Spells and rituals for diseases. Rare ancient spells for diseases

From our article you will learn what words you can use to speak holy water so that it heals and protects.

For many of us, water is just a source of quenching thirst. And, probably, only a few people know that it can heal diseases, protect against negative energy and calm the soul. Of course, not all water has all these properties. In order for it to become life-giving, a church ritual must be performed over it. In view of this, if you want to stock up on holy water, then do it on Epiphany.

On this day, absolutely all liquid on our earth becomes healing. In addition, the priests strengthen her with their prayer, removing from her all the bad things that she has accumulated over the past year. With holy water you can perform various rituals that will help you restore health, attract good luck or get rid of bad habits. We will talk about how to do this correctly in our article.

Prayer for healing before taking holy water: text

Text of prayer for healing

As you probably already understood, holy water can save a person from many diseases. But in order for it to be able to expel illness from your body, you need to properly prepare your body for its use. This must be done, of course, with the help of Christian prayer. Before you take holy water, you must read a certain prayer over it three times.

By doing this you will cleanse your soul and further enhance the healing properties of water. It is best to read such a prayer in front of the images, placing in front of you a glass filled with life-giving liquid. After reading the prayer, cross yourself three times, bow low to the images and slowly drink the holy water. During this process, try not to be distracted by worldly problems and worries and think only that now a liquid will enter your body that will expel the disease from you.

What does the full moon spell for holy water give?

Full moon spell

Everyone knows that the moon has quite strong energy. It has the strongest effect on water. And since the human body consists of almost 80% liquid, then on a full moon this celestial body simply begins to control our actions and thoughts. And that is why water charmed on the full moon has even greater healing and life-giving properties.

If you read a spell over it, and then place it on the window so that moonlight falls on it all the time, then the next day you will receive a liquid so energetically strong that you can solve almost any problem with its help. But still know that the power of the enchanted water will begin to decrease as the moon wanes. Therefore, it is advisable to use the liquid charmed on the full moon literally 2-3 days in advance.

Prayer for washing with holy water against the evil eye

Prayer when washing with holy water

Unfortunately, a person is not at all protected from the envy of others. The most unpleasant thing is that we may not even notice the negativity coming from another person, and we will quite calmly continue to communicate with him. And the closer our spiritual contact is, the greater the portion of negativity our body and soul will receive. If you begin to feel some kind of incomprehensible anxiety around a certain person, then it is likely that he has jinxed you. Holy water will help you get rid of this problem and protect yourself from the repeated evil eye.

If you wash your face with it before each time you leave the house, then no negativity can have even the slightest impact on you. Start washing your face with your eyes and then move on to your cheeks, chin and forehead. Wash yourself in a cross shape, as if drawing a church cross on your face. Accompany this entire process with the prayer given a little higher. If desired, you can repeat the procedure in the evening. This way you can get rid of the evil eye as quickly as possible.

Conspiracy against the evil eye on holy water and ritual

Conspiracy against the evil eye

Water has one feature that allows it to be used for certain rituals. Due to the fact that she absorbs information like a sponge, she can be talked into a specific action. If you want to get rid of the evil eye, then try the following ritual. First, take a herbal bath and then change into clean clothes. Pour holy water into a glass and cross it three times. Then stand in front of the icons and read the Lord’s Prayer. After these steps, you can proceed to charming the water.

While reading the plot, try to pronounce the name of the person who needs help as clearly as possible. When the water is charmed, give it to the person you asked to drink it. He should literally take three small sips and wash himself with the rest of the water. You need to wash your face the way we taught you at the beginning of our article. As soon as the ceremony is completed, return to the icons and thank God for his help.

Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water

Prayer for accepting the prosphora

You can buy a prosphora in a church shop, and then, after reading a prayer over it, give it to your family. According to generally accepted church rules, prosphora should be taken on an empty stomach. It is believed that under no circumstances should it come into contact with regular food as this will reduce all its beneficial qualities. It is washed down exclusively with holy water, so if you want to have the opportunity to take prosphora throughout the year, then try to stock up on it for Epiphany.

You must begin your prayer with a request for enlightenment of the mind, and only after that can you ask for the restoration of moral and physical strength. At the end of the prayer, be sure to ask the Almighty to deliver you from sinful temptations and guide you on the righteous path.

Holy water from three churches: for what?

The water from the three churches has very strong energy

Holy water from three churches is a strong enough amulet that can relieve the most serious illnesses, as well as restore peace of mind to a person. In the old days it was also called three-ring. As a rule, they stocked it up for great Christian holidays, for the Epiphany of the Lord or for Easter. You need to take it from those different churches at the end of the festive service, and at home pour it all into one container.

But in order for the water to be truly three-ringed, you will have to find three temples located very close to each other. It is believed that water acquires healing qualities if the church bells of one temple are heard in the other two. Therefore, if you need holy water from three churches, then go to some holy place where many temples can be located in a small area. In this case, you can get healing three-ring water without any problems.

Conspiracy to trade and sell holy water

Conspiracy to trade and sell

I would like to say right away that the church does not approve of a person’s desire to get rich. Therefore, if you still decide to carry out this ritual, then be sure to go to the temple before performing it and make a small donation there, or simply go out into the street and help someone in need. After this, you can return home and read the spell over holy water. But keep in mind that in order for the water to absorb the necessary energy, it must be collected in a new glass.

If you pour it into an old cup covered with cracks, you are unlikely to be able to send the right energetic message. After the plot has been read, wash your face and hands with this water and let them dry naturally. If you dry your skin with a towel immediately after washing, you will simply wipe away the energy of money.

Holy water spell for love

Love spell

Love conspiracies are best read on the waxing moon. If you do everything correctly, then as the circle of the moon increases, your loved one’s feelings for you will increase. Besides this, you must have the right inner attitude. This means that you must be completely focused on your feelings and with all your heart desire to be reunited with your loved one. To enhance the effect of the properties of water, you can tie a red ribbon around the glass or put it on a photo of your chosen one.

