Test: what's stopping you from losing weight? Test whether I need to lose weight.

Some people think about going on a diet as soon as the scale reaches the critical mark of “45 kg,” while others feel great with a weight that exceeds their height. But there are also objective criteria for excess weight. Take Life's test and find out if you need to lose weight.

TEST: Do you need to lose weight?

Losing weight is fashionable today! And therefore, in order to be “in trend,” girls, girls, women try to fit themselves into “fashionable” parameters. And diets, pills, excessive physical activity, physical and spa treatments are used. And few people think about whether they need to lose weight at all?

The 90-60-90 standards imposed by gloss are as far from normal human standards as a Barbie doll is far from a real girl. But, unfortunately, it is very deeply ingrained in our brains: everything that does not meet these standards is unfashionable, ugly, and condemned! You can argue about this for a long time, give examples of beauties from different eras and styles that do not fit into these parameters, but are nonetheless undeniable beauties.

But I won't do that! And do you know why? I never compare those girls who came to me with a desire to lose weight with any “standard” or “standard”! Yes, there are a lot of them, several dozen, and fluctuations in the “ideal weight” can be within 10-15 kg! Of course, there are certain proportions that almost everyone likes: a graceful waist, rounded hips, slender legs...

But I want you to understand once and for all: never compare yourself to other people! Compare yourself with...yourself a few years or a kilogram ago! With that moment in your life in which you felt ideal, the healthiest, most productive, regardless of whether this weight fits within the established framework, naturally, without forgetting the boundaries of what is reasonable!

That’s why I encourage everyone to strive not for the “ideal weight”, but for the “weight of best health”! And this, first of all, is the weight that is maintained for a long time without special efforts and sudden jumps.

The problem of losing weight can sometimes bring not so much tension and complexes. It can develop into mania or phobia. It is not right. Our psychological test will help you decide whether this is really so important for you. By answering simple and, to some extent, even humorous questions, you can gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. And maybe the problem of losing weight will not be so acute for you. In any case, there will be fewer unnecessary questions than there were at this moment. The prospect of action will open up before you, and this is always better than just sitting and thinking about your difficulties.

So, maybe let's get started? Try to answer, not as you would like, but honestly and frankly. Why hide something from yourself personally, because no one but you sees this test, and there are no witnesses. But the result will tell you how much weight you need to lose and whether you need to do it in principle. Then look at yourself in the mirror - why did you decide that losing weight would solve your complexes or difficulties in personal relationships. Maybe you should change your attitude towards yourself? Start loving yourself before making drastic changes. This is important for any person.

Self-respect and self-love gives you the strength to love and be ready for the love of other people. Don’t hide in your own shell, don’t think about your complexes, but openly face the problem and destroy it. Losing weight does not mean “throwing off” a couple of extra kilos and immediately becoming loved by everyone. This is to completely change yourself and your feelings, habits and desires. As a rule, those who strive to lose weight forget about the main thing. For what? Why are extra pounds bothering you? If you personally feel uncomfortable and decide to change the contours of your figure, then this is commendable. If the weight is so excessive that it causes problems for well-being and health, the same thing.

But if you decide that you are “fat”, as they say “sworn girlfriends”, who are one slimmer than the other, you should think about it. How much does their slimness bring them happiness and love in life? This is equivalent to your misfortunes or, on the contrary, until now you have been basking in the adoration of fans and have not experienced difficulties with your loved one. Then why do you need to lose weight? Everything is great with you. Just try to keep yourself within limits, not to overindulge in sweets and at least sometimes do gymnastics. Simple methods will not be difficult, and you will be in great shape now and forever.

If you love cakes and pastries, but notice that they fit too much on your hips, do not limit the quantity, but increase the load. After a delicious cake, take a walk for about 30 minutes, and all the extra calories will evaporate into nothing. You shouldn’t deny yourself small joys; it’s easier to live with them and endure all the ups and downs of life. Answer a few simple questions on a psychological test, and you will understand whether you urgently need to lose weight, or maybe, on the contrary, you should add some nice “roundness” to your body. Both are needed in moderation, only harmony brings happiness and confidence in the future, love and joy.

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Do I need to lose weight? How to understand that it’s time to lose weight (burn fat) and get yourself in order...

In order to be (attention) healthy (healthy), not have health problems, feel good, be beautiful (beautiful), sexy (sexy), and in general live and enjoy life, you need to take care of yourself, of your bodily shell . About your body/health. On an ongoing basis! Why am I saying this?

So that you understand, on our topic today (do you need to lose weight, excess weight, fat) = you should or should monitor the % of fat in your body. This is extremely important, because excess weight (fat) causes an unrealistic number of serious health/appearance/well-being problems.

Here are the body fat percentages you should be aiming for (norms):

  • MEN = 10-15% body fat
  • WOMEN = 15-20% body fat

ATTENTION: if you don’t fall within these boundaries (your % is greater) = you need to lose weight.

Why? Because everything that is above the specified norms = is no longer (attention) the norm and, accordingly, the body, hormonal system and metabolism as a whole function with obstacles.

Even, for example, 25% body fat in men = not good (bad).

Yes, against the background, people have 40+% fat = such people with 25% seem slim and everything is supposedly “ok” for them, but in reality = no, it’s not so. Absolutely the same applies to girls/women. The norms are indicated above. Everything else is bad.

If you get there (are within the normal range) = you don’t need to lose weight, everything is fine with you, your body, hormonal system and metabolism as a whole function without any obstacles.

Simply put, at such % your bodily shell, your body, your health are safe.

And of course, with such a percentage of fat (if you also have muscle tissue, muscles, because it is they that make up the beauty of bodily forms, and not skin and bones), your appearance is at a decent level.

This is the answer to the question of whether you need to lose weight - this is my main (and only) recommendation.

This is exactly what you need to keep an eye on. This is the most accurate indicator (determiner) of whether it is necessary or not.

How do I know what % body fat I have?

The easiest way is to just bare naked and look at yourself in the mirror:

After that, objectively (sensibly, without deceiving yourself) assess your situation (your appearance).

If there is something loose there, there are folds, etc. = then, you yourself understand, you need to fix it (lose weight).

A more accurate way to measure body fat percentage is with a caliper.

The caliper can be purchased at any pharmacy. It costs pennies. By the way, many people use a regular caliper instead of a caliper)). In general, you’ll figure out how to use it yourself (YouTube can help).

You can get the most complete and up-to-date information on losing weight with all the subtleties, secrets, nuances (which I don’t talk about in free access), with all the experiments, experiments, scientific data, 10 years of practical experience in my training course:

Congratulations, administrator.
