Liquid blade how to use. Step by step chemical pedicure

The impression of the beauty of women's legs should not be overshadowed by unkemptness. First of all, attention should be paid to the feet, because it is there that the skin is very flaky and dries quickly. Such problems are solved by a liquid pedicure blade, about which there are many favorable reviews on the Internet. What is this tool and how to use it, you will learn by reading our article.

What is a liquid blade?

Recently, more and more women are choosing unedged pedicure because of its safety and painlessness. This method of care is actively developing: there are new tools and techniques. One of the new products is a liquid pedicure blade - a series of cosmetic preparations for treating the skin of the feet.

The product is intended for acidic or European pedicure. It is ideal for those who cannot regularly visit the salon or use other, more budgetary, but time-consuming options for foot care. The cosmetic product contains fruit acids. The process of exfoliation is provided by the action of these substances. Therefore, during the procedure there is no need to use cutting instruments.

The result from the use of liquid blade pedicure products lasts for 2-3 weeks. You can use them on an ongoing basis, because. there is no addiction to the components of the drugs.

Indications for use

A liquid pedicure blade is a multifunctional product. It solves many problems related to the skin and toenails. Therefore, it is recommended to use the tool in the following cases:

  • Cracks in the heels.
  • Corns.
  • Calluses.
  • Rough and dry feet.
  • Ingrown nail.
  • Fungus of nails and skin.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Hyperhidrosis.
  • Diabetic foot.
  • Any cosmetic defects of the epidermis and nails.

After a pedicure with a liquid blade, the skin becomes soft and tender. The drug does not pose any danger either for patients with diabetes, or for young girls, or for pregnant and lactating women.

Advantages and disadvantages of acid treatment

The main advantage was indicated in the first section of our article. It concerns the features of using liquid pedicure blades: according to reviews and instructions, no cutting tools will be needed during the procedure. Such care ensures absolute sterility and protects against injury. The drugs also have a number of other advantages:

  • The presence of fruit acids in the composition, which do not cause any harm to young delicate skin, but act only on keratinized particles.
  • Can be used for any health condition.
  • Saving money, ensured by the absence of the need to purchase any additional tools and preparations.
  • Painlessness.
  • No discomfort.
  • Possibility of use at home and in a beauty salon.
  • Durability: one bottle lasts for a whole year.
  • Guaranteed result: after applying the drug, the skin will become flawless.
  • Ease of use.

There are no drawbacks to such a unique tool. Treating the skin of the legs in this way is a very useful procedure. In terms of its effectiveness, it is compared with the trimming care technique and in many respects surpasses the hardware technique.

Instructions for using the product at home

Most girls prefer to take care of their feet on their own. If you are also one of them, our instructions for using a liquid pedicure blade will come in handy.

If you decide to do a pedicure with a liquid blade at home, carefully examine your feet. If you find unhealed wounds on the skin of your feet, postpone the procedure. In their absence, prepare everything you need: a towel, a bath of warm water, cellophane, protective gloves for hands and cotton pads. Now you can start the processing process, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Soak your feet in the bath for 10 minutes.
  2. Then dry your feet with a towel.
  3. Wear protective gloves and apply disinfectant to your feet.
  4. Squeeze a little cream onto a cotton pad and cover problem areas with it.
  5. Wrap your legs in cellophane. Keep the cream on your feet for 10 minutes, unless the instructions say otherwise.
  6. Then you can remove the cellophane and massage your feet without taking off your gloves. As a result, the old skin should curl up. You can also use a pumice stone in gentle circular motions.
  7. Disinfect your skin again.
  8. Apply nourishing cream.

When carrying out a pedicure with a liquid blade at home, the following precautions should be observed:

  • Avoid skin contact with this product. To do this, use rubber gloves.
  • Do not overdo the cream on the feet for more than the allotted time.
  • Do not mix several different active formulations: each agent must be used separately.

