Oily facial skin and enlarged pores. Enlarged pores on the face causes and treatment

Most often, those with oily skin face the problem of enlarged pores. This unpleasant phenomenon can be eliminated with proper care.

Enlarged pores - causes

Enlargement of pores (sebaceous glands) can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • A sharp decrease in immunity. To increase it, you can use special medications, thanks to which all the important substances enter the body. Increasing immunity will help not only avoid enlarged pores, but also prevent the development of more serious health problems, and your well-being will significantly improve.
  • Abuse of decorative cosmetics. This problem is often faced by girls who apply a thick layer of powder or foundation. You need to use a minimal amount of cosmetics.
  • Using certain medications for a long period of time. Before taking this or that drug, you need to carefully read the instructions, paying special attention to the “side effects” section. Of course, if treatment requires the mandatory use of such drugs, then through careful facial care, you can minimize the risk of pore enlargement.
  • Frequent exposure to stressful situations. If a girl is constantly nervous, you can say goodbye to a beautiful and even complexion for a long time. As a rule, a person begins to sleep poorly and practically stops eating, which also negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  • Improper skin care. This category includes various creams and masks that are designed to care for other skin types. You should not assume that a nourishing cream designed for dry skin will help relieve irritation on oily skin.
  • Using low-quality cosmetics. To always see an attractive reflection in the mirror with beautiful and healthy skin, you should not try to save on cosmetics. The ideal option would be to use a quality product from well-known world brands.
  • Enlarged pores may be a sign of a malfunction at the hormonal level. Here you need to consult a doctor, because only a specialist will be able to determine the cause that provoked such an unpleasant phenomenon. You may need to undergo special treatment.
Regardless of the specific reason that caused the enlargement of pores, it is necessary to carry out a set of procedures that will help restore the skin to a well-groomed and healthy appearance. Folk remedies are considered the most effective, because in this case only natural ingredients will be used.

Narrowing pores in a beauty salon

Experienced cosmetologists can help solve the problem of enlarged pores, taking into account the individual characteristics of each client’s skin condition. The choice of method will directly depend on the degree of neglect of the problem.


During the procedure, liquid nitrogen is used, which is applied using a wooden stick with a cotton swab at one end. Movements must be fast and clear. This cosmetic procedure helps not only with enlarged pores, but also removes acne, and it is performed exclusively on problem areas. After cryomassage, it is not recommended to be exposed to ultraviolet rays. The renewed layer of skin will be very sensitive and vulnerable, so you can sunbathe no earlier than after a few days.

Chemical peeling

This is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of enlarged pores. During a chemical peel, the skin will be exposed to the use of special chemicals that eliminate acne, dead particles, and blackheads.

It is recommended to perform chemical peeling in winter or autumn, because during this time the renewed skin will have minimal exposure to ultraviolet rays. This procedure has certain contraindications, so before performing it it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Laser resurfacing

This cosmetic procedure has recently become quite popular. During its implementation, problem areas are exposed to special laser beams. During grinding, the top layer of skin is destroyed, along with which enlarged pores and a number of other defects are also eliminated.

The main disadvantage of laser resurfacing is that it will require a long recovery period. During this time, special creams and ointments should be used regularly. However, the results obtained will last for several years.

All of the above procedures can be performed separately or in combination, thanks to which the desired result will be achieved.

Narrowing pores on the face at home

  • Chamomile is brewed as a simple tea, then left for a while to become warm. Add lime juice (lemon will also work), add 1 tsp. honey Soak a cotton swab in the resulting product and wipe your face several times a day. Pores are noticeably narrowed by rubbing the skin with ice cubes obtained from frozen chamomile infusion.
  • The cucumber is chopped on a coarse grater. Lemon juice is added. The resulting mass is used as a mask, before which you need to cleanse your face with tonic in advance.
  • Almonds (ground) and a little flour (rye) are added to the chamomile decoction with honey. A mass should form that resembles a slightly runny semolina in consistency. The mass is applied to the skin and washed off after a few minutes without using soap. After using this mask recipe, the skin should “breathe” for some time, so you should not immediately use cosmetics.
  • The strawberries are crushed and the resulting pulp is applied to cleansed facial skin. You can use this product only if you are not allergic to strawberries, otherwise there is a risk of getting a skin rash.

