Merry congratulations on Railway Worker's Day. Comic congratulations on Railway Worker's Day

The railway is calling you
After all, you love your job so much!
I wish you a lot of happiness,
May all your cherished dreams come true!

Let your salary go up
And your career path is always growing!
Let joy ride on the locomotive
And it will bring bright moments!

Let the rails of luck lead to success,
And your path will always be easy.
The carriages are carrying love and happiness,
Great health to both you and your family.

Let your profession be held in high esteem,
Your work will be adequately paid.
You will achieve everything you set out to,
Let the problems disappear along the way.

I congratulate you on Railway Worker’s Day and with all my heart I want to wish that the train of your life boldly rushes towards your cherished dreams and desires along the rails of good luck and fortune, the road of happiness and love. May your work always be honored and respected, may every day bring you a great mood and wonderful inspiration.

Let the rails be your path
Always sparkle and shine.
Let the trains have their way
Neither rain nor snow will interfere.

We wish you to be in life,
Like a fast train, die-hard.
To make life interesting
And may your day always be good!

Green let the light guide you.
Follow the route strictly.
Stories of light and victories
We wish you on all roads!

We wish that on the handcar
It was as comfortable as in a limousine,
And so that each of your carriages
It had its own leather interior.

Reliable rails and sleepers for you.
And so that everyone respects you!
Green semaphore light
May you have many years to come.

We celebrate Railway Day
Even those who have nothing to do with it.
Let's not treat ourselves to tea,
We drink stronger liquids these days.

Everyone loves to travel on trains -
Adults and children.
They often sing songs there,
They have fun until the morning.

We raise our glasses
For railway workers,
So that you don't know grief,
May everyone be happy!

So that the rails don't rust,
The trains didn't break down
So that the birds sing songs,
It was spring in my soul!

Happy Railway Worker's Day,
Good health!
Let the world become brighter,
To live with love.

Hard work will bring
More positive,
Joy is a cycle,
A sea of ​​happy days!

Happy Railwayman's Day
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
You are rail and sleeper artists,
How good you all are!

We wish you a lot of luck,
Health, joy, miracles,
We also wish you in addition
So that, fortunately, your express train flies.

Railway worker!
I would like to congratulate you soon.
Your work is clear to many people,
But not everyone can handle it.

Health, prosperity, space,
Let your dreams come true in an instant.
Sparks, positivity, enthusiasm!
Good luck, love, beauty!

There is no place for the weak here,
Here labor is at its limit,
We wish you good luck
We are in your business.

With the railway
You have bound fate
And with this you strength
They proved theirs.

May you be lucky.
Only pleasant ones
We wish you trouble.

Smooth roads to you,
And the house is warm,
To be carefree
All life has flown by!

Let the train of life carry you forward
And your path will be long, interesting,
The weather will be clear all year round,
And the world around is beautiful and wonderful!

Let everyone be happy
A ticket that came into your hands
And pleases the eyes more than once
Green semaphore light!

Rails, sleepers, platform noise -
This is all so familiar to you.
You live on wheels
Even sleep at work.
For railway workers
Home is everywhere:
In the city or in an open field -
You are always in your carriage.
I would like to wish you
Never be discouraged
Live in peace and prosperity
And drink a cocktail of happiness.

Happy Railway Workers Day!
Extremely useful for our country!
Let work be a pleasure,
Let romance not only be a concern!

May your health never let you down,
And your partner will help if anything happens!
Let the family miss you and wait for a new meeting,
All doubts and sorrows will be healed!

Sleepers-sleepers, rails-rails,
It's a wonderful day for you!
Celebrates a personal holiday
Who loves railways!

And as a reward for your efforts,
Live long and happily
In “silence” and on driving days!

You volunteered
The rail and sleepers are held hostage.
Please accept congratulations,
Railway workers!

On your holiday I wish you happiness,
Let the train rush to luck,
Let only you be green
The semaphore is always on.

Comic congratulations to railway workers in verse

Railway workers
I wish you many blessings:
A carriage with good luck and goodness,
Always keep the house full.
Through life let the locomotive
Lucky with health, positivity,
Cash container.
May everything be great for you!

