All the rules about hygienic therapeutic massages in one place. Hygienic massage of the face and neck - basic principles

The hallmark of any woman is the skin of the face and neck. Hygienic massage of these parts of the body not only protects against the appearance of early wrinkles, but also helps to maintain firmness, elasticity and healthy skin color. Consider the basic principles of such a massage.

How often to do a hygienic massage of the face and neck

The frequency of massage sessions depends on age. Already after 25 years, once a year it is recommended to conduct a course that includes 10 sessions. In addition, once a month it is worth holding maintenance sessions. After 30 years, a session of such a massage will be necessary once a week. With normal skin of the face and neck, hygienic massage can be carried out in the form of a light daily self-massage.

Preparation of the face and neck for hygienic massage

Before starting the massage, the skin should be wiped with a special tool. It can be a lotion or tincture based on medicinal herbs.

When cleaning, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • on the back of the neck, from bottom to top;
  • on the front of the neck, from bottom to top;
  • from the middle of the lower lip to the tips of the auricles;
  • from the sides of the nose and the middle of the upper lip to the top of the auricles;
  • from top to bottom on the surface of the nose;
  • from top to bottom on the sides of the neck;
  • from the extreme corner of the eye to the inner corner and vice versa;
  • from the middle of the surface of the nose to its sides;
  • from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

A good end to the massage will be a nourishing mask that will soothe the skin. The effect will be more noticeable if, before starting the massage, moist heating of the skin is carried out. This procedure facilitates the easy elimination of dead cells.

How to perform a hygienic massage of the face and neck

In most cases, hygienic massage uses the following techniques:

  • kneading;
  • stroking;
  • vibration;
  • trituration.
  1. Stroking. This technique consists exclusively of light and smooth movements. In this case, the hand should be half-bent. Stroking should be done with fingertips.
  2. Trituration. This technique can be performed with both fingertips and palms. It differs from stroking by more energetic movements. Deep rubbing is performed with the outer side of the brush folded into a fist. The pace must be slow.
  3. Kneading. This is a slight pinching that brings the tissue as close as possible to the bones. With this technique, a rolling effect is created. Movements must be slow.
  4. Vibration. This is a very energetic move. It must be performed with the fingertips or the palm of your hand. Vibration is created by oscillating hand movements.

The effectiveness of hygienic massage, both face and neck, depends on the frequency of its use. Receptions are better to alternate with each other.

Hygienic massage can prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Thanks to him, blood circulation in the whole body increases, muscle tone increases. After session, the patient feels full of energy. Each age has its own method of massage movements. For the elderly, light movements and strokes are provided. Toning the muscles in this case is not recommended. In the presence of diseases such as: tuberculosis, cancer, blood disease, thrombophlebitis, hygienic massage is strictly prohibited. This can provoke a rapid course of the disease, which will adversely affect the patient's well-being.

Basic requirements for a massage

The hygienic foundations of massage include a number of requirements that allow for high-quality procedures. The massage therapist must have good theoretical knowledge in order to accurately understand the cause of the disease. An important role is played by the availability of professional experience.

Before starting a massage course, you must fulfill all relevant requirements such as:

  • good equipment and condition of the premises;
  • a set of medicines and oils for sliding the masseur's hands;
  • experience in conducting a course of hygienic massage;
  • examination of the patient;
  • compliance with the regime;
  • contraindications.

The condition of the premises is almost a priority in the procedures. The size of the cabinet should be more than 8 m2. The room needs constant cleaning and ventilation. It is necessary to take care of good lighting, which can help in the normal work of a specialist.

For the comfortable location of patients, special couches are used. The kit includes several additional designs that are provided for each zone of the human body. The adjustment system helps to adjust the working area based on the age and body weight of the patient.

The office should have a screen, a doctor's table, a sink with hot and cold water. Also, do not forget about the presence of drugs in the massage room.

For a flawless glide of the hands during the massage, the doctor uses creams with a relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect. Aromatherapy is used to completely relax the patient during the session.

Hygienic massage: getting started

In order to degrease the working surface on the patient's body, the massage therapist uses ordinary talcum powder. As a result, all excess fat secretions do not interfere during the process. Injured skin is not recommended to be lubricated with any preparations. During massaging, light strokes are applied that increase blood flow, which leads to rapid healing of abrasions and cuts.

If hygienic massage for the elderly, the massage therapist uses nourishing oils in order to remove dry skin. After completing the course of massage, it is recommended to nourish problem areas with appropriate creams based on moisturizing ingredients.

In addition to professional experience, the massage therapist is required to follow basic hygiene rules. His hands must always be in order. There should be no wounds, scratches or cuts. If the procedure is performed by a woman, then long nails should not be present on the hands, which can harm the patient's skin during the massage.

Wash your hands thoroughly before starting procedures. Upon contact with the patient's skin, a poorly cleaned surface can provoke an inflammatory process.

The main requirement of the massage therapist to conduct a hygienic massage is a complete examination of the patient's problem areas. The doctor carefully examines the massed area. It takes into account: the moisture content of the skin, lymph nodes, inflammation, swelling. The patient at this time talks about the presence of pain in the problem area. After that, the masseur proceeds to action.

For each injury, a specific session time is selected. The first treatments should be less intense. Basically, they are carried out in the form of light strokes. The duration of subsequent massages is about 20 minutes.

Particular attention should be paid to contraindications. If the patient has diseases: circulatory system, inflamed lymph nodes, tuberculosis, gynecological diseases, then hygienic massage is strictly prohibited. Do not neglect any requirement. The quality of the services provided depends on compliance with all conditions.

Therapeutic massage methods

Hygienic therapeutic massage has several directions that help to cope with a number of diseases. The main ones include:

  • reflex (aimed at the treatment of reflex activity);
  • localized (certain zones of the limbs);
  • urological direction (stimulates the normal functioning of the genitourinary system);
  • gynecology (improves blood flow in the pelvis);
  • the field of dentistry (allows to reduce pain syndrome);
  • visceral direction (stimulates rapid weight loss of problem areas);
  • cosmetology field.
  • eliminates cellulite (as well as parafango)

For each direction, a certain sequence of movements and the time of the session are intended. The field of cosmetology is considered the most demanded direction. Hygienic facial massage helps to avoid premature aging of delicate skin.

Before starting the massage procedure, the skin type is determined. The face is cleansed with special cosmetic preparations in order to remove excess fat. In the presence of acne and inflammation, hygienic massage is contraindicated.

A bit about massage technologies

The technology for performing movements consists in light strokes in the area of ​​​​the eyes, chin and forehead. Do not do intense pressure on the face. This can contribute to the appearance of bruises and microcracks on the skin. You can start hygienic facial massage after 26 years. At this time, the skin needs good blood flow to prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Classical hygienic massage improves the body's metabolism, thereby triggering the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. The doctor conducts light movements massaging each area of ​​the whole body. The beginning of the procedure begins with exposure to the fingers and ends with the scalp.

But the first step is to make sure that there are no contraindications. The skin should not be free of various lesions and rashes. The classical massage technique consists in massaging all parts of the body. As a result, the patient's body is completely relaxed.

The movements in this technique are quite soft. In order to fully feel the relief, you must go through the entire session of 20 procedures. The duration of each session is 15 minutes. You can carry out hygienic massage yourself at home. The moment is important that specialists must perform all actions with light touches on the skin. The use of brute force can make a person feel bad.