Any girl can learn how to use this tool at home. For those who want to prepare for the procedure even more thoroughly, we suggest watching the video. The video tutorial on how to use the liquid pedicure blade also shows how it can be used to remove the cuticle on the fingers.

The following video provides an overview of the Domix Green Professional liquid foot blade.

Not everyone knows about the effect of a liquid pedicure blade, because this is a completely new product that has just begun to gain popularity in the beauty industry. Therefore, we invite our readers to discuss in the comments the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of foot care: circumcised, hardware, European pedicure, and then compare them with the acid skin treatment technique.

Well-groomed legs are not only a standard of beauty, but also an indicator of health and a positive attitude, and this is important for both women and men. There are many ways to take care of the elegance of your legs, from homemade pumice stone and a bowl of soap to extravagant exotic fish that “nibble” your legs from hunger and cleanse them of dead skin layers better than any specialist. This article will talk about a pedicure method that is something in between.

After the release of various creams, foams and gels under the general name “liquid blade”, this type of pedicure began to be popular and has already earned positive reviews. The principle of their action is based on the properties of their constituent substances to soften dead, rough skin. After the softening procedure, dead skin is removed, and the main, healthy layer of the skin receives additional care and nutrition.

"Liquid blade" refers to chemical manicure, unlike hardware, classic and edged pedicure, human participation in this procedure is minimal. The advantages of this type include the following:

  • "liquid blade" selectively acts only on areas with dead skin, without damaging or injuring the healthy skin of the legs;
  • there is an opportunity to take care of the most inaccessible places in the area of ​​​​the toes;
  • you can quickly process "point" areas of the skin to remove dry calluses or corns;
  • funds not only help to remove rough skin, but also care for healthy skin of the legs;
  • performs a preventive function, uniform application of the product to the foot eliminates the appearance of cracks on the legs;
  • no contraindications for use, can be used for fungal infections, eliminates unpleasant odors and disinfects the skin;
  • this type of pedicure does not require such preparatory procedures as soaking or steaming keratinized skin;
  • pedicure with a liquid blade can be done at home without prior training, it is simple and convenient;
  • this is an absolutely safe type of pedicure that cannot violate the integrity of the skin and excludes infection options in the salon;
  • The procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort.

Another point to note, switching from a classic pedicure to a liquid blade pedicure will save you a significant amount. And it can be spent on other nice things! Let's calculate:

Components for a pedicure

It should be noted that the “liquid blade” is a complex set of drugs. The set includes:

  • softening cream or gel;
  • foot disinfectant;
  • foot nourisher.

The main component of the kit is a softening cream (it can be a gel or foam), this is actually a liquid pedicure blade. Often, a bottle comes with a brush for applying the drug and instructions for use.

The branded disinfectant can be replaced with any other disinfectant if desired. It is better to buy a skin nourisher from the same company as the liquid blade, or use a neutral nourishing cream, such as a cream for children.

In addition to the “liquid blade” itself, for the procedure at home, it is necessary to prepare:

  • gloves to protect the delicate skin of the hands;
  • a basin and warm water to wash off the remnants of the product;
  • cotton pads, with which the product is applied to the skin;
  • a special spatula or pumice stone for removing softened skin;
  • cellophane tape may be useful.

Before the procedure, ALWAYS do a test for an allergic reaction! Well-known companies Domix green and Gehwol deserve positive feedback, their preparations are hypoallergenic. They replace all possible chemicals with natural ingredients and oils and do not use fragrances. Urea is used as a softener in the products of these companies, talc and various essential oils are used as antibacterial components. However, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body, because there are allergies to natural products.

To test the preparation, apply a little emollient to the skin of the leg. If burning, redness or swelling begins, then this drug is not suitable for you.

In this case, you should try to change the manufacturer or turn to the classic pedicure options.

Liquid blade application

Clean feet are thoroughly wiped with a disinfectant. A liquid pedicure blade is applied to dry skin of the legs with a cotton pad or brush.

