The combination of pink with others. Combination of blue and pink

Pink color is one of the most fashionable today, not only among girls, but even among representatives of the strong half of humanity. In general, this color symbolizes tenderness, femininity, softness and sensuality. But on men, for example, pink T-shirts or shirts also often look very stylish and attractive, thanks to the contrast created.

What colors go with pink? Stylists call this color complex, since there are few colors and shades that can be successfully combined with it.

Of course, one of the most popular options is a white-pink combination. It symbolizes tenderness, purity, intimacy and emotionality. Some brave young ladies choose this combination even for business suits. But it is better, of course, to use it in images for other situations. For example, for a romantic date or Sunday walk. It is believed that it is better to refuse this option for mature women. It is more suitable for young young girls and for children's outfits.

Another combination is pink and green. In this case, it is better to choose a pink color of delicate soft shades, and green can be dark. True, the shades in this case must be combined carefully. If you choose them correctly, then the pink color softens the green and makes it more tender. The final image in the end will turn out to be very unusual and attractive. For example, a pink blouse goes well with green jeans. Or a pink dress can be successfully complemented with a green strap, shoes and other relevant details.

When discussing the topic of what colors pink goes with, it is worth mentioning forbidden combinations. So stylists do not advise wearing pink clothes at the same time as black. This well-known combination is so loved by adherents of the emo youth subculture. But in public, under normal conditions, it usually looks strange. Therefore, it is better to immediately abandon it.

Also pink does not go well with red. Especially in male characters. These two colors can be called absolutely incompatible. They are not even suitable for holiday attire.

You should not overdo it with pink in general in your outfit. It is best to choose only a few of these details and one piece of clothing. For example, a T-shirt with a bracelet and a belt, or pink sandals and a handbag. If the girl is wearing a pink dress, then it is better to refuse additional accessories of this color.

Articles about the combination of pink in clothes

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Pink color, combinations

Combination of pink with white and black

Pink and green combination

Pink is one of the most beautiful and feminine of the entire palette. Moreover, the richness of its shades is so great that this mesmerizing and ultra-stylish color can be combined with any other.

With a proper view of things, of course. So what is pink about? Firstly, a lot of opportunities to create with it a great look that will emphasize your femininity and sense of style and that will meet the latest trends and fashion trends.

And secondly, it is fraught with such unique and incredibly beautiful shades as hot pink (or fuchsia), pale pink (pastel tone), pale pink (also almost pastel, but a little more pronounced) and dark pink ( deep, solid, refined).

Since we have already considered the general aspect of the issue, we turn to a particular case - the combination of pink with others in clothes.

As we have already said, pink has many shades, and it can seem that it goes with everything. This is partly true, because it all depends on your taste, and on the occasion, and on the specific thing, but we will consider the most important aspects of the question of what colors pink is combined with in clothes.

Pink color and light shades

To create a delicate and feminine look, you can season pink, namely its not the brightest shades, with white or beige. Such a combination will not look too catchy and at the same time will attract the eye with the tenderness of the palette and the freshness of the image.

Such a combination, with a competent approach, can help young girls emphasize their youth and purity, and older women look as stylish as possible and keep up with the times (contrary to the opinion that these are just futile attempts to stay young).

By the way, a combination of white and pale pink (plus some other shade in the outfit) can even be suitable for a business meeting or work if the dress code is not quite strict. Here are some photos of examples of a combination of pink and white flowers:

As for the brighter and darker tones of pink, white in partnership with them will only enhance their brightness or depth. Here we are talking more about sexuality than about softness and tenderness.

This combination for business attire is not exactly suitable, but for a date or going out, this is the very thing. But the ensemble of deep pink and beige will not look very fresh and attractive, even dirty.

Pink color in clothes and pastel shades

In the spectrum of pink, you can find many pastel shades, and now they are definitely combined with the rest: pale blue, light green, mint, lemon, pale lilac, etc.

And if we talk about the combination of fuchsia with pastel colors, then, for example, with yellow, peach, light green, a successful image will not work.

At the same time, if hot pink is complemented with pale blue, mint shades, then the combination will turn out to be very interesting and spectacular.

