Blouses for obese women who slim them: photos, models, what to combine with. Women's blouses

This desire affects all areas of her life: career, family, leisure, etc.

But it's not just about makeup and hair.

The main work in this task takes on the appearance, namely clothing.

It helps to create unique images that allow you to feel confident and comfortable in any situation.

One of these items of clothing are women's blouses, the models of which today amaze with their diversity.

They have an incredibly feminine and seductive look, they can be matched to any figure.

How the appearance of a modern blouse has changed: photo and description

If we talk about a blouse as a separate element of a women's toilet, then its appearance dates back to the end of the 19th century, but the "novelty" at that time was not so fashionable and popular.

Only in the early 60s of the 20th century did designers grab hold of it tightly. They managed to attract the attention of the fair sex to this thing with new styles and styles.

It began to be worn everywhere, combining with various elements of the wardrobe. The blouse has become a great alternative to traditional dresses and has attracted the attention of many women. Since then, new models of blouses have begun to appear with enviable frequency on the pages of fashionable publications.

The prototype of the current blouse is the so-called tunic, which in Greek means “clothes”. Initially, the tunic was the underwear of the ancient Greeks.

Men and women put on a kind of shirt, which was woven from linen or wool, on their naked bodies. Most often, the tunic did not have sleeves, as well as any patterns or ornaments. Only after a while, an ordinary piece of fabric left the status of "underwear" and began to be decorated as elegantly as other clothes.

To date, the appearance of the blouse has changed dramatically. Many other fabrics were added to the usual linen and wool - chiffon, lace, knitwear, silk, cotton, cambric, etc.

Such a piece of clothing can be worn at any time of the year, because it gives its owner extraordinary femininity and charm. And all kinds of decor, along with a variety of fabrics, allows you to purchase or sew on your own a unique model of a blouse for a woman.

These photos show interesting styles:

Interestingly, a blouse is one of the few things that is classified exclusively as women's clothing. With its help, every lady can create a suitable image for herself - from business to romantic. It is not difficult to do this if you learn how to choose the right style for the figure and decorate this thing with taste.

Most fashionistas agree that blouses are always relevant, regardless of the season. This position is also supported by fashion designers who annually present various models of blouses, and 2019 is no exception.

Thanks to this diversity, the image of a woman is changing only for the better. If you choose the right fabric and cut, then with such a thing even an ordinary business suit turns into a festive outfit.

Bright or pastel, artsy or delicate, sexy or strict - any of these blouses will make its "mistress" unique. In addition, the presence of additional accessories on the blouse, whether it be a headdress, scarf or clutch, as well as decoration with ruffles or flounces, jabot or lace, convincingly proved that they have the right to exist.

Fashion designers have learned to perfectly combine seemingly "incompatible" things. That is why this item of women's toiletry has become popular all over the world. In the closet of any woman, it is simply necessary to have one or more blouses, including summer models.

What are blouses: categories of styles

A blouse is a basic item in every lady's wardrobe. Given the figure, character, field of activity or just the mood, you can choose a unique image that will emphasize the elegance of the figure and make you admire its owner.

Even overweight women find models of blouses for themselves that perfectly hide extra pounds and focus on the merits.

To make a choice, you first need to find out what blouses are, how to wear them and what to combine with. After all, the right thing will give the image of incredible beauty.

From the specific model of the blouse, namely, what material it is made of, in what color, what it is decorated with and what it is combined with, it will depend on what image a woman will appear in front of others - a sweet lady, a daring beauty, a cheerful coquette or an independent business woman.

As already noted, the types of women's blouses are striking in their diversity. Wearing them allows you to change your style often.