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In order not to irritate the patient, you should not touch the eyelashes during the massage, touch the nose and ears, touch the bandage with your hands. It is also necessary to be careful around the openings of the mouth and nose so that massage products, especially fats, do not get into the eyes, mouth and nose.

Careless execution of massage techniques and movements, inattentive attitude to the person being massaged reduce the therapeutic effect of massage.

After preparing the workplace and the patient, the masseuse proceeds to massage.

There are several points of view on the methodology of massage. Some recommend massaging both halves of the face at the same time with both hands, standing or sitting behind the patient. Others, on the contrary, advise the masseuse to stand on the side or in front of the patient.

It is believed that the best is the position in which the masseuse is behind the person being massaged and massages with both hands at once. In this position, it is possible to act evenly with the same force on symmetrical areas of the face.

Now you need to decide in which direction to massage.

As you know, the skin in general, and especially on the face, has the ability to stretch. However, it does not expand equally in all directions. There are directions of least stretching of the skin, called skin lines.

Skin lines on the forehead run from the eyebrows to the edge of the hairline; their course coincides with the direction of hair growth on the eyebrows.

At the temples, these lines are arranged in the form of a spiral. On the nose, they are directed from the tip of the nose to its base, that is, to the cheeks. Around the eyes, the skin lines go wrong - towards the nose. On the chin, especially in the center of it, stab lines follow from top to bottom. Finally, on the cheeks from the side surfaces of the nose and upper lip - to the sides and down, to the ear and the edge of the lower jaw.

When massaging, it is necessary to follow the direction of the skin lines, or cross them at a very sharp angle.

So, the main rule that must be observed is to massage according to the location and direction of the skin lines.

Hygienic massage

Hygienic facial massage keeps the skin healthy, fresh, elastic and prevents its premature aging. It consists of the fifteen movements below.

Scheme of hygienic massage

First movement. Stroking along the late facial, or skin, veins and blood vessels of the neck.

This movement is made with the pads of the thumbs, which are placed between the eyebrows. Slightly pressing, they slide their fingers along the side surfaces of the nose down and to the sides, heading towards the edge of the lower jaw (Fig. 1). From the angle of the lower jaw, with the palmar side of closed fingers (with the exception of the thumb), stroking the side surfaces of the neck from top to bottom (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1.

Stroking along the anterior facial vein.


Stroking the lateral surfaces of the neck.

Simultaneous stroking of the neck on both sides leads to an increased outflow of blood from the vessels; stroking should be done lightly - too vigorous a movement can cause fainting.

Second movement. Stroking the front of the neck.

Stroking is done with closed fingers from the bottom up - along the fibers of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (Fig. 3). When the ends of the fingers reach the edge of the lower jaw, continue stroking from its edge to the earlobe (Fig. 4), under which the ends of the fingers make light pressure.

Rice. 3.

Stroking the front of the neck.

Rice. 4.

Stroking the lower part of the face.

When stroking the front of the neck, you need to remember about the thyroid gland. You should also not press on the larynx - this entails an unpleasant sensation and coughing.

Third movement. Stroking the skin of the face in the direction of the skin lines.

Stroking the skin of the face is carried out from the midline to the ears in three directions (Fig. 5).

1st direction - from the upper lip and chin. The fingers are placed so that they go beyond the midline, with the index fingers placed on the upper lip, the middle fingers in the chin fossa, the fourth and fifth under the chin.

Rice. 5.

Stroking the face in the direction of skin lines.

2nd direction - from the back of the nose to the cheeks. This movement is performed on the nose with the tips of three fingers (without the thumb and little finger), and on the cheeks with the palmar surfaces of four fingers (without the thumb). Finishing stroking in this direction, fingers press on the parotid region.

3rd direction - from the back of the nose along the edge of the circular muscle of the eye to the temporal fossa. Stroking in this area ends with a slight vibration in the temporal fossa.

Fourth movement. Stroking in the region of the eye sockets.

This movement starts from the temporal fossa. After vibration with the pads of the middle fingers, the skin of the lower edge of the orbit is stroked towards the nose (Fig. 6); also stroke the skin of the upper edge of the eye sockets. At the inner edge of the eye sockets, when the middle fingers reach the eyebrows, attach the second or fourth fingers and continue stroking along the upper edge of the eye sockets to the temporal fossae, as if clamping the eyebrows between the fingers.

Rice. 6.

Stroking the lower edge of the orbit.

Circular stroking of the eyelids should be avoided. Stroking the skin in the area of ​​the orbits can be supplemented with the following movements: grabbing the eyebrow between the fingers, stroke the upper edge of the orbit with a zigzag stroke (Fig. 7). Rice. 7.

Stroking the upper edge of the orbit.

Fifth movement. Forehead stroking.

With the palmar surface of closed fingers, the forehead is stroked from the bottom up - from the superciliary arches to the edge of the hairline (Fig. 8). This direction corresponds to the course of the fibers of the frontalis muscle.

Rice. 8.

Forehead stroking.

Stroking is performed continuously with one or the other hand; first stroke the middle part of the forehead, then the side parts.

Sixth movement. Stroking the face along the lymphatic vessels (Fig. 9). This movement starts from the middle of the forehead and is carried out parallel to the edge of the scalp to the parotid region. The next direction is from the nose and upper half of the cheeks to the corner of the lower jaw. Rice. 9.

Scheme of stroking along the lymphatic vessels.

The third direction is from the wings of the nose and the lower half of the cheeks to the submandibular glands, and the last is from the lower lip down to the chin glands.

Seventh movement. Rubbing the chin, nose, upper lip.

The ends of two or three fingers produce circular rubbing of the chin from the bottom up to the chin fossa (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10.

Circular rubbing of the chin.

Then rubbing is done towards the corners of the mouth and along the upper lip, and, finally, without removing the fingers, they continue rubbing towards the wings of the nose. Next, the side surfaces of the nose are rubbed with the same circular movements (Fig. 11).


Circular rubbing of the nose.

Rubbing on the nose is done in a clockwise direction and continues towards the bridge of the nose. Here, circular movements turn into stroking the edge of the circular muscle of the eye to the temporal region.

The reception ends in the temporal cavity with a slight vibration.

Eighth movement. Rubbing the nose (Fig. 12).

With the pads of the thumbs, rub the lateral surfaces of the braid in a circular motion counterclockwise, moving simultaneously from the tip of the nose upwards.

Rice. 12.

Circular rubbing of the nose with the thumbs.

Ninth movement. Forehead rubbing.

The ends of two or three fingers rub the forehead in a circular motion - from the middle of the forehead towards the temporal regions (Fig. 13). Having made a slight vibration in the temporal region, they continue rubbing in a circular motion to the parotid regions.

Rice. 13. Forehead rubbing.

Tenth movement. Zigzag forehead rubbing (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14.

Zigzag rubbing of the forehead.

Fingers of the left hand fix the skin of the temporal region on the left. The fingertips of the right hand rub the forehead with zigzag movements. Rubbing is done from the left temporal cavity to the right. The same movement is repeated in the opposite direction.

Eleventh movement. Rubbing cheeks (Fig. 15).

Rubbing the cheeks is carried out in two directions: with the ends of two or three fingers, they rub the cheeks in a circular motion from the temporal region to the upper lip and from the ear openings to the corners of the mouth.

