Role-playing games in kindergarten. Card file

The game is one of the types of children's activities that are used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In the game, the child develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his educational and work activities, his relationships with people will subsequently depend.

By having fun and playing, children acquire their own personalities. A variety of corrective games provides children, even with severe developmental disabilities, with a variety of pleasures and a variety of means of communication in the children's environment and in society as a whole. Playing always involves interaction, because to play means to make contact with someone. In this regard, the corrective game is a dialogue between partners, one of which at the first stage of learning game activity is a teacher (educator), then a peer or a group of playing children.

The game is extremely informative, it not only acquaints children with the world around them, but also “tells” a lot to the child himself about himself and the educator about the playing child. A game for a child with various kinds of deviations is a model that saves him from many personal hardships, experiences, painful sensations, and spiritual discomfort.

The game is a school of voluntary behavior, according to the definition of the famous psychologist D. B. Elkonin. Make the child, with some deviations, stand still, he will not stand still for two seconds, but if this action is included in the game context, the goal will already be successfully achieved. Remember the old refrain: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three. Freeze!

The sickest boys and girls freeze and stand motionless, even on one leg.

In addition, the game is a school of morality and action. This is how the psychologist A. N. Leontiev defined it: “You can explain to the child, “what is good and what is bad,” but only a fairy tale and a game are capable, through emotional empathy, by putting oneself in the place of another, to teach him to act and act in accordance with moral requirements. Games, with the skillful organization of adults, also teach the abnormal child many virtues: tolerance for others, kindness, responsiveness, mutual assistance, etc. Only it takes a lot of time to cultivate such positive qualities.

In no other activity does a child show so much perseverance, purposefulness, tirelessness, as in a game. He devotes himself entirely to an interesting game, if he has been instilled with the most elementary skills of playing activity. The result of the game is not always important for him, he likes the process itself more, no matter how difficult it may be.

For any child, play is work.

The theoretical foundations of the game, as the most important means of comprehensive education of children, were laid by the studies of such scientists as E.P. Flerina, E.A. Arkin; later, the work of R.Ya. Lekhtman-Abramovich, N.M. Aksarina, A.P. Usovoi, V.P. Zalogina, T.A. Markova, P.F. Kapterev and others.

One of the main provisions of the pedagogical theory of children's play is that the game has a historical, not a biological nature. Such an understanding of the nature of the game and the laws of its development was reflected in the studies of psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin and their followers. Scientists believe that children's games spontaneously, but naturally, arose as a reflection of the labor and social activities of adults.

The role-playing game, according to the views of leading domestic psychologists (A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, etc.), is the leading activity of preschool age. The plot-role-playing game in expanded form is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and in a generalized form, in specially created game conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them. It acts as an activity in which the orientation of the child takes place in the most general sense of human activity.

Organizing a game in a preschool institution, a modern teacher takes into account the specifics of its formation and the general patterns of development of children. Domestic psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin) argue that a child develops only if he himself is actively involved in various types of activities (subject, play, educational, labor) . Each age period corresponds to the most accessible and important type of activity for education and psychological development. Only a child who knows how to communicate and actively learns the most significant features of objects is able to move on to play. At preschool age, there are great opportunities for the game to become the leading activity of the child.

The structure of the role-playing game, according to D.B. Elkonin, includes the following components. The first is the roles that children take on during the game; the second - game actions, through which children realize the roles of adults they have taken on and the relationship between them; the third is the playful use of objects, the conditional substitution of real objects at the disposal of the child, and, finally, the fourth is the real relations between playing children, expressed in various remarks, remarks, through which the entire course of the game is regulated. At the same time, the role adopted by the child is the central point. It is the accepted roles that encourage the child to perform certain play actions and develop play relationships that reflect the real behavior of the adults depicted, use substitute objects, and establish interpersonal relationships that go beyond the game. Taking on a role, the child must obey certain rules of behavior arising from the adopted role. These rules are established by the child himself, which significantly distinguishes them from the rules in mobile and didactic games, which are determined and dictated by adults.

The rules established by the child himself are considered in psychology as the rules of internal self-restraint, self-determination. L.S. Vygotsky emphasizes that creative role play is the predominant activity of a child of three to six years old, since it creates a zone of proximal development. In play, the child is always above his average age, above his usual everyday behavior, he is, as it were, a cut above himself. “The game in a condensed form contains, as in the focus of a magnifying glass, all the tendencies of development; the child in the game, as it were, is trying to make a jump above the level of his usual behavior ... Behind the game there are changes in needs and changes in consciousness of a more general nature ... Action in an imaginary field, in an imaginary situation, the creation of an arbitrary intention, the formation of a life plan, volitional motives - all this arises in the game and puts it on the highest level of development, elevates it to the crest of a wave, makes it the ninth wave of development of preschool age.

In this understanding, the game is extremely important for the mental and moral development of the child, for the formation of his abilities and the formation of the personality as a whole.

As K.N. Polivanova, the playing role allows you to combine the affective-motivational and operational-technical aspects of activity. The content of the role-playing game is the relationship between people, carried out through the mutual manipulation of objects. In the plot of such a game, some form of adult activity is reproduced. The plots are very diverse and change depending on the specific conditions of the child's life and the expansion of his horizons. A feature of the game situation is the game use of objects, in which the value of one object is transferred to another and it is used in accordance with the new value.

A role-playing game usually takes place in a group of children that supports the child's performance of the role he has taken on. Playing children experience deep emotional experiences associated with the content of the roles performed, the quality of the role played by each child, and the real relationships that have developed between the children entering the game. The issue of neoplasms that arise at the stage of the role-playing game as a leading activity has not been finally resolved. Among them are arbitrariness, imagination, the planning function of thinking, decentration, etc. At the same time, all psychologists emphasize the great importance of the role-playing game for the mental development of the child.

With the help of the game, the child's learning is more effective, and education is more pleasant. The game is a means of diagnosing the mental state of the child, his personal development, but it is also an excellent method of correcting certain defects, shortcomings, developmental delays. One of the youngest psychological methods is game psychotherapy.

Thus, the game, with its correct formation, solves important problems of the mental, moral, aesthetic, physical development of each child, starting from an early age. In the game, from the first stages of its development, the personality of the child is formed, those qualities that he will need in educational activities, in work, in communication with people develop. Proper management of the game and awareness of the value of the game activity of children at an early and preschool age reveals huge educational and educational opportunities for the mental and personal development of each child.

It would be a big mistake to think that a full-fledged game can develop without the influence of the environment and some guidance from adults. This only achieves the goal when the factors that form the proper play activity, as well as the internal laws of the development of this activity, are taken into account. Without knowledge of the internal laws of the development of the game as an activity, attempts to control it can destroy its natural mechanisms.

The tasks of harmonious upbringing in the game are successfully implemented only if the psychological basis of the game activity is formed in each age period of preschool childhood. This is due to the fact that significant transformations in the child's psyche and his intellectual sphere, which is the foundation for the development of all other aspects of the child's personality, are associated with the development of the game.

