What are the dimples of Venus? What do lower back dimples mean and how to develop dimples in men and women? So, what do dimples on the lower back mean?

Those who appreciate the beauty of the fair sex have noted that dimples on the lower back or, as they also say, on the butt, increase the sexuality of their owner by twenty percent.

Do men like it?

Many men like representatives of the fair sex with such an anatomical feature. The figure of a woman with these piquant indentations, which are also often called the dimples of Venus, is characterized by extraordinary expressiveness. They look cute in the photo.

Among adherents of the arts, it is customary to call the area, which is symmetrically limited by the protruding muscles of the buttocks from below, and the edges of the large muscles of the back from above, Michelangelo's rhomboid; among obstetricians it is called Michaelis's rhomboid.

They began to become interested in this topic in the nineteenth century, at its beginning. Sculptors and artists during the Renaissance already noted this feature in their works. Attitudes towards dimples on the back are ambiguous; some people think that they are beautiful, while others, on the contrary, consider them to be a flaw in their figure.

In anatomy, the presence of dimples in the lower back is an indicator that the body is well developed, the muscles of the pelvic bones and spine are correctly aligned and functioning correctly.

There is always a close relationship between health, beauty and harmony. Both thin representatives of the fair sex and plump ones have dimples, it depends on the individual structure of the body.

The appearance of such signs of beauty is excluded in case of anorexic exhaustion and morbid obesity. But even in the case of a proper physique, there is no guarantee that a person will develop dimples in the lower back. It is heredity that determines whether a person will have these depressions.

In addition to the female figure, dimples can also be found on the male back, in those places where the muscles are attached, in this case they indicate that the muscles are well developed.

In obstetrics, a rhombus is distinguished, where its upper point is where the vertebral groove ends, the lower point is the third vertebra of the sacral region, the lateral points are the place above the posterior superior iliac spines.

This rhombus was first discovered in the nineteenth century, at the beginning. This was done by the German gynecologist Gustav Adolf Michaelis. He used this diamond to evaluate the structure of the pelvis and pelvic deformities, examined future women in labor, identifying the width and inclination of their pelvis, and also learned from the diamond to predict pathology during childbirth. At the same time, he used only external signs.

The lumbosacral junction is where the Michaelis diamond is located and is located directly above this junction. A rhombus can have different variations, it depends on how symmetrical it is and whether there are indentations that can be seen from the outside.

The Michaelis rhombus depends on the characteristics of the constitution, height, the structure of the pelvic bones, and the degree of muscle development. An ideal rhombus is determined by a shape similar to a square; the diagonal of this square is eleven centimeters.

The size of the transverse diagonal of the rhombus depends on the width of the sacrum. The more inclined the sacrum, the smaller the vertical axis. A line drawn in the middle of the dimples divides the rhombus into 2 triangles.

Diagnosing how the values ​​of these triangles relate is very important: a narrow pelvis appears if the upper triangle is smaller than the lower one; with scoliosis, the axis of the rhombus shifts both vertically and horizontally, and an oblique narrowing of the pelvis is observed; An indicator of Robert's pelvis with a narrowing in diameter is the convergence of the sacral dimples.

The same method is used by modern obstetricians to assess the bone status of a pregnant woman.

This compound is a very vulnerable place in the human body; the health of this place is supported by various specialists who work in this area - surgeons, rheumatologists, traumatologists.

The points of the diamond enable doctors to determine the need for interventions, such as administering medications to the area of ​​the sacroiliac joint or ischium. Lumbar and sacral pain can mean the presence of various pathological conditions, such as: pathological changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, various bruises and sprains, the presence of autoimmune processes and tumors.

But the variations of the diamonds described above do not in any way affect the dimples on the lower back. With the help of the muscles around the spine, the spine itself gains flexibility, strength, the ability to bear loads and maintain correct posture.

Exercises for dimples

To achieve this, exercises are used that strengthen and develop muscles, and as a bonus, cute dimples may appear on the lower back.

Not everyone just needs to lose weight to get the dimples they want on their butt. At normal weight, muscles are pumped up with exercises that develop the lumbar and gluteal muscles.

A decreased subcutaneous fat layer and an increased muscle volume will lead to the desired result, that is, the appearance of dimples and beautiful photos.

When performing any exercises, including those related to the spine, in order to avoid injury, first do a warm-up, warm up, and then the load is gradually added.

