Conspiracy against ovarian disease and diseases of the female genital organs. Women's diseases

Everything about religion and faith - “spells and prayers for inflammation of the appendages” with detailed descriptions and photographs.

Quite often a person is exposed to negative pests that affect his health. Some of them are quite manageable. It's a pity that not with everyone. Human immunity is so strong that it can resist microorganisms. Although some of them can adapt well to the body, and getting rid of them becomes quite difficult. But the immune system is not always so developed.

Conspiracies for inflammation

Situations often occur when, due to negative effects, a person begins to get sick. To avoid a negative outcome, you should use a conspiracy against inflammation. Illnesses can occur due to improper upbringing of a child.

Conspiracy as a panacea

There are universal conspiracies that can get rid of any kind of inflammation. Be it inflammation of the lungs, ovaries, or pancreas. With the help of conspiracies, it is easy to destroy pathogenic organisms that are located in the human body. If you quickly and effectively destroy them, then recovery will soon come.

Many conspiracies can be found among the Siberian healer Natalya. Quite a long time ago she began to practice spells that are good for getting rid of illnesses and illnesses.

Type of conspiracies

With the help of magical influences it is easy to get rid of the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the respiratory system - this applies to both the lungs and bronchi;
  • ENT inflammation;
  • inflammation of the reproductive organs: in women, this is most often the uterus, appendages, ovaries, and men can suffer from inflammation of the external genital organs - inflammation of the appendages and ovaries has a bad effect on the ability to give birth to children;
  • eyeball diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system and lymph nodes - they can hurt both in the throat area and in the area of ​​the reproductive system;
  • diseases of the oral cavity, that is, if inflammation of the gums or teeth occurs.

These magical rituals can relieve not only various types of inflammation, but also scars from the surgical field, or non-healing wounds. But such cases of using white magic happen less often than for treating inflammation of organs. Scratches and bruises can be easily healed on your own, without resorting to magic. Moreover, medications can help with this more effectively.

Treatment methods

If the matter concerns inflammation, then it is necessary, first of all, to consult your doctor. He will prescribe quality treatment that can quickly get you back on your feet. If you trust magic more and are new to this matter, then it is better to seek help from professionals. Let them help you with treatment at first. Later, you can perform the rituals yourself at home. You just need, first, to understand the principle of all rituals, and only after that use them yourself.

Turning to magic is due to the fact that medications have several disadvantages. Firstly, their pricing policy is so high that not everyone can afford it. Especially recently, when prices have become almost several times higher than they were before. Secondly, the duration of treatment usually consists of several weeks. Sometimes there is simply no time for such a period of time, because study or work cannot provide such a long sick leave. Then you have to take it at your own expense, and this only hits the family’s financial situation even harder.

If you decide to use a magical ritual, then it is better to use it in conjunction with medical treatment. By doing this you will not only increase the chance of a speedy recovery, but also extend the period of the result.

Spell for respiratory diseases

Pneumonia is the most common disease. If a child or adult gets sick with pneumonia, then there is no need to panic. Magic will allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of its symptoms. Fill a glass with water.

“I ask the Lord to deliver the servant of God (your name) from the disease that has settled in his body. I ask you to take my lung into God’s hands and make my breathing easier and without pain. I call for help because I can’t suffer anymore. The pain became unbearable. Please help me. Nothing more is required. Let my words fly quickly and reach the addressee. Amen".

After this, the patient needs to drink water and wash with it. This easy method is very effective. After the ritual, the patient quickly recovers. There was a time when healers used only this method. Just remember that after the first test you don’t have to wait for the results. For progress to begin, it is necessary to perform the ritual several times.

Conspiracy for ENT inflammation

If your throat suddenly begins to hurt, then you need to prepare an effective tincture. To prepare it, you will need honey, which must be dissolved in water. Now you need to read the following prayer:

“Somewhere far away, beyond the deep seas, a tree grew. Only Saint Michael can pull out that tree. Saint Peter and Saint Paul come to his aid. I will not help them, but I will ask our Lord about it. I need to put my illness away. Amen".

The patient should drink the tincture every day. Soon the result will be achieved and recovery will be faster. This plot helps well if you have a throat tumor.

Conspiracy for problems with the oral cavity and gum disease

If you have inflammation of the gums or teeth, then you need to speak to your toothbrush with the following words:

“Just as trees are difficult to break because they are strong, so let my teeth become strong and unbroken. May the Lord make sure that they worship him and never become inflamed again. I’ll read it 20 times and I’ll get help. Amen".

Read the plot three times, and then you can start brushing your teeth. You can write the words on paper and put it in the bathroom. You can also learn the spell and just read it by heart. If you read with hesitation, the plot may not work.

Conspiracy for problems with appendage disease

If you have inflammation of the appendages, then you should perform the following ritual. Fill a basin with water and read the spell on it:

“May God’s servant (name) never be in pain. So that a woman’s body never ache. I feel sorry for my appendages. So that it never shoots in the organs. Let my words become unchanged. It was bad - it became good. Amen".

You need to wash yourself with charmed water. You can also use the following conspiracy against inflammation:

“Water helps the earth give birth to all living things. Women's health is the most important. I ask that my word that I send will help me get rid of erysipelas of the appendages, which impairs the ability to give birth to a child. Disease of the appendages and ovaries must be cured. Let my word fly to heaven and ask the Lord to help me, God’s servant (your name). Amen".

Reading 1-2 times is enough.

A spell for joint pain, headaches, diabetes, then

Conspiracy against lymph node disease

What if the plot is for lymph node disease? If your lymph nodes are inflamed, you can cure them with the following words:

“I read a prayer to the Lord so that he will save me from the disease. I am a believer and have always followed the laws of heaven. The Lord is the only one who will help me. Please help me with my problem and save me from the diseases that prevent me from living. Amen". You need to read it 3-4 times.


Remember: the most powerful day for working in the bathhouse is Thursday; Pure, or Great, Thursday on the eve of Easter, the Nativity of Christ, and also the Trinity has special power; in addition, the bathhouse on July 6 (Agrafena Bathing Suit) is very effective.

In the bathhouse you must follow these rules:

I’ll take the aspen pole in my hands,

I'll go beyond the horizon to the east.

I’ll find the sub-eastern side;

I'll look into that barn

I will count the udders of all cows:

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,

Five, four, three and two,

Like my two breasts, on me, God’s servant (name).

Let chiriya and vereds dry up,

Let the tumors not eat me up.

May you, my body, be pure and white.

Get rid of all the tumors on my chest.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

let it burn.

then it will bring me back to life.

If a woman in labor suffers for a long time, walk her three times around the table counterclockwise or through all the thresholds in the house - back and forth.

