you with the question of when you will give birth to the second. At first, we did not know how to do this, because we did not consider the option of traditional insemination, that is, sex with a man. Both my wife and I wanted to have a child.

We went to a consultation with RFSL (a very influential Swedish LGBT organization that provides assistance to LGBT people. - Approx. Ed.) And found out that you can get pregnant in an alternative way. We were given pamphlets on how to do it properly and hygienically. It was necessary to solve the issue of sperm donation. Just to find a donor - this option did not suit us very much. We wanted biological fathers, preferably a gay couple, to also be interested in children and would like to raise them together . The internet wasn't as common back then, and we opted for the old-fashioned way - we advertised in a major LGBT newspaper. Several men responded to it, we chose Tommy and Mikaele. We liked them: like us, they were in a strong marriage. To get to know them better, we went on a ferry cruise together for a couple of days. At our request, they passed the necessary tests.

I think that my fathers and I were lucky: despite the fact that now they, like us, are divorced (we divorced after 14 years of marriage, they - after 17 years), Tommy and Mikaele are on an equal footing with us in raising children. After we met, we decided that I was having a baby with Mikke, and my wife with Tommy, and I would be the first to have a baby. I had a wonderful boy, two years later my wife gave birth to a girl from Tommy.

We wanted so that biological fathers are preferably
gay couple, were also interested in children and would like them educate together

About double divorce

When we had children, my wife and I bought a big house. The children lived with us for two weeks a month, and then for two weeks with their fathers. From the very beginning, we decided to be open with the children and not hide how they were born. For them, we are both real mothers, they also consider Tommy and Mikke to be their real parents. Children know that each of them has a biological mother and a biological father: my son knows that I am his biological mother, and Mikke is the biological father, and Katharina knows that Tommy is her biological father, and my ex-wife is her biological mother. Nevertheless, she also calls me mom. We all take turns going to parent-teacher meetings at school. If suddenly I don’t have time to go to school with my son, my ex-wife goes with one of the fathers. When the ex cannot go to her daughter for a parent meeting, then I go with Mikke or Tommy. All teachers know what kind of family we have. However, after Tommy and Mikke and I divorced, things got more complicated. At the court, it was decided that all four of us equally have the right to be with children and participate in their upbringing. Only all of us still had to agree on a schedule, when and how long the children live with each parent. At first it was a complete madhouse. Both me and the former, as well as their fathers, had a hard time communicating after the divorce. But we didn't want it to reflect on the children. Although, of course, they felt everything. Despite their young age (son is 11 years old, daughter is 9), they know and understand everything. I was very upset by the divorce and, to be honest, did not want to know anything about my ex's new relationship. Moreover, I was alone then, and the thought that my ex-wife had someone was unbearable for me. But since the children came to me and told me that their other mother had a new girlfriend, that they went to the water park together, I had to endure and not show how I feel. However, my daughter saw how worried I was and asked: “Mom, maybe you could live together: you, mom and her friend? And would you be fine?" I replied that it wouldn't work.

About shift parenting

Now the children take turns living with each of us. For example, they stay at Mikke's for the weekend, then from Monday to Friday it's my turn. I pick them up Monday night from school and take a few days off from work or just leave work early. Then Tommy picks them up from school on Friday night, and so on. Every month the children stay with me once on the weekends and once on weekdays. And so - for each of the four parents. True, Tommy sometimes fails. He may suddenly write to all of us: “I am urgently leaving for Spain next weekend, who can take the children with him?” This especially annoys me. Or when he says he'll pick up the kids in the morning and then ends up arriving in the evening. And we sit all day and wait for him to arrive. We may not be on the best of terms, especially my ex-wife and I, but we are always in touch and help each other. If suddenly one of the children gets sick, all parents should immediately be aware of what to cook, what pills to stock up on when it is their turn to take the children.

On holidays like Christmas or Midsommar (Sweden's Solstice Day. - Approx. ed.), each of us takes the children to us for two days. During the summer holidays, we have about two and a half weeks each to be with the children. Despite the fact that I love both children equally, my son is still special to me. I just don't show it to my kids. True, when my son was hospitalized with a broken arm, the doctor called my ex. We still have one surname, and in some documents of the children I am indicated as a contact person, in some - she is. I called the doctor back and asked him to call me about him, because I was his biological mother.

I heard how they explained to their friends that their mothers fell in love with each other and wanted them to have kids like everyone else

About relationships at work

I am a social worker. At work, everyone is aware of my orientation, I do not hide anything from anyone. In my center, we help parents of children with special needs. I myself manage many cases, I advise parents who, for example, have a child with Down syndrome.

Once we were approached by a family consisting of two mothers who had a child with a serious brain injury. They were going to get a divorce, and we had to handle this case, because all the cases of children with special health conditions come to us. And at work they discussed what to do with the child, since this is a same-sex marriage. As in any other organization, we have an absolute majority of heterosexuals at work. I then said: “Let me speak, I still have an idea, since I myself was married to another woman.” And nothing, colleagues do not bulge their eyes.