How to tighten pores on your face

Today there is no method by which you can get rid of this problem forever, but achieving your goal is possible through a number of measures:

  • Cleansing. Enlarged pores become clogged with sebum, which in turn provokes intensive proliferation of bacteria and acne. As a result, the pores begin to look much wider. That is why the facial cleansing procedure is of great importance. It is necessary to constantly wash your face using a special product that is suitable for a specific skin type. It is important to remember that any cleansing process must be accompanied by the parallel use of moisturizer.
  • Exfoliation. This procedure helps remove all dead skin particles that, along with sebum, get clogged into the pores. You should use a scrub at least once a week. Thanks to this, the skin structure significantly improves, and the nourishing cream is absorbed much better. The maximum results are achieved by scrubs containing salicylic or glycolic acid.
  • Masks. Special masks will help remove dirt and oil accumulated in the pores. It is advisable to use clay ones, which are left on the skin until completely dry. Clay contains unique natural substances that perfectly absorb all excess fat, therefore reducing pores.
  • Age remedies One of the main reasons causing this problem is skin aging. To maintain skin elasticity, you need to use high-quality anti-aging products.
  • Microdermabrasion. Thanks to this procedure, the pores are narrowed. You could say this is an intense exfoliation. Only an experienced cosmetologist can perform this procedure.


To avoid problems with enlarged pores in the future, you should follow these tips:
  • The skin needs thorough cleansing at least twice a day. To remove makeup, special products should be used, but only without alcohol. You need to wash your face with cool or cold water.
  • The skin should be periodically wiped with ice cubes made from boiled or purified water. An ideal option would be a chamomile decoction.
  • You should only use care products that are designed specifically for your skin type.
  • Several times a week you need to cleanse with soft peelings and scrubs.
  • You also need to be careful about your diet. It will be useful to completely avoid a variety of smoked foods, fried and spicy foods, fast foods, and drink a moderate amount of alcoholic beverages.
  • It is strictly forbidden to squeeze comedones or pimples with your hands, as during such a procedure the skin near the pores will be severely injured and stretched.
Video on how to tighten pores:

Cause of enlarged pores on the face

Enlarged pores on the face are more common in women with either oily skin. Due to the skin producing large amounts of sebum, it begins to accumulate in the pores, forming sebaceous plugs called comedones. As a result, accumulations of fat stretch the pores and make them more visible. Enlarged pores on the face are much less common with dry skin. This usually happens when skin type changes with age (after 35 years), but the pores remain.

How to deal with dilated and exfoliate skin

1. One of the main steps to get rid of this problem is cleansing the pores. Be sure to use it daily for washing (foam, gel) in the morning and evening. After washing, you need to apply a lotion or tonic that tightens the pores (they may contain extracts of birch, calendula, rosemary, hawthorn). Typically, products for oily skin contain substances that reduce sebum production and slightly tighten pores, and also prevent acne. For example, lotions with zinc oxide not only help tighten pores, but also remove excess oil. After it, you need to use a nourishing and protective day cream that moisturizes and smoothes the skin. But cleansers alone will not be enough.

2. Exfoliating scrubs can help tighten enlarged pores on your face. They are recommended to be used twice a week. First you need to wash your face with warm water and a cleanser, then apply a scrub and leave for 2-3 minutes. Gently massage the skin. After this, rinse your face with water and blot with a napkin.

As a result, after removing the dead (upper) layer of skin, a more elastic (lower) layer will open. Due to this, pores become smaller, the skin becomes more elastic, and holes are tightened better. In addition, with regular use of the scrub, the pores will be easier to steam and clean.

