Vanga's conspiracies and prayers for money: the secret rituals of a Bulgarian healer. Conspiracy for money

Many people know about the predictions of Vangelia Dimitrova (Vanga), a Bulgarian healer famous throughout the world. But not many are aware that there are still wise advice, prayers and conspiracies of the soothsayer. Of course, only a part of the great heritage has survived to our time. We will tell about it today. In this article you will find the most popular Vanga conspiracies that will help you avoid adversity in everyday life, improve your health, preserve beauty and youth, attract good luck, money, wealth, various material benefits, etc.

All conspiracies and prayers that were not lost after Vanga's death and were passed down by ordinary people from generation to generation are considered very powerful and effective.

To date, there are several publications about the conspiracies, instructions and advice of Vanga. Books containing texts about luck are very popular among them. And the most common conspiracies that are aimed at helping ordinary people to gain luck and good luck in various matters, we give below.

Prayer that attracts favorable changes

If clouds hang over you, and a streak of trouble haunts you in various matters for quite a long time, read Vanga's conspiracy below. In order for the text of the said prayer to bring the expected result, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate ceremony.

To get rid of the “streak of bad luck” and attract good luck into your life, you need to get up at dawn on any of the days of the week and the lunar calendar. Having collected fresh water in a bucket, wash the floors in all the rooms of your home with it. After that, take the dirty water out of the house. It should be poured onto the ground away from the walls of the house. After returning home, take a dip. After completing the procedure, dress in clean clothes. Having gone to the most spacious room of the house, say the plot out loud:

“I turn, servant / servant of God / God (my name), to You, merciful Almighty Lord, and to Your saint, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Crossing and praying, I ask. In a deserted field, in a clean meadow, lies a large stone. He does not conduct any business, does not call anyone. To lie to that stone forever, and to me, the servant / servant of God / God (say your name), get up with the sun in the morning, white light come out with your feet and grab luck by the tail with your hands. Catch, grab, good luck, come to my hands.

Say the words of this prayer three times in a row. Then repeat "Amen" three times and leave the house. Go where your eyes look. A new path and signs will open up for you, heralding the onset of improvement. If you do not fulfill the main condition and stay in the house, do nothing, you will be inactive, you may not expect favorable changes.

Prayer for good luck before a responsible business

The Vanga conspiracy written below will help those who:

  • settles in a new job;
  • opens a new business;
  • starts a new activity.

To bring good luck, luck and the favor of Fortune, which would accompany you on a responsible day, try the following. Getting up with the first rays of the morning dawn, fill a wide plastic vessel with water for washing (room temperature). Bending over the container, say the text of the prayer for good luck on a significant day for you:

“Voditsa is pure, fast sister, you passed along unexplored paths, dark forests, high mountains, deep valleys, along paths in meadows, across fields, through sands, along steep banks, through clear skies. You met the dawn and said goodbye to the sunset many times. Meeting the clear dawn, you were illuminated by the sun, you were cleansed by the light. Cleanse me too, the servant of God (your name). Wash my soul, wash my body, mind and heart so that dirt and evil spirits, failure, damage, evil eye and filth are washed away. Let my new business be kind, bright, so that everything in it develops and is filled with goodness. Amen".

After saying this text once, pour the water spoken on your head to wash yourself with it. Once done, you can safely go to a new business. Good luck will accompany you in it.

Prayer if you need luck for a financial business

If you want to attract good luck for a financial business, in order to get money or inherit wealth, use this Vanga conspiracy. It will help you get rich if you have good goals and bright intentions for this. The ritual is as follows.

Getting up at dawn, take a loaf of bread. Looking at this piece, say a plot for financial luck (raise money):

“Merciful Lord our God, how could you make the needy fed with five loaves, do not deprive me of your mercy. Feed us so that my family does not need, and my life is full, prosperous and joyful. Please, turn luck to me, let the money in the palm of my hand flow like a river to me. I will spend them wisely, I will give joy to others, I will bring good. Let my wealth increase, my house will open for him. Glory to our Lord forever and ever. And my words are the key and the lock. Amen".

This conspiracy from the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga should be done early in the morning and on an empty stomach. And after you say the words of the prayer on the bread, it will need to be eaten first.

Ritual to attract financial luck

Conspiracies from Vanga, which, according to her recommendations, should be read at dawn, are quite strong. And we give another one with which you can attract financial luck.

The ritual must be carried out in your home. To fulfill your plan, you have money and wealth, prepare a glass filled with holy water and salt for the ceremony.

Rising with the first rays of the sun, take a vessel filled with liquid. Throw a pinch of salt into it. When all the crystals are dissolved, begin to read a prayer aloud:

“As the scarlet dawn appears, as the bright sun illuminates the Earth, people and all living things, so may the Lord give me, the servant of God (his name), health, happiness, good luck, prosperity. May the Lord Sovereign protect me from all evil. Amen".

After the ceremony, a glass of charmed water will need to be removed to the farthest corner. Just keep in mind that no one should try or pour this charmed liquid. This should be done only after a month yourself. After a month, take the vessel and take it outside. Pour the charmed water on the ground and return home, repeating the ceremony again, filling the glass with clean new water.

Rituals for financial prosperity

In books about the advice of a wise soothsayer, there are not only conspiracies to attract good luck in financial matters. There are special Vanga conspiracies that are aimed at endless prosperity and enrichment.

Rite to gain permanent prosperity

This rite, during which it will be necessary to read a conspiracy for wealth and prosperity, should be done strictly before noon. You need to take a glass of holy water and before the arrows converge on 12, go around all the rooms in the house with it. Sprinkle liquid on all walls, floors, windows, corners in the room, starting from the threshold. At the same time read the plot:

“Pure Water, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit. Please send me, the servant of God (your name), this house and all the people who live in it, grace. So that we all have plenty of all happiness, good, prosperity, wealth.

At the end of the procedure, say the word "Amen" 3 times in a row. It is desirable that the water runs out when the last room is sprinkled.

Ritual to bring in more money

Unlike the previous one, this Vanga conspiracy is aimed specifically at enrichment. If you want money to literally “flow like a river” into your hands, perform this ritual.

Stock up on psyllium seeds first. If possible, assemble them yourself. A handful of these seeds should be taken early in the morning, as soon as you wake up, and read over them the words:

“You are the grass of the road, traveling, you know all the paths, paths and paths on earth. So show me the way to my house money. Let it never overgrow, but expand, not be trampled, and bring wealth. Amen".

Then go outside, cross the threshold of your house. Hold grass seeds in your hand. Throw them under the threshold, while saying another conspiracy 3 times in a row: “Money to the house!”.

Ritual for a prosperous life

This conspiracy from Vanga promises well-being in general. If you want money to always be in the house, health and happiness do not leave, and everything in life is measured and calm, perform the ritual described below.

In the first half of a sunny day, go outside. If this is not possible, just open the window. With your palms facing the sun so that the rays illuminate them, repeat the words of the prayer three times:

“Affectionate, warm red sun, you live in heaven and illuminate everyone with your radiance, illuminate with good. Give me, red sun, your warmth, light and all kinds of blessings. From now on, it will be so now and forever and ever. Amen".

Immediately after the spoken words, put your hands to yourself, palms to your chest. Close your eyes and visualize what you want. Imagine how happiness and wealth enter your life, how money and various goods fill the house.

To achieve a positive result, and your wish came true, perform the ceremony and read this Vanga conspiracy for a week.

It is important to perform magical actions on each of the seven days (even cloudy), at the same time.

Ritual for receiving the amount for an important matter

In Vanga's legacy, there are several conspiracies that help bring to life not just money, but a specific amount. As a rule, such prayers are successful if the money is needed for a good cause (improve health, buy housing, education, etc.).

For the ceremony you will need:

  • a bag made of natural fabric, sewn with your own hands;
  • a bunch of cut grass (can be dried).

Before noon, take a bunch of picked herbs in your hands. Bring it to your lips and say the following conspiracy to it:

“The grass grew, grew, rose and grew, and as much as I needed, it fell into my hands. Let the money grow in this way, as much as you need in my hands, they are added. My word is firm, so be it from now on! Amen".

After speaking the herbs, place them in the bag. In order for the money that you do not have enough to do a good deed to appear, carry this bag with you all the time.

Ritual for the return of borrowed money

Conspiracies from Vanga will also help those who want to return their money given to someone in debt. If your debtor does not return a certain amount for a long time, read this prayer.

First, get a candle in the church. In the evening, before going to bed, light it. Looking at the flame, say three times:

“The fire is bright and burning, I endow you with my word and the memory of a duty that should rightfully return to me. Burn and shine brightly, in the head, body, mind, in all the veins of the servant of God (name the debtor). Let him not forget and remember his duty. Let him neither eat, nor sleep, nor think about anything but duty. Let him not know peace day and night, but return the debt. As soon as he comes and brings me money, the fire will calm down, it will stop burning from the inside. My word is strong. Let it be so! Amen".

Rituals for better health

For those who want to improve their health, there are such conspiracies in Vanga's magical heritage. As a rule, they also provide for a special ceremony.

