Mysterious Vesuvian - properties, meaning and influence on different signs of the zodiac. Vesuvian stone

Mineral class: Silicates
Chemical formula: Ca 19 (Al, Mg, Fe, Ti) 8 Al 4 Fe 3+ O 2 (OH, F) 8 x 10 4
Hardness: 6.5
Density: 3.4
Colour: olive green, yellow brown, reddish brown
Dash color: white
Luster: glassy to greasy
Transparency.: transparent
Cleavage: imperfect
Fracture: splintery
Syngony: tetragonal
Is the mineral brittle? Yes
Malleability: No
Reaction to HCl: No
Crystal Pleochroism: No
Irization: No
Magnetic properties: No

A fairly common mineral. It was named after the place where it was found - in the lavas of Vesuvius.

Synonyms: Viluit(after being in the traps on Vilyui); Indocrase- from the Greek krasis (mixture).

Trade names: californite- (according to the place of discovery) a fine-grained bright green variety; Tsiprin- blue Vesuvian from Norway.

Condition of education and location:

Formed in metamorphosed carbonate rocks. It crystallizes in a tetragonal syngony, in a ditragonal-dipyramidal form of symmetry. The crystals have a columnar or short-prismatic appearance and are usually formed by the predominant faces of a prism (110) and a dipyramid (111), in combination with which a pinacoid and a prism (100) are often present. The edges of the crystals are uneven, often covered with lamellar outgrowths or hatching.

It usually occurs as irregular or elongated grains of dense fine-grained or radiant aggregates (sometimes intergrown with andradite, epidote, chlorite). The color of the mineral depends on impurities, so titanium-containing vesuvian is reddish-brown; chrome-containing - emerald green. Normal color: grayish-green, yellow-green. Often zoned. The powder is usually white.

Dark brown varieties are opaque, light-colored vesuvians are translucent at the edges or transparent.

The origin is metasomatic and high-temperature hydrothermal. Among the deposits, the most common are contact-metasomatic skarn type, where it is usually accompanied by garnet and epidote. In this association, vesuvian occurs as a secondary mineral in zones of hydrothermal alteration of gabbro, pyroxenites, and peridotites.

Of interest are deposits of vesuvian in alkaline rocks - pyroxenites, melteigites, etc., where it is formed together with andradite, monticellite, wollastonite, calcite, chlorite and other minerals as a product of the destruction of monoclinic pyroxenes of melilite and nepheline. Titanium-bearing vesuvian is also found in similar rocks.

Deposits of Vesuvian skarns are known in Cf. Asia, Khakassia, Eastern Siberia, on the Vilyui River (near the mouth of the Akhtaranda River). Deposits in rocks among peroxynites, serpentinites and gabbro, accompanied by epidote, serpentinite, actinolite, magnetite and calcite are common in the Urals. These are the Bazhenov massif, Akhmatovskaya, Nikolay-Maximilianovskaya and Eremeevskaya mines in the Shishim mountains. Mount Magnetic, Borzovka in the Kyshtym region and in the Eastern Sayan (R. Kita), Nizhny Tagil.

In the early 80s. 20th century this mineral was also found on the slopes of the "failed" Ayudag volcano in the Crimea.

Main foreign deposits: Africa, Pakistan, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Norway.

Diagnosis: Diagnosed by the shape of the crystals. In solid masses, it is often determined only under a microscope.
Usage: It has no special practical significance. In jewelry, for cutting and inserting into jewelry, transparent brown samples with o. Sri Lanka. In the past it was used as an ornamental stone.
magical properties. (! Not verified): Vesuvian has the ability to make the life of its owner comfortable and harmonious. The owner of this stone is able to create comfort with the help of the most insignificant details. Vesuvian will tell a person how to beautifully furnish even a camping tent. The mineral loves everything beautiful, helps us to see the beauty of the most ordinary-looking thing and teaches us to use this beauty to decorate our life. The mineral is an ardent champion of cleanliness and order. The owner of a Vesuvian has an urgent need to keep his house, things and himself in perfect cleanliness. It should be noted that the mineral not only helps to create beauty in the home of its owner, it also makes him much more attractive, suggesting how to dress with taste, how to eliminate figure and face defects.

He loves stone and active entertainment. It helps athletes (professionals and amateurs) to achieve excellent results. In addition, Vesuvian still affects the emotions of its owner - it pacifies anger, calms irritation, inspires cheerful good thoughts, that is, it makes him better not only externally, but also internally.

like a talisman and Vesuvian amulets attract to their owner the sympathy of the people around him, the grace of his superiors. Linden, attracts good luck, success and love. It is recommended to wear it to everyone without exception, but the help of this stone is especially useful for people of creative professions: designers, architects, artists, musicians and writers.

Medicinal properties.
Lithotherapists claim that Vesuvian has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the nerves, and stabilizes the psyche. The stone helps in the treatment of skin diseases and diseases of the thyroid gland. Wearing a stone in earrings relieves migraines, improves eyesight.