What is a country like without a railway?
Their feet won't reach the outskirts!
Our salary is not enough for gasoline!
On the plane, what if you suddenly get a heart attack?

To those who work here, congratulations
And we wish you peaceful travels!
Increasing your salary
To be kind and rich!

To you, brave railwayman,
We wish we had a steam locomotive!
So as not to live like a famous shoemaker,
You took everything home from work.

But you are not like that and we wish you a salary,
For honesty, a big raise!
Railway worker, we congratulate you,
In your own way, jokingly and with soul!

you railway
I took her captive a long time ago.
I wish you a glorious holiday,
So that there are no problems.

So that the barrier rises
Before happiness and good luck,
Let it sound victorious, loud
All problems are solved.

Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day to colleagues

We are married to the iron road,
We traveled to all the nooks and crannies of the country.
I would like to wish you, colleagues, now,
So that there is someone to meet you from the flight.
So that only the rear is reliable and strong,
And so that you have enough strength to work.
May you be rewarded with interest for your efforts,
And the way home will always be joyful.

There is no dearer road than the railway
For the workers of our path!
Our work is responsible and useful:
Take everyone across the vast country!

To you, colleagues, only clean paths!
The most devoted, loyal friends!
And more radiant smiles,
To make your heart warmer!

Like a plantain lifesaver,
Helping everyone along the way.
Companion - railway worker,

Let your path be the same
The path in life runs smoothly.
On your personal day, very important
Be happy, my colleague!

Congratulations, colleagues,
Happy special holiday to us.
Let the fast train take you away
Get rid of problems and worries.

May you be lucky to love and happiness
Nice blue carriage
Let all the difficulties, guys,
They won't care in life.

Funny short congratulations on Railway Worker's Day (SMS)

Vivat for the railway worker!
Be healthy, happy and rich,
Good luck to you in all your endeavors,
And all the best in the world.

Happy Railway Worker's Day!
Everything will work out, everything will work out!
And there will be no hitch, no obstacle,
Only the sun, only summer outside the window!

Railway workers receive honor and respect,
Good luck with your protégé and personal victories.
And also big congratulations from all of us,
Russian Railways are class and it’s no secret!

You are a railway worker.
It's a glorious holiday for you today.
I wish you good luck and happiness,
May your blue dream come true.

Comic humorous congratulations to railway workers in prose

Railway workers are well aware that one of the first routes in Nicholas’s times was the highway between St. Petersburg and Moscow. Let each of you have the opportunity, in addition to a motor home, to acquire modest housing in each of the capitals. Good luck to you, good luck, excellent mood. Let your dreams come true, and let your happiness multiply, waiting for you in every carriage, and even on the platform.

Happy Railwayman's Day to you, servant of rails and sleepers! We wish that on this magical day the arrows would point only to a happy distance, the trains would go to the “Privavka” and “Bonus” stations, passengers would be annoying with politeness and tips, in general, everything would be as usual! Consistency is the best gift for a personal holiday! Hooray!

Happy Railway Worker's Day, friends! The road... Hundreds of thousands of kilometers, thousands of people and fragments of their destinies replace each other in your everyday life. Thank you for your work, for your responsibility and patience! More goodness to you! Let your home be a real fortress, where you are loved and always welcome! And health and luck never fail!
Happy holiday!

Dear railway workers, a telegram for you!
Congratulations on your professional holiday, we wish you to continue to love and favor us, to give us all your strength, skills and talents. And we, in turn, promise to serve you faithfully and always pave the way for you to happiness, joy and success.
Sincerely yours, rails and sleepers.

Official congratulations on Railway Worker's Day

Being a railway worker is not an easy job. Many of you have had the opportunity to travel around the world, see different cities and countries. It was on this journey that each of you spent most of your life. I sincerely wish you good luck not only at work. Let every railway worker be sure to have that same cherished station where they will never stop waiting, will always sincerely love and dream of a long-awaited meeting. Best wishes to you and your families.

