A limited partnership is... Constituent documents, examples of TNV. General partnership Feeling of camaraderie examples from literature

The word “comrade” has actually fallen out of use as a form of address, occupying a middle position between friend and friend. And the noun “companionship,” with certain reservations, can be considered synonymous with the word “friendship.”

“Comrade” and “commodity” have, if not a common root, then certainly common historical roots, since the first comrades were traveling sellers. The address “comrade” was used by the freedom-loving Cossacks (see the wonderful story “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol and specifically Taras Bulba’s speech about comradeship).

The word “comrade” was used in official vocabulary ─ in the Russian Empire there was the position of “comrade minister,” which translated into modern language means deputy minister. The address “comrade” became popular among anti-monarchist revolutionary circles. When the revolution won, previously informal, it became universal.

And although many people are unlikely to like the mundane commercial “motives” in the sound of the word “comrade,” the essence of partnership is not only close interpersonal relationships, but also a very specific economic interest.

Already in Ancient Rome, there was a partnership agreement, according to which two or more persons (companions) pooled their contributions to achieve a common economic goal. It was a consensual agreement, the main condition of which was the consent of all its participants. The comrades personally performed the necessary work, shared the profits, and proportionally compensated for the damage that arose not only through their own fault, but also in solidarity with their comrades.

By decision of the general meeting of participants and in the manner established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and the laws on business companies, business partnerships and companies of one type can be transformed into business partnerships and companies of another type or into production cooperatives. But they cannot be reorganized into non-profit organizations, as well as into unitary commercial organizations. Business partnerships and societies are corporate legal entities (corporations).

It is interesting that a business partnership operates on the basis of a constituent agreement, which is concluded by its founders (participants) and to which the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the charter of a legal entity apply.

All other legal entities operate on the basis of charters, which are approved by their founders (participants).

General partnership

Participants in a general partnership (they are called “general partners”), in accordance with the agreement concluded between them, engage in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership.

At the same time, they jointly and severally bear subsidiary liability with their property for the obligations of the partnership. And even participants in a general partnership who are not its founders are equally liable with others for the obligations of the partnership that arose before their entry into it.

For the obligations of the partnership that arose before the moment of their retirement, the participants who left the partnership are liable equally with the remaining participants. True, this period is limited ─ within two years from the date of approval of the report on the activities of the partnership for the year in which they left it.

One person can be a participant in only one general partnership.

The main principle of managing the activities of a general partnership is the general consent of all participants. But the constituent agreement may provide for cases when the decision is made by a majority vote of the participants. Unless the agreement provides for a different procedure for determining the number of votes of participants, each participant in a general partnership has one vote.

Limited partnership (limited partnership)

In a limited partnership (limited partnership), along with the participants who carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for its obligations with their property (the so-called general partners), there is at least one participant called an investor (limited partner). Investors do not participate in the partnership's business activities and bear the risk of losses only within the limits of the amounts of deposits made by them.

A person can be a general partner in only one limited partnership. A participant in a general partnership cannot be a general partner in a limited partnership, and a general partner in a limited partnership cannot be a participant in a general partnership.

The number of limited partners in a limited partnership should not exceed twenty. Otherwise, it is subject to transformation into a business company within a year. After this period, if the number of limited partners is not reduced to the required number, it will be liquidated in court.

The management of the limited partnership is carried out by the general partners. The procedure for managing and conducting business is established according to the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on general partnerships.

Investors do not participate in the management and conduct of the affairs of the limited partnership and can act on its behalf only by proxy. They do not have the right to challenge the actions of their general partners in managing and conducting the affairs of the partnership.