Interesting: The rock in which vesuvian is a rock-forming mineral is called - Vesuvianite.

Vesuvian got its name from the place of the first find - the slope of the volcano Vesuvius (Italy). Vesuvian crystals are often found in hardened lava. Other names for Vesuvian and its varieties: Pakistani jade, Californian jade, volcanic chrysolite, American jade, Vilyui emerald, false jade, glass agate, viluite, idocrase, californite.

Vesuvian is a mineral, calcium and aluminum silicate of complex composition. Vesuvian crystals are often columnar, prismatic, or pyramidal in shape. At the same time, when you look at fairly large Vesuvian crystals, it seems that they are made up of simple geometric bodies connected together - cubes, as if soldered, mixed with each other.

Hence, another name for this mineral, formed with the help of the roots of the Greek language, is idocrase (Greek crasys - “mixture”). Under this name, Vesuvian has been known since 1796. The color of Vesuvian is greenish-yellow, brown, bottle green, occasionally emerald green; the color is due to the admixture of iron, resistant. In jewelry, for cutting and inserting into jewelry, transparent brown samples with o. Sri Lanka.

Hardness - 6.5-7.0; density - 3.4 g/cm3.

Main deposits: Africa, Pakistan, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, Crimea, Ural.

Features of education. hydrothermal mineral.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists claim that Vesuvian has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the nerves, and stabilizes the psyche. The stone helps in the treatment of skin diseases and diseases of the thyroid gland. Wearing a stone in earrings relieves migraines, improves eyesight.

magical properties

Vesuvian has the ability to make the life of its owner comfortable and harmonious. The owner of this stone is able to create comfort with the help of the most insignificant details. Vesuvian will tell a person how to beautifully furnish even a camping tent. The mineral loves everything beautiful, helps us to see the beauty of the most ordinary-looking thing and teaches us to use this beauty to decorate our life. The mineral is an ardent champion of cleanliness and order. The owner of a Vesuvian has an urgent need to keep his house, things and himself in perfect cleanliness. It should be noted that the mineral not only helps to create beauty in the home of its owner, it also makes him much more attractive, suggesting how to dress with taste, how to eliminate figure and face defects.

He loves stone and active entertainment. It helps athletes (professionals and amateurs) to achieve excellent results. In addition, the Vesuvian still affects the emotions of its owner - it pacifies anger, calms irritation, inspires cheerful good thoughts, that is, it makes him better not only externally, but also internally.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman and amulets, the Vesuvian attracts the sympathy of the people around him, the mercy of higher persons, attracts luck, success and love to his owner. It is recommended to wear it to everyone without exception, but the help of this stone is especially useful for people of creative professions: designers, architects, artists, musicians and writers.

The Vesuvian stone got its name from the name of the volcano Vesuvius, in the hardened lava of which its crystals were first found in 1795. This mineral is a silicate of calcium and aluminum, with the inclusion of iron and magnesium. Its other names are idocrase, vesuvianite, egeran.

Structurally, the vesuvian is a mixture of small crystals of simple geometric shapes - cubes, columns, prisms, pyramids. When looking at it, one gets the impression that the mineral is soldered from them. Sometimes there are radiant aggregates. Mineral deposits are found in Africa, Italy, Pakistan, Switzerland, Norway, Canada. On the territory of Russia, it is found in the Crimea and the Urals.

Varieties and applications

If the mineral has impurities of other metals, this significantly affects its hue. Thus, the copper content makes the vesuvian bluish or greenish-bluish (a mineral of this color was previously called "cyprin"). The inclusion of manganese gives the mineral a purplish-pink hue (this variety is referred to as "xanthite"). The emerald green vesuvian owes its color to chromium inclusions, and the reddish brown owes its color to titanium impurities.

Minerals from different deposits differ markedly from each other. Vesuvian, which is found in California (California or American jade), has beryllium impurities, it is characterized by a special green tint, almost like jade and jadeite. And on the island of Sri Lanka, especially valuable transparent brown minerals are found.

Vesuvian is a jewelry and ornamental stone. Often used for inserts into earrings, rings, pendants, pendants. Small decorative items, crafts are made from it.

Medicinal properties

Vesuvian balances all body systems, increases stress resistance, stops inflammatory processes, and has a depressing effect on the growth of benign and malignant tumors. It harmonizes the psycho-emotional sphere, metabolic processes.

Stones with a pronounced green color have a beneficial effect on cardiac and nervous activity (especially if you wear a bracelet with a mineral on your wrist in the pulse zone or in a ring on your ring finger). Yellowish and brownish stones treat the digestive system (in this case, it is better to wear a ring with a stone on the little finger). The bluish varieties are effective in the treatment of thyroid diseases (for this it is best to wear the mineral as a pendant or pendant around the neck).