You can do the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your stomach. From this position, make a boat: first lift your upper body, then your legs, then lift them at the same time. Bring up to 20-25 times, hold for thirty seconds.
  2. Get on your knees, stretch out your arms and lean on them. Raise and stretch horizontally alternately opposite arms and legs, the limbs should be tense. Up to 20 times.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor, stretch your arms along your body. From this position, raise your pelvis until you form a straight line: shoulders - knees. Hold the rise for thirty seconds. Repeat 8-10 times, then increase to 20-25 repetitions.
  4. Also bend, twist at the waist, perform tilts with dumbbells or with plastic bottles that are filled with sand or water. Perform several approaches 12-15 times.

The help of specialists in the gym will not be superfluous; they will help you choose exercises to form the necessary muscles. The complex will help achieve beautiful posture and the appearance of dimples. For faster results, use a diet.

It should contain reduced simple carbohydrates, maintain a balance of protein and fat, and also contain trace elements and vitamins in sufficient quantities.

The complex will not only build muscles, but will also have a beneficial effect on the entire body, since gymnastics is useful at any age if performed moderately, in proportion to the strength of one’s own body.

It must be remembered that the moderation of exercise can be easily disrupted by sudden movements, heavy lifting or exceeding the range of motion, which can lead to adverse consequences, so do not allow this!

There are many myths associated with lower back dimples. Do you have dimples like these? They are far from uncommon in both women and men. These natural depressions form in the area of ​​the pelvic bones. But let's figure out what is true from what we have heard about them and what is a lie.

They say that…

1. Dimples in the lower back are a sign of good blood circulation and good health - this is a MYTH

There is not a single scientific confirmation of this theory.

2. The owner of dimples is a lover of carnal pleasures - this is a MYTH

There is no connection between having dimples and sexual appetite. Some people with lower back dimples have a very moderate libido. Others who do not have these dimples are truly insatiable in love.

3. Dimples add sexuality to their owner - this is a subjective opinion

Indeed, many men find lower back dimples sexy. But not all. Some don't even pay attention to them.

So, what do dimples on the lower back mean?

Nothing! This is just an anatomical feature of a particular person, just like dimples or a cleft chin. And, most likely, he inherited them from his ancestors.

Those with lower back dimples sometimes try to emphasize them while playing sports. Indeed, excess weight, for example, can “hide” this anatomical feature. However, it is impossible to “grow” dimples in the gym if you have never had them.

Interestingly, some people want to have these “marks” so much that they even agree to undergo plastic surgery to imitate them.

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Women's mysteries have always attracted men. The dimples of Venus are one of the secrets of our body, arousing genuine interest among the stronger half of humanity. Many men are puzzled by the question of what dimples on a girl’s lower back mean.

Why are dimples needed in the lower back?

Some women have no idea what magical power these depressions on the sacrum have. Men cannot take their eyes off them.

In many girls these depressions are more visible, in others they are almost invisible. Men believe that clear dots indicate a lady’s bright temperament and sexuality.

Science offers its explanation for the appearance of these marks. Scientists note that all women without exception have dimples of Venus. This is a feature of the structure of the body. And it has nothing to do with a person’s character traits. Also, these marks have no connection with the girl’s weight and her figure.

The mysterious dimples on the lower back are unique shock absorbers of the human body. At the junction of the sacrum and pelvis, there is a lack of connective tissue and insufficient development of tendons.

In addition to this, the layer of subcutaneous fat in this area is very small. Therefore, dimples help smooth out sudden movements while walking. They reduce pressure on the sacrum and eliminate strong changes when running.

Why do dimples on the lower back look like this?

Visually, these areas appear as two clear dots. They are located between the longitudinal muscles of the lower back and the muscle mass of the buttocks.

The reason for the appearance of dots is a sharp change in the thickness of the fat layer. On the lower back, in one area the concentration of fat under the skin is high, and in another, located nearby, it is negligible. This difference is what the dimples on the lower back indicate.

This is where the gluteal muscles and the longitudinal muscles of the back intersect. This gives such a unique effect that captivates men’s gaze.

What does it mean if there are no dimples?

The absence of dimples above the lower back is an alarming sign. It signals that the joints are not functioning properly.

It is also dangerous to move the depressions to another location. If you are surprised to discover that the dimples of Venus are located on the side or at the top of the sacrum, make an appointment with your doctor. He will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

The joints located in this area can work in several directions. If the trajectory of their movement is incorrect, the depressions appear in a different place. As a result, a pinched nerve may occur.