If you don't have a photo of him, then try to imagine his face all the time. Read the plot three times, then cross yourself and leave the glass for several hours in front of the images. You will need to drink the charmed water yourself and discreetly give it to the object of your adoration. Try adding it to tea or compote, but under no circumstances force him to drink it. He must drink the charmed water in a good mood, otherwise the ritual will not give you a positive result.

Conspiracy against illness using holy water

Conspiracy against diseases

As already mentioned at the beginning of our article, properly charmed water can relieve many diseases. People who have tried this method on themselves claim that regular use of such a healing remedy even saved them from chronic ailments.

In view of this, if you also want to drive out illnesses from your body with the help of holy water, then simply read the correct spell over it, and then take it internally or simply wash the sore spots with it. And of course, do not forget to pray to God every day and ask him for healing.

Holy water use treatment of female diseases

Conspiracy against female diseases

Holy water can help get rid of almost all female diseases. The best part is that it can be taken along with more traditional treatments without fear that it will harm the body even more. But in order for such treatment to be effective, certain rules must be followed. Before starting treatment, you must go to temple and repent of all your sins. You should also remember to pray to God every morning and evening and thank him for another day you have lived.

As soon as you feel that your soul has become calmer, start taking holy water. Drink it every morning on an empty stomach, after eating prosphora before that. Once in your stomach, these two products will literally immediately begin to fill your body with grace. You need to drink holy water until the disease completely disappears.

Conspiracy to work on holy water

Conspiracy to work

It is better to charm water for such a ritual during the period when the moon is growing. This time period is considered the best for attracting the necessary energy. You need to start chanting water on Saturday, because it is this day that helps people choose the right direction in life.

If for some reason you were unable to do this on Saturday, then perform the ritual on Wednesday. This day promotes rapid career growth and salary increases. It is best to start reading the plot with the first rays of the sun and this must be done as sincerely as possible.

Spell for holy water from fear

Conspiracy from fear

Young children, especially unbaptized ones, can be frightened by absolutely everything. A loud sound, a servant, or a barking dog can cause severe fright in children. The most unpleasant thing is that parents find out about this problem only when the baby goes to bed. Such children refuse to fall asleep and toss and turn and cry all the time. In view of this, if you do not want this problem to take you by surprise, then stock up on holy water and, if necessary, pray to it with a special prayer.

You can give this water to your baby to drink throughout the day or, if the baby is very small, wash him with it. Yes, and don’t say too much water at once. After all, although you perform the ritual over church water, the effect of the spell will begin to decrease after some time and you will have to prepare a new portion of the healing liquid. And since holy water cannot just be poured onto the street, it will be better if you pour out such an amount that you can use during the day.

Conspiracy for holy water from enemies

Conspiracy from enemies

This is how life works, but every person has his own personal enemy. Sometimes hostility arises literally out of nowhere and begins to quite poison people’s lives. If former friends or relatives cannot make peace, you need to look for a way to protect yourself from this negativity. As in all previous methods, enchanted holy water will help you do this.

As soon as you read the right words above her, she will immediately begin to put a barrier between you and the person who wishes you harm. And so that its protective properties are always with you, drink a couple of sips of this liquid before leaving the house. You can also use it to protect your home and car. To do this, you will simply need to recite the Lord's Prayer and then apply water in a cross pattern to the doors and windows of your property.

Holy water spell for drunkenness and alcoholism

Conspiracy against drunkenness

Drunkenness is considered a rather big sin, so if your loved one has such an addiction, then try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. To do this, take Epiphany water and read a prayer over it. Do all this in a peaceful environment without the presence of a person suffering from alcoholism. Pour water into a jar with an airtight lid, stand in front of the images, bend over it as low as possible and start whispering the words of the spell.

When saying the prayer, your lips should lightly touch the water. Read the plot three times, cross yourself and close the jar with a lid. Open it only when you are adding water to a sick person. If the charmed liquid runs out and your husband or brother does not recover, cast the next portion and continue adding it to food or drink.

Holy water spell for weight loss

Weight loss conspiracy

As you probably already understood, water can be used to get rid of various problems and ailments. But perhaps best of all, it helps fight excess weight. If you use it correctly and drink it regularly, your weight will gradually begin to decrease, and this process will occur with additional benefits for the body.

The enchanted water, getting inside a person, comes into close contact with all body fluids, thereby healing the entire body as a whole. In addition, holy water transfers the laid down program to our subconscious and the body gradually begins to lose extra pounds.

Conspiracies for holy water for pain

Conspiracy for pain

Headache is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that most often appears unexpectedly. Usually we fight this problem with pills and don’t even think about the harm they cause to our body. In view of this, if you want to get rid of headaches in a more useful way, then use holy water, preferably Epiphany water.

All you need to do in this case is simply speak to her with the spell, which is located a little higher. After you read the prayer, you only need to drink the liquid and lightly moisten your whiskey with it. If your faith in this folk remedy is very strong, then within an hour the headache will go away.

Holy water spell for money

Money plot

The symbol of money in nature is the moon, so it is best to charm water to attract finance during the full moon. You will need to spray your entire home with this water, especially the place where money is stored. This procedure must be repeated until a new moon appears in the sky.

From this moment you need to stop spraying and wait patiently for the result. If your financial situation has not improved, then on the full moon you will need to repeat the procedure again.

When do they draw crosses on their faces with holy water?

Sprinkling with holy water

Most often, crosses are drawn on the face with water on major church holidays. It is believed that holiday water has the most powerful energy, so if on this day you apply it crosswise on the face, the person will receive quite powerful protection.

Thanks to these invisible crosses, you will not be afraid of the evil eye, envy and simply human malice. Also, a cross on your face will help your soul avoid temptations that periodically appear in the life of every person.

Prayer for sprinkling a house with holy water

Prayer for sprinkling the house

If you wish, you can use holy water to rid your home of negative energy. To carry out this ritual you will need Epiphany water, a church candle and strong prayer. First, you will need to clean your home with a live candle flame. When this stage is completed, proceed to reading the prayer over the water. Read it at least 3 times, and then proceed to the process of sprinkling your house or apartment.