Vesuvians of pure cold light green shades help with skin diseases of various etiologies. Thanks to them, you can get rid of acne, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands with oily scalp, back, face.
Wearing Vesuvius in earrings relieves headaches, helps restore and improve visual acuity. The proximity of the mineral has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eye muscles, relieving tension and pain in the area of ​​​​the eyes and bridge of the nose.

magical properties

Vesuvian is a stone of tranquility, coziness, comfort, purity. He creates a harmonious atmosphere around him, where everything is always in perfect order. A person who constantly carries this mineral with him or keeps it in his home knows how to put himself, his thoughts and everything that surrounds him in order. The owner of the Vesuvian does not worry over trifles, is dressed with taste and evokes sympathy, and it is always a pleasure to be in his house.

Vesuvian is the stone of purity. He cannot put up with the dirt around him, either physical or mental. Therefore, very soon after acquiring it, a person notices how much cleaner his thoughts become and feels a constant desire to keep his clothes, house, workplace clean.

The stone helps to get rid of bad habits and come to grips with your health and appearance. First of all, he will encourage a smoker to give up cigarettes, and a plump person - to do physical education and follow a diet. In addition, the stone will protect from bad influences from outside - with such an amulet, damage, envy and bad wishes of others are not terrible.

Relationship Magic

Charging its owner with positive energy, the stone helps him to find friends more easily, make new acquaintances and maintain old connections, negotiate anything with superiors and work colleagues. Attracts good luck and financial well-being.

Vesuvian makes the owner much prettier and more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, helps to find and maintain love and understanding in the family.

The calming effect of Vesuvian helps a lot in the fight against such uncomfortable character traits as anger, irritability, irascibility, pessimism. He sets up an optimistic mood and bright thoughts.

The contemplation of Vesuvius helps to release creativity and use it to create something beautiful, it forms a desire to see the positive around oneself, to notice the beauty of everyday life.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

The stone patronizes representatives of creative professions - artists, writers, musicians, art critics, photographers, designers, fashion designers, actors. In astrological terms, Vesuvian is universal, suitable for all signs of the zodiac. In particular, he favors Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo.

origin of name

The English name for the mineral Vesuvian is Vesuvian

The mineral is named after the place of the first discovery on Vesuvius (Werner, 1795).

Synonyms: idocraz- idocrase (Ayui, 1799) - the name adopted in England, France, the USA and other countries.
Obsolete synonyms: hyacinth- hyacinte (Rome de Lisle, 1772) -partially hyacinthine
(de Silveira, 1810), egeran - Egeran (Werner, 1817), frugordite - frugardite (Nordenskiöld, 1820), gokumite - gokumite (Thomson, 1828), xanthite - xanthite (Thomson, 1828), heteromerite - heteromerite ( Herman, 1845), jewreinovit - jewreinovite (Nordenskiöld, 1852), vesuvianite - vesuvianite (Dana, 1892), californite - californite (Kunts, 1901), genevite - genevite (Duparc, Gisin, 1927), vesuvian-jade - vesuvian-jade (Browne, 1929), duparcite - duparcite (Nikole, 1932), dikarkit - Dikarkit (according to Povarennykh, 1962 - translation of Strunz's tables).

pomegranate group

Chemical composition

Based on the X-ray diffraction data, Warren and Model derived the above formula vesuviana, corresponding to Ca 10 Al 4 (Mg, Fe) 2 Si 9 O 34 (OH, F) 4 . Makhachki, as a result of recalculating numerous analyzes, came to the formula Ca 19 (Al, Mg, Fe 3+, Fe 2+, Ti) 13 Si 18 (O, OH, F) 76; other formulas have been proposed. According to Gedecke, all vesuvians can be represented as mixtures of two molecules: Ca 9 Al 4 Mg 3 Si 9 (O, OH, F) 38 rich in magnesium and Ca 9 Al 6 Si 9 (O, OH, F) 38 rich in aluminum; in both cases, Al can be replaced by Fe 3+ , Mg by Fe 2+ and Mn, and Si by Ti. Beus admits the existence of a series from Ca 8 (Al, Fe, Mg)e [(Si, Be)9 (O, F, OH)34] to Cas(Al, Fe, Mg)e. Serdyuchenko et al. substantiate the existence of an isomorphic series of vesuvians (close to the series of garnets) with extreme members Ca9(Al,Fe3+) 6 Si 9 O 34 (OH) 4 -Ca 9 (Ca, Mg) (Mg, Fe 2+) 2 (Al, Fe 3+) 4 Si 9 O 34 (OH) 4 (containing 24 and 25 cations, respectively) with the most common intermediate in composition (and number of cations) group of minerals - Ca 9 (Ca, Mg, Fe 2+ ) 1.5 (Al, Fe 3+ ) 5 Si 9 O 34 (OH) 4 with 24.5 cations.
Not all analyzes of the mineral are equivalent, not in all cases the content of Be and B was determined; the content of Al 2 O 3 , B 2 O 3 and BeO requires verification due to the complexity of chemical analysis in many vesuvians.

