Statuses about passion. Passion and love

Fire. Lust. Passion and love. Love and passion… You feel your breath quicken. Thoughts vanished when he looked at you. An unforgivably interested look. For those who study. This is crazy... Exactly one look. So cheeky. Such a confident, unbearable look. His smile buckled his legs. Never before have you felt such passion emanating from a person. Such overwhelming self-confidence. I wanted to run, but it was impossible. He approached. I took it by the hand. And you felt the heat emanating from an open heart.

Trying to get together. Exhaled. You're not a schoolgirl, after all. In my head, obscene pictures replaced one another. He seemed to know what you were thinking. You flared up like a girl. Forget about embarrassment and the word "no". He wouldn't admit it, resistance is pointless and unnecessary.

The beauty? Unclear. Rather insane charisma and incredible power of expression. The brightest flash of energy in the eyes, which knocks down with its indefatigable vitality. Charming and attractive, always with a smile on his face. Like a spring. Full of passion and love, and crazy drive.

You didn't understand what he was talking about. Gestures and facial expressions spoke for him, and your body, contrary to common sense, responded to the slightest vibration from his side. This unearthly attraction, like madness, heated the air to the limit with unspoken desire. Your palm burned in his hand, and there was not a single chance to break away. For some reason, I felt an unbearable desire to cry with happiness and kiss him endlessly ... His confidence and openness were stunning. Feelings of passion and love suddenly filled your thoughts. His shirt was open halfway, as if he was warm despite the icy wind. He attracted the attention of everyone, there were always people around him and life was seething...

You looked at him and could not understand what exactly was discouraging? It's unexplainable. You are a famous actress, who was constantly surrounded by a crowd of fans, suddenly suddenly lost her head from a short, self-confident guy with a cheeky smile all over his face. There was something special about him, as if life itself boiled and illuminated his eyes with coal. Some kind of perpetual movement forward. You were overwhelmed by love and passion ... and a special attraction ...

It’s as if you had been locked up all your life before, and then ended up next to him - as if you stepped into the air millions of years later ... I put my face under the gentle rays of the sun ... I felt a breath of breeze ... Here it is, happiness ... An inexplicable and long-forgotten feeling of life.

Inevitability. You both knew what would happen next. All the air around was as if shrouded in sensuality and filled with this man. Passion and love. It only remained to give up, because next to him there was no word "no" ...

The urethral leader and his skin-visual muse. He is really able to conquer any woman with his irrepressible thirst for life. His libido is the strongest, unlimited. Everyone wants him and it is impossible to refuse him. Passion and love are confused with each other, bizarrely intertwined with the strongest emotions of lust and desire to belong to this man. For him, there are no restrictions in principle. He is the leader, everyone unconsciously feels it.

He is a leader who needs to win. He does not know how and is not able to lose, he is in this life in order to win, to be the first. And he needs a muse, the best of women, a skin-visual actress who can drive all the men around crazy with her sensuality and beauty. It is to her that he will dedicate his victories. Give your passion and love as he understands it. She does not belong to him, and he does not own her. And together they go into the future, leading their flock. For them, there are no other people's children and there are no other people's interests. This is the most perfect couple that can only be formed.

Courage and energy, incredible expression and passionarity. Eternal movement into the future, development and non-standard thoughts. Hot blood and burning eyes, crazy lust for life and inner brightness. All this is inherent in 5% of people who are born leaders. People with a urethral vector, whom history knows as great pioneers and conquerors.

They are characterized by justice and audacity, courage and recklessness, because there is no fear for themselves, for their lives. They are ready to give their lives in the interests of the pack. Therefore, few of them live to old age, they often die, trying to overtake time. Their whole life - to increase and accelerate, the desire to reach the horizon.

These are climbers. Animal altruism is inherent only in people with a urethral vector. It is bestowal in its purest form, according to shortages, without the admixture of morality and the principles of universal equality. They are full of passion and love, not in the form in which it is customary to see it. Their love is expressed in a different way.

The urethra is always first. He has no rivals, no competitors. He never proves his place because there is no need. Confidence - yes. After all, he is a leader without a hint of doubt, and the future of an entire nation depends on him.

Children with a urethral vector in our time are often attributed to the syndrome of "hyperactivity" and consider this a deviation. In fact, it's absolute nonsense. It is impossible to limit such a child in his movement, he is restless by nature. In addition, he will instantly react to the desire to lower him in rank and prohibit something with a response action in order to unconsciously show his superiority. He needs a special approach that places responsibility on him: “who, if not you?”