Rice. 15. Rubbing cheeks.

Twelfth movement. Rubbing the lower part of the chin and cheeks (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16.

Circular rubbing of the lower part of the face.

From the middle of the chin, rubbing is done in a circular motion towards the earlobe. Rubbing is repeated three or four times, then general stroking of the entire face is done (see the second - sixth movements above).

Thirteenth movement. Kneading the cheeks (Fig. 17).

The index and thumb of both hands capture the entire thickness of the skin of the cheek along the skin lines in the direction from the middle part of the face to the ear and lower jaw.

Rice. 17. Kneading the cheeks.

Kneading the skin differs from pinching: when kneading, the captured skin fold is slightly squeezed and pressed against the facial bones; at the same time, the fold should not be delayed. When pinching, on the contrary, the skin fold is only pulled back.

Fourteenth movement. Cheek stretching.

With this movement, kneading is done on each side alternately with the ends of the index and thumb fingers of both hands, according to the direction of the skin lines. Then they move on to the final massage, for which they repeat stroking, and then tapping and vibration.

Fifteenth Movement. Tapping, or "finger shower".

With the ends of four fingers, the skin of the face is beaten in circular motions (Fig. 18), first on the forehead, then on the cheeks and chin.

Rice. 18. Finger shower.

All techniques of hygienic massage should be done evenly and rhythmically, repeating them 3-4 times.

Hygienic massage can be used for normal skin once or twice a month. If there are wrinkles under the eyes on the skin of the face, it is useful to carry out course treatment with massage; 10 sessions are prescribed for a course of treatment every other day, and courses should be carried out twice a year.

If the skin is dry, hard and rough, massage should be done regularly until the skin is soft and smooth. This usually occurs after 5-7 sessions. The first sessions should be short - no more than 8 minutes. With each session, the duration of the massage can increase by 1-2 minutes, the maximum duration of the massage is 12 minutes.

Especially effective is the effect of hygienic massage on people with increased nervous excitability. In these cases, stroking and vibrating movements should be done extremely lightly and gently.

If there are a lot of wrinkles, as is often the case on the neck and forehead, you need to massage each wrinkle separately. Special techniques should be repeated three to four times and alternated with general hygienic massage techniques.

Sixteenth movement. Cross rubbing of wrinkles.

The index and middle fingers of the left hand hold the skin along the wrinkles. The ends of the same fingers of the right hand produce circular rubbing along the wrinkles; these rubbing is done in the temporal regions, between the eyebrows and near the corners of the mouth (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19.

Short description

Massage is a method of mechanical and reflex action on tissues and organs. The basis of massage is mechanical movements. The stimuli they cause are transmitted through the endings of the nerves to the brain and in the form of a response (reflexively) cause changes in various tissues and organs, restore their interconnection and activity.

Hygienic massage is designed to prevent many types of diseases, restore tone and cleanse the body. Masseurs say that after the first procedures, a person begins to feel a surge of energy, feels much better. However, this type of massage has the greatest benefit precisely on the nervous system of the body.

It is especially popular among the category of the population that is engaged in mental work.

In this case, the master conducts a session of slow movements. In the case when a person needs to prepare for the upcoming reflection or mental work, hygienic massage comes down to quick and rhythmic movements. Therefore, depending on the process of rendering, massage can both relax the patient and invigorate him for future achievements.

One of the positive effects of massage is considered to be the preparation of the human body for environmental influences. The skillful actions of a massage therapist can significantly increase a person’s resistance to stress, colds, speed up metabolism, etc.

Hygienic massage is recognized all over the world. It is practiced by most professionals. , will help you choose exactly the one who can serve the client with high quality. Kneading almost the entire body, the masters have a significant effect on the skin. The aging process seems to slow down. In this way, the skin receives more blood flow, an increase in elasticity and softness is observed, and immunity to various known diseases increases.

There are no standard actions during hygienic massage. The skin is affected by light touches, stretching it, squeezing, stroking, and so on. Doctors recommend carrying out such procedures in the presence of specific age spots on the skin, a decrease in tone, the manifestation of various signs of aging, sagging, reduced metabolism and a number of other signs. The best option would be to consult a specialist before visiting a massage therapist.

Often this type of massage is prescribed using developmental exercises and therapeutic exercises. A prerequisite is the warning of the patient about the possibility of side effects. There are no hard restrictions, but hard massaging is contraindicated for individuals who have suffered serious illnesses, as well as for pensioners. It is forbidden to conduct hygienic massage sessions for those who have gangrene, tumors and various skin diseases on their skin. It is also worth keeping from the procedure for those who have a blood disease, tuberculosis or a feverish condition.

Restrictions in conducting massage on the abdomen relate to pregnancy, urinary tract diseases, as well as during menstruation in women.

Hygienic massage is divided into several varieties. Each of them has special tricks. In total, there are four main types of procedures.

Restorative hygienic massage

Most often, this procedure is used when it is necessary to restore tone, with frequent nervous tension, to raise the body's strength. Particular attention should be paid to this type of procedure for children who are actively involved in sports or have great physical exertion. Massage is also recommended for people who have problems with coordination of movements.

Restorative massage is designed to reduce the amount of toxins in the body, relieve fatigue, and improve blood circulation. To get the maximum result, experts recommend conducting sessions with a reduced amount of light in the room, providing the patient with the most calm environment for him. Relevant actions are kneading the body, vibrations, stroking. With a home visit, such procedures have a more effective effect on the patient than sessions in a massage parlor.

Restorative massage is applied on any part of the body. Each session begins with specific actions. The masseur first treats the back, and then moves to the legs, chest, abdomen and ends with the front of the legs.

The procedure begins with a warm-up of the muscles located on the back. The exposure takes approximately 4 minutes. In subsequent contact, the whole range of actions that are used in classical massage is observed. This period takes approximately 15 minutes of time. At the end of the process, the patient's body is stroked with unhurried movements of the massage therapist's palms for 5 minutes.

Each part of the body has a special effect. In other words, one reception of a massage therapist has an effective effect only on a certain part of the body.

The total massage time depends on the individual health indicators and the patient's skin. If a person's weight is normal, then the procedure can take from 10 to 45 minutes. If a person has a low body weight, then it is recommended that he take a massage procedure from 30 to 35 minutes. Otherwise, this process can complicate the situation with the heart, tire the patient.

Preventive hygienic massage

This type of massage is prescribed for those people who work hard, both physically and mentally. It strengthens muscle tissue, prevents injuries, reduces the likelihood of colds and spinal ailments, and improves blood circulation in the patient's body. Services are provided to accelerate various, the smallest processes that occur in the human body. With the help of the massage therapist's movements, muscle tension is relieved.

This type of massage begins with massaging the head, gradually moving to the back and lower body. A prerequisite is the repetition of the actions that the specialist has on each of the parts of the body. Experienced masters always start the massage from the back, relaxing the patient before massaging the rest of the body.

There are 4 types of massage of body parts, namely:

1. Back massage. Individuals, whose profiles can be viewed on our website, will allow you to get a really excellent preventive massage. The procedure begins with the selection of a position. The specialist stands at the head of the patient, applies massage oil or gel to his hands. The patient should take a prone position with the head on one side. The arms are stretched along the body. Special rollers are placed under the shins and chest, or, in the absence of such, towels.