A.V. Zaporozhets pointed out the need to study children's play, starting from early childhood, to identify the driving causes and patterns of its development, the originality of its content and structure at various age levels.

A number of directions have been identified in research on the role-playing game. It seems important, especially at the present time, to discuss the question of what unites teachers-researchers of children's plot-role independent play with the understanding that the game is the life of the child, his joy, the activity necessary for him. In the game, a preschooler learns social experience, but does not copy the life around him, but expresses his attitude to what he sees and hears, and this is connected with the development of creative imagination.

Understanding the specifics of role-playing games, which consists in the fact that the child is in a special way independent in it: he is free to choose the theme of the game, plot, role; in a certain change in the content, direction of the game (of course, in agreement with partners); in the choice of playmates, game materials, determining the beginning and end of the game (as if it does not violate the logic of the development of the game, the logic of life).

The originality of children's play, of course, requires great delicacy from an adult in the pedagogical guidance of this activity. Meanwhile, the mistakes typical of previous years still occur to a large extent today. The game is either left to chance or unacceptably regulated.

It is important that an adult is nearby, along with playing children, and does not put pressure on them “from above”. He must become a benevolent accomplice of the game, whether he assumes any role or not. Only then the pedagogical function of an adult is carried out most successfully. Observations convince us how highly even preschoolers appreciate this kind of "non-interference", with what joy they play, how well they accept the advice of an adult, his direct or indirect participation in games.

D.V. Mendzheritskaya defined the subject of the study as the plot of the game, its ethical content, which allows the child to most clearly express role-playing behavior (and helps him in this). The game, according to her, arising on the basis of a valuable moral plot, has an educational effect on children, their relationships not only during the game, but also (to a large extent) in everyday life. Children, on their own impulse, are guided by an image that is attractive to them. It evokes positive emotions in them, increases their intellectual activity and the desire to act in the game like a hero, i.e. children express their attitude towards him; combine existing ideas, sincerely experience the events depicted. The experimenter, the educator, gets the opportunity to use such a desire of the child outside the game, in the process of communicating with him in everyday life: they remind him what an attentive, polite doctor he was during the game in the hospital or what a brave, fair captain he was when they played boat trip.

Positive roles and role-playing relationships are more successfully embodied by children in the game and in a certain way affect children's relationships outside the game, if the teacher, the experimenter does similar work with his pupils at the end of the game: organizes conversations, observations, reading fairy tales, stories, looking at drawings, illustrations for books and etc.

In a kindergarten, the game is one of the forms of organizing the life of children, an important means of implementing an integrated approach to raising a child, since the game traces the relationship of different types of children's activities that mutually determine one another - play and work, play and occupation.

The role-playing creative game is the first test of social forces and their first test. The pedagogical value of the game also lies in the fact that in the process of playing, in addition to the relationships dictated by the plot, the role taken on, or the rules, another kind of relationship arises - no longer conditional, but real, real, regulating real relationships between children. In the game it turns out: how the child relates to the successes or failures of the partners in the game, whether he enters into conflicts with other participants in the game, whether he knows how to restrain immediate impulses, whether he is ready to help a friend, whether he is attentive to other participants in the game, how accurate he is in performing the role, etc. e. Role-playing activities are so captivating for children that they sometimes perceive them as real actions. The game helps the child to overcome his weakness, to control himself, creates conditions for the exercise in labor skills, in the skills of moral behavior.

There are various games. Some develop the thinking and horizons of children, others - dexterity, strength, others - design skills, etc. From this position, we divide games into the following types:

1) Physical and psychological games and trainings:

Motor (sports, mobile, motor);

Impromptu games and entertainment;

Liberating games and fun;

Therapeutic games (game therapy).

2) Intellectual and creative games:

Subject fun;

Plot-intellectual games;

Didactic games (educational-subject, educational, cognitive);

Construction, labor, technical, design, electronic, computer games - automatic machines (button games);

Game teaching methods, games - exercises, games - trainings that affect the psyche.

3) Social games:

Creative plot-role-playing (imitative, directing, games - dramatization, games - dreams);

Business games (organizational - active, organizational - communicative, role-playing, simulation).

4) Complex games (collectively - creative, leisure activities). All types of games can be combined into two large groups, which differ in the degree of direct participation of an adult, as well as in various forms of children's activity.

The first group is games where an adult takes an indirect part in their preparation and conduct. The activity of children (subject to the formation of a certain level of game actions and skills) has an initiative, creative character - the guys are able to independently set a game goal, develop the game plan and find the necessary ways to solve game problems. In independent games, conditions are created for children to show initiative, which always indicates a certain level of intelligence development.

Games of this group, which include plot and cognitive games, are especially valuable for their developmental function, which is of great importance for the overall mental development of each child.

The second group is various educational games in which an adult, telling the child the rules of the game or explaining the design of a toy, gives a fixed program of actions to achieve a certain result. In these games, specific tasks of education and training are usually solved; they are aimed at mastering certain program material and rules that players must follow.

Educational games are also important for the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers. The activity of children in learning to play is mainly of a reproductive nature: children, solving game problems with a given program of actions, only reproduce the methods for their implementation. Based on the formation and skills of children, independent games can be started, in which there will be more elements of creativity.

The game has long been used for education and upbringing. Domestic pedagogy skillfully applied it to educate children of different ages. In some games, the tasks of mental education came to the fore, in others - physical, and thirdly - artistic.

The proposed game plot (game theme, sequence of events) provides for such behavior of children that ensures the assimilation of new knowledge, skills, moral rules. Children, acting in an imaginary situation, solving game problems within a given game plot, unwittingly assimilate the educational material laid down in them. So in the mobile game "Sparrows and Cars" they learn to run without bumping into each other, to act on a signal. The plot-didactic game "Let's teach the doll to undress" helps them remember the sequence of undressing, teaches them to carefully hang and fold clothes, and encourages them to use the names of items of clothing and actions in speech. Having learned similar games from their elders, children can play them themselves, repeating or creatively changing their content, but keeping their educational basis and rules of the game. So, in educational games of a plot nature, children act in accordance with the rules within a predetermined game plot, assimilating specific material on mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education.

Of a special nature is the game that children create themselves, reproducing in it what is close and interesting to them. The theme of these games is based on the life experiences of children. Such games are called creative, role-playing. They lay the foundation for collective activity, game cooperation, communication and joint solution of game problems, the transition to displaying people's relationships in the game. Displaying life impressions in the game, the child consolidates, clarifies and expands knowledge about the environment. The value of such a game for the further mental development and harmonious upbringing of the child lies in the fact that

In the child's mind, the imaginary situation is being improved with a gradual transition from the "objective" game to the games of the internal, mental plan;

The child in his development smoothly passes from individual games to collective games;

A new level of comprehension of the surrounding reality expands the creative possibilities of the child.

It is important to skillfully use all types of games in the educational process. The independent story game is closely related to educational games. Some types of games mutually enrich others.

Already in the play of young children, favorable conditions are created for the development of abstract thinking and speech, imagination, thinking, creative abilities, and speech develop. A good game is a guarantee of good mood and good health.