3. Another important step: you need to cleanse your face of any sebum that has accumulated there. This can be done at home using masks.

So, a mask made of colored clay (warm) is good. Both blue and white clay are suitable for this. You need to dilute the clay in warm water to the consistency of sour cream. If your skin is oily, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. To enhance the effect, you can dilute the clay not just with water, but with decoctions of medicinal herbs and drop in essential oil, since it has a pore-tightening effect. Apply the mask in a thick layer onto cleansed skin and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water. You can remove any remaining clay with a tonic, then apply a moisturizer to the skin. You should not make such masks more than once a week, and you should not use them on the same day as scrubs. And one more thing: if there are burst blood vessels, wounds or infiltrates on the face, it is better to refrain from using warm masks until the problem is eliminated.

A protein-lemon mask is also effective for tightening pores. For it you need to mix egg white with 10 drops of lemon juice and apply to the skin. After 10 min. Wash thoroughly with cool water. Do it a couple of times a week.

An astringent mask perfectly tightens pores. For it, take a spoonful of linden flowers, brew 100 grams of hot water, put it on low heat and heat until a thick mass forms. The mass is applied to the skin in a thick layer: cooled on normal and dry skin, and warm on oily skin. After 15 min. Remove the mask with a cotton swab and wash with cool water.

4. You can use ice cubes; by the way, they have been used for a very long time to narrow pores. To do this, pour 200 grams of boiling water over a spoonful of birch buds. Boil this for several minutes, pour the resulting solution into molds and place in the freezer. Use this cube to wipe your face every day.

5. A good method of dealing with enlarged and clogged pores is facial cleansing in a salon. There are several options: professional skin cleansing, ultrasound (darsonvalization), chemical cold treatment (cryotherapy), laser cleaning, microdermabrasion.

Such procedures will cost more than homemade masks, but they are performed by professionals and are very effective. Before you decide to have a procedure in a salon, you should definitely consult with a cosmetologist. And keep in mind: afterwards you need to protect your skin from direct rays of the sun for about a month, so you shouldn’t plan them for the holiday season. The ideal time is early spring.

How to prevent enlarged pores

It is much easier to prevent enlarged pores on the face than to deal with this problem later. To do this, it is enough to cleanse and moisturize the skin on time, use soft scrubs and products to regulate the secretion of sebum.

You should not wash your face with hot water, and the cleanser should not be aggressive. You also need to protect your skin from direct sunlight, choose high-quality cosmetics and eat right. It is better if your diet contains more fresh fruits, salads and vegetables, healthy liquids - mineral water, fresh juices, green tea, fruit drinks.

And finally: skin type, of course, is determined genetically, but in our time we have learned to solve the problem of enlarged pores. This will require a little patience and special care, which will help maintain the results of the procedures for a long time.

Are there many people in the world, Are there many people in the world who can boast of perfectly clean and smooth skin? Perhaps there are far fewer reasons why we are forced to turn to cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Enlarged pores on the face- one of the most common aesthetic defects, which definitely does not add to our attractiveness, and in the absence of timely treatment can ruin the skin forever.

Why do we receive such punishment? At what point should you sound the alarm and who should you turn to for help?

Why do pores expand?

Most often, oily skin on the face suffers from this defect, mainly the T-zone (forehead, wings of the nose and chin), and a little less often - the cheeks. The fact is that pores are designed to remove sebum from the body, and if too much of it is produced and the skin tone is weakened, they quickly increase in size. Wide pores easily become clogged with dirt, sebum accumulates in their trunks, comedones appear, etc. There are essentially two main reasons why this can happen - genetics and age. There are many more provoking factors:

  • Increased production of the male hormone androgen by the body, which stimulates the sebaceous glands (the more active they are, the wider the pores will be).
  • Hormonal changes during adolescence and after menopause.
  • Other hormonal disorders caused by diseases or taking certain pharmacological drugs.
  • Excessive use of sunbathing and solarium causes dehydration of the skin and, as a result, activation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Excessive use of decorative cosmetics, its low quality, insufficient cleansing of the facial skin - the applied products, as well as sebaceous fat and dead epidermal cells, clog the pores, preventing them from narrowing.
  • Systematic stress and nervous disorders, weakened immunity, alcohol abuse, smoking
  • Poor nutrition - eating fast food, smoked meats, fried and fatty foods.
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular constipation.