The tool is not applied to damaged areas of the skin, you should avoid places where there are wounds or cracks, otherwise you can get severe irritation!

On very roughened areas with a thick layer of dead skin, a napkin with a product is applied and wrapped in cellophane. The time of action of the drug largely depends on the layer of keratinized skin, for the correction of a pedicure on the toes, 1-1.5 minutes is enough, and for the heels, the time can reach up to 8 minutes or more. After about 5-7 minutes, the softened skin layer is removed with soft rolling movements along with the remnants of the product, after which the feet are thoroughly washed with warm water without soap, wiped with a towel, lubricated with a nourishing cream and admire the result!

In order to put your feet in order, you can use a variety of means. The latest in foot care is the liquid pedicure blade. This is a new and effective remedy that allows you to get rid of corns and helps to make the legs more well-groomed.

What it is?

Liquid pedicure blade is a biogel, which contains fruit acids that provide proper care for your legs. The tool will perfectly replace all the tools for cutting or cutting the skin on the legs, and will also be a great alternative to long steaming in baths and visiting a beauty salon to create a pedicure. The acids that make up the liquid blade accelerate skin regeneration, while moisturizing the fresh and healthy layers of the skin. They actively act and perfectly remove dry and rough skin, without interfering with the metabolic processes of soft and healthy skin. In addition, it contains many components that have a calming effect. They are able to make the skin of the legs soft and velvety.

Why is it necessary?

A liquid pedicure blade is a special tool for professional cosmetology. This liquid can replace the steaming of the legs, with its help you can do an unedged pedicure. This is a Brazilian or European, depending on the manufacturer, a preparation that is great for heels. It can easily replace peeling, its effectiveness is many times higher than the effectiveness of pumice and brushes. Such an acid gel is needed in order to make the skin of the legs smoother and softer.

With the help of a liquid blade, you can provide the legs with proper care by removing calluses, corns, and rough skin. It can be used not only on the feet. With it, you can make your nails more well-groomed, because it actively affects the cuticle.

A liquid blade is also necessary for those women who suffer from ingrown toenail problems and are prone to fungal diseases. Also, this tool can help those who are prone to skin and vascular diseases of the legs.

A huge advantage of a liquid pedicure blade is that you can save a lot of time with it. It's no secret that salon pedicure procedures are very long in time. In addition, you can save money, because one bottle of this cosmetics costs much less than a pedicure in a beauty salon. And at the same time, such a bottle will be enough not for one, but for several procedures. This tool is very affordable, it can be purchased at any pharmacy or cosmetic store.

What are there?

Liquid blades are very diverse, they are divided depending on the composition. The most common and effective are the means that include keratolytics, that is, active substances that contribute to the rapid and high-quality exfoliation of old epithelial cells. Usually they are presented in the form of an active gel, which consists of hydroxy acids, and also includes salicylic acid. These products are included in the line of professional cosmetic preparations and are very effective.

Some types of liquid blades contain fewer active substances in their composition, that is, they are more gentle. They are used in hardware pedicure along with abrasive caps, which are used as nozzles to remove skin softened by a liquid blade. Abrasive caps are designed to remove dead cells from the roughest parts of the legs.

For toe care, some women use a remover. This is a type of liquid blade that allows you to quickly and painlessly remove the cuticle on your legs. High-quality removers soften the cuticle very quickly, because they contain chemicals. After this tool, the cuticle can be very easily removed with a special stick.

There are also liquid blades with a different spectrum of action. Very popular antimycotic gel, which is designed for prosthetic nails on the legs. About perfectly copes with the fungus and helps to restore nails in just a matter of days. The highest quality such products include microcrystalline silver in their composition, which actively affect the fungus and helped get rid of it.