Infertility (shouting into the wind):

From unwillingness to sleep with a man

The earth is my mother

Tell the water to give it woman's power.

Conspiracies of Maria Bazhenova

Spell for quick recovery after childbirth

Salt spell to get rid of female diseases

Full moon spell for periodic ailments

Bath spell for female diseases

1 drop of lemon essential oil;

2 drops of lavender oil;

4 drops of eucalyptus oil.

Dissolve the oils in honey, and the honey in water. Take this bath and go to bed.

Bleeding spell

Conspiracy and infusion for inflammation

1 teaspoon dry raspberries;

1 teaspoon meadowsweet;

1 teaspoon dried black currants;

2 teaspoons of dried oregano.

Pour all this over two glasses of boiling water and read the plot. Cover tightly with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes. And then say about this drink:

Witchcraft recipes: Inflammation of the ovaries

Old people say that a woman will get ovarian inflammation if she steps over a wet rag while an old woman is washing the floor. Inflammation can also be caused by a cold or if a woman, in order to avoid getting pregnant, douches with cold water after intercourse. Be that as it may, you should always treat yourself with care, do not walk barefoot on a cold floor, do not jump out into the street undressed and sweaty in the cold, especially during menstruation. If you are sick, be sure to lie down in bed, otherwise you will again and again feel unwell “like a woman.” Raw pumpkin minced in a meat grinder along with corn hair from the cob is very soothing and removes illness. The pulp is eaten with honey or drunk as juice. An infusion of the following herbs is a good treatment for inflammation: coltsfoot, shepherd's purse, yarrow and agrimony (all in equal parts). Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of the collection into 1.5 liters of boiling water and drink the infusion throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Important: before taking decoctions, infusions or herbal tinctures, consult your doctor and make sure that you have no allergies or contraindications to the above components! It is also necessary to consult about the use of honey, which is contraindicated for certain diseases.

Conspiracies and rituals for the treatment of pneumonia, diseases of the ovaries and lymph nodes

Spell magic helps a person get rid of health problems, improve the quality of their own life and worry about the body’s defense mechanisms in the future. A spell against inflammation helps both men and women, and for children, spell magic is a real salvation. The chosen spell for inflammation should relieve the most severe symptoms of the disease from the first days, and then completely rid the person of health problems.

Conspiracies for the treatment of inflammation of the lungs and lymph nodes

Healing magic against diseases

People say that in order to avoid trouble, it must be warned. It is not always possible to get ahead of the disease, but every person can prepare for several rituals in advance. Any disease that plagues a person means changes not only on the physical level, but also serious changes in the energy background of a living being. Experienced magicians claim that erysipelas, dermatitis or rashes of various kinds are the body’s reaction to damage, the evil eye or negativity.

Using magic to solve health problems is not only simple, but also absolutely safe. A spell pronounced in a home ritual can be read to treat relatives or loved ones. With the help of magic, problems with the pancreas, inflammation of the gums, and inflammation of various types and degrees of neglect are solved. Traditional healers and magicians offer different versions of simple spells that will help in a matter of hours.

The most common healing spells against diseases

Inflammation of the lungs, appendages, and lymph nodes differs not only in the form of the disease, but also in the consequences for the body. Magic that works through spells does not heal a person, but gets rid of negativity - a trace of the disease.

Recipes for diseases can be found not only in medical reference books, but also in conspiracy books. Advice from the Siberian folk healer Natalia Stepanova helps get rid of the disease:

  • gums;
  • ovaries (adnexitis);
  • pancreas;
  • appendages (ovaries and female genitals);
  • lungs.

It is also impossible to use spells against diseases indiscriminately. Each choice of alternative treatment is a great responsibility for a person. Regardless of your upbringing or religion, against any problem, any inflammation, you can choose an effective spell and perform a simple ritual at home.

Conspiracy for inflammation of the trachea or lungs

Inflammation can plague a person for a long time. The simplest rituals that are easy to perform even for a beginner will help you cope with swelling or unpleasant symptoms. A universal spell is suitable against inflammation of the gums, erysipelas or other types of inflammatory process. This spell is also effective against severe forms of pneumonia.

They use a universal spell not only for adults, but also for young patients who suffer for a long time from coughing or other symptoms of pneumonia. The universal ritual works so quickly that diseases of any nature will go away immediately after pronouncing the magic words.

How to prepare for the ritual

A spell similar to prayer is used against pneumonia. Religion and magical teachings are closely intertwined in many rites and effective rituals. Inflamed tissue (legs, arms, internal organs) reacts to the words of the spell if properly prepared for its reading.

The ritual will ease the patient's condition

For the ritual against lung disease you will need:

Stocking up on magical attributes in advance will not be difficult. Candles and water can be stored for years and used in emergencies. A simple ritual is performed in one day, and the next morning the patient feels much better.

How to perform a ritual

The conspirator must charge a glass of water. To do this, a church candle is lit next to the vessel. The water in the glass can be very ordinary; the quality of the water is not so important for the effectiveness of the ritual.

The conspirator should remain alone and, leaning over the water, whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“I ask the Lord to deliver God’s servant (your name) from illness. I ask you to take my lung into God’s hands and make my breathing easier and without pain. Please help me. Nothing more is required. Let my words fly quickly and reach the addressee. Amen".

The spell is repeated exactly 3 times. After the ceremony, the charmed water should be drunk or used for washing.

Adnexitis conspiracy

It is difficult to find salvation from female adnexitis. If your feet are frozen or a woman has a lot of stress in everyday life, it will not be possible to avoid dangerous consequences. Inflammation of the appendages or ovaries is a serious problem that requires urgent intervention. Spells for female diseases will always help alleviate a woman’s condition and reduce the risks of complications.

A strong ritual is carried out at home while the children or husband are doing their usual things. It is not worth informing everyone about how to solve the problem. A strong spell of instant action will help against inflammation of the ovaries, after the feet are frozen or the immune system has decreased. The disease will recede if you begin the ritual without delay.

Casting a spell

A powerful ritual requires special magical attributes. The first thing the patient needs to do is visit church: confess his sins, cleanse his soul and bring home some holy water from the temple. A powerful ritual is powerful because every detail is important. To conduct a secret ritual against dangerous internal processes you will need:

Plain tap water is not suitable for treating adnexitis. The ritual is performed after sunset without artificial lighting or witnesses. A woman needs to pour water into a basin and immerse her feet in it. A candle brought from communion is lit near the vessel.

Adnexitis can be cured with holy water

Water speaks with the words:

“May you, the servant of God (name), get rid of pain. So that a woman’s body never ache. So that it never shoots in the organs. It was bad - it became good. Amen".