The need for emotional contact can arise between complete strangers.
Man, as a social being, has a need and a peculiar attraction to the psyche of other people. The beginning of such attraction is in syntony and in extra-intellectual consonance, in emotional contact with another person.
Syntonia (syntonia from Greek - coherence) is the ability to harmoniously respond to the states of other people and, in general, to the phenomena of the surrounding world (to feel in harmony with nature, with people or a person) [Wikipedia].
Emotional contact becomes possible only when a person is capable of emotional consonance with the state of other people.
And if we can distinguish our own feelings, then we can perceive certain feelings experienced by others. This could be an approving look that we catch from a complete stranger and we begin to feel more confident: we received emotional support from him and emotional contact took place.
However, with emotional contact, there is a two-way contact in which a person feels that he is the object of interest of others, that others are in tune with his own feelings. Without the appropriate attitude of the people surrounding a person, there can be no emotional contact and emotional support for each other.
Therefore, all people need friendly, close and lasting relationships.
This is a relationship of camaraderie, friendship, love. Such relationships make people feel that they need each other, that they can hope for help, support, sympathy, and empathy from another person.
Partnership relations are determined solely by the norms of expediency. They often develop between people in the process of their joint activities and cooperation skills.
It is comradely relations that help people unite, experience responsibility for a common cause, for common interests.
A comrade is a person who is close in views, activities, living conditions, etc.
Companionship is intimacy based on companionship.
Partnership is needed to gain experience in close communication with other people (in competitions, joint work and educational activities, expeditions, hikes).
Friendship is the highest degree of partnership, one of the highest forms of manifestation of human sympathy.
Friendship occupies the most important place in interpersonal relationships. It is based on an intense exchange of feelings and thoughts: each partner gives something and receives something. Moreover, the one who takes more than he gives, or gives more than he receives, faces difficulties in friendship.
Friendship is a mandatory and mutual feeling. Friendship requires mutual affection, trust, intimacy, and openness to each other. Friendship is based on the fact that people voluntarily, freely choose each other. Friendship is selfless. It is not compatible with relationships that exist for the sake of benefit or the provision of mutual services. Friendship means close and stable relationships.
Friendships are based on the rules of interpersonal communication. They are not written down anywhere, but they definitely exist. First of all, they highlight mutual trust and openness, a feeling of confidence that a friend will never let you down, that you can trust him. It is also important to be able to listen to a friend and understand him. However, understanding does not necessarily mean complete agreement with a friend. Friends argue and disagree with each other. Sometimes it seems that a little more and they will separate forever. But this doesn't happen. On the contrary, disputes and mutual criticism strengthen friendship even more, because they inspire confidence that you can change, overcome what is stopping you, and instill faith in your own strength.
Friendship is mutual help, support, advice.
People who are friends do not take into account who helped whom more or less. A friend always comes to the rescue when needed. No wonder folk wisdom says:
"Friend is known in trouble".
The great W. Shakespeare has the following lines:
A true friend everywhere
Faithful, in good times and in bad times;
Your sadness worries him,
You're not sleeping - he can't sleep,
And in everything without further words
He is ready to help you.
Yes, the actions are different
A loyal friend and a worthless flatterer.

Friendship presupposes a certain personal maturity, physical changes and puberty.
Lafrenie Peter in his book “Emotional Development of Children and Adolescents” writes the following:
"Many of the social changes that occur during puberty arise directly from physical changes and puberty.<...>...preschool children, starting from the age of three, prefer to communicate with peers of the same sex, and this preference gradually intensifies.
Dexter Dunphy (1963) formulated his well-known theory of five stages of structural changes that occur in adolescents' peer relationships during puberty.
Stage 1: Clique structure - same-sex peer groups who do not socialize with each other;
Stage 2: Transition to company structure. Same-sex groups begin to communicate with each other.
Stage 3: The structure of the company is formed: same-sex groups give way to mixed ones, especially among the most authoritative members of the clique.
Stage 4: The company structure is fully formed. mixed groups communicate with each other.
Stage 5: Companies begin to disintegrate, giving way to couples already loosely connected.
Friends provide security and social support.
Having at least one supportive friend can go a long way in reducing loneliness and harassment for unpopular children excluded from the larger peer group. Friendships with one or more friends can provide an emotional safety net—a kind of safety that not only helps children cope more constructively with new challenges, but can also help them better cope with other forms of life stress (such as parental divorce or abandonment). . Harry Ladd and colleagues found that children who started kindergarten with friends enjoyed learning more and had fewer adjustment problems than those who started school without enough friends. In addition, in Chapter 15 we already said that children who receive support from friends, especially those whose parents also divorced, cope better with parental divorce. Strong, supportive friendships play a particularly important role in developing social skills and strengthening self-esteem in children from less nurturing, fragmented families; and if children from such unsupportive family environments lose a particularly close friend, they often experience a significant decline in self-esteem (Gauze et al, 1996).
Thus, friends are a potentially important source of security and social support, and this function of friendship becomes increasingly important with age.
Friends as a factor in the development of social problem solving skills.
Since friendship is a pleasant and rewarding relationship that retains its value, children are very interested in resolving any conflicts in relationships with such significant partners as friends: even during the preschool period, the disagreement of friends is much more likely to end without turning into more serious squabbles than disagreement between simply acquaintances, agreements on fair results are more often reached, and the game continues after the conflict ends (Hartup, 1988). In middle childhood, friends are much more likely than acquaintances to follow the rules (and not cheat) in competitive games, as well as to respect the opinions, needs and desires of their partners, using negotiations to develop disputes (Fonzi, 1997). This experience of peacefully resolving conflicts with friends undoubtedly makes an important contribution to the development of mature social problem-solving skills—the best predictors of good sociometric status among peers (Rubin, 1998).

