Aty baty we are soldiers. Lesson of the sports festival "Aty - Baty, we are soldiers

Synopsis of a sports holiday

"Aty-bats - we are soldiers!"

(Dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day,

for preschool children and parents)

Preliminary work:

  1. Conversation with children on the topic “Who are the defenders of the Fatherland?”
  2. Learning the song "Our Army".
  3. Learning poems.
  4. Shooting a video clip “Stories about their dads”.
  5. Photo exhibition “Our dads are real soldiers!”


  1. TSO (TV and VCR);
  2. 2 easels;
  3. visual landmarks (cones);
  4. 2 "budenovka";
  5. 2 basketballs;
  6. 2 basketball baskets;
  7. 2 tunnels;
  8. 2 images of military equipment (dots);
  9. 4 hoops;
  10. "snowballs" by the number of children;
  11. 8 pins;
  12. 2 potatoes;
  13. 2 spoons;
  14. cut pictures.

Leading: Today we have gathered to congratulate all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Probably, there are defenders of the Fatherland in every family - these are grandfathers, and older brothers, and of course, your beloved dads. We wish them health, love, success in all their endeavors and pride in their children, who love them very much!

Children read poetry

1st child:

Look in our hall
Guests glorious sit!
So many dads were seen at once
In February we are a year ago.

2nd child:

There are carpenters, fitters,
engineers, physicians,
There are great drivers.
Pilots and bakers.

3rd child:

I'll tell you without embellishment:
At home, dad is the highest class.
All week long
Looking forward to Saturday and Sunday.

4th child:

Only with dad, not with mom
These days we are making
All football programs
Let's take a look during breaks.

The song "Our Army" is performed.

Presenter: Our boys will soon grow up and go to serve in the army. Let's imagine that we are in the army. You know that there are different types of troops in the army.

Who is on the tank? (Tankman)

Who serves on the border? (Border guard)

Who flies in a helicopter? (Helicopter pilot)

Who is a rocket launcher? (Who serves in the missile forces)

What is the name of a person who jumps with a parachute? (Parachutist)

What is the name of a soldier who does not have military equipment? (Infantryman)

Well done! And now we will divide into teams - a team of missilemen and a team of border guards - and see which of you will become soldiers and whether you can serve in the army. Both boys and girls will take part in our competitions, so that girls can understand how hard it is in military service. Our jury will give the teams secret tasks and will keep a close eye on how you complete them. And what is the secret, we will find out when all the tasks are completed.

Jury RepresentativeA: We have split pictures. For the completed task, you get a piece of the picture, and at the end of the holiday, having collected all the pieces, you will find out what is shown in your pictures.

Leading: Our unit is on alert. Soldiers need to quickly put on their helmets.

1st relay “BATTLE ALARM”(running with helmets on the head).

Leading: And now, we will move on to combat exercises: we will check whether our future soldiers know how to hit the target.

2nd relay “HIT THE GOAL”(hit the ball into the basketball basket).

Leading: Iron fish dives to the bottom
She guards her native seas.

3rd relay: “SUBBOAT”(tunnel).

Leading: Of course, in the army, soldiers not only fight and train, they also rest. Let's take a break too.

Competition for parents and children. It is necessary to determine what type of military equipment is depicted on a piece of paper. By connecting the dots with the numbers in order and determine what is shown on paper.

Leading: We need to run along a winding path and bring a “snowball”. And we will see who is the most dexterous, running around, does not drop a single pin and who is the fastest and most attentive soldier.

Musical pause:dance-rhythmic composition"Fireworks"

4th relay race “ALONG THE TINDING PATH”(At the finish line there is a hoop containing “snowballs”. At the leader’s signal, the first player starts moving: runs around each pin, runs to the hoop, takes the “snowball”, returns to his team, puts the “snowball” into the hoop.)

Leading: You know, I'll tell you a secret, sometimes it happens that soldiers violate discipline, and then they are sent to the kitchen to peel potatoes.

5th relay race “POTATO”(you need to transfer the potatoes in a spoon).

Leading: Each military unit has its own talents. (Performance of children attending the sports section of karate. (11-12 years old)).

Leading: We checked that our soldiers are able to accurately hit the target. And now let's check whether they can accurately perform the specified actions. It is necessary to crawl and hand over the package with documents to the commander.

6th relay race “GIVE THE PACKAGE TO THE COMMANDER" (for children).