Ritual-conspiracy for inflammation of the ovaries or appendages

There are many variants of conspiracies that will help cope with a problem such as adnexitis or inflammation of the appendages. Each spell is selected depending on the prepared attributes or conditions when the magic words should be read. They use spells for the waning moon, when the celestial body helps to cut off everything unnecessary and long-outdated in a person’s life.

An effective spell for adnexitis:

“Water helps the earth give birth to all living things. Women's health is the most important. Please help me get rid of erysipelas of the appendages, which impairs the ability to give birth to a child. Let my word fly to heaven and ask the Lord to help me, God’s servant (your name). Amen".

The spell is repeated no more than three times, and then the entire body is washed with the required water and poured under a flowering tree. The conspiracy begins to work the next morning. The patient immediately feels relief, and there is no trace of acute symptoms. This treatment takes place without consequences for the female body.

Conspiracy for inflammation of the lymph nodes

Treatment of inflammatory processes always takes place with concomitant diseases. A weakened immune system cannot fight new threats. Such consequences are especially dangerous for a child or weak person. Treatment of negative internal processes with the help of magic is an opportunity to comprehensively influence the problem.

For erysipelas, inflammation of the lymph nodes or any advanced disease, the most powerful spells are used, which are read after a multi-stage ritual.

Preparation for the ceremony

Who can read a conspiracy against such inflammation? A caring parent, a loved one, or the patient himself can become a conspirator. The main condition due to which magic works is a sincere desire and belief in a quick recovery. Treatment with magic begins long before the ceremony.

The morning before, a person goes to church and asks for a blessing from the icon of the saint whose name he or she bears. Protection from higher powers will help get rid of the disease. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a complex and symptomatic process. It is not always easy to cope with it, so the ritual is carried out in several stages.

Casting a spell

You can use food or any liquid that the patient drinks to cure lymph node disease. The magical treatment lasts until all symptoms go away. Spell words for inflammation of the lymph nodes:

“I read a prayer to the Lord so that he will save me from the disease. The Lord is the only one who will help me. Please help me with my problem and save me from diseases. Amen".

The spell is repeated three times. Food or water is charmed every day. Relief of symptoms may be noticed on the second day.

Help for women's diseases

For centuries, great works of writers, artists and musicians have been dedicated to girls, praising their beauty, tenderness, fragility, devoted and faithful character. But women, so light, charming and perfect, sometimes have to go through a lot of difficulties. A lot of worries and troubles are caused by diseases that have arisen from nowhere, from which the radiant and clear gaze of women’s eyes goes out like a candle, and life ceases to please.

How to overcome a disease that cannot be treated with effective medications? Sometimes a conspiracy against fibroids, thrush and other female diseases gives amazing results. And who knows: whether this is due to self-hypnosis, or the influence of cosmic energy, or both? But the fact is obvious. With the help of prayer, miracles are performed and the girls recover.

How to cure thrush?

Thrush has its second name - vaginal candidiasis. This disease is caused by Candida fungi, as a result of which the balance between microorganisms in the vaginal flora is disrupted and the inflammatory process progresses. Visible signs: white cheesy discharge, sometimes nagging pain in the lower abdomen, constant itching - bring a lot of grief. Sex life ceases to be enjoyable. The plot against thrush must be read throughout the week, during the washing procedure. Words of prayer:

“Switch from shameful deeds to clean, transparent water, and the water flows far beyond the high fence into a wide, clean river, so that the slave (name) will get rid of all shameful deeds and be healed. Clean water, now I’m clean too.”

Conspiracies against female diseases sometimes become the saving straw that gradually helps to cope with an unpleasant disease. It cannot be started, hoping that the body’s defenses will defeat the disease themselves. Prayers will set you in the right mood and launch the mechanism of self-healing.

An effective treatment against mastopathy

Chest pain and lumps in this area discovered during self-examination terrify lovely representatives of the fairer sex. Thoughts rush through their pretty heads like a whirlwind: “What if it’s cancer? What if I die? What about my children, parents? Don't panic ahead of time. After all, these symptoms most often signal mastopathy, a common female disease.

Sometimes reading a conspiracy for mastopathy in combination with folk remedies is enough to forget about troubles once and for all. The procedure is quite simple: you need to warm the water to a pleasant, comfortable body temperature and read the following words of the conspiracy against female diseases over it:

“Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There is a place for you, there is a place for you. I charm the breasts of a young woman against 12 ailments. You, evil firewoman, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper for whisper, sculptural and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After this, a compress must be applied to the chest so that the prayers have their effect and the girl gets better. Water spells must be repeated daily until the pain gradually goes away. In fact, there are a great many ways to treat female diseases, but enchanted water is a very accessible and effective way to attract higher powers to help.

How to deal with fibroids?

The unusual text of the conspiracy against female diseases provides effective help for such a complex disease as fibroids. Prayers must be read with concentration, believing in the possibility of healing. There should not be any doubt that you will be able to recover. If such conviction is present, then conspiracies against female diseases begin their magical effect immediately after reading. A benign tumor formation in the uterus, formed from connective tissue, begins to “melt” day by day.

The best time to read suitable conspiracies is before dawn. Prayers for female diseases are said on any day except the first day of the week - Monday. Conspiracies are read on water 3 times, after which you need to wash your face and try to feel your condition. To consolidate the words of the prayer, you can additionally read the “Our Father” prayer 9 times. The text is as follows:

“The Mother of God was walking, tired, and sat down on the ground.

The pain and illness were erased.

All her illness and pain are gone,

It doesn't hurt anywhere anymore

Nothing else bothers me.

So it is with the servant of God (name)

The keys are the locks to these words. Amen."

It is possible to get rid of various female diseases when love reigns in the soul. We must remember that you cannot begin magical actions if there is a stone of unforgiveness or resentment behind your soul. Often, negative emotions provoke the occurrence of an illness, which gives reason to think: is everything okay with the soul? Does harmony reign in her and wishes for good to everyone around her? Or is she a bundle of pain and anger directed outward? Then, first of all, you need to think about the meaning of life, about your place in it, and cleanse your heart of negativity. And then start treatment.

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December 19, 2017 2nd lunar day - New Moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

Prayers for women's diseases

Venerable David of Gareji

  • Hieromartyr Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra


“Oh, all-bright, God-praised Abba David, holy of God! You, by the power of the good Giver of the Law, appeared to us, bound and overcome by the snares of the evil one, as a mentor in repentance and an assistant in prayer. For this reason, you were given many gifts of grace and miracles, the resolution of our sins and transgressions abandonment, healing of illnesses and driving away the devil's slander. Also, by your fatherly mercy in the divine understanding, by your many laborious prayers and supplications, and especially by your unceasing intercession for us, may the Lord God raise us, who have fallen into sin, with His invincible power against every visible and invisible enemy , so that by giving thanks to your holy memory, we desire to worship the Eternal God in the One Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."