Many women prefer to ignore the problem, covering it up with corrective products, and men even believe that enlarged pores are not a cause for concern. However, the lack of proper treatment over time leads to persistent and, often, irreversible changes that can no longer be masked with cosmetics: the skin becomes loose, like dough, and porous, like an orange peel.

Is it possible to narrow pores and how to do it?

A technique for skin rejuvenation by exposing it to high frequency radio waves. As a result, spiral-shaped collagen fibers twist, tighten soft tissues, restore good tone to the skin, thereby reducing pore sizes. Additionally, the production of your own hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen is launched, blood circulation improves and cellular metabolism is normalized. The standard course consists of 4-6 sessions, conducted every 7-10 days. The cumulative effect of radiolifting finally manifests itself after 3-4 months and lasts from 1 to 3 years, depending on the characteristics of the skin. Ultrasound therapy or ultraphonophoresis The use of ultrasonic waves to improve the permeability of cell membranes with the application of medications and meso-cocktails to the skin. At the same time, under the influence of ultrasound, an antibacterial effect is observed, stimulating the production of young cells, and improving local blood circulation. A course of ultraphonophoresis can consist of 10-15 or more procedures, which are performed every day or every 2-3 days. Of particular importance for the effectiveness and duration of the result is the correctness of the selected medications. A gentle, painless and safe method of cleaning the surface of the skin and pores, smoothing the skin texture and improving its quality. Very often, ultrasonic peeling is performed before or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures to increase their effectiveness. Cleansing and rejuvenation of the surface layers of the skin with ablative lasers, after which regenerative processes in the skin are launched, the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated, the quality of the skin improves, and its healthy appearance returns. Cryotherapy Exposure of the skin to low temperatures, including hardware cryomassage using liquid nitrogen and visiting a cryosauna. Cold treatment activates metabolic processes, improves skin condition and noticeably tightens pores after the first procedure. The course consists of 5-6 or more sessions depending on the skin's reaction to cold.

Other treatments for enlarged pores

What's the point?
Comprehensive facial cleansing One of the most popular cosmetic procedures, which is a combination of hardware and mechanical skin cleansing, cold or hot steaming, various massage effects, applying masks, serums and creams from professional lines of cosmetic products (selected by a cosmetologist depending on the condition of the skin and its type). As a result, pores are deeply cleansed, narrowed, skin color and texture are evened out, inflammation and rashes are reduced. It is recommended to visit a beauty salon for deep comprehensive cleaning at least 2-4 times a year.
To narrow pores, as a rule, superficial and medium peels are used. Lasting results after several sessions of superficial peeling (glycolic, enzyme, almond, etc.) or one medium peel (TCA or trichloroacetic acid, phenol, retinol, etc.).
Care using lines of specialized professional cosmetics Such drugs are available in almost all popular brands. Among them are creams, lotions, masks, serums, emulsions and other external products that are created specifically to solve the problem of enlarged pores and contain retinol, fruit acids, plant extracts and other active ingredients. They can be used in complex cosmetic procedures; in addition, you can ask a cosmetologist to select these products for home maintenance care.