They often do not even live to adulthood. There are many reasons: their reckless craving for risk, for enjoying life. Such a person, under certain circumstances, can quickly fall asleep (because there are no brakes) or create an empire from scratch, uniting people and leading them into the future; can remain in history as a pioneer and conqueror (Columbus, for example) or burn down, leaving nothing behind. Much here depends on upbringing, the right approach to such a child.

We rarely meet such people in our lives. However, if we meet, at the level of pheromones we definitely feel their superiority, we are irresistibly drawn to them, as if to the sun, near which we want to bask. They have special groups of desires, special sexuality and uncontrollable temperament. Passion and love in an incredible mix. It is interesting to observe the examples, to see how certain relationships develop,

My passion will light a fire in you. Watch out.

A man who is possessed by passion is dangerous. Like a drug addict, looking for a new dose. Like a maniac looking for a victim. The mind is paralyzed at such moments. Heart too.

A woman who keeps her distance, in fact, more than anyone else, wants passion. So that despite her temper, someone strong and arrogant squeezed her in a hot embrace.

Youth does not want to create, expect, endure, it needs passion even now.

Best Status:
If passion takes possession of you again and again, then you are not able to control the situation. You are not the master of life.

If you have connected your life with the wrong person, passion in bed will help you to be together for some time.

Two different lives merge into one in a fit of passion.

Those who enjoy the senses are able to see the whole palette of colors, even on a rainy day.

Truly strong people are not those who shy away from their passions, but those who are able to control them.

It all starts with an innocent flirt. And between them there is attraction and then, like an electric discharge. She no longer owns her body. Just like magnets. How then to justify their weakness?

She sent a foul language, gave a slap in the face, shouted that I didn’t want to, and you pressed me against the wall, grabbed my hands and kissed, despite everything ...

Passions give intelligence to the most stupid people and make stupid the most intelligent. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (junior)

Two passions are weaker than one. Karol Bunsch

The fire of desire burns in the blood, the soul is wounded by you ... Torment me! Your torments are sweeter to me than honey and wine!

Sometimes we expect violent passions, like in a love story, and sometimes one kiss is enough to feel all the tenderness and even passion...

I heard you fell in love. - I heard? Am I screaming so loud?

She loves chocolate ... it replaces her love ...

Passions are the only orators whose arguments are always convincing.

I paint death with paints, but you are unlikely to see its patterns ... I know how pleasant it is for you to look when you see the pain in my eyes ...

Such a strange love is not a game if the lips are bloody ...

Own your passions, which rule if they do not obey.

There is no passion higher than love, and lower than aggravation.

Life is an amazing thing. She destroys you. Breaks. Scoffs. And then gives you Love.

Hug me like Romeo Juliet! Do you remember how they were? - I only read "Kashtanka"! Do you want me to bite?

His kisses become more and more passionate... he clings to you more and more... and you say: "well, don't... it's time for me to go home..." And at this moment you are thinking hard about how to explain to your mother tomorrow that you didn't come home today. =)))

Who told you that I hate you? I just love you in BDSM style!)

He covered my mouth with his hand. - No girls. Forget. I love you.

Passion taught man to think. — Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

And you will go crazy from my eyes, I promise.

There is no sin heavier than passion. - Lao Tzu

We walk through the city together, holding each other's hand, and are silent. Then he will say that I du * a, kiss, hug ... Now I know for sure ... I love ...

She has devilish scarlet lips, her skin is the color of mocha. She will drive you crazy with her crazy life!

What kind of filth do not go for the sake of pleasure!

Virtue does not consist in the absence of passions, but in the control of them.

Low-lying pleasures… I want to fall into them and wallow a little.

Don't switch or switch off on pleasure.

It is necessary to allow yourself not all pleasures, but only those in which there is nothing bad.

Don't smoke cigarettes - smoke his breath, don't get drunk on wine - get drunk on his kisses, don't get high on drugs - get high on his touch!

Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passions. - Galileo Galilei

Passion never has power, only calculation.

Feelings on the tips of the lips... Thin fingers barely reach... Grains of stars fell from the sky... Beasts from white snow...

We fight not because he's bad, but because I'm bored.

