Which fund is better to keep your pension in? The best selection of materials to answer the question: Where is the best place to store pension savings? Where is the best place to store your pension?

The good news is that you can transfer your funds from one NPF to another or return the money back to the Pension Fund once a year. Pension reform 2014. The new Pension reform was adopted in 1998. The essence of this reform: each citizen is assigned an account in which his insurance premiums are accumulated. They are invested in some projects in order to generate income. Income received from investing funds is also credited to the citizen’s individual account. When a person reaches retirement age, he is paid a pension from accumulated funds. What does this give? This helps to increase payments in accordance with earned income and bring the employee's earnings for all working years into line with the amount of his payments. In 2005, savings contributions for persons born in 1967 stopped being replenished.

Expert advice: where is the best place to store retirement savings?

In fact, rates are “floating”; profitability varies significantly from year to year. Sometimes the accrued interest is only enough to cover inflation.

There are other disadvantages of NPFs:

  • in the event of bankruptcy, revocation of a license, or closure of a fund, the investor receives only a nominal amount of savings without indexation or interest;
  • when transferring funds to a non-state fund, you will have to regularly monitor the situation on the stock market, maintain control over your savings, and in the event of a sharp drop in profitability, urgently transfer the money to another organization;
  • If the fund invests the funds received irrationally, there is a high risk of going into the negative – a complete loss of accrued interest.

However, investing through non-state pension funds is still the best way to increase pension payments.

Why Russians still believe in funded pensions

The remaining 16% is divided into two parts:

  • 10% is the insurance part; these payments cannot be influenced;
  • 6% is a component that can be directed to a funded pension or, by default, it is stored in the insurance tariff.

If you want to have a funded part of your pension, then for this you need to write a corresponding application to the Pension Fund. The undoubted advantage of this formation is that the funded part can be replenished independently, maternal capital or part of it can be allocated to it, as well as through participation in the state financing program.

Since the funds allocated for the accumulative component of payments are used in investment activities, the amount gradually increases, it turns out that money brings money.

The best selection of materials to answer the question: where is the best place to store pension savings?

The compulsory pension insurance system (MPI) is a source of financing pension payments for Russian citizens. Persons covered by the policy are called insured.


Each insured citizen is assigned a personal personal account number (SNILS). Every resident of our country has had a green laminated card with this number since 2003.


The employer undertakes to contribute monthly 22% of the salary of a particular employee to this personal account. Previously, 6% was used to form pension savings (funds that, after a citizen retires, will be evenly distributed and paid to him personally), and 16% - to form an insurance pension (funds recorded in a personal account and ensuring the citizen’s right to receive a pension in the amount , equivalent to the transferred contributions).


It is also important to guarantee the safety of investments; if this is guaranteed by the state, then the risks are much lower - this is a positive thing. It would also be a good idea to analyze the effectiveness of the PF in terms of management; if there are positive trends in the development of management companies, there have been no losses or damages, and at the same time there is a gradual increase in profitability, then such a fund is good for cooperation.
Important! When choosing a non-state pension fund, pay attention to customer reviews. Key selection criteria Before choosing a non-state pension fund, it is advisable to analyze some points:

  1. View the list of those funds that are included in the list of those for which state deposit guarantees apply.

All about funded pension

With this option, not being an investor himself, the pensioner chooses a management company with which he will cooperate, thereby influencing the safety and increase of funds in the account. How to choose the right NPF? A non-state pension fund, as a rule, has several management companies that are engaged in different types of investment, some invest in securities, others work on deposits, making a profit, others invest in securities, others in precious metals, some may work in stock markets, and so on. Further.
When choosing a pension fund for cooperation, you need to pay attention to its profitability for previous periods, to the financial instruments that are used in relation to the funds of potential pensioners.

Where to store the funded part of the pension?

This way you can protect your savings.

  • Pay attention to companies' profitability indicators.
  • View the list of management companies.
  • Read customer reviews, which may reveal more than meets the eye.
  • Proven PFs that have proven themselves and maintain positive development trends are the most optimal funds for cooperation. Rating and reputation Reputation for most state and non-state funds is one of the key positions that plays a decisive role for potential pensioners who want to cooperate with the Pension Fund.