A symptom of this disease is often acute pain in the lower back. In this case, the patient cannot straighten up or get out of bed.

Another disease that can develop due to improper functioning of the sacral and lumbar joints is intervertebral hernia. Its appearance can also be indicated to us by the absence or movement of dimples on the back.

How to develop hollows in the lower back

All women strive for ideal. Diets, exercise and makeup - they are ready to do anything to win the attention of men.

When girls find out that the dimples of Venus are so important to guys, many of them decide to perfect this part of their body.

To make your hollows look sexy, you should perform a simple set of exercises every day. The goal of these workouts is to strengthen the psoas muscles.

  • When performing exercises you should not feel discomfort or painful spasms.
  • Choose the range of motion that suits you
  • Do not make quick swings or sharp bends, this may result in injury.
  • Breathe correctly. In case of strong tension, take a deep breath, and after returning to the starting position, exhale.

  • Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up your muscles. You can do a couple of bends forward and to the sides
  • During the first part of the workout, repeat each exercise 14-15 times each set. The number of approaches should be three
  • Towards the end of the lesson, increase the number of approaches. The amount of exercise should also gradually increase

Exercises to develop dimples

There are several types of exercises to strengthen the lumbar muscles.

Exercise No. 1

  • Place your feet and knees on the floor, getting on all fours. At the same time, look straight ahead
  • Raise your left arm and right leg at the same time so that they are parallel to the floor. Hold your body in this position for 5 seconds
  • Return to starting position
  • After this, raise your right arm and left leg, hold them in the air for 5 seconds

  • Take first position

This exercise will strengthen your psoas muscles and develop your coordination.

Exercise No. 2

  • Slowly lift your torso up as far as you can
  • Stay in this position for 5 seconds
  • Take the starting position

When performing this exercise for the first time, be sure to use a safety net. Have a friend stand next to you and hold your ankles.

Exercise No. 3

It is similar to the previous exercise. The difference is that you need to do it while lying on the floor:

  • Lie face down on an exercise mat or floor
  • Stretch your arms forward
  • Slowly raise your torso as high as you can. You should not feel any pain or discomfort

  • Fix your body in this position for 5-10 seconds
  • Lower your torso to the floor, relax

Exercise #4

To perform this you will need dumbbells. If you don't have them, you can use small bottles filled with water.

  • Sit on the edge of a chair, pick up dumbbells
  • Bend your knees
  • Spread your legs to the sides, stretch your arms with dumbbells forward. Keep your back straight
  • Lean forward a little, then return to first position

Exercise 5

  • Lie on your back with your arms extended to the sides so that your palms are facing down.
  • Keeping your knees together, slowly pull your legs towards your chest.
  • When your knees touch your chest, hold this pose for 5 seconds.
  • Direct your bent knees first in one direction, then in the other. Do not lift your shoulders off the floor

The question of what dimples on a girl’s lower back mean interests many men. But ladies should also know the answer. After all, their health depends on the location of these points.

Dimples in the lower back are quite common in both women and men. What do these two cute depressions mean, which, according to sexologists, give a special sexuality to the body?

Who “discovered” the dimples on the lower back?

For the first time, dimples in the lower back were discussed as a unique element of the human body during the Renaissance (around the 12th century), when artists and sculptors in their creations depicted representatives of the fair half of humanity with sexy dimples in the lower back. Today, people close to art call the place of attachment of the tendons and gluteal muscles (dimples in the lower back) – Michelangelo’s rhombus or Venus’s rhombus.

What do dimples in the lower back mean from a physical point of view?

The anatomical structure of the body provides for the appearance of dimples in the area where the sacrum and pelvis meet, and this is not individuality at all. All people have such physiological “dents”, only in some they are clearly visible, while in others the indentations are invisible. This is caused by the fact that in some people the muscles and subcutaneous tissue at the site of fusion are quite thin and, due to lack of volume, peculiar “dips” appear inside the recesses existing in the bone tissue.

Lumbar dimples and gynecology

Obstetricians call the lower back muscles and the prominence of the gluteal muscles the Michaelis rhombus. Since in the 19th century G.A. Michaelis (gynecologist) first described and scientifically substantiated the location of dimples in the lower back. When medicine had not yet advanced so far and one could only dream of a modern ultrasound machine, Michaelis came up with a way to use the placement and severity of the dimples in the lower back to assess the width of the pelvis, its structure, possible defects and displacements that could cause a difficult birth.