If we talk about styles, then blouses can be divided into the following categories:

  • For everyday use - sporty as well as business style. Most often it looks like a men's shirt, it is distinguished by modesty and rigor. Decorated with a turn-down or stand-up collar, with short or long sleeves. These types of blouses are made of light, but at the same time practical, pastel-colored fabrics. Often there are models with a floral print or with various patterns.
  • Classic style - for romantic dates, walks, parties. It features an unusual design of the sleeves, as well as the collar. This blouse is characterized by various decorative elements - ruffles, folds, frills, lace, embroidery, etc. One or both shoulders can open, making the image more seductive. Blouses are sewn from silk, chiffon, knitwear or terylene.
  • Fantasy types of blouses that create a whimsical or solemn composition, characterized by complexity, originality and extraordinary - for ballrooms and evening events. Since such a wardrobe item is intended for special occasions, it should look appropriate - elegant, spectacular and elegant. The fabric for such blouses should look "rich" - lace, velvet, brocade, taffeta. Additional decoration in the form of frills and ruffles is welcome. It will not be superfluous to use jewelry and other sparkling jewelry. The specific type of women's blouse determines the occasion itself, whether it be a theater, opera, ball, social event, etc. When choosing the length of the product, color and type of fabric, one should start from the fashion trends that prevail in the current year.

This piece of clothing develops the imagination well, contributes to the improvement of taste. No woman stops at one single model when looking for blouses, because there is always the opportunity to find something new for yourself, choose different color options to match trousers, shorts, skirts or jackets.

This article describes the most fashionable models of blouses for women, and the presented photos will help you make a choice in favor of the thing you like:

In addition, you can find suitable tips on the right combination of blouses with other items of clothing.

Every woman will be able to feel more confident, because she will learn to emphasize her dignity and skillfully hide figure flaws.

Modern women of fashion, seeing the constant change in fashion trends, note the attractiveness of blouses and their universal character. Modern types of blouses are given a name depending on the style.

Types of summer white blouses: popular models

From the huge variety of women's blouses on sale, it is very difficult to choose a model for yourself: one that fits the figure, suits the style and helps create the image that you would like.

White blouses can drastically change your look: make a business and stylish lady or a romantic and sweet girl. We offer to consider models of white blouses that will be popular this season.

First you need to talk about the sleeves of blouses. They may be completely absent, long or short. The classic version is a model with a long sleeve that covers the wrist. Sleeves can be flared, narrow or puffed.

Each woman can change her image several times a day, coming up with new options. The main thing is to be able to correctly combine a white blouse with other elements of clothing and do not forget about the color scheme.

We offer a description of the appearance of a blouse that can outshine even an elegant dress. In this version, a simple element of the women's wardrobe embodies modesty, femininity and elegance.

  • White cotton blouse for middle age group of women.
  • The product is designed for everyday wear, semi-adjacent silhouette.
  • The length of the blouse to the line of the hips, with a curly bottom line.
  • The sleeve is set-in, long, with a cuff and a slit along the elbow.
  • The central fastener on 6 buttons and 6 loops.
  • Back with raised seams passing through the shoulder blades.
  • Front front with yoke and raised seam across the chest line.
  • Stitched collar with a one-piece stand, no more than 5 cm high.

By combining such a blouse with different accessories, women achieve spectacular results to be in the spotlight.

Stylish models of knitted blouses

Knitwear in the modern fashion world is very popular and is in trend this season. Models of knitted blouses are so diverse that it can be quite difficult to choose the most stylish and elegant for yourself.

Knitted blouses are distinguished by the softness of the material and comfort when worn. These products have other positive features: they perfectly correct figure flaws and fit well. However, when choosing a knitted blouse for your wardrobe, you should know a few rules:

  • The blouse should be combined with other items of the female toilet;
  • Match the color palette and not be too catchy;
  • Accessories must be properly selected so as not to focus on yourself, leaving the blouse in the background.

The variety of models of knitted blouses is divided into several groups: with long sleeves, which will hide full arms, or with short sleeves, suitable for warm summer weather.

There are tunic blouses that are relevant for all types of female figure, or blouses with an original cut symmetry, which are popular among curvy women. For a modern look, the model in the classic version with a V-neck is considered original, suitable for ladies of any build and age.

Shirt-type blouses for active women (with photo)

For women who prefer an active lifestyle, a shirt-type blouse is suitable. The highlight of this product is that it is similar to a fitted men's shirt, but there are decorative elements on the blouse.