Who is more profitable to save for retirement?

Important! Part of the total amount can be inherited, and if an insured event occurs, the payment amount can be received as a one-time payment. These issues are regulated by law, namely Federal Law No. 360 of October 30, 2011 (Article 4, paragraph 1, paragraph 1). Where is it more profitable to keep? Any issue must be considered from several angles, and if the funded part of a pension is so attractive, then the question quite naturally arises as to why everyone, without exception, does not switch to this type of formation of future pensions. The answer is simple and straightforward - there are certain risks that very few people take.

As you know, free cheese can only be in a mousetrap, and modern society still remembers the collapse of MMM and other formations that were so attractive. Despite this, many are still willing to take risks and increase the amount of their savings over the years.

The low interest rate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is associated with serious restrictions in the field of investment: investing money is only allowed in assets permitted by law (government bonds and shares). Direct investment of funds is carried out by the management company Vnesheconombank and a number of other management companies with which the fund has concluded trust management agreements.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-state pension funds Non-state funds are non-profit organizations whose main task is to profitably invest pension savings of citizens, increasing their income. They can invest money in any type of assets, projects and companies, which allows them to achieve impressive returns.

Thus, NPF Sberbank showed a profitability of more than 13% per annum according to the Central Bank. In addition, this commercial structure is one of the oldest operating in the security sector in our country and has a high reliability rating.

Which fund is better to keep your pension in?

Everyone has their own opinion on this matter; some trust government organizations, while others, on the contrary, do not want to fully cooperate only with the government structure. While accumulating funds, they also earn money through the deposit mechanism as the funds are invested and due to this, some income is generated.

There are several types of management companies in which you can invest your savings. Based on the form of ownership, organizations can be divided into structures:

  1. The state company is represented by Vnesheconombank.
  2. Non-state PF.
  3. Private property management company.

Which option to choose and where to transfer the funded part of the pension in the future, everyone decides for themselves, taking into account risk levels and setting priorities.

After the pension reform of 2015, the funded part of the labor pension became an independent type - a funded pension. Until December 31, 2015 citizens Born 1967 and younger you could choose: or refuse to contribute to it. If a citizen has chosen the option of accumulating funds, then he can transfer them to the Pension Fund by choosing a Management Company (MC) or transfer pension savings to (NPF).

You can receive funded pension payments only when you reach 60 years for men and 55 years for women, or the age allowing you to apply for an old-age insurance pension, taking into account the standards in force as of December 31, 2018 (that is, without taking into account the changes introduced).

Since the retirement age is rising, and the age standards for funded pensions remain “frozen,” it turns out that a citizen can receive pension savings before retirement.

Funded pension - what is it?

A funded pension is formed for citizens born in 1967 and later that started working before January 1, 2014 and until December 31, 2015 decided to direct contributions to a funded pension.

Citizens older than 1967 can also form pension savings, but...

The formation of pension savings occurs through the transfer of insurance contributions by the employer. In total the employer pays 22% from wages in the form of an insurance premium, of which 16% is allocated to the insurance pension and the solidarity part, and the remaining 6% transferred to a funded pension.

In addition to mandatory insurance contributions, pension savings can be formed due to:

  • voluntarily paid insurance premiums;
  • amounts contributed under the pension savings co-financing program;
  • maternity capital funds fully or partially allocated to the formation of a pension;
  • results of investing accumulated funds.

How to find out the amount of pension savings (via the Internet, according to SNILS, in the Pension Fund)

Until 2013, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation annually sent information about the state of the individual pension insurance, including the amount of pension savings, to insured persons by mail in letters. Currently, depending on where the funded pension is formed in the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund, this information can be obtained in different ways:

  • Via the Internet on the website of the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund using your personal account.
  • In the territorial pension fund with the provision of a passport and SNILS.
  • When contacting the branch of the NPF that the citizen has chosen to form savings.
  • Through the bank in which the citizen has an account, if this bank provides such a service.

The amount of pension savings of the insured person

The size of the insured person’s funded pension is influenced by the amount of funds contributed to its formation and accounted for in his individual personal account (ILA) with the Pension Fund or in his pension account with the NPF.