Most liquid blades have a gel texture and include citric, lactic or fruit acid. These components are chemicals that soften calluses and rough skin and help to get rid of it easily. One of these components is always included in the composition of liquid blades, which are made on an acid basis. Liquid blades are also isolated, the basis of which is alkali. These are less gentle products, but they work more deeply on rough and dry skin of the feet.

Popular firms and drugs: rating

The rating of the most popular liquid blades opens the remedy from the manufacturer Domix. It contains in its composition fruit acids, as well as lemon extract. It is presented in the form of a foam express softener, which allows you to provide professional care and deep cleansing. This tool perfectly copes with corns, in addition, it is presented in a fairly large volume of 200 ml. The cost of this tool is about 600 rubles.

Faberlic has a very budget cost - 200 rubles. It effectively eliminates corns and keratinized skin, and also copes well with corns. A distinctive feature of this tool is that the active substance in it is alkali, so you need to use it with extreme caution. That is why the bottle is equipped with a convenient dispenser in the form of a thin spout, thanks to which it is possible to distribute the product pointwise on the feet. The gel has a liquid texture, it perfectly softens the skin and removes dead skin cells.

Callus Remover- This is another emollient for the feet, which is characterized by an express action. It is produced by the manufacturer Naomi, it is very popular in Russia. It contains glycolic acid, which is produced on the basis of fruits. In addition, this tool contains in its composition anti-inflammatory components that gently care for the skin. The price of this product is lower, but the bottle is also available with a capacity of 125 ml. Its cost is about 300 rubles.

Balbcare- this is a biogel, which also includes fruit acids, as well as glycerin and useful amino acids. It has a natural composition, so this tool is very effective and safe. It can help you take good care of your feet.

wilde pedique- this is a novelty that allows you to adjust the toenails. This tool is perfect if you are faced with the problem of an ingrown toenail. This is a single-phase gel, which includes active silver components in its composition. In addition, it is recommended to use it as a preventive measure so that the feet are always soft and the nails are well-groomed.

How to use at home?

The skin on the legs is treated with a liquid blade, regardless of its condition. It is very important that there are no damages and open wounds, as well as cracks on it. This procedure is also carried out in the salon, but it is very easy to do at home, for this you need to follow the instructions. Moreover, you can do chemical treatment with a liquid blade, which is available in the form of a liquid, or you can use special socks that are impregnated with active substances. So, first you need to decide how you are going to do such a pedicure, then you need to purchase all the necessary funds, while it is better to choose one of the best brands in order for the product to be effective.

Some manufacturers offer liquid blades that come with nourishing cream and foot disinfectant, which should always be used during this procedure. Having prepared all these preparations, you can proceed to the treatment of the legs with this remedy at home. It is very important to act step by step, following the instructions.

First you need to make sure that there are no various damages and deep cracks on your legs.

Then you need to fill the basin with warm water and lower your legs into it for about 15-20 minutes so that the skin steams a little.

After that, you need to wipe them with a dry cloth or towel and you can proceed to processing. An important condition for using a liquid blade at home is that it can only be applied with gloves on, otherwise the sensitive skin on the hands may begin to peel off. First, you must treat the entire surface of the feet with a disinfectant. After that, with a cotton swab or a dense dry napkin, you can apply the gel composition of the liquid blade to the affected parts of the skin.

Having processed all the coarsened areas of the feet, you need to wrap the legs with plastic bags. This composition must be left on your feet for a certain time. Manufacturers usually indicate the exact time on the package, usually 10-15 minutes. After this time, the upper layers of the skin soften and exfoliate.

If you do not have special bags, you can use cling film. At the end of the time indicated on the package, you need to remove the bag or film and gently massage the hands to remove the softened tissues of the legs. You can also use a special pedicure file for this.