The mineral is characterized by isomorphic substitutions of Si for Ti and Be; Al on Fe 3+ , B, Cr; Ca on Mn, Na, K; Mg on Fe 2+ and Mn; OH on F. Boron is found in many vesuvians. Its distribution in the mineral is usually uneven not only within the same deposit, but also in different parts of the same sample. The maximum content of B 2 O 3 - 4.66% was established in the Yakut viluites.
There are varieties that are characterized by a high content of Ti, Be, Cr, TR. More than 1% CuO was found in cyprin. Cyprin, beryllium vesuvian from Franklin and Iron Mountain, and "mangan vesuvian" from Silesia contain more than 3% MnO. The amount of MgO in some viluites exceeds 6%. Small amounts of TI, Pb, Sn, Ga, Ge, In, Bi, V, Li, Zn, Co, Ni, Zr, Sr, and Ba are also noted in vesuvians. Viluite from Yakutia contains Be, As, Cu, Zn, Ni, Zr, Ga, Cr, V, Sr, Co, Sn, Ti; in wiluite from Central Asia -0.00n% Se. In vesuvians from the northeastern regions of Russia, 0.003-0.22% Sn was found, in a stone from Kara-Tyube (Western Uzbekistan) - 0.03-0.04% P 2 O 5 .

Crystallographic characteristic

Vesuvian columnar crystals in hessonite

Syngony. Tetragonal.

Class. Ditetragonal dipyramidal D 4h -4/mmm (L 4 4L 2 5PC).

Axis ratio. c/a = 0.757.

Crystal structure

According to Warren and Model, by structure Vesuvian occupies an intermediate position between orthosilicates and diorthosilicates: out of nine Si atoms of the formula Ca 10 Al 4 (Mg, Fe) 2 (OH) 4, four form groups, and five - isolated groups; the ratio of the number of groups: =5:2. In the unit cell, 16 Al are in general positions and 8 (Mg, Fe) are in particular positions in octahedral coordination; each Ca atom is surrounded by 8 O atoms; 16 groups (OH) are in general positions and connect to Al, Mg, Fe and Ca. The structure of the mineral is specified.

Main forms: t (110), a (100), / (210), s (001), o (101), p (111), t (331), g (641) and 8 (311). (210) A (100) = 26°34", (111) D (001) == 37°14", (101) A (001) = 28°15", (331) A (001) = 66° 19\ (311) A (001) \u003d 5 9 ° 32

Form of being in nature

Shape of crystals. Crystals of various shapes, often rich in shapes, often two-pointed. The most common crystals are short-prismatic, long-prismatic, and acicular, with or without a developed basopinacopid, and also more or less isometric, dipyramidal; with the predominant development of the s (311) and t (331) faces, the crystals are pointed; tabular crystals are less common.
Vertical shading is common on the faces of vertical prisms; on m (110) there is often horizontal hatching, on a (100) - hatching parallel to edges with faces (311) and (131). Kurbatov distinguished three types of crystals from deposits in Russia by the difference in hatching on the s (311) faces and, accordingly, by the development of the faces of certain zones: (110) and more rare - with a zone (301): (331).

Doubles. On the faces of viluite crystals from Siberia, complex sculpture is often observed; mutually parallel and cruciform splices are noted. Among viluite crystals from Central Asia, V-shaped twins were observed, in which the angle between the axes from the indivisibles is close to 65° (the law has not been established).
The presence of polysynthetic twins according to (113) in a Vesuvian from Monte Somma (Franco, 1889) is considered by Zambonini to be unproven.

Aggregates. Continuous coarse and fine-grained segregations, columnar, parallel columnar and radially radiant aggregates, crystals, often well-formed (up to 10-12 cm); crystals with poorly developed faces up to 40 cm long were observed. Dense, fine-grained, radiant, covered with hatching (egeran).

inclusions in the mineral. In vesuvian crystals from the skarns of Central Asia, gas-liquid inclusions, partly with a solid phase, as well as inclusions with CO 2 were observed.

Physical properties of Vesuvian


Color of various shades: gray, green, yellow, brown, bottle green, sometimes black-brown, rarely blue, purple, lilac, red, pink, blue (in cyprin), black (in rare earth), rarely colorless to white.

The color also changes mainly depending on the content of Fe and the degree of its oxidation: the color is darker in iron-rich varieties with a higher content of ferrous iron. Low-iron vesuvian (Fe 2 O 3 - 0.28, FeO-0.50%) from the Talnakh intrusion (Norilsk region) has a light greenish-yellow color and a density of 3.3. As shown by special studies, the green color is caused by Fe 3+ ions isomorphically replacing Al, dark green - by Cr 3+ ions. As a result of studying the optical absorption spectra of the green vesuvian, it was found that the narrow absorption band at 21600 cm -1 is associated with electronic transitions in octahedral coordinated Fe 3+ . The color of the vesuvian from Central Asia, given by spectral analysis, is caused by: greenish-brown - Ti, Y, Yb, In, green - Cr, gray and lilac - Li. The metallic brilliance of vesuvian crystals from Lupikko (Pitkyaranta) is explained by the presence of a thin silvery-white chlorite film on the faces.

