Became untidy. Signs of a groomed woman through the eyes of a man

An ugly woman is a stupid woman. Because beauty is a rather abstract concept, and not only girls with regular facial features are considered beautiful, but also well-groomed, stylish persons who know how to play on their merits and skillfully hide flaws. But neglect of your appearance is fraught with the fact that even the most outstanding and attractive features will not be appreciated.

The main signs of an unkempt girl that you need to get rid of urgently!


Damage on clothes

No one encourages you to spend your entire paycheck every month on updating your wardrobe, but there is nothing more unfortunate than a worn coat or a sweater in spools. Your belongings must be in good condition, and for this they should be properly and carefully looked after.

Even old things can look good if properly maintained. Stains, hooks, holes and pellets on clothes - something that a well-groomed, self-respecting woman will never have on things, even if she is not rich.


stale shirt

If the collar of your shirt, blouse or outerwear clearly indicates that the product needs cleaning, then this is a direct call to action.

A girl should be associated with cleanliness, freshness and exceptionally pleasant aromas, so in no case do not stoop to wearing dirty clothes (and not only on the street, but also at home).


unkempt shoes

The condition and quality of our shoes often speaks not only of our wealth, but also of how attentive we are to detail. We will not even mention the fact that leaving the house in dirty shoes is a uniform mauvais ton. But small scratches on the surface of the shoes can be masked with a special shoe polish or varnish, the laces can always be replaced with new ones, as well as heel heels.


dirty head

We all have different types of hair and scalp, so some are lucky and their hair stays clean for several days, while others have to wash and style their hair every morning. Accept with dignity the real state of affairs and do not allow yourself to appear anywhere with stale hair ever!


Lack of manicure and pedicure

The condition of the cuticle and coating on the nails should always be on top. Don't forget hand cream. Beautiful female hands always attract the attention of men, and unkempt fingers, peeling varnish and cracked skin of the hands can cause bewilderment and even disgust.


Deodorant stains on clothes

Before leaving the house, always check the appearance of things in a well-lit room. Sometimes spots become visible only in natural light on the street.


crumpled things

The steamer and iron were not invented in vain. Enjoy! Wrinkled clothes suggest that you walked in it yesterday, slept in it at someone's house at night, and now you are going home to change.


cheap jewelry

Nothing betrays bad taste in a woman like love for ridiculous jewelry, hung in huge quantities around the neck, ears and hands. Jewelry should be elegant and of high quality. If these are some large rings or pendants, then there should not be many of them.


Inept makeup

Too bright make-up, a thick layer of foundation, smoky-eyes in daytime makeup, uneven complexion, excess powder, painted eyebrows and lips - the list of makeup blunders goes on and on! Your guideline: light makeup with an emphasis only on the eyes or only on the lips, light tinting agents, be sure to use mascara.


unkempt eyebrows

Even if you like naturalness, you still regularly correct the eyebrow line and lightly tint the gaps. Beautiful eyebrows can not only give depth to the look, but also improve the overall appearance of the face.


Chapped lips

It doesn't matter if they have lipstick on or not, if they are weathered, chapped and unpleasant to the touch, then use a balm or coconut oil. Because it looks very unattractive - no one wants to kiss such lips!


regrown roots

If this is not a tribute to fashion, and your regrown roots did not appear due to the efforts of a master hairdresser, then these are most likely untidy roots of an incomprehensible color (or even with gray hair), and they do not look good. A centimeter of regrown roots is a bell that should notify you that it's time to make an appointment with a hairdresser.


Lack of epilation

For a truly well-groomed and beautiful woman, there are no procedures for the winter and summer periods, she always looks after her appearance. Therefore, do not think that no one sees unshaven legs in autumn and winter. This applies to all zones. There should never be excess vegetation on the body, even if you live alone, and no one will see it at home.


Oily shine on the skin

If you lost the genetic lottery, and you end up with problematic or oily skin, on which an unpleasant shine regularly appears, then this is sad, but not fatal. So, you just have to put a little more effort into caring for your skin than other girls.

Always have alcohol-free cleansing wipes and mattifying wipes in your purse that will save you through the day without ruining your makeup. Also, choose a good moisturizer designed specifically for oily and combination skin.


old fashioned hairstyle

Strange bangs from childhood, huge bouffants and squares, twisted to the outside, look very strange in modern realities. Therefore, in order not to give yourself the appearance of a time traveler who arrived from the distant past and is not familiar with modern fashion, choose hairstyles that are universal and always relevant, or experiment and try out some trendy option.