Then you need to move on to the next step - grinding the feet with a special grater. Moreover, all these tools must be used very carefully, because the skin of the legs will already peel off, it will only need to be removed. In this case, you need to move only in one direction, without making much effort. After that, the skin that was rough is exfoliated from fresh and healthy, and the feet become smooth and soft. After that, you need to rinse your feet with cold water and disinfect them with a special composition. Then you need to move on to moisturizing your feet. To do this, you need to apply a high-quality nourishing cream to the entire surface of the treated skin areas, and you can enjoy the soft and velvety skin of a knife.

But some women recommend using these funds differently. They add a liquid blade to a foot bath by diluting it in warm water. It is believed that this way the product acts more deeply on the skin, it is better steamed. After that, they dry the legs and re-apply the liquid blade to the skin wiped dry. Further, the procedure is similar to the first option, but it is believed that this method is more effective.

You can also choose a completely different version of a pedicure with a liquid blade. Now in some stores and on the Internet you can buy socks, they are treated with a special composition, which also includes acids.

The main element of this composition is lactic acid, which effectively affects the rough skin of the legs.

In addition, it can make the skin on the legs fresher and more elastic. Usually, this composition also includes many other components that are natural antiseptics; you can also find socks with healing and soothing plant extracts.

These socks are very easy and convenient to use at home. After purchasing them, you need to take a bath, steam your legs a little. After that, you need to unpack the miracle - socks and put them on your feet. They need to be tightly fixed on the legs, usually these socks have a drawstring. So the liquid composition with which the socks are soaked will not spill out. They are usually worn for 2 hours and then removed. After that, you need to rinse the legs with warm water. But it is believed that one such procedure cannot give you such a clear effect that a liquid gel blade is capable of. In order to notice the difference, you need to use such socks from five days to a week.

It is difficult to imagine a modern woman who would not take care of herself and skip, one might say, mandatory manicure and pedicure procedures. However, not everyone can resort to the services of beauty salon masters due to lack of time, financial ability, or due to the physiological inability to perform classic or.

For such girls, a fairly new procedure, the use of the so-called liquid blade, which can be easily used at home without much labor and skills, will be an excellent option.

What it is?

Liquid blade - a set of various substances aimed at the implementation of an acidic or unedged European pedicure. Using this cosmetic product for the care of the legs, you can say goodbye once and for all to steaming, the use of cutters and scissors.

The drug effectively eliminates dead skin cells from the feet and fingers, thanks to the fruit acids and excipients that make up its composition, which makes it possible to give the legs a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Benefits of Liquid Blade

A liquid blade has several advantages compared to other types of pedicure:

  • significantly saves money, since one bottle can be used for a year;
  • makes the skin soft and smooth without damaging it;
  • no need to buy, which saves money and time;
  • fruit acids, which are part of the composition, gently eliminate rough skin;
  • easily performed at home, and does not require special skills;
  • does not cause discomfort or pain;
  • the tool is available for purchase in any cosmetic store, as well as on the Internet.

Indications for use

There is a special demand for liquid blades at the end of spring, when girls hide closed shoes far away in the closet and try on open sandals. Chemical pedicure is used for:

  • the presence of an ingrown nail;
  • excessive division of skin cells;
  • cracks in the skin of the feet;
  • rough and dry skin;
  • the presence of corns and calluses;
  • the presence of fungal infections.

How to use?

The procedure is available for performing both in beauty salons and at home, however, in the second case, you must carefully follow the enclosed instructions for use. Chemical treatment of the feet with a liquid pedicure blade can be done in the form of a liquid, and you can also use special socks that are impregnated with active substances. Let's figure out how to carry out using a different type of liquid blade.

Use of a liquid agent

Socks for chemical pedicure

For greater convenience, you can use not just a liquid, but special ones that are already saturated with the necessary substances.

  1. On pre-washed and dried spots, you need to put on socks and carefully fix them.
  2. After two hours, remove them and rinse your feet with water without using soap.
  3. Gradually, the skin on the feet will begin to peel and peel off. This stage can take from several days to two weeks - it all depends on the thickness of the roughened dermis.