Crystals in the skarn of Yakutia
  • The dash is white.
  • Glass luster.
  • The tide is oily to resinous.
  • Transparency. Transparent to translucent.


  • Hardness 6.5. Fragile.
  • Density 3.3-3.45, rare earth from California 3.60, metamict and partially metamict rare earth 3.013-3.2. The density depends mainly on the Fe content.
  • Cleavage according to (110), (100), (001) imperfect.
  • The fracture is conchoidal, uneven, rough, splintery.

Chemical properties

In acids, it decomposes only after strong calcination with the release of SiO 2 in the form of a jelly.

Other properties

Dielectric constant 7.2.
A viluite plate sawn parallel to the vertical axis of the crystal occupies an axial position in a magnetic field. Thermal conductivity, according to Prendel, for Yakut viluite crystals is greatest along the c axis, for crystals from other deposits - in a direction perpendicular to the c axis.
Differently colored vesuvians from Central Asia are weakly luminescent and show clear metachromatism in the rays of a quartz-mercury lamp.

Behavior on heating. There are two endothermic deflections on the heating curves with maxima around 1050° (dehydration with destruction of the crystal lattice) and around 1200° (sintering). The heating curve of the isotropic green vesuvian from the Urals, in addition, is characterized by two exothermic rises - at 564° (transition to an anisotropic difference) and at 712° (isotropization). On the heating curve of the Yakut vilyunt, there are two weakly pronounced endothermic depressions at 200 and 350° and an endothermic deflection at 1040° (melting); after half an hour of calcination at 1100°, a porous, isotropic product with a lower density is obtained; by melting viluite crystals, a mass was obtained, consisting of an olivine-like mineral, anorthite and melilite. The influence of the size of vesuvian particles on its behavior during heating was established: with an increase in the degree of grinding, along with the main endothermic deflection of about 1050°, a decrease appears on the heating curves at 955–980°, and for a finer fraction, also at 710°.
Coef. linear expansion of viluite at temperatures from 20 to 120 °: along the c axis 0.00111-0.00094, along the a axis 0.00076 - 0.00091. It has pyroelectric properties: when heated crystals are cooled, negative electricity is detected on the planes of prisms, and positive electricity is found on the planes of pyramids and basopinacoid.

Artificial obtaining of a mineral

Synthesized from a mixture of kaolinite, Ca (OH) 2 and MgCl 2 6H 2 O at 700 ° and a pressure of 10,000 atm. Together with grossular, it was obtained in an aqueous medium at 450-500° and a pressure of 1200 bar from a mixture of silica, amorphous alumina, CaCO 3 , MgCO 3 and Mg(OH) 2, the ratios of which corresponded to the formula of the mineral. The mineral that does not contain Mg and Fe, along with anorthite and grossular, was synthesized from a mixture of zoisite composition at 550-600° and pressures of 1750-3150 kPcm 2 ; parameters and optical constants: a0=15.2, c0=11.8 A; uniaxial (-), n o = 1.710, n e = 1.702 (Na). Vesuvian obtained also as a decomposition product of melilite at 509 and 550°; it differs from natural in lower refractive indices (1.645-1.650) and a different intensity of some lines on the powder pattern, it is allowed to replace some of the SiO 4 groups in it with (OH) 4 groups.

Diagnostic features

similar minerals. Grossular, cassiterite, tourmaline, rutile, scapolite.

Macroscopically similar to some garnets, tourmaline, epidote. It is especially difficult, in the absence of well-formed crystals, to distinguish from grossular and hydrogrossular (there are erroneous descriptions of vesuvian called hydrogarnet). Dense, light green vesuvian from the boulders of Yakutia resembles jade.
In thin sections, it is determined by high light refraction (very strong relief), low birefringence, the characteristic square shape of crystal sections, and the zonal distribution of a peculiar anomalous interference color. It differs from zoisite by the absence of cleavage and abnormal dispersion, from melilite by higher light refraction and color, from andalusite by higher light refraction, low birefringence, uniaxiality or a small angle of optical axes, from grossular by lower light refraction and density.

Associated minerals. Garnets, diopside, amphibole, wollastonite, calcite, chlorite, magnetite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, etc.