But the most harmonious option would be a pair of hot pink and pale lilac. It looks very stylish and gentle and less familiar than the combination of pink and white.

Pink clothes and other bright colors

In general, the combination of pink with other colors in clothes has many nuances and it is advisable to take them into account. Pale pink shades should be very carefully mixed with bright contrasting colors. It will not look ridiculous if it is colors such as dark blue, bright blue, purple, burgundy.

In such combinations, pink will emphasize the saturation of another color, and he, in turn, will indicate the tenderness and depth of pale pink.

The combination of bright tones of pink with no less bright tones of the above colors will look extremely impressive and tempting, so such an image should not be overloaded with accessories, you can add only one more shade to such an ensemble, and you need to consider that this combination is not for work, study and not on every day.

But with such colors as green, red, orange, yellow, it is better not to combine pink. It is very difficult to choose such shades, for example, green and pink, so that together they look harmonious, not gaudy and not tasteless, so it is better to avoid such combinations altogether.

This is not so scary, because other options for ensembles with pink are the sea.

The combination of pink and black in clothes

Often this combination creates too sharp, unpleasant contrast, which we have already mentioned in several articles. Nevertheless, there are loopholes through which you can create a stylish look, designed in strict colors, but decorated with pink.

The ideal option is when the bottom is black trousers or jeans, the handbag is small and also black, and the jacket is pale pink or fuchsia. In the first case, we get a stylish, discreet, elegant look, and in the second, a more catchy, flirtatious and frivolous one.

pink and gray

Here's the number one color for medium-bright looks featuring pink. With pale pink, combine light gray both in the form of accessories and other items of clothing.

With hot pink - dark gray. The combination of pink in clothes with gray shades is as gentle as pink and white, and as restrained as pink and black.

And finally, the last question:

What color goes best with pink in clothes?

Our answer is with pink! In an article about the combination of colors in general, we already wrote that by combining different shades of the same color in one image, you risk creating an ultra-stylish and unique image.

And if pink is your favorite color, or it suits you perfectly, then feel free to combine soft pink with fuchsia or salmon or magenta.

To look stylish, it is not enough just to buy fashionable outfits. You need to be able to harmoniously combine colors with each other so that they emphasize and complement each other well. In this article, you will learn what colors go well with pink.


Which girls prefer to dress in pink outfits more often than others? That's right, blondes. Therefore, you do not need to think long to answer the question of what hair color suits pink skin. If you are a blonde and want to buy a pink jacket for yourself, feel free to go to the store. A gentle combination of light colors will emphasize the tenderness of the girl and make her feminine and romantic.

Pink color alone does not have to be combined with blond hair. You can combine with white in clothes. For example, combine a pink blouse or shirt with a white skirt or pants. Such light combinations are very popular among fashionistas in the warm season.


Thinking about what color goes with pink, beige should be mentioned. This shade is increasingly replacing white from the podium. Stylists suggest using beige as the basis of the outfit. A girl can choose a beige dress and complement it with pink accessories. You can use either fuchsia or a watercolor-washed shade of pink. Everything will depend on the image in which you want to appear, and on the individual characteristics of the figure.

Beige color can be used not only in clothes, but also in shoes. Today it is no longer fashionable to complement a pink dress with black shoes. For this purpose, it is better to choose beige shoes. Shoes that blend with skin color will help visually stretch your legs.


Fluorescent colors have left the catwalk. They were replaced by gentle pastel shades. What color goes with pink? If you want to be in trend, take a closer look at the lemon one. This shade looks fresh and complements the delicate pink color well. Together they create a fresh color scheme that will be relevant both in spring and summer. You can buy yourself an outfit that successfully combines these two shades. For example, choose a pink dress with lemon flowers. If you cannot find a suitable ready-made outfit, then you can always combine things yourself. Pick wide-leg trousers in pink, trendy this season, and complement them with a light lemon-colored linen-style top.


Ultraviolet goes well with almost the entire color wheel. Still can't decide which colors go with pink? Choose from shades of purple. If you want to be in trend, buy yourself a new thing in a rich shade. If you like more delicate combinations, then pay attention to the lilac shade. Wide trousers that do not reach the ankle and airy pink cardigans look beautiful in the dark version. Today it is quite easy to look fashionable. Given the fact that the dominant eclecticism allows girls to go to any experiments, then you can dress the way you want, and not the way everyone around you dress.


