Christian Christmas traditions. Christmas carols and songs

There is a day in the year when there is boundless joy in the world. It seems that the heavens are descending, and everything earthly is dissolved in them. In a single impulse, the angels rejoice and people rejoice. The reason for this joy was announced more than two thousand years ago by an angel to the shepherds of Bethlehem: “I bless you that today in the city of David the Son of God, the Savior of the world, was born.” This event laid the foundation for the salvation of mankind by the incarnate Christ.

The history of the holiday
It is known from the Gospel story that the Mother of God came to Bethlehem on the eve of the birth of the Son. Together with her betrothed Joseph, she participated in the census of citizens. Bethlehem is a small city, there were not enough places in the hotel for everyone. Therefore, Mary and Joseph stopped for the night in a cave. There were many such places in those parts - shepherds drove cattle there for the night. On the same night, Christ was born. The baby was placed in a manger - a feeder for livestock. The shepherds were the first to bow to the incarnate God.

The Magi also came to bow to the Savior. These wise men lived far to the east. They foresaw the birth of the Messiah, and when they saw a guiding star in the sky, they went after it. This star is Christian history called Bethlehem. The Magi had to cross the borders of several states before they came to the poor Bethlehem manger. The sages brought gold, frankincense and myrrh as a gift to the Divine Infant.

These gifts that got the name "Gifts of the Magi" , have deep symbolic meaning:
gold- symbolized as an offering to the King, because Jesus was incarnated to become the king of the earth;
incense- a priestly symbol, because by his earthly ministry Christ became the High Priest;
myrrh- they anointed the body of a dead person with it, in the Christmas story it became a symbol and an indication of the atoning sacrifice of Christ for all mankind.

For the first time, Christians began to celebrate this holiday only in the 4th century. Prior to this, the event of the birth of Christ was mentioned by the first Christians on the day of Theophany. Under the influence of Hellenic culture and beliefs, these two holidays were separated. Christmas significantly surpassed Epiphany in importance and almost immediately became the second Christian holiday after Easter.

In Rus', Christmas was especially expected. First they celebrated it, and then they met New Year. Therefore, it is customary for Christians to decorate Christmas trees for Christmas. In 1918, Russia switched to the Gregorian calendar. The Church continued and continues to live according to the Julian, old calendar. Because of this, the New Year comes first and only then Christmas.

Christmas Eve
The day before the holiday is called Christmas Eve. This is a very strict fast day. Christians try not to eat food until evening. The earth is preparing to welcome the Divine Child. But according to the modern tradition, you can fast only until the moment when, after the Liturgy of Christmas Eve, a candle is brought to the center of the temple and the troparion to Christmas is sung.

The evening of this day is called Holy. It is traditionally held in the circle of the closest people. They sit down at the table with the first star. It symbolizes the Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the born Christ. Mistresses prepare twelve Lenten dishes for Holy Evening. Skoromnoe is allowed to eat only the next day. 12 is a symbolic number - this is the 12 months of the year, and the 12 apostles, and the 12 main holidays of the Church. The main delicacy is kutya. A little hay is placed under the plate with it as a reminder that Christ was not born in mansions, but in a poor manger.
Kutya- a dish of boiled grains, often wheat, with honey and nuts. Only since the 16th century, poppy seeds were added to it, and even later - raisins. Modern housewives add halva or sugar instead of honey. From this, the taste of kutya improves, but its symbolic meaning is somewhat lost. Since honey is the purest product on earth. And God, as you know, is given the best.

At the meal they drink uzvar. It is customary to cook lenten borscht for the holy evening, prepare salads with vegetable oil, dumplings with lean stuffing, pies, fish dishes.
Christmas celebration
In the Church, besides Easter, there are 12 most big holidays. They are called the Twelve and the most important among them is Christmas. Celebrate it until Epiphany. That is, from 7 to 17 January. This period is called Christmas. Christmas is waiting for both adults and children. It brings a lot of joy, fun, sweets. A feeling of comfort and peace reigns in the house, and the heart is warmed by the hope that the future will definitely be bright.

Believers celebrate the holiday in the temple. On the night of Christmas in all churches there are holiday services. It is believed that you can not sleep - the night is special, Christ is born. It must be remembered that the Lord thanks a person for every, the smallest effort that he makes for Him. On this holiday, even the stars in the sky behave differently, and in the morning the sun plays with different colors.

Holiday traditions
There are many folk traditions associated with Christmas. Most of them are recognized by the Church. The day before, on Christmas Eve, they decorate the Christmas tree. Its top is crowned with a star - a symbol of Bethlehem. Candles on the Christmas tree are reminiscent of the unearthly light emanating from the cave in which Jesus was born. Boxes with gifts for all family members are placed under the Christmas tree. In addition to the Christmas tree, a nativity scene is built in houses and temples - a symbolic cave with the born Christ and voluminous figures of the people who surrounded Him.

The main event of the holiday is caroling. Everyone can carol - both adults and children. Previously, the cities had little resemblance to the current megacities, so people went from house to house and praised the born Christ, which is why they were called Christoslavs. Those who brought the good news to the house, it is customary to give gifts - sweets, fruits, money - whoever can.