Congratulation of girls: musical and rhythmic composition"Blue scarf"

Leading: Being away from their native places, the soldiers miss home, remember their parents. Write letters and send videos. (Watching the video "Stories about their dads").

Leading: Now let's see if you can put together the pictures from the pieces you got. And find out what they show.

(Each team collects their pictures, which depict military equipment.)

Leading: Well done, guys, you did a great job with all the tasks, showed that you are strong, dexterous, skillful, that you can serve in the army and become worthy defenders of our Motherland, which you will cherish and love.

I want everyone to laugh
So that dreams always come true.
So that children dream joyful dreams,
So that the morning is good
To keep mom from being sad
Let there be no war!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Kid" Zernogradsky district


sports festival

"Aty - baty, we are soldiers"

(held on February 18, 2016 in the preparatory group "Toptyzhki")

Compiled by: Golenko E.E. physical education instructor

Art. Mechetinskaya


The hall is elegantly decorated with balloons, flags, attributes of a military theme.

Marching to a sports song, the children enter the hall in teams.First - Infantrymen:

Brave soldiers go to the army,

Eh, left, left, they go to the army,

And the boys happily run after them!

I want the boys to serve in the army,

I want the boys to accomplish a feat

Second - Sailors:

White caps,

Like seagulls for karma.

tanned boys,

The cabin is home.

Tomorrow we are back at sea,

Swing in space

We will see many countries

And blue ocean 2 times

Gym teacher- Standard-bearers, forward, step march!

Gym teacher- Dear children, dear parents and guests

our holiday, let me congratulate

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to all of you.

This holiday is dedicated to men of all ages, and therefore to the children of our kindergarten. After all, our boys from a very young age become the defenders of those who are smaller than them.

by age, those who are weaker. And many of the guys, growing up, choose a courageous profession - to defend their homeland. They become soldiers.

Reb.- This holiday is very important.

Celebrating in February

Feast of the brave warriors

A holiday of peace on earth.

Reb.- Saved the planet from war

Our army of soldiers

Hello to all heroes

Hundreds of little guys.

Reb.- Served in this army

Our grandfathers and fathers

The boys will get big

There will also be good guys.

Reb.- We want our mothers

And fathers were proud of us

Argue not in war and fight -

It's more fun to win in sports!

Song about the Army

Gym teacher- Today I invite you to compete,

show your prowess, strength, dexterity. And to make the results objective, we invited the jury (representation of the jury members). Teams, say hello to your opponents.

Fanfare sounds

Sailors:(T) make sure you don't fold -

Sailors we are just class!

Infantry:(T) To cope with the task by strength,

And our motto: I serve Russia!

Formidable music sounds, Koschey jumps into the hall on a “horse”.

Koschey- I'll freeze, I'll bewitch,

I will enchant you all!

Here are the tests

I'll release it right there.

Without banners, it will be difficult for you,

But trust each other

You will all pass the test

And take the banners!

Koschey takes the banners and runs away to the music.

Fizru k - To take the enemy by surprise, use ingenuity. And sports training will not be superfluous here. Guys, we will definitely help out our banners, and your parents will help us with this.

Reb.- I'm going to serve as a tanker,

Learn to shoot at a target.

Reb. - I would like to become a skydiver

I really want to fly.

Reb.- My dream is simple:

Conquer the height.

I dream of becoming a pilot

But first I'll grow up.

Reb. -I would go to captain

Walk in rivers and seas

I will protect Russia

On warships.

Reb. - I like infantry

Helmet, flask on the belt,

Very important work

Be a soldier on earth.

Reb.- Officers and soldiers

Our valiant country

All the guys wish

Never know war.


(Dads take the children on their backs or arms, the child has a ball in his hand, runs around the counter, passes the ball to the next couple).

Gym teacher:The song sings Russian landing is never given!


(To the music, the children move like “airplanes”, the music changes, balls of two colors fly up, to the cheerful music, the teams collect accordingly: yellow balls - yellow hoops, red - in red.)

Game: "Clean the barracks"

Adults are involved. An odd number of adults stand in a circle. The host hands one of the participants a mop. According to the music, the participants of the game perform movements imitating cleaning. At the end of the music, the command is given: “In a line of two - stand!”. The participant left without a pair takes a mop, the game continues.

3. Competition "Proverbs and sayings about military service."

There is safety in numbers.

Those who are afraid are beaten.

