The test will show the exact result after conception. How many days after conception will the test show pregnancy? Which tests are the most sensitive and accurate? Positive and negative result

The most proven way to detect pregnancy is to take a blood test. Blood levels of certain hormones increase throughout pregnancy. This is one of the most reliable methods for determining a special situation.

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But not every woman can conduct such an analysis, sometimes the reason is reluctance, sometimes there is simply no opportunity. And many simply do not see the point in spending money when there is an alternative way to resolve the issue.

How to easily detect pregnancy

The easiest way to check (positive result)

The most accessible, simple way to determine pregnancy is a test. It can be bought at absolutely any pharmacy. The price range is huge. Often this is a small narrow strip that is treated with a special reagent.

This type of diagnosis is quite accurate. Many manufacturers claim that accuracy can be up to 99%. But it also depends on when you do the diagnostics. How many days after conception can a test show pregnancy? They write on the packages that starting from the first day of absence of menstruation, you can use the tester.

But many begin to feel internal changes even before the onset of their monthly cycle. Experts say that the accuracy of such methods depends on the time of application and there are strips that are more sensitive and others that are less sensitive. But if you do everything on time, almost any test will show the result.

You should not conduct research immediately after conception. The level of chorionic hormone, through which pregnancy is determined, will increase only after some time. Usually, a sufficient period is seven days for the test to show pregnancy, because many people are interested in the question of how many days after conception they can use it. Therefore, it is possible, but still not recommended, to use a test to determine pregnancy before a delay. This will not always be an accurate result (you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be false), but sometimes you can determine it in advance.

Positive and negative result

Ovulation occurs approximately halfway through the cycle. But fertilization may not occur on the same day, but within a week. And the hormone level will increase only on the fourteenth day after ovulation.

There is no point in using an ovulation test unless fertilization (fertilization occurs after conception!) occurred in the previous cycle. It lasts only 24 to 48 hours. During this period, the chances of getting pregnant are very high. When ovulation is over, the chances of getting pregnant are practically non-existent. The exception is late ovulation, before menstruation.

In the absence of menstruation, a diagnosis must be made and if it shows a positive result, then pregnancy has been determined. If negative, it is worth repeating the procedure after some time to exclude a false result.

Home diagnostic methods

Tablet version of the test

Now there are many ways to determine your condition yourself at home, which will help detect pregnancy within a couple of days after ovulation using a test. On the shelves of pharmacies we can see several types of tests:

  • strip test, waiting for a reaction from three to five minutes;
  • tablet, reactions in five minutes;
  • jet, a couple of seconds is enough;
  • digital or electronic, operates on the inkjet principle.

It is convenient because there is no point in looking out for the appearance of a strip. The result is shown on the screen.

NameDescriptionPriceAccuracy (on a five-point scale, depending on the period)
BabycheckA strip for lowering a container with urine. Susceptibility from 25 mME/mlFrom 10 to 100 rubles3
Evitest ProofA device with a special window into which you need to add a few drops of urine. Susceptibility from 10-25 mME/ml.from 50 to 150 rubles4
Frautest COMFORTWithout the need to collect urine into a reservoir, the method of application follows from the name. The most convenient way to determine the state of pregnancy is several days late. Susceptibility 10 mME/mlfrom 150 to 250 rubles5

Before you check. Check the expiration date of the product. The lower the sensitivity number, the more accurate diagnosis is possible in the early stages.

Timing of determination after implantation

How many days can it take to take a pregnancy test after implantation? Devices that have a sensitivity of 10 mU/ml can be used to detect pregnancy from the seventh to tenth day after conception or implantation. Therefore, it is pointless to conduct tests before this date. Even the most sensitive can give false positive or negative results before the delay. Because the necessary level of hCG (a human gene that determines pregnancy with the help of this hormone) will not reach the required level. In order not to torture yourself in vain, the test should be carried out ten days after menstruation has not arrived. Or in two days, then for confirmation after some time.

The process of conception goes something like this

The optimal days to do the test after implantation depend on:

  • how sensitive and high quality the tester is;
  • what is the condition. When there is a threat of miscarriage, hormones are produced more slowly compared to a normal pregnancy;
  • correct execution. You must do everything as written, according to the instructions.

If the results are negative, but menstruation still has not begun, it is worth repeating the procedure.

Operating principle of the tester

Sets the level of hCG in urine

All pregnancy tests work on the same principle. They determine the level of hCG in the urine. This hormone begins to be produced when the placenta develops. In women, under normal conditions, it is normal – it is from 0 to 5 mU/ml. Starting from the first week of fertilization, the level of this hormone and its concentration increases.