Usually this passion (voluptuousness) is denoted by the word Love, meaning by it an indefinite attraction of one sex to another, as natural as hunger. — Thomas Hobbes

It is to the passions that reason owes its most brilliant conquests.

It’s a pity that you can’t add a person to your wish list on VKontakte ...

People are blinded by passion. Mark Tullius Cicero

Young people do not know well what beauty is: they only know passion.

If a great passion takes possession of us for the second time in life, we, unfortunately, no longer have the former faith in its immortality.

Love is the only passion that pays with the same coin that it mints itself.

The strength of one passion must be judged by the strength of another, which was sacrificed for its sake.

True passion, like a stream rushing down a mountain, knows no obstacles.

There is no sin heavier than passion.

No passion in the world can compare with the passionate desire to edit someone else's manuscript.

No, we didn't settle down, we fell

Never seek pleasure, but always be ready to find pleasure in everything.

Any passion that owns a person, as it were, opens direct access to him. — Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Separation weakens a slight infatuation, but strengthens a great passion, just as the wind extinguishes a candle, but kindles a fire.

Passion (...) yields not to reasoning, but to violence. Aristotle

The world will be saved not by beauty, but by the pleasure that we get from it.

A person must be accessible to passions, but also powerful to dispose of them.

In the human heart there is a continuous change of passions, and the extinction of one of them almost always means the triumph of the other.

There is no greater happiness in life than to languish in a violent passion!

A person caught in the captivity of his passions cannot be free.

Only those who have subdued them can live by passions.

We never passionately strive for what we strive only with the mind.

Lust is the decay of the soul. – Valentin Sventsitsky

All passions are good when we own them. Everyone is bad when we obey them.

We do not desire anything so passionately as what we are not supposed to.

the passion of the weak... - Francis Bacon

Your subscriber is outside…” – Hmmm… Mine?! Well, okay, that's all I wanted to know .. =).

Don't mistake pleasure for happiness. It's like different breeds of dogs.

Real great passion is quite rare these days. This is the privilege of people who have nothing else to do. – Oscar Wilde

Silly ... But so happy ... She does not understand that she is breaking her life again ...

There is no surer way to kindle a passion in another than to keep the cold yourself.

It is easier to live with a passionate woman than with a boring one. True, they are sometimes strangled, but rarely abandoned. - Bernard Show

Nothing great in the world is accomplished without passion.

If a great passion takes possession of us for the second time in life, we, unfortunately, no longer have the former faith in its immortality ...

Any passion that owns a person, as it were, opens direct access to him.

No passion bewitches a person like love or envy.

You just have to see his eyes...

Everyone has their own passion. Virgil (Publius Virgil Maro)

When two unbearable beings find each other, life becomes unbearable for the others.

You should not injure the tender female psyche with your extremes, otherwise someone will injure you like that ...

The strength of all our passions depends on how cold or hot our blood is. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

You know, even on the keyboard, the word "love" reminds me of a triangle.

We've been together for a year now and I still get goosebumps when he takes my hand.

Everyone has their own passion. - Publius Virgil

If the advice of passion is bolder than the advice of reason, then passion gives more strength to carry it out than reason. — Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Passion is an inexplicable thing: it either burns like a hot fire, or it suddenly goes out, leaving behind only pitiful sparks. How to make sure that the emotional intensity of the first meetings returns to the intimate relationship of your couple, the site will tell.

If at the initial stage of a romantic relationship between people, passion is the main aspect, then after some time, the relationship between lovers gradually fades and fades away.

This is facilitated by frequent touches, the same type of lovemaking scenarios, the same environment.

Both women and men quite quickly cease to take care of themselves as carefully as they did before, and no longer consider it necessary to hide the negative traits of their character.

All this, of course, does not add romance to the relationship, gradually turning them into a routine and depriving them of passion and novelty.

Psychologists offer this way to return spontaneity to sex: you need remember all those moments that led to spontaneity: movements, looks, erotic underwear, words.

Smiling can also make a man want to have sex with you immediately. Just remember how you used to smile at him: invitingly, sexy, like a lazy kitty basking in the sun.

Remember all the female tricks used in the early stages of your relationship: an inadvertently raised short skirt, fluttering eyelashes, licking supposedly dry lips, a languid look, a quiet laugh, an “accidental” touch, and a voice hoarse from passionate longing.