How to choose?

When choosing a remedy, you should pay special attention to some points that will help not only put your legs in order, but also make the procedure safe.

  • Your preference should be given only to proven well-known manufacturers who have managed to establish themselves in the market from the best side. Avoid products that do not have labels and instructions for use.
  • Pay attention to the integrity of the liquid container or socks, as this guarantees quality products, in addition, some products contain volatile components that, if not sealed, will evaporate and you will not get the expected result.
  • Before buying, consider the composition, because in addition to fruit acids, they have various additives, such as glycerin and plant extracts, to which you may be allergic.

Where can I buy a liquid pedicure blade?

Buying a liquid blade is not difficult. If you live in a big city, you can buy such a product at any decorative cosmetics store in the nail department at a very affordable price.

If you live in a small town or village in which there is no specialized store, then the blade can be ordered online. To do this, choose trusted sites that have a lot of positive reviews, as well as on pages where certificates of authenticity of the funds sold are posted.

Feedback on using a liquid pedicure blade

Our dear readers, if you do not yet have the experience of using a liquid blade, but decided to try it on yourself, while you do not know how to do it right and what to expect the result, we recommend that you read the reviews of the girls who have undergone this procedure.

Margarita, 31 years old:

I travel a lot, and often there is simply not enough time to do a pedicure, especially at home. The first time I encountered such a procedure in the salon, and I really liked the result. After that, I studied all the forums, read a lot of reviews and settled on a Faberlic liquid pedicure blade. After using it, my feet are soft and well-groomed, so I see no reason to waste my time and money on salons.

- the dream of any woman, which a procedure such as a pedicure will help to fulfill. But, unfortunately, not everyone has a lot of free time to go to a beauty salon and get heel care, and not everyone succeeds in performing a high-quality procedure at home with the help of steaming and cutting off the skin with a scraper. The situation completely changed when such a tool as a “liquid blade” entered the world of beauty, which, without skills and abilities, will help you perform a high-quality pedicure even at home.

What is liquid blade

Liquid Blade is a series of cosmetic products that help prepare the skin for chemical or uncut. Thanks to this tool, you no longer have to steam your feet in the bath for a long time and use a heel scraper with sharp blades. It is enough to apply a small amount of this cosmetic product to the problem area of ​​​​the feet, as it will almost immediately relieve them of coarse tissues without touching healthy skin cells.

Among the components of such products, fruit acids are mainly found, which help to remove dead cells, calluses, giving the skin of the feet softness and special tenderness. Incoming acids accelerate the processes of tissue repair, and also moisturize the skin.

In addition, among the components you can find various caring substances that nourish the dry skin of the feet and help soothe it after the procedure.

The advantage of this tool

The liquid blade is gaining immense popularity every day, and there are reasons for this:

  1. Saving time. Thanks to such products, you no longer have to sit for hours, steaming the rough skin of your legs. And also there is no need to waste time on the exhausting process of scraping off the keratinized areas of the feet with the help of scrapers.
  2. Efficiency. After the procedure, the skin of the feet becomes incredibly soft and velvety.
  3. Safety. With the help of scrapers with sharp blades, overdoing it, you can damage not only rough, but also healthy skin, but with a liquid blade this process is under control, because special substances act only on dead tissues of the feet.
  4. Saving. One vial with a liquid blade is enough for a long time.
  5. Simple use. Thanks to the liquid blade, you can carry out a high-quality pedicure not only in the salon, but also at home, because its use does not require special skills and abilities.

When to use the product

The liquid blade becomes especially popular in the spring, when after a long winter, the skin needs careful treatment, because the season of open shoes is ahead.

And also often the use of such funds is carried out in the summer, after wearing uncomfortable sandals, leading to corns or calluses.

The main indications for the use of a liquid blade include:

  • Increased sweating of the legs;
  • The presence of corns, dry calluses;
  • Rough, thickened, rough skin of the feet;
  • diabetic foot;
  • Diseases caused by fungal flora.