The size of pension savings is adjusted annually on August 1 based on the amounts of funds received to finance it, which were not taken into account in the calculation when assigned or in the previous adjustment.

The savings payment is calculated using the formula:

NP = PN / T,

  • NP- the size of the funded pension;
  • Mon - the amount of the recipient's pension savings as of the date of payment;
  • T- expected period of pension payment (number of months). It is established annually by law and in 2018 is 246 months.

Once every five years NPF can be changed to another, or the formation of funds can be transferred to the management company. This can be done earlier (ahead of schedule) - once a year, and loss of investment income may occur.

  • Contact the NPF and conclude an agreement with it on compulsory pension insurance.
  • Submit an application to the territorial Pension Fund for transfer to a non-state pension fund.

After considering the application, the pension fund sends a notification to the insured person. If the non-state pension fund complies with legal requirements, the Pension Fund will notify of a positive decision; if the fund’s license is revoked, the notification will indicate the reasons for the refusal.

How to receive the funded part of the pension?

  • If desired in the future you can refuse from the direction of insurance contributions to a funded pension, the accumulated funds will continue to be invested and will be paid when a pension is assigned, and insurance transfers will go only to the insurance pension.
  • Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

    Before deciding on a management company, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its capabilities and reliability. Thus, it is believed that NPFs of large industrial giants are much more reliable than other non-profit organizations of this type. There is a certain risk here - large structures try to get rid of non-core assets as quickly as possible, so that possible falls in the stock market do not provoke additional risks.

    Therefore, you should carefully study all the documents of the selected fund, often resorting to the help of a specialist. The NPF rating for 2017/2018, compiled by the Central Bank, will help you figure out where to transfer the funded part of your pension with the greatest benefit and the least risk:

    NPF rating 2017/2018 compiled by the Central Bank

    Advantages of transferring pension savings to NPFs

    All these organizations are better than the government structure due to their high degree of profitability. Since the Russian pension fund does not have the right to invest in non-state enterprises and projects, its interest rate is much lower than in other institutions. For example, according to the Central Bank, at the end of 2017, the Pension Fund showed only 7% growth in capital investments, while Sberbank provided statistics of 13%.

    This is an important factor for retirees who want to improve their well-being by investing their own funds in various projects.

    Knowledge about funded pension

    Translation size, required documents and indexing

    Since it is not divided into parts, the amount of the transfer can be found out in your personal account on the Pension Fund website or by personally contacting the nearest branch of the organization. In this case, it is necessary to submit the following documents:

    • an application in the prescribed form for the transfer of funds to a non-state pension fund;
    • passport;
    • pension card;
    • insurance policy on pension payments;
    • details of the account to which the NPF will transfer payments.

    How to manage your funded pension

    All non-state pension funds are required to make savings deposits once a year in August according to the inflation rate. But not lower. The percentage depends on the total amount of investment and the profitability of the organization that manages these assets. That is, the more profitable the management company has invested the funds collected by future retirees, the more interest will be added to the bonuses already paid.

    Russians, who have not yet decided where it is best to keep their pension savings and who have not decided whether to trust them to private funds, remain in the status of “silent people”. Their savings are formed only into the insurance part of the pension, which is distributed for the needs of the state and is not subject to investment.

    All contributions to the Pension Fund for a working Russian are 22% of their salary. Of these, 16% automatically goes into the insurance part of the pension (by default), and 6% represents accumulated funds.

    The funded part of the pension can be used as funds for investment by a non-state pension fund. To do this, the client must transfer his savings to one of the private companies by drawing up a compulsory pension provision agreement (OPS). The OPS agreement is drawn up for an indefinite period and is terminated upon return of funds to the Russian Pension Fund or transfer from one NPF to another.

    NPF invests funds received from clients taking into account its profitability. At the same time, upon retirement, clients receive both the funded portion transferred from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund and the interest accrued by the fund for the entire period of validity of the compulsory pension agreement.

    “Silent people” do not have additional income when they reach retirement age. 6% of their contributions are used by the state for socially significant needs: payment of pensions to current pensioners, fulfillment of obligations to preferential categories of citizens and municipal institutions, etc.

    Where can I place funds?