On Christmas days, it is customary to visit each other and exchange gifts. Very helpful and correct christian point vision to visit the sick and suffering. Children especially look forward to this holiday. If you have the opportunity, give joy to a child from an orphanage or a sick boy or girl. There are not so few disadvantaged people in our time - one has only to want to do good to them. Be sure to attend church services.
But there are traditions that the Church categorically rejects as pagan. For example, divination. Foreseeing the future is a sin, because by doing so a person cuts off God's participation in his life and His care for himself. At any moment the Lord is free to change the course of events.
Christmas present

The magi who came to the newborn Christ with gifts laid the foundation for the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas, especially to children. In the mind of man, Christmas is a celebration of a dream come true. Therefore, you need to choose a gift carefully. It doesn't have to be expensive. For a person, the touch of a miracle in his life is important. Find out what the person you want to gift is dreaming about or dreamed about as a child. A gift does not always bring delight. Much more important is to touch the heart of a person, to make him believe in a miracle. Traditionally, sweets are given for Christmas. And not only for children.
Christmas is celebrated for a long time. The most important thing that any person should take away from these days is the very essence of the birth of the Holy Child, who gave his life to pay for our sins. Thus, he gave us the opportunity to correct our mistakes and make peace with God!

Signs for Christmas

Clear weather for the Christmas holiday promised a good harvest in summer and autumn.

If there was a thaw at Christmas, then this is a bad harvest.

A snow blizzard at Christmas was a sign to good harvest wheat and good sign for the beekeeper.

If at Christmas the sky was starry, then the year will be fruitful for mushrooms and berries, and a large offspring of livestock was also expected in such a year.

Well, if the Christmas holiday was warm, then they were waiting for a cold spring.

If it snowed that day, and even with flakes, this is for a good harvest of bread.

And there is another sign that is trusted even now, that is, how you spend Christmas, this will be the year. Therefore, people have always tried to spend Christmas in love, peace and prosperity, with a generous Christmas table. There should have been 12 Lenten dishes on the table, then the whole year there would be prosperity in the house, and the year would be generous.

In no case should one quarrel on the day of the Nativity of Christ, since the whole year can be spent in disagreement.



Pour washed and sorted rice with water and bring to a boil.
Drain on a sieve, spill cold water and boil again until tender in plenty of water
Throw back on a sieve, cool and transfer to a bowl
Choose a glass of berries without jam syrup, add a little boiled water
Mix with rice, smooth the top with a spoon and lightly sprinkle with sugar

Rinse one and a half cups of rice, boil in plenty of water until tender.
Drain on a sieve, cool
Grind one glass of nuts (almonds, walnuts) and add 5 - 6 tablespoons of honey, a little boiled warm water
Rinse one glass of raisins in several waters, boil
Mix everything, if you need to add more honey.
Boil 1.5 cups of well-washed rice in a large amount of water, drain on a sieve, cool
Boil 100 g of dried fruits in sugar syrup (1.5 tablespoons of sugar per 2 liters of water), drain, cool
In a deep bowl, mix rice with dried fruits, add strained broth (broth)

These are small pies that were prepared specially for this day, these are very ancient products from unleavened dough.
Carols were prepared necessarily from eight components - rye flour, water, curdled milk, milk, butter, sour cream, salt and filling.
The dough for them was prepared like this - 2 cups rye flour(or a mixture of rye and wheat flour) sift, mix with a mixture of water, milk, curdled milk, sour cream in any ratio, 2 tablespoons butter, salt.
Knead the dough, let it lie down for 30 minutes, roll it into sausages, cut into small pieces, make balls and roll pancakes with a rolling pin.
Put the stuffing on them, roll up and pinch the edges.
To make the crust soft after baking, grease with butter or a mixture of melted butter and sour cream.
Fillings for carols were made from cottage cheese, millet porridge, carrots, dried mushrooms, mashed potatoes.

On the night of January 6-7, 2019, the Orthodox part of Christians celebrates one of the most revered holidays - Christmas. Believers are very sensitive to this bright day, because the coming of the little Jesus Christ into our world symbolizes its original renewal. Paying tribute to the miracle of birth God's son, is widely used all over the world, including in our open spaces, the chronology is from the Nativity of Christ.

Of course, Christianity did not immediately become the main religion among the Slavs, and the existing traditions related to pagan rituals were intricately intertwined with church knowledge. Therefore, the celebration has retained many of the customs, traditions and signs that accompanied it, which may not be related to Holy Scripture, however, are extremely interesting and are still followed by many. However, most of these not quite canonical actions eventually began to be officially recognized by the church.

  • Christmas table
  • Other Christmas Signs

Church traditions of celebration

The first mention of the celebration of Christmas dates back to apostolic times, when the apostles glorified the birth of Jesus. In our time, before Christmas, churches are decorated spruce branches, lights and festive church garlands.

Television broadcasts on the night of January 7 show the all-night services, which consist of several parts, including Great Compline, Matins, and the Liturgy. AT last years it has become customary that some time before they begin, the Patriarch addresses the faithful, congratulating them on the onset of one of the main dates in Orthodox calendar. The order in which prayers, psalms, and church hymns are performed has long been known, and it attracts many Christians to celebrate vigil in the church.

Common customs and traditional celebration of Christmas

The celebration begins even before Christmas, on January 6th. The eve, the evening before Christmas, is called Christmas Eve. It is symbolically associated with the night of the lighting of the Bethlehem star in the firmament, which announced the biblical magi about the birth of a new Tsar. The origin of the word has several interpretations. The most common two are:

From the word "sochenya", which was called cakes baked on hemp or other vegetable oil, served at the Christmas festive table;
also an “edible” option, from the word “sochivo”, the so-called steamed grains of cereals.