Blouses in a similar style will emphasize the individuality of each of the fair sex. Women consider such products to be the most practical, simple and convenient. Blouses can be worn in everyday life: to study, for a walk, to meet friends and even travel.

Photos of the proposed shirt-type blouses will show how to combine the elements of clothing correctly:

The blouse goes well with jeans, shorts and short skirts. Many young girls wear shirt-style blouses instead of dresses.

In the summer season of this year, blouses have become popular not only with long sleeves, but also with short ones. Stylists advise to make the image more interesting and feminine if long sleeves are gathered into an accordion and lifted above the elbow.

To create a mysterious look, you can simply unbutton the top buttons, exposing the shoulder, or tie the edges of the shirt with a knot.

Interesting corset-type blouses: a variety of models

There is a wide variety of models of interesting blouses that imitate a corset. Such a product is considered one of the most seductive and erotic in the world of modern fashion. The neckline can be completely open or made of transparent fabric in pastel colors.

Models of corset blouses are decorated with hooks or decorative lacing.

A corset-type blouse differs from everyday blouses in its femininity and sophistication, as they give a special solemnity to a sweet lady.

These blouses can be combined with skirts, jeans and trousers. The main factor for the harmony of the ensemble is the correct choice of clothing elements by color. If a white blouse with a black corset is chosen, which is a classic fashion trend, then the trousers or skirt should be black.

A bright colored blouse with a dark corset goes well with a tight skirt with large flowers or a simple black pencil skirt.

Classic style chiffon blouses (with photo)

If a woman wants to look beautiful even on a hot summer day, a fashionable model of a chiffon blouse is suitable for her. Stylishness and attention from the opposite sex are guaranteed to her.

Chiffon is an elastic material, pleasant to the touch and light, allowing the skin to “breathe”. Blouses made of this material fit perfectly into the urban landscape. In them, a woman can go to work, visit restaurants and evening clubs, meet friends at the cinema, and even agree to a romantic date.

Therefore, a chiffon blouse must be present in the wardrobe of every fashionista.

You can choose a model of a chiffon blouse from the photo offered as a visual aid:

The blouse can be combined with skinny jeans, breeches, skirts and shorts. The main thing is to skillfully choose the style, color and length, because the desired image will depend on this. In addition, with such a product, many ladies correct their figure, emphasize its charms or hide flaws.

This summer season, models with long sleeves, white, black and blue colors remain relevant. However, fashion collections of famous brands offer pastel colors in a classic style.

We offer a description of the model of a chiffon blouse for everyday use in a classic style.

  • Model in white or black with short or long sleeves with cuffs;
  • Stand-up or turn-down collar, the model is fitted, short or long, which is suitable for slender and obese women;
  • Blouse with buttons or buttons at the top, worn with a heel and under a jacket.

Popular silk blouses and photos of beautiful models

Models of silk blouses are very popular among young people, due to their airy structure and breathability. However, such material is much more expensive than chiffon.

Tenderness and grace in models of silk blouses are in the foreground this summer. Therefore, such products have become the leader of the 2019 season. Experts advise every woman and girl to have some types of silk blouses in her wardrobe, ranging from business to romantic style.

Models of beautiful silk blouses adorn women not only in everyday life. Evening looks will give the ladies elegance, sophistication and individuality. Blouses can be paired with tailored trousers, jeans and fitted skirts.

It is worth saying that the best option to complement the evening look would be beautiful high-heeled shoes.

For a business woman, it is better to choose a plain blouse in pastel colors. A classic combination of a white or blue blouse with a black mid-length pencil skirt or formal trousers is ideal.

Women should remember that if the blouse goes in combination with a peplum, ruffles or flounces, then the skirt should be a simple cut and vice versa.

Photos of the proposed models of beautiful silk blouses will help lovely women decide on the choice of style:

Models of blouses made of light materials for summer

A light blouse model for summer is a necessary thing in a woman's wardrobe. Thanks to new design ideas, such a stylish product always remains in trend.

For example, the style of a light summer blouse "casual" - freedom and comfort when moving. Such a thing is usually made in a loose cut with long or short sleeves from silk, chiffon, linen, cotton and other lightweight fabrics.