There are four main approaches here:

a) “massage around the shoulder blade”. One hand is on the shoulder, and the second in a circular motion massages the area near the shoulder blade of a person. Reception is repeated;

b) neck massage. The specialist's fingers wrap around the neck and gradually apply light pressure. At the end of the process, the patient must turn his head to the other side and the procedure is repeated;

c) "stroking". The action is on the upper back, gradually descending to the spine. Be sure to pay attention to the shoulders, while the remnants of the oil are not absorbed by the skin. The action is repeated;

d) "massage of the lower back and cross." Pressure is applied alternately with both hands of the massage therapist on the above-mentioned areas of the body.

e) Spinal massage. The better this procedure is performed, the better the patient's mood will be. A person immediately feels a surge of strength and calmness. The impact is to a greater extent on adjacent tissues than on the vertebrae themselves. In some practices, contact with the vertebrae is not allowed at all.

There are also two massage techniques:

a) "massage along the spine." The procedure is performed with the thumbs, gradually moving along the vertebrae. The movements start from the lower part of the body;

b) "Warming up the muscles with your fingertips." The hands of a specialist are located along the spine on both sides. Movements occur from below to the upper body, with deep pressure. Next, the arms are raised from the lower back to the upper.

V) . This type of action refers to the final version of the massage of the back of the patient's body. Thanks to various techniques, it is possible to relieve pain in the back, as well as the muscles of the legs. With it, you can identify some diseases or problems with the back. Several different techniques are used and each massage therapist uses different techniques.

d) Massage of the shoulders, head and neck. Most often, specialists begin this procedure only after the process of massaging the back of the body. To reduce the burden on the patient, it is recommended to give the person some time to rest before starting this exposure. It only takes a couple of minutes. Then the patient is turned onto his back. The masseur is located near the head, and massage gel or oil is applied to the shoulders, upper chest and neck. The specialist at his own discretion chooses the methods of massage.

Tonic hygienic massage

This type of massage is quite common in Moscow. The popularity of this procedure is due to the fact that the patient completely relaxes and receives a charge of the necessary tone for further action. With the help of special techniques, you can completely relieve the patient of excessive excitement, reduce the risk of stress, relieve overwork and drowsiness.

Frequent actions during this process are kneading, vibrations and patting. The procedure is performed with fast and energetic movements. It is worth penetrating deeply into the tissues of the body, and therefore sometimes some slight pain may be felt. Under no circumstances should a patient be treated rudely. The maximum time for the procedure is 15 minutes. As in previous cases, the massage begins from the back, then smoothly flows to the outer thighs from behind, eyes, chest, upper thighs in front and legs. First, the masseur seeks to exert the greatest pressure on individual muscles, and subsequently completes the procedure with light movements of the fingertips.

Often in this case, many techniques from classical massage are used. Hitting is not allowed. This process takes no more than 10 minutes.

Self massage

Often this process will allow the body to tone itself. It is best to do it in the morning. The most common techniques are patting, light tapping, stroking and rubbing the skin.

To ensure a full-fledged hygienic massage, it is recommended to contact specialists. To this end, we offer a list of masters who can provide services to residents of the capital, both at home and in a massage parlor. We are happy to help you get healthy.

Cosmetic massage - a necessary component in the general cosmetic care for the skin of the face and neck. Without a combination with this type of massage, many cosmetic procedures will not achieve the desired result. Cosmetic massage, carried out correctly and systematically, helps to slow down the aging process of the skin of the face and neck.


Cosmetic massage is performed on open areas of the body and is used to improve the condition of the skin. In addition, cosmetic massage is performed to eliminate cosmetic flaws and defects.

The objects of cosmetic massage are the face, neck and scalp. But cosmetic massage affects not only the skin and muscles of the face, neck and head, but also the entire body. This happens due to the fact that as a result of exposure to the skin, nerve impulses enter the cerebral cortex.

Such a massage technique as stroking calms the nervous system, while other techniques used in cosmetic massage (rubbing, kneading, shock vibration) have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

Properly performed cosmetic massage helps to activate metabolism, cleanses the skin, accelerates blood circulation, helps to remove waste products from the tissues, facilitates skin breathing, and maintains muscle tone. As a result of the cosmetic massage procedure, a significant improvement in the patient's well-being occurs, the mood rises, the person becomes vigorous and energetic.

Systematic cosmetic massage helps to achieve the following results:

Significantly slows down withering and aging of the skin;

A good face shape is preserved or restored;

The appearance of wrinkles slows down, in addition, cosmetic massage can reduce and even eliminate wrinkles that have already appeared;

The muscles of the face and neck are strengthened;

The condition of the skin improves, it becomes smooth and elastic, the healthy color of the skin of the face and neck is restored;

The process of sebum secretion of the skin is normalized, the skin is cleansed of sebaceous plugs and dead cells;

There is a resorption of scars on the skin of the face, as well as seals resulting from juvenile acne;

Eliminates puffiness and puffiness of the face;

Fat deposits are reduced, wrinkles and “double chin” disappear.

Cosmetic massage of the scalp is usually carried out in order to strengthen the hair and improve their condition.

Techniques and techniques for conducting cosmetic massage are similar to the techniques and techniques for bringing classical massage. Beauty massage begins and ends with light stroking movements. Cosmetic massage should be performed gradually and in stages. It should also be borne in mind that all stages of the massage should have the same time duration.

The best results are achieved by cosmetic massage in combination with cosmetic masks, compresses and steam baths.

It is advisable to conduct a session of cosmetic massage at least 1 time per week.


The following types of cosmetic massage can be distinguished:

Hygienic massage;

Preventive massage;


Plastic massage.

Purpose hygienic massage- maintaining the skin of the face and neck in good condition. Carrying out hygienic massage contributes to the preservation of healthy skin color, its freshness, firmness and elasticity. This type of massage helps to prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Techniques used in hygienic massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Movements are made in a straight line, circular, zigzag. Each dose should be repeated 3 to 5 times. The forehead and neck areas are massaged separately.

When performing cosmetic hygienic massage, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin. With normal facial skin, a weekly cosmetic massage session will be sufficient. If wrinkles appear under the eyes, it is recommended to carry out a course of treatment by performing 10-15 massage procedures (depending on the condition of the skin).

With dry skin of the face, regular hygienic massage is indicated at least 1-2 times a week. Each session should be held for 10-12 minutes.

With dry, aging facial skin, hygienic massage should be carried out only after applying the cream to the face. In addition to rubbing and kneading techniques, tapping will be useful. At the end of the massage, the remaining cream must be removed with a napkin, and then it is recommended to make a hot compress.

With extreme caution, cosmetic hygienic massage should be carried out with swelling of the face. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to stroking. Massage of the eyelids and eye area is completely excluded.

Preventive massage includes cryomassage (Greek kryos means “cold, ice”). During cryomassage, carbonic acid snow is used, to which the skin is very sensitive.

Cryomassage helps to reduce sebum secretion, so it is usually used for oily skin. Cryomassage is successfully used for massaging aging and sagging skin, as well as porous and wrinkled skin.

To protect the skin from hypothermia, when performing cryomassage, only surface stroking should be used. After applying carbonic acid snow, hyperemia appears, i.e. reddening of the skin, at the same time fatigue disappears and an increase in vitality is felt. As a result of an increase in the supply of oxygen and nutrients, the process of blood circulation in the face and neck is normalized.