Friendship does not always arise between similar character traits. This can happen because a person is looking for and finds something else that he himself lacks. In this friendship, people seem to complement each other, and they are endlessly interested in being together.

Friendship in its entirety can only be achieved by truly mature people. An important condition is, for example, the awareness that in childhood and adolescence we gradually separate from our parents, and the recognition that each person is responsible for himself and no one will build our life except ourselves. In this sense, as individuals, we are alone in this world, because no one can fully share our existence with us, penetrate into our consciousness.
In friendship we come into close contact with people whom we value, although we are aware of our autonomy. In order to find friends and loved ones, we must separate from our parents and realize our independence and responsibility for our lives and accept our loneliness.
On the one hand, friendships are very important in the life of every person.
On the other hand, each of us is an independent person, in a sense we are alone in this world, and the opportunity to feel our loneliness, to be alone with ourselves is also important for a person.
Friendships often fail because people stop trusting each other. Some actions of a friend begin to be perceived as betrayal. Sometimes a person understands with his mind that he is wrong, that this is a trifle, but he cannot help himself. Selfishness, hypocrisy, deceit, selfishness, and betrayal are incompatible with friendship. A person who is arrogant, lazy, uncultured, and indifferent has few friends.
Relationships are distinguished between friendly, comradely and friendly.
Friendly relationships are based on personal sympathies, temporary interests and hobbies. Friends usually do not have common deep interests, common aspirations, or common activities in the success of which they would both be interested. Most often, they do not have any serious interest in each other’s fate. Friendly relations are maintained by the exchange of opinions on one issue or another, mutual goodwill towards each other, and personal meetings, which may not be very frequent. Such connections do not have a strong foundation, so friends easily part, they are replaced by others, companies break up, then come back together in whole or in part. Much less is required from friends than from a friend: - it should be interesting to be with him so that you can support the company. They want to communicate with a friend a lot, to be with him as often as possible. A friend is expected to understand all his feelings and experiences, to approve all his actions and actions.

Relationships based on the so-called “herd feeling”, which forces a person to do what he considers wrong and even harmful, should be distinguished from friendly and companionate relationships. And he does this only because everyone else does it. So many “for company” begin to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages and even use drugs, that is, they acquire harmful and life-threatening habits.
Herd feeling is a peculiar mental state of individuals in a crowd, characterized by agitation, intolerance, often cruelty and other negative emotions. In a “herd mentality” a person is easily susceptible to emotional infection.
The “herd mentality” is based on the fact that everyone should do everything the same way, regardless of everyone’s views, interests, and habits.

Affection is a feeling of closeness based on deep sympathy and devotion to someone or something (Wikipedia).
Attachment is a close emotional connection between two people, characterized by mutual involvement and a desire to maintain a close relationship.
Attachment is a stable style of thinking, feeling and behaving in interpersonal situations. A distinction is made between the attachments of young children and “adult” attachments with their characteristic styles.
“Adult attachments are divided into:
* avoidance style (uncertain) – the desire to avoid interaction and intimacy;
* confident style – desire for interaction and intimacy;
* contradictory style (resisting) – interaction and intimacy” [V.A. Zhmurov, p.474].