“Trisolar Light, luminous star, introducing into the world the Trisolar Light by your apostles, the preaching of the Gospel of the sacred doctrine, holy martyr, hierarch of Christ, blessed Hypatia. You have received from the Holy Trinity equal to the apostles grace, seraphic love in ardor for God, like the supreme apostle Peter, and the cherubic many I'm reading in teaching wisdom, like the second Paul. Enlightening with your wise piety the teachings of countless peoples, ever diligently imitating the all-famous Teacher, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. For His sake, I humbly pray to your God-imitating fatherly compassion: look mercifully at your God-brightness on my present unworthiness, as you love all children in Bose is the father, and ever-zealous teacher of our salvation, and the rightful builder of all in the Mountains, the adamantine wall of Orthodoxy and the most luminous pillar, leading the second Israel into the all-enlightened Mountain Zion. Strive to soon help our army in the battle. Ask ever and again from the Holy Trinity for all Orthodox Christians peace and silence, spiritual salvation and long-term health in the body, air of goodness, goodness of the earth, goodness for the barren, and upbringing in the law of the Lord, and multiplication of all good things. And after living this life, vouchsafe with your holy prayers to make the Christian death good, shameless and peaceful, with the most detailed confession and with the communion of the Holy Immortal Heavenly and Life-Giving Mysteries of Christ, and with the prayer of oil, the unimpeded passage of airy ordeals, the inheritance with the saints of the all-joyful, ever-present life in it together with the angelic orders we will offer unceasing praise to the Father with His Only Begotten Son and with His Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, and to you, your great fatherly merciful intercession, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for women's illnesses will help a woman cope with bodily illness

What to do when you are overcome by illnesses? To whom should I address my prayers for women's illnesses? Is there a generally accepted church prayer for women's diseases? Indeed, judging by medical statistics, today many women are seen by doctors with female problems. There are many factors for the occurrence of such illnesses, ranging from poor ecology to heredity or the wrong lifestyle of the woman herself.

Any illness is a difficult ordeal for a person. Since when it appears, the usual way of life is disrupted, pain and suffering appear. Diseases have many causes. The Monk Macarius said that bodily ailments are aimed at healing the human soul, at purifying it. The Lord enlightens us through our suffering. The Monk Anatoly spoke about bodily illness like this: “It doesn’t matter that you’re sick, it’s cleansing for sinful people; Just as rust from fire cleanses iron, so illness heals the soul..."

How to cure fibroids with a conspiracy

Myoma is a fairly common disease among women. Not everyone can get rid of a tumor. Medicines and surgery in such a situation cannot always help. That is why conspiracies against uterine fibroids are a very popular remedy.

Prayers for uterine fibroids

A conspiracy against fibroids will help get rid of a tumor in the uterus without the use of drugs or surgery.

There is no need to panic when you receive this diagnosis. Uterine fibroids in the early stages of the disease respond quite well to treatment. And your state of panic can only complicate the course of the disease.

A tumor such as fibroids can only be cured if it has begun to develop quite recently. It is very difficult to cure old tumors with magical spells. Otherwise, it is possible to stop the development of tumor cells and thereby “freeze” the tumor.

If your doctor has prescribed you medication, you should not give up and use only magical spells. Magic is a very good addition to basic treatment. With their help you can achieve the best results.

Basic rules for conducting the ceremony

  • All rituals aimed at getting rid of the disease must be performed on the waning moon.
  • Carry out a magical ritual in a good mood. Try to set yourself up for a speedy recovery and discard bad thoughts.
  • The best days for magical rituals are all days of the week except Monday.
  • Be sure to purchase an icon of the Mother of God and an icon of your patron in the temple.
  • Believe in yourself and in a speedy recovery.
  • Do not perform rituals on critical days.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke on the days of the ceremony.

Classification of fibroids according to their location relative to the uterus

Holy water spell

For this magical ritual you will need holy water. Get up early in the morning, before sunrise, read the “Our Father” prayer, and then say the following spell to some water:

“The Mother of God walked, got tired, sat down on the ground, took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from her face, erased the aches and illness. She got up from the ground and walked further - All her ailments and pain were gone. It doesn't hurt anywhere else. Nothing else bothers me. So the servant of God (name) has no pain, no ache, no brain. The keys are the locks to these words. Amen".

Say the spell three times, and then wash your face with this water. This ritual should be performed for three days in a row, after which a break should be taken until the next waning moon. This must be done if the conspiracy did not work the first time. In general, you should not expect positive results after the first reading of the spell. Myoma is a rather serious disease, which can be very difficult to get rid of in a short time.

Prayer for recovery

Prayer to the Mother of God

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I am standing in my house - on the floor, in the red corner, Before the icon of the saint - the Mother of God dear. Walk past me - the tumor is weak, strong, Red and blue - all kinds of pain - all kinds of female ailments. And as the flawed month melts away, let the tumor leave me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This prayer is quite powerful. It helps cure many women's diseases and significantly improves a woman's health.

It is important to remember: In order to get rid of uterine fibroids, you should never inform strangers about the magical ritual. The same applies to all members of your family. Let this remain your little secret.

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Treatment for female diseases with spells

For a long time, from century to century, great works of writers and paintings by famous artists have been dedicated to girls. They glorify beauty, tenderness, amazing fragility, as well as loyal and timid character. But still, women who are attractive and perfect sometimes have to go through difficulties related to their health.

Women are in trouble and worry, so they are overtaken by a variety of diseases that arise out of nowhere. Such illnesses make a girl lose her radiant and clear gaze. Life ceases to be enjoyable if a woman finds out about any problems in her body. How to overcome an illness that doctors or conventional medications cannot cope with? Sometimes the right conspiracy for female diseases gives a rather striking, but quite real and desired result. No one can fully say what the true reason is: self-hypnosis or the influence of cosmic energy, but still the fact remains a real and well-founded fact.

With the help of a simple and thoughtful prayer, a real miracle is performed, because girls and women quickly recover.

Victory over mastopathy

A common problem among young girls and older women is mastopathy. It can be detected independently at home, as the chest begins to hurt unpleasantly. Don’t panic and immediately think about oncology, because mastopathy itself is a common disease and easily curable.

Drug therapy is not always required, because it is enough to use safe folk remedies in combination with spells. The procedure is quite simple, so no special skills are required. Everything happens quickly:

  • It is recommended to heat ordinary water to a pleasant and completely comfortable body temperature.
  • Special words must be read above the heated liquid:

Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There is a place for you, there is a place for you. I charm the breasts of a young woman against 12 ailments. You, evil firewoman, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper for whisper, sculptural and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Next, you will need to apply a compress to your chest so that the prayer you read has its true and correct effect. After this, the girl has every chance of getting better.