Try to sprinkle all rooms as thoroughly as possible, paying special attention to corners and storage areas. Since all the negative energy accumulates in these places, holy water must be applied here in two stages. First you will need to draw small crosses from bottom to top, and then seal them alone with a large one.

Video: Prayer. Cleansing the aura with prayers. Orthodox prayers

A serious illness can disrupt a person's life. If this is a mild ailment, then recovery takes place as soon as possible. But serious illnesses require long-term treatment. It can be accelerated if special magical rituals are performed in parallel with traditional treatment.

There are many magical rituals that differ in the method and purpose of their implementation, the action of which is aimed at healing a person and relieving pain. You need to read conspiracies for diseases in full confidence that such actions will help get rid of a certain health problem.

It is very important before performing the ritual to carefully study the recommendations for a specific ritual. If possible, it is better to first consult with a magician about how suitable this effect is for solving your health problem.

Almost all conspiracies against diseases, unless otherwise provided for in the ritual, are read during the waning moon. Such magical rituals can be used both for one’s own healing and for getting rid of illnesses of loved ones.

To cure women's ailments

It is a fact that women are more likely to use magic to get rid of illnesses. There is a powerful ritual that can speed up the healing of any female disease.

On the day chosen for the ritual, you should wake up at dawn and pour clean water into a half-liter jar. Then a silver cross is placed there. The jar must be left on the window. The next day you need to wake up early in the morning again. You need to tie a new scarf around your head and cross yourself three times. Next, you need to take a silver accessory from a jar of water and place it on the window. After which, the jar is picked up, and it is necessary to read the effective and well-known prayer “Our Father” three times, and then the prayer to St. Panteleimon.

After this, you should proceed to pronouncing these magic words:

“I, the Servant of God (name), say a strong word so that all my female ailments go into the damp earth and find a hole for themselves there. There you will sleep, walk and play and will never appear in the world. I order that you never come near me again. Leave me forever, don’t bother me day or night. Amen".

These words are pronounced six times. Then, placing the jar on the windowsill, you should spray yourself with the enchanted water. The remaining water must be drunk throughout the day; it is important to take breaks every three sips.

Ritual for skin diseases

As you know, skin diseases are very difficult to treat. Therefore, people often use magic for this.

In the ritual you will need to use a piece of red cloth or a red scarf. With this object you need to wipe the sore spots every evening before going to bed for twelve evenings.

During the procedure, the following magic words are spoken:

“I command, Servant of God (name) to be healed and get healthy, let night and day fight for you. Leave the skin disease behind the gate into the swampy swamps, into the dense forests. Look for your own court, there is your throne, and never return to me again. With a strong magical word, I cleanse my skin and drive away the sore, giving it to the deceased. My body is clean and beautiful now and forever. Amen".

On the thirteenth day, after lunch, you should go to the old cemetery, where burials are already prohibited. You should take with you a red rag or scarf that was used in the ritual.

There, standing at the gate, a magical spell is pronounced:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), stand on the threshold of a dead city. There are no living people here, but the dead are fast asleep. I, the Servant of God (my own name), remove the sore from my living body, and send it to you, the deceased, forever. I am sending you my terrible illness, take it away forever, hide it underground. Let the body become clean and white, and there will be no more sores on it. Amen".

When reciting the plot, a piece of red cloth must be held in your right hand and after finishing reciting the words you need to throw it towards the graves. Then you should very quickly leave the cemetery without looking back. You can't talk to anyone on the way home. Only after you wash your hands at home can you start talking.

There is a universal ritual that can be performed even if you need to speed up recovery from a common cold. But on the other hand, it is an effective aid in the treatment of serious diseases. The ritual is performed outdoors.

You need to approach a young tree, touch it with your hand and say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), am driving away from myself a painful and viscous illness. Let him reach for the trunk of this tree and move onto it. Let pain not plague me more than me, the Servant of God (my own name), but sharpen the wood. I gave away my illness, but took my health. Amen!"

If the ritual was a success, then you will soon recover, but, unfortunately, the tree will dry up. Try to buy a seedling and plant a new tree soon.

The human body is a delicate and fragile instrument. Violation of one of the functions most often results in health problems. What effective rituals and spells for diseases exist? Let's look at the most useful and working methods.

Features of Witchcraft

Magic is an integral part of ancient society. Our ancestors used rituals that helped get rid of both illnesses and negative influences. Even the most serious illnesses could be cured with the help of magic.

For spells and prayers to work, you need to know the rules of application and strictly follow the algorithm of actions. The texts that have reached us were formed hundreds of years ago and carry the concentrated energy of nature. During the ritual, the performer spends a lot of energy, so magicians do not advise seriously ill people to perform manipulations on their own.

A short fast is necessary for the ritual to be effective. For some time (from a day to a week), the healer abstains from animal food, alcohol and contacts with the opposite sex. Such restrictions accumulate maximum energy in the body, which will have a positive effect on the quality of the sacrament.

Any witchcraft remedy for health should be used for good. Adherents of black magic can promise instant healing, but retribution for their methods is inevitable. Often the cured person loses something very dear - loved ones, children or friends. The light versions also have “sacrifices,” but they are associated with giving alms to the weak.

Even the most powerful healing spell must be fulfilled on a certain day. Positive energy remedies are held exclusively on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Saturdays. In any other period, “recoding” occurs, as a result of which, instead of treatment, a curse can be placed on the patient.

For malaise

A mild cold is an unpleasant stress for the body. If the immune system is weak, then the very next day a serious illness is possible. We recommend not to wait for things to worsen, but to start treatment earlier.

At home, the ritual is performed in the evening, after the sun has set. The greatest effect is observed on the waning moon, although in the normal phase you can achieve good results. Before the ritual, they read the “Our Father” three times and wash themselves with holy water.

The candle is placed next to the patient and lit with a match. After the wax flows, it is collected, rolled into balls and given to the patient. Holding the raw materials tightly in his fists, the person pronounces the words of the conspiracy against illness three times.

“The day has passed, the evening has passed, the day ends - the disease does not return. My word is strong and strong! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After the last phrases are said, you need to go to bed. The wax will absorb all the negative energy that led to general malaise. In the morning, used raw materials should be thrown away outside the home. Pay attention to the surface of the material: the presence of black spots or many holes is a symptom of a directed magical attack.