Origin and location

A typical hypabyssal contact-metasomatic mineral. Distributed in skarns, in essentially metasomatic melilite rocks in connection with ultrabasic rocks, in contact-metamorphic rocks; less common in contact-altered alkaline rocks, pegmatites, and hydrothermal veins. It is common in endo- and exoskarns, among carbonate rocks in the contact halo of intrusive massifs. It is especially widespread and characteristic of calcareous skarns of the magnesian skarn formation. In the contact halo of intrusions among marbles, the length of significantly and even predominantly Vesuvian skarn bodies reaches hundreds of meters, and their thickness is 30-40 m. merwinite, calcite, as well as with chlorite, serpentine. In deposits with greisen manifestations in skarns, it is associated with muscovite, lithium micas, fluorite, tourmaline, beryllium minerals, cassiterite, and sulfides. Often represented by two generations:

  1. substitution product of garnet, diopside and other minerals;
  2. deposited in the voids of the exocontact zone.

Mineral change

Vesuvian pseudomorphs are described: talc, chlorite, grossular, epidote, scapolite, orthoclase; its replacement by calcite, zoisite, chlorite, scapolite, pyroxene, as well as carbonates, calcium zeolites, prehnite, anatase, and hydrohematite has been proven.

Place of Birth

In the contacts of acidic igneous rocks in Russia, it occurs on Caucasus in Gadabay field- in vesuvian, vesuvian-garnet and vesuvian-gelenite skarns, in Tyrnauz - at the contact of skarns and limestones, in limestones, in apdites and granites - at contact with limestones, in quartz veins crossing limestones.
Found in the Julia mine (Khakasskaya Autonomous Okrug), in Perovskitovaya and other mines in the Southern Urals. Found in a number of deposits Central Asia: Aksay and Kara-Tube in the Kara-Tube mountains; Langar, Koytash in the Nurata mountains; Almalyk in the Kuraminsky mountains; the Gava-Sai deposit in Kyrgyzstan; skarn zone of Uzun-Tashty in the northwestern part of the Talas Range; in Central Kazakhstan at Aksoran, Dzhamskoye, Aleksandrovskoye and other fields; in the north-east of Russia - in the Kanyonskoye deposit, in Yakutia - in the Verkhne-Tirekhtyakhsky, Sakhaninsky and other massifs; in Karelia - in Pitkyaranta. Abroad, the places of finds of Vesuvian are: Etna and Vesuvius (Italy); the Strzelina massif in Upper Silesia and the Kletno region in Lower Silesia ( Poland); Dlouhe Lhoti ( Czech Republic); Rila and Rhodope Mountains(Bulgaria); Kerigu (France); Crestmore (USA); Yamato, Mihara, Senpo (Japan); Monzoni in Tyrol (Austria); Oravica in Romania; Gekum (Sweden); Egg in Norway; about. Skye in Scotland, etc. Beryllium vesuvian is sometimes found in contact with granites in skarns.
In the zones of contact of medium and basic igneous rocks with sedimentary rocks, Vesuvian is known in different areas. Vesuvian-diopside, vesuvian-garnet, and wollastonite-diopside with vesuvian skarns are developed in Nakpai (Kurama Mountains, Central Asia) at the contact of sedimentary rocks and rocks of syenite-diorite composition. In the Urals, pyroxene-vesuvian-garnet skarns with ferruginous ores are known, occurring at the contact of limestones and syenites; in the Bakal deposit in the Southern Urals, in the zone of contacts between diabases and xenoliths of magnesian carbonate rocks, it is observed in association with garnet, pyroxene, calcite, prehnite, and magnetite.
There are numerous finds of it in similar geological conditions abroad: in Potoi Chuka (Serbia) - in skarns at the contact of monzonites and Triassic limestones; in Miho, Pref. Kanagawa (Japan) - at the contact of diorite intrusion; in Val Pallobia - at the contact of limestones and tonalites; at Graubünden in Switzerland, at the contact of serpentinites with carbonate shales or dolomites.

In turyaites and metasomatic melilite rocks close to them in composition, formed at the expense of ultramafic rocks (pyroxenites, olivinites, ijolites, melteigites) - in the Kovdorsky and Salmagorsky massifs, on Turiem cape (Kola Peninsula) Vesuvian was formed after melilite, associated with diopside, monticellite, phlogopite, andradite, wollastonite, calcite.
It is observed together with chlorite in association with ultramafic rocks; in addition to chlorite, garnet, diopside, prehnite, tremolite, and other minerals are found in association with vesuvian. Vesuvian, like garnet, on the Kola Peninsula was formed by plagioclase later than garnet; the formation of vesuvian at the expense of pyroxene of the diopside-jadeite series was also noted simultaneously with garnet and serpentine; pseudomorphs of vesuvian after phlogopite and pyroxene are also found.
In the Urals, the Bazhenov massif (Middle Urals), at the contact of diorite dikes with serpentinites, can serve as examples of finding vesuvian, also formed under these conditions; mines Shishimskaya, Praskovye-Evgenevskaya and Barbotovskaya in the Shishimsky mountains; Akhmatov mine in the Nazyam mountains; Lake Chertanysh area; Egozinskoye deposit; Chernaya Sopka, Nadezhda-Commercial, Berezovskoye and other deposits. Other indications of the presence of Vesuvian in Russia in connection with ultrabasic rocks refer to the following places: on the Taimyr Peninsula - Mount Chernaya; Ospinsky and other ultramafic massifs in the Eastern Sayan, where there are chlorite-garnet-vesuvian rocks formed during the interaction of granitic magma (veins of granite-porphyries) with ultrabasic rocks; the Afrikanda and Kovdor massifs on the Kola Peninsula - it is part of recrystallized ore pyroxenites (with magnetite, andradite, phlogopite, titanite, apatite) and amphibole-phlogopite rocks formed at the contacts of pyroxenites with alkaline pegmatites. In Serafimovsky, Klyuchevsky and other mines in the Urals, vesuvian (chrome vesuvian) is known in chromite deposits in voids and cracks with chlorite, serpentine, kemmererite, and uvarovite.