What color goes with a pink dress? Take a closer look at the noble olive color. An inexpressive shade can emphasize the lightness of pink. Such a combination could be called a contrast, if the olive was not so muted neutral. It acts as a base color, against which all bright colors look catchy and expressive. Variants of dresses, which are based on olive material, look beautiful, but voluminous pink elements act as decor. It can be stones, rhinestones, feathers, etc. More casual outfits in this color scheme look good.


What color is suitable for addition to pink outerwear can be or a trouser suit. Such a bright substrate will successfully set off the jacket. As an addition, it is advisable to wear light-colored shoes and take a discreet bag. Make sure that you do not combine more than three shades of the same color in the image. Otherwise, the outfit will turn out to be too pretentious and will be on the verge of bad taste. can be used not only as a main, but also as an additional shade. For example, you can dilute the look with a pink dress with burgundy ankle boots and a bag.


Do you want to create a harmonious set of clothes for work? Take a pink blouse and this combination, despite its not quite classic interpretation, looks stylish and will pass any dress code. A girl can look stylish even at work if she makes an effort to shape her outfit. A student girl can go for a pair in gray checkered trousers, a white T-shirt and a similar combination will look and even with a touch of elegance.

Are you thinking of renovating? What color goes with pink wallpaper? A gray shade can successfully complement not only your set of clothes, but also become a harmonious addition to the room. If all the walls are bright pink, then the room will need to be balanced, and gray furniture is perfect for this purpose.


What hair color goes with pink? As already mentioned above, blondes. But a brunette dressed in a pink outfit will look just as good. Dark hair will emphasize the bright color of the dress, and the lady will look even more expressive. But brunettes need to be careful. Wearing a pink dress, they will automatically attract the eyes of others. If you don’t really like this trend, then choose a bleached shade of pink, and not its saturated tones.

Black color can complement any outfit. Pink is no exception. Pink dress with black print is the most popular. The combination of a pink top and a dark bottom can already be considered a classic.


To add brightness to the outfit, just choose a non-trivial color combination. What color goes with pink? Complete the outfit of soft pink color with blue details. This combination will look very gentle and feminine. Often, designers complement the blue outfit with a pink mesh or embroidery. Such clothes can be worn not only on holidays, but also on a daily basis if you do not have a dress code at work. A girl who chooses non-trivial combinations will always attract attention. But keep in mind, if you want to add another shade to the pink and blue set, then it should be neutral, for example, white, black or beige.

Dark blue

What could be easier than wearing jeans and a pink sweater? Nothing. And such a set is in fashion today. Choose wide-leg pants, like boyfriends, and a printed oversized t-shirt. No need to buy tight-fitting things, they have long been out of trend. If you don't want to look like everyone else, then you can look at pink pants with blue stripes. Such fashionable semi-sportswear will look good both in business and in a relaxed casual look. Do you want to impress everyone with your good taste? Then think about how to better combine a navy denim jacket, a light pink dress and white sneakers.


It is hard to imagine when the military style will go out of fashion. Now he continues to be at the peak of popularity. Strict jackets, similar to military tunics, look good on fragile female shoulders. Such clothes often complement pink dresses or trousers. But designers do not stop at the standard combination of a dress and a jacket. They offer girls to wear military cut pants and complement them with flying pink chiffon blouses. This combination of different textures looks fresh and original.

You do not want to try on fashionable novelties, but you want to stay in trend? Then complement the khaki dress with pink accessories. It would be appropriate to take a small clutch and put on shoes with a stable heel.


Speaking of combinations with a pink tint, one cannot fail to mention gold. It was this combination that won the hearts of many fashionistas. Gold inserts on pink dresses look magical. A bewitching effect is produced by golden skirts, complemented by pink blouses. A magical combination worthy of wearing it to go out. Girls who are going to a prom or a wedding to their friends can take a fashionable color combination into service. You can combine gold not only in clothes, but also in jewelry. For example, dilute the total bow, collected in pink, with fashionable gold pendants, earrings, rings and a clutch.