At the first stages of development, the story game brings up the moral and volitional qualities of the individual: the ability to arbitrarily control one's actions, to empathize, to contribute. The first joint games instill in children a sense of friendship.

In games nearby, in the first business contacts, interest is brought up not only in actions, but also in the personality of another child. In individual and in the first joint games, children transmit, consolidate and deepen their social experience, which reflects the relationship and communication of different people, fairy-tale characters. In games, children show their attitude to reality, give moral and emotional assessments (the fox is cunning, the wolf is evil).

The results of the game are not productive, they are conditional, since during the game the child makes almost nothing to change the surrounding reality. However, play activity significantly enriches the child with ideas about the environment: first, by acting with toys or with objects that replace them, the child learns their physical properties, design, and possible transformations; secondly, he gets acquainted with their socially significant function in which they are used by adults; thirdly, in the process of play activity, the world of human relations opens up before the child, he gets acquainted with the social role and position of people in society; Fourth, which is especially valuable, the child strives to reflect these relationships in play, gradually forming in himself the necessary personality traits.

Thus, a particularly important moment in the formation of the preschooler's play activity is the purposeful guidance of the plot game by the educator, the involvement of children in the play process.

At a very early age, from about two years old, a person begins to discover the unfamiliar world of relationships that exist between people. He seeks to actively engage in the activities of adults living next to him and in the world of those things that are not yet available to him. And he does this through a game, “pretend”, turns an imaginary steering wheel, playing a car driver, and growls, imagining that he is a terrible tiger. And the girl plays mother, rocking the doll.

Role playing games for children 3-4 years old.

The first role-playing games.

When a small child gets a little older, he begins to understand that he is capable of independent actions, like all adults. From that moment on, he begins to imitate all adults. This is how the first role-playing games for children 2-3 years old are born.

If the baby has experienced any strong impression, he seeks to reproduce it, inventing a role-playing game and imagining himself as anyone. If you even rode the train with him for a short time, the kid will play the train with cars for a long time and puff hard, entering the image. And if you take him to the zoo, he will play, imagining himself as a particularly memorable animal.

At the disposal of the child there are always some toys depicting objects from the world of adults - cars, dishes, furniture. The child learns to use them, drives a car, irons. If there are not enough items that replace the real ones, the baby can easily find a replacement for them. For example, if his car does not have a steering wheel, he uses a pot lid.

Substitute items.

A substitute subject is an important phenomenon in the development of a child’s thinking, a support for remembering something. Many children collect various "garbage" according to their mother - pebbles, candy wrappers, pieces of iron. In no case should you throw away this collection, in extreme cases, select a cardboard box for it. The child actively uses such trifles in games, endowing them with various properties. Naturally, in your imagination.

It is noted that real creative abilities develop to a much greater extent in children playing with such substitute objects, and not in those who played with the Lego constructor. And when a child stops playing with a substitute object, he simply moves into the realm of imaginary things that exist in his inner space. The child, inventing different roles, learns to see the object from all sides, and, therefore, learns to have several points of view.

Story games for children 3-4 years old.

For a child, a role-playing game is the most important activity, trying on the functions of adult life, learning how to interact with adults and peers. Even when the kid draws, he plays, coming up with the plot that he is trying to portray. If a child is given toys and left alone with them, he will find an occupation that will captivate him. But it is desirable that an adult take part in the game, using it as a technique for achieving certain pedagogical goals.

Story games for children 2-3 years old and their goals.

By taking part in games with their baby, parents should understand that in this way they contribute to the achievement of some important goals:

  1. Education in the child's personality traits. The basic concepts of what is good and what is bad, what is good and what is evil, are laid down during the game. At the same time, without much emphasis, he understands that it is better to be polite than rude, modest than impudent, generous than greedy.
  2. Socialization gradually manifests itself in games. The kid learns to communicate with parents and other children, to be friends with them. He can learn to defend his own opinion.
  3. Success in the game lays the foundation for a child's self-esteem. He gains confidence in his abilities - the most important quality necessary in life.
  4. If the game is mobile, it contributes to the physical development of the child. He learns to walk and run, work with various objects, becomes stronger and more resilient.
  5. Fine motor skills, precise movements used in the game, are extremely important for the harmonious development of the child, since it is directly related to the formation of correct speech.
  6. Finally, story games for children 2 3 years old develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking and imagination of the child, train his psyche.

Role-playing games for children 3-4.

The plot of the role-playing game and its content.

The plot of an RPG should not be confused with its content. The plot is what the kid is trying to reproduce in the game, he can play the hospital, the school or the family, the store: everything that he sees around and encounters in real life.

A game with the same plot can have completely different content, reflecting the behavior of people and the very meaning of their activities. For example, playing in a family, taking on the functions of a mother, one girl will babysit the children, and the other will scold and punish them, one will be the hostess, who cooks and washes all the time, and the other can be a fashionista trying on outfits in front of the mirror.

The content of the game largely depends on the age of the child. The youngest can play cooking dinner, but no one will eat it. An average-aged preschooler will already feed other participants in the game or puppets, that is, he will perform actions not for the sake of the actions themselves, but to determine relations with playmates. Older preschoolers during the game pay attention to whether they are doing the right thing in one role or another.

How to teach a child to play.

A small child himself cannot invent a role-playing game, although he easily learns such games from those who are familiar with them - from older children or from parents. At the same time, not all kids willingly engage in role-playing games - some may be too shy and constrained and prefer to play sports games or play on the computer screen. But role-playing games for children of 3-4 years old are extremely important for their harmonious development.

Story games for children 2-3 years old.

In this case, parents need to help their children:

  1. Recall your own past, how you yourself played in childhood, come up with a few simple plots and start playing with your child yourself.
  2. Use another child as an intermediary - an older brother or sister, a little neighbor who willingly plays such games. It is only important that this intermediary is not so active that it will turn off your baby from the game action.
  3. Try to have the child come up with the circumstances of the game, even new words. Offer a masquerade to a shy child - it can play an important role for him that no one will see his face behind the mask. If there are several participants in the game, make sure that your baby is interested, first offer him secondary roles, and then more significant ones so that the other participants do not suppress him.
  4. Use fairy tales, refer to them in difficult situations, act as your favorite fairy tale hero would do. Please note that children under 3-5 years old prefer to use fairy tales about animals in games, older ones already play people - princes, princesses.
  5. You can, doing your homework, involve kids in similar games. Mom bakes pies - and the daughter will bake plasticine pies for dolls with pleasure.

The first role-playing games for children.

When a very young child is given a toy truck and an excavator, he can fiddle with them for a long time. But this is not just fuss, he has already seen these machines in reality and begins to come up with his simplest plot, in this case connected with the construction site.

Then the child will determine the roles that toys or substitute objects will play: a carpet can be a construction site, a sea, a lawn, a sofa can be a neighboring house, a stage, etc. He copies the operation of the engine with his voice, speaks for all his artists, while trying to convey the necessary emotions.

In story games for children 3-4 years old, a child can play just next to other children, and by the age of five, children are already playing with each other.