Reporting an illness

If the cold has turned into an illness, then it is necessary to move on to more drastic measures. Ancient Slavic rituals for serious illnesses successfully influenced the energy shield surrounding a person. Natural forces of nature and elemental spirits were used.

In the morning, you need to remove the patient's T-shirt or nightgown in which he slept. It cannot be washed or subjected to any processing. They simply take their clothes and immediately go into an open field or forest. It is important that the performer is alone and no one distracts him.

Thin branches are placed in a cross on the ground and set on fire. You need to position yourself so that the wind does not carry the heat in your direction. The little thing is taken in both hands and held out over the rising smoke. The words of the spell are slowly repeated seven times.

“God walks across the earth, helps people, raises them from the grave. Raise, Lord, your son (daughter) (name) from his sick bed, save him from bodily torment and from death. Extend the earthly life. Amen."

Then they throw the clothes into the fire and wait until they are completely covered in flames. After that, they turn around sharply and quickly go home. The most important thing in the ritual is not to look back along the road and not to talk to anyone for the rest of the day. By evening the patient's condition will improve.

For exacerbations

In the modern world, many people suffer from chronic diseases that can “wake up” at the most inopportune moment. If the first signs of an impending illness appear, then we recommend using the ancient Slavic method. Before the ceremony, the prayers “Our Father” and “I Believe” must be read three times.

In the morning, without combing your hair, on an empty stomach, you need to leave the house and silently go to running water - a river or the sea. It is important to walk the road quickly, without looking back or answering questions. Approaching the pond, they make the sign of the cross three times, pronouncing the words of a spell to use water against illnesses.

“I draw water, dissuade, sentence. So that the illnesses would leave my body, they would dive into the water and not be able to get up. Stay at the deep bottom and forget about me. My words are strong, and God will help. Amen."

The more phrases are repeated, the more effective the result. Healers do not recommend reading spells from a piece of paper; it is better to memorize the text in advance. After the last word is spoken, they turn sharply and go home. On this day you need to take sick leave and not leave your home, and tomorrow the illness will begin to recede

For diseases of the digestive system

Improper nutrition often provokes the appearance of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To alleviate conditions and forget about unpleasant symptoms, it is better to use the experience of ancient magicians. The Slavs believed that through nature they could obtain the strongest regenerative power.

What is treated with witchcraft? The range of diseases is not as wide as in modern medical centers, but it has not changed for several hundred years. Most often, folk conspiracies are treated:

  • problems with the pancreas;
  • exacerbations of cholelithiasis;
  • liver diseases;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • discomfort in the esophagus.

For the ritual you need to find three thin splinters of aspen. You can chop natural wood from a log with your own hands. Place a church candle on the table, light a fire from a match, and take turns bringing thin sticks to the flame. Looking at the heat, they read the words of the conspiracy.

“Just as Judas lost his complexion at death, so I, the servant of God (name), will lose my illness. Let it be so! Amen."

Remember, each new splinter is lit only when the previous one has already burned out. After the ceremony, the remains of the tree are thrown into a container of water, and the candle is extinguished with your fingers. The liquid and cinders are poured in the evening outside under any plant. It is important that no one sees the actions and does not distract.

From serious illnesses

What to do if a loved one is sick with a serious illness? After the doctor arrives and prescribes a course of treatment, we recommend supplementing the therapy with magical remedies. Witchcraft operates on a subtle level and will not interfere with the work of medications.

We recommend performing the ritual in the open air in the morning. An even circle is laid out on the ground from small stones, inside which an improvised altar is installed - a stool or table. Wear loose clothing that will not restrict movement. You should get rid of all items that loop energy (belt, chain, bracelet).

You need to stand in a circle, turn your palms up and thank Mother Earth. Two green candles are lit on the altar. It is important that the flame must be produced by friction, so we recommend using a flint lighter. Two bowls of water are placed on either side of the altar.

By raising his hands, the performer asks for relief from illnesses for a specific person. After he feels an internal response, he takes containers of liquid one by one and brings them to his forehead. The blessing of moisture begins on the left side and ends with the right. They thank the Goddess and blow out the fire.

Water is poured into different vessels. The first liquid is necessary for washing the body, and the second is for internal use. Already at home, the patient’s face and palms are moistened, and then they are given three sips to drink.

For skin diseases

How to talk yourself out of sexually transmitted and skin diseases? The famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova advises using an ancient Slavic ritual. First, buy a rag or a large red scarf from the market. They don’t bargain with the seller, but leave the change.

The ritual begins in the waning moon phase. For twelve days, the sore spots are wiped with a scarlet cloth. During actions, be sure to pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

“As the month decreases, so the rash leaves the body of God’s servant (name) beyond the gate, to the deceased in the coffin. Amen."

On the thirteenth day, after lunch, you need to go to the old cemetery or part where burials are no longer carried out. They find the most abandoned graves, on which there are no visible signs of care. They approach them and complete the spell.

“I’m giving you the disease, take it, put it in a coffin and kill it. My body is now white and clean. Amen."

With the right hand they throw the red cloth away from themselves. After this, they turn sharply and leave the graveyard without looking back. On the way home you cannot talk to anyone, and the silence is broken after you have crossed the threshold of your home. Without taking off your shoes, wash your hands with running water. The next day they go to church service and give alms to the poor.

From childhood illnesses

How to help a frequently ill child? There are grandmothers' conspiracies that help strengthen the baby's natural defenses. This is especially true at the age of 7 years, when there is no developed immunity to magic. Often illnesses are a sign that they have been damaged or jinxed.

First of all, the child needs to tie a red woolen thread on his left wrist. This is a strong talisman that repels negative energy from the baby. The amulet must be created by the mother or a close blood relative. The edges are secured with a triple knot.

Pure spring water is poured into a transparent container, at the bottom of which any silver object is placed. Cover the top with a piece of paper and hide it in a dark place. A day later, the vessel is taken out, taken with both hands and the words of the prayer to Panteleimon the Healer are read seven times.