All girls want to look their best, but there is not always enough time and energy to maintain an impeccable image. It is not necessary to strive for the appearance of a fashion model, but taking care of yourself daily is the main rule of attractiveness. It is better to look natural, but well-groomed, than to put on a certain amount of makeup, but at the same time look ridiculous.

In this article, we propose to consider 12 signs of an untidy woman, which, by the way, are not so difficult to fix.

1. Oily hair

A washed head is already a hairstyle. Stale hair, no doubt, will spoil any, even the most chic outfit. And in everyday life, greasy hair will not adorn anyone.

If you need to leave the house, but don't have time to wash your hair, you can use dry shampoo. Or, at worst, pull your hair into a tight bun so that their staleness is less noticeable to others.

2. Split ends

Believe me, no matter how long and luxurious your hair is, frizzy ends will spoil the whole picture. There is only one way out of this situation - scissors. No mask will solve this problem. They can "cure" the hair only visually, before the first wash. Instead of spending money on inexpensive balms and body wraps, go to the hairdresser and get your hair in order.

3. Peeled varnish

It is better to walk with natural and clean nails than with a peeled manicure. The bright colors are especially eye-catching. Worse than peeled varnish can only be dirty broken nails. So do not forget to wash the varnish in time, which has already lost its appearance. And, in general, it is better to give preference to professional resistant varnishes that will delight you for a long time.

4. Burrs and overgrown cuticle

And again about the nails. Be sure to trim your cuticles every time you change your polish. Even if you do not use it, no one has canceled nail care. Remember that your hands are looked at as much as your face. Don't expect harmless cuticles to go unnoticed. Beauty is in the little things.

5. Untidy eyebrows

Although naturally wide eyebrows have come into fashion lately, their shape should be neat and uniform. Grab tweezers twice a week and remove excess hair, otherwise they will ruin your perfect look. With the help of eyebrows, you can adjust the shape of the face, but you can also give it a funny and ridiculous look. If you have thick eyebrows and they stick out, style them with a special tool.

6. Chapped lips

Sometimes even lipstick or gloss does not save the delicate skin of the lips from drying out. Then a healing balm will come to the aid of the girls. It should always be on hand. It perfectly moisturizes the lips and heals cracks. Agree that a girl with chapped lips is not very attractive.

7. Dry and dehydrated skin

Some girls already at the age of twenty suffer from the first small wrinkles. And they arise precisely because of the dryness of the skin. Don't forget to use moisturizer. It softens the face and saturates it with moisture. If you have this type of skin, regular talcum powder will not work for you, as it will only exacerbate the problem. It is better to buy high-quality mineral powder. And don't forget to apply makeup base.

8. "Tired" makeup

During the day, pores produce sebum, and a greasy sheen appears on the face. The flow begins not only powder, but also eye makeup. Showered ink or a blurry pencil looks very ugly. If you have oily skin, use waterproof makeup only. But even owners of normal or dry skin do not hurt to have wet wipes in their purse to touch up makeup at any time.

9. Yellow teeth

Few people can boast of naturally dazzling white teeth. Most of us have cream-colored teeth, but this is not a problem. Worse, if the natural color of the tooth enamel becomes yellow or even light brown. This is facilitated by bad habits - smoking, excessive consumption of coffee, as well as poor oral hygiene.

Visit your dentist regularly for tartar removal, and rinse your mouth or chew gum every time you eat enamel-staining foods.

10. Excess body hair

It is unthinkable for a modern girl to walk with hair on her legs or in the armpit area. This is not only unsightly, but also unhygienic. Wax regularly so that others don't think you're a slob. What could be better than smooth, slender legs?

11. Rough heels

In summer, the skin of the feet is especially prone to drying out. In addition, dust gets on the heels through open shoes, and it is very difficult to wash it off. So use a pumice stone as needed. After all, no sandals will look good on feet with cracked heels!

12. Problem skin

Many girls suffer from acne and pimples. It would seem that they are not to blame for the fact that their body has problems that provoke acne. However, do not give up. Fight for clean beautiful skin, find a good specialist who will select the right treatment. Watch your diet, lead a healthy lifestyle. And then your skin will thank you.

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

    The environment affects us - it's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight here and couldn’t”, “yes, we’ll still remain fat”, “there should be a lot of a good person.” Well, let there be “many” of them - but what do you have to do with it?