In order to organize a role-playing game with a child, you need to have a spacious place to play, soft toys and certain decorations like a dollhouse, a zoo, a forest, etc.

Role playing games for children 2-3 years old.

At first, the child simply copies adults - this is, after all, his immediate environment. Plot-based role-playing games for children aged 3-4 are gradually moving to playing in the profession - the kid reincarnates as a seller, cook, doctor, making toys his partners.

When planning to start a role-playing game with a child, it makes sense to estimate its plot in advance and prepare inventory. Here are some simple examples of such games:

  1. The game " A family”, which will require dolls with clothes, dishes, a crib, a stroller. The roles in the game are mom, dad and child. The plot of the game - the mother must feed the child, rock him to bed and put him to bed, then cook and set the table. Dad comes home from work, sits down to eat, then plays with the baby, and the whole family goes for a walk.
  2. The game " Graft”, which requires dolls and a doctor's set. Roles, a doctor and a mother with a child. The plot - a mother brings her child to the doctor, he examines the baby, measures the temperature and gives him an injection.
  3. The game " Score". In addition to dolls, you need to have a cash register, toy money, some goods, toy clothes or food. They can be substitute items. The roles are buyer and seller, maybe the buyer is a mother with a baby. The plot - the buyer is going to the store and thinks about what to buy, discusses purchases with the baby. In the store, they choose purchases, pay off the seller.

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Role-playing games for children 3-4 years old

We are going for a walk

Target: to develop in children the ability to choose clothes for different seasons, to teach them to correctly name the elements of clothing, to consolidate the generalized concepts of “clothes”, “shoes”, to cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (for summer, winter, spring and autumn), a small wardrobe and a high chair.

Age: 3–4 years.

Game progress: a new doll comes to visit the children. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and offer the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can't get dressed, and then the guys offer to help her. sequences, commenting on their actions. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name it, choose what they need to wear now according to the weather. With the help of a teacher in the correct sequence, they dress the doll. Then the children dress themselves and go out with the doll for a walk. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the desired sequence.

Target: teach children to classify objects according to common features, cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, expand the vocabulary of children: introduce the concepts of "toys", "furniture", "food", "utensils".

Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store located in a shop window, money.

Age: 3–7 years.

Game progress: the educator suggests that the children place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with such departments as a vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others, where buyers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, salespeople in departments, sort goods into departments - products, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket to shop with their friends, choose goods, consult with sellers, pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and goods can be in the supermarket.

Doctor's toys

Target: teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “sick”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, pills, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor.

Age: 3–7 years.

Game progress: the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment with a doctor. Patients with various diseases go to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the clown has a bump on his forehead, the Masha doll pinched her finger in the door, etc. We specify the actions: The doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse performs his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Children of senior preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. Getting to the reception, the toys tell why they went to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats patients - makes dressings, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

Stepashka's birthday

Target: expand children's knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner, consolidate knowledge about tableware, cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, desire to help, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "holiday dinner", "name day", "serving", "dishes ", "service".

Equipment: toys that can come to visit Stepashka, tableware - plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.

Age: 3–4 years.

Game progress: the teacher informs the children that Stepashka has a birthday today, offers to go to visit him and congratulate him. Children take toys, go to visit Stepashka and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks to help him set the table. Children actively participate in this, with the help of a teacher they set the table. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between children during the game.

Building a house

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a building of a simple structure, cultivate friendly relations in a team, expand children's knowledge about the features of builders' work, expand children's vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "building", "mason ”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “”.

Equipment: large building material, cars, crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

Age: 3–7 years.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is standing, and the light is on in the window? We live in this tower, and it is called ...? (house)". The teacher offers the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could live. Children remember what construction professions are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of builders and talk about their duties. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in. Children play on their own.

Role-playing games for children 4-5 years old


Target: expand children's knowledge about wild animals, their habits, lifestyle, nutrition, cultivate love, humane treatment of animals, expand children's vocabulary.

Equipment: toy wild animals familiar to children, cages (made of building material), tickets, money, cash desk.

Age: 4–5 years.

Game progress: the teacher informs the children that a zoo has arrived in the city, and offers to go there. Children buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo. They examine animals there, talk about where they live, what they eat. During the game, children should pay attention to how to treat animals, how to care for them.

fun trip

Target: to introduce children to the profession of a driver, to cultivate respect for this profession, to expand the vocabulary of children.

Equipment: bus made of chairs, steering wheel, driver's cap, pump.

Age: 4–5 years.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to go on a fun journey by bus. A bus driver is selected, a discussion is held on what the driver should do on the road, what tools should be taken with him in case of a breakdown. Passengers collect the necessary things on the road. The teacher reminds that you need to follow the rules of the road, and everyone hits the road. On the road, you can read poetry, sing your favorite songs. The bus makes stops, the Passengers have a rest, and the Driver checks the condition of the car, repairs it if necessary.


Target: to expand children's knowledge about the purpose of a kindergarten, about the professions of those people who work here - an educator, nanny, cook, music worker, to instill in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults, to treat their pupils with care.

Equipment: all the toys you need to play in kindergarten.

Age: 4–5 years.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play in kindergarten. At will, we assign children to the roles of the Educator, Nanny, Musical Director. Dolls and animals act as pupils. During the game, they monitor relationships with children, help them find a way out of difficult situations.


Target: introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser, cultivate a culture of communication, expand the vocabulary of children.

Equipment: a dressing gown for a hairdresser, a cape for a client, hairdresser's tools - a comb, scissors, bottles for cologne, varnish, hair dryer, etc.

Age: 4–5 years.

Game progress: knock on the door. Doll Katya comes to visit the children. She gets to know all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her pigtail was untangled, and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is clarified that there are several rooms there: women's, men's, manicure, good masters work in them, and they will quickly put Katya's hair in order. We appoint Hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go to the salon. Katya is very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks the children and promises to come to this hairdresser next time. During the game, children learn about the duties of a hairdresser - cutting, shaving, styling hair in a hairstyle, manicure.

Role-playing games for children 5-6 years old

If you want to play this game with your children, you will have to purchase a projector in advance or pick up a "home theater". The leading adult selects in advance episodes from fairy tales in which character traits are especially pronounced. The children playing are tasked with voicing this character, expressing these traits vividly, so that others immediately recognize who it is. Then you can enter the playback of the plot in the form of a small scene.


With the help of a counting rhyme, children choose a "journalist", and the rest of the roles are distributed. Then the facilitator explains the rules: “Imagine that a cunning journalist arrived in your fairy-tale country, who needs to determine who is who. He will ask you to complete his task or ask questions. But he cannot directly ask“ Who are you? ”For example , a journalist in the forest sees a character engaged in witchcraft - it could be a fairy or a baba yaga. Or maybe it's a fox cooking porridge for a crane. The journalist should ask: "What are you cooking?", "Whom do you want to help?", "And dance for me!" - but all questions must be kind and cheerful. Having guessed the character, the journalist can interview him

"Ilya Muromets" and "Gorynych"

In this game, children are divided in pairs into "Ilya Muromtsev" and "three-headed kites." In order for the "Gorynychs" to be seen, they need to be given three long sticks connected movably together, a snake mask can be attached to the end of each. Players depicting "Muromers" hold plastic rings in their hands. The snakes must touch any of the heads of Ilya Muromets in order to kill him. Ilya Muromets can throw a ring around the snake's neck - "cut off the head", so the task of the Serpents is to turn their heads.