Christmas table

The celebration begins in the evening (evening) and precedes the end of the forty-day Christmas church post. Those who celebrate this holiday do not always have a clear understanding of what, according to traditions, can be put on the table and what cannot. All are united in only one opinion - there should be at least twelve dishes, this number occupies a special place in Christianity.

According to the canons, Christmas Eve is the last day of fasting, and the strictest, so the dishes on the table should be lenten. However, another opinion is also widespread that with the rising of the first evening star, one can already “break the fast”, start eating fast food.

An indispensable dish in the center of the table in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and even Poland and Bulgaria is Christmas. There are many options for preparing it, most often it is porridge from grains of wheat or barley (recently there may be rice or other cereals - pearl barley, millet), with the addition of honey, nuts, sugar or jam. By the way, sochivo is one of the names of kutia, and Christmas Eve is sometimes called a kuteinik.

Often you can find among the refectory dishes and uzvar - dried fruit compote.

With the advent of Christmas, and, therefore, the indisputable end of Lent, all the best is served on the table. Pork dishes are certainly present here, which symbolize prosperity: roast, jelly, stuffed head and others, depending on the hostess's imagination.

It is obligatory to have a fish dish in order for the future harvest to be good.
Other dishes are represented by all kinds of pastries, both with meat and vegetable stuffing, pickles, salads, meat and other treats. It is considered obligatory to try at least a little of each of the treats.

The table itself is covered with hay and straw, in order to do some justice to the place where Christ was born - the barn.

Caroling and other Christmas festivities

Holy days or simply call the days from Christmas to the Epiphany. In many places this tradition festivities preserved, however, this is most likely characteristic of rural and rural settlements, where people know each other well and perceive it normally.

Caroling began on Christmas Eve and could continue throughout Christmas time. The youth gathered in groups, dressed in various costumes and followed from house to house. At each visit, such mummers sang songs and read poems in which they praised Jesus, wished health, prosperity and other blessings to the owners. For this, the owners, if possible, presented them with treats, a little money.
The folklore of the Slavic countries is famous for the variety of such songs and poems - carols, and in some territories you can find whole theatrical performances that were played by the crib theater.

Do's and Don'ts during Christmas

The time for the celebration of the Nativity of Christ is already for a long time It is considered magical, therefore, it has acquired a large number of signs, traditions and ritual actions, some of which were prohibited, and some had to be performed.

What not to do at Christmas

The emergence of prohibitions is difficult to logically explain, however, to this day, some of them are observed by the most modern people:

It is forbidden to engage in sewing, weaving or bending something, otherwise you can invite misfortune into the house. But there is an exception: this does not apply to cases related to work duties.
You cannot hunt or simply kill animals, including the slaughter of livestock.
On Christmas Eve, you should not borrow anything related to lighting a fire (matches, candles, firewood, coal), otherwise something bad will happen.
In order to have money in the house, it is forbidden to lend it, the same superstition includes borrowing salt, bread, and, oddly enough, washing your hair and cutting your hair.
All "dirty" work must be completed before the holidays, so as not to spend the entire next year in dirt.
It is forbidden to sit at the table in clothes of mourning shades, because this can invite misfortunes and sorrows into the house.
On the day after Christmas (January 8), it is not recommended to cook and eat jelly, otherwise you can call the deceased to the house. A similar superstition is associated with the purchase of a rope on this day - it is forbidden to prevent the appearance of a hanged man in the house.
On January 9, it is forbidden to cut wood.
On January 10, you should not start the dough.
January 11 married women it is not recommended to give the husband a towel, or he will start beating his wife in the future. On the same day, you can’t open the door after the first knock (only starting from the second), otherwise illness will enter the house, and you should be very careful with salt, because spilled salt will lead to tears within a year.

What to do for Christmas

Along with prohibitions, there are many actions that, as is commonly believed, can avert troubles and make the coming year happy.

For the happiness of the whole family, the elder relative must offer milk to each of its members.
It is customary to leave some food on the festive table so that dead relatives who come to visit can taste it, and they will protect the peace of the family.
Where discord reigns in the family, it is recommended to set a bucket of water for freezing at night. Then, melted from the ice obtained, you can give your husband a drink. It also helps with any women's trouble.
At Christmas, it is customary to ask for what you need most. It is believed that if you ask for it 77 times, then the wish will come true. Wishes that were made during the fall of a star on Christmas night or simply made in open sky filled with magical powers.
Christmas time is a traditional time for all kinds of fortune-telling, especially unmarried girls. It is believed that the best time for divination simply does not exist.

Other Christmas Signs

If, after Christmas, a drunken person enters the house first, then throughout the year this house will be accompanied by quarrels. A man or a boy must enter first, then prosperity is promised. If a girl or a woman steps on the threshold first, then the house will be accompanied by failures. A bird knocking on the window will bring some amazing news.

If two or more people enter the house on Christmas morning, this promises wealth to the family and protects against possible death, divorce and other misfortunes for a whole year.

It does not do without pets: the cat sitting under the festive table protects whole year sitting at this table from death.

According to signs, things broken on this day entail fuss and anxiety.
January 9 is meant for visiting parents and godfathers.

A child who will walk on January 10 without outside help will live happily ever after.
Pickling cucumbers in the summer is recommended exactly on the day that fell on Christmas, and then they will be tasty and crispy.

The midwife never even took little money from the family of the woman in labor, if the child was born on Christmas, and even became the godmother. It was believed that such money would soon be spent on one's own death.

Of course, this is only a small part of the existing traditions, signs and superstitions that vary from place to place. One thing unites them: these days it is necessary not only to walk and celebrate, but also to perform charitable good deeds.