Give the child a teaspoon of charged water every three hours. By the way, the liquid can be added to the bathtub and sprayed on the corners of the room in which the baby sleeps. The threshold and window sill in the room are moistened with the enchanted moisture, and all handles are also wiped.

To prevent the disease from becoming more active after a while, we recommend repeating the ritual every month. Magical prevention and protection will strengthen your immune system and forget about constant illnesses. By the way, be sure to wash the silver item thoroughly before use.

For vision problems

Ancient rituals could also help with eye diseases. A very powerful ritual must be performed with an assistant. Our ancestors preferred to go to their grandmother, who was considered a white witch. Before the sacrament, the patient and the doctor fast for three days.

The procedure begins on the waning moon. It is believed that as the natural satellite of the planet decreases, the disease will leave the body. For eye ailments, you will need fresh chicken eggs with a light shell. Magicians advise not to buy a product at the market or in a store, but to find a reliable person in the private sector.

Treatment takes place in the evenings for seven days. The patient holds an element of witchcraft in his hands, and the performer reads the words of the prayer “I Believe” three times. Then the patient extends the product in his right hand to the assistant, who takes it with his left.

The healer carefully breaks the egg from the blunt end and pulls out the inner film. The wet side is placed on the diseased organ. While the fingers touch the eye, the person reads the words of the spell.

“Just as the Heavenly Father sees and touches everything, so the servant of God (name) receives his sight. Drive away all the devils and devils, let them take sickness and evil with them. Amen."

After covering your eyelids with chicken product, you should immediately go to bed. The covering is removed only in the morning, flushing the residue in the toilet. During the session, a separate egg will be needed for each diseased organ. It is forbidden to use the white and yolk left over from the ritual for any other purposes.

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Diseases of the spine, legs or joints can deprive a person of the ability to move. The danger of illnesses is that in the initial stage they proceed almost unnoticed, and then quickly become chronic. To heal a patient, you must use a magical remedy.

For the ritual you will need fresh birch branches. The Slavs considered the tree a standard of harmony and beauty, so any witchcraft for the legs and skeleton used parts of the plant. By the way, the strongest effect can be obtained from raw materials collected during Trinity Week. During this period, nature fills the greenery with natural strength and energy.

The branches are stacked in the form of a slide, and the top is “covered” with a cross. We recommend not saving material and collecting more greenery. They read “I Believe” three times, and then repeat the words of the prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara.

At the end of the ritual, you need to soak the wood in water from the church. Now the raw materials can be used as a broom in a bathhouse. If a steam bath is contraindicated for a person, then it is enough to lightly whip the sore areas of the legs and lower back in the shower. The more often you repeat the procedure, the faster the healing will occur.

By the way, for injuries and fractures on the waxing moon, they charge water with silver for 24 hours, and then speak with three repetitions of the prayers “Our Father” and the healer Panteleimon. Every four hours, wipe the sore areas of the legs and arms with the liquid. Healing will be much more effective.

For nervous ailments

During mental breakdowns and depression, life turns into torture both for the patient himself and for his loved ones. Constant “twisting” leads to the system being stretched like a string. This condition can develop into chronic insomnia or cause panic fears. What to do?

On the waning moon, our ancestors collected clean water in a non-metallic container, which they hid in a dark place. A day later, the vessel was taken out and prayers were read over it in the following order:

  • "I believe";
  • Saint Barbara;
  • Panteleimon the Healer.

Each text is repeated three times, after which the liquid is poured into another container. For a week, the corners in the patient’s room are sprinkled with water, and a handkerchief soaked in moisture is placed on the patient’s head. It is important that by the end of the ritual there is a little charged element left, which is poured over the threshold or out the window.

By the way, this ritual is indicated for Parkinson’s disease and mental disorders. “Compresses” from blessed water calm the nervous system and alleviate the symptoms of ailments. Remember that the presented remedy cannot completely cure diseases, but will make the patient’s condition more calm.

For problems with the urinary system

Illnesses make a person’s life not only less comfortable, but also dependent on medications. To help traditional medicine, we recommend supplementing basic therapy with folk magic. All actions must be carried out with an assistant during the waning moon.

“The earth doesn’t hurt, the sun doesn’t hurt, and the son (daughter) of God (name)’s kidneys didn’t hurt, didn’t ache, didn’t cry. Wash away the sore, take away the dark ailment. Amen."

They take the willow in their right hand and move it crosswise along the lower back in the place where the affected organ is. One course - three times a day for a week. You can take a break for seven days and repeat again.

For inflammation of the bladder, healers recommend taking spring or well water into a glass jar with silver at the bottom on the waxing moon. They recite the “Our Father” over the liquid three times, and then hide it in a dark place until the full moon. During this period, the patient should be laid on his back, wet his hand in moisture and move it over the sore spot. The course is continued for a week.

For thyroid diseases

With Graves' disease, life loses its charms and a person has to limit himself in many ways. In advanced conditions, doctors offer surgical intervention. To prevent illness from destroying the body, one must take advantage of the experience of ancient magic.

The ritual is performed at dawn, the period when natural forces accumulate. The patient wakes up before dawn and opens a window facing east. As soon as the first ray of light appears, they begin to read the words of the prayers “I Believe” and to the Holy Matrona of Moscow. The minimum number of repetitions is a multiple of 3, but experts advise increasing it to 21.

For diseases of the thyroid gland, you can use a towel to cure severe illness. To do this, purchase a new item of any color. On the evening before Christmas (January 6), place the component on the table, light a church candle next to it and read the prayer to Panteleimon the Healer three times. Now, when you wash, you need to use this thing.

By the way, enchanted objects can be charged both for yourself and for loved ones. In the latter case, you need to take “payment” (money or bread). Such magical protection will help to avoid transfer - transferring the disease from the patient to yourself. It is important that the giver does not feel sorry for the victim, otherwise the witchcraft will not work.

For reproductive system problems

Conspiracies for female diseases are the most popular in village magic. The presence of the slightest inflammation can reduce attempts to get pregnant to zero. Our ancestors used time-tested methods against illnesses.