Each pair during the game should try to imitate the characteristic remarks of their characters: "Gorynych" hisses menacingly, and "Ilya" taunts him and laughs it off. The rest choose the most accustomed to the image of the couple.

"Bad" and "good"

This game allows you to evaluate the moral side of the character of children, to understand which of the fairy-tale characters they consider bad and which good. After the game, by identifying the main mistakes of children's ideas, you can teach children to choose.

In the first part of the game, the host asks the children to choose a fairy-tale character for themselves, and explains the task: after the signal, the children must scatter in two directions - the side of the bad and the side of the good. The distribution ends on a whistle, the unsuccessful ones become observers. Then a skit is played with the ranking of the characters (from worse / good to less), and then there is a discussion in which the children have to explain why they characterize the roles in this way and confirm their stories with examples from films / books.

One of the most powerful ways to develop personal behavior skills is role-playing. As shown in the first chapter, the role is the basis of children's play. Psychologists have long used this fact to form a more objective and adequate, and therefore, a more correct view of the world and people's relationships. In the nature of the game, as well as in the role that the playing child takes on in general games, the individual characteristics of individual children, traits of their character, appear quite early. General games are of great importance for the education of character. Endurance in relation to pain, a sense of dignity, responsibility, trust, justice, sympathy for the weak. In no other period of his life will a child learn so much and so effectively as in his childhood games. That is why play activity should also be transferred to the period of schooling: in this case, the child’s internal capabilities develop much more freely.

Let us dwell on some role-playing games that affect the personal development of the child.

☺ Role Reversal Game

The technology of the game is very simple. For a short time, you and your child exchange roles. “Come on, you will be mom (dad), and I will be daughter (son)!” For example, invite your child to set the table for breakfast, as mom does, make sure that “children” (for example, dad and mom or grandmother) do not forget to wash their hands, “behave” at the table correctly, etc.

For older children, role-reversal play is even more essential. For example, your son came “out of sorts” from school, got a bad mark, did not fulfill his duties, etc. You need to have a serious talk with him. Try changing the form from "Sit down, I need to have a serious talk with you" to "Sit down and talk to me."

Invite your child to say everything that you or he thinks you should tell him. Undoubtedly, you will be convinced of an absolutely amazing result of mutual understanding. This will also reveal that you and your child see the problem differently, and what this difference is. You will get to know your child from a new side unknown to you. But he will understand you and your mood, attitude, feelings much deeper.

☺ Empty chair game

Your little daughter came running to you complaining about her older brother. Do not rush to arrange a consequence and disassembly. Put an empty chair, invite the girl to sit opposite and say: “Imagine that Vitya is sitting on this chair. He is good? Bad? What do you not like about it? What will we tell him? Get started. What did you do to him? What did he answer you? And so on. With a calm attitude and reorientation to play activity, the child will gradually calm down and largely reconsider the assessment of the situation. It is possible that a different role for Vitya will turn out and that the daughter herself is not quite right, Vitya is not so bad.

☺ Game "Step into the future"

A game in which the expected phenomena are played. Any mother knows what stress a child experiences when he has to visit a doctor. He draws in his imagination situations associated with pain procedures, regardless of the actual state of affairs. (For example, you should visit a regular pediatrician, whose examination is usually painless.) If your child is very anxious, invite him to play in the upcoming visit to the doctor. Let him choose the role he likes: doctor or patient. And start playing. Play the whole situation consistently.

Here you are going to the clinic, came to the doctor, play all the stages of the examination, prescribe procedures, write out prescriptions, go to the pharmacy and treat. Try playing different scenarios. (Which child would like best.) Look at the result. Children tend to throw out their excitement in the game and objectively become calmer. It is possible that after such a game your child will even want to go to the doctor in order to satisfy his curiosity: is everything really like in the game?

☺ Dream Game

We often see different dreams. Children are no exception. Usually the child does not remember what he dreamed about. But there are special cases when a dream is highly emotionally saturated and occupies a child in a waking state. More often these are disturbing dreams or nightmares. If the child wakes up and continues to experience the terrible events of the dream, invite him to play this dream. Distribute the roles and go! Offer the child the role of a strong hero, let him destroy, break in the game what or what scared him.

Replay the dream events so that they have a favorable or even happy outcome. It is even better if the events in the game take on a comical coloring. Do not spare time for the game, and you will help your child a lot, calm his nervous system.

The game "Dreams" will also help when the child is simply excited or very worried before any event. In this case, it has a different form. Invite the child to imagine that he "fell asleep" and "sees" a dream. Sleep is cheerful and pleasant. "In a dream" he performs various actions. Invite him to act out his behavior "in a dream." Help him guide the game's plot in a calm and optimistic direction. As our practice shows, children really like this game.

☺ Game "Paired bilbock"

This is an old game that develops coordination, attention in joint activities. This game trains the ability to adapt to another person, "adapt" to him, and is a good model of interaction and development of personal self-control. The game is played in pairs and can take place both indoors and outdoors.

A rectangle of fabric, measuring 30 x 50 cm, fasten on the short sides on two sticks. Cut two holes in the fabric on the right and left. In the center on a string, 80 - 100 cm long, a small ball is attached.

By folding and stretching the fabric, two players make the ball fly up. The task of each player is to catch the falling ball in his hole. Each hit counts as one point. Play up to five points or up to three in a row for one player.

The game is aimed at developing a child's attention to another person, an attempt to evaluate it both through comparison and association.

A group of children are playing. The driver goes out the door, and among the rest they think of one person. The leader enters and asks those in the room questions:

What plant does this person look like?

What animal does this person look like?

What color dress (shirt) is best to dress up this person?

☺ Game "Guess me!"

According to the answers received, the driver must guess the “hidden” child. If one of the children finds it difficult to answer the question asked, then they skip it and ask this question to the next one. If the driver guessed correctly, then he remains in the group of players, and the “guessed” child becomes the driver.

☺ Live pictures game

This game was known to our great-grandmothers. Its psychological content is quite diverse. It characterizes a person's ability to understand and, as they say, "feel" another person and at the same time teaches this. All participants in the game stand in a circle. One (leader) is in the center of the circle. He must, with the help of facial expressions and pantomime, portray one of the participants in the game. The rest have to guess who it is. The one who first guessed the depicted person becomes the leader.

It is important not only to be able to play, but also to be able to organize the game. For this purpose, a certain skill is also required.

☺ Game "Entertainer"

This is a group game. Each participant is invited to take turns remembering a fun game and organizing it in a group. Members of the group give the “entertainer” an assessment for the game played on a five-point scale. The total sum of the put estimations is counted up. Whoever has more at the end of the game wins.