Another style of light blouse for the summer of 2019 is “boho”. It includes a free cut and a wide variety of decorating elements, such as ruffles.

Usually this type of summer blouse is perfectly combined with fabrics such as lace and linen. An important element in boho blouses is layering, so the bottom of the product is often made asymmetrical.

Fashionable blouses made of lightweight materials for the summer are quite diverse in the choice of styles. Experts call the main characteristics of these products a varied cut, an abundance of decorative elements, frankness of models and originality of collars.

The photos below of models of women's blouses for the summer period will attract every woman with their tenderness, brightness and originality. Such an assortment will help fashionistas to choose a product to their liking.

Models of long tunic blouses

Practicality and convenience - this is what combines a long women's blouse, which is called a tunic. Many stylists advise to buy a fashionista a long blouse. This product is one of the universal types of clothing for women.

In such a blouse, it is easy to do everyday activities, go to work, visit nightclubs with friends and travel. Harmoniously combining models of long blouses with other elements of clothing, you can build more than one stylish look.

The photo below shows the types of blouses of this style:

In the modern world of fashion, the styles of long blouses are very diverse: with long and short sleeves, with and without cuffs, with collars or necklines. The length of the product can vary from mid-thigh to ankles. A tight or loose fitting blouse-tunic can be decorated with a belt under the bust line or at the waist.

Models for the summer of tunic blouses can have any color range: from solid colors to various prints. You can highlight the original style of the blouse, gathered in the middle of the hip line with an elastic band.

A small skirt below, making a flounce at the waist, is especially suitable for overweight women. This option will hide the flaws of a magnificent figure, visually lengthening it.

A long blouse is best worn with tight tights, leggings, tight trousers, leggings or skinny breeches.

After reviewing the types of blouses, learning their names and looking at the photo, you can make the right choice in favor of a tunic blouse:

Models of blouses with long sleeves of different types

Long-sleeved blouses are a fashionable type of clothing that has been popular with women at all times. Today, this item of women's clothing is so relevant that it is at the peak of fashion trends for the summer and autumn seasons of 2019.

This classic long sleeve blouse never goes out of style. Therefore, in the wardrobe of every modern girl and woman there should be at least 2-3 styles of this product.

The blouse is suitable for all types of female figure: thin and full. However, it should be remembered that for fragile girls, a straight-cut blouse is suitable, and for curvaceous ladies, a loose blouse made of chiffon or silk.

You can complement a long-sleeve blouse with an elongated black skirt, strict trousers or tight jeans. To create a bright elegant look, high-heeled shoes and additional accessories are perfect for a blouse: earrings, a necklace, a handbag.

There are other types of blouse sleeves, such as flounced sleeves that go down to the brush. This element of retro style helps designers create fashionable and feminine looks. Long sleeves-flounces look especially beautiful from lace or translucent openwork fabric.

Fashionable and elegant blouses with long sleeves, with refined lines and lightweight fabric, will make every woman irresistible. However, you should not overload the blouse with ruffles, frills and ribbons - this will ruin the look of the blouse itself.

These photos show blouse models that are fashionable in 2019:

This year, designers have added more vibrant colors to their creations, as well as classic polka dots. Therefore, do not rush to put last year's models of long sleeve blouses in a separate box. Correctly select other items of women's wardrobe and, experimenting, create a bright and stylish look that will attract attention.

White blouses should be in every woman's wardrobe.

White blouses, photos of which you will find in this article, should be in the wardrobe of every woman. It is advisable to have several blouses that are suitable for different occasions. By combining a blouse with different accessories, you can achieve an impressive effect. You will learn how to choose this item of clothing and what is best to wear it with in this article.

White canvas: basic models

A simple white blouse without ruffles, flounces and other decorations is a must have for every woman. The blouse should resemble a men's shirt: a fairly simple cut, high-quality fabric, strict lines. It’s not worth saving: the basic wardrobe should be of fairly high quality.