Abroad, in connection with ultrabasic rocks, this mineral is known in the following places: Georgetown (California, USA), Moussa Alps (Piedmont, Italy), Shibukawa (Japan), Rockville (Maryland, USA), Black Lake region (province . Quebec, Canada), Hidubag (Pakistan), Wurlitz (Germany), Loyana (Serbia).
In chlorite, less commonly in biotite schists, phyllites, hornfelses, and other metamorphic rocks, it is associated with garnet, epidote, orthoclase, diopside, chlorite, and calcite. Examples of deposits: Akhmatovskaya and Nikolay-Maksimilyanovskaya mines in the Urals - in chlorite shales, mainly at contacts with limestones; abroad: Strafford and Manchester (New Hampshire, USA) - confined to intercalations of calcareous rocks among shales and phyllites; Roetey (Norway); Ammeberg (Sweden) - in calcareous-skarn layers among banded leptites with diopside, grossular, wollastonite; Malada Anzhikus and Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) - in scheelite-bearing tactites; Ardgour (Scotland) - at the contact of marble with diorites, formed after augite and scapolite; Zermatt (Switzerland); Cheb region (Czech Republic); Claro, Lefontino Alps (Switzerland).
Single finds of the mineral are known in alkaline rocks and their pegmatites: in Fukushinsan (Korea) - in garnet-biotite-nepheline syenite and cancrinite-syenite pegmatite, Almung (Sweden) - in nepheline syenite, Seilands (Norway) - in canadite pegmatite with scapolite and albite, in Rajputana (India), New Hampshire (USA), Wagin (Australia) - in pegmatites. Rare-earth vesuvian occurs in pegmatites of alkaline rocks.
A low-temperature hydrothermal vesuvian was observed in the Kansai (Karamazar) deposit in a serpophyte vein cutting through skarn limestone in association with thaumasite, apophyllite, and calcite; in the Afrikanets massif (Kola Peninsula) - in calcite-zeolite veins and nests, as well as in miarol voids in pyroxenites.
In placers, the stone is found in the form of fragments of crystals and pebbles in the Urals (Mariinsky mine, Borzovskaya placer), in Yakutia (Mutsilkan stream in the Seleniya river basin, etc.). Rounded elongated Vesuvian grains were found in the silts of the Eastern Sivash.

Practical use

Transparent and translucent varieties are used as ornamental material.

Physical research methods

Main lines on radiographs: 2.75(10) -2.60(9) -2.46(8) - 1.625(8) - 1.296(3) - 1.108(4)

ancient methods. It swells under the blowpipe and easily melts into a yellow-green or brown glass.

Crystal optical properties in thin preparations (sections)

Colorless in thin sections, rarely colored. Pleochroism is weak, distinct in dark-colored varieties. Extension (-). Usually vesuvian is uniaxial (-), viluite (+); often anomalously biaxial with a small 2 V, less often 2 V more: (-) 35-39° in the titanium vesuvian from Afrikanda, up to (+) 17° in the Siberian viluite. In the same crystal, there are often uniaxial and biaxial sections, (-) and (+); thus, the Vesuvian from Morocco is biaxial (+) in the marginal parts (2 V=63-65°) and uniaxial (-) in the center.
The dependence of the optical properties on the chemical composition of the vesuvian was studied in detail by Gödeke (1938). At a high Fe 3+ content, the mineral changes from optically negative to optically positive; the same is observed at a high content of H 2 O. The refractive indices increase with an increase in the content of Ti, Fe, decrease with an increase in the content of F, Mn, Na and the replacement of Al by Mg. Gedecke's conclusions are confirmed by the results of studying the composition and optical properties of vesuvians from skarns in the northeastern regions of Russia. According to Deer, Howie, and Zusman, birefringence decreases as the content of B 2 O 3 and H 2 O increases.
As a result of the study of boron-containing vesuvians from the Oslo region in Norway, Oftedal came to the conclusion that the optical nature of the vesuvian depends on the content of B 2 O 3: when the content of B 2 O 3 is 1% or more, the mineral is positive, when the content of B 2 O 3 is less than 0.5% - negative; however, optically negative boron-containing vesuvians are known, for example at 3.4% B 2 O 3 , as well as optically positive boron-free ones.
Optically positive vesuvians are characterized by an increased content of MgO. The refractive indices are not constant even within the same grain; n o \u003d 1.698-1.752, n e \u003d 1.695-1.746, n o -n e \u003d 0.001-0.012. Anomalous interference color in dirty yellow, gray, blue-lilac and indigo-blue tones is common, its zonal or spotted distribution is characteristic. Zones with different interference colors may have different optical signs. Thus, zonal and sectorial vesuvian crystals from the Norilsk region have an anomalous indigo-blue interference color in the inner zones and a dirty olive color in the peripheral ones; their inner parts are pink, optically (+), n o =1.716, n e =1.720; external - lemon yellow, negative, n o \u003d 1.718, n e \u003d 1.714. A strong dispersion of the optical axes and indicatrix axes is characteristic.