One day before the ceremony, you cannot drink alcohol or have sexual intercourse, and you should never practice witchcraft during menstruation. During the ritual, all jewelry is removed from the body, leaving only the pectoral cross. It is prohibited to carry out manipulations in the presence of unauthorized persons.

For women's ailments, they open a window facing east at dawn and wait for the first rays of the sun to appear. As soon as the light flashes, the prayers “Our Father” and “Theotokos” are read nine times, and the words “Angel of God” are repeated five times. Magicians advise not to read everything on paper, but to learn it by heart. The course is a week, the next cycle after menstruation.

For respiratory ailments

Our ancestors spoke and cured diseases of the lungs, throat and nose. If someone in the house fell ill with the above ailments, they preferred to turn to the witches. White sorcerers helped from all sorts of misfortunes, healing all those who suffered.

In ancient times, therapy was carried out in a bathhouse, scattering hay, pine needles and birch branches on the shelves. In the absence of a steam room, modern magicians advise using the bathroom by taking a decoction of the above herbs. The patient is taken into a room, the upper part of his body is exposed and he is whipped with a steamed eucalyptus broom. During the actions, the words of the prayers are repeated one by one:

  • “One Son is quick to intercede”;
  • “Lying on a sick bed”;
  • "Save me, God".

It is not the force of the blows that is important, but the process of connecting the skin with the plant. After the ceremony, the patient is dried, wrapped and sent to bed. Diseases of the lungs and throat can be cured for both adults and children.

In severe cases

Are there cures for incurable diseases? Doctors often make a disappointing diagnosis that patients will never be able to live like healthy people. Do not despair, in the treasury of folk sorcerers there are means that will help you make yourself better.

During Easter week there is a chance to heal from unknown diseases. You need to take the shell from the blessed egg, put it in your bosom and go to any body of water. They stand against the current, take out the remains and throw them with all their might into the river. Then they read the words of the conspiracy three times.

“Swim the disease to the other shore. So that nothing hurts either in the body or in the soul, and the illness does not torment me, the son (daughter) of God. Leave (name) forever! God help me!"

Universal methods

Are there rituals that can alleviate both heart pain and stomach upset? If you use simple rituals at the right time, you can help both adults and children. It is easy to protect your loved ones with the help of a very powerful remedy.

On a full moon at 12 am, the performer stands facing the front door. In his left hand he holds a skein of red wool, and with the same foot he steps over the threshold. Standing outside the house, you need to recite prayers to Panteleimon the Healer and Matrona of Moscow.

Spells and rituals for diseases are ancient magical remedies that promote healing. It is important to remember that spells do not eliminate the methods of traditional medicine, but are a complement to them. The review presents the most interesting options.

These conspiracies are read for any disease. At the beginning of the disease, for chronic diseases, for any pain or swelling, for any damage.

At the onset of illness.

Beyond the sea of ​​Volyn there lives an incompetent maiden. He can neither sew, nor weave, nor bake bread, nor harness a horse. She has three boys in her house; They can neither mow, nor plow, nor sow the field. Just as that girl and those youths cannot do anything, so no illness can harm the servant of God (name). My word is three times strong; I didn’t say: God ruled this way...
It is said in a quiet patter three times.

When you feel like you're getting sick.

Place a handful of bread under your arm, dress as warmly as possible and move vigorously (to sweat). When the bread is soaked in sweat, put it at the head of the night, and at dawn take it to the river, throw it into the water and say:
Mermaid, mermaid, bread for you! Take the bread, take the sickness, give me health.

If the disease does not recede (with a protracted chronic illness).

It is necessary to cut off the nails and ends of the patient's hair. Roll it in wax and bring it to the crossroads at midnight. Bury the wax with hair and nails in the ground and say three times;
I put my scythe-nails in the damp, cold earth, in the mute, deaf earth, so that the disease becomes numb, cold, deaf, and in the same place dies! Amen.

For weakness and dizziness.

I was walking through the forest, I was walking along a path, I saw a stream running. Near this stream lie three dogs, one red, the other thin, the third black. Dogs, dogs! Take my illness, carry it to dry places, to dark forests, to deep swamps, where no bird flies and no man looks. Let him stay there, and the strength will return to me! Amen.

From weakness after illness.

I will pray to the Lord the Savior, I will bow to the Most Pure Virgin. Come, Mother of God, to the servant (name). Where the Mother of God stepped, there the disease retreated. The Lord walked with Peter and Paul and entered Peter’s house. There Petrov’s mother-in-law lay in great pain and great weakness. As the Lord began, the illness receded from her, Petrov’s mother-in-law stood up and began to serve the Lord. Come, Lord, to the servant of God (name), drive out the disease from the bones, from the blood, from the hands, from the feet, from the brown eyes, from the brown eyebrows. With fair hair, with a loud voice. The Lord drove out all illnesses, all weaknesses, all infirmities, all ailments. The Lord took them out into a remote swamp and locked them with an iron key. He threw that key into the water, and gave strength and health to the servant of God (name)! Amen.

From any illness.

Go to the forest, find a lonely growing rowan tree and say:
Rowan, rowan, be you my dear mother, take away your ailments from me, I won’t break you, but I’ll act as amulets and water you with water. Amen.
Then pour water over the rowan.

From any illness.

Come to the forest, find an old strong oak tree, read the “Our Father” three times and say:
Oak, oak, I give you a name (come up with a name for the oak tree). Be you my godson, and I will be your godfather. Take, godfather, my illness, my aches, and give me your strength. Amen.

From any disease.

Dawn, God's right hand, come down from heaven, come into me, drive out the disease from me. Lord, forgive my sins, release me from illness. I make a cross, I am baptized with a cross, I dress with a cross. Amen.
From any disease.

Enchantment over prosphyra (from any damage).

They read over the prosphyra that will be brought from the church. This conspiracy will remove any damage. May our mansion be holy, blessed, every hole, every crack, with doors, with windows, with framed logs. Around our mansion there is a stone fence with green grass. Who built this fence - the Angels of the Lord. They will speak to the servant of God (name) from damage, from great trouble, from the coffin board, from the burial ground. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it, neither on a church, nor on its fence, nor on an icon, nor on a candle, nor on a needle, nor near a cemetery, nor during a funeral service, nor while washing, nor with food, nor with water , nor with stove ash. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♔How to get rid of any pain.