Are there any contraindications

Despite the fact that the liquid blade is a safe remedy, it is forbidden to use it in case of individual intolerance to the components. That is why before the procedure, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test by applying a little product to a small area of ​​the foot. In the absence of allergic manifestations, the cosmetic product can be used without fear and on the entire surface of the feet.

In addition, pedicure with a liquid blade is prohibited in the presence of obvious inflammatory processes, deep cracks and extensive areas of skin damage. If you use such products on damaged skin, you can cause irritation and discomfort in the form of a strong burning sensation.

Instructions for use

Before using this tool, it is important to read the instructions, which will give all recommendations for its use. But there is a certain procedure that is suitable for almost all means with the effect of a liquid blade.

Application steps:

  1. First you need to examine the skin of the legs for the presence of wounds and cuts, in their absence, you can proceed to the procedure.
  2. The product works better on loose skin, so before applying it, the feet are immersed in a warm bath for 5-10 minutes. After that, the legs are taken out and dried with a towel.
  3. Disinfectant treatment.
  4. Further, to protect the skin of the hands, it is necessary to wear latex or rubber gloves. In no case should the product be allowed to come into contact with open areas of the hands, and it is also necessary to ensure that the composition does not get into the eyes.
  5. After that, the liquid blade is applied in a thin layer to problem areas of the skin with a brush or fingers. To enhance the effect of the product, it can be soaked with cotton pads and applied to problem areas of the skin.
  6. Wrap your feet in cling film or put plastic bags on them.
  7. Keep the product for about 10 minutes and remove the film together with cotton pads. Usually the exposure time is indicated on the packaging. It is important not to exceed the recommended time. If the corn or callus has not softened, this can be achieved with the following procedure.
  8. After that, without taking off the gloves, it is necessary to massage the feet, thus removing the softened keratinized skin. If the layer of rough skin was too large, then a pumice stone or a rough nail file can help remove excess tissue. In this case, the movements should be light, accurate and in one direction, so as not to damage the young and delicate skin.
  9. Wash your feet thoroughly after using the product and pat dry.
  10. Next, the skin is again treated with a disinfectant.
  11. The application of a nourishing cream will help to complete the procedure, which will saturate the skin with useful substances and make the heels even softer.

Consider the most popular brands that produce products belonging to the category - "Liquid Blade":

  • Domix Green Professional. This brand produces a whole series of similar cosmetic products in the form of express foam softeners, gels, as well as wipes impregnated with a special composition. The products help soften the cuticle of the nails, as well as prepare the stratum corneum of the feet for cleaning. In this series there is also a product for baths "Liquid blade" with wheat germ, which is added to the water to prepare the feet for a pedicure.
  • callus. This brand represents a whole series of products that quickly soften the rough skin of the feet, as well as dry calluses. For example, Callus eliminator is suitable for European unedged as well as combined pedicure. The result is visible after the first application, but to achieve the maximum effect, especially on severely roughened skin, several procedures are required. Callus eliminator can be used once every 2 weeks.
  • Liquid blade for pedicure of the Faberlic Expert Pharma series. The tool also prepares the feet for a pedicure, helping to painlessly remove dead skin without the use of a blade. It is permissible to use not only on the feet, but also on the toes to remove the cuticle. This liquid blade contains alkali, so special care must be taken when using it.
  • The Sagitta brand among its products also has products that have the effect of a liquid blade. For example, LEMONGRASS KERATO CONTROL INTENSIVE is an effective and economical product with a fresh citrus fruit scent. The agent is applied to the feet for 3-8 minutes, depending on the thickness of the stratum corneum.

A liquid blade will help every girl become the owner of soft and beautiful ones. The most important thing is not to apply the product on damaged skin, and also follow the instructions for use and the exposure time of the liquid blade on the skin.