Christmas 2019 is one of the brightest and beautiful days in a year. Perhaps so rich and mysterious history there is no other holiday. And, perhaps, no other holiday brings together representatives of different religions and nationalities so strongly. Great in 2019 religious holiday falls on Sunday January 7th.

The origins of the Nativity of Christ are hidden in even more ancient holiday, Epiphany, which was dedicated to the birth of the baby Jesus. Epiphany Day began to be celebrated in the second century in Egypt. By the 4th century, the tradition had spread to Eastern countries, and a century later came to the West. It is curious that the Day of Theophany was dedicated to three events in the life of Jesus: his birth, the appearance of the Magi with gifts before him, and baptism in the Jordan River.

Christmas as a separate holiday began to be celebrated only at the end of the 5th century.

By Gregorian calendar Christmas falls on December 25th. It is on this day that the holiday is celebrated by representatives of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The Orthodox Church still does not recognize the Gregorian calendar, so Christmas is celebrated according to the New Julian calendar, two weeks later, on the night of January 6-7.

The traditions and customs of Christmas are passed down from generation to generation in every family. Since ancient times, in any Orthodox family, every year on January 7, it is customary to celebrate Christmas, the greatest Orthodox holiday. Traditions and customs of celebrating Christmas in different countries can differ significantly from each other, therefore, the preparation for the holiday is completely different for everyone.

How was Christmas celebrated in the old days and how is it celebrated today in Russia? What traditions and rituals are held on the night before Christmas and what to cook for the festive table?

History of the Nativity

Christmas Events Christian church I recalled January 6, on the day of the Epiphany - there were mentions of this from the end of the II until the IV centuries. And in the middle of the 4th century, Clement of Alexandria noted the appearance of Christmas as separate holiday when it began to be celebrated on December 25th.

It should be noted that once it was on December 25 that the cult of the Invincible Sun was widely celebrated in the Roman Empire. And it is believed that Orthodox Church, introducing the holiday of Christmas, tried to displace the pagan holiday.

The birth of Jesus Christ is directly described by the evangelists Luke and Matthew. It says that Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem because of the census being taken in the Roman Empire. It was in Bethlehem that Mary gave birth to her Firstborn, swaddled her Son and laid Him in a manger.

At first, the shepherds came to bow to Jesus, to whom an angel appeared and told about the miraculous event of the birth of the son of God.

Magi (wise men) came with gifts to bow to the baby when they saw in the sky wonderful star announcing the birth of Jesus.

When is Christmas celebrated in Russia

December 25 is the set date for the celebration of Christmas by the Roman Catholic Church, as well as by many other Protestant churches that follow the Gregorian calendar.

On December 25, according to the New Julian calendar (it will coincide with the Gregorian calendar until March 2800), Antioch, Constantinople (with the exception of Athos), Cypriot, Alexandria, Romanian, Bulgarian and Helladic churches will celebrate Christmas.

On January 6, Christmas is celebrated in the Armenian Church - on the same day as the Epiphany. Therefore, the holiday goes under the name of Theophany.

On January 7, according to the modern Gregorian calendar (December 25, according to the "old style" of the Julian calendar), Christmas is celebrated by Jerusalem, Russian, Georgian, Serbian Orthodox churches, Eastern Catholic, ancient Eastern churches, as well as Athos.

Folk traditions of Christmas

In the old days, a place for celebrating Christmas, as usual, was appointed at the home of a hospitable family. At the same time, some time before the Christmas holiday, the hostess had to personally go around all friends and relatives and voice an invitation to spend the holy holiday in her house.

The invitation speech should be pre-prepared and respectful enough, because those who heard it will voice the words to the next generation.

The next day, a specially selected elderly lady went to invite young girls to the feast. In the houses she was greeted with all sorts of exclamations and paid respectful attention. Inviting the girls, the woman called everyone by name and indicated the address where they would be expected, and the hostess of the house into which this woman entered should offer her a glass of wine.

The guy who was chosen for certain girl, from that day on, was called her "betrothed" and became closer to her than other young people.

After the couples have been chosen, the guys and girls must unquestioningly do everything that the mistress of the house tells them. Sometimes their parents could perform tasks for young people, so no one went unnoticed at the holiday.

The very first evening of the holiday was devoted to the reception of girls. They were to arrive on Christmas Eve, after dark, at the house to which they had been invited. It was customary to come in the evening on a sleigh, in the company of their mothers.

It is advisable to take a dowry with you in case of a successful matchmaking on Christmas Eve. Relatives, friends and acquaintances can follow the girl's sleigh.

Arriving to right house no one was in a hurry to come in. The custom says to wait until the hosts come out with greetings to meet the guests. Only after that, everyone could enter the house, where women's gatherings began.

All the invited girls called each other girlfriends, even if they didn’t know each other at all. The celebration of the Nativity of Christ begins the next day after the gatherings, then everyone else is invited.

Christmas carols and children's songs

Rituals for Christmas in modern Russia

These rather interesting and funny traditions and customs of Christmas have remained in the distant past, in the time of our great-grandmothers. A little later, the celebration of Christmas was famous for carols and chants. Many celebrants sought to change beyond recognition, dressed up in costumes and walked around all the yards, where they sang special Christmas carols, ditties and amused the owners of the houses.

For this, they were thanked with traditional Christmas treats from the festive table and were always offered to drink wine. These traditions are probably remembered by many of our parents, in some villages you can still sometimes meet carolers on Christmas.