Therapeutic cosmetic massage compared with hygienic should be performed with greater intensity. It is used to eliminate skin imperfections: acne, excessive sebum secretion, circulatory disorders.

A therapeutic massage is performed according to one method or another. The Jacquet technique is an intensive effect on tissues, which stabilizes the blood circulation process. This massage is used to treat oily and problem skin.

The technique of this massage is quite difficult. It should consist of rhythmic tingling with the capture of both the surface layer of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, performed with the thumb and forefinger. In this case, it is necessary to remember the direction of the skin lines.

Lubricants are not used when performing massage according to the Jacquet method, talc is used instead. The session lasts for 10 minutes. First sessions are held daily, then every other day, gradually reaching 2-3 times a week. To achieve maximum results, you need to spend more than 10 sessions.

For the treatment of oily and problematic skin, as well as for cleansing the ducts of the sebaceous glands, massage is used according to the method of A. I. Pospelov, which is based on techniques such as stroking and pinching. They should be performed with the pads of the thumb and forefinger. Before performing a massage, the skin should be treated with a disinfectant, and immediately before the session, the use of lubricants should be abandoned. The session should be performed for 15 minutes every 2-3 days; in total, 10-15 sessions should be carried out.

In the presence of any skin diseases, pustules, therapeutic massage is not recommended. Also a contraindication is atony, or loss of skin elasticity.

With fading skin of the face and neck, as well as numerous wrinkles and folds, plastic massage is recommended. Due to the fact that it has a beneficial effect on facial muscles, massage should be used by people who have a large load on the muscles of the face. Along with this, plastic massage is used to give the skin elasticity, firmness, restore a healthy complexion and slow down the aging process.

This type of massage has a wide range of effects: it activates the activity of the sebaceous glands, normalizes blood and lymph circulation, affects the subcutaneous fat, lymphatic vessels and nodes, nerves, relieves swelling of the face.

Plastic massage is used for people over 30 years old, but it is not uncommon for younger people to treat problematic skin.

During massage according to the method of A. I. Pospelov, lubricants are not used - they are replaced by talc. Pressing is one of the main techniques, which is pressure, combined with vibration, by which the tissues are pressed against the bones, but do not move. Massage should be performed vigorously and rhythmically, taking into account the direction of the skin lines. The patient should not experience pain.

After the massage, it is necessary to treat the skin with a lotion or a decoction of herbs, then you need to apply a mask that was recommended by the doctor. After 25-30 minutes, the mask should be removed and a cool compress applied.

The duration of plastic massage should be 10-20 minutes. Sessions should be carried out at intervals of 1-2 to 3-4 times a week, depending on the age characteristics of the patient. The average course of treatment consists of 15 sessions, but it can increase or decrease.

In some cases, plastic massage is performed in alternation with hygienic, the first of them requires the use of talcum powder, and the second is performed with a cream or other lubricant.


The hygienic requirements for cosmetic massage remain the same as for the classic one:

The person being massaged should be in a sitting or lying position. If the massaged lies, then his head is on a hard surface.
- muscles should be relaxed.
hair must be removed under a scarf or collected with a ribbon.

Indications and contraindications

It should be noted that this type of massage has its own contraindications. It cannot be performed in the presence of skin diseases: dermatitis, herpes, eczema, as well as fungal diseases. Cosmetic massage is also contraindicated for people with severe diseases of the heart, facial nerve and thyroid gland.

Despite the fact that cosmetic massage of the scalp has a beneficial effect on strengthening the hair, it is contraindicated in case of their abundant loss. The presence of pustular diseases on the skin is undesirable; if any, then the massage cannot be performed. Another contraindication is hypertension, in which a massage session is not recommended.

If the layer of subcutaneous fat is not well developed, then cosmetic massage is not recommended.


Various lubricants (oils, creams, lotions) are used in massage in order to achieve a soft glide of the masseur's hands on the patient's skin. For hygienic massage sessions, as well as when performing certain techniques, such as stroking and rubbing, massage cream or muscle oil is used. These products are preferred because they are easily distributed over the surface of the skin, and after the end of the session they are easily washed off.

Essential oils are widely used in massage. One of these oils is easy to prepare: to do this, mix equal parts (2 drops each) of ylang-ylang, sandalwood and bergamot oils and add 5 drops of lavender oil. The components that make up this oil have a relaxing effect on the muscles and also nourish the skin.

For massage sessions every day, it is better to use essential oils of low concentration or oil prepared according to the above recipe with a ratio of components in smaller quantities.

To perform a massage on the entire body of the patient, no more than 20-30 ml of oil will be required. Ready essential oil must be used immediately, it is not recommended to leave it for long-term storage. If the oil is to be preserved, it should be placed in a dark glass container and sealed tightly.

For normal skin, it is recommended to use lavender, cedar, sandalwood or patchouli essential oil; for dry skin, chamomile, ylang-ylang and jasmine oils are suitable, as well as nutmeg oil; for oily skin, it is better to give preference to bergamot, eucalyptus, juniper, mint, lemon or orange oils. Chamomile, jasmine, lavender and rose oils are most suitable for combination skin types, while clary sage essential oil, ylang-ylang, cedar and lavender oils are most suitable for sensitive skin. For aging skin, it is better to use clary sage essential oil.

Care must be taken when using any of the listed oils to avoid an allergic reaction of the body. Particular attention should be paid to those people who are predisposed to allergies or those who have sensitive skin. To protect yourself from negative consequences, it is necessary to test for skin sensitivity: oil of low concentration should be applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and left for 2-3 days. If after that no changes are observed on the skin, then the oil can be used to perform a massage.

When performing cosmetic massage, along with essential oils, special creams and imported vegetable oils are used. They should be treated with caution, because among the components that make up their composition, there are astringents that slow down the process of sliding over the skin and close the pores. In addition, they are poorly washed off, and their constant use can lead to a loss of sensitivity in the fingers, which is very important when performing a massage.

Alcohol can be used as a lubricant. It cleanses the pores of the skin well, and also has a disinfecting effect. This remedy is best for skin with enlarged pores. It is easy to use: with gentle movements, the skin needs to be treated with a small amount of the substance. To avoid irritation on the skin, care should be taken during processing and excessive rubbing should be avoided.

Often cosmetic massage is accompanied by various cosmetic masks. They cleanse the pores of the skin, soften and nourish it, and also help achieve

the greatest effect of massage. The mask should be applied to clean facial skin for 20-25 minutes (during this time, all facial movements should be kept to a minimum). Then the mask should be washed off with cool water.

The most suitable for oily skin are masks based on sage, chamomile, calendula. The main components of masks for oily skin can be yeast, perhydrol, lemon juice. Masks with extracts of St. John's wort, chamomile, coltsfoot, linden flowers have a positive effect on dry skin. Also, masks using olive and peach oils have a good effect on dry skin. With fading skin, it is better to use masks from dill, strawberry leaves, rose petals, as well as blackcurrant, plantain, yarrow. For all skin types, masks with an extract of needles, young leaves and buds of birch, nettle are useful.