Testers are divided into two types based on sensitivity:

  • those that determine the concentration of hCG from 10 mU/ml. Such a specimen can determine the condition already five or seven days after fertilization;
  • those that can determine the concentration from 25 mU/ml. They are the cheapest in the pharmacy and determine the condition at a later date.

So the principle of operation.

  1. They set the hCG level.
  2. The determination is possible due to the fact that each tester has an antibody to hCG. When the level is sufficient, the antibodies react.
  3. Red streaks appear during the reaction.
  4. It can be determined before the start of the menstrual cycle, and then. After a delay, the result will be more accurate. But you can check and repeat.
  5. The timing depends on the date of ovulation.

It is best to carry out a pregnancy test in the morning, then it will show the true result. Because urine is most concentrated in the morning.

When the second strip appears, the result is positive with a high probability (approximately 99%). A weak line is also considered a positive result, but the hCG level is still too weak.

In some cases, you can get a false positive result - this can happen due to taking certain medications or if there is a tumor.

New unused device

Sometimes there may be a false negative result. It happens:

  • when the hormone concentration has not yet reached the required level;
  • in case of kidney dysfunction;
  • Drank too much liquid before the test.

Correct use of instructions

The principle of the test, which will show whether you are pregnant or not, is very simple:

  • you need to wait for a certain day (whether it is a delay or you have calculated certain days from the moment of ovulation);
  • In the morning, collect urine in some container (the container must be clean);
  • lower the test strip to a certain mark for a few seconds;
  • then you need to wait for three to five minutes;
  • place the strip on a clean surface;
  • after ten minutes the test is invalid;
  • one bright red stripe – negative;
  • two bright red stripes – positive;
  • other cases (when a strip appears, but the second one - the result is invalid, or when the second strip is barely noticeable, it is worth doing another test after a while).


How many days can you take a pregnancy test after ovulation, after menstruation, after sexual intercourse (conception), after a delay and after IVF? How reliable are these results? Test sensitivity.

“Can be used from the first day of your delay,” says the packaging of almost every pregnancy test. This phrase alone confuses many women. How do you understand that there is a delay if your periods are irregular? How long after conception does the test “strip”?

Pregnancy test sensitivity and hormones

New life is born at the moment of conception (the fusion of male and female reproductive cells). As soon as this happens, the expectant mother’s body begins to prepare for bearing a child. At the first stage, this preparation manifests itself in a sharp change in hormonal levels. In particular, it “jumps” a lot hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone is actively secreted by embryonic tissue cells. The test strip that detects pregnancy reacts to the changes.

HCG is released after implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity (5-6 days after conception). At the initial stage of pregnancy (during its normal course), the hCG level doubles every day. In the body of a non-pregnant woman, the level of the hormone is on average 5 units. The test will not react to such a small amount. Modern tests have different sensitivity from 10 to 30 units. Accordingly, the lower the number, the earlier the test is able to “detect” pregnancy.

They did the test, the second line appeared, but it was pale.

Test after ovulation

Pregnancy can occur only after ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). It is generally accepted that it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but this process is not always predictable. The egg may mature before the next period (late ovulation) or not mature at all.

The lifespan of a mature germ cell is 12-24 hours. During this time, she must “have time” to be fertilized; if this does not happen, she will die and leave the body along with the tissue cells during the next menstruation.

To calculate, let’s take the situation as a basis: on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, the egg “released” into the fallopian tube, where it was fertilized, then it “reached” the uterus and was implanted into it 6 days later, the release of hCG begins according to an approximate schedule.

  1. 7th day after conception – from 2 to 10 units;
  2. Day 8 – from 3 to 18 units;
  3. Day 9 – from 5 to 21 units;
  4. Day 10 – from 8 to 26 units;
  5. Day 11 – from 11 to 45 units;
  6. Day 12 – from 17 to 65 units;
  7. Day 13 – from 22 to 105 units;
  8. Day 14 – from 29 to 170 units;
  9. Day 15 – from 39 to 270 units.

The most sensitive tests (10 units) will show a positive result already on the 11th day, tests with a sensitivity of 25 - on the 14th day after ovulation. From the 15th day of conception, even the most insensitive tests will detect pregnancy.

Test after menstruation

Menstruation is associated with ovulation. A woman’s body is preparing to bear a fetus, and if fertilization does not occur, the dead egg leaves the mother’s body along with menstrual blood.