To fill the house with health and happiness

To let health and happiness into your home, and at the same time wealth, you need to perform a ceremony on the front door.

By applying this conspiracy, you will not only be able to enrich your home, but also block the path to your home for adversity, sorrow, bad weather, misfortune and failure.

“I speak the door to my dwelling. How many will enter it, so many helpers will be for me. Enemies, enemies, evil and envious people will never come here, just as there will be no passage for grief, need and evil spirits. I will attract good luck, health, wealth, money to my house. May it be so from now on! Amen".

Having crossed after that the front door, sprinkling it three times with holy charmed water, say the prayer “Our Father” after the words of the conspiracy. The effect of the conspiracy will be noticeable soon. You will feel that your health has improved significantly, and money and other benefits will begin to fill the house.

To rid your body of disease

Vanga also had special conspiracies, with the help of which she healed various ailments and ailments. If health is shaken under the influence of any disease, read the conspiracy described below. The magic words of Vanga's conspiracy should be pronounced at dawn.

Fill any bowl with spring (or well) water. Go outside with her. If this is not possible, stand with a vessel filled with water at the window, after opening the shutters. Whisper the words over the bowl:

“I will rise, the servant of God (my name), wash myself with holy water, cross myself, bless, pray to the Lord. I will go from the door, through the gate, at Mary's morning dawn to the blue sea. There, on the sea, I will find a stone of gold. He stands, does not sink, does not whine, does not groan. Let me, the servants of God (her name), do not ache. Let there be no pain in the head, body, bones, joints, on the face, in the eyes. Morning dawn, Mary, evening dawn, Maremyana, you will soon subside, you will remove sickness from the servant of God (your name), alleviate all sorrows, tracts, shelters, all 12 relatives. My word is firm, my word is strong, so be it from now on! Amen".

Having uttered this Vanga conspiracy, you will need to wash yourself with charmed water so that all diseases disappear and health improves.

There is still a huge number of conspiracies that the Bulgarian healer used to help people. Conspiracies from Vanga are still the most effective and powerful.

During the years of her life, Vanga paid great attention to various conspiracies and advice that help a person get rid of various diseases, financial and other problems. To this day, many different ones have come down that anyone can use if desired.

Vanga's money conspiracies

Simple rituals help to get rid of various problems in the material sphere and attract financial flow. Vanga, during her lifetime, said that conspiracies can be dangerous for a person, so they should be used only if there are serious problems. It is also important to believe in the success of the ritual and correctly follow all the recommendations. There are many different options, let's look at some of them.

Ritual #1. Vanga's conspiracy for money is recommended to be read on Friday at sunset. It is important to wear a loose white shirt and let your hair down. Sit facing the east corner of the room. On the inside of your ring finger, write the name of the currency with a pen or draw a banknote. Then lean your finger against the corner and say these words 3 times:

“I will call to my bow the forces of darkness and the forces of light. Devils from the fiery abyss and angels from the light heavens. I will ask the terrible force to attract a bag of money and success-benefactor to my house. I will ask the angels to teach them how to act decisively and correctly, so that my goodness always remains with me. And may it help me to overcome that which is an unbearable burden on my shoulders. Amen".

After that, immediately go to bed, but wash your hand only the next day.

Ritual #2. To attract money to the house, you can use Vanga's conspiracy for wealth. Take a glass or any other glass vessel and pour water into it. Then, turning to the water, say these words:

“How many will enter my door, so many helpers will be. And there is no way for enemies, enemies to go to my door. How many times the door opens - so much goodness will come into the house. And evil, bad weather, evil spirits, grief and trouble have no way here. Happiness - in the house, good - in the house! Amen".

Then go to the threshold of the house and spray it with the charmed liquid.

Ritual #3. In order to attract monetary luck, you can use the following rite. It is necessary to carry out the ritual early in the morning on an empty stomach. Prepare a crust of black bread. It will serve as a certain magnet for attracting money and good luck. Holding bread in your hands, read the following Vanga plot:

“O Lord our God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves, so feed me and my family, make my life abundant, full, turn good luck to me, turn misfortune away from me. Let the road of satiety and joy to my house open, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely, for the benefit of everyone, and increase wealth wisely, to the glory of our Lord. To my words, the key and the lock. Amen".

Then the charmed bread must be eaten.

Vanga's conspiracy from drunkenness

It is best to perform the ritual using liquid. The ideal time for this is the 19th of any month. It is recommended to take water from the spring. Pour it into any glass vessel and say the plot:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One person was born, baptized, lived, and passed away. As he is dead, so (the name of the target) does not take alcohol in his mouth, does not drink. Just as one’s hand is dead, so the other’s hand does not pour wine, does not carry to his mouth, does not pour vodka into his mouth. (Target name) does not pour more wine into the cup, does not drink alcohol. I (name) am baptized with a cross, and I protect myself with a cross, but I am saved from wine. Ivan the Baptist, help me, be a servant of God (name of the target) / servant of God (name) a deliverer from wine. My word is strong, no one can interrupt. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then spit three times over your left shoulder. The charmed liquid can be mixed into the food or drink of an alcoholic. You can also spray it on the person himself.

In addition to the conspiracy, Vanga suggests using an infusion prepared on the basis of herbs. In general, there are many recipes, consider one of them.


  • thyme - 80 g;
  • wormwood - 20 g.


Combine herbs, take 2 tbsp. collection spoons and fill them with 0.5 liters of boiled water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave everything to infuse for an hour, and then strain. It is necessary to use the infusion for 1/3 tbsp. three times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Then take a break for 1.5 months. and repeat everything.

Vanga's conspiracy to work

The ritual of the Bulgarian healer helps to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances and various problems. Reading the plot is recommended for a new thing, for example, it can be a scarf or a pin. Take an object and say these words:

“Lord my God, I am in front of You.

Protect a talisman.

I ask all the holy army

Rescue and Protect:

Ivan the Theologian

Ivan the Long-suffering

Ivan the Headless

Ivan the Baptist

Ivan Postitel,

Michael the Archangel

Archangel Gabriel,

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Holy Great Martyr,

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

I stand under your shield,

Who will protect me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Vanga's conspiracy to fulfill a wish

The Bulgarian healer recommends that you initially decide what you want most and clearly articulate your desire. 3 days before the ceremony, you must begin to adhere to, do not use obscene and other bad words. You need to get up before dawn and wash yourself with clean water. This will help wash away the accumulated sins and negativity. Go outside, face east, cross yourself three times, bow and touch the ground. Feeling how positive energy is coming, say the following conspiracy:

"I'll get up early

I'll rise until the sun is visible

Let me look to the east side

And on that side there is a wonderful country

And three wise men live in the country

And they say smart words

Yes, they help everyone, they don’t refuse anyone who needs

The first wise man will tell me where to look for happiness

The second will indicate how to get away from grief

And the third will show where my desire is

I will go to him

And the sun will show me the way!”

The longest come true desires relating to personal life.

CONSPIRACY WANGI MONEY. Vanga's conspiracy will always have money

Today We will once again touch upon the magic of money, namely Vanga's advice and conspiracies for money. If you perform this magical ritual of attracting money, then you will always have finances. The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer Vanga will help you solve such a problem as attracting money every day by following her advice, you will live in prosperity and wealth. Today We will once again touch upon the magic of money, namely Vanga's conspiracies for money. If you perform this magical ritual of attracting money, then you will always have finances.

The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer Vanga will help you solve such a problem as attracting money. To perform the ritual, pour water into a glass dish and say a conspiracy for water out loud a conspiracy for money online:
How many helpers will enter my door.

And there are no enemies, enemies, going to my door.

How many times the door opens, so much goodness will come into the house.

And evil, bad weather, evil spirits, grief and trouble have no way here.

Happiness - in the house, good - in the house!

Then spray the doorstep of your house with this water.

Conspiracy to find money
Giving advice to vanga to attract money, she recommended reading this magical plot in the morning, on an empty stomach, on a piece of rye bread. It helps to start a new streak in your life - when money begins to come easily and in the right quantities, try this advice from the Bulgarian healer Vanga to attract money and your life will quickly change for the better.
The plot must be read aloud or in a whisper, turning your gaze to the bread:

Lord our God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves, so feed me and my family, make my life abundant, full, turn good luck to me, turn misfortune away from me. Let the road of satiety and joy to my house open, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely, for the benefit of everyone, and increase wealth wisely, to the glory of our Lord. To my words, the key and the lock.

After a spoken piece of bread you need to eat.

The magic of attracting money so that wealth comes to the house.

This conspiracy for money from Vanga will help attract goodness and wealth to your home. The practical advice of the great Vanga recommends taking some sheep's wool, or a piece of fur, skin, and speak out loud to him:

Sheep-sheep, walked around the world, wore a fur coat.

That fur coat is warm and rich, she herself came to my house, brought warmth and wealth to me.

So be filled, my house, with gold - silver and all good things!

Be my house, rich and abundant, for the good of everyone, marvelous for everyone.