Neglect is not a vice, they are not born like that, it’s just that some girls are too lazy to take care of themselves.

Do you know how many women didn't get the job they wanted just because their appearance didn't match the status of the company? Men are also repulsed by girls who don't take care of themselves. In the end, this becomes a problem in all areas of a girl's life.

We tell you about 20 signs that make you a slut. Take a closer look at these qualities and try to avoid them.

1. Deodorant stains. Deodorant stains are not the most pleasant thing a man can see on a girl's clothes.

2. Worn clothes. We all understand, no one dares to condemn a person for not being able to afford new clothes, but there are people who just love some certain pants and just wear them all the time, even if it's a formal occasion.

3. Pellets. Pills aren't that hard to deal with, so you don't have any excuses in this case.

4. Torn off buttons. And this is already from the category of "laziness is our everything." Don't you have an extra 2 minutes to deal with this button?

5. Dirty collar. Some girls may think that no traces of sweat will be visible in such a place, believe me - everything is very noticeable, so don't be lazy and try to clean it somehow.

6. Broken heels. The habit of shuffling not only annoys others, but also pretty spoils shoes. Heels are erased, lumps form on them. These shoes look very unaesthetic.

7. Overgrown cuticle. It not only visually reduces the shape of your nail, but because of this, the varnish lays unevenly.

8. Knocked down shoe toes. We walked up the stairs once - and already a disgusting mark formed on the ballet flat or boat. Everything, the appearance of the shoes is spoiled, and the damage is poorly masked.

9. Shapeless hairstyle. Uncombed hair gathered in a bun repels a man who is looking for a well-groomed girl.

10. Dirty cracked heels. The summer season obliges us to wear open shoes, and therefore it is better to watch your heels, the appearance of which should not frighten the opposite sex.

11. Overgrown legs and armpits. Naturalness and naturalness is good, but not to the same extent. Take care of yourself and always keep a disposable razor with you, even when hiking or in the mountains.

12. Sunglasses with scratched lenses. It feels like they dug them up somewhere in the garbage, and then put them on the nose. Scratched lenses look extremely untidy. And all because of the bad habit of putting glasses on a hard surface, because of which they are covered with scratches.

13. Stale linen. Alas, not all girls bathe daily and wash clothes regularly. This is where the bad smell comes from. If you do not have the opportunity to change underwear daily (you are on a hike, on a plane, on a business trip), just use a daily pad.

14. Peeling nail polish. Where without him? This is a sign of almost all rural fashionistas. Varnish must be bought either expensive, or not bought at all. A poor-quality product will not only peel off in a couple of days, but will also damage the nail plate.

15. Cheap earrings. Rhinestones and pebbles look cute on girls of school age. If you have fluttered out of this age for a long time, wear more solid jewelry. No one forces you to dress in gold, just pick up better quality jewelry.

16. Hair bands. There is nothing wrong with a neat elastic band that securely fixes the hair during physical exertion. But in general, such a hair accessory is not considered fashionable and stylish. He's more of a child. In particular, this applies to products with a variety of sequins, sequins, beads and other trinkets.

17. Leaky makeup. In the summer, this misfortune manifests itself in full force. Concealer that has spread over the face, lipstick that has come off, smeared shadows - a real nightmare for any girl. Use only high-quality cosmetics, do not forget to fix the foundation with powder. Then the makeup will stay much better.

18. Remains of food stuck in the teeth. She smiled and everyone knew what she had for breakfast. After eating, smile and look closely at your teeth. Stuck food residues can be removed with a toothpick or rinse your mouth with water. If you are at a common table, then just retire to the ladies' room and put your mouth in order!

19. Sticky ink. Lumps and glued lashes don't look stylish. Yes, it used to be a fashion trend. But now low-quality mascara can pretty spoil the image. Give preference only to high-quality cosmetics and do not forget to take care of your eyelashes with the help of folk remedies: oils, extracts.

20. Overgrown eyebrows. Trendy eyebrows 2017 have a natural shape and clear lines. Hairs sticking out in different directions are not allowed. Also avoid hairs that grow outside the eyebrow, on the eyelid. So the shape of the eyebrow deteriorates, becomes fuzzy.

You can have an entire wardrobe full of branded items or tons of luxury cosmetics. But if you do not pay attention to these small details, then all your efforts to look attractive will come to naught.