    To increase their savings, citizens can transfer them to a non-state pension organization. In a private fund, funds will be invested annually, and clients of the fund will receive information about the state of the individual account.

    The Foundation is responsible for the safety of funds. Leading NPFs are included in the deposit insurance program, which guarantees 100% of payments clients in case of liquidation of the fund or deprivation of its license. The absence of an insurance program means that in the process of liquidation of the fund, investors will lose invested funds and investment income for the period of validity of the compulsory pension insurance agreement.

    “Silent people” keep their pension savings in an individual account with the Pension Fund, however, they do not have the opportunity to use them. Their investments go into insurance premiums and are spent by the government. In order not to lose investment income, clients must invest in a non-state pension fund. The full funded part of the pension will be transferred to the NPF account one year after submitting the application, the client will receive a notification about this by mail or email.

    Since 2014, the transition of non-state pension funds has not brought profit to clients, since Russia has introduced a moratorium on the formation of the funded part of citizens’ pensions. The lifting of the moratorium will return investment income to Russians. Until the freeze is lifted, savings will be automatically transferred to the insurance part of the pension.

    Why do you need a transfer to a non-state pension fund?

    The main purpose of transferring savings to a private pension company is to invest pension savings. NPFs offer to increase client contributions according to their profitability. However, no fund gives a 100% guarantee that investors will receive investment income.

    Transferring the funded portion of a pension allows clients to exercise their right to choose a decent future. Otherwise, the savings will be distributed to the needs of the state. Citizens cannot use funds that have not been transferred to the savings part of the NPF. It is possible to receive investment income only during the validity period of the compulsory pension insurance agreement.

    In order to wisely distribute the opportunity to increase the size of your future pension, it is recommended to choose companies with a high reliability rating.

    Profitability and reliability

    One of the main characteristics of the fund for potential investors is the profitability and reliability of the NPF.

    Yield is the interest accrued annually on depositors' funds. The higher the company’s profitability, the greater the percentage of investment the client will receive upon retirement.

    Until 2014, every 4th NPF had a negative or zero percent return. At the end of the period, investors of non-state funds with negative income (or equal to zero) received only funds transferred from the Pension Fund. At the same time, the company’s income could increase due to the constant influx of capital - an increase in the number of investors who signed an OPS agreement.

    Reliability is characterized by the fulfillment of obligations to investors who have retired. Upon reaching retirement age, the compulsory pension insurance contract is considered terminated, so clients receive 6% of the funds transferred from the employer and investment income accrued by the non-state pension fund.

    If the volume of pension savings is less than the amount of financial obligations to investors, then the NPF is deprived of its license. Clients receive 6% deductions if the fund was part of the deposit insurance system. Otherwise, they may receive only part of the transferred funds or completely lose the funded part of the pension (similar to the position of the “silent people”).

    To avoid an unfavorable outcome, before choosing a non-state pension fund, it is recommended to study the lists of rating agencies that assign reliability ratings to non-state companies based on their financial well-being and prospects in the compulsory pension insurance market.

    Where can you invest your money more profitably?

    If a citizen decides to entrust his savings to a private financial company, he ceases to be a “silent man” and becomes a client of a non-state pension fund.

    In addition to the compulsory pension insurance agreement, NPF clients can enter into a pension co-financing program and enter into an individual or corporate pension plan.

    An IPP (individual pension plan) is an option for co-financing a future pension, in which contributions are paid not by the employer, but by the investor himself. Clients choose the size, frequency and frequency of contributions based on the conditions offered by the NPF and their own financial capabilities. An IPP, unlike an OPS, can be concluded for a limited period, unless otherwise provided in the contract.

    EXAMPLE: IPP with a yield of 9% per annum with an unlimited period, a minimum contribution of 10 thousand rubles and arbitrary replenishment. With this IPP option, the client pays a mandatory contribution of 10 thousand rubles when concluding a co-financing agreement, and contributes the remaining amount of funds at his own discretion. The higher the amount of funds deposited, the more income the investor will receive after retirement.

    The difference between OPS and IPP also lies in the features of termination. OPS is terminated when the investor reaches retirement age, choosing another fund or returning to the Russian Pension Fund. The IPP is terminated at the client’s initiative, and as a result of early termination, clients lose part of the invested funds (unless otherwise provided by the IPP agreement).