Start using forgotten tricks again, then it will be much easier to return passion. And for additional warming up, you can use the following ideas.

18 more ways to bring passion back

35 ways to bring passion back

Passionate sex

1. When going to a party or a party, "forget" to wear panties and tell your lover about it.

2. When he takes a shower, go to his bathroom and have oral sex.

3. Do both fitness at least 30 minutes a day: physical activity increases libido.

4. Surprise him: put on underwear that is usually sold in sex shops (stockings with garters, corset or bodysuit with a piquant neckline).

5. Show your favorite striptease.

6. Have sex in nature.

7. Give him oral sex when he watches TV in the evening.

8. Record yourself having sex on video and then watch the disc together.

9. Meet him after work in an unusual way: for example, you can smear yourself with whipped cream or honey and offer him a treat.

10. Remember your first sex in great detail.

12. Watch porn videos together.

13. Engage in joint masturbation.

14. Offer him sex "without hands": touch each other with anything, but not with your hands.

15. Send him erotic text messages when he returns from work.

17. Seduce him spontaneously and unexpectedly, for example, during breakfast, when both of you have already packed up for work.

Passionate sex

18. Use role-playing games: a school teacher and a negligent student, a nurse and a patient, two strangers…

19. Have sex at a party, secluded in an empty room or bathroom.

20. In a crowded place, discreetly put your hand on his groin and massage his penis.

21. cook aphrodisiac dinner, invite him to hand feed each other, sitting on the floor.

22. Have sex with your lover while he is still sleeping.

23. Surprise him - after returning from work, start preparing dinner naked.

24. While sitting in a movie theater or other crowded place, whisper obscenities in his ear.

25. Invite him to try out new positions.

26. If you are not opposed to bold experiments, do anal sex.

27. Go to another city - new experiences have a beneficial effect on sexual relations. And, of course, do not miss the opportunity to have sex in a car or train!

28. Show your lover in detail how to caress you.

29. Book a hotel room, order champagne and caviar, light incense and spend the whole night together.

30. Take the initiative. Offer him a game: he is a victim, you are a brave Amazon.

31. Play the role of mistress by tying him to the bed. Let the role of a slave be the sweetest for him!

32. When he gets ready for work, put your candid photo in his briefcase.

33. Arrange an erotic photo session by offering him the role of a photographer.

34. Announce "kissing night". Try to keep each of the kisses as long and passionate as possible.

35. Forget about old bathrobes when your loved one is at home - tops or tees with playful slogans suit you so much more!

Suggested ideas above diversify sexual relations will guide you on the right path to return to your former passion.

You can diversify these ways, changing or supplementing, depending on your personal preferences and the preferences of your lover.

Do not be afraid to experiment, do not be shy about your natural desires. Forget about everyday problems, even if it seems impossible to you now. Personal happiness and health is more important than money, work and clean dishes, because you can always wash them later.

Even if you have children, they are not a hindrance to a vibrant intimate life. At least once a week they can be taken to visit their parents, relatives or friends.

Arrange twilight, light candles, cook delicious, but light erotic dinner, - your man will be pleasantly surprised.

Do not forget to give yourself these seemingly small, but such important joys! You deserve to be happy!


Aphorisms. Passions and desires

© Davtyan A. O., 2009

© ZAO OLMA Media Group, 2010

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

What you don't know, you don't want.


And then it began with a desire - it
It was the first seed of thought.

"Rig Veda"

Avoid pleasure that breeds sorrow.


Desire is never given to you unless you have the power to fulfill it. However, this requires work.

Richard Bach

To trust unreasonable sensations is the property of gross souls.


There is no sin heavier than passions.

Lao Tzu

What man, being a slave to pleasures, does not pervert his body and soul.


Not philosophers, but cunning deceivers say that a person is happy when he can live in accordance with his desires: this is false. Criminal desires are the height of misfortune. It is less regrettable not to get what one desires than to achieve what is criminal to desire.


The best part is not to abstain from pleasures, but to rule over them without being subject to them.


Just as rain seeps into a house with a bad roof, so lust seeps into a poorly developed mind.


Passion in the human heart is at first a web, then a thick rope.

Passion at first - as a stranger, after - as a guest and, finally, as the owner of the house.


Passion leads the way and love leads.