Circle the copper crucifix around yourself and read three times:
Be my words strong, molded to a white body, to a zealous heart. Just as the church does not move, does not wander, does not walk with its feet on the ground, so that the servant of God (name) does not have pain in her body and does not wander. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From any tumor.

They buy food and give alms. After this, three churches light candles for good health. Do this three times. On the fourth day they wash themselves with the charmed water. They spell water like this:
I will get up blessed, I will go out crossing myself. I'll go to the field and find Bolotov bones. Just as these bones were buried and commemorated, so I, God’s servant (name), will bury and commemorate the cancer on my body. Just as there will be no meat on Bolotov bones, so there will be no cancer on me, and I will not suffer from a tumor forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From any disease of any pet.

First read the “Our Father” and then the spell:
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages Amen.
Then the spell:
Noah kept the cattle for himself; preserve, O Lord, my cattle for me. How sweet and true that Christ was resurrected and glorified on Easter, so that my cattle would recover from any illness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy for chills and fever.

Sometimes a person gets chills and fever from a cold or from stress. This plot will immediately calm and pacify any fever and any chills.
Read the plot nine times:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. King Herod had 12 children, 12 daughters, and in total there were 12 sisters among them. They are all shaggy, hairy, beltless. They walked, stumbled, and quarreled among themselves. Every three steps they fought and met Saint Paul. Saint Paul invited them and asked:
-Whose daughters are you? They answer:
- We are Herod’s daughters, we make sure that all people get sick, that people are beaten, stabbed and not released from illness. And Saint Paul says to them:
- I don’t order you to shake or break God’s servant, I order you to let God’s servant (name) go. If you disobey me, then I will gather a column of fire at you. I will burn you, Herod’s children, with fire and heat; I will whip you with willow twigs until the end of the century. My word is strong. My business is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To prevent postoperative sutures from coming apart.

Speak on the water and wash the patient. In general, this prayer helps the healing of any serious wound. Read the prayer like this:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Kurgan, a white birch grows, branches down, roots up. Under that white birch tree, the Mother of God is winding silk threads and sewing up bloody wounds. Mother Queen, cross yourself, and you, wound, will heal on the servant of God (name). Edge of the body to the edge, I read a prayer. Bless, Lord, with your Savior hand. Grant health and peace to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The energy power of words is limitless, speeches have incredible healing power. Prayers and conspiracies against illnesses can save a person from the most terrible ailments. Spell words protect against sorrows and improve a person’s general condition without medical intervention.

The health spell was used by our ancestors. Already at that time, the Slavs believed in the healing power of words, so magical rituals were their life companions. Centuries later, the prayer speeches and spells of our ancestors are very popular among the present generation. Slavic rituals are considered the most effective and efficient to this day.

In the magical world of conspiracies, prayers and spells of the ancient Slavs were considered the most powerful. The complexity of the rituals significantly exceeds the practice of other peoples, and therefore they are very effective.

Types of spells for treatment

Prayers and conspiracies for illnesses have been popular at all times and in all nations. Despite the fact that medicine does not stand still, and today is equipped with the latest technologies and knowledge, people very often resort to the power of white magic. There are a huge number of conspiracies for the treatment of diseases. Each ritual is applied separately. It all depends on the nature of the pain. Let's consider the types of rituals:

  • Conspiracies for all diseases. This ritual is universal and can be applied under different circumstances. For painful symptoms of the heart, abdominal and stomach spasms, cramps in the arms and legs, and skin diseases.
  • A conspiracy against all misfortunes. This type of ritual can be considered a preventive method. Even those people who are not bothered by anything use it. A prayer read can protect and protect from all possible diseases.
  • Conspiracies from established diagnoses. This type of ritual is performed when a person knows what ailment is bothering him. By reading a certain prayer, it will not be difficult to cure yourself of diseases.
  • Conspiracies for children's illnesses. Such a magical ritual is special; it can be classified as a special group. In this situation, the baby cannot read the spell on his own, so the mother or grandmother takes over the ritual.

Magic rituals for illness are read both on the waxing and waning moon. For conspiracies, any period is optimal and endowed with special energy power. Magicians and sorcerers are confident that the disease will go away as quickly as the month wanes, and health will appear as quickly as the young moon grows. You can read conspiracies for ailments at a time convenient for you. Only some rituals are performed in the required phase of the moon.

Proper conduct of Slavic rituals

The ancient Slavic peoples very often turned to higher powers for help. Spells and rituals focused on various needs and desires. People prayed for a successful end to the battle, attracted good luck and prosperity, love, and read conspiracies to cure ailments. But the ancient Slavs adhered to strict rules, the violation of which was unacceptable:

  • Before you begin the ritual, fast for seven days. Exclude from the diet: alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, meat foods.
  • Read ancient spells in a whisper. No one should hear the words of the conspiracy; only in this case a successful result is ensured.
  • Only completely healthy people can perform ancient rituals. If a sick person says a prayer, his condition will only worsen. Accordingly, you can forget about the positive outcome of the spell.
  • Our ancestors very carefully chose a magician to perform the ritual. The most basic rule is that a sorcerer must have healthy teeth. If the front two teeth are missing, the spell loses its effective force.
  • If the Slavs performed rituals not for themselves, then no one took a reward in the form of money. You can express gratitude with food.
  • A person who reads ancient Slavic prayers must believe in the power of words and magic.
  • In order for the words of the healing spell to take effect in the shortest possible time, the prayer must be read on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays.

For many years, the Slavs believed in witchcraft, which helped them solve the most difficult problems, cure illnesses, and gain faith in themselves.

Water spell for all diseases

This water spell will help cure the most severe ailments and improve the condition of the entire body. This rite does not contradict church Orthodoxy and is performed with the help of holy water. In order for the healing, holy liquid to have even greater energetic power, we will replenish it with magical speeches.