Today is a celebration happy holiday Christmas is no longer as fun and traditional as it used to be. There are, of course, some conventions, however, not everyone observes them. For example, on this day it is necessary to observe the Advent fast until the first star.

Also, believers visit church on this holiday, read prayers, light candles and help the destitute. Also, before the holiday, it is considered obligatory to clean up the house, take a good bath in the bath and certainly prepare a lot of Christmas treats, the main among which should be meat dish from pork.

You need to buy meat in large quantities to cook jellied meat, roast, fry a pig and stuff a pig's head. Food from the festive table at Christmas is not removed, but left to treat the souls of deceased parents. Cooked Christmas kutya, if it remained after the feast, must be distributed to the poor so that they also honor the holy holiday.

There is always a drink on Christmas Day. Noisy celebrations, festivities and merry dances, Christmas carols are not limited to one evening and stretch over several carefree days. Children at this time enjoy winter fun, ride downhill and on a sleigh, make snowmen and walk.

What to cook for Christmas 2019

Festive meat stew in wine

This is an excellent dish, suitable for all holidays. It is very tasty, soft and fragrant. Spices for festive meat can be used at your discretion and taste. The recipe for tender veal in wine will help you diversify the Christmas table.

Required products:

  • 1 kg. veal
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 8 tablespoons spicy tomato sauce
  • 750 ml. dry white wine
  • 2 tablespoons bread crumbs
  • vegetable oil
  • 1 branch thyme
  • 1 branch of marjoram

How to cook tender veal in wine in a pan:

Cut the veal into equal pieces small size. Rinse and dry. Heat a frying pan, add oil and fry the meat until golden brown. In order for the veal to be well fried, place the veal in the pan in small portions.

Peel the garlic and cut in half. Add to meat. Attach to content bread crumbs, sauce, thyme and marjoram. Mix everything well and pour in dry wine, close the contents and simmer for 90 minutes.

After 60 min. you need to taste the dish, and correct the errors. And continue to simmer until the end. Braised veal on the Christmas table served hot with mashed potatoes.

Christmas duck with orange sauce

In order to cook a culinary masterpiece - a tender and soft duck with oranges, you will need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. But trust me, it's worth it. To cook a bird like a duck, you need to know some secrets.

Subtleties and secrets of cooking duck: You can remove excess fat from duck meat by first boiling the duck in boiling water.
To keep the duck meat soft, tender and juicy, do not pour fat during cooking. It is better to marinate the duck with spices, and then bake it.
To make the duck taste extraordinarily pleasant, it should be served with sauce. The recipe for a gentle orange sauce with kiwi and spices, read below.

To prepare a delicious Christmas dish, you will need products:

  • Duck (a small carcass of a bird, weighing no more than one and a half kilograms)
  • 50 g flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 30 g of hard cheese;
  • orange, kiwi - one each;
  • thyme;
  • coriander;
  • nutmeg;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • Basil greens - to taste.

How to cook duck with orange sauce:

The recipe for a delicious juicy and soft duck is quite simple. Initially, it is worth preparing the duck. To do this, boil water in a saucepan. Place a well-cleaned bird carcass in a saucepan for two minutes. After, take out, cool and dry.

In a separate bowl, mix the pepper mixture and salt. Rub the duck well with spices and marinate for half an hour. As soon as the duck is marinated, send it to bake at medium temperature index for one hour.

As soon as the hour comes to an end, take care of the batter. To do this, in a separate container, mix the eggs, grated cheese and flour. Mix well with a whisk, add salt. Brush the duck well with this mixture, and reduce the heat to a minimum. Bake the duck for 30-45 minutes, depending on the type of duck.

While the Christmas duck is cooking in the oven, make the sweet and sour sauce. To do this, finely chop the basil.

Smash the pulp and juice of fruits in a blender. Put it on fire to heat up. Season with salt and sugar. Once the spices have dissolved, remove from heat and let cool.

With the tip of a knife, fold the thyme, coriander, and nutmeg into the sauce. Add basil and mix well. Serve a hot Christmas duck with a fragrant sauce for the festive table.

Festive shrimp with rice in spicy sweet sauce

A simple and tasty salad that is easy to prepare will decorate your holiday table. Surprise your Christmas guests with a delicious home-cooked restaurant dish.

To prepare you will need the following ingredients.

  • Large shrimp - 450 g;
  • Ginger-garlic sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • Chili sauce - two spoons;
  • Soy sauce - half a glass;
  • Corn starch - one spoon;
  • Peanut butter - to taste;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Celery - 1 stalk;
  • Sesame oil - two tablespoons;
  • White rice- 4 cups (pre-boiled)
  • Green peas and soybeans - half a cup each;
  • Fresh pineapple - 200 grams;
  • Bean sprouts - one cup;
  • Green onions - a few feathers.

How to cook holiday shrimp:

Large shrimp must first be boiled and then peeled. Put the prepared shrimp in a deep bowl and mix with soy sauce. Add chili and ginger sauces to the ingredients. Rule with a little cornstarch.

Mix everything and send, cool for fifteen minutes. Prepare egg pancakes. To do this, beat the eggs with a spoonful of water and soy sauce.

Smear the pan peanut butter and bake pancakes on low heat until cooked. One pancake takes no more than 45 seconds of your time. After the pancakes are ready, they must be cut into strips.

In order to cook rice, prepare a cast-iron pan in advance. Coat the bottom of the container with peanut butter and place the chilled and marinated shrimp in it. Simmer seafood for three minutes and remove from heat immediately.