As a child, you must all have loved books about travel and adventure. And when you grew up a little, the romance of the high road brought you to the railway and left you to work there. Well, congratulations on this! Happy Railway Worker's Day, friends! Good luck, patience, beauty outside the windows, and if adventures happen, then only fun ones!

With undisguised pleasure and great respect, we congratulate everyone involved in the railway sector! It is extremely difficult to overestimate your work and labor. You help people develop space. So let the huge transport link be a second home for you: cozy, friendly, fair and generous! Happy holiday, dear railway workers!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Railway Worker's Day! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your dedicated, difficult and much needed work. Let difficult work always give you joy, open new horizons and always be adequately paid. Peace and happiness to you in your families, success and advancement in your work, a positive attitude in all life situations.

The composition is huge with its steady hand
You lead you along the rails for hundreds of miles,
Day and night, all year round - always
Trains are rushing to all corners of the country.
They are going according to schedule, everything is clear, strict,
The railway requires full dedication,
And I congratulate those who work on it,
Today is your holiday, I wish you all the best.

I want to congratulate those who, in any weather
He leads trains along long rails,
Who waits for every train at the stops,
Who will inspect the entire train in the parking lots,
Who will make sure that the path is clear,
There is no time to raise your eyes, to sigh,
And even on their holiday they do not rest,
Good luck and good health to you, congratulations.

The railway is at work both day and night,
There is a lot of people and different loads,
Where other transport will be useless,
The railway network will come to the rescue.
In all parts of the country it helps us,
Congratulations on your profession day today,
We wish you a happy journey, as always,
Our trains run faster than the wind.

The rhythmic sound of wheels and the train rushes along,
The compartment is cozy, the conductor brings tea,
Here the driver blows his horn at the stop,
The station attendant will announce the parking lot for us,
The freight train whistled, there was a lot of work,
The railway works without interruption,
Today is your holiday, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Health, strength, happiness, long life.

I would like to congratulate you on your profession day today,
Who leads the trains along the roads day and night,
Who made the schedule, repairs the rails,
Everyone who works on the railway network.
Thank you very much for your valiant work,
May the long journey always be happy,
So that you can see the openings at the end of the tunnels,
We send you congratulations and greetings today.

Our locomotive is humming, rushing, breathing steam,
The heavy clatter of wheels can be heard everywhere,
People are lucky, tons of heavy loads,
A network of paths is being woven in a huge country.
And you can lose count of how many hundreds of them there are,
We congratulate you on this day, our railway worker,
May every flight be yours,
May there always be a spare path.

The railway will celebrate its holiday,
I wish you some rest, at least a little,
After all, trains are on the road around the clock,
You cannot leave your post for a moment.
You can't do your job poorly
Cause this could turn into a disaster
Everything must be done clearly, carefully,
Your work is important to us, railway worker.

Today the calendar brought the holiday again,
Since the steam locomotive was invented,
Long trains run along the echoing rails,
On the day of railways, I want to congratulate those
Who is directly related to them,
I wish you good health with all my heart,
May the long journey be happy,
May you never be lonely in life.

The wheels are knocking to the beat, composing a song,
It's always very interesting to be on the road,
In the country there is a large railway network
Only for you is more precious than anyone else in the world.
Great greetings to you, dear son of iron,
You will celebrate your holiday with company,
Let only joy await you ahead,
Let the train rush, have a good trip.

You sleep, work and eat to the sound of wheels,
Who is this person - I’ll ask a question,
And for him there is nothing more wonderful,
Than the network of tracks, the noise of the train and the rails.
Our railway worker, accept my greetings now,
And take our wishes with you on the journey,
Let the rails lead you to luck,
And they love you at home, let them wait faithfully.

Like an enchanted god, a big magnet,
The railway beckons you into the distance,
Don't you get tired of living on a journey without end,
You are very glad that there is such a profession.
Let the steel rails not lead you to a dead end,
May your long journey be safe,
Let the locomotive fly through life with a song,
Accept a gift on the day of your beautiful profession.