☺ Game "Concert"

This game is characterized by the fact that it is prepared in advance, and the process of preparation for the child is no less entertaining and attractive than the game itself.

One of the participants in the game takes on the role of an entertainer. He prepares in advance and hangs out before the game in a conspicuous place a poster that a concert will take place, at which the following participants will perform (list). If this game is played in a family, then all family members, including pets and random guests, should be participants. The task of each participant of the future concert is to come up with a number, props, costume and prepare all this. Then the concert itself will take place at the appointed time. All participants play the role of spectators when they are not busy in the room. Prizes are then awarded by voting. It is important that all participants receive some kind of prize. To do this, you need to come up with an appropriate number of nominations. From the most ordinary (for the "best number", "suit") to non-traditional (for the "biggest smile", "for working with all four paws", "the longest skirt", etc.).

☺ Game "Xop song"

This game is aimed at the development of collective activity, joint coordination. The “conductor” comes forward (optional). All together choose a song to perform. It should be a familiar and simple song in terms of melody. (You can prepare cheat sheets with words in advance and distribute them to the players.) At the sign of the “conductor”, all the children begin to sing loudly, then at the clap of the “conductor”

there is silence, but everyone continues to sing mentally. At the next clap, they sing out loud again. And so several times. The one who goes astray becomes the "conductor" and directs the performance of another song. The winners are those players who have lasted the longest in the "singers".

☺ Compliment game

Participants are divided into pairs (it can be random), and these pairs must say affectionate and good words to each other for a while, without stopping or repeating. One says, in response the other says, again the first, again the second, etc. The most “long-playing” pair wins.

☺ Salt teaser game

To be able to communicate, the child must know the people around him well, be attentive to them. At the same time, he must be able to “look at himself from the side”, correctly imagine how he looks in the eyes of others. The solution to these two problems provides a fun game "Teasers". Teasers and all sorts of absurdities are especially popular with children. 5-7 years. Children love to tease. "Teasers" in an indirect form negatively evaluate the behavior of another person, give vent to negative emotions, and restore justice. Often, ridiculous rhymes are used by children not to offend a partner in the game, but simply to entertain the company, as a kind of manifestation of children's sense of humor. The desire to make others laugh and have fun yourself is typical for children. The proposed game is just aimed at giving the "teasers" a positive, cheerful (and not offensive) context.

First option. All participants sit in a circle (for example, at a table) so that everyone can see each other and take a salty stick in their teeth. Then they should tease each other with words and facial expressions, but not to drop the salt stick from their mouths. As its tip in the mouth begins to soak, it is bitten off and swallowed without releasing the stick from the mouth and without using the hands. The one who dropped the wand can leave the game, but as an option, he can stay in it (take the wand in his mouth again), receiving penalty points for each loss of the wand. The winner is the participant who teased the longest and never dropped the wand from his mouth.

The second version of the game "Teasers". At least ten children participate in the game. All participants in the game stand in a wide circle. The first player enters the center of the circle, tells the adult leader who he is going to “tease”, and begins to portray one of the participants in the game in a funny way. Everyone else is watching him and guessing which of those present have been portrayed. If the player accurately depicted his friend and that was guessed the first time, then the guessed one changes places with the “leader”. If the first time the person turned out to be unrecognized, then the teaser leaves the game. The game goes around. The winners are those who managed to stay in the game the longest.

Cheat sheet for the presenter

To develop the skills of collective behavior, it is good to use active motor games. You can offer your child ball games.

1. All children are divided into two teams and stand in a circle. They must quickly pass the ball from hand to hand around the circle without dropping it or throwing it through the air. Whichever team held the ball the longest won.

2. Children randomly move around the site, the driver holds the ball in his hands. At the command of the leader, everyone freezes, and the driver must hit one of the players with the ball without moving from their place. The one hit by the ball is out of the game. The last one left on the court wins.

3. Children stand in a circle and begin to throw the ball to each other, as in volleyball. The one who did not catch the ball squats in the center of the circle. From time to time, players throw the ball at those sitting in the center of the circle. If one of them catches the ball, then he again stands in a circle. The last player in the circle is the winner.

☺ Running games

1. Children are divided into pairs, and on command, each pair, holding hands, runs to the finish line. The winner is the pair that comes running first and does not disengage their hands.

2. All children stand in a wide circle. The driver selects one player, calling him, and tries to catch up with him. They run from the outside of the circle of children. The one who is being chased can call out any name of the person standing in the circle. The one who was named quickly leaves his place and runs from the driver, and the first running player takes the vacant seat. The one who “fell” into the hands of the leader becomes the leader himself.

3. On a signal, everyone starts to run around the court, and the driver tries to “bump” one of the players. The one who got caught becomes the driver's assistant and also chases the players, trying to "blow" them. The winner is the one who is the last one left untouched.

☺ Game Siamese Twins

All children are divided into pairs, preferably equal in height. Then each couple, taking a piece of blank paper, stands facing each other. On command, the children press their foreheads against each other, between which a sheet of paper is sandwiched. The music begins to sound, and under it the pairs of "Siamese twins" slowly move in the dance. Their hands should be behind their backs; the leaf is held by the foreheads. You can't stay still without moving. If the leaf falls to the floor, the couple stops and freezes in the position in which they found themselves when the leaf touched the floor. Children must keep these poses until the end of the game, interfering with other couples. The couple that danced the longest while holding a piece of paper wins.

☺ Air volleyball game

The game develops coordination, in addition, it instills in children the spirit of mutual assistance, perseverance, perseverance. All participants in the game are evenly spaced on the court - so that between any two players the distance is at least one and a half meters. Then an inflated balloon is thrown into the group of players. The task of the players is to beat each other the ball, not letting it fall to the ground. However, players cannot move or lift their heels off the floor. Whoever moved or touched the last ball before it hit the ground receives a penalty point. The player who receives three penalty points is out of the game. The winners are the two players who are the last to remain on the court.

☺ Funny tennis game

The game allows not only to develop coordination, but also to better feel the other person, to learn how to coordinate joint actions. Two players stand behind each other at a distance of one meter. The first player leans forward, horizontal to the ground. On the neck, under the back of the head, they put a tennis ball. Sharply straightening the body, the player “throws” the ball to the back player with his head and neck. The second player catches the ball, turns his back to the first and “throws” the ball to the partner in the described way. Each loss of the ball gives one penalty point. The game continues up to five points. Whoever collects them faster, he lost.

☺ Game "Catch the chip"

Groups of four play. Two of them sit opposite each other at the table. On the table in front of them is a sheet of paper with a drawn playing field.

A chip is placed in the middle cell of the playing field. The right of the first move is played. Now the pair that moves first "throws out" their right hands forward, palms up or down. For a couple sitting on the right side of the table, the winning option is the coincidence of the hands of both participants (both palms turned up or down). If the position of the palms coincided, then they move the chip one cell in their direction, if not, then one cell in the direction of the opposite pair. The couple sitting on the left side of the table is interested in their “thrown out” palms not matching: one looking up, the other down. In this case, they move the chip one cell in their direction. If their palms matched in position, then they move the chip one cell towards the “opponent”. The task of each playing pair is to “bring” the chip as quickly as possible to the cell closest to itself. Whoever did it first won. The number of cells on the playing field can reach nine, but this will significantly lengthen the game.