Before a massage session, it is necessary to prepare the skin. It should be treated with lotion or other special agent. You can clean the pores of oily skin with alcohol or tincture based on medicinal herbs. The easiest way to cleanse the skin is washing with soap or a special foam. To cleanse the pores of dry and normal skin, you need to use a lotion or cosmetic milk that is suitable for this type of skin. When cleaning the pores, it is necessary to remember the direction of the skin lines.

Lines of minimal stretching of the skin are called skin lines. Their directions are:

From the center of the forehead to the temples, parallel to the eyebrows;

From the outer corner of the eye to the inner;

From the inner corner of the eye to the outer;

From top to bottom along the protruding part of the nose;

From the middle of the protruding part of the nose to its wings;

From the wings of the nose and the center of the upper lip to the upper parts of the ears;

From the corners of the mouth to the tragus of the auricles;

From the center of the lower lip to the earlobes;

From bottom to top in front of the neck;

From top to bottom on both sides of the neck;

Behind the neck - from the bottom up.

After cleaning the skin of the face, it should be well wiped. The skin then needs to be warmed up to soothe the facial muscles. Also, heat affects the vessels, their expansion occurs. Moist warming is most useful before a massage session, which helps to easily eliminate dying cells.

This warming can be done with a steam bath (for 5 minutes) or a hot wet compress (for 2-3 minutes). For a compress, you can use a terry towel. It should be dipped in hot water, squeezed out, and then applied to the face; while such parts of the face as the chin, cheeks and temples should be covered, and the nose and mouth should be left open.

Dry skin before applying a hot compress should be lubricated with cream.


The technique of performing cosmetic massage has its own characteristics. When it is carried out, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the skin lines. Movements should be performed rhythmically, they should be light, smooth and uniform.

The technique of performing cosmetic massage consists of 4 main techniques:





Massage should begin and end with lighter and gentler techniques, and vigorous movements should be made in the middle of the session.

In cosmetic massage, each technique consists of a couple of basic movements. The technique of their implementation is slightly different compared to classical massage. The greatest cosmetic effect can be achieved only under certain conditions. It is necessary that the execution of all movements begins at the peripheral end of the muscle, and ends at its beginning. The place of attachment of one of the ends of the muscle to the surrounding tissues or bone is its beginning, and the place of its attachment to a joint or other muscle is its end. If massaging movements are performed incorrectly, that is, in the direction from the beginning of the muscle to its end, the skin may lose elasticity.

The effectiveness of massage also depends on the frequency of application of its various techniques. Usually, techniques are performed 3-5 times and alternate with each other, in some cases their number and intensity may increase.


Stroking is carried out with a half-bent hand, while the fingers only lightly touch the skin. In order to facilitate the performance of massaging movements, you should relax your hands. Stroking should be done with fingertips.

This technique should be performed in only one direction: along the lymphatic vessels and veins. In edematous areas, stroking begins from the upper peripheral zone, which activates the outflow of fluid, accelerates blood and lymph circulation, relieves accumulated tension in the muscles, and also helps to cleanse the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

When performing this technique, strong pressure on the skin should not be made, the movement should be light and smooth.


Unlike stroking, this technique must be performed more vigorously, but with less intensity compared to kneading. Massaging movements should be carried out with the fingertips or the inner sides of the palms.

Surface rubbing accelerates blood circulation in the massaged part, as a result of which seals dissolve, and tissues become more elastic. Rubbed with fingertips.

The most effective effect on tissues is massage, during which movements are made by the middle phalanges of fingers folded into a fist.

Deep rubbing helps to soften scars and adhesions, smoothing tissues. It is performed by the outer side of the hand, folded into a fist. Such rubbing should be done in slow motion.


This technique is performed with the fingertips of one or both hands with smooth movements. It provides for the capture and maximum approximation of tissues to the bones: you need to grab a piece of tissue, pull it, then squeeze it by creating a rolling effect and a slight pinching.

The kneading technique should be performed at a slow pace, but with a high frequency of movements, while they should not cause pain. When conducting a massage, you need to tightly grab the skin, making soft and intense movements, but avoid strong pressure on it. This technique activates lymph and blood circulation, stimulates the muscles. As a result of kneading, the nutrition of the skin of the massaged area is stabilized.


One of the energetic massage techniques is vibration. It is performed with the whole palm or fingertips. Vibration is performed using oscillatory movements of the hands on one of the skin areas, gradually moving over the entire massaged surface.

This technique helps to increase muscle tone, has a beneficial effect on tissues. Most often it is used at the final stage of the massage.

Tapping and tapping

Along with the above techniques in cosmetic massage, shock vibration techniques are used: tapping and tapping. Despite the fact that they are used in very limited quantities and with great care, the effectiveness of massage is significantly increased when using them.

When performing a facial massage, you can only lightly tap with your fingertips. It must be performed at regular intervals and represent movements in the form of separate repetitive shocks. At the same time, it is necessary to exert a light effect on all other areas of the skin as a soft pressure.

If facial skin with a thick layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue is massaged, the “finger shower” method is used: tapping is performed simultaneously with the pads of all: fingers.

Most often, effleurage, like vibration, is used in the middle of a massage session, due to its energy. Thanks to it, the activity of the central nervous system is normalized, nutritional and metabolic processes in the area of ​​the massaged area are stabilized, and muscle tone is increased.


The person being massaged should take a sitting, lying or reclining position, and the position of the massage therapist during the session can be any convenient for him.


Figure 208.

As a preventive measure to maintain the normal state of the hair, as well as strengthen their roots, a scalp massage is performed. For people with normal hair type, it is recommended to use this massage once a week and 2-3 times for those who have a different type of hair.

When performing a massage, the massage therapist's fingers should be completely located on the surface of the scalp. Grasping his head, the massage therapist should make alternating strokes, starting from the forehead and gradually moving to the back of the head (Fig. 208).

After that, you should separate your fingers and continue stroking in the same way. Stroking should be done with both hands, placing them parallel to each other. Finishing the movements from the forehead to the back of the head, one should gradually move on to performing massaging movements in the temporal regions (Fig. 209).

Figure 209.

After that, it is necessary to perform rubbing: with the tips of the spread fingers, semicircular massaging movements should be carried out over the entire surface of the scalp (Fig. 210).

The next technique performed during massaging is pressure. It also needs to be done over the entire surface of the scalp with the pads of spaced fingers. In this case, the movements should be intermittent (Fig. 211).

After that, tapping is performed with the fingertips. With it, the movements should be similar to drumsticks hitting the drum and performed alternately with all fingers (Fig. 212).

Figure 210.

Gradually moving to the end of the massage, you should make a deep stroking with the base of the brush, heading from the temporal part of the head to the corner of the lower jaw, bypassing the auricle from above. Massaging should be performed on both sides of the head, while the hands should be parallel (Fig. 213).

The final technique when performing a scalp massage is superficial stroking. It is produced by the inner parts of the palms in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head (Fig. 214).


Before performing a massage of the frontal part of the face, it is necessary to pre-cleanse the skin. After that, a cream should be applied to it (strictly along the skin lines).

Figure 211.

First, in the forehead area, stroking should be performed, which is done with both hands using three fingers (index, middle, ring). Movements should be carried out from the bottom up to the border with the hair roots. Stroking the right half of the forehead is performed with the right hand, and stroking the left side with the left (Fig. 215).

After that, you should perform stroking with your palms in the direction from the center of the frontal part to the temples. Then you need to once again stroke with three fingers from the eyebrows to the hair roots.