Fertilization can occur during ovulation or a day after it. For example, we again use simple calculations. If the cycle is 28 days, menstruation lasts 3 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th day (11 days after menstruation), fertilization occurred on the 14th day, hCG begins to be produced after 7 days.

Sensitive tests will react to the hormone even before the missed period (25 days after the start of the last period), tests marked “25” will show 2 stripes on the expected day of the next period, those marked “30” will be positive on the first day of the missed period.

Test after intercourse

The test shows a positive result if the egg is successfully fertilized by a sperm. The sperm in the uterine cavity or fallopian tube can “wait” for an egg for some time (4-6 days). Accordingly, you need to focus not on sexual intercourse, but on ovulation. Pregnancy occurs on the day of ovulation or one day after it.

If the cycle is regular, then if there is pregnancy, the test is guaranteed to show 2 stripes on the 28th day or on the first day of the delay (the next day).

Test after delay

A missed period is not necessarily associated with pregnancy. It could be:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • stress;
  • disease.

But most often the cause of a delay in regular menstruation is pregnancy. As mentioned above, the test reacts to a specific hormone of the body - hCG. It is released after a fertilized egg implants into the uterus. With a regular cycle, 2 lines on the test can be seen already on the first day of the delay (when a new cycle should begin).

Test after IVF

IVF is the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. For some couples, this is the only opportunity to have a baby. Using a pregnancy test in this case will not be entirely correct, since the IVF procedure requires hormonal therapy.

If the procedure is successfully carried out, the test can show pregnancy already 5 days after it, but do not forget that IVF is a serious intervention in the body, so the test may show an incorrect result and after 2-3 days the result will be different. For an accurate diagnosis of pregnancy, you will need to take a blood for hCG 12-14 days after embryo transfer.

It is extremely important for many girls to know how many days after conception does the test show pregnancy? Some want to get an answer quickly because of the desire to become a mother, others, on the contrary, to get rid of the emerging life. In any case, each of them buys a test kit and, after doing all the necessary manipulations, expects the result. When is it appropriate to do testing? How many days after expected conception? How quickly will the test show pregnancy after conception? “Popular about health” will help you understand these issues.

What is the basis of pregnancy testing??

To find out after what time it is worth diagnosing conception, let's figure out what it is based on. Modern test strips contain a reagent whose task is to react to the hormone contained in the urine of a pregnant woman - human chorionic gonadotropin. This is a special hormone; it begins to be synthesized in the body only after the implantation of a fertilized egg. That is, this hormone increases when the egg has already descended into the uterus and attached there. Until this moment, its level remains minimal.

The pregnancy test reacts to the amount of the hormone in the urine. If the concentration has not reached a certain level, it will give a result that is not always true. For example, conception still occurred, the egg attached, human chorionic gonadotropin began to grow, but has not yet reached the level required for the tester to determine its presence. In this case, there will be one pink line on the test strip instead of two, while pregnancy has occurred. Modern ultrasensitive tests determine the birth of a new life if the level of the hCG hormone in the urine exceeds 10-25 Mme/ml. The lower the sensitivity threshold of the test strip, the sooner it can determine whether a girl is pregnant. How quickly will it show pregnancy after conception?

How many days later can you tell if you are pregnant or not??

We were able to find out that the hCG hormone does not increase immediately after fertilization. This happens later, when the egg has made its long journey through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity and implants there. Let's now try to figure out how long after conception the test shows the coveted two stripes.

So, ovulation (the period during which the egg is released and waits to meet the “lucky” sperm) occurs approximately on days 13-16 of the cycle. If at this time she is fertilized, which, by the way, also often takes a couple of days, then she begins to move towards the uterus. This process can last up to two to three days. The egg is then implanted in the uterus. From this point on, hCG in the blood and also in the urine gradually increases. By the way, its concentration in urine is much lower. Initially, when the girl is not yet pregnant, the hCG concentration barely reaches 2-5 units per milliliter. The average growth rate of this hormone is as follows: in two days its concentration approximately doubles. That is, it will take several more days before the hCG value in the urine reaches a level at which the test strip can detect pregnancy.

So, how many days on average will this entire process take? Let's do the math. If ovulation occurred on the 15th day of the cycle and there was unprotected sex at that time, then after a couple of days the egg will meet the sperm (under favorable circumstances), become fertilized and begin to descend into the uterus. It will take another three days before it penetrates its wall. After this, hCG will begin to rise. After two days it will reach a concentration of 6-10 units, after another 2 days - 12-20 units, and after another two days it will reach a level of 24-40 units, when the test can identify it.