Pantone's spring 2017 fashion palette has a beautiful color called Pale Dogwood (the color of flowering dogwood). Despite the not too romantic name, we are talking about a very beautiful light pink pastel shade. This color is associated with spring and femininity, so it is not surprising that it was he who won the vote on our page in vk.

Pink color in clothes much more versatile than it might seem at first glance. It’s light, almost basic, you don’t risk looking too bright and flashy in it, and besides, it’s the powdery shade of pink that is suitable for women of any age.

When choosing a pink color in clothes, it is important to understand its character and the message that it broadcasts about you to others. Pink is associated with femininity, tenderness, fragility, so it is ideal for summer dresses, spring coats, bridesmaids dresses (or even the bride herself). A pink pantsuit can be a great choice if you're wearing it in an informal setting, but if you want to make a serious impression of a business lady and a professional, then a pink suit will not be the best solution. However, the image with a pink color can be made more strict or businesslike or even brutal, it all depends on what to wear with pink. Today we will talk about fashionable color combinations and other useful stylistic tricks, but we will start with images entirely in pink.

Total pink looks or in pink from head to toe

Light pink clothing is so popular this season that many fashionistas prefer to dress in pink from head to toe. And it is possible to do this without seeming tasteless just due to the fact that a pastel light shade of pink is in fashion. In a bright color, such looks can look too much, but powdery pink allows you to wear it from head to toe and look wonderful at the same time.

To create total looks in pink, pink dresses and coats are ideal. With them, the image remains only to be supplemented with appropriate shoes and accessories. But, of course, fashionistas choose not only the simplest options, so they are happy to combine pink blouses and skirts, trousers and tops, jackets and raincoats.

The combination of different textures will help to make the look more interesting in pink: a tulle skirt plus a knitted sweater, a sequin skirt combined with a smooth silk top, fur combined with satin, a wool coat combined with knitwear. The list goes on, so experiment and look for your options, but the all-pink look is definitely worth a try this spring.

Pink color combined with base colors

Now I propose to talk about how to make pink not just a beautiful color for going out, but to be able to include it in your everyday wardrobe. The best solution for this is to combine pink with basic colors: white, gray, brown or black. Pale pink can be called a base color in itself, because it goes well with other colors, so it's quite easy to incorporate it into your everyday style.

The combination of pink and gray is almost a classic, this option is suitable even for a business wardrobe (especially if there is more gray in the image), so dilute your favorite gray outfit with pink accents. The combination of pink and white is the simplest and most versatile. It looks stylish, feminine and spring-like. The combination of pink and black colors will look brighter than other basic combinations, but it is more practical than the combination of pink and white. If the black color does not suit you according to the color type, then build the image so that the pink color is closer to the face, and not black.

Pale pink color combined with a light blue tint

Two shades of blue entered the fashion palette this spring - "Paradise Island", which means a light blue color, similar to the shade of water off the coast of a tropical island, and "waterfall" - a darker shade of blue, close to the color of denim. Both of these shades go well with pink and it is their combination that has become the most fashionable this spring. The combination of pink and blue colors is perfect for almost any wardrobe, because many people have regular blue jeans in their closet. Add to them a pink top, jacket or raincoats and you will get the most trendy combination for spring.

Pink color combined with other bright colors

For those who love bright and non-standard combinations, and also love to experiment with their image, consider the most interesting combinations of pink with other trendy shades.

One of the current and unbroken combinations of spring is pink + khaki (or dark green). This is exactly the combination of colors that allows you to turn the image in pink from a typical girly look to a more brutal one. Here, the emphasis can be on military or safari style, add a rough shirt or khaki parka to a pink skirt, complement the look with a wide belt and rough shoes, or you can give priority to pink and let the look remain within the framework of femininity.

What else can be combined with pink? Other relevant solutions include a mix of pink and yellow, pink and blue, pink and red. Perhaps the last option sounds a little doubtful, because we are used to the fact that close colors should not be combined, however, the combination of pink and red colors is very relevant this season, so you should take a closer look at it.

Do you love pink? What are you planning to wear pink things with this spring?