Prevention of enlarged pores

At home, completely or long-term solving the problem of skin porosity is quite problematic, but there are certain recommendations that will help you maintain the results achieved after visiting a cosmetologist for a long time:

  • Thoroughly cleanse your face in the morning and especially in the evening, after applying makeup, use special cleansers that do not contain alcohol or aggressive detergents, and wash with cold or cool water.
  • Regularly wipe your face with an ice cube of purified or boiled water or chamomile decoction.
  • For facial care, use cosmetic products specially designed for oily and porous skin.
  • Cleanse your skin regularly, but not more than 1-2 times a week, with soft scrubs and peels.
  • Pay attention to your diet - give up smoked foods, fast food, spicy and fried foods, reduce the amount of alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Do not squeeze out pimples or comedones with your fingers - this will injure and stretch the skin around the pores.

Experts' opinions

cosmetologist "", candidate of medical sciences:

Reducing pores is one of the complex and difficult to solve problems in cosmetology. Constant and thorough skin care is required. Regular cleaning procedures, ultrasonic cleaning. We also use the hydromechanical peeling procedure, which allows you to cleanse the pores of excess sebaceous secretions and introduce therapeutic serums in a non-injection method. In addition to those listed above, the most effective methods can be noted as follows:

  • microcurrent therapy, when used regularly, also leads to a reduction in pores;
  • photorejuvenation - a course of procedures (carried out in the autumn-winter period);
  • laser procedures (rejuvenation, resurfacing).

All of them are carried out in our clinic. And at home, proper care is necessary: ​​thorough cleansing, soft peelings, creams correctly selected for your skin type (enlarged pores are more common with oily skin). Such supportive care is definitely needed even after hardware techniques, and it is advisable that all the means be selected by a doctor.

The main thing is to understand that it is impossible to completely remove pores. You can reduce them using hardware techniques in the clinic and maintain the result at home with the help of creams and serums, cleansing. Courses of hardware methods should be repeated periodically, since they give only temporary results.

Beautiful smooth skin will remain a pipe dream if you do not cleanse it properly. External impurities and dead cells stick together with excess sebum and clog pores. Inflammation begins, which may leave scars. How to narrow the pores on your face so that your skin remains smooth and even? There is no ideal recipe for everyone; a lot depends on hormonal levels and proper care. If you pay attention to these points and use masks and scrubs, then you can say goodbye to enlarged pores once and for all.

Why do enlarged pores appear on the face?

Before answering the question of how to narrow the pores on the face, let's look at several reasons for this skin condition. Smart tactics for dealing with defects is to eliminate the causes, not just the consequences. It is obvious that there are combined external and internal factors. Among the first, we note the poor environment, significant fluctuations in air temperature and humidity, and unfavorable working conditions. In addition, enlarged pores on the face often occur when there is no adequate skin care and aggressive cosmetics are used.

It is difficult to find the main “culprit” inside the body. Excessive secretion of skin secretion is affected, which, in turn, is caused by hormonal changes in the body, for example, during puberty, as well as in older people. How the activity of hormones will manifest itself depends on heredity. Dietary problems and digestive disorders can also wreak havoc on smooth skin. Owners of skin prone to rosacea are concerned about searching for an answer to the question of how to narrow the pores on the face.

Each of the reasons can be completely or partially eliminated. As for the genetic predisposition of the skin, it is advisable to create conditions under which hereditary factors are less likely to exert their negative influence: lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to the right diet, and harden yourself.

How to get rid of enlarged pores

Those with oily skin know how difficult it is to take care of it. Excessive shine can be hidden with cosmetics, but open and enlarged pores stubbornly do not want to “hide” under a layer of foundation. The surface of the skin resembles spongy spring snow or an orange in its peel. There are several general directions for solving the problem:

  • regularly remove plugs from pores and dead cells using scrubs and peels;
  • apply hygiene cosmetics (from the store and pharmacy);
  • take advantage of the achievements of microdermabrasion;
  • Not just any mask is needed, but a face mask that tightens pores;
  • use home remedies, gifts of nature.