Be, my words, strong and sculpting!
Put a piece of slandered wool in a secluded place in your house so that no one will find it and inadvertently throw it away. Let it lie for a year. A year later, you need to take a new wool and say the same conspiracy for money on it.

A strong conspiracy to trade so that the money invested quickly goes into growth.
Vanga in her life gave a lot of practical advice for every day, following which you can very quickly become a rich and successful person. People who were able to read Vanga's advice to attract money are very grateful to her for her help. Want to try? Wait until the full moon appears in the sky with clear skies. Take a few coins or bills of any denomination and place them in a window or any other place where the moonlight falls on them.
Read aloud three times in a row a conspiracy to trade from Vanga:

Queen moon, you are silver, golden, you grow and grow.

So give my money to drink with your light so that it grows and grows.

They drink money from the moonlight, they grow hour by hour, they gain strength, they fill my house.

To my words, the key and the lock.


Giving her advice to attract money, Vanga said: “Leave the money in the moonlight for a few hours, and go away yourself so as not to look. Then put this money in a rag and put it in your wallet. Do not spend it for a month, they will attract new money to you "In a month, buy candles for them in the church, and donate the change (do not take it). Put the candles wherever you like. In a month, repeat the entire magical ritual again to attract wealth into your life." This magic of attracting money has always been used by merchants and has not lost its relevance to this day.

Another conspiracy to trade so that money constantly grows.
Take a piece of bread and say it out loud three times:
The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, turned golden as an ear, turned into bread.

As I have plenty of bread in the fields, so I have money to the sky.

As bread grows - it is eared, so my money grows, it increases.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Then eat the bread.

Vanga's conspiracy money will always be found.
Finishing the publication of the practical advice of the great Vanga to attract money and good luck for every day, take a thing that you often wear (coat, dress, etc.). Sew a small coin into the hem or under the floor. When you sew repeat Vanga's plot in a whisper:
Thread with a needle, and money with me.

As the thread for the needle stretches, so the money reaches out to me. I hem the hem, I sew money to myself. Come to me, big and small money, copper, silver, gold, paper, all sorts of different ones, to buy, to sell, for your own joy, for God's grace.

Repeat without stopping or being distracted as you sew. On this day, do not wear a thing, let it hang at home among other things. From the next day, wear as usual, Vanga told in a book of tips for attracting money into your life.

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Vanga is the keeper of many knowledge. She not only knew how to predict the future, but she could also correct fate, solve problems, give what she wanted. She was given a special gift to influence the future. Thanks to him, she was able to point out the most powerful conspiracies that give people health and longevity. In this book, for the first time, conspiracies noted by Vanga herself are published. They help to gain good health, give strength to you and your children, remove damage and the evil eye, treat various diseases, preserve youth, beauty and good spirits.

From the series: Academy of Health and Luck

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by the LitRes company.

Health conspiracies pointed out by Vanga

Evil eye and spoilage - the causes of various diseases

What is damage and evil eye

Vanga often told her visitors that in addition to the physical body, a person has another body, invisible to the eye: “ With death, only the human body dies, not the soul.”- and it is at this subtle level that a person who is struck by someone’s damage or evil eye suffers first of all.

As the human body has an immune system - reliable protection against harmful alien invasion, so the invisible human body is equipped with energy protection, a kind of cocoon that protects it from intrusions of negative energy from outside.

However, some people have the ability to penetrate this energy shell and interfere with that secret life of a person, which is usually hidden from view. A healer endowed with such abilities works miracles, healing hopelessly ill people who were abandoned by doctors - because he can see the true cause of their illness - a violation in the normal operation of the human energy spiritual body.

However, an unkind person who has received or developed such abilities in himself can cause many troubles to those around him. It is these abilities that become the causes of such phenomena as the evil eye and damage.

What damage or evil eye can lead to

An ill-wisher can harm a person on a physical level - push him or hit him, but, most likely, he will immediately receive a rebuff, and the damage will not be significant.

But it is a completely different matter if anger boils in someone who is endowed with the ability to "strike" at the energy level.

His actions are not obvious to others - when conducting a serious witchcraft rite for damage, one does not need to be present directly next to the victim, and a person who is not even aware of his abilities can jinx - an evil thought flashed, cast a sidelong glance, fleetingly wished the unkind passerby ...

But the harm from such an impact is much more tangible - violations at a subtle level very quickly affect the physical condition of a person - after all, his external and energy bodies exist in close relationship.

As a rule, the evil eye is manifested by a slight malaise - headache, runny nose, hiccups, indigestion. Often after a few hours or days everything returns to normal. However, in a person whose energy or physical protection is weakened, in a small child, a woman during "critical days" or in a future mother, even the evil eye can lead to a severe deterioration in well-being. Therefore, it must be identified and removed.

If they can jinx it by accident - and this happens most often, then damage is always directed purposefully. Therefore, it destroys health much more. Therefore, before undertaking the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to eliminate its cause - to remove damage. For this, there are special conspiracies that have been tested for centuries. And it was Vanga who first of all pointed out to them: “This is the first. Don’t forget,” she said to Bogdana when she saw, among other conspiracies, those that remove damage and the evil eye. Fulfilling Vanga's testament, I also begin my book with them. And above all, with those conspiracies that help reveal damage or the evil eye.

How to identify and remove damage and the evil eye in children

Conspiracy over water from damage

In order to find out if there is damage to a child, this method has long been used in Rus'. They took three hot charcoal (now you can burn a match and take its charred head), then one by one they threw it into a bowl of warm water. Over each ember, the words of the conspiracy were pronounced:

The first coal is from lessons, the second is from commotion, the third is for restless sleep and good health.

If all three coals immediately went under water, it means that the child was not jinxed - they were not spoiled, and with this water you can wash him three times to protect him from the evil eye.

If the coals begin to “dance” in the water, then this is a sure sign that someone bad wished the baby. To remove damage from it, you need to pour water into a flat bowl and read a plot over it. Water is best brought from a spring or well, at least a small amount. If this is not possible, take settled or filtered water - the one that can be used for drinking. Keep in mind: this conspiracy is female, it should be read by the mother, the grandmother of the child or the invited healer. Adult men should not be in the room at all at this time. Stirring the water with a silver spoon clockwise, read this plot over it:

I read the ancient-old word, I dissuade from the baby servant of God (name).

I will become a servant of God (the name of the mother, grandmother or healer), blessing, I will cross myself from door to door, from gate to gate in an open field, in a wide expanse. In an open field, in a wide expanse, Mother Holy Church stands, in this holy Church there is a golden throne, on this golden throne sits the Mother of the Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos with Angels, and with the Archangels, with all the power of God, with all the power of heaven. I will come closer, bow lower, cross myself three times and say:

Mother Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos, take away lessons and prizes, haste and turmoil from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows from the servant of God's baby (name). Protect him from the simple-haired girl, from the cigarette woman, from the oncoming-cross, from your joyful thoughts. To make everyone sick of him and get sick. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wash the child with this water three times, between washing it down the throat to the child, let's drink, throw the remaining water on the ground.

A conspiracy from the evil eye and corruption, which is read by putting the child to sleep

This conspiracy will help remove the damage if it has already been brought to the child, and will also protect him throughout the day from evil words and looks. When you put your son or daughter to bed (it doesn’t matter whether you rock in your arms or cover in a crib), then bend over the child and read such a conspiracy in a whisper.

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go crossing myself from door to door under mother dawn, under the red sun, under warm clouds, under curls of darkness, under the moon, under the whole sky of the Lord. Under warm clouds, under curly haze, under a blue sky, on green grass, and on golden sand, stands Mother Apostolic Church.

In this Church there is a throne, behind this throne sits the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, holding her Son Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Merciful. I, the servant of God (name), will go into this Church, blessed, cross myself, pray to God from and come closer to this throne, bow lower, powder from the desire of my zealous heart:

Be Mother Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Son of God, save and have mercy on the servant of God's baby (name). Take a golden ray, silver arrows, shoot you at the racket, at the retiza, at the snare, at the snare, right into the zealous heart, into the lungs, into the liver, pass their hot blood through the damask stone Shoot from the servant of God the baby (name) from the violent head all hits, tributaries, thin people.

Shoot from him all the lessons, prizes, sorrows, illnesses.

Shoot from him twelve relatives, twelve thin people, twelve deadly ulcers.

Shoot from his blond hair, blond eyebrows, from clear eyes, from scarlet buttocks, from arms, from legs, shoot from his violent head, from the lung, liver, from hot blood, from the whole body, from the skin, from the legs to the fingers, from fingers to nails, from nails to an open field, from an open field to the blue sea. I’ll lock my words with a lock, lock it with a key, go along the steep bank, throw the key to the bottom, grab the beluga pike, put it under the left rib. As spring water rolls in the blue sea, does not return, so sickness falls from the servant of God's baby (name), illnesses fall and do not return, dry and wither, wither, wither, finer than barley grain, finer than a grain of salt, dry day in the sun, night in month, at the end of all 24 hours. They would not have been from century to century. Amen.

This plot is very long, so you can not learn it by heart, but write it on a piece of paper (be sure to use your own hand!) And read from it.