One for all and all for one.

Hero for the motherland.

To live - to serve the motherland.

Who goes ahead, that fear does not take.

Fear has big eyes.

Die yourself, but save a comrade.

Hard in learning - easy in battle.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

A step forward is a step towards victory.

It's not enough to wait for victory - you have to win.

To study military affairs is always useful.

Stand up for the right cause.

Who is brave - he is alive, who is brave - he is alive.

A skilled fighter - well done everywhere.

Victory is not expected, but caught up.

Victory does not wind in the air, but gets it with your hands.

A brave warrior is not afraid of a tank.

Bold fear will not take.

A brave fighter and well done in battle.

The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.

If the army is strong, it is invincible.

The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad.

Reb. - The vest has two colors,

Says the charter of the sea

White is a cloud in the sky

And the color of the sea is blue.

Reb.- We are at sea and in the navy

We protect your peace.

And proudly flies on the yard

Andreevsky flag, maritime.

4 .“Sea Races”

( on skateboards)

Reb.- We will hug, kiss dads and grandfathers a hundred times!

And now we will dance for you

Dance of the sailors for you.

The dance of the sailors is being performed.

Gym teacher- The foot soldiers also want to congratulate their dads.

Reb.- Dad, you are the best in the world,

The best father on the planet!

How proud I am of you!

I firmly hold on to the hand and friendship!

One two three four five -

Let's congratulate dad!

The day of the defender has come

Congratulations just flurry:

Once! Diseases of the eyelids do not know

To flaunt healthy.

Two! Work without worries.

And three salaries on time.

For four - bright days,

Good, devoted friends,

Never lose them...

Yours to flourish!

And for five - big love,

Happy Defender's Day, Hero!

Group "Toptyzhka" dramatization of the poem "Little Defender".

Boy:I invited my friends to visit

We played all day

And in war and in planes,

Tanks, guns, boats...

Mom came in the evening.

Barely found us.

Mother:What kind of pogrom is this?

Why is everything upside down?

Boy: This is me for my home,

He waged an unequal battle with the enemy.

Mother:Who ate the candy from the vase?

Boy:We celebrated the victory!

We have a dugout under the table,

And under the chairs there is a hut.

Mom: And on the chandelier?

Boy:There's a rocket

She shot down a helicopter.

Mother:Well, what about in the bathroom?

Boy:There's a torpedo

sank the steamer

(approaches mom, strokes her head)

Boy:Don't be angry with me

After all, my friends came.

Mother:It's good they didn't come.

Your enemies are visiting us!

Fizruk - A soldier needs rest,

Well, future soldiers

I suggest you play.

5. "Wounded Fighter"

Girls "bandage"papa

6. "Soldier's Dinner"

Infantrymen cook "Porridge from an ax."

Sailors "Navy Pasta".

Two dishes of cereals and pasta. Participants collect with a spoon and transfer to a saucepan.

Reb. -We walk bravely

Left and right

Because all the soldiers

There were also preschoolers.

Hurry up, grow up

To join the army.

Reb. -We are a few years old

But time goes by.

protector and man

Grow up in a boy.

Reb. -The winds blow in February

Howling in the pipes loudly

Light snow rushes like a snake on the ground.

Over the Russian land

Aircraft links.

Glory to the native army

On her birthday! 2 times

Rewarding participants, presentation of gifts.

Confidently comprehend the basics of military service young soldiers who arrived to serve in 181 combat helicopter base. Everything is new and unfamiliar to them now. And the pair command "Rise!", And the first outfit, and the first hemmed collar. There is still a year and a half of service ahead, during which each of them will have to master the military specialty to perfection. And now they are learning to walk with a marching step, study the charters, in a word they are taking the course of a young fighter. Experienced officers, ensigns and sergeants help them in this, always ready not only to theoretically tell, but also to show by personal example the implementation of physical training standards, drill techniques and bed making. The work of the reception point for young replenishment is led by Lieutenant Colonel Miranovich V.P.

Together with the administration of the point, which includes senior lieutenant Alexander Siraev, warrant officer Alexander Savko and senior sergeant Paleksand Blednykh, they strictly control and establish good service conditions, the life of young soldiers, and the learning process. The command of the air base is constantly interested in personal conversations about the difficulties the young recruits face, answering all their questions.
On February 12, 2011, a memorable event will take place in the lives of these young guys. On this day, they will take a military oath of allegiance to the people of the Republic of Belarus. From that moment on, they will become full-fledged defenders of our Fatherland. I would like to wish them success in this difficult, but at the same time honorable business.