There are a lot of methods for active and effective treatment of female ailments, but still the most accessible and widespread method is enchanted water.

Conspiracies against female diseases work effectively if they are believed in. When saying a prayer, you must fully believe in what you are doing, and also hope for a quick and good result.

Other prayers that were known even to the Siberian healer and other shamans among the people can be used to treat gynecological ailments.

How to report a disease?

There are other methods that help get rid of female disease, as well as its unpleasant and painful symptoms for women. You can take the T-shirt that the patient slept in, do not wash it, and simply take it to a field or the nearest forest.

During the ritual, make sure that no one else is nearby and does not observe the ritual. Above the T-shirt you need to read a simple conspiracy that is directed against a particular disease. After this, the clothes are burned. You don’t have to wait for the ashes, but leave at the same moment when the T-shirt catches fire. It is not recommended to look back at the place where the ritual itself took place.

It is very difficult and important to adhere to one piece of advice in the ritual: you should not talk to anyone all day, so as not to break the spell and the message that is sent into space. It is forbidden to perform the ritual on Mondays, Saturdays or Sundays.

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.

The Lord God walks across the sinful earth, helping people, raising them from the grave.

Lord, raise Your servant (name) from his sick bed,

Save from bodily torment, turn away from death,

Bring me back to life in your name, in my deed,

Extend the life of your earthly servant (name). Amen".

How to overcome fibroids?

A rather unusual and magical spell text for a female illness of this nature can also provide quite effective and quick help when fibroids develop and cause harm to the body. Recommendations to help overcome the disease are simple:

  • You must read the prayer with maximum concentration, believe in your subsequent healing and a favorable outcome.
  • It is forbidden to allow even the slightest doubt that recovery will come soon.
With the right attitude to the problem, a formation in the form of a benign tumor begins to gradually disappear from the uterus just before our eyes. The ideal time to use this type of spell is just before dawn, while the sun has not yet fully risen.

The ritual can be performed on absolutely any day of the week, except Monday, which is considered unfavorable for such rituals. The spell is read with plain water three times, and then it is recommended to simply wash your face and try to completely immerse yourself in your state. The text of the conspiracy is:

The Mother of God was walking, tired, and sat down on the ground.

She took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from her face,

The pain and illness were erased.

All her illness and pain are gone,

It doesn't hurt anywhere anymore

Nothing else bothers me.

So it is with the servant of God (name)

The body does not hurt, does not ache, does not tingle.

The keys are the locks to these words. Amen.

Fibroids are diagnosed by doctors quite often and affect young as well as more mature women. Do not despair if you have been given such an unpleasant diagnosis, because you can fight it even with the help of a conspiracy. Pills and special therapies that are aimed at removing a benign tumor are not always needed.

A powerful spell to cure all female diseases

This is a very effective water ritual, but the main thing is to do everything “exactly” according to the instructions. First, you need to prepare all the accompanying things for the conspiracy in the evening:

  • clear glass jar
  • silver cross
  • clean headscarf

When dawn comes, pour clean water into a jar, then put a cross in the water and place the jar with the cross on the window. It is very important that there is no rain on this day. That's it for the first day. On the second day, also get up in the morning, at dawn, tie the prepared scarf on your head. Next, you need to cross yourself 3 times, take the cross out of the water and put it on the windowsill, after that you need to pick up the jar and read the “Our Father” 3 times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon. After this you can read the plot:

“Women's diseases, go into the damp earth, there find yourself a hole in which you will sleep, whistle and play. And don’t go to God’s servant (name), neither in sleep, nor during the day, nor in honor, nor in jest, do not swim, leave forever. Amen".

Conspiracy for chronic diseases

The spell is read on water using salt. The plot is supposed to be read on the waning moon. First, you need to bring home clean water from a well or spring (if there are no springs nearby, then pour water from the tap between 3 and 4 a.m.). You cannot speak any words until you cross the threshold of your home with water in your hands. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Pour water into a bowl or glass
  2. Add salt and stir in water.
  3. Read the plot:

“Just as salt doesn’t see the lessons, so (your name) the lessons wouldn’t stick.”

  1. You need to make 3 trays from a cup and read the plot again. The plot must be read until the water in the cup runs out.

To defeat women's ailments, you can use conspiracies that involve the use of natural ingredients. It is the forces of nature and its energy that help heal women’s diseases if a girl decides to turn to magical spells.

The spell can be read using honey, to which several natural essential oils are added. They help cleanse yourself thanks to the forces of nature. After this, you need to fill the bath with water and pour out the charmed mixture. Take such procedures several times until you feel relief in the general condition of the body affected by female illness. It is better to consult your doctor after some time for a check and advice on your health.

Thanks to such a bath, you can completely wash away the negativity, remove the problem that provoked the onset of the disease and relax, which will help cleanse yourself of negative thoughts and worries about the disease that was discovered. Do not despair if the ritual does not give the desired effect, since you can always perform another ritual in conjunction with traditional treatment methods or medications.

It will be possible to completely get rid of a woman’s illness only if harmony and pure love reign in the very soul of a girl or woman. We must remember that you cannot begin any magical rituals or simple actions if there is some kind of resentment or unforgiven memories or anger in your soul. Many negative thoughts and emotions provoke the active emergence of an illness that actively develops, brings discomfort and makes life difficult.

Many diseases give reason to think about whether everything is in order in your state of mind and whether there is harmony with yourself. If there is always a lump of anger and pain inside a person, he begins to get sick and suffer. Therefore, first you need to analyze life and your attitude towards it. It is possible that this is where the problem lies.

Conspiracies for female diseases are the most popular today. At first glance, fragile creatures face problems, worries and troubles every day. At the same time, do not forget about the bad environment. All these factors have a detrimental effect on the female body, and various diseases begin to appear. You can get rid of them using magic.

How to conjure any disease

Each word has its own meaning, its own meaning. It has enormous power, which our ancestors believed in. They came to witches and healers for help, and they, in turn, made potions and cast spells, hexes and spells. It is not surprising that these rituals are still relevant today, because they do not require money, but they have an effect. The main thing is not to forget about the rules for conducting them:

  1. When reading conspiracies and prayers for female diseases, a church candle should burn. After reading it, it is left to burn out.
  2. The presence of a small icon is required.
  3. Before starting treatment, you should fast for 3 days.
  4. You can start pronouncing a spell against illness on any day except Saturday.
  5. You should not perform the ritual on a full moon; the most favorable time is the waning moon.
  6. Ask the Almighty for healing and read the Lord’s Prayer before starting the ceremony.