You are among the rails, shooter king and god,
Your element is a network of such roads,
You gave up your destiny from a young age
Horns, carriages, the kingdom of rails and sleepers.
May the platforms and stations be on this day
They greet you with a song about you, they send greetings,
And we, of course, hasten to congratulate you,
And let all paths lead home.

I congratulate you on Railway Worker's Day.
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart.
Let the world give you a sea of ​​warmth.
And kindness will live in your soul.

Happy Railwayman's Day!
I generously wish you success as workers,
A rich trailer filled with happiness,
Much goodness to you and an amulet against bad weather.

Let luck run to you along striped rails,
Even a difficult task will be solved.
May any work be stress-free for you.
Income, health and care from loved ones.

Congratulations on Railway Worker's Day and wish you life as on a train: always lucky, lucky and lucky. Good health and sincere love, respect from others and reliable friends, prosperity in the home and good luck in your professional work.

The rails are a long strip,
They cut the horizon with a scythe,
May it be at any time of the year
The weather will be clear.
Without worries and sorrows,
Without losses and without deprivation,
Have a good trip,
So that the green light shines,
So that you don’t know fatigue,
All diseases disappeared.
Your sound spirit was strong,
The sound of wheels caressed your ears.
To receive it with dignity,
And they lived in abundance.
Congratulations, be healthy
Master of Trains!

Conductor and driver
And the carriage, SCBist,
Both the traveler and the dispatcher,
The holiday is guaranteed for you all.

We wish you on Railway Day
Happiness in life, etc.
(The most important benefits according to the list).
Drive trains without risk!

So that the wheels beat in time,
And their hearts answered them.
And good luck to you carriages;
Love, friendship - kilotons.

So that the sleeper rails call into the distance,
The train was not “late”
So that the switchman does not sleep -
I raise my glass!

Your life is continuous rails,
Sleepers are milestones along the way.
May your luck be upon them
You'll have to find it.

Let the troubles fly downhill,
There is no place for them in the composition,
And in the carriage is your happiness
Book your ticket!

Everyone who gave their lives
Sleepers, rails, trains,
I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness.

Let the railway
Only leads you to happiness
May you have a lot of money
Less pain and worries.

On the road of iron,
A special people work,
Soft people are not kept here,
Only the strong and capable.

We wish that the roads
In life we ​​were only straight,
So that you are loved,
And of course you were loved.

On this holiday we wish you,
So that dreams always come true,
Lots of money and health
And of course a sea of ​​happiness!

Rails, sleepers, stops,
Passengers, sorting,
Freight transportation...
And at the same time the schedule is tight.

You live on wheels
Even sleep at work -
Everything is just the sound of wheels.
For you to go is not a question.

We wish you today
May you always be lucky along the way,
Unusual passengers
May the wind blow towards you.

Among them: success, health,
Optimism, luck, laughter.
By the way, they, dear ones, need
Only one carriage for everyone.

Yes, it’s like home for you
You've been working here for a long time -
Diligently, honestly, a lot.

You put your whole soul into it
From sunrise to sunset,
While they are running to the sound of wheels
All the trains are going somewhere.

May the pleasure always
The work brings it.
Let the boss on this day
He will throw up two bonuses.

Stay the course and don't go away
From that straight path.
We wish you to be healthy
And a lot of happiness.

I wish you love, warmth,
Good luck, a lot of happiness,
May it lead you forward to your dreams
Always the railway!

Let your work bring you
Only joy and great income,
So that you don't know how to count money
And they got richer every year!

At night, during the day, ringing in the morning
Trains rush along the rails:
It's hard to imagine your life
Without familiar work.

Dear miracle workers,
Congratulations by saying:
Let them fly even faster
Trains, giving delight.

And there will be no obstacles,
And fate will not let you down.
We are happy to repeat it a hundred times:
Thank you people!!!

We are sincerely grateful to you,
What trains rush along the rails,
And where you need it,
They can do it on time without any difficulty.
Let there be no obstacles
Fate will never let you down
And may the rewards be worthy
And everyone will find their own path to happiness!