    Which pension fund is better to transfer to?

    The choice of a non-state pension fund depends only on the participant in the compulsory pension agreement, since the transition to a private pension company is voluntary.

    Where is it better to contribute your pension savings? It is not recommended to pay attention to new companies that do not have experience in the insurance market. Their conditions may be more attractive than those of well-known competitors, however, such funds cannot guarantee profitability.

    Wherein Well-known non-state pension funds with low levels of profitability are also not able to compete with other funds: When choosing them as an investor, investors risk receiving only the volume of invested savings.

    The optimal option is a stable non-state company with an average level of profitability and maximum reliability indicators. When choosing such a fund, clients do not risk losing investment income and are guaranteed to receive payment of all funds after termination of the OPS agreement.

    You can draw up an OPS agreement with 9/10 leading companies online, providing copies of documents by email. But during a personal visit, clients have the opportunity to receive more detailed advice about the work of the fund, learn about additional ways to increase their pension and the specifics of concluding an agreement.

    Key selection criteria

    1. Availability of a license from the NPF, giving the right to engage in compulsory pension insurance. Without a license, the fund cannot guarantee payment of funds to investors and calls into question its reliability.
    2. Availability of a branch or an official representative at the client’s place of work or registration. Sometimes financial issues cannot be resolved remotely, using the Help Desk or Contact Center.

      Official representation allows you to reduce the time for considering a claim or concluding an agreement, as well as accepting documents for receiving payments upon reaching retirement age.

    3. Positive customer feedback about the work of the foundation and its employees. The absence of complaints about delays in payments, the presence of an online account for mobile access to an individual account, the competence of employees and the clear interface of the website simplify maintenance and obtaining information about the activities of the fund.
    4. Current co-financing programs and favorable conditions under OPS agreements. Having a regular income is one of the main priorities when choosing a fund. It is important that the income exceeds the inflation rate in the country and does not go beyond the average.

      If the income of NPFs is several times higher than the average annual income of leading companies, this may be an alarming signal - thus NPFs with a low level of reliability “lure” new clients, acting without a license and not fulfilling obligations to retired investors.

    5. High level of reliability for at least 3 years. It is recommended to evaluate the reliability of the fund over a three-year period, since an assessment of one year does not guarantee an accurate picture of the company's activities. If the fund's performance is consistently high for three years in a row, this confirms its reliability.

    The most reliable non-state pension funds that have confirmed their reputation with investors

    The leaders of the OPS market are distinguished by a stable influx of capital, a high volume of deposits, an increase in client flow and positive reviews of the fund’s work. Such non-state pension funds regularly provide up-to-date information on their financial situation and are not afraid to participate in the rankings of leading agencies.

    The first places are occupied by NPFs that are leaders in terms of the number of investors, capital or inflow of pension savings.

    A large volume of pension savings guarantees the payment of obligations to investors.

    TOP 5 funds in the OPS market

    • NPF "Sberbank". Leader 2016-2017 by the number of depositors and the inflow of pension savings. The highest rating in the reliability ranking (ruAAA). Guarantees 100% payments to investors upon reaching retirement age.
    • NPF "Gazfond"– one of the first non-state pension funds, high level of reliability. Leader of 2013 in terms of profitability. All investors receive payments upon termination of the OPS agreement without delay.
    • NPF "VTB Pension Fund"– a stable financial company from one of the leaders in the banking sector. Reliability rating - maximum (ruAAA). Constant investment income and fulfillment of financial obligations.
    • NPF "Blagosostoyaniye"– a fund with 22 years of experience in the OPS market. Offers special programs for Russian Railways employees. The average level of profitability exceeds 9%.
    • NPF "NEFTEGARANT"- a subsidiary of the non-state pension organization of OJSC Rosneft. Maximum reliability from Expert RA and the National Rating Agency - ruAAA and AAA.

    All funds are participants in the state deposit insurance program, which protects the savings of participants in compulsory pension agreements. Over the past 5 years, the funds have received only the highest reliability rating and have always fulfilled their obligations when investors reach retirement age.