Complex patterns of behavior in a group are formed in a child through the accumulation of personal experience, often through “trial and error”. He can be helped by offering story games that simulate relationships in a society of adults.

☺ Game "Etiquette"

This is a complex game that helps children learn certain behaviors. It is carried out in several stages.

The first stage "Greetings". All participants in the game sit on chairs so that they can see each other. Then they come out in turn and greet everyone else. The main task: the greeting of each player should be something different from the others. For example, one said "Hello!"; the other - "Good afternoon!"; the third waved his hand; the fourth - "saluted"; fifth - bowed; the sixth waved his hand and said, "Hello!" etc. Children can combine several greetings into one, an adult can help them. When everyone greeted each other, the second stage of the game begins.

The second stage "Compliment". Children choose a King and a Queen from their group, who are seated on a throne (you can put two chairs on the table, depicting a “throne”).

All other participants in the game are subjects who, in turn, approach the “throne”, bow to the King and say a compliment to the Queen. When all the subjects have said their compliments, the roles of the King and Queen pass to the next participants, and so on until everyone has received their "share" of bows and compliments.

The third stage "Invitation to dance". Participants come up to each other and invite to dance. The invitees are grateful.

The fourth stage "Treat" or "Gift". Children take turns “treating” each other with ice cream (chocolate, candy, apple) or “giving” each other a “gift”. In response, they receive words of gratitude. Each player must “treat” someone or “give” something and thank when they “treated” him.

Fifth stage "Farewell". All the children take turns "saying goodbye" and leave the room. Game over.

Then everyone discusses together who was the best in the game at its various stages.

☺ Game "How many friends do I have!"

Children are asked to indicate three qualities that they would like to see in their best friend. Then the guys should name one quality from those present, for which this person can be praised. Then they compare the list of "qualities of the best friend" with the qualities of those present and count the matches. The results determine how many potential friends each has in the group.

☺ Gemini Game

The game allows the child to more clearly learn the content of specific concepts and their antipodes. It is especially useful for the assimilation of moral categories and norms.

The children are told a story: “There were two twins. One was called Vitya, and the other Mitya. They were very similar, and could only be distinguished by what and how they did. Vitya always did everything right: he spoke correctly, studied, behaved. But Mitya did everything the other way around, that is, wrong.

Now we will find out who was Vitya and who was Mitya in each case. So:

One boy ate soup with a spoon and the other with a fork. Who is Vitya and who is Mitya?

One boy went to bed in the evening, and the other in the morning. Which one is which?

- One boy tried to get only fives, and the other studied for threes. Who is Vitya and who is Mitya?

- One, entering the house, took off his hat, and the other did not. Who was Mitya?

- One boy ate a lot of sweets, but said that he did not touch them at all. The other did not take sweets without permission and waited to be called for tea. Who was who?

One boy was sitting quietly in class, while the other was chatting. Who is Vitya and who is Mitya?

These questions can be continued by contrasting right and wrong behavior.

Another form of this game provides that the child himself suggests correct and incorrect forms of behavior by the mechanism of opposition.

- Vitya honestly admitted that he accidentally broke the cup, and Mitya ... (Then the child completes the phrase himself.)

- Vitya washed his hands before eating, and Mitya ...

- Mitya was the very first to enter the class, pushing away the girls, and Vitya ...

- Mitya was waiting for his grandmother to iron his shirt, and Vitya ...

- Mitya considered it very funny to frighten the girl by suddenly shouting into her ear, and Vitya ...

This can be continued as long as the game is of interest to children. You can invite the guys to come up with what Vitya did and what Mitya did. This option causes a particularly violent and active reaction of children - you will hear a lot of possible right and wrong forms of behavior. Depending on the age of the children, the concepts embedded in the formulations can be

change from simpler to more complex.

☺ Game "Reportage"

The game will help to master new forms of behavior, teach to communicate. Participants of the game must prepare and conduct a "television report". As a theme, you can choose an event familiar to all participants in the game. (For example, a report about the last excursion, yesterday's lesson, about summer holidays, etc.)

All participants in the game are divided into pairs. One of the couple will be the "reporter" and the other the "guest of television." The "reporter" prepares in advance several questions on the topic that he will ask his guest. Then the playing couple sits on the stage in front of the rest of the spectators. The "television report" begins. The “reporter” introduces the “guest”, names the topic of the conversation and asks the first question; "guest" replies; should

second question, and so on. During the conversation, the "reporter" can describe some events, make comments, ask impromptu questions. In turn, the “guest” can also deviate from the topic, ask counter questions. When the "reportage" is over, another pair takes the place on the "screen". This continues until everyone shows up as a “reporter” and a “guest”.

The game will be more interesting if each couple will develop their own theme. For each “reportage”, the players currently playing the role of spectators give the pair their marks: 3, 4 or 5 points. Estimates are made by each participant separately. Then the estimates are summed up, and the sums of each pair are compared with each other. The winner is the couple with the most points.

☺ Lab Mouse Experiment Game

This game is for fairly large children (starting from 9 years old) aimed at developing the skills of understanding another person and leadership. Two people play, the rest of the children are spectators. Pairs of active players change sequentially. The essence of the game is that one player plays the role of an "experimenter", and the other - a "laboratory mouse". The “mouse” leaves the room, and the “experimenter”, together with other children, decides what task the “mouse” should perform. For example, go to the table and sit on a chair or go to the window, etc. Tasks should be dynamic and fairly simple. Then they invite the "mouse" into the room, without explaining what is required of it. She does what she wants, and the "experimenter" is watching her. When the actions of the "mouse" are close to what is required of it, the experimenter says to her: "Good girl." This is the only word that an "experimenter" can say, and this must be done with the same intonation. The game ends when the "mouse" finally does what is required of it. The pair that completes the task faster and more accurately wins. She can be given a comic "Diploma of Candidate of Mouse Sciences."

☺ The game "Cossacks - robbers"

The classic game of our grandparents. All participants in the game are divided into two teams: one is the “robbers”, the other is the “Cossacks”. The "robbers" hide, and the "Cossacks" catch them. However, when the "robbers" hide, they leave "footprints" that indicate the search route. These are arrows indicating the direction, or notes, in which there may be a direct indication of the stage of the route, or it may be encrypted in the form of a rebus or riddle. It all depends on the imagination of the players. The game "Cossacks-robbers" is the more interesting, the more effort is put into its preparation (a route has been developed, notes have been prepared, etc.). The game continues until all the "robbers" are caught.

“I don’t know how to play with children,” the mother of two little girls once admitted to me, “and the daughters still don’t get very good at playing together. Lotto, jigsaw puzzles, learning aid classes - it's easy. But children are asked to play bunnies, to imagine that we are pirates or princesses. And I just can't think of something interesting, it turns out boring.