A short protective conspiracy on water and salt from the evil eye

Take a lump of ordinary table salt, put it on your left palm. Read the following conspiracy over it three times:

Just as this salt does not grow, does not worry, does not deteriorate, does not look down, so the servant of God, the baby (name), does not grow up, do not worry, do not spoil, do not look down. Whoever taught me and undereducated me, spoke all the words, be all my words full, even, strong, sculpted, stronger than stone, better than a damask knife.

Cross the salt three times with your right hand and dissolve it in a glass of water. Moisten the fingers of the right hand collected in a pinch in water and draw crosses on the wrists, ankles, chest, forehead and cheeks of the child. Let him rinse his mouth with this water, and pour the remaining water outside.


In order for the child's body to be strong, the muscles strong, not sluggish, the great healer advised doing a massage with this remedy: take 400 g of honey and mix with 20 g of sulfur. After the massage, the child should be warm - he will sweat several times. Put him to bed with a good wrap.

Charmed water for bathing a child before bedtime

Such water helps to remove spoilage.

Bring three smooth pebbles from the river bank or from the forest. Wash them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Put them for a day in front of the icon of the saint whose name the child bears. In the evening, pour water into the baby's bath and lower three stones into it. Put the child in the water, wash him, take a ladle or mug, scoop up water from the bath and pour it on top. Read the plot:

Water-voditsa, mother of the Mother of God sister, you ran between steep banks, ran - did not stop, washed the foam, roots, yellow sands. So wash off, rinse from the servant of God's baby (name) daily lessons, nightly commotion, relatives are windy. It came from the wind - go to the wind. Water from the gogol, water from the gogol, and from you, the servant of God, the baby (name), all thinness. Water from a goose, water from a swan, and from you, servant of God, baby (name), all thinness. All the lessons, all the prizes, pinches, tatters, yawns. Amen.

A conspiracy from spoilage to water for washing a child

This conspiracy is read if the child needs to go where there will be many strangers. To protect it from the evil eye and spoilage, prepare the charmed water in a deep bowl of dark clay in the evening. Throw twelve coals into the water - according to the number of the apostles of Jesus Christ (you can take pieces of burnt matches) and twelve laurel leaves. Read the conspiracy three times over the water:

Just as no one hobbles embers and leaves, does not look after and does not spoil, so no one will cut down my baby (or child) (name), do not look after and do not spoil. Be, my words, strong and sculpting, stronger than damask stone. Tongue, key, teeth, lock. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Leave the water overnight on the windowsill, strain in the morning. Take nine tablespoons of charmed water, mix with regular water and wash the child with it nine times. Pour the remaining water at the end of the day into a bowl of plain water and pour over the child after an evening shower or bath.

A conspiracy over a sleeping child from damage to health

Read this conspiracy at the end of the day, especially if the child was in a crowded place. As soon as the baby falls asleep, sit next to his bed, light three church candles and read this plot three times:

Not by myself I am a servant of God (name), but with the Lord God, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, I speak, I speak. Morning dawn Tatyana, evening Maryana, yes Angels-Archangels, yes God's apostles, help, help. Nine living relatives, nine living wind blowers, what did you grab onto, either joyful, or envious, or daytime, or noon, or night, or midnight.

Nine living relatives, nine living wind blowers, come out, come out from the servant of God the baby (lad) (name), blow quietly, but fly lightly, from nails, from elbows, from veins, from sinuses, from a white body, from a zealous heart, with brown eyes, with black eyebrows, into an open field, into a wide expanse. Go, go, and sit there. There is no return to you, neither day nor night, neither winter nor summer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Cross the child three times and blow out the candles.

Conspiracy from an upset stomach

In the old days in Rus', the evil eye and spoilage, which caused diarrhea, nausea and other digestive disorders in a person, were called "chemer". Of course, before removing spoilage, you need to make sure that the child does not suffer from any intestinal infection. If doctors do not find the cause of poor health, then seek help from folk wisdom.

Bring water from a spring or well, and boil it just in case. Pour a little of this water into three clay cups. Take something from the child's clothes or bed linen, spread the item on the table and place the cups on it. Cross each cup and read the plot over it:

Hellebore, hellebore, come from the stomach, from the veins, joints, from the sides, from the stomach. Come out and go where you came from, into an open field in a wide expanse. You lead, my words, hello to dense forests, to effervescent swamps, to green grasses, to black mud, to mother to aspen, to the very top. Swing the aspen, let it blow in the wind, let the servant of God's baby sleep and rest and good health. Amen.

Give your child three times a day to drink water - in the morning from one cup, in the afternoon from the second, and in the evening before bedtime from the third. Pour the rest of the water from each cup down the drain.


For children suffering from diarrhea, the Bulgarian clairvoyant advised them to drink a decoction of peppermint leaves (Mentha piperita L.) several times a day.

Conspiracy from hiccups

The evil eye is often manifested by minor ailments, often by hiccups, from which it is impossible to get rid of. If this happened to a child, then you need to take three church candles and a wide bowl of water. Place the bowl on the table, light the candles, and drop a drop from each candle into the water. Above each drop, read the plot:

The Virgin Mary, the virgin Palagea, walked through the dungeon, cleaned the gray stones, washed the white roots, cleaned, rinsed the dry land from the servant of God (name), uzeesha, oh tracts. Wash it from black eyes, from brown eyes, from clear eyes. All lessons are prizes, hiccups, boredom, go to the forests, to the swamps, there you will have a walk, there you will show off, on the mosses to the swamps, there you will have drinks, there you will have nasties, there will be soft beds. Be, my words, strong and sculpting, stronger than stone, tighter than damask steel. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Let the child soak his hands in this water three times and shake the drops from his fingers to the floor. Wash it three times with the same water, pour the rest on the ground.

Protection against spoilage help charmed water for drinking

In order to create reliable protection against possible evil eye or damage, let your child drink three sips of charmed water every morning. In the evening, pour water into a glass, throw three grains of salt into it and read the plot over it:

I will rise, the servant of God (name), bless, I will go cross from door to door, from gates and gates, to the east and west, to the east, under the sun it is clear, under the stars are frequent, under the whole moon of the Lord, to the ocean. On the sea-ocean lies a white golden stone, on this white golden stone stands the Mother Church of God. I will go to this Church of God. In this Church of God there is a golden throne, on this golden throne sits the Most Pure Mother of God. Mother Most Pure Blessed Virgin Mary, do not plow, do not brush off the sea foam from the blue of the sea, but wash, splash, sprinkle with water from the servant of God's baby (name) all lessons, all prizes, all stabs, all flogs, all hissing, all lomotishsha, sip, yawning, thirty-three pains, thirty-three ailments, thirty-three relatives, thirty-three thin people, prickly and doucheful, yawning and mellow. Rinse, rinse, let them go into the blue sea. There they are in love, there they are adornment, there they admire, there they show off, and they don’t touch the servant of God’s baby (name), his good health is added. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Leave the water on the windowsill at night, and in the morning let the child drink three sips. Pour the remaining water into the sewer, and start talking new in the evening.


Damage in a child can manifest itself in circular alopecia. To cope with this scourge, take a bunch of Full Color Field (Anagallis), and a glass of grape vodka. Dip the herb into the liquid, bring to a boil and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. Cool the decoction, soak cotton wool or a piece of clean linen cloth in it and wipe the affected areas 3-4 times a day for a week. Then prepare a decoction of the roots of clover (Trifolium) and pour it over the child's head for three days before going to bed.

There is another way to deal with hair loss in a child. You need to take three clover roots (Trifolium), each of which will be the size of an olive, grate them on a fine grater and pour 100 ml of strong grape vodka (you can take medical alcohol). Let it brew for a day, moisten a cotton swab with tincture and rub it into the places of hair loss 1-2 times a day.

A conspiracy on water for morning douche to remove damage and the evil eye

If in the morning the child complains of feeling unwell, then before the doctor arrives, you can help him (of course, if the reason is damage or the evil eye).

Take 1 tablespoon dried chamomile, 1 tablespoon dried mint, 1 teaspoon dried marigold. Mix the herbs, pour them with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Pour warm water into a jug, add the strained infusion to it and read the plot over it:

As you, mother key water, washed away from the steep banks, from the yellow sands, so wash and rinse from the baby slave (name) all the lessons, prizes, sorrows and illnesses, dear relatives, thin people, wash and rinse twelve relatives, twelve thin people, death-bearers , helicopter carriers, ulcers, no matter what the name is, no thinness, no fruit, no root, no growth.

Mother, the most pure river, you wash, rinse the steep banks, so wash-rinse from the baby slave (name) pinches, aches, hits, inflows and windy disturbances. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Pour the child with this water.