Ihara Saikaku

The path of heavenly truth is unimaginably wide. One has only to dream about it a little, and the heart becomes light and spacious. The path of human passions is strikingly narrow. It is worth stepping on it, and before your eyes there will always be thorny grasses and dirty puddles.

Hong Zicheng

He who has the least desire has the least need.

Publius Cyrus

Desire can make beautiful everything to which it aspires.

Anatole France

The slave of his passions is the lowest of slaves.


All desires should be presented with the following question: what will happen to me if what I seek, as a result of desire, is fulfilled, and - if it is not fulfilled?


If a wish is impossible, wish for the possible.

Publius Terence

With all those who indulge in the pleasures of the stomach, and go beyond the proper measure in food, wine, or the pleasures of love, pleasures are short-lived and fleeting, lasting only while they eat or drink; and the sufferings resulting from this intemperance are many and prolonged.


One must observe the measure, enjoying the pleasure.


Nothing interferes with happiness so much as excessive desires and excessive zeal aimed at satisfying them.


The language that emphasizes in the word "passion" its kinship with suffering is correct, although in everyday use, when we say "passion", we mean rather a convulsive impulse that surprises us, and we forget that we are talking about mental suffering.

A. Camus

Disembodied thoughts rush into the distance, they quietly sneak, deeply hidden; whoever subdues them, who bridles them, will be freed from their temptation.


Dominating passions is not the one who completely abstains from them, but the one who uses them as they control a ship or a horse, that is, direct them where necessary and useful.


People are blinded by passion.


Pitiful is he who has few desires and many fears, and yet such is the fate of monarchs.

F. Bacon

Passions give intelligence to the most stupid people and make stupid the most intelligent.

Seneca the Younger

When passions overcome
It is given to them to rage until the time expires.
But soon their flow will dry up.

P. Corneille

Not a single reasonable person will incur punishment and reproaches of people for the sake of satisfying passion and lust, will not neglect the truth for the sake of the transient and imaginary.

Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi

Everyone has their own passion.

Publius Virgil Maro

It is enough for us that we have a desire.


The wind blows the flame, but also extinguishes it: so sometimes one passion suppresses another.


Take advantage of present pleasures so as not to harm the future.

Seneca the Younger

Prudence enlightens, passion blinds.


He who is engulfed in the flame of passionate inclinations, who craves pleasures, grows his lusts and puts himself in chains.


No passion bewitches a person like love or envy.

F. Bacon

All good passions are of such a character and nature that we cannot exist and be preserved without them, and they, as it were, belong to us essentially, like love, desire, and everything that is characteristic of love.

B. Spinoza

Woe to the world from temptations, for temptations must come; but woe to the man through whom the offense comes.

Bible (Matthew 18:7-9)

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Bible (Matthew 6:13)

There is no pleasure that does not eventually lead to satiety.

Pliny the Elder

Master the passions, otherwise the passions will take possession of you.


We always strive for the forbidden and desire the unlawful.


Desire is the father of thought.

W. Shakespeare

A smart man struggles with passion, a fool becomes its slave.


Whoever wants to have a hare for breakfast must hunt for it at night.


People who are devoted to pleasures live like one day: today is over - and there is no reason to live.

Pliny the Younger

The very contempt for pleasure, through habit, becomes the highest pleasure ...

Diogenes Laertes

We must act according to what pleases us the most.

Augustine the Blessed

An honest and dishonest person is known not only from what they do, but also from what they desire.


Any passion that owns a person, as it were, opens direct access to him.

L. Vauvenargues

Peace can be achieved only by those who are not disturbed by the continuous flow of desires, like rivers flowing into an ever-filling, but always calm ocean. And there is no peace for those who seek to satisfy their desires.

"Bhagavad Gita"

Passion lives on hope and dies with it:
It is a flame that goes out when there is no new food.

P. Corneille

Obedience to passion is not the business of the wise.

Al Maali (Kay Kavus)

Where, when and to whom, my dear, succeeded
Until you lose your desire to please yourself?
Is this really our miserable lot?
To be slaves to your lustful bodies?
After all, not one of the living in the world
I couldn't satisfy my desires!

Omar Khayyam

It is necessary to allow yourself not all pleasures, but only those in which there is nothing bad.


To advance on the path of virtue and cultivate the truth in yourself, you need to be impassive, like a tree or a stone. One has only to desire something once, and you will find yourself in the captivity of the world of passions.

Hong Zicheng