Coat the container with peanut butter. Pre-cut the onion and celery (as small as possible). Add vegetables and ginger-garlic sauce to bowl. Simmer in the pan for no more than three minutes and immediately add the rice.

Stir the dish for about two minutes, and then add the peas, bean sprouts and pre-cut pineapple. Simmer the dish on the fire until the final cooking of rice. Holiday prawns in spicy sweet sauce are ready!

Place in the middle on a large platter. cooked rice. Drizzle with soy and garlic sauce. Place egg pancakes and shrimp around the edges of the festive dish. Decorate the dish with onion feathers.

Christmas kutya from wheat groats

Recipe for a festive kutya with raisins and dried fruits.

Christmas rice kutya

Recipe for delicious kutya with nuts, dried apricots and prunes.

Christmas kutya from wheat

delicious recipe Christmas kutya with honey, raisins, walnuts and poppy.

No matter how Christmas traditions and customs become obsolete over time, however, this holiday remains pure and bright in our time. Modern people, of course, they don’t carol, rarely attend church and don’t gather betrothed in their house, but nevertheless, on Christmas, many families gather together with all relatives and arrange a good festive dinner.

Today, Christmas is one of the few Orthodox holidays, which is pleasant and joyful for everyone to meet in a warm family circle, regardless of customs and traditions.

The Christian holiday of Christmas is celebrated with reverence both in families of the Orthodox and Catholic faiths. The origins go back more than two millennia, to distant centuries, when pure virgin Mary gave the world her son, Jesus Christ. Catholics celebrate the event in December, while Orthodox do it on the night of January 6-7. But Russia (in the majority) is an Orthodox country, so Russian people are interested in the question of what they do for Christmas in Orthodox families? Baptized Rus' has always celebrated this holiday cheerfully. She even decorated the Christmas tree, until the revolutionary events that temporarily deprived the country of holy holidays. To the great joy of the Russian people, a little later, they began to dress her up again.

The meaning of the holiday

What do they do at Christmas? From January 6 to 7, all churches in Russia hold a night service dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ. AT old days people did not sit down at tables with food until the first star appeared in the firmament. At present, we see this tradition only in the fact that many Russian families sit down at the table on the 7th, after a big service. On the night before Christmas, which must certainly come true.

The Christian holiday of the birth of the Savior coincided with pagan Christmas time, which is why it is always associated with carols and girlish fortune-telling. Christmas is the beginning of 12 holy days, of which every day was lived provocatively and beautifully. Christmas time ended with Baptism (January 18).

Ancient traditions and customs of Christmas

Information about what exactly the inhabitants of Russia did at Christmas, and what could not be done, has come down to the present. On the first Christmas days, people laid tables, treated them, everyone had to be surrounded by care and love.

At night, during the service, you had to give thanks for what you have, pray for what you lacked, and be sure to remember the departed people. In Rus', it was believed that they pray side by side on this night, and the deceased priest leads the service for them. In the first days of Christmas time, it was necessary to pay tribute to those who needed and deserved it:

  • The first day was devoted to visiting parents, as well as close and distant relatives within reach. Young people always stayed with their parents for a holiday after the service.
  • On the second day, people visited the weak, old and sick, brought them treats, kutya.
  • The third day was dedicated to the orphans, they were treated, given gifts, played.

They did not even forget about those who fell out of decent society, but these were already later days.

After observing the traditions, it was allowed to start festivities and fun. In Rus' there was a belief:

“As you spend the holy days, so will your year pass.”

That is why people tried to spend their time as joyfully as possible: they rode sleighs, troikas. Fun games were arranged on the main square, they sang songs, danced round dances and invented various games and fun for themselves. People of the older generation went to visit each other, congratulated, gave small gifts, mostly edible.

What not to do at Christmas?

  • swear, swear, wish harm to someone (even as a joke);
  • hunt, slaughter domestic animals;
  • clean the house, wash the floors, repair and do household chores (the house should already be clean by this time);
  • swim (this must be done in advance);
  • combing hair, weaving braids;
  • guess and tell fortunes (more on that below);
  • indulge in love affairs.

Divination and conspiracies as part of history

What else did you do at Christmas and holy days? The answer is simple - they guessed.

Young girls gathered and guessed at the suitors; fortune-telling was strictly forbidden for married women. The girls tried to find out the names of the betrothed, the number of children, the presence of love and wealth in marriage.

They took place in the house or in the bathhouse, the girls had to be barefoot, bare-haired, in nightgowns, so this kind of tradition was forbidden for men. It was imperative to remove the pectoral cross from oneself, because fortune-telling was equated with a great sin. In many families, it was strictly forbidden at all.

Another tradition is conspiracies. Many older women on Christmas Eve and asked to give their families health, prosperity and well-being.

Merry Carols

No less entertaining were and remain. Of course, in our time it is more difficult to carry out such a ceremony, since it has appeared a large number of cities. AT countryside, especially when it comes to pre-revolutionary times, carols were a colorful and favorite ritual for both children and adults. Carolers, with sacks of millet, millet and other grains, went from yard to yard. With cheerful incantations, showering the owners and their house a wished them happiness, wealth, health and fertile land. For example:

"We sow, we sow, we sow, we wish piety."

People wished each other harvest, children, wealth, peace and all the best. In response, the hosts treated them to festive food - lush bread, rolls, pies. It was impossible not to treat the caroling person, the owners of the court, who drove the caroling people away, were considered greedy, and the act did not bode well for them. Today, throughout the Christmas week, children go from house to house and apartment, recite poems, incantations and receive candies and other sweets for their work.