Like an old picture

Remember the coating in old paintings: the varnish is cracked and many lines crawl along the canvas, forming a cobweb. And, it would seem, you seem to be looking at a fashionable and well-groomed woman, but the old picture is remembered. The reason for this is her lips. Dear ladies, do not run your lips to a chapped and chapped state.

Too long and contrasting

They appear as if suddenly, catching the most inopportune moment. But it is impossible to notice them - regrown roots. Sometimes a black stripe down the middle of a luxurious blonde can ruin the whole look.

"Washcloth" and nasty tips

And back to the hair again. The hair of a well-groomed girl should never be dull, too dry or oily at the roots. Even banal split ends can make your hairstyle not in the best light.

Nails like a kindergartner

Hands are that part of the female body that will always be in full view of everyone. Bitten nails, protruding burrs or varnish that has fallen off in places - there are many options, but all these things spoil the look of a woman.

With such a manicure, others will think that the girl does not want to take care of herself.

Sneaky "cactus"

In recent years, women have become more indifferent to epilation, allowing themselves to appear "fluffy" in people. In addition, even stars like to show off their unshaven armpits and legs, noting that beauty is in naturalness.

However, you must admit that hairy female legs have not yet added attractiveness to anyone, despite the hyped trend.

Rough and cracked

"Spider legs" and children's daub

Of course, thick and voluminous eyelashes do not harm anyone. But do not overdo it with mascara and do not miss the moment when you need to stop. Otherwise, your cilia will resemble the legs of a spider. Another issue is casually tinted lips. The lack of skill in applying makeup always gives out a greasy contour and spread lipstick.

Let's refer to this point and smearing with a foundation of our shortcomings. Which, frankly, only become more noticeable from this.

It is unprofitable to be an untidy woman. How not to be one of them? We have compiled a rating of common mistakes: check yourself right now point by point and take a mini-test.

Beautiful means well-groomed!

From early childhood, girls watch with interest the beauty rituals of their mothers - and seize the moment to steal something valuable from a cosmetic bag. So the little ones try to take care of themselves.

What can we say about adult ladies! But, unfortunately, panties and beads are not enough for them to look perfect. And the right features too.

Stylish, well-groomed women who easily present their virtues and masterfully beat the shortcomings in appearance are reputed to be beautiful.

Video: What are they - well-groomed and groomed women?

The one you take care of! And no one can do it better than her.

A woman who takes care of herself is looked at in a completely different way: men have a sparkle in their eyes, they immediately find a reason for a compliment and wait, they can’t wait for the opportunity to court and help in some way.

By neglecting their appearance, ladies run the risk of burying their attractiveness alive. Yes, being busy at work, taking care of children and the cycle of other things can lead to the fact that once a very spectacular young lady does not immediately understand that something has gone wrong ...

We believe that this is certainly not about you, but still - let's check the compass. Below are 9 signs of a neglected woman. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we won't find ourselves on this list!


We will not discuss isolated cases when excessively overweight is caused by serious malfunctions of the body. Do we show at least elementary love for our body, keeping it in good shape?

In order not to catch sympathetic glances after the trembling portions of jelly on the sides, you need not so much. Home workouts, healthy eating, active lifestyle. Such manipulations are inexpensive, do not require a lot of time, and the result will please.

Start with the minimum, aim for the maximum! Because a fitness center, massage, morning jogging, quality food - it's very buzzing! And replacing a trip to a pizzeria with a session in the pool is a great solution.

And every time, in order not to get bored in the queue at the checkout in the supermarket, check to see if chips, buns or sausage have been “thrown” into your cart.

Here's a little hack!


Beautiful shiny hair is an indisputable sign that their owner is taking care of herself.

In general, unaesthetic hair can not only spoil the external impression, but also become an obstacle in communications. This can affect your personal life, and even employment. Don't turn your hair into a greasy washcloth!

Overgrown unpainted roots, split ends, dry, unstyled - or generally unwashed - hair will not add beauty to you. May your hair always be fresh - even if you are unlucky with.

And make sure your hairstyle is not from the last century. Getting into a trend without blindly following fashion trends will be more than enough.


This, it would seem, is a relatively small area of ​​​​the body, but it requires so much attention, including self-care.

Problematic skin, bad teeth, chapped lips, unkempt eyebrows, inept makeup - or its complete absence. All these moments cannot be hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, we take care of the skin, eliminate, if necessary, dryness, peeling, dehydration, fight rashes.