1. Lafrenie Peter. Emotional development of children and adolescents.-SPb.: EUROZNAK, 2004.
2. Psychology. 4th grade. A.D. Andreeva, I.V. Dubrovina, D.V. Lubovskaya, A.M. Prikhozhan. Voronezh: Modek, 2001.
3. Literature:
1. Fopel. K. On the threshold of adulthood: Psychological work with adolescent and youth problems. Separation from family. Love and friendship. Sexuality. M.:Genesis, 2008.
4. D. Shaffer. Children and adolescents: developmental psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003

Sick attachment
Material Author: N.I. Kozlov
Attachment is an emotional connection when the idea of ​​existence without an object of attachment causes fear and pain: breakdown at the level of the soul.
The question always remains about the extent of these fears and pain. If a girl is not used to controlling herself in any way, then she will interpret any internal tension as pain and fear and will return to the object of her sick affection, especially if she has nothing else to do in life.
Sick neurotic attachments arise anywhere and to anyone. A girl cannot live without her beloved; the young man sees no point in living without a girl; a young mother sees her entire meaning in life only in her child; a small child cannot be alone for a minute without his mother nearby; parents don’t know how to live when their grown-up children leave...
The reasons for the formation of neurotic attachments are varied. Most often, it is a way of life, supported both physically and ideologically. Sick attachments are more often formed in those people who sincerely consider such attachments to be something natural and also a blessing, and are especially attached to the soul where there are certain internal benefits behind them. The girl is afraid (and rightly afraid) that she has nothing special to hold on to the young man, and quickly plays out the mental pain: a decent young man in this situation will behave more carefully with her, the relationship will last... The young man does not know how to look after a girl, but hopes (usually in vain) that his mental anguish will show the girl the power of his love...
Such sick attachments are a forced replacement for love among those who do not know how to love and are not inclined to learn. The mechanism of sick attachment ensures forced stability of relationships, tolerance and even cooperation between people.
Sometimes sick attachments replace not the lack of love, but the lack of meaning in life. When older people have lost all interests in life, their souls become empty and cold... To occupy your soul with experiences, you can watch TV series, or you can worry about your children - any experiences occupy the space of the soul and create the appearance of meaning in life...

And it all starts with games and entertainment. Small children always want to have their mother with them, like a favorite toy; a young mother herself entertains herself with her child, like her most beloved and long-awaited toy. Now, when the mother has left the room, the child shouts: “Mom, don’t go, I’m scared (bad, bored) without you!”, and the mother runs with pleasure and joy to the child who needs her, who is happy with her. Happiness! However, games and entertainment gradually turn into interpersonal manipulation games. Slowly, the son learns a lesson: if you strive to gain the closeness of the right person, your soul must be painful and scary. A bad childhood habit arises: to suffer and play on suffering, as a result of which a tired, compassionate mother, with the last of her strength, drags her five-year-old capricious child along with her, and her son habitually whines. And both cannot live without each other.
It happens that sick attachments arise on the basis of emotional anchoring. It is curious that calm, warm relationships without pain do not leave such a mark on the soul as bright relationships, even painfully bright ones. Paradoxically, the presence of some pain in a relationship, giving it an additional emotional shock, makes it stronger, or more precisely, gives it the features of a sick attachment.
Sick attachment can develop on any other basis - sometimes the cause of craving is a unique smell, a special voice and other particularly attractive personal characteristics, but a strong attachment becomes a sick attachment only when there are corresponding beliefs and internal benefits behind it.
What to do?
“What can I do to become less involved with people who are characterized by unhealthy attachments?” Take a closer look at people and create long-term relationships only with mentally healthy people: people who do not like to suffer unnecessarily, who know how to manage their attachments, who know how to both become attached and quickly get rid of them. How to recognize such people? Such people are usually characterized by a good mood, a sense of humor, a tendency to act rather than worry, and developed self-control...
“What can I do to make sick attachments less likely to arise in my soul?” - Good question. Preventing sick attachments is a really important topic that every adult should know. It’s a pity that this topic is not studied at school... To prevent unnecessary sick attachments from arising in your soul, train yourself to always maintain a high emotional tone and regularly practice the “Soul Insurance” exercise. Anyone who has trained himself to live in a high emotional tone is less dependent on other people, and mental insurance protects us from too painful blows of life, including from too painful experiences when losing loved ones.
“What should I do if I am developing or have formed an unhealthy attachment?” - If possible, completely stop communicating with the source of this attachment. It hurts, but staying close is like cutting off a sore finger a little at a time... If you missed it, the sick attachment needs to be removed, here you need the help of a specialist. Work with attachment is effective when it is carried out comprehensively, when not only the existing attachment is removed, but its internal benefits are analyzed and the beliefs that support it are discussed.
“How can I part with a person who has become attached to me if he has a sick attachment?” If you are not a completely callous person, this situation may not be easy for you. However, the situation can be resolved, there are several options...