Then you should use a technique such as vibration. It is necessary to put the palms on the forehead and make several movements, then perform tapping in the vertical and horizontal directions.

Figure 212.

The following technique is used to smooth wrinkles above the bridge of the nose.

Lubricate the inner surface of the wrist with a cream (nourishing or moisturizing), then press it to the area above the bridge of the nose and fix it in this position for 5-7 seconds.

The final technique is stroking, but to achieve maximum efficiency after it, all of the above techniques should be repeated 2-3 times, without changing the sequence of execution.


When massaging movements, care should be taken, because the skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive.

Figure 213.

When performing a massage, you need to apply only light and gentle pressure.

The previously massaged part of the skin must be lubricated with cream. Massaging movements should be performed only in the direction of the skin lines and be smooth: the cream should be applied with the fingertips, while at the same time making light tapping, which should be similar to finger movements when playing a keyboard musical instrument.

If there are wrinkles or swelling in the area around the eyes, movements must be very careful, because the skin may lose elasticity (stretch). Thin, barely noticeable wrinkles under the eyes need to be smoothed out: light pressure should be applied to them with fingertips lubricated with cream.

When performing pressure, the fingers should not move, otherwise the skin of the face will move.

Figure 214.

In the same way, wrinkles are smoothed near the outer corners of the eyes and temples: they should be pressed with the palms or the inside of the wrist, without displacing the skin.

Before this, the palms must be lubricated with cream.


Before the massage, a little cream (moisturizing or nourishing) should be applied to the skin of the cheeks. After that, with the fingertips, tapping movements should be performed: on the right half of the face - with the right hand, on the left - with the left. Movements should be made in the direction of the skin lines. At the first sensations of warmth from the movements of the tapping should be completed.

Applying the cream is not only a preparation for the massage, but also its beginning. The next stage of its implementation is stroking the skin of the cheeks. With the fingertips of both hands, smooth movements should be made on the surface of the cheeks: first in the upper part (from the protruding part of the nose to the temples), then in the middle part (from the center of the upper lip to the auricle), then in the lower part of the cheeks and on the chin. Stroking the chin should be done with the back of the second-fifth fingers of both hands, performing simultaneous movements in both directions.

Figure 215.

After that, you need to make light tapping. The fingers need to be straightened, pressed against each other and tapped to the sides in the direction from the cheeks to the auricles and from bottom to top from the chin to the lower eyelid of the eye. Performing a massage using this technique prevents sagging cheeks.

The final step is stroking. It is carried out in the direction of the skin lines.


The massage of the circumlabial part of the face is performed in a circular motion, in other words, a loop-like rubbing is performed. Movements are performed in the direction from the tips of the lips to the nose and are repeated 8-10 times (Fig. 216).

Figure 216.

Massaging the area under the chin is done with the back of the fingers using a technique such as patting (Fig. 217).

With the right hand, patting is carried out in the direction from left to right, and with the left - vice versa. These movements should be repeated several times.

To prevent the appearance of a double chin, the following massage techniques are used:

Intensive patting with the back of the fingers (Fig. 218);

With the back of the hand of one hand, stroke in the direction from the chin to the auricle, with the other hand at this time it is necessary to support the skin behind the opposite auricle (Fig. 219);

Figure 217.

Vigorous whipping of the chin with the back of the hand;

Soft strokes from the collarbone to the axillary cavity (Fig. 220);

Light strokes of the sides of the neck, which are embracing in nature (Fig. 221).


Despite the fact that self-massage is different from massage performed in special conditions, it is a good tool for cosmetic care of the skin of the face and neck. Self-massage is an effective way to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Figure 218.

The convenience of self-massage lies in the fact that it can be carried out daily and independently, without any help. It takes a little time to complete it, while the method is simple and accessible to anyone. The most effective self-massage is performed in alternation with facial gymnastics, as well as nourishing masks and creams.

A counterbalance to all the advantages of this type of massage is that it is impossible to apply all the skills and abilities during its implementation. This is due to the fact that not every massage technique can be used for self-massage. Another disadvantage is that with self-massage it is impossible to achieve complete relaxation of all muscles, and this is one of the main requirements, which is the key to the greatest effect.

Figure 219.

The main contraindications for performing self-massage are the same contraindications as when it is performed on the face: excessive hair growth on the surface of the skin of the face, dilated blood vessels, insufficiently pronounced layer of subcutaneous fat.

Self-massage can be done daily or at intervals of 2 days, spending from 5 to 15 minutes on it. Efficiency does not depend on the time of the procedure. It is not recommended to massage immediately before going to bed in order to avoid its violation. When performing self-massage, before the upcoming exit to the street, you should wipe your face with a napkin, then grease with cream and powder.

Figure 220.

A calm and comfortable position in front of a mirror is the main requirement for self-massage. When performing movements, it is necessary that the hands are clean, dry and warm. Preliminary preparation of the skin for self-massage is no different from preparing it for the same procedure in a beauty parlor.

You need to massage in the direction of the skin lines.

The combination of techniques when performing self-massage can be varied. The easiest way to massage is to apply a cream to the skin, accompanied by gentle movements along the skin lines.

Figure 221.

There are two ways to apply the cream to the skin. One of them is that the cream is applied with a cotton swab moistened with boiled water, which ry is then distributed with light tapping movements 1 . According to another method, the cream is first applied to the palms, and then distributed over the skin with their inner parts and fingertips. When lubricating the skin of the face in the eye area, care should be taken, only smooth movements and pressure in the direction of the skin lines are allowed.

When conducting self-massage, you can use a technique such as effleurage. Movements should be performed with fingertips and be soft and energetic.

To achieve the greatest effect, tapping is performed with the pads of four fingers, tightly pressed against each other, with both hands. On the skin around the eyes, only soft tapping can be done with the pads of all fingers, with the exception of the thumbs. The simplest and most practical method of self-massage is light tapping.

Along with other techniques, stroking is used when performing self-massage. It should be performed at a slow pace, with light, smooth movements. Excessively rhythmic strokes reduce efficiency. For insomnia and headaches, soft strokes are recommended. They should be performed with the pads of the fingers or the inner parts of the palms. Movements in the right side of the face should be made with the right hand, in the left - with the left.

In self-massage, techniques such as patting, rubbing, and pressure are widely used. So that the skin does not lose elasticity, movements should be performed smoothly.

To smooth wrinkles on the forehead and slow down the process of their further formation, self-massage should be performed in the manner described below.

First you need to clean the skin in the forehead and warm it (this is best done with a warm compress). After that, a nourishing cream should be distributed on the skin in the direction of the skin lines. With the pads of three fingers (index, middle, ring) of both hands, you need to perform smooth stroking movements in the frontal part of the face in the direction from the eyebrows to the roots of the hair: movements in the left side of the forehead should be done with the left hand, in the right - with the right. After that, you need to perform stroking with the inner parts of the palms in the direction from the central part of the forehead to the temples. Then you should do the first movement again. When these strokes are completed, you need to put your palms on your forehead, press lightly, and then make a vibrating movement.

If there are many wrinkles on the frontal part of the face, tapping should be performed: first in the vertical and then in the horizontal direction.

To smooth out the wrinkles formed between the eyebrows, you need to attach the inside of the wrist to them and lightly press. The wrist should be pre-lubricated with a cream (nourishing or moisturizing). To increase efficiency, all movements should be carried out 3-4 times. The final stage of the massage should be smooth stroking.