Christmas table in Russia

The table was laid rich, the hosts put out all the best, because pre-Orthodox people experienced a fast that lasted 40 days. does not change, but different times the table was laid in their own way: some dishes left the life of Russian people, some came. But, basically, they put:

  • sbiten,
  • steamed vegetables,
  • pies,
  • kurniki,
  • mushrooms,
  • balls were rolled from sweet crumbs, it was a favorite delicacy of children.

Later they began to do, which was treated to the whole Christmas week. It is believed that a feast is very good and holiday festivities described by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. It's right. But, do not forget that this describes the traditions of one place: the Ukrainian farm of Dikanka and the territory closest to it, as well as one time. Despite the general plot and the meaning of the holidays, each region brought something of its own, made its own dishes, invented its own games and incantations.

But the main dish was and remains. According to one version, kutya promised health and wealth: a lush, fragrant kutya was good, and a thin one that did not rise did not mean very much. good year. According to another version, during the holy week, she was commemorated and treated to the departed people. At the table laid for the holiday, there must have been extra cutlery. One way or another, kutia was a favorite, sweet and warming inside, a dish on the festive table, from which the meal began and ended. There were many recipes, they include seeds, dried berries, honey, cereals and butter.

Modern traditions

At present, each Russian family love and celebrate this event. In the evenings, young girls continue to guess at their betrothed, and count the number of future children. On the night before Christmas, all of Russia makes wishes. Young people meet in the central square, and cultural institutions organize various events and competitions for people of all ages. The city administration decorates the Christmas tree, makes slides and labyrinths so that the holiday is of a massive nature.

Only holidays, as currently weekends start at New Year's feast. Two days after the meeting have a bright day like Christmas, people go to work. But after the first working week, they are happy to celebrate the Baptism of Rus', which used to end Christmas celebrations.

Much attention is paid to gifts in our time. Buying and giving gifts at Christmas has become modern tradition. The idea was quickly picked up by commercial structures and today on the shelves we see not only New Year's, but also Christmas gifts.

The day of the Nativity of Christ has long been ranked by the Church among the great twelfth holidays. Its significance is so great that even the reckoning is carried out precisely from the moment the first star appeared in the sky, which marks the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Great Feast begins the day before, January 6, with the Holy Evening. For the Orthodox, this is the last day of the 40-day fast and a period of intense preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.


The holiday was established in honor of the birth in the flesh of the Son of God by the Virgin Mary. According to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was born during the reign of Emperor Augustus in the Jewish city of Bethlehem.

According to the Gospel tradition, the mother of Jesus Christ Mary and her husband Joseph lived in Nazareth, and they came to Bethlehem following the order of the ruler Augustus to appear to the entire population for the census.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

In Bethlehem, in connection with the census, all the places in the hotels were occupied, and Mary and Joseph could only find lodging for the night in a cave intended for a cattle stall. There Mary gave birth to the Son of God. The Blessed Virgin swaddled the Divine Infant and laid it in a manger - a feeder for cattle.

In the middle of the midnight silence, when all mankind was enveloped in sleep, the news of the birth of the Savior of the world was heard by the shepherds guarding the flock. An angel appeared to them and said: “Do not be afraid: I am proclaiming to you a great joy that will be for all people. Today the Savior of the world, Christ the Lord, was born! And here is a sign for you: you will find the Infant in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”

And suddenly, with an angel, a numerous host of heaven appeared, glorifying God. When the Angels disappeared, the shepherds went to the cave and were the first to bow to the baby. The star of Bethlehem shone in the sky.

Following the guiding star, the magi (ancient sages) reached Bethlehem, where they bowed to the newborn Savior and brought the gifts of the East: gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts were deep meaning: they brought gold as a tribute to the king, frankincense as to God, and myrrh as to a person who must die (myrrh was anointed in those distant times for the dead).

It was from those ancient times that the tradition of making Star of Bethlehem and decorate it Christmas tree. The tradition of celebrating this event as a holiday appeared much later. One of the first mentions of the day of celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ dates back to the fourth century.

history of the holiday

The establishment of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ dates back to the first centuries of Christianity. Until the 4th century, in the Eastern and Western Churches, the Nativity of Christ was combined with the feast of the Epiphany and was celebrated on January 6, and was known under the name of Theophany.

© photo: Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

The work of the Italian artist Roberto Vanadia "Like a new Bethlehem"

The main and initial purpose of the establishment of the holiday is the remembrance and glorification of the event of the appearance in the flesh of the Son of God.

The Nativity of Christ was first separated from Baptism in the Roman Church in the first half of the 4th century. In 337, Pope Julius I approved the date of December 25 as the date of the Nativity of Christ.

Since then, the entire Christian world has been celebrating Christmas on December 25th. The exception is the Armenian Church, which celebrates Christmas and the Epiphany as a single feast of the Epiphany on January 6th.

By moving the holiday to December 25, the Church wanted to create a counterbalance to the pagan cult of the sun and protect believers from participating in it.

The establishment of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ on December 25 had another reason. The Church Fathers believed that the 25th day of the month of December historically most of all corresponds to the day of the very birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The celebration of the Nativity of Christ on December 25 in the Eastern Church was introduced later than in the Western, namely, in the second half of the 4th century. For the first time, a separate celebration of the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord was introduced in the Church of Constantinople around the year 377. From Constantinople, the custom of celebrating the Nativity of Christ on December 25 spread throughout the Orthodox East.