After completing these instructions, you can safely begin the ritual. But remember that they all apply only if there are no special instructions in the conspiracy itself.

Conspiracy against female diseases

There can be many reasons for abdominal pain in women. In any case, the disease requires immediate treatment. This hex very strong and is capable of eliminating almost all women’s diseases, known and unknown, if you strictly follow the instructions.

The ritual is performed at dawn. You need to pour half a liter of clean water into a jar, place it on the window and dip a silver cross inside. Leave it there for exactly one day, and the next morning take the cross out of the water, first wrapping your head in a new scarf and crossing yourself three times. Then take the jar in your hands and read the “Our Father” prayer over it three times and once the prayer to Saint Panteleimon. After saying the words of the conspiracy itself six times:

“Go into the damp land of disease, find a hole there to sleep in, whistle and cackle. Do not return to the servant of God (name) either day or night, or as a joke, turn into dust. Amen".

Place the jar, cross yourself three times and spray yourself with water starting from the head. The remaining water is drunk three sips throughout the day.

How to reprimand a woman's illness

There are many methods that help against inflammation and pain in women. In the following you will need a sick T-shirt and fire:

  1. On the day of the ritual, you cannot talk to anyone all day until midnight.
  2. Take the sick woman's dirty T-shirt and go into the forest. Make sure no one sees you. In the forest, read the spell over the thing and set it on fire.
  3. Go home without looking back immediately after the T-shirt catches fire.
  4. It is forbidden to perform the ritual on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Conspiracy words:

“God walks on the sinful earth, helps people, raises them from the grave.

Raise, Lord, Your servant (name) from her sickbed,

From the bed of death,

Save me from bodily torment, turn me away from death,

In your name, in my deed, bring me back to life,

Your earthly servant (name) has extended her life.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for skin diseases

Prayers to help you get rid of Buy red fabric, you can just a scarf, and wipe the affected areas with it every evening for 12 days. At the same time, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Come, you sick thing, to the swamp, go through the gate, go to your yard, your house, there is your place and throne. I remove the disease from the servant of God (name), return the disease to the deceased, cleanse with my words both the blood and the body so that it is clean, white and has no sores from now on. Amen".

On the 13th day go to the old cemetery, where they no longer bury. Make sure the moon is waning. Stand in front of the entrance and say:

“I came to a dead city, where the dead were fast asleep. I am removing the disease from God’s servant (name), sending her to you, take her, put her in a coffin and lock her up. Let the body from now on be clean, white and free from sores. Amen".

Throw the red rag away from you with your right hand into the cemetery. Then go home without looking back in complete silence. After you cross the threshold, wash your hands immediately and you can start talking.

A conspiracy to prevent a child from getting sick

The health of her children is important to every woman. But unfortunately, it is impossible to ensure that the disease never comes into the house. But you can overcome the infection and recover with the help of an easy water spell.

Pour clean water into a liter jar and dip the silver cross into it. Exactly one day later, take the jar in your hands and stand in the middle of an empty room, reading the spell on water:

“Like the thoughts of Christ, be this water pure, become healing and kind to my child, God’s servant (name), wash away illness and grief, give strength and health to the sea. Wash away adversities and misfortunes and dissolve in spring water. Forever and ever. Amen".

Every three hours, three drops of the charmed water are added to the child’s food or drink. She needs to spray every corner in the room, window sill and threshold clockwise. To reduce the disease, add to bathing water.

White magic is given to us to help us with life's adversities. It is important not to forget that when using it you need a positive attitude. Harmony and love within can make any conspiracy strong.

Attention, TODAY only!

Conspiracy rules

Not a single word should be deleted from the conspiracy. Nothing can be added, not a word, not half a word, not a letter. Each word has its own meaning, and if for some reason the conspirator misses it or says an extra word, then the conspiracy will not work.

If you make a conspiracy for yourself, then you need to be in good health, with a calm head, so that you don’t quarrel with anyone ahead of time, so that your stomach doesn’t swell. And three days before that, do not drink intoxicating drinks. On the night before the conspiracy, do not make love with anyone - do not have mercy. If a woman, then there should be no menstruation on the day when the conspiracy is made. The day before, read “Our Father” nine times, “Theotokos” nine times, and “Angel of God” five times.

If you do a conspiracy yourself, then only for the good. You can’t make someone get sick, or die, or cause someone to suffer a loss.

If you are making a conspiracy yourself, whether for yourself or for someone else, at the end of the day read “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary”, “Angel of God” three times. And then read this conspiracy for yourself: “I, the many-sinful servant of God (name), who have now sinned, took my will, not given by our God Jesus Christ, not asked by the Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Mary, not extended by my Angel of God: my life has been changed, threads have been torn. , others with ties, a wonder to the world with displays. Before His life-giving Cross, having spread out my accursed body with humility, I ask for mercy and condescension for me, the sinful servant of God (name), and for my children and household members, and for their children and household members, for those present, for those who will come, and for again to the departed. For those who have departed - peaceful rest, for those who come again - a difficult road, and for me, the many-sinful servant of God (name), forgiveness and oblivion of my many sins. Have mercy on me, Lord (3 times).”

If you refer to a conspirator, then the conspirator must have good health, a moral life, abstinence from wine and other excesses.

If a conspirator does this to you, then you definitely have to pay off or give back. The price is not directly asked. Either find out from outsiders, or give yourself what you don’t mind for your efforts.

If the conspirator asks for something, give it without bargaining.

If you asked a conspirator to do something bad to another person, then you yourself must fast for three days on bread and water, in a nearby church, put nine candles in front of each icon for three days, and distribute fifty rubles in small change to the poor on the porch three times. But this is only if the conspirator was ordered to do it not to death. And if you do it to death, you must remember that it will fly back to you, not to you, but to your children. So think first before you start something like this.

A man makes a spell with his head uncovered, a woman with bare hair. Both of them take off all rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry. Only the pectoral cross is left.

Conspiracies are not read in front of strangers.

When making a conspiracy, you need to close all the doors and curtains so that no one accidentally sees or overhears.

You cannot tell anyone about your conspiracy. If you go to church, don’t mention it at confession.

To have a better effect, conspiracies must be read in the morning, at dawn, or before sunrise, and always on an empty stomach, sometimes before sunset, and most often on light days.

They don’t make conspiracies on Monday because they have no power on that day.