The first thing you need to do is visit the church, purchase three candles and holy water. Go to the icons, light candles and ask the Lord for a speedy healing for yourself or your neighbor. Then cross yourself and leave the holy place. When you come home, you need to calm down, believe in the healing process and trust in the power of the Lord. Then place the holy liquid, icons on the table and light the candle. Setting yourself up for the best, say the following spell:

“Holy water, God's tear. Heal me from illness and disease, turn away the damn dirty tricks from me. Pour a healing stream through your entire body and remove the sinful soot from your soul. I believe in you and conjure you for healing. May God not be angry, may the devil not be angry. Amen".

Then take a sip of the enchanted liquid crystals. For fourteen days, add this water to your food, tea and coffee. If necessary, the ritual can be repeated. To completely cure the disease, the spell should be performed in the waxing moon phase.

Water spell for colds

This water spell is very effective and has colossal energy power. It can not only cure an advanced cold, but also remove the evil eye and cleanse objects of negativity. To carry out the ceremony, you will need melt or spring water. Pour it into a glass and add three pinches of coarse salt. After this, read the prayer:

“Mother, fast water will wash away all the pain and all the aches from God’s servant (name). Take them into the depths of the sea, pull them into deep pools, put stone clamps on them. So that they never sail again, forget about the servant of God (name) forever. Amen".

Then dip the middle finger of your right hand into the charmed water and touch it to your forehead, chest, right and left shoulder. Whisper:

“I command with holy water, I conjure with white salt. Let go of all the aches and pains. From a wild head, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, black eyebrows, from bones, from brains, from fingers and joints. Amen".

This water spell can cure colds not only of an adult, but also of a child. In just two days you will feel much better. The ritual can be performed on both the waxing and waning moon.

Water spell for headaches

In many cases, when a headache occurs, medications, like traditional methods, are powerless. But an effective conspiracy against ailments will quickly cure migraines. One of the most effective rituals against headaches is the water spell. It’s not for nothing that most magicians and sorcerers resort to the power of unboiled water. A prayer that is recited over water gives it healing, energetic power. You will need to remember one thing for yourself: to unquestioningly believe in white magic, in higher powers and our creator.

The most unique and widespread substance on earth is water. And water spells are quite popular.

To carry out the ritual, you should purchase holy water, pour it into any container and read:

“Adam has a headache, Adam gives the pain to Eve. Eve is a snake. And the snake is like an apple. An apple will give pain to the sun, and the sun will give pain to the sea. At sea, the wind will pick up the pain and scatter it without a trace. Amen".

This ritual should be performed on the waxing moon, at midnight. Drink the charmed liquid constantly, 2-3 sips per day. Headaches and migraines will disappear forever. You can cast a spell on liquid crystals both for yourself and for loved ones.

Slavic conspiracy for all ailments

Slavic magical ritual has enormous power. He is able to cure any illness. The ancient Slavs were sure that there was no medicine stronger than magical prayer speeches. Pronounce the words of the conspiracy quietly but clearly. It is advisable to learn the lines of prayer:

“In a distant direction, on an island beyond the sea, lies a white stone. Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all. He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness. So let him cut off all the ailments and ailments of (the person’s name), put him under a stone and lock him up. He will throw the key into the sea and close all ailments forever. My words are strong, only those who can gnaw away a stone with their teeth can overcome them. Let it be so!".

This Slavic conspiracy is read over the course of one week. You can't miss a single day. A positive outcome will follow faster if you read the plot for the waxing moon. In two days the patient will feel much better!

Slavic ritual for baby health

The birth of a new life can be called a kind of magical miracle. All future parents look forward to this day. The Slavic people believed that performing a ritual before childbirth was simply necessary. The spell was read for a woman in labor, thereby accompanying a successful birth and energizing the health of the unborn child. You need to wait for the waxing moon and whisper over the woman:

“Mother in labor, sister sister, hear our words, our prayers. Accept bloodless gifts and grant healthy offspring to the woman in labor (woman’s name). So that our family thread will never be broken. We sing your glory, and invite you into the mansion. From circle to circle, now and ever! Let it be so!”

Say the magic words at least three times. After this, there is no doubt that childbirth will be quick and painless, and the good health of the baby will bring happiness to all family and friends.

Slavic prayers for health are read for seven days. You can't miss a single day.

Slavic conspiracy for rashes on the skin of the face

Slavic beauty was famous throughout the world. Therefore, when the skin of a girl’s face or body became covered with a rash or various spots, special rituals were performed. This ritual is performed at home, without any special difficulties or incomprehensible actions. Despite the simplicity of the plot, all inflammatory diseases will disappear in a few days.

Wait until midnight, at the hour of the waxing moon, go to the mirror. Light the candle, when the mirror object fogs up, run the index finger of your right hand over it. Then apply the drops to the affected areas of the body and say:

“From the clean and transparent glass I send dryness to my sore. You will dry up to a drop, you will go to the pines, you will give me all the water! Amen!".

The plot is read three times. Never doubt yourself and your abilities. White magic can relieve a lot of diseases of various types and create a real miracle.

Slavic conspiracy against infertility

This ancient ritual will help women overcome various ailments associated not only with infertility, but also with all kinds of gynecological diseases. The conspiracy is carried out on the waning moon; prayer words should be read for seven days and without a single omission. If you strictly adhere to all the rules, you can achieve a positive and quick result. When the chimes strike twelve o'clock at night, you should light two church candles. Looking at the flames, whisper:

“Just as the Mother of God was strong and healthy, she did not know women’s torments and problems, so I, the servant of God (name), did not suffer and did not suffer. It will always be like this. Amen!".

In many cases, medicine is powerless. That's when people resort to the magical power of conspiracies. Their advantage lies not only in the quick and positive results, but also in the fact that almost all rituals are carried out in a calm home environment. Negative consequences of rituals to cure various diseases can occur only in one case: if a person uses black magic.

The most basic rule for a happy outcome can be called unquestioning faith in magic spells and compliance with all parts of the ritual. Clear pronunciation of prayers, without a single mistake. If all the rules are followed, the cure will follow very quickly.