About what kids think

I often wonder if our children would be happier if they had an ordinary family and two parents. To be honest, I don't know. I would give anything to see children every day. But I've come to terms with the way things are. We are often asked: “Do you like to torment your children with constant moving? After all, they are probably exhausted all the time moving from house to house. We asked the children how they were doing. They say: “What is it for us, we have fun, we have a big family and instead of two parents - as many as four! But for you yourself, probably, all this is not very good, since you got divorced. Children are calm about the fact that they have two moms and two dads, they are not embarrassed by their peers' questions about how it happened. I heard them explain to their friends that their mothers fell in love with each other and wanted them to have children too, like everyone else. . That they found two future dads and took the seed from them, but were not with these dads to have their children born. Therefore, they were born differently. Of course, other children listen to this story with their mouths wide open. Sometimes I wonder if it's too selfish what we got our kids into. Just think: when they, for example, want to start their own families, then not two parents will come to their wedding, but as many as four, and this is already four families. And if we consider that each of us now has a new partner, it turns out that it will be eight people. In the meantime, everything is going well, the four of us chip off at the children's birthdays, someone, for example, takes on the purchase of decoration balloons, someone prepares a cake, someone is responsible for the games. We take them in turn to rest, jointly pay the cost of education.

I am often asked: “What do you think, are your children straight? What if your son grows up and realizes that he is gay? It is not easy to answer this question. Of course, for my children, the very fact of the presence of homosexuality in society is not something extraordinary. But at the same time, Katarina always falls in love with boys, although, of course, she is only nine years old, it is too early to tell. Jonas is interested in girls. Frankly, I would rather have children of a traditional orientation. I would not want them to go through the difficulties that I have to face in life. Even in our society, which is considered one of the most tolerant, being gay and lesbian is harder than being straight.

About grandparents

We plan summer holidays for children together with the grandparents of other parents, because they also want to see their grandchildren. True, it usually turns out no more often than at Christmas, during the winter and summer holidays. This summer we will most likely go to Mikke's parents in northern Sweden, they have a big summer house by the lake. He convincingly asked us to reorganize the schedule so that in July the children would be with him. With my parents, as well as with the parents of my ex-wife, our children communicate infrequently, because the parents live far from Stockholm. But if I go out to my family on the weekend, I try to do it on the days when I have children, because my parents also want to babysit. In general, in Sweden it is not very common to involve grandparents in the upbringing of grandchildren or leave them for the summer with them. Of course, Christmas evening, when the whole family gathers, is sacred. Last Christmas, we nearly got into a fight with our second mother because we couldn't decide which of us could take the kids over for the weekend and take them to their parents. As a result, we agreed that on Saturday I would take the children to my parents, then on Sunday she would take them to hers. And on Christmas itself, all the parents get together, and Mikke and Tommy's parents also come, because they live in Stockholm. Grandparents are sure to buy all their children and grandchildren presents for Christmas. But parents in Sweden prefer to raise their children themselves. For example, if one parent works, then the second (it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman) can take parental leave. Until the age of seven, the child goes to kindergarten, where they study with him until six or seven in the evening. Despite the fact that the working day in most institutions ends at four or five o'clock.

frankly saying
I would rather children were traditional orientation

At the request of the heroine, all names have been changed.

Text: Elena Krivovyaz

Illustrations: Masha Shishova

The Swedish family is a colloquial name for a form of polyamory, which allows a person to have multiple love affairs with the consent and approval of all participants in such relationships. In practice, this implies the cohabitation of several people of different sexes, for example, one man and two women (or vice versa).

It is immediately worth noting that this form of relationship does not necessarily imply group sex. This is a slightly different concept, which has a scientific name - triolism. Relations in a Swedish family can be very different - banal affection, friendship, platonic love or rivalry.

Swedish families are not as rare as it might seem at first glance. This form of human relationships is quite widely represented in various works of literature and cinema. The most famous films: "Dreamers" dir. Bernardo Bertolucci, The Third Meshchanskaya, dir. Abram Roma, "Jules and Jim" dir. François Truffaut.

By the way, such a designation as a "Swedish family" is found only in Russia and some other states of the post-Soviet space. In most European countries, a term is used that, literally translated from French, means housekeeping for three.

Birth of a stereotype

Where this term came from in the conservative Soviet Union is not known for certain, but in the 70s of the last century the concept of "Swedish family" was the main synonym for Sweden throughout the entire USSR. There was a stereotype that in this mysterious Scandinavian country, cohabitation of several couples is quite common.

Perhaps the whole point is in the wave of the sexual revolution that reached the union and rumors about representatives of the leftist Swedish youth, who in those years did not differ in puritanical behavior and behaved very frivolously. Scandinavian hippies did not recognize any family values ​​\u200b\u200band moral principles. Some of them really lived in groups, peculiar communes, promoting free love. In the same years, the mega-popular Swedish musical group ABBA, consisting of 2 married couples, appeared on TV screens. They sang about love so sweetly that Soviet citizens could not help but believe them.

Of course, it is difficult to call the Swedes conservatives in an intimate sense. This is the only country in the world where sexual literacy began to be taught in schools in the early 1950s. Communication of spouses after divorces and joint pastime of "new" and "old" families for liberated Swedes is a common thing. But it would be a big exaggeration to say that in terms of building family relationships, they are somewhat different from other Europeans.