A conspiracy on a woolen thread to protect against the evil eye and illness of a young mother and baby

If you are going with a small child somewhere in a crowded place, on the evening before, prepare yourself protection from damage and the evil eye. Take the icon of the Mother of God and the Savior, put them on the table, light three red candles next to each other, and put two woolen threads in front of the icons. Cross yourself and read the plot:

Mother Most Pure Blessed Virgin Mary, as you gave birth to Jesus Christ, swaddled in swaddling clothes, curled in silk belts, so close, protect the servants of God (names) from lessons, from prize-winners, from tricks, from influx, from windy commotions, from pinching, yawning, from a violent head, from clear eyes, from a white body, from black eyebrows, from the lungs, from the liver, from the entire female and child body, from a single, from a two-married, from a three-married, from a black, from a red, from a red, from a girl - simple hairs. Which teacher taught me, which words I didn’t finish, be my words strong, molding, stronger than stone, blue fire, damask knife, I will conclude forever, from now on, from age to age, so that there is no belching forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Blow out the candles, and leave the threads overnight in front of the icons. In the morning, tie them to yourself and the child on the right wrist.

A conspiracy for warm boiled water to protect the child from spoilage

In the evening, in the cup from which the child usually drinks, pour boiled water and throw in a pinch of salt. Cross the water and read the conspiracy three times over it:

A wolf in the forest, and a month in the sky, they don’t go in a bunch, don’t fight. From the goose water, from (name) all the thinness.

Leave the water on the windowsill at night, and wash the child with it in the morning.

Conspiracy on water spilled through the ring

In the morning, when you wash your child, scoop up water and pour it through your ring into his palms. And read the plot nine times:

Like water from a ring, so with (name) all thinness.


You can save a child from frequent headaches like this: with well-dried sandy cumin (immortelle, Helichrysum arenarium D. C.), which is often called “Bogorodskaya grass” or “gray flower”, you need to fill a pillowcase made of natural linen and offer the child at night as a pillow. In the morning, shake the grass out of the pillowcase, prepare a decoction from it and pour over the child's head in the evening, after bathing. Well helps with this disease and washing the head with a decoction of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.).

Sleep conspiracy

This conspiracy helps to remove damage and protect the child from the evil eye. A mother or grandmother should read it over the child's bed when he falls asleep.

I went, a servant of God, (name), I went, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, to the ocean-sea, the Church stands by the ocean-sea, there is a throne, there is a golden robe on the throne, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, seventy seven apostles, help, help the servant of God (name) from a white body, from a zealous heart, so that the bones do not break, the veins do not pinch, from a red hernia, from an internal hernia, from fear.

Lessons, prize-winners, daytime troubles, nocturnal neprosshishshschi, stingy, lomotischsche, thin, relatives, from a white (name) face, from a black eye, from a white eye, from a girl of an idler, from a woman of a cigarette, from an oncoming-transverse, from a sorcerer, from sorceresses who tame, look after, let him swallow a sharp knife, turn his tongue, let hot blood pass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Cross the child three times.

How to identify and remove damage and the evil eye in adults

Rite-amulet with a pin to detect damage and the evil eye

In order to protect yourself from the evil eye, use an old remedy - a pin. Take a small clay cup and pour coarse salt into it - table or sea salt. Bury an ordinary safety pin in salt and place the cup overnight in front of the icon of the saint bearing your name. In the morning, pin the pin on the inside of your clothes so that it is not visible to others. Remember that the pin should be perpendicular to the ground. Having pinned a pin, read the old conspiracy three times:

Lord God, save me on the road, from unkind people, from an evil eye, and from a bad word. Amen, amen, amen.

In the evening, look at the pin, if you have lost it or it is undone, this means that you have damage or the evil eye, which you need to quickly get rid of.

Detection of the evil eye with coal

There is another way to find out if everything is fine with your subtle body. So you won’t detect damage caused by an experienced sorcerer, but you will accurately identify the accidental evil eye. If you suddenly feel unwell - your head begins to spin or weakness, take a cup of warm water, cross the water and yourself three times, each time repeating "Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, all the saints of God, have mercy on us!"

Throw hot coal into the water and read the plot:

Voditsa-voditsa, holy sister. I didn’t recruit you, the Most Holy Theotokos herself recruited you, wash our Christian family, and remove the evil eye and damage. It’s not me who washes, it’s not me who washes away, the Mother of God washes away, everything that is thought, and thought, and let loose and narrowed - you won’t be here, you won’t live here, you won’t destroy the servant of God (name). Amen.

Watch closely the coal and your condition - if the coal is spinning in the water and does not immediately sink, and if you suddenly start to yawn, you are sleepy, dizzy, or hiccups attacked - this means that you have an evil eye, and you need to take off as soon as possible.

We remove the evil eye with a raw egg

To perform this ancient rite, you will need an assistant - a woman older than you, preferably your close relative or friend.

Put the icons of the Virgin and the Savior on the table and put a raw egg in front of them, put a glass glass half filled with water, a wooden stick and a sheet of white paper. Cross yourself three times in front of the icons.

Sit on a chair facing the icons, and the assistant should take the egg and start rolling it around on your head. You should start the movement from the top of the head and move in a spiral, passing along the back of the head, back up again. In this case, the egg should not come off the skin. Having made nine runs, you need to roll the egg from the back of the neck and further along the spine up and down also nine times. Then roll in a spiral nine times on each arm and leg. Make sure that the egg does not come off the body!

Then you should break the egg into a glass of water, and crush the shell in your hand and throw it on a piece of paper.

With a stick, shake the egg in a glass, saying over it:

Lord, deliver me from filth and impurity, so that nothing remains in me but the goodness of Thy truth and Thy holy power! Amen.

Pour the water with the egg into the sewer, roll up the paper with the shell, burn it on the ground and bury the rest.

Wash your hands up to the elbow in running water.

A conspiracy for salt to remove damage and the evil eye, read on the full moon

This conspiracy is very strong - it helps to remove the most difficult damage, but you can read it only once a month - on the night of the full moon.

Sprinkle a thin layer of salt in a flat bowl. Place three candles around the bowl and light them. Place your left hand on the salt, cross yourself three times with your right hand and read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become, the servant of God (name), I will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, on the path of God, on the works of the Lord, from the door of the house, from the gate to the open field. As in the open field Okiyan-Holy blue sea; in Okiyana-Holy blue sea there is a Zlatar stone. As in that Zlatar stone there is a golden chair, on a golden chair sits St. Mary; Saint Mary is holding golden scissors; she, holy Mary, circumcise, and the Holy Spirit shears off the servant of God (name) prikos, prizes, lessons, glass and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, a pinch and other internal illness; bone and alluvial hernia, and peritoneal hernia; heart hernia, dashing damage, deafness, hiccups, talker, lingering, yawning and laughing - from the bones, from the brain, from the eyes, from the eyelashes, from the face, from the zealous heart, from the black liver, from hot blood, from the back joints, from subarticular from the veins, from the arms, from the legs, from everything I will become. From the servant of God (name), holy Mary, remove damage and mowing, prizes, glass and morning lessons, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight - on dark forests and dry forests, on mosses and swamps, and on rotten decks, on she puts it on the recumbent vyskiry, she herself says: how can those rotten decks and lying vyskiry so not be green, on the servant of God (name), not be parables and corruption, prizes and mowing, and lessons, glass and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight , witchcraft and sorcery from now on and forever, the servant of God (name) has been speaking for a century, the Most Pure Mother of God, the Altar Mother of God. Amen.

At night, leave a bowl of salt on the windowsill, do not close the curtains. The next evening, fill a basin or bucket with water and throw in three pinches of salt. Stir and pour over after a shower or bath. Do this until the salt runs out.

An ancient conspiracy to remove damage and the evil eye on water from a spring

Bring water from a stream or spring into the house, collecting water, read a conspiracy over it:

Voditsa Stepanida, the dawn of Solomonides, the land of Levanid, the well of Jacob! Bless, Father Jacob, to collect water for the servant of God (name) on a toast, on a silushka, on a vein! At the well of Jacob sat the wife of the Samaritan woman, she poured water, (name) gave drink. The Lord gave the Samaritan woman a drink, and you, (name), will give you a drink, heal, and bring you to grace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Carry water home in a closed bottle where no one can see it, and don't say a word to anyone along the way. At home, put the bottle at night in front of the icons of the Savior and the Virgin, and from the next morning drink water three times a day, three sips.

Evening conspiracy to remove damage

Before going to bed, go to the window, if the weather allows - open it (or at least a window), cross yourself three times and read the plot:

Oh my God! Have mercy on me and save, Thy servant (name). As the evening dawn divorced and flares up, and soon goes out; in the same way, I, your servant (name), got lessons and manakos, prizes and slanders, sorrows and illnesses and windy fractures, relatives and fevers, fall, fall, everything would go out. It came from the wind, it goes to the wind, and what came from people will go to people; where it came from, go there. Lord have mercy and bless. Amen.

Go to bed and don't talk to anyone else.