It turns out that after implantation it will take about 6 days before the test shows conception by reacting to hCG in the urine. You should add to 6 days those 3 days when the egg, after fertilization, reached its destination - the uterus. In total it turns out to be 9 days. The most sensitive modern test will color the two cherished stripes no earlier than 9 or 10 days after the expected date of conception. Less sensitive testers will respond even later, when the hormone concentration increases even more. That is, another 2-3 days may pass.

Is it possible to carry out diagnostics before the delay??

The desire to find out about pregnancy quickly prompts many girls to rush. They use a test strip until your period is missed. Is this advisable? We estimate that it will take approximately 9 days (best case scenario) before the reagent on the test strip recognizes the hCG hormone. Considering that ovulation (on average) occurs on days 14-16 of the gestational cycle, and for some later, then there is practically no point in diagnosing conception so early. Why?

Let's look at an example. Unprotected sex occurred on the 16th day of the cycle, after a day or two the egg was fertilized, on the 20th day of the cycle (within 3 days) it implanted into the uterus and only on the 26-27th day of the cycle the most sensitive test for conception will show pregnancy. So, was it worth rushing and quickly conducting a home test after conception if after a couple of days you discovered a lack of menstruation. Remember - diagnosing too early carries the risk of obtaining an inaccurate result. If you decide to take a test before the delay, and it turns out to be negative, wait a few more days and repeat the procedure. Perhaps the result will be completely different. The information obtained should be double-checked using a test from another manufacturer.

When a girl hopes to become pregnant (or, conversely, carefully avoids this situation), she buys a test even at the slightest sign of conception. From what period a pregnancy test shows a positive result directly depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the research method.

This method of self-diagnosis is common among modern women. The main advantages of testing are:

  • low price;
  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • anonymity;
  • reliable result.

To have an idea of ​​when to take a pregnancy test, you need to understand how it works. Any such device is programmed to search for a specific structure - human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance begins to be produced by the female body immediately after the attachment of the fertilized egg in the cavity of the reproductive organ. First, the concentration of the unique hormone increases in the blood. Some time after implantation, it begins to increase in the urine. It is during this period that it is better to take a test in order to quickly find out about the new situation.

Take a short online pregnancy test on our website in a couple of minutes and get the answer -.

When human chorionic gonadotropin is detected, the strip strips show the reagent. As a result of this, women see a positive result - two lines. When the pregnancy hormone is absent in the urine or its concentration is not yet high enough, the device shows one line - the control line. It indicates that the research was carried out correctly.

HCG level in urine

In a non-pregnant state, the level of hCG in the blood does not exceed 2-3 IU. In urine this amount is even less. Immediately after implantation, which occurs 3-7 days after the release of the egg, the amount of the pregnancy indicator begins to increase. Every day it increases by 1.5-2 times. How many days after conception the test will show pregnancy, the norm table will help you roughly determine.

In this table you can see what the content of hCG is in the urine by day from conception.

You should take into account the fact that the moment of sexual intercourse does not always coincide with ovulation. Sperm can exist in a woman’s body for up to 7 days. For this reason, it is necessary to count from the day the egg leaves the ovary. You can reliably determine the moment of ovulation using appropriate tests, measuring basal temperature or ultrasound.

The most sensitive tests

How many days later the test will show pregnancy after conception depends entirely on its sensitivity. Modern manufacturers of research instruments promise diagnostic accuracy of 99% even before the delay. However, one should not believe loud slogans and promising statements. It is necessary to understand test systems in order to know when to use one or another.

The sole purpose of non-pregnancy tests is to detect human chorionic gonadotropin in the research material. On what day after conception it will be installed depends on the sensitivity of the system. All characteristics of the device are indicated on the packaging. Tests with a sensitivity of 20 and 25 mUl/ml are popular, but you can also purchase strips with a value of 10, 15 and 30. This figure shows the minimum level of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is necessary to establish a new position.

  • EVA is a test that is classified as an insensitive but accurate device. It detects pregnancy when at least 30 mU of hCG is present in the urine, which means that the likelihood of a false positive result for them is quite small.
  • Itest, Vera, Mon Ami, Frautest have a sensitivity of 25 mE. Such tests are the most popular.
  • Lady, Evitest, Mama Check with a sensitivity of 20 mU allow you to determine pregnancy 1.5-2 weeks after conception. However, before the delay, they still sometimes give a false result.
  • Insure, Clever Girl, which detects 12.5 mU of hCG in urine, gives an early result. According to the manufacturers' promises, they show two stripes within a week after ovulation.
  • BB test and First Sign position themselves as highly sensitive tests. They react when the level of pregnancy hormone in the urine reaches 10 mU. According to reviews, such devices often show a false positive result.