/ Vesuvian mineral

Vesuvian is a mineral, a complex insular diorthosilicate of the Vesuvian group with additional cations and anions.

First described by Klaproth M.H. in 1795

Other names (synonyms)

  • american jade,
  • vesuvianite,
  • vilyui emerald,
  • viluit (viluit),
  • volcanic chrysolite,
  • genevit,
  • idocraz,
  • california jade,
  • pakistani jade,
  • glass agate.

Varieties of the mineral

  • Beryllian vesuvianite is a variety of vesuvian enriched in beryllium.
  • Californite - fine-grained, massive aggregates of vesuvian, green in color, similar to jade and jade aggregates. Other synonymous names: American jade, California jade.
  • Cerium vesuvianite (cerian vesuvianite) - a variety of vesuvian containing cerium.
  • Chrome-vesuvianite (chrome-vesuvianite) - vesuvian enriched with chromium.
  • Manganese vesuvianite (manganoan vesuvianite) or xanthite (xanthite) is a manganese-containing variety of vesuvian found in the USA, New York State (Amity, Warwick Township, Orange Co.).

Chemical composition

Behavior in acids: Decomposes only after strong calcination with the release of SiO2 in the form of a jelly.


A hydrothermal mineral typical of skarns, where it associates with garnets - grossular or andradite, diopside, epidote, calcite, scapolite, etc., as well as for basalt tuffs and ultramafic rocks that have undergone calcium metasomatism. It is formed in rodingites included in the serpentinite formation.

Place of Birth

Noteworthy Vesuvian finds are in Russia, Norway, Italy, Switzerland, Pakistan and Africa.
The most significant localities of transparent Vesuvian varieties are located in Canada, Pakistan, Kenya and Mexico. Greenish-blue cyprin (rare variety), found in Norway and in pc. New Jersey (USA), and dense green californite, except for California, is found in Russia and in the prov. Quebec (Canada). In Italy, there are numerous finds of excellent quality, but, as a rule, small crystals: Vesuvius (prov. Naples), Val d'Ala (prov. Turin), Valle della Gava (prov. Genoa), Val Malenko (prov. . Sondrio), Valdi Fassa (prov. Trento) and Pitigliano (prov. Grosseto). On the territory of the prov. Quebec in Canada there are gem-quality vesuvians weighing 10-15 carats. In the early 80s. 20th century Vesuvian was found on the slopes of Ayudag in the Crimea.

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Mineral Properties

Colour gray, yellow-green, green, emerald green (chrome vesuvian), brown (titan vesuvian), black (rare earth), reddish, blue (cyprin)
Dash color white
origin of name at the place of the original find on Mount Vesuvius (Italy)
Location of discovery Monte Somma, Somma-Vesuvius Complex, Naples Province, Campania, Italy
Opening year 1795
IMA status valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
Chemical formula Ca 10 (Mg, Fe) 2 Al 4
Shine glass
Transparency transparent
shines through
Cleavage imperfect by (110)
highly imperfect by (001)
very imperfect in (100)
kink conchoidal
Hardness 6,5
Thermal properties P. tr. swells and easily melts into a yellow-green or brown glass
Typical impurities Fe,Be,B,F,Cu,Li,Na,K,Mn,Ti,Cr,Zn,H2O
Strunz (8th edition) 8/C.26-10
Hey's CIM Ref. 16.23.3
Dana (8th edition)
Molecular weight 1,422.09
Cell Options a = 15.52Å, c = 11.82Å
Attitude a:c = 1: 0.762
Number of formula units (Z) 2
Unit cell volume V 2,847.09 ų
Twinning Twins are practically unknown; very small-scale twin regions have been observed only microscopically.
separateness Usually good separation by (100)
Density (calculated) 3.42
Density (measured) 3.32 - 3.43
Specific gravity 3,3- 3,4