Ritual with river sand to remove damage and the evil eye

Bring three full handfuls of sand from the river bank and pour it into a sieve. Place a deep bowl under the sieve. Pour water into a clay cup and pour it into a sieve with sand. While pouring - read this conspiracy:

Lord, God! Bless me, your servant (name), Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Holy Trinity Life-Giving, and George the Passion-Bearer! I cover myself, the servant of God (name), heaven, gird myself in shells, gird myself with weapons. I covered myself, the servant of God (name), heaven from all sorts of dashing people and adversaries; against me, the servant of God (name), the sun, over my head is a month, my star is in heaven. You have tied up in this world in the free seventy princes of Hellenic, so you will also bind our dashing people and adversaries, sorcerers and sorcerers, sorcerers and sorcerers, little things and little things, sorcerers and sorcerers, stricken and comprehensible, dokhturs and dokhturits, blacks and yellows, and Samoyeds, and Samoyeds, and monks, elders and old women, schemniks and schemnists, priests and priests, deacons and deaconesses, deacons and deacons, sextons and sextons, blacksmiths and blacksmith wives, polniki and foresters, and zaleshnikov, fishermen , merry men and wives, and mekhonosh, and my sweat and my thought, old and young, and all kinds of dashing people, and all dashing hot blood. And neither water nor dew can fill those words of mine, nor moisten them with rain. Amen. My words are the key and the lock, and the whole fortress of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

Wash yourself with water from a bowl three times, and throw the sand on the ground.

A conspiracy to remove spoilage and the evil eye on water, salt and clay

Bring home water from a river or spring, pour it into a clear bowl or plates, and place it in the middle of the table. Turn off the lights and light five red candles. Prepare a handful of salt and a handful of dark clay (you can take cosmetic).

Pour clay or salt into the water with a pinch with your left hand, and stir with your right hand and read the following plot:

I’ll torture, salt, blacken the water, I speak the servant of God (name) from drifts, from drifts, from far-fetched, from fortune-telling, blown by the wind, from a whirlwind man, from a bald grandfather, from a Kyiv witch, from an evil eye. Dawn-dawn, it rises to heaven and goes out at night, so it would rise and go out from the servant of God (name) disease and corruption, all kinds of sickness and black sorrow. As fire is knocked out of black stone, gray flint, so would all sorrows, all drifts, drifts, far-fetched, loosened, guessed, planted out, thrown out, carried away to where people do not live, dogs do not bresh the birds don't sing. My word is strong, locked with seven locks, my tongue is the key. Amen.

Wash your hands and feet with this water, then rinse with running water.

A conspiracy to water from three sources to remove the evil eye

For this ceremony, you need to collect water in three different bottles from three different sources - a well, a spring, a river. If you can’t do this in any way, then collect tap water in three different houses (but not in your own).

End of introductory segment.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Vanga. Conspiracies for health (Angelina Makova, 2010) provided by our book partner -

Current page: 1 (total book has 9 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]

Angelina Makova
Vanga: conspiracies for health

How the great Vanga healed various diseases

More than six months have passed since my first book about Vanga, which I wrote after returning from a trip to Bulgaria, was published. For those who have not read it, I will briefly talk about my acquaintance with the Bulgarian Bogdana Stoyanovna, who was lucky enough to receive a blessing from Vanga to help other people.

At that time, I was going through a rather difficult period in my life, so I decided to be alone for a while, to change the situation.

When one of the employees told me about the possibility of a vacation in Bulgaria in the house of a hospitable woman with the wonderful name of Bogdan (by the way, she spoke excellent Russian, since her grandmother was our compatriot), I realized that this is exactly what I need now. .

The mistress of the house turned out to be a truly amazing woman: in her youth she worked at the Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology, which closely studied the activities of the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga. And, although the employees of the institute were strictly forbidden to communicate with the clairvoyant and should only talk with those who came to her for advice and help, Bogdana Stoyanovna was lucky to meet Vanga face to face.

The soothsayer herself called the girl to her to bless her to help people find happiness. Bogdana Stoyanovna was the keeper of handwritten notebooks with conspiracies. Vanga found out about this and noted the conspiracies, calling them a strong means of happiness and good luck, protecting from all troubles and misfortunes.

Bogdana Stoyanovna helped me find the right conspiracies that changed my life, returned happiness and peace to my family. Seeing what a wonderful means to achieve happiness the conspiracies blessed by Vanga herself, I suggested that my Bulgarian friend write a book about them. Bogdana Stoyanovna happily agreed - after all, it was to help people that the great soothsayer called her to her.

It is clear that after that in our family the attitude towards Vanga was special - her image did not let me go, more and more often in my thoughts I returned to the wonderful story of her life.

One day my sister brought a fresh issue of a popular magazine and handed it to me with the words:

- Look, it will be interesting for you, a lot has been written about Vanga.

Indeed, the article for several spreads was devoted to the Bulgarian clairvoyant. I read it with interest from the first to the last line. After those days in Bulgaria visiting Bogdana Stoyanovna, after her evening stories about the life of Vanga, full of miracles, after my work on a book of advice from a soothsayer, it sometimes seemed to me that I knew her personally - such a vivid image rose before my inner gaze. Therefore, as soon as I heard the mention of her name somewhere or stumbled upon lines about her, I began to listen and read with special attention.

In the article that my sister brought me, much concerning the fate of Vanga was stated, in my opinion, not quite right. Some events, a detailed account of which I heard from Bogdana, the author somehow changed or embellished, frankly added something.

In general, the article was devoted not so much to Vanga's predictions (which has become fashionable in recent years), but to the miraculous healings that happened to people who turned to her for help. True stories have already been told here - some I myself heard from Bogdana Stoyanovna and remembered them very well. Most of all I remember the story of Todor and Tsvetana, Bogdana Stoyanovna's acquaintances, who, on her advice, went to Vanga for help.

Tsvetana and Todor were from Sofia. Their marriage could rightfully be called happy - they lived in perfect harmony for more than twenty years, raised two children, and now, when the son and daughter began their adult lives, the couple realized that their warmth and love would be enough for one more child . Of course, it was already too late for them to think about their own, and they decided to adopt an orphan.

When they came to get acquainted with their new son, he did not go out to them alone - he led his younger sister by the hand. The girl clung to her brother with a stranglehold and was not going to part with him. Todor and Tsvetana did not think for a long time - they took both children to their house, fortunately - prosperity allowed them.

However, anxiety settled in this house from the very first days - the children, according to the doctors, were healthy, but slept very poorly at night - they rushed about, cried in their sleep, woke up screaming, they had to call an ambulance twice, because convulsions began. Doctors could not make an accurate diagnosis, but most often the terrible word “epilepsy” sounded. And although there was no final clarity, in order to prevent convulsions, the children were prescribed strong drugs. And then Todor heard about Vanga, about her gift to heal various, even the most strange and serious illnesses. The couple decided to try their luck and went to her in Petrich.

We arrived, stood in a huge queue along with other suffering people. They prepared for a long wait, but then Vanga's assistant came out of the house and went straight to them, saying that the clairvoyant was waiting for them. This often happened, Vanga asked to bring people from the queue to her, as a rule, they were seriously ill or in terrible danger. The couple were a little surprised that they were chosen from the crowd, brought to Vanga, so to speak, out of turn. But Vanga, as soon as they crossed the threshold of the room, immediately said that giving an orphan happiness, giving him a family is a great boon (and Vanga herself had adopted children), so she always tries to help those who did this in the first place.

Looking at the kids, Vanga said only one phrase: "Bath them in the morning dew." This ended the visit. Todor and Tsvetana did everything as the great Vanga ordered, and the disease immediately disappeared.

Bogdana Stoyanovna told me then that the clairvoyant, even in her early childhood, was very fond of playing “healer” with her friends - endowed with an amazing instinct, she collected special herbs for each “sick”. Later, her talent as a healer manifested itself in full force - in a dream she saw herbs that saved the lives of even hopelessly ill people.

During the Second World War, the fame of Vanga spread far beyond the borders of her native village - she not only gave people comfort and hope, talking about the fate of their loved ones, but also helped to cope with a variety of ailments. In those times of devastation and famine, when medicines were barely enough to treat the wounded, the clairvoyant taught everyone who turned to her how to use the riches that nature so generously bestows on us for recovery. Every word of Vanga was reinforced by her belief that Nature would never allow the extinction of life on earth.

Many women, already desperate to have children, came to her for help. To those whom she could help, Vanga advised herbs or said where in which hospital they would find a good doctor. During her life, the clairvoyant became the godmother for more than five thousand children.

However, Vanga never promised healing to those for whom it was not possible. She advised women who were not destined to give birth to adopt children. One glance was enough for her to point to the right recipe, procedure.

"For every disease there is a herb!" the clairvoyant said.

At the same time, Vanga never denied official medicine and was always happy to learn that scientists had found a new remedy for curing some serious illness, and predicted many more such discoveries in the future.

“The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains!” she said.

The soothsayer never set her patients against doctors, and many famous figures in medicine of the twentieth century considered it an honor to talk with a blind healer. However, she always warned against excessive and thoughtless passion for chemical preparations, since, in her words, "drugs close the gate through which, through the use of herbs, nature can enter a diseased organism."

One day, a doctor came to consult with a clairvoyant, who was treating according to a new method for those times - he practiced acupuncture. The soothsayer approved of this, but said that he would achieve real success only when he replaced the metal needles with clay ones, as in ancient times. At the same time, she advised to warm up the needles before inserting into the skin with the help of live fire, and not electricity - otherwise the electricity that is in the human body will increase and interfere with the healing effect on biologically active points.