Even today, gynecologists assess the bone status of pregnant women using the Michaelis diamond. So a rhombus with almost identical sides (square shape) with a diagonal of eleven centimeters is considered ideal. With a wide sacrum, the diagonal of the rhombus placed across is larger, and with a minimum value of the vertical axis of the same rhombus, there is an inclination of the sacrum. If you draw a straight line between the dimples on the lower back, you will get two triangles, the relationship of which can be used to diagnose:

  • displaced axes – scoliosis;
  • larger upper – narrow pelvis;
  • the axes are shifted horizontally and vertically - the pelvic bones are obliquely narrowed;
  • pits located close to each other - the pelvis is narrowed.

How do dimples in the lower back affect sexuality?

Most men consider dimples on the lower back to be sexy, and the owners of such a pronounced feature as loving. Sexologists say that women with dimples achieve orgasm faster, including multiple ones. Since ancient times, the feature in the form of dimples on the lower back has been considered a sign of perfection, which is inherited at the genetic level.

After medical scientists began to understand the myths about increased sexuality, it turned out that the reason for increased libido is quite simple. The presence of dimples indicates the correct structure of the skeleton and, as a result, a woman has good blood circulation in the lumbar region. This promotes a rapid flow of blood to the pelvic area, respectively, saturation of the pelvic organs with blood (oxygen) causes rapid arousal and maximum discharge.

Since ancient times, a beautiful female body has attracted the gaze of men, odes have been written about it, and artists have painted portraits. It's not just breasts that make a body attractive. The presence of dimples on the lower back makes the body sexy and attractive.

If you look at the back in more detail, you will notice the presence of two dimples in the lumbar region. This feature is most characteristic of female representatives, and only a quarter of men have dimples.

History of dimples

The dimples in the lumbar region of a woman's body are also called dimples of Venus. There are many opinions on how this feature affects a woman’s sexuality, her feelings, sensuality, and the number of children born.

Every person has dimples on their body, but in some they are pronounced, while in others they are almost invisible. And here the weight of a person does not matter; dimples appear where the skin is thin.

Experts on female beauty claim that these small dimples give a woman's body sexuality, and doctors say that this is an indicator of excellent health. This anatomical feature was noticed long ago by artists and captured on their canvases back in the 15th century.

Also, Renaissance sculptors skillfully conveyed these depressions in their works. In ancient centuries, doctors studied these dimples in pregnant women and could know about the width and shape of the pelvic bones and make a prognosis about the upcoming birth.

Nowadays, dimples are considered only as beauty and they do not have much importance.

What determines the presence of dimples in the lower back?

Is it good or bad to have dimples on the lower back?

The advantages of dimples on the lower back include the following aspects:

  • they talk about good women's health;
  • about a perfectly developed body;
  • about muscle development;
  • normal body weight;
  • about proper blood circulation;
  • about sexuality;
  • beauty;
  • about the excellent health of children;
  • easy birth;
  • rapid and high-quality achievement of orgasm;
  • a sign of proper development of the bones of the lumbar region.

Many men believe that dimples on the lower back are ugly and not sexy. Also, a layer of fat can accumulate around these depressions, causing the lower back to become bloated.

But dimples have more advantages than disadvantages, and many women simply dream of having such a feature. Such depressions are also called Michelangelo’s triangle.

Dimples form where the body becomes thin with the help of muscles and subcutaneous tissue. In this area, the bones and tendons are almost on the surface.

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“I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times have I gone to clinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now it’s been 7 weeks, and my back joints don’t bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and it’s a 3 km walk from the bus, so I can walk easily! All thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with back pain!"

If there are no dimples, then how to develop them?

If you have only slightly noticeable dimples on your lower back, they can be developed using several techniques:

  1. First, you need to bring your weight back to normal and lose some weight. If your weight is normal and there are no dimples, then you need to start doing special exercises.
  2. Reduce the number of calories per day. When fat begins to accumulate in the lower body in the lower back area, losing weight will help highlight the dimples and make them look sexier. There is no diet or technique that will help you lose weight in a specific part of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider and reduce calorie intake.

To do this, adhere to the following rules:

  • Try keeping track of your calories. Calories are indicated on food labels, also do not forget to take into account spices, dressings;
  • Most adults eat no more than 1,200 calories per day and at the same time they begin to lose weight;
  • You should not exceed the weight loss process per week by more than 1.5 kg. This can lead to serious complications from the endocrine and genitourinary systems.
  1. Losing weight shouldn't make you feel hungry. Vegetables will help eliminate the feeling of hunger and saturate the body with essential nutrients for a long time.