Let's decipher each of the points of the plan, giving preference to simple and effective means. The choice should be individual, taking into account the state of health, the advantages and disadvantages of certain methods of eliminating skin defects for a particular person.

How to tighten enlarged pores on oily skin?

A tendency to enlarge pores is characteristic of oily facial skin. The condition of the body shell largely depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of carotene and vitamin E in food. It is necessary to replenish the diet with carrot juice, apricots, fish oil, peanuts, and flaxseed oil.

Thorough cleansing, especially of oily facial skin, should become a mandatory daily ritual. Liquid antibacterial soap can be used periodically. Mangosteen extract will help solve some cosmetic problems. This component in liquid soap stops the proliferation of numerous bacteria, eliminates inflammation, tightens pores, and eliminates excess shine of the skin.

If excessively oily skin continues to bother you, then after each wash you should wipe your face with a toner and use lotions that contain a small amount of alcohol. There is an opinion that using soap leads to dry skin. Then it is better to use foams, milk with aloe vera, chamomile, basil and citrus fruits.

Homemade lotions for oily skin

Homemade cucumber lotion, obtained by infusing pieces of fresh ripe vegetables in medical alcohol (1:4) for seven days, tightens pores and brightens the skin. The cucumber should not be green, but yellow, preferably with a brown crust.

Facilitates the care of problematic facial skin with a lotion made from flowers and herbs (calendula, yarrow, sage and hops). Plants are taken in equal proportions, crushed and placed in a glass jar. For the procedure, you need to place 3 tablespoons of the mixture in a linen bag and steam with boiling water. After 10 minutes, remove the bag, let it cool slightly, and then apply it to problem areas of the skin. You can wash your face with lotion and wipe your face. The benefit of plant extracts is that they cleanse the epidermis, reduce sebum secretion, and tighten pores.

Deep cleansing of problematic skin

Thoroughly washing your face and rubbing with lotions on a regular basis will reduce pores. But these measures alone are not enough, especially when you urgently need to get your skin in order. An affordable, simple and effective remedy for tightening pores on the face is a scrub. A light composition with small abrasive crystals is used for inflamed skin. A scrub with larger particles is suitable even for sensitive skin. Different compositions allow you to remove plugs from micro-holes in the epidermis and deeply cleanse the skin.

A simple and inexpensive composition that helps with enlarged pores

The best products for reducing pore size are not necessarily the most scarce or expensive. A good effect is observed with weekly use of an oatmeal mask:

  1. Add water to make the flakes swell.
  2. Add a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of lemon juice.
  3. Massage the prepared product into the skin for 3 minutes, then leave for another 10 minutes.
  4. Complete the procedure by washing with warm and cold water.

How to quickly tighten pores

Trying to quickly get rid of pores on the face, many women and girls use the entire arsenal of products at the same time. There is no ideal method that reveals how to tighten the pores on your nose in 5 minutes. Even 30 minutes is not enough for cleansing, moisturizing and makeup, because after each procedure you need to let the skin “catch its breath” for 10 minutes. An effective way to narrow pores relatively quickly is to use egg whites, natural apple cider vinegar and lemon juice:

  1. Beat the egg white until foamy, adding a teaspoon of lemon juice drop by drop to the resulting mixture;
  2. Mix with a small amount of natural apple cider vinegar.
  3. Apply the composition to the skin with a brush and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse your face first with warm, then with cold water.

A good way to complete the procedure is to rub ice cubes on the skin to close the pores. Applying moisturizer is the traditional end of most treatments for skin with enlarged pores.

Enlarged pores are not masked by either powder or foundation. Usually this problem is typical for those with oily skin type. A familiar situation: in the morning a face with neat makeup, and by lunchtime a shiny nose, forehead, cheeks and treacherously protruding pores. The problem of enlarged pores can come along with pimples, blackheads and other imperfections. But first things first.