The young doctor was surprised - after all, this would be a step back! However, Vanga advised him to carefully look around: “ Everything is coming back!" - she said.

It was these words of the clairvoyant, transmitted to Bogdana by that doctor, that first made her think about what treasure she had inherited from her Russian grandmother. “Is it not the words of ancient conspiracies that will become the means that can bring people happiness and health?” the girl thought.

And so it happened - Vanga herself pointed to the treasured notebook, with which Bogdana did not part day or night, and she herself noted those conspiracies that should have been used in different life situations.

The article seemed to stir up all these memories in me. And I thought: but in my book on happiness, I gave very little space to diseases. Meanwhile, health is the main asset of every person. There will be no health - and no career, no money will be a joy, and relationships with loved ones suffer when the fight against illness takes all your strength. So - no matter how you turn it, everything depends on health.

It is clear that not always a person can cope with the disease himself - he needs help. Medical, and sometimes of a different kind. The one for which people from all over the world went to the Bulgarian soothsayer.

Thinking about this, I decided to consult with Bogdana Stoyanovna and wrote her a letter. Fortunately, e-mail allows you to instantly contact a person anywhere in the world - the answer from my Bulgarian girlfriend came the same evening.

Bogdana wrote that she was glad to receive my letter, because she herself had long been thinking about how to help the suffering. After all, it was not in vain that Vanga pointed to conspiracies, she said that many of them would restore people's health. In that old notebook with conspiracies, which Vanga herself once held in her hands, dozens of pages were specially noted by the clairvoyant - it was on them that there were words that could give people health and long life.

From these cherished pages, I compiled a new book, and Bogdana Stoyanovna supplemented it with her memoirs in Vanga, about how she treated people. Maybe these tips will be in favor of someone who picks up a book.

What will you find in my second book

The ancient conspiracies of Russian healers are the treasure that was brought by Bogdana to Bulgaria, and now, with the blessing of Vanga, has returned to her homeland. Each word in them is worth its weight in gold, because it has been tested for centuries. From mouth to mouth, their hereditary Russian healers passed them on to their successors, and from year to year they carried these words and rituals to people deliverance from a variety of ailments.

At the very beginning of the book - the story of Bogdana Stoyanovna about damage and the evil eye, which often become the causes of illness. Everything that she learned from her grandmother healer at one time - and how to detect damage in a child or an adult, how to remove it and how to protect yourself from the evil eye.

After there are strong maternal conspiracies that help from various childhood diseases. And of course, the largest part of the book will be devoted to conspiracies for the treatment of adults and maintaining good health. From a variety of ailments, the ancient healers had conspiracies.

Recipes of the great Vanga

But that's not all you'll find in the book. Bogdana Stoyanovna had another, special notebook, the one in which she personally wrote down the remedies and recipes she heard from people healed by Vanga. For every disease, the soothsayer had a remedy. I will post these as well. Although at first glance, many of them seem very unusual, complex. I even hesitated whether to put them in a book, but in time I remembered that they allowed many people to save life and health. Therefore, despite the fact that exotic ingredients are often found in them, I myself did not dare to change a word and cite them in this book in their original form.

I understand that not all of them are easy to implement, although most of the recipes are very simple. But I didn’t specifically sort, select easy-to-prepare products. Who knows - maybe among the most unusual recipes you will find the one that is right for you. And you yourself can replace some unusual components with analogues that are more accessible in our time and in our country. For example, Vanga often advises using rakia, a fruit vodka that is traditionally made in the Balkans, but you can use regular vodka or diluted medical alcohol instead.

I tested some of the recipes myself, others, on my advice, were tried by relatives and friends. The results were good. But of course, we could not check all the recipes and tips. About what I you honestly also warn. What for? And then, that these recipes were not heard personally from Vanga, but through the people who turned to her, sometimes they came to Bogdana through third, fourth hands. Maybe there's a mistake somewhere, an inaccuracy. Therefore, take the recipes thoughtfully, do not experiment unnecessarily, and remember that Vanga herself, with any serious illness, sent to the doctors for treatment - she considered conspiracies and old recipes for herbal preparations not the only possible way to cure. So you, first go to the doctor, consult, and only then take up treatment. A conspiracy will help you. The conspiracy word increases the effect of any drug many times over, and the healing time is noticeably reduced.

You can apply a conspiracy when it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, but as soon as this opportunity appears, immediately consult a doctor. Consult your doctor about the remedies that Vanga recommends for a particular disease, especially those based on the use of medicinal plants - after all, it is possible that you may have some contraindications. But if the doctor does not object to such treatment, use it boldly.

Do not forget about this, and you will be able to keep your health strong for many, many years.

What, according to the great Vanga, interferes with our health

live right

My Bulgarian interlocutor told me that Vanga, who always sympathized with people in trouble, had a very negative attitude towards those who made themselves sick with bad habits - drinking, smoking, gluttony. Such a person she could scold quite sharply and send home.

At the same time, the public position and fame of the visitor did not matter to the clairvoyant. She could scold both the famous politician and the poet for an unworthy lifestyle.

Do not overeat, do not eat fatty foods and limit the consumption of meat.

Do not smoke.

Remember to be in moderation when drinking alcohol. Those people who have no contraindications can drink 20–30 g of good vodka before dinner, and best of all, homemade Bulgarian rakia.

Eat white foods.

Drink infusion of Ivan-tea.

There is bread made from rye flour.

Drink as much clean water as possible.

At least once a week there are boiled grains of wheat.

Move and work more, cultivating love for work in your children.

Go to bed no later than 10 pm and get up at 5-6 am.

Often wash in running water, pour over your body with infusions and decoctions of herbs.

Keep calm

The soothsayer attached great importance to the mental health of a person - after all, fears, anxieties and longing can not only lead to illness, but are in themselves painful conditions. And even then, Vanga knew what has been talked about a lot in medical circles in recent years, that diseases such as psoriasis, diabetes, and even leukemia often appear as a result of severe fear or stress experienced by a person once.

Vanga condemned the neglect of marital relations or parental duty - she believed that this not only destroys the human soul, but also harms physical health.

Once a beautiful young woman came to the soothsayer, asking for advice for her friend, she wanted Vanga to recommend a doctor for him. The clairvoyant, however, severely reprimanded the woman - she should not worry about her “friend”, but about her lawful spouse, not bake about her dishonest “love”, but keep peace and tranquility in the family. Otherwise, she will not only destroy her life, but also lose her health.

Take medicine from nature

The clairvoyant retained her love for plants from childhood for life. After seeing off the last visitor, Vanga often went to the garden, where she spent hours communicating with plants - stroking their flowers and leaves. Her flair when choosing natural medicines was unmistakable - each person received from her his own recipe for getting rid of the disease.

And most often, in order to get rid of the disease and the general improvement of the body, Vanga advised not only to drink infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, but also to pour them over. In her opinion, it is in this way - through the skin - that they have the most effective effect on a person.

The second, according to Vanga, the way to get the most out of plants is to walk on the morning dew. You can just walk barefoot on the grass, you can spread a clean cloth that absorbs dew, then wipe yourself with it. Vanga believed that in the early morning, at dawn, all medicinal plants emit a lot of substances that are beneficial to human health, and you need to have time to take advantage of this.

Health conspiracies pointed out by Vanga

Evil eye and spoilage - the causes of various diseases
What is damage and evil eye

Vanga often told her visitors that in addition to the physical body, a person has another body, invisible to the eye: “ With death, only the human body dies, not the soul.”- and it is at this subtle level that a person who is struck by someone’s damage or evil eye suffers first of all.

As the human body has an immune system - reliable protection against harmful alien invasion, so the invisible human body is equipped with energy protection, a kind of cocoon that protects it from intrusions of negative energy from outside.

However, some people have the ability to penetrate this energy shell and interfere with that secret life of a person, which is usually hidden from view. A healer endowed with such abilities works miracles, healing hopelessly ill people who were abandoned by doctors - because he can see the true cause of their illness - a violation in the normal operation of the human energy spiritual body.

However, an unkind person who has received or developed such abilities in himself can cause many troubles to those around him. It is these abilities that become the causes of such phenomena as the evil eye and damage.

What damage or evil eye can lead to

An ill-wisher can harm a person on a physical level - push him or hit him, but, most likely, he will immediately receive a rebuff, and the damage will not be significant.

But it is a completely different matter if anger boils in someone who is endowed with the ability to "strike" at the energy level.

His actions are not obvious to others - when conducting a serious witchcraft rite for damage, one does not need to be present directly next to the victim, and a person who is not even aware of his abilities can jinx - an evil thought flashed, cast a sidelong glance, fleetingly wished the unkind passerby ...

But the harm from such an impact is much more tangible - violations at a subtle level very quickly affect the physical condition of a person - after all, his external and energy bodies exist in close relationship.