Major Vladimir Levkovich

News from this category


  • 31.01.2011

    May their service be safe and easy...

  • 31.01.2011

    Yes, you can only feel sorry for them! How good it is that girls are not drafted into the army!

  • 31.01.2011

    And there’s nothing terrible here) They will feed, water, put to bed, sometimes they’ll tell a fairy tale from the guide for the night))

  • 31.01.2011

    Nothing at all, just run a few kilometers, get up at 6.00 in the morning, wash once a week and this is just the beginning of this list!

Christina Grebenkina
Scenario of the holiday "Aty-baty, we are soldiers!"

Holiday script« Aty-baty, We soldiers

Target: create a joyful atmosphere for children holiday, instill a sense of respect for the Russian army, love for the Motherland; to help consolidate the skills of performing the main types of movements; develop physical, volitional qualities, purposefulness.


1. Popularization of physical culture among children;

2. Formation of sustainable interest in physical culture and sports;

3. Raising a sense of patriotism;

4. Development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, cohesion.

5. Expand children's understanding of the state holiday.

6. Cultivate love for the motherland.

Leading: Dear guys, it will take place very soon holiday 23 february. Who knows what this day is called?

(Defenders of the Fatherland Day)

Leading: Right. Do you know who stands up for the defense of the Fatherland in a difficult moment for her?

(warriors, soldiers) .

Leading: That's right, our native Army, the most powerful and invincible. Enemies have already tried many times to attack our Motherland, but thanks to our Army, its warriors - defenders, our country has always won. Do you know why?

(Because our defenders are brave, brave, strong and fast and love their Motherland very much.)

Let's read the verses dedicated to holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Defenders of the Fatherland

Wonderful holiday in February

My country meets.

She is her defenders

Hearty congratulations!

On land, in the sky, on the seas

And even underwater

Soldiers protect our world

For us, my friend, with you.

Military holiday

We have one holiday.

This holiday - men's day,

defenders day, soldier.

There will be a parade on that day!

We will see helicopters

Guns, tanks, planes.

We will march with military pace

Under a big beautiful flag.

Read the congratulations

Let's sit on dad's lap.

There are many men in the army

And one like him!

The holiday of all our soldiers -

That's what this day means!

Day of brave defenders

Yes, and just all the guys!

After all, each of them dreams

Protect children, family,

Conquer at least something in the world

And find your destiny!

May today in your name

February twenty third

Closer to the night - salutes thunder.

Worthy of congratulations today.

May today in your name

February twenty third

All words of congratulations sound

Closer to the night - salutes thunder.

You are a man, even if not a warrior,

Worthy of congratulations today.

On this day of father and grandfather

Congratulations to the whole family!

My sister and I from ourselves,

Let's draw a horse!

Our horse gallops on paper

I will ring loudly!

Well, grandmother and mother

Bake a pie for them

And they put sweet inside

And crumbly cottage cheese!

When there is ice on the rivers

And the blizzard rushes into the distance,

Wonderful holiday February brings us a thoughtful.

will come holiday of all soldiers, Defenders, fighters.

Everyone will be happy to congratulate both grandfathers and fathers

Let the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the formidable guns be silent

And machine guns do not scribble,

So that people live, cities,

Peace is always needed on earth!

Russian army

Russian army

Everyone loves us

About the Russian Army

There will be our story.

Our Army is native

And brave and strong

Not threatening anyone

She protects us.

That's why we love from childhood

This holiday in February.

Glory to the Russian Army

The most peaceful on earth!


There were bumps on the forehead,

Under the eye - lanterns.

If we are boys

Then we are rich.

Scratches. Splinters.

We are only afraid of iodine.

Here, without hesitation, tears

The commander himself is pouring.

Let the head be green

And in plasters leg,

But there are still strengths

To crush the enemy

I will draw a ship

Where is the captain?

Bravely my dad swims

From far, far away countries.

I'll draw an airplane

Where is the father commander.

And days and nights

Dad saves the world.

I will draw a gun

And a rider in the saddle.

I know: there is no better dad

Heroes on earth!

I have a father!

Ask what is he?

The strongest dad

The BRAVEST Warrior!

Kind. The smartest one.