With special care, you need to massage the areas of the skin around the eyes, especially if there are wrinkles and swelling in this area, otherwise the skin in this part will stretch. The cream should be applied to the skin with light tapping with fingertips, making alternate movements. All movements should be performed in the direction of the skin lines.

To smooth out wrinkles under the lower eyelids, soft pressure should be applied to them with fingertips that are smeared with cream. Wrinkles located at the outer corners of the eyes should be smoothed out by pressing on them with the inner surface of the palm or wrist, also smeared with cream, without displacing the skin.

After that, the cream should be applied to the skin of the cheeks with fingertips using tapping movements: on the right cheek - with the right hand, on the left - with the left. Movements must be made in the direction of the skin lines. Then it is necessary to perform stroking of the upper and middle sections of the cheeks, they should be carried out with the pads of the index and middle fingers of both hands. Stroking the lower part of the cheeks and chin should be done with the surfaces of the palms.

To maintain the elasticity of the skin on the cheeks and delay their sagging, it is necessary to regularly tap with the fingertips, tightly pressed against each other. Movements should be carried out in the direction from the bottom up from the chin to the lower eyelids of the eyes.

The final step when massaging the cheeks should be stroking in the direction of the skin lines.

When performing a massage on the area of ​​skin between the chin and neck, you need to use the technique of patting with the back of straightened fingers. Movements should be performed several times.

Taking a vigorous chin pat is a good preventative against a double chin. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to fasten with a damp towel: a towel soaked in cool, slightly salted water or in water with the addition of vinegar must be squeezed well and rolled up with a tourniquet. Then take the towel by the ends and attach to the chin so that its center is in the middle of the chin. After that, the towel should be pulled tight and then loosened. The procedure must be repeated several times, alternately whipping, first from left to right, and then in the opposite direction.


Self-massage of the neck should be done in the morning: after cleaning, the skin should be lubricated with cream. After that, it is necessary to carry out several patting movements on the skin with a wrung out towel that has been soaked in cool salted water.

To perform a massage in the neck area, you can use a brush, but its bristles should not be too hard. When carrying out massaging movements, special care should be taken: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland should not be affected.

Before moving on to massaging movements, it is necessary to prepare the skin: it must be cleaned, warmed and lubricated with a nourishing cream. Apply the cream with soft stroking movements from the bottom up, gradually moving the palms to the chin. When massaging, the skin should not stretch.

At the initial stage, the inner part of the fingers should be stroked on the upper part of the neck: movements should be performed in the transverse direction from the left auricle to the right and back. After that, you need to perform tapping with the outer surface of the four fingers of both hands, tightly pressed against each other.

Tapping movements should be done at a slow pace, they should not cause pain. If the tapping technique is performed correctly, then after it only slightly noticeable redness remains on the surface of the skin.

This technique reduces the level of body fat.

As the next step, you need to rub the skin of the neck. With straight fingers of both hands, you should perform movements directed towards each other, which imitate the sawing process.

Rubbing movements should be directed in opposite directions and run parallel to each other.

First, massage the right half of the neck at the angle of the lower jaw, gradually moving to the left half through the central part, and then return to the center again.

Neck massage should end with stroking.

To achieve the greatest effect, it is recommended to apply a hot wet compress (warm oil or warm mashed potato compress) before self-massage.

Compresses from a decoction of medicinal herbs have a beneficial effect on the skin: plantain, chamomile, sage.

To maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the neck, ice massage should be performed. With the help of a piece of ice, you need to carry out circular massaging movements in the direction of the skin lines.

When performing self-massage with ice for the first time, it should be placed in a napkin. During the procedure, care must be taken not to touch the thyroid gland.

When the massage is completed, the skin must be treated with lotion and lubricated with cream. Self-massage can be used in combination with contrast compresses.



The result of improper hair and scalp care is dry seborrhea. With this disease, brittle hair is observed, they lose their shine and silkiness. Often hair loss acts as a consequence of dry seborrhea. Sometimes dandruff is formed on the surface of the skin of the scalp, which is a lot of white dry scales.

Treatment prescribed by a specialist doctor can be combined with a scalp massage.

At the preparatory stage, a parting should be done: it should be done with a comb, gradually moving from the center of the forehead to the back of the head, and then proceed directly to massage techniques.

One of the techniques used in massaging the scalp is stroking. This technique should be performed with the pads of the four fingers of both hands. It is necessary to place your fingers on the parting and make soft stroking movements along its entire length in the direction from front to back, gradually the intensity of movements should be slightly increased. Stroking should be repeated several times. This technique can be performed both with two hands and with one, or alternate them.

Rubbing is a technique that is widely used when massaging the scalp. On the area of ​​​​the scalp, located next to the parting, you should place the fingers of your left hand, thus fixing the skin. After that, with the help of the index and middle fingers, it is necessary to rub the skin area located in the parting area. Movements should be performed in a semicircular direction with the help of spread fingers. Reception is recommended to be repeated 3-5 times.

The next step is stretching. Over the entire parting area, with the tips of four fingers, you need to make pressing movements, and with your thumb, lightly stretch the skin in different directions.

Along with the above techniques, vibration is used to massage the scalp. With the tips of four fingers, slight intermittent movements are made. Carry out movements throughout the parting area 3-5 times.

All techniques (rubbing, kneading, vibration) should be performed in alternation with stroking.

Using all of the above techniques, it is necessary to massage the entire surface of the scalp, parting to perform movements should be done at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. First of all, breaks

you need to perform in the share direction, and then in the transverse direction, there should be 8-10 of them in total. At the final stage of the massage, light shifts of the scalp should be made from front to back, and then in the opposite direction. Massage is best done in combination with a neck massage. The duration of the session is 15-20 minutes.


With baldness, massage of the scalp is best done without exposing the skin. The movements should be smooth and made in the direction from the parietal area down and back, and then to the lymph nodes, which are located in the back of the head. Along with medical and phytotherapeutic methods of treating baldness, the following massage techniques are used:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • pressure;
  • puncture;
  • tapping.

Stroking is performed in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head and from the parietal part to the skin behind the auricles. It uses the techniques of embracing superficial and deep stroking, produced with two hands. In parallel with this, a rake-like stroking of the scalp is carried out, which is performed with both hands, located in parallel or in series. Movements should be performed in the direction from the frontal part of the head to the occipital and temporal parts.

For baldness, rubbing is applied, performed with the help of spread fingers in semicircular movements. Using this technique, not only the entire scalp is massaged, but also the muscles of the forehead, neck, and ears.

Pressing is done as follows: on both sides of the head, you need to clasp your hands and perform light pressure.

With four fingers of both hands, puncture is carried out, which is performed along the hair surface in sequence.

On the entire hair surface of the head, tapping is performed, which is carried out alternately with the fingertips.

At the final stage, deep stroking is performed. It is carried out from opposite sides of the head with the back sides of both hands in the direction from the temporal areas, bending around the arc above the auricles.

Massaging should be completed with light pulling of the soft skin of the skull in the direction from front to back, and then in the opposite direction.

Each technique should be performed alternately with a flat and wrapping stroke and be performed 3-5 times. Massage should be carried out for 5-10 minutes, while the number of receptions can be reduced.