Bath rules

Traditional healers treat many ailments with bath water: relieving damage and induced melancholy, treating infertility, both female and male, treating obesity, articular rheumatism, weak bronchi, urinary incontinence, blood stagnation, inflammation of the spinal cord, dropsy, gout, liver diseases and spleen, heart and digestive diseases. So my grandmother, Fedosia Antonovna, has a whole separate notebook dedicated to treatment in the bathhouse. But many of the conspiracies that I give you today are carried out in a bathhouse. That's why I'll tell you the bath conspiracy rules.
Remember: the most powerful day for working in the bathhouse is Thursday; Pure, or Great, Thursday on the eve of Easter, the Nativity of Christ, and also the Trinity has special power; in addition, the bathhouse on July 6 (Agrafena Bathing Suit) is very effective.
In the bathhouse you must follow these rules:

Find out who was the last to wash in this bathhouse. If you are a man and you are going to talk to a woman, then treatment will have to be postponed, and vice versa.

You need to take a bath on the day you cast the spell, wash it and pour boiling water over it.

Then you need to burn a church candle in each corner of the bathhouse, cross each corner nine times and read, standing in the middle, three times “Our Father,” “Theotokos,” and “Angel of God.”

Before conspiracies and treatment in the bathhouse, neither the conspirator nor the person being charmed should eat heavily.

The conspirator enters the bathhouse first, and then, with his permission, the person he will help.

The pectoral cross is not removed in the bathhouse.

If the problem is great, then before entering the bathhouse, both the person being charmed and the conspirator must draw a cross on their foreheads with church oil.

There should be no mirrors in the bathhouse.

The person being charmed can talk in the bathhouse, but only with the permission of the conspirator.

You cannot remember the unclean in the bathhouse.

Speak the disease in the female breast

As far as experience has shown, this conspiracy helps with almost all diseases of the female breast, including even cancer.

A whole head of cabbage is placed on the table (without the stalk). With one blow, split it into two halves. You can cut with whatever is more convenient for you. Carefully remove the top sheet and place it on your chest. You will not experience any inconvenience, since half the sheet resembles the shape of a bra cup. By the way, you can take a head of cabbage of such a size that its leaf comfortably covers the chest. Change sheets every fifteen minutes. To prevent the chopped head from drying out, cover it with a damp towel. Before cutting a head of cabbage, read a spell on it.

It is very important that the head of cabbage is cut with one blow.

Read like this:

I, the servant of God (name), will stand on the threshold,
I’ll take the aspen pole in my hands,
I'll go beyond the horizon to the east.
I’ll find the sub-eastern side;
There's a barn there
I'll look into that barn
I will count the udders of all cows:
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
Five, four, three and two,
Like my two breasts, on me, God’s servant (name).
Let chiriya and vereds dry up,
They disappear, they die.
Let the tumors not eat me up.
May you, my body, be pure and white.
Get rid of all the tumors on my chest.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For uterine cancer

They take the last rag from menstruation and burn it in the forest near a tree with a hollow. The ashes are buried under the tree, and a piece of clean cloth is placed in the hollow with the words:

Lord, what a pain
let it burn.
What grows
then it will bring me back to life.

If a woman in labor suffers for a long time, walk her three times around the table counterclockwise or through all the thresholds in the house - back and forth.

Infertility (shouting into the wind):

Just as the church is never empty on holidays, so the servant (name) will not be empty. Amen.

From unwillingness to sleep with a man

This is the advice. Go to the river, and early. Your task is to be the first to enter the water, before everyone else. Splash at yourself and say:

The sky is my father
The earth is my mother
Tell the water to give it woman's power.

When leaving, scoop up some water and wash your face again at home with the same words.

Conspiracies of Maria Bazhenova

Women's conspiracy for all diseases

This conspiracy, intended only for women, can treat not only special, female diseases, but also all others. Take a dry twig and draw it around the sore spot nine times in the morning. Read the plot:

As this branch goes out, goes out, dries up, dries up, so if the maiden (name) had all the sorrows and pains in (name the place where it hurts) they would go out, dry up, dry up, and flow, the maiden of God would not have them forever ( name) there would never be any sorrows at (name the place where it hurts), no pain at (name the place where it hurts). A century forever, from now on forever. Amen.

Afterwards, read the special fastening three times:

May, Lord, grant my slander to the benefit of the girl (name) of good health. Amen.

Conspiracy against any female bleeding

You need to fill a bucket with water and place it in front of you, and place two empty buckets to your left and right. Then sit down and pour handfuls of water, then into one bucket, then into another. At the same time, say the following words:

Mother of veins, mother of flesh, take it and go away. This is yours (pour water to the left), this is mine (pour water to the right).

So you need to pour water three times to the left and three times to the right. The remaining water is over the edge to the left.

Conspiracy against toxicosis during pregnancy

You need to take good water - spring water, from a healing or holy spring. But if you couldn’t find such water, prepare melted water. To do this, you need to buy clean drinking water, pour it into a bowl and freeze it. Then direct a stream of boiling water into the center and wash the entire center. Whatever remains needs to be thawed and poured into a clean jar. Speak to this water and then drink it throughout the day.

As the sight and hands are lovely to me, a servant of God, so would food and drink seem to me. Amen.

Plot for an easy pregnancy without complications

Go to the mirror and, looking into the eyes of the reflection, say this spell. Remember that at this moment no one should see or hear you.

Just as the rapids are strong and dense, so I would be dense and strong: neither the lessons nor the prizes would stick. Amen.

Spell for quick recovery after childbirth

After childbirth, lying in bed or standing in the shower, gently rub your stomach in a circular motion (do not press too hard) and read the spell.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I call on the Lord God and the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos for help, and I, the servant of God (name), from the dear man, the servant of God (name), begin the search for the dear spool: “My spool, spool, dear spool, find, dear spool, your dear place and stand, dear spool, in your dear place, so that the servant of God (name), a dear person, from now on and forever, does not hurt and ache, does not go down and does not turn to stone.” A mother could bear and give birth to her child, and I, the servant of God (name), can also dissuade all illnesses. For the Lord God of water and earth has commanded: Know your own affairs; and for Amen, the Lord God is my healing words - forever and ever, Amen.

Conspiracies of Serafima Trapeznikova
Salt spell to get rid of female diseases

Fill your favorite cup with silent water (just as you collect it from a spring or well, and carry it home in silence), throw in a pinch of salt and stir. After the salt has dissolved, say the following spell:

Just as salt doesn’t see the lessons, the lessons wouldn’t stick to (name).

Drink three sips of water and read the words of the conspiracy again. Then take three more sips and read the plot again. So you need to drink all the water.

Full moon spell for periodic ailments

In order for this conspiracy to work in full force, you need to go to the river during the full moon and draw water. At home, pour it into a wide bowl, look at your reflection, as if in a mirror, and say:

Duma, tributaries, out. Amen.

And after that, without saying a word, go to bed.