Why? Excessive work of the sebaceous glands of the skin is the main reason for enlarged pores. Bacteria multiply quickly in sebum, causing inflammation. All people have pores, and we cannot narrow the genetically determined size of pores, but we can visually reduce and disguise them. Pores appear largest in the areas where the sebaceous glands are most active, which is the T-zone. Such problems are familiar to everyone who has mixed skin type.

How to care for your skin? How to tighten pores?

1. Cleansing: in the morning, wash your face with cool water, which tones the skin, tightens pores and helps reduce oiliness. It is recommended to cleanse the skin with water-soluble products - gels, foams; in the evening - cleanse with some lotion for oily skin, as well as salicylic acid. TIP: Wash your face at home with cold sparkling mineral water. Microelements will help restore the mineral balance of the skin, and the bubbles will improve complexion through micromassage.

2. Toning: After washing, refresh and cleanse the skin with toner.

3. Nutrition skin with wide pores: in the morning, apply a nourishing cream with a minimal content of fatty components, and before going to bed, apply a thin layer of night cream. Moisturizing and protection: compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Prevention: drink a glass of herbal tea every day; For oily, porous skin, masks are very useful: protein, protein-lemon, protein-camphor, fruit and vegetable, yeast, hydrogen peroxide.

4. Exfoliation: The main remedy for large pores is exfoliating problematic skin with acids. Choose products with salicylic, lactic, and glycolic acid. After peeling, the skin becomes smooth, clean and pleasant to the touch. Peeling should not be done on inflamed skin with pustular rashes. Many women abuse the magical properties of scrubs, making cleansing masks almost every day. This is a very dangerous mistake. The fact is that frequent peelings greatly dry out the skin, causing a deficiency of sebum. And this, in turn, is a trigger for restoring the lost lipid layer. That is, the skin begins to produce fatty lubricant in even greater quantities than before peeling. This leads to deterioration of the skin condition. You can use scrubs once or twice a week. In this case, the scrub should be applied to damp skin and rubbed with soft circular movements over the face. All movements must be very careful. The procedure is carried out for no less than one and no more than three minutes. It should be borne in mind that when using scrubs, a large number of microtraumas appear on the skin, which can become infected when going outside. Therefore, experts advise exfoliating with scrubs in the evening, before going to bed.

What's in the cosmetic bag?

Choose cosmetics containing acids, including nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is advisable to use products from the same cosmetic line, which includes a cleansing gel, tonic, and a mask to tighten pores.

Cosmetics at home

Recipe No. 1

Grind the fresh yarrow flowers, add the same amount of gruel, honey, cream, 1 tsp. lemon juice and egg yolk. For dried herbs: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry yarrow pour 1 cup of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. starch.

Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 2

Cut the tomatoes into circles (1-2 pieces), stick them on your face for twenty minutes. Afterwards, rinse your face with warm water, then cold. Recommended for oily, earthy skin with large pores.

Recipe No. 3

Grind the egg yolk with 1 tsp. berry, fruit or vegetable juice. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. sour cream. Apply to face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 4

A tablespoon of grated dry sage leaves is mixed with a tablespoon of green medicinal clay and aloe gel (juice). The mask is applied in a layer of approximately 2 cm to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and kept until completely dry. Rinse with warm water, first soften the mask. It is advisable to avoid cracks in the clay mask. After applying a gel or makeup base to tighten the pores, use a primer that contains silicone polymers that fill uneven areas on the surface of the skin. For example, foundation with silicone particles from YSL. Then apply a light pore-tightening foundation with reflective particles. For example, mattifying foundation from Clinique. During the day, remove oily shine with mattifying wipes.

Proper diet

It is necessary to limit the consumption of fried, hot, spicy, fatty and sweet foods. Milk chocolate and other sweets should be excluded from the diet. All this affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands and enhances the synthesis of sebum. It is necessary to supplement your diet with complex vitamins, the lack of which has a detrimental effect on the condition of not only internal organs, but also the skin.