It is more expedient to change the war paint for an elegant nude, especially in summer. Sticky lumps of mascara, smeared arrows, an unevenly distributed tone over the skin - and, in general, a make-up that has floated by the end of the day - will make a laughingstock out of any beauty. Therefore, we study the intricacies of competent makeup and choose moderation as a motto.

We do not “plaster” problem areas, but locally apply a corrector. And we are attentive to the choice of foundation: the ridiculous contrast of the neck and face is not about you, right?

Owners of combination and oily skin will come to the aid of a makeup base and matting wipes in a purse. But no one canceled the appropriate cosmetic care: you need to work constantly with problem skin. This rule is also true for dry dehydrated skin.

In addition to cosmetology, help the skin be beautiful from the inside. Love the water! The cherished 8 glasses a day will pleasantly surprise you.

And give the green light to vegetables and fruits.

A fashionable trend among supporters of proper nutrition is fruit and vegetable smoothies. Try it - it's delicious!


Progress does not stand still. And, if earlier the peak of disgrace in manicure was peeling varnish, now regrown gel and fallen off rhinestones have been added here. Looking at such nails, only one thought comes: it’s better without a manicure at all. We hope that such miracles of nail design are unfamiliar to your hands.

Nail extension technologies have become a salvation for girls living life to the fullest. A long-term manicure makes it possible to be a busy business woman, an active mother, a neat housewife, a spectacular wife, an easy-going girlfriend - and just a beauty at the same time. Use this secret, just do not forget to appear at the master once every 3-4 weeks.

I must say that the “lady” with huge claws of a flashy color leaving the nail salon looks more like a vulgar cheap thing than a well-groomed lady. If today is not Halloween, and you are not a gypsy there, then refrain from shocking.

An ideal option for well-groomed hands, when it is not clear from the outside whether your nails are natural or not.

Moisturized hand skin, nails of the same length, well-groomed cuticles, fresh coverage.

Smooth skin - or three-day stubble?

Despite the photos of Madonna with “fluffy” armpits that have flown around the world, this can hardly be considered aesthetic. A well-groomed girl always keeps her legs and armpits smooth.

If, in a fit of passion, a man runs his hand over your unprepared leg, then the thought that he is on a date with a hedgehog will reduce his ardor. That's not your goal, is it?

Moreover, there are a lot of options: from a disposable machine to a salon one.

This is not the case when natural naturalness is better.

Carelessness in clothing

And now the manicure and depilation are done, a light make-up too, the hairstyle is in order.

But even with such readiness, the picture can be spoiled by a torn off button, spools on clothes or stains from deodorant.

Stretched clothes or the wrong size, a dirty collar or frayed elbows scream about the slovenliness of their mistress.


Knocked heels or worn socks are very striking. Disguised scratches on shoes will make even a completely new pair neat.

Well, cleanliness! Adhering clods of dirt on spectacular stilettos are a sad sight.


It is a big mistake to ignore foot care in the hope that it is invisible. Noticeable! Even if you are wearing closed shoes.

Knowing that you have a great pedicure and well-groomed heels, you carry yourself differently. Self-esteem rises exponentially. And those around you, not always understanding what the matter is, catch the vibes of your self-confidence.

Express option for foot care - pumice stone and moisturizer.

From time to time, make homemade masks from an apple or potato steamed in milk, or treat yourself to salon paraffin therapy.


Magpie-crow... No, this is not the beginning of a children's rhyme. Such associations are caused by lovers of frilly cheap jewelry.

Huge shiny plastics will not seem like diamonds to anyone. And they look even more ridiculous than three chains on one neck. Leave this beauty for the games of five-year-old fashionistas.

Not only jewelry can look elegant, but also laconic high-quality jewelry. Experiment - and you will find "your" jewelry.

At the same time, check the condition of your sunglasses. Scratches and stains from fingers are unacceptable there.

Don't let these points seep into your reflection in the mirror.

mini test

As a cheat sheet, we want to offer you a quick test:

  • Are you ready to instantly receive unexpected guests, or do you need time to clean up? (We are not talking about the full parade, of course).

If the answer is yes, then congratulations!

Otherwise, work through each point from this article again.

But! It is important that the desire to take care of oneself was caused not by external circumstances, but by internal motivation. Learn to do it for yourself. Then your well-groomedness will eventually become a self-evident fact, beyond doubt. And people around you will notice.