Bath spell for female diseases

Prepare yourself a healing bath. While it is filling, read an old conspiracy over the water:

Voditsa-svetlitsa, red maiden, you came from across the sea, bringing health to the sick servant of God (name). You were cleansed by the clear sun, frequent stars, red dawns. Oh, Bright Voditsa, you walked through dark forests, steep banks, through white stone, every dawn you washed yourself, every dawn you cleansed yourself. Wash away, cleanse every disease from the servant of God (name), the disease of judgment, pepper, negotiation, wind, eye, alluvial. Or who envied the servant of God (name), or who told fortunes, or who said a stupid word, or who swore, or who grinned with anger, with hatred, with rage at a bad hour, in a bad rage let the servant of God (name) die, in bridge, in a violent head, in a zealous heart, in red blood, in a black liver. Some envied, some told fortunes, some said a stupid word - either young women, or beautiful maidens, or old old men, or young men, or women, or old women, or girls, or boys cursed, or grinned, or were envious. And you, Voditsa-svetlitsa, red maiden, you walked through dark forests, steep banks, through white stone. You were cleansed by the clear sun, the bright month, frequent stars, red dawns. Wash away and cleanse every disease from slave (name) at this hour, according to my conspiracy.

Then take a spoonful of honey and drop it into it:
1 drop of lemon essential oil;
2 drops of lavender oil;
4 drops of eucalyptus oil.
Dissolve the oils in honey, and the honey in water. Take this bath and go to bed.

Bleeding spell

Remove three of your hairs from the comb and place them on a clean sheet of white paper. Read the conspiracy over them:

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into a pure, distant field, to the blue sea, to the throne of the Lord. I will take the golden keys from the throne, I will pray and worship the Mother of God, I will submit to that Mother of God. With those golden keys I will unlock all the rivers and chalk. I will wash your body white, your heart zealous, your eyes clear, your lips sugary. Flow, O water, from the white body, from the zealous heart, from the clear eyes, from the sugary lips. Just run away, all the prize-winners, all the monobraids, all the chickenpox fractures, commotions and birthmarks. Key, lock, amen.

Then wrap your hair in paper, burn it, and if ashes remain, scatter them in the wind.

Conspiracy and infusion for inflammation

Prepare herbal tea. To do this, take:
1 teaspoon dry raspberries;
1 teaspoon meadowsweet;
1 teaspoon dried black currants;
2 teaspoons of dried oregano.
Pour all this over two glasses of boiling water and read the plot. Cover tightly with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes. And then say about this drink:

Lord Jesus Christ, I, servant of God (name). Just as the true Christ went to the crucible and did not smell any whispers, nor aches, nor blue blood, so the servant of God (name) would not smell any whispers, nor aches, nor blue blood. I forgot some words, so be ahead, I added some words, so be in my favor. These words are the key and the lock, the tongue is in the mouth. From now on and forever. Amen.

For centuries, great works of writers, artists and musicians have been dedicated to girls, praising their beauty, tenderness, fragility, devoted and faithful character. But women, so light, charming and perfect, sometimes have to go through a lot of difficulties. A lot of worries and troubles are caused by diseases that have arisen from nowhere, from which the radiant and clear gaze of women’s eyes goes out like a candle, and life ceases to please.

How to overcome a disease that cannot be treated with effective medications? Sometimes a conspiracy against fibroids, thrush and other female diseases gives amazing results. And who knows: whether this is due to self-hypnosis, or the influence of cosmic energy, or both? But the fact is obvious. With the help of prayer, miracles are performed and the girls recover.

Thrush has its second name - vaginal candidiasis. This disease is caused by Candida fungi, as a result of which the balance between microorganisms in the vaginal flora is disrupted and the inflammatory process progresses. Visible signs: white cheesy discharge, sometimes nagging pain in the lower abdomen, constant itching - bring a lot of grief. Sex life ceases to be enjoyable. The plot against thrush must be read throughout the week, during the washing procedure. Words of prayer:

“Switch from shameful deeds to clean, transparent water, and the water flows far beyond the high fence into a wide, clean river, so that the slave (name) will get rid of all shameful deeds and be healed. Clean water, now I’m clean too.”

Conspiracies against female diseases sometimes become the saving straw that gradually helps to cope with an unpleasant disease. It cannot be started, hoping that the body’s defenses will defeat the disease themselves. Prayers will set you in the right mood and launch the mechanism of self-healing.

An effective treatment against mastopathy

Chest pain and lumps in this area discovered during self-examination terrify lovely representatives of the fairer sex. Thoughts rush through their pretty heads like a whirlwind: “What if it’s cancer? What if I die? What about my children, parents? Don't panic ahead of time. After all, these symptoms most often signal mastopathy, a common female disease.

Sometimes reading a conspiracy for mastopathy in combination with folk remedies is enough to forget about troubles once and for all. The procedure is quite simple: you need to warm the water to a pleasant, comfortable body temperature and read the following words of the conspiracy against female diseases over it:

“Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There is a place for you, there is a place for you. I charm the breasts of a young woman against 12 ailments. You, evil firewoman, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper for whisper, sculptural and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After this, a compress must be applied to the chest so that the prayers have their effect and the girl gets better. Water spells must be repeated daily until the pain gradually goes away. In fact, there are a great many ways to treat female diseases, but enchanted water is a very accessible and effective way to attract higher powers to help.

How to deal with fibroids?

The unusual text of the conspiracy against female diseases provides effective help for such a complex disease as fibroids. Prayers must be read with concentration, believing in the possibility of healing. There should not be any doubt that you will be able to recover. If such conviction is present, then conspiracies against female diseases begin their magical effect immediately after reading. A benign tumor formation in the uterus, formed from connective tissue, begins to “melt” day by day.

The best time to read suitable conspiracies is before dawn. Prayers for female diseases are said on any day except the first day of the week - Monday. Conspiracies are read on water 3 times, after which you need to wash your face and try to feel your condition. To consolidate the words of the prayer, you can additionally read the “Our Father” prayer 9 times. The text is as follows:

“The Mother of God was walking, tired, and sat down on the ground.
She took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from her face,
The pain and illness were erased.
She got up from the ground and walked further.
All her illness and pain are gone,
It doesn't hurt anywhere anymore
Nothing else bothers me.
So it is with the servant of God (name)
The body does not hurt, does not ache, does not tingle.
The keys are the locks to these words. Amen."

It is possible to get rid of various female diseases when love reigns in the soul. We must remember that you cannot begin magical actions if there is a stone of unforgiveness or resentment behind your soul. Often, negative emotions provoke the occurrence of an illness, which gives reason to think: is everything okay with the soul? Does harmony reign in her and wishes for good to everyone around her? Or is she a bundle of pain and anger directed outward? Then, first of all, you need to think about the meaning of life, about your place in it, and cleanse your heart of negativity. And then start treatment.