© photo: Sputnik / V. Robinov

Icon "Christmas"

Georgian, Russian, Jerusalem, Serbian and Polish Orthodox churches, as well as Athos monasteries (in Greece), Catholics of the Eastern rite and some Protestants who adhere to the Julian calendar, also celebrate Christmas on December 25, but according to the old style, that is, January 7.

On January 7, Christmas is also celebrated by the Orthodox and Greek Catholics in Ukraine, the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, the Orthodox of Belarus, Macedonia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.


The Nativity of Christ in Georgia is one of the most important celebrations in Georgia, as well as throughout the Christian world, and is called “Shoba” in Georgian. Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II will serve the Christmas Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity - Sameba in Tbilisi, which will begin on January 6 at 23:00.

In each part of Georgia, Christmas is celebrated in its own way, but the traditional Alilo processions are held in every region of the country.

The Georgian "Alilo" comes from the word "Hallelujah", that is, the praise of God. it ancient tradition Christmas procession in honor of the birth of the baby Jesus, which in recent years has been resumed by the Patriarchate of Georgia.

In Tbilisi, the procession starts from the Rose Square and goes to the Sameba Cathedral, where, according to tradition, the Patriarch meets the participants and hands over gifts and sweets.

Participants of "Alilo" march through the center of the city, singing Christmas folk and church songs. The costumes of the participants in the procession are reminiscent of Christmas biblical characters: these are angels with wreaths on their heads - "makharobeli", that is, "heralds of joy", wise men with gifts, as well as shepherds.

The procession is also attended by clergy, parishioners of various churches. In the bull-drawn carts accompanying the procession, everyone puts their offerings - sweets, fruits, toys, and other gifts, which, after the completion of "Alilo", will be distributed to orphanages, nursing homes, hospitals and the needy.

Another Christmas tradition introduced in Georgia by Ilia II. At Christmas midnight, each resident lights a church candle in the windows of their houses, designed to illuminate the way for the Most Holy Theotokos and baby Jesus into their homes and hearts.

In each of the regions of Georgia, Christmas is celebrated in its own way and they prepare special festive dishes. Christmas in different regions The countries are even named differently. In Samegrelo, for example, this holiday is called "Christ's evening", in Racha and Lower Svaneti - "Chantloba", in Upper Svaneti - "Shobi" (Christmas), in Kartli - " Christmas Eve", and in Mtiuleti - "Tkhiloba" (Time of nuts).

Christmas time

In Rus', Christmas time begins on the eve of a great holiday - on Christmas Eve with dinner with Christmas kutya and porridge, a pie with pretzels. By Christmas Eve, churches are decorated in a festive way with spruce branches, garlands with flowers and lights.

In many countries, as in Russia, Christmas was considered one of the main family holidays. For the holiday, they also baked animal figurines from wheat dough, with which they decorated tables, windows of the hut and sent them as gifts to relatives and friends.

When the family gathered at the table, the elders remembered the year - all the good and bad in the past year. At the end of the meal, the children took part of the remaining kutya to grandparents, as well as to the poor, so that they could celebrate Christmas.

By Christmas, in many families there is a custom to decorate a Christmas tree, to give gifts to each other. Christmas tree branches are decorated with various sweets and glowing lights. After the service, they ate all kinds of meat and fish snacks, baked goose with apples.

© photo: Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

Fried bird was the decoration of the Christmas table. Chicken was served cold, goose or duck hot. The cold bird was garnished with pickles, tomatoes and herbs, while the hot one was garnished with fried potatoes.

folk traditions celebrations of Christmas time from Christmas to Epiphany are rooted in Slavic customs celebrations winter solstice. Required attributes There was dressing up and caroling.

In honor of ancient tradition boys and girls dressed up in frightening costumes, animal costumes and went from house to house singing carols - Christmas carols. They arranged dances in houses and on the streets, played skits and entire performances.

At Christmas, pies, gingerbread, carols (small-shaped products made from rye unleavened dough with various fillings) were baked in every house, which were treated to those who came to carol - to sing folk songs about Christmas.

The older generation did not get bored either: the old men remembered and told customs, the women guessed.

Customs and signs

By ancient custom, on Christmas night you should think of the most cherished desire and it will surely come true. It was on this night, old beliefs, water, nature itself and air become magical and this helps your wishes come true.

Christmas traditions also say that during the holidays you should definitely have fun, never be sad and enjoy life.

© photo: Sputnik / A. Sverdlov

Chased icon "Christmas". XVII century. National Art Museum of Georgia

It was believed among the people that on Christmas Eve all evil spirits come out and walk until the Baptism of Christ. It was during this period of time that divination, rites and rituals became popular.

On Christmas Eve, you should definitely look at the sky. It is a good omen to see a shooting star that night.

Heavy snow during the Christmas holidays indicates that there will be a warm spring.

If you lost your comb during the holidays, then Christmas signs say that you will find your betrothed.

For the Christmas holidays, be sure to visit the store and buy cute trinkets that will be your charms until next Christmas.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Lyskin

Reproduction of the icon "Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ". 15th century

If the cat is in a hurry to escape in the morning on a holiday, then the groom will appear, the cat is the bride.

At Christmas, you should go to visit or host guests at home, then only good people will come to you all year round.

If a clock that you have not touched for a long time starts ringing on holidays, then you will soon go on a trip.

Christmas should be celebrated in clothes of light and bright colors, since it is impossible to be sad on such a bright and cheerful day.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.