“And if you don’t invent anything,” I suggested, “but play in familiar life situations that we face every day: we go to the store, clinic, receive guests, travel, hand over things for repair.

And in just a few minutes, we wrote 15 simple scenarios for role-playing games that the whole family can play without inventing any “bicycle”. The heroes of games can be family members, or they can be toys that adults and children speak for. Game props can be any thing that is available in the house. For the development of the imagination, it is even better if substitute objects play the role of genuine things (the wand becomes a thermometer, small leaves become money, and a shoe box becomes a cash register).

1. Kindergarten

What do you need: figures for the role of children, parents, educator, nanny, music director, physical education teacher.

What to do: play out a traditional day in the garden. Parents bring children to the group, children take off their outerwear and change their shoes, say goodbye to their parents. Then the kids go for exercises, have breakfast, the teacher conducts classes with them and organizes games. After the second breakfast, everyone goes for a walk. And then the game goes according to the established daily routine: lunch, quiet time, afternoon tea, games, an evening walk and a meeting of parents.

Why it's great: the game helps the child adapt to kindergarten, gives an idea of ​​the daily routine. For children who are already accustomed to kindergarten, this is an opportunity to tell their parents what is happening while you are not seeing each other. It is in the game that you will hear how educators talk, how children communicate with each other, what difficult situations arise and help solve these problems in a playful way.

What do you need: a set of dishes and cutlery, products, toys-guests.

What to do: the child invites guests to dinner by phone, sets the time and proceeds to prepare the first, second and dessert. Beautifully sets the table, seating guests, keeping up the conversation, changing dishes. After dinner, the guests thank the host for the delicious food and say goodbye.

Why it's great: Children learn hospitality, table setting, and being friendly to other people.

What do you need: a showcase (constructed from cubes or Lego parts), products (a set of plastic dummies, products cut out of colored paper or molded from plasticine), figures of a cashier, loaders, sellers, buyers, paper money, price tags.

What to do: the loader unloads the goods brought to the store. The seller carefully lays out the goods in the window and arranges price tags. The buyer comes to the store, selects products, puts them in a trolley, unloads the products on the belt. The cashier reads the barcode, names the amount of purchases, takes money from the buyer, gives him change and a check.

What do you need: desks (cubes), a board (sheet of paper), figures that play the roles of students and teachers, notebooks, writing materials.

What to do: the bell rings, the teacher conducts a few simple lessons: mathematics, drawing, reading, physical education. Five minutes are allotted for each lesson. Between lessons, a break is arranged, during which the children communicate with each other and play games.

Why it's great: many children want to grow up quickly to go to school. This game will make them feel a little older and give them an idea of ​​the school routine. He will tell you how important it is to listen, answer questions and complete the tasks of the teacher. Shows how to work in a team and make friends.

What you need: patient toys, a phonendoscope, a thermometer, medicine bottles, a syringe without a needle, a bandage, patient cards, any safe items that can serve as substitutes for hospital equipment.

What to do: a forest hospital opens, a line of plush animals forms to see the doctor. The doctor listens to complaints, asks questions, looks at the throat, listens to the patient with a phonendoscope, treats or writes out a prescription.

Why it's great: children learn about the profession of a doctor, and the more knowledge - the less fear of going to the clinic. They also learn to be responsive, to take care of someone who is not feeling well.

What do you need: a toy or, even better, a real set of tools.

What to do: repair any breakdown in the house (imaginary or real), take toy cars to a car service.

Why it's great: The child learns to fix mistakes, fix broken things, master the skills of handling tools.

What do you need: circus arena (round tray, cardboard circle), figures of spectators, animals and circus artists.

What to do: the spectator buys a ticket, comes to the circus, takes the place indicated on the ticket. The host announces the program numbers. The performance begins: the gymnasts are tumbling, the monkeys are riding horses, the bear is riding a bicycle. The audience applauded the artists. During the intermission, they stroll through the circus, take pictures, buy something tasty in the buffet.

Why it's great: with the help of the game, you can prepare children for visiting the circus for the first time, arouse interest in this art form and in the work of circus artists.

What do you need: dolls, soft toys, stroller, bath, household items.

What to do:"Mom" feeds, bathes, combs, takes her "baby" for a walk. The parent can encourage the child to speak on behalf of the doll, animate it, say that the baby is hungry or it's time for him to sleep, let's start laying him down. It is also in the power of parents to diversify the game by offering new situations: the baby has a sore throat, let's take him to the doctor or he can't sleep, sing him a song.

Why it's great: the child learns to take care of someone, adopts parental habits, gains knowledge about basic skills for caring for babies.

What do you need: chairs, steering wheel, passenger toys.

What to do: a row of seats is built from chairs, the roles of the driver and passengers are distributed. The driver announces a stop, new passengers enter the cabin, pay the fare to the controller, receive a ticket, and get off the bus at the desired stop.

Why it's great: the child receives the concept of riding in public transport, can change roles and play either a driver or a passenger; during the trip, different geographical names are remembered.

What do you need: mirror, toy scissors, dolls, cosmetic bottles, combs, hair dryer, hairpins and bows.

What to do: the hairdresser covers the back of the client with a towel, washes his head, combs his hair, makes a haircut, dries his hair with a hairdryer, makes hair with hairpins and bows.

Why it's great: children learn about the profession of a hairdresser, learn to politely thank for the service they have received and, of course, learn how to make beauty.

What do you need: construction equipment for various purposes, figures of builders, cubes.

What to do: build a house. An excavator digs a foundation pit, a bulldozer levels the site, the foundation is poured with concrete, builders build a new house brick by brick.

Why it's great: the child gains knowledge about the construction process, learns what different machines are for, sees the finished result.

What do you need: toy planes, terminal building, figures of airport workers, flight attendants, passengers.

What to do: passengers arrive at the terminal building. They check in and check in luggage, show tickets, go through a metal detector, go to the waiting room, and then are invited to the cabin. Passengers buckle up, the plane takes off, during the flight the stewardess brings drinks and food. After boarding and disembarking the aircraft, passengers receive luggage at the airport building. What you need: newspapers, magazines, envelopes, parcels, a postman's bag, a "house" of several apartments.

What to do: Postal workers sort correspondence by apartment numbers. The postman puts newspapers and letters in a bag, enters the desired house and puts the mail into boxes. If there is a letter or parcel, the postman rings the doorbell, specifies the name and surname of the recipient, asks to sign the notification and gives the letter or parcel.

Why it's great: children learn about the profession of a postman, learn to sort items.

What do you need: figurines of characters made of any material.

What to do: play from beginning to end the plot of a fairy tale that the child loves.

Why it's great: you can start playing fairy tales with the smallest, one-year-old babies, at this time they already recognize many animals, and your changing intonations will help children easily learn how this or that animal speaks. Plus, you always have the script at hand, or rather, in the book.

We did not stop at the 15 described games. Ideas were pouring in: rescuers, detectives, fishermen, playing in the library, in a cafe, in house cleaning ... And the main thing is not even that role-playing games teach children something, although this is also important. The most important thing is the delight of a simple game and the opportunity to have fun with the whole family.