Should you trust the manufacturers?

Many manufacturers of home diagnostic devices use a marketing ploy and indicate on the packaging of their product the exact number on what day of conception a pregnancy test will show a positive result. You can buy systems at the pharmacy or supermarket that promise an accurate answer 1, 2, 4 or even 8 days before the delay. In fact, such statements cannot be trusted. The lower the sensitivity number of the device, the less hCG it needs to establish pregnancy, the sooner - according to the manufacturer - the test will show. Most gynecologists recommend conducting the study no earlier than on the first day of the delay. In this case, the result will be most accurate.

Before menstruation is delayed, many representatives of the fairer sex test positive. This is evidenced by their reviews. But often the device gives a negative answer, when after some time the pregnancy is confirmed. The cause of a false negative result is an insufficient increase in hCG or improper use of the test. False positives are less common. Its causes may be internal diseases, such as tumors. If the test shows 2 lines, but the woman is definitely not pregnant, then she needs to be examined.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, director of the family clinic “Repromed” comments:

— Implantation of the embryo usually occurs on days 21-24 of the cycle, the secretion of hormones reflecting the onset of pregnancy (hCG) begins during the first days after fertilization, but the concentration before implantation and the first stages of development of the trophoblast (future placenta) is too low to be detected during sampling (both blood and urine). Blood and urine tests on the 3-4th day of missed period become informative. Blood values ​​(hCG) have quantitative characteristics and therefore more accurately reflect the situation.

They are also important for the differential diagnosis of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy. Determining serum hCG over time (at intervals of 2 weeks) is also important if there is a risk of pregnancy regression.

Pregnancy tests (urine) are also based on the detection of hCG, usually this is a qualitative study. For more accurate results, it is necessary to donate blood. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the pregnancy test is positive (or doubtful).

How to get an accurate result

When to take a pregnancy test, each woman decides for herself. If there is already a delay in menstruation, then the time of diagnosis does not matter. When you want to do a test the very next day after conception, and you barely have the patience to wait 7-10 days after ovulation to examine the biomaterial for signs of pregnancy, then you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • choose the morning time for testing (the first portion of urine after waking up contains a larger amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, since its growth occurs mainly at night);
  • find a clean container to collect the material (if a tablet test or strip strip is used, the container must be clean, otherwise various liquid impurities may affect the test result);
  • observe the time (the instructions for use indicate not only when you can take a pregnancy test, but also the time that you need to keep the strip strip in the biomaterial);
  • correctly interpret the result (it is necessary to evaluate the test response within 3-5 minutes; most devices become uninformative after 10 minutes, and the reagent begins to appear on their surface).

Various disorders can affect the diagnostic result. For example, if you use the test in the evening and drink a lot of water beforehand, the answer will be skewed towards negative. For this reason, manufacturers of all devices unanimously recommend refraining from urinating 2-4 hours before diagnosis, and also not drinking liquid during this period of time. Under such conditions, the urine will be more concentrated, which will eliminate errors and false results.

What time to take the test

When to take a pregnancy test is not that important. If you follow all the rules, then after a delay you can conduct the study even in the evening or at night. It is not at all necessary to wait for the morning portion of urine. But it should be noted: the later the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of receiving an accurate answer.

Taking certain medications may also affect the test result. Women planning pregnancy may be prescribed stimulation, which includes injections of human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance is removed from the body in about 2 weeks. Therefore, early testing may show a positive result in the absence of real pregnancy. Taking diuretics and some medications to lower blood pressure accelerates the excretion of urine from the body, as a result of which the concentration of the pregnancy hormone in the biomaterial decreases.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the best time to take a pregnancy test is a few days after the delay. In this case, the result will be as accurate as possible, and the study can be carried out in the morning, afternoon or evening - whichever is more convenient for the woman.

If patience is not enough, and you want to find out about the pregnancy as soon as possible, then it is better to donate blood to determine hCG. This study will give a more accurate and earlier result. The analysis can be carried out as early as 5-7 days after ovulation (not to be confused with sexual intercourse). It is important to understand how a pregnancy test works: from what period it shows depends on its sensitivity. The lower the mE value indicated on the package, the greater the chance of early diagnosis.