How not to brag.

Dad only with mom

I have a father!

It doesn't matter what he is!

The best dad in the world

Because HE IS MY!

border guard

Protects our land

To work and study

All the people could calmly.

Our hero pilots

The sky is vigilantly guarded

Our hero pilots

Protect peaceful work.

Our own army

Guards the peace of the country,

So that we grow up, not knowing troubles,

So that there is no war.

I seriously stated:

“Being a kid is tired,

I want to be a general!

I'm an adult, I'm brave!

I'm not afraid of dogs anymore

Their growl is not a threat.

I'm not afraid of turkeys

No more fear of thunderstorms.

I'm almost seven years old!

I ate semolina for my life ... "

My father laughed:

“Learn to twist footcloths!

That general is very bad

Who in never been a soldier

I have toys:

Tanks, pestles, crackers,

iron soldiers,

Armored train, machine guns.

And when the time comes

So that he could go to the army calmly,

I'm with the guys in the game

I work out in the yard.

We play there "Zarnitsa" -

Draw me a border

I'm on post! I'm guarding!

Once trusted - I can!

Our warriors are full

Courage and honor!

On Defender's Day

We are all with them!

All the military with this day

Congratulations together!

And when we grow up

Let's serve our country!

The winds blow in February

Howling loudly in the pipes

And rushes across the earth

White ground.

Rising, rushing into the distance

Aircraft links.

This celebrates february

Army birth.

Leading: Guys, when you grow up, do you want to become defenders of your Fatherland? (Yes) .

Leading: Then let's check how dexterous, fast, brave and strong you are. Today we have 2 teams competing. Let's welcome them.

I would like to introduce you to the jury.

And now we give the floor to our participants of the competition.

(Teams are introduced : name, motto).

Team "Rocket"

Rocketeers are brave, bold,

And we are not friendlier.

We send to our rivals

Our warm greetings!

Team "A gun"

Team fighters "A gun"

Shoot right on target

To severe trials

We are ready now.

Cheerleaders - girlfriends

Help us always.

For an early victory

We will all shout: "Hooray!"

Child (girl):

On the shoulder only the brave service,

A great success awaits

Who does not flinch, if necessary,

Join the fight for us for all!

Leading: And now we will find out which of our future defenders is the most dexterous. And the first competition of our competitions is announced.


Lean forward, put a bag of sand on your back, spread your arms to the sides, and, raising your head, fly to the chip and back without dropping the bag (The exercise is performed at speed, the dexterity of the child is manifested).

The jury announces the score after each number.

2. "Rescuers".

One girl sits on chairs at a distance. From each team, one boy runs up to his girl and bandages her head. Saves.

(Competition for speed of reaction, performed by one of the team representatives).

Leading: We continue our competition.

Hold the ball between your knees

Jump quickly, then run!

The main thing is to hold the ball tightly

Then you will always win!

3. "Don't Drop the Ball".

The child, holding the ball between his knees, must jump to the chip, take the ball in his hands and run back (Exercise for endurance and speed) .

4. "Running on bumps"

Run jumping over the hoops to the chips, just run back.

5. "Combat Song"

Walk in line while singing a song. Senior group "Went soldiers on vrynu»

6. "Hit the target"

Take turns throwing the ball into the hoop. The number of balls thrown into the hoop from each team is counted.

7. "Trenches"

Children take turns running to the finish line, climbing through two hoops along the way and returning to the team,

7. "Fly, fly my plane!"

Launch your paper airplane as far as possible.

8. "Engine"

Run between the chips, holding on to each other "engine". The team that runs first and does not knock down the chips wins.

Leading: Our teams competed together, showed their strength, agility and endurance. And while the jury is summing up the results of our competition, we will hold a competition for fans.

Our fans closely followed the competition, worried about their teams. They can help their teams and earn them an extra point. Are you good at solving riddles? Then listen carefully.

What a brave bird

Rushed across the sky?

Only the path is white

Was she left? (Airplane) .

no wings, but

Born to fly.

Releases a bright tail -

Rising to the stars. (Rocket) .

Without fins, among the depths

The iron dolphin swims. (Submarine) .

There are no clouds on the horizon

But an umbrella opened up in the sky,

In a few minutes

Got down (Parachute) .

Well done fans, the jury listened attentively to your answers, and is ready to announce the results of our contest. holiday.

(Results are announced, teams are awarded with medals) .