It is better to include the following products in your diet:

  • vegetables and root vegetables;
  • non-fatty meats;
  • fruits;
  • fish;
  • tofi;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • porridge;
  • whole grains;
  • drink more water;
  • green tea;
  • It is recommended to drink two glasses of water 30 minutes before meals;
  • You also need to reduce the portion size.
  1. Keep a special notebook of your nutrition. Many scientists have come to the conclusion that writing down the foods you eat in a notebook will help you get the desired result and lose weight faster. Make it a habit to read the calories on every food label. There are also special sites on the Internet where you can find and study calorie tables. This will help you count your calories for the day;
  2. Perform a special set of physical and strength exercises, which will help reduce weight and create hollows in the lumbar region.

About read here.

Exercises to create dimples

Exercise No. 1

Get on all fours so that your palms and knees are perpendicular to the floor. At the same time, you need to look forward and not lower your eyes to the floor. Next, alternately lift your left arm and right leg first and vice versa.

Make sure they are at the same height and form a straight line. In this case, you need to linger and fix this position for a few seconds and then return to your previous position.

You need to perform the exercise seven to ten times.

Exercise No. 2

Lie on your stomach and place your hands, palms down, along your torso. Then slowly raise your shoulders and chest to the maximum possible height.

Make sure that the exercise is comfortable for you and does not cause pain. Stay in the pose for about 10 seconds and also smoothly and slowly return to the starting position;

Exercise No. 3

Take an emphasis position while lying face down on a gymnastic bench. You can also lie down on a table or bed. Now move your body along the surface until your pelvis is on the edge. In this case, the torso should be strictly parallel to the floor.

At the same time, bring your hands together behind you. As in the previous exercise, lift your chest and shoulders as high as possible and hold in this position for several seconds. Return to the starting position.

If you do not have good physical fitness, then use the help of another person to fix your legs;

Exercise #4

Sit on the edge of a bench, table or bed. Spread your legs bent at the knees to the sides. Take dumbbells in your hands and stretch them in front of you, while keeping your back straight.

Now begin to bend forward as far as your training allows you, and hold for about 5 seconds and return to the starting position;

Exercise #5

Lie on your stomach and extend your arms along your torso, palms facing down. Next, without opening your legs together, raise your knees to your chest and stay in this position for 5 seconds, this will help stretch your back muscles.

Then, without raising your shoulders, and slowly raise your knees, first to one side, then to the opposite side. At the same time, turn your head to different sides from your knees. If your knees are turned to the left, then turn your head to the right.

All exercises are performed as the complexity of their implementation increases. You don’t have to do the whole complex, but choose certain exercises for yourself that match your physical fitness, and you can perform them comfortably and safely for your health.

Pain and crunching in the back can lead to dire consequences over time - local or complete limitation of movements, even disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedies recommended by orthopedists to cure their backs and joints...

Prevention of pain

It is necessary to adhere to certain rules when performing exercises that will help reduce the nature of lower back pain:

  • choose your own pace of exercise, where you can feel good and be comfortable. Remember that the concept of pain is unacceptable with range of motion. And pain is not an indicator of results and muscle strengthening;
  • do not make sudden or imprecise movements, which can lead to rupture of ligaments and muscles. Perform the exercises clearly, smoothly and slowly;
  • at the beginning of the training process, perform the exercises no more than 15 times in two sessions. Only over time can you add load and increase it up to 30 times in six approaches;
  • Before performing exercises, do a short warm-up, which will help warm up the muscles. This can be elementary bending of the torso and rotational movements of the arms;
  • Don’t forget about proper breathing. In this case, you need to alternate inhalation and exhalation. It is better to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Bottom line

If you don't have back dimples, then there is no need to lose weight if you are in shape. To do this, you need to perform special exercises daily and regularly that will help make the depressions more pronounced.

Don't eat less than 1,200 calories for long periods of time. Use caution when performing exercises on equipment and on the gymnastics mat.

Avoid injuring your back, which can have serious health consequences. Also, a set of exercises will help cope with the symptoms and causes of osteochondrosis, especially in the lumbar-sacral region.

If you have the opportunity, do exercises under the supervision of an experienced trainer at the gym. It will not only help you master the complex quickly and efficiently, but will also show you how to perform the movements correctly.

Only patience and constant work will help you achieve good results and the desired dimples will appear on your body, which are an indicator of not only beauty, but also women’s health.