As a rule, the evil eye is manifested by a slight malaise - headache, runny nose, hiccups, indigestion. Often after a few hours or days everything returns to normal. However, in a person whose energy or physical protection is weakened, in a small child, a woman during "critical days" or in a future mother, even the evil eye can lead to a severe deterioration in well-being. Therefore, it must be identified and removed.

If they can jinx it by accident - and this happens most often, then damage is always directed purposefully. Therefore, it destroys health much more. Therefore, before undertaking the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to eliminate its cause - to remove damage. For this, there are special conspiracies that have been tested for centuries. And it was Vanga who first of all pointed out to them: “This is the first. Don’t forget,” she said to Bogdana when she saw, among other conspiracies, those that remove damage and the evil eye. Fulfilling Vanga's testament, I also begin my book with them. And above all, with those conspiracies that help reveal damage or the evil eye.

How to identify and remove damage and the evil eye in children

Conspiracy over water from damage

In order to find out if there is damage to a child, this method has long been used in Rus'. They took three hot charcoal (now you can burn a match and take its charred head), then one by one they threw it into a bowl of warm water. Over each ember, the words of the conspiracy were pronounced:

The first coal is from lessons, the second is from commotion, the third is for restless sleep and good health.

If all three coals immediately went under water, it means that the child was not jinxed - they were not spoiled, and with this water you can wash him three times to protect him from the evil eye.

If the coals begin to “dance” in the water, then this is a sure sign that someone bad wished the baby. To remove damage from it, you need to pour water into a flat bowl and read a plot over it. Water is best brought from a spring or well, at least a small amount. If this is not possible, take settled or filtered water - the one that can be used for drinking. Keep in mind: this conspiracy is female, it should be read by the mother, the grandmother of the child or the invited healer. Adult men should not be in the room at all at this time. Stirring the water with a silver spoon clockwise, read this plot over it:

I read the ancient-old word, I dissuade from the baby servant of God (name).

I will become a servant of God (the name of the mother, grandmother or healer), blessing, I will cross myself from door to door, from gate to gate in an open field, in a wide expanse. In an open field, in a wide expanse, Mother Holy Church stands, in this holy Church there is a golden throne, on this golden throne sits the Mother of the Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos with Angels, and with the Archangels, with all the power of God, with all the power of heaven. I will come closer, bow lower, cross myself three times and say:

Mother Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos, take away lessons and prizes, haste and turmoil from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows from the servant of God's baby (name). Protect him from the simple-haired girl, from the cigarette woman, from the oncoming-cross, from your joyful thoughts. To make everyone sick of him and get sick. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wash the child with this water three times, between washing it down the throat to the child, let's drink, throw the remaining water on the ground.

A conspiracy from the evil eye and corruption, which is read by putting the child to sleep

This conspiracy will help remove the damage if it has already been brought to the child, and will also protect him throughout the day from evil words and looks. When you put your son or daughter to bed (it doesn’t matter whether you rock in your arms or cover in a crib), then bend over the child and read such a conspiracy in a whisper.

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go crossing myself from door to door under mother dawn, under the red sun, under warm clouds, under curls of darkness, under the moon, under the whole sky of the Lord. Under warm clouds, under curly haze, under a blue sky, on green grass, and on golden sand, stands Mother Apostolic Church.

In this Church there is a throne, behind this throne sits the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, holding her Son Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Merciful. I, the servant of God (name), will go into this Church, blessed, cross myself, pray to God from and come closer to this throne, bow lower, powder from the desire of my zealous heart:

Be Mother Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Son of God, save and have mercy on the servant of God's baby (name). Take a golden ray, silver arrows, shoot you at the racket, at the retiza, at the snare, at the snare, right into the zealous heart, into the lungs, into the liver, pass their hot blood through the damask stone Shoot from the servant of God the baby (name) from the violent head all hits, tributaries, thin people.

Shoot from him all the lessons, prizes, sorrows, illnesses.

Shoot from him twelve relatives, twelve thin people, twelve deadly ulcers.

Shoot from his blond hair, blond eyebrows, from clear eyes, from scarlet buttocks, from arms, from legs, shoot from his violent head, from the lung, liver, from hot blood, from the whole body, from the skin, from the legs to the fingers, from fingers to nails, from nails to an open field, from an open field to the blue sea. I’ll lock my words with a lock, lock it with a key, go along the steep bank, throw the key to the bottom, grab the beluga pike, put it under the left rib. As spring water rolls in the blue sea, does not return, so sickness falls from the servant of God's baby (name), illnesses fall and do not return, dry and wither, wither, wither, finer than barley grain, finer than a grain of salt, dry day in the sun, night in month, at the end of all 24 hours. They would not have been from century to century. Amen.

This plot is very long, so you can not learn it by heart, but write it on a piece of paper (be sure to use your own hand!) And read from it.

A short protective conspiracy on water and salt from the evil eye

Take a lump of ordinary table salt, put it on your left palm. Read the following conspiracy over it three times:

Just as this salt does not grow, does not worry, does not deteriorate, does not look down, so the servant of God, the baby (name), does not grow up, do not worry, do not spoil, do not look down. Whoever taught me and undereducated me, spoke all the words, be all my words full, even, strong, sculpted, stronger than stone, better than a damask knife.

Cross the salt three times with your right hand and dissolve it in a glass of water. Moisten the fingers of the right hand collected in a pinch in water and draw crosses on the wrists, ankles, chest, forehead and cheeks of the child. Let him rinse his mouth with this water, and pour the remaining water outside.


In order for the child's body to be strong, the muscles strong, not sluggish, the great healer advised doing a massage with this remedy: take 400 g of honey and mix with 20 g of sulfur. After the massage, the child should be warm - he will sweat several times. Put him to bed with a good wrap.

Charmed water for bathing a child before bedtime

Such water helps to remove spoilage.

Bring three smooth pebbles from the river bank or from the forest. Wash them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Put them for a day in front of the icon of the saint whose name the child bears. In the evening, pour water into the baby's bath and lower three stones into it. Put the child in the water, wash him, take a ladle or mug, scoop up water from the bath and pour it on top. Read the plot:

Water-voditsa, mother of the Mother of God sister, you ran between steep banks, ran - did not stop, washed the foam, roots, yellow sands. So wash off, rinse from the servant of God's baby (name) daily lessons, nightly commotion, relatives are windy. It came from the wind - go to the wind. Water from the gogol, water from the gogol, and from you, the servant of God, the baby (name), all thinness. Water from a goose, water from a swan, and from you, servant of God, baby (name), all thinness. All the lessons, all the prizes, pinches, tatters, yawns. Amen.

A conspiracy from spoilage to water for washing a child

This conspiracy is read if the child needs to go where there will be many strangers. To protect it from the evil eye and spoilage, prepare the charmed water in a deep bowl of dark clay in the evening. Throw twelve coals into the water - according to the number of the apostles of Jesus Christ (you can take pieces of burnt matches) and twelve laurel leaves. Read the conspiracy three times over the water:

Just as no one hobbles embers and leaves, does not look after and does not spoil, so no one will cut down my baby (or child) (name), do not look after and do not spoil. Be, my words, strong and sculpting, stronger than damask stone. Tongue, key, teeth, lock. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Leave the water overnight on the windowsill, strain in the morning. Take nine tablespoons of charmed water, mix with regular water and wash the child with it nine times. Pour the remaining water at the end of the day into a bowl of plain water and pour over the child after an evening shower or bath.

A conspiracy over a sleeping child from damage to health

Read this conspiracy at the end of the day, especially if the child was in a crowded place. As soon as the baby falls asleep, sit next to his bed, light three church candles and read this plot three times:

Not by myself I am a servant of God (name), but with the Lord God, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, I speak, I speak. Morning dawn Tatyana, evening Maryana, yes Angels-Archangels, yes God's apostles, help, help. Nine living relatives, nine living wind blowers, what did you grab onto, either joyful, or envious, or daytime, or noon, or night, or midnight.

Nine living relatives, nine living wind blowers, come out, come out from the servant of God the baby (lad) (name), blow quietly, but fly lightly, from nails, from elbows, from veins, from sinuses, from a white body, from a zealous heart, with brown eyes, with black eyebrows, into an open field, into a wide expanse. Go, go, and sit there. There is no return to you, neither day nor night, neither winter nor summer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Cross the child three times and blow out the candles.

Conspiracy from an upset stomach

In the old days in Rus', the evil eye and spoilage, which caused diarrhea, nausea and other digestive disorders in a person, were called "chemer". Of course, before removing spoilage, you need to make sure that the child does not suffer from any intestinal infection. If doctors do not find the cause of poor health, then seek help from folk wisdom.

Bring water from a spring or well, and boil it just in case. Pour a little of this water into three clay cups. Take something from the child's clothes or bed linen, spread the item on the table and place the cups on it. Cross each cup and read the plot over it:

Hellebore, hellebore, come from the stomach, from the veins, joints, from the sides, from the stomach. Come out and go where you came from, into an open field in a wide expanse. You lead, my words, hello to dense forests, to effervescent swamps, to green grasses, to black mud, to mother to aspen, to the very top. Swing the aspen, let it blow in the wind, let the servant of God's baby sleep and rest and good health. Amen.