Congratulations on Railway Worker's Day

Congratulations to the railway workers today,
We respect your hard work very much,
After all, you drive trains day and night,
You transport people and cargo carefully.

In our homeland, and in foreign lands,
You spend day and night in the cabin,
So we wish you a happy journey,
Find your health and love.

Life is woven from partings,
Meetings, tears, roads and distances.
The conductor waved a flag -
The shadow of farewell fell on their faces.
Buildings flash by like a bird
The train rushes towards the sun,
The conductors serve tea,
Horns burst through the window,
Steel weave tracks -
Hello, iron! Happy Birthday!

Railways -
Arteries of the country!
It is clear to many
How important they are!

And the railway worker -
Profession of people
Reasonable, careful
In responsible work!

And summer has gathered again
Friends of steel machines
May this holiday be a good one
Celebrate from the heart!

And I congratulate you,
Health for a hundred years!
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Business is green light!

Railwayman! On this day
To your passengers - everyone in the world -
We are not too lazy to praise you,
Sing these odes and praises

The enemy cannot understand your heroism,
But under the sound of wheels they penetrated into fate:
You carry us through the rain, blizzard, taiga,
Driver, traveler, conductor!

May your days be happy
And annoyances and grievances are petty,
Green lights are burning for you,
And they don’t point the arrows at you!!!

Railwayman's Day

Railways are like veins
The entire country is covered by the network.
Thank you for your hard work
We appreciate you very much, believe me.

Day and night, hot and cold
Always stay on duty!
We wish you on schedule
Meet and see off trains!

Your work is not easy, it is very important
The country celebrated a wonderful holiday!
So may your every day be happy!
And the highway is sonorous, like a string!

Your destiny is the railway,
And on your holiday we say to you:
You saw, I did a lot of things
In my very short life!
You live in the Fatherland, helping people,
Having goodness and honor in your luggage,
And you don’t need another fate,
When there is already one - there is one!
Let the world of love be cheerful, eternal,
May you have a house and money,
And every train, the farthest, oncoming
Greetings, honking loudly!

Funny congratulations on Railway Worker's Day

Congratulations, railway workers,
Happy holiday that has come.
Peace of mind for you
We wish you lots of strength!

So that life stretches on like a road,
With turns to no end,
So that there is happiness and joy in her,
May your hearts burn with love!

Romantics of the railways!
Managers of obedient rails and sleepers!
A beautiful summer day was named after you
Happy railway workers of all countries!

The railway is like fate
Like the road chosen in life,
Wherever she runs,
Let it end at your doorstep.

May your home always be a full cup,
May his happiness never diminish,
Everything works out the way you dreamed
And we were looking forward to seeing you at home!

Sound cards Happy Railwayman's Day

Trains rush by day and night,
The whole country was in motion.
You are the lords of the steel roads,
Without you, all life would stop.

Driver, dispatcher, conductor,
Technician and station manager -
Please accept congratulations on the holiday,
We want life to pamper you more often.

We wish you good health,
May your eyes always sparkle with happiness.
We are so grateful to you that without interruption
Trains rush by day and night.

Railwayman's Day holiday

Cars, rails, sleepers and platforms
Trains have their own laws.
Racing at full speed
At your own risk and peril.
Congratulations to railway workers today
We respect your work.
Carefully transport people and cargo
And you definitely won’t find a better profession!

Our railway workers
We wish God to help you today,
We always wish you good luck in your work,
So that only green light greets the trains.

We want to congratulate all services today,
And send all this to you by telegram.
Your wishes in difficult work,
You live in friendship with the railway.

Dispatcher and switchman, our guide,
Everyone has poured their soul into their work.
Lineman, traveler, and brigade foreman,
We are very happy to congratulate you today.

Happy birthday greetings to a railway worker

The whistle of a locomotive once
Woke up our slumbering station,
Now there are electric locomotives,
A long train dragging along!
Behind all that complex organism
A reliable person stands -
Our Russian railway worker,
Be healthy and glorious forever!