Partnership can be considered the first stage of human relationships. In order for a person to live among people and be able to communicate with them, he must learn to be a comrade. He must go through a kind of school of relationships and, as the beginning of it, the first class is partnership. Remember, in the moral code of the builder of communism it is said: “Man is man’s friend, comrade and brother.” Such harmony, such unity of noble feelings are possible only when you and I teach our children to be such high-class people. And our first task is to lead them from class to class of this great school of human nobility, starting with the class of fellowship. Then, along with studying his native literature, natural history and other subjects, he will study the most important science of life: how to become a respected, necessary, useful person for people, how to learn to understand others and help them, how to relate to himself and his comrades.

Conversations with elementary school students, their answers to questions, and essays show that not all children have the correct idea and concept of partnership. Where parents early began to show concern for the upbringing of Man, children developed a good stock of knowledge about companionship. But it’s a disaster if no training moral practice has been created in the family. Conversations about good things in children's relationships were not connected with the children's specific lives. Conditions were not created for the manifestation of comradely feelings towards other people - kindness, attentiveness, sensitivity, cordiality, etc.

For children who do not have friends, knowledge about correct and worthy relationships is often not reinforced by actions.

4th grade student Raya, when asked why she was telling Natasha, answered: “But of course, after all, we are desk mates.”

Classmates saw 5th grade student Lena more than once in the entrance of her house with a cigarette in her mouth. Many knew that the girl smoked, first furtively, and then openly, and even with some pride. The guys knew that Lena smoked and that it was frowned upon. They knew and were silent. And when the secret became a reality, many answered the teachers’ question like this: “... Of course, they knew that it was not good, but to talk about Lena means to become a sneak (!)...”

If you ask children of this age why they consider this or that boy or girl to be friends, they will often say: “He is my friend because we study in the same class. I don’t like him, but there’s nothing better in our class... So I have to talk to him...”

“He is my friend only because we live in the same house and walk in the same yard.”

The guys’ statements indicate that in their minds there is no clear understanding of the essence of partnership, that relationships develop spontaneously, uncritically, and therefore lead to bad results. Hence, it is the duty of teachers and parents to explain to children what the meaning of true partnership is. Who do we call comrade? A person who lives in our country, in our city, studies at school, works at a factory, and even lives in some other country, but shares our views, ideas, beliefs. Children need to be shown great examples of stories that convey the meaning of camaraderie.

Russian revolutionaries of the last century. What united them? The general idea is the liberation of ordinary people from the exploitation of landowners and capitalists. What noble traditions arose in those days - to be faithful to one’s duty, to one’s comrades, to help them out in every possible way, to help them, to support them. The prisoners in prison remained faithful to the idea of ​​comradeship and, despite torture and deprivation, never handed anyone over to the tsarist authorities. Such strength of spirit and loyalty to fellow revolutionaries was characteristic, for example, of the Decembrists who dared to raise their voices against the tsarist autocracy.

It is necessary to explain to children that such an attitude towards their comrades speaks of their will, courage, and endurance. In the name of the idea of ​​comradely solidarity, people went to certain death without naming the names of the “instigators of the rebellion” against the tsar. In this case, they showed themselves as true comrades. This attitude has nothing to do with the sometimes uncritical approach of our children to the actions of Their comrades. Concealing a bad deed in these cases does not mean strength, but weakness of a person’s character and will, making him a bad comrade who brings harm to society, himself and the person he is hiding.

A true comrade is the first and best assistant in eliminating shortcomings. As a rule, he is the first to notice these shortcomings, boldly speaks about them and helps to correct them.

A true comrade knows how to respect people, he will never offend the weak, will not be rude to others, and will not refuse help to those who need it.

A true comrade helps everyone who is in difficulty, without singling anyone out in particular. He enjoys playing, is cheerful and polite to everyone. These are exactly the kind of comrades that elementary school students are, who do not distinguish anyone from the total number of children (with a few exceptions). Such undifferentiation, undividedness, and generality of partnership relations are characteristic of young children due to their physical and mental development. This is especially true for the first two years of study. At the end of the third and fourth grades, students begin to develop new, more complex relationships. The first friendship arises, but it is almost no different from camaraderie. By singling out those from the class who they like best, children at the same time communicate with other students. And even to those they like better, they do not show consistency or special loyalty: today they played with Vova, and the next day with Vitya. Therefore, the relationship between young children can be called partnership - friendship.

Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are true friends. Their views on the world differ in many ways, but the heroes respect each other's point of view. Prince Andrei takes care of Pierre, asking him not to spend time in the company of Anatoly Kuragin. He asks Natasha Rostova to turn only to Pierre for help. It is Pierre who helps Natasha Rostova survive the most difficult time for her after her attempt to escape with Anatoly Kuragin. Pierre Bezukhov is in love with Natasha, but does not dare to court her even in the absence of Andrei Bolkonsky, her fiancé. The relationship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov is the ideal of friendship that one should strive for.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Partnership is the basis of relations between the Cossacks of the Zaporozhye Sich. Taras Bulba values ​​comradeship, which consists of honesty, justice, and unification to protect his native land. Before the upcoming battle, which should be decisive, Taras Bulba makes a speech about comradeship. He calls for “to become related by soul.” These words inspire the Cossacks.

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

O. Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Young Dorian Gray's friendship with Lord Henry negatively affects the young man's worldview. Lord Henry encourages the young man to commit immoral acts by constantly talking about the values ​​of hedonism. Dorian Gray, precisely because of Henry Wotton’s words that his youth and beauty are not eternal, wants the portrait painted by Basil Hallward to grow old instead of him. This example suggests that friendship is not always positive.

More affectionate than a brother." When you develop a deep friendship with someone, appreciate it because real friends meet rarely. Real friend... the one who sees you at your worst, but never forgets how... ; when you are wrong, he corrects you, gently and lovingly; and when you deceive him, he forgives you. Real a friend encourages you to grow as a person and helps you reach your full potential. And what’s most amazing is that he rejoices at your successes, like...


It turns out a little differently. Sometimes it's completely different. While our thoughts are in the future, which we have not created (since the ability to create is available only in Present), we are trying to create something that cannot exist a priori. It is a fact. One of those facts that make up the Laws of the Universe... like: “Why do I need all this?” Needed, needed! Otherwise, you wouldn't exist at all. Gaining knowledge Real, you will be able to know wisdom. Wisdom is the right direction. This is not my conclusion. This is how it is. I just...


In fact, all these qualities are, to one degree or another, characteristic of the woman whom we can confidently call “ this and feminine." This is a by-product of the well-organized life of a mature, wise woman. And at the heart of this lies - ... my dears. If you read this article to the end, I am sure you will agree with my words. What we call " this“woman” is primarily the state of an adult. Of course, we are all tired of the role of “iron ladies” that was imposed on us...


Procreation, overriding the individual instinct of self-preservation. We embellish and romanticize human relationships. Only real the egoist understands that he cannot love. “Beautiful-hearted” people who enjoy their good deeds and the gratitude of... people can remain in the pleasant illusion of their own kindness all their lives. But real the egoist doesn't buy it. There are strong passions in life. For example, passion for money. But what...