What is this blouse for? Everything is very simple: it can be easily combined with almost any elements of the wardrobe. Strict trousers, jacket or vest - and you can go to the office.

Jeans, large jewelry made of wood or plastic and loose hair will create a casual look for a walk with friends or gatherings in a cafe.

Biker jacket and leather pants - and you can safely go to a rock concert.

Advice! Choose a white blouse made of fabric that holds its shape well. This will mask the extra pounds and create the right silhouette.

Femininity in detail

A white blouse does not have to be strict and concise. If you want to create a feminine, delicate look, pay attention to models decorated with embroidery and lace. By the way, white embroidery will look very gentle and elegant. It is almost invisible from the outside, but emphasizes your good taste and sophistication.

You can choose a model with lace flounces radiating from the clasp. With the help of such a blouse you can create an image of an aristocrat from the 19th century.

Advice! A white blouse gives the face a healthier tone, makes the skin fresh and radiant. However, white color obliges to the perfect tone of the face: it can emphasize the flaws in your appearance. Therefore, before putting on a blouse, apply foundation on your face that hides all the imperfections of your skin.

Wedding attire: ideas contrary to tradition

A snow-white wedding dress is a classic that is fed up with many girls who want to look unusual at their wedding. If you want to create a memorable, unusual image of the bride, pay attention to white blouses!

On sale you can find blouses made of silk fabric, which will be an ideal option for the most joyful day of your life. Silk drapes beautifully and looks just gorgeous without any extra embellishments.

Pants with arrows or a skirt to the floor will help to complement the image. You can also choose a lace blouse. A blouse with thin handmade lace will look especially beautiful. This outfit will look great with a simple hairstyle: curls or a neat bun.

The elegance of the bride will be emphasized by a blouse, which combines transparent and dense fabrics. The main thing is not to seem vulgar and observe the measure. For example, you can open the neckline or back. Naturally, such an outfit is suitable only for girls with a good figure. Guipure or lace inserts look great.

Advice! Pure white is not for everyone. To find your perfect white blouse, try on ivory or eggshell fabrics.

Bright combinations: a little supermatism

Surely you have seen the paintings of abstract artists: bright colors, clean lines and dynamism of these works attract attention and make you admire their magnificent simplicity. Why not take the ideas of supermatism to your arsenal? A white blouse with a simple cut will go well with bright straight-leg trousers and geometric jewelry. You will look bright and fresh and will immediately attract attention!

The outfit can be combined with a straight bright vest to match the trousers or coat. Do not forget about such a fashionable technique as color blocking: trousers or a skirt and a vest can have contrasting shades. True, in order to dress in this style, excellent taste is required: otherwise, you risk looking too pretentious.

To complement an unusual outfit, a rectangular or square tight bag and high-heeled shoes will help.

Advice! If you decide to create a bright, memorable image, you should choose only high-quality clothes made from fairly expensive fabrics. Otherwise, the outfit will not play properly and will not look as elegant as we would like.

Country style

A white blouse is an essential attribute of a relaxed and very pretty country style. The blouse should have a fairly simple cut: rustic-style clothes always sit on the figure quite loosely. Country-style clothes are decorated with embroideries and appliqués. Ethnic style is in fashion now: you can find blouses that are decorated with embroidery stylized as traditional Slavic patterns.

These blouses should be worn with jeans or bright skirts.
Rustic style does not tolerate austerity Make a simple hairstyle: let your hair down

Advice!Rustic style does not tolerate rigor. Make a simple hairstyle: let your hair down or collect it in a ponytail. A Greek hairstyle, decorated with a rim with small flowers, is perfect. When creating an image, it is important not to overdo it. No need to braid a braid, wear ethnic jewelry and leather sandals. Of course, the image will turn out to be complete and complete, but it will not be adapted to modern realities, and you risk looking like you just returned from a reenactor festival or a role-playing game.

Blouses are an integral part of a feminine, elegant and romantic look. Such models are the basis of the wardrobe of modern business ladies: women's blouses are included in the rules of the office dress code, in which they are combined with skirts or trousers. In a word, this is the clothes that should be in the wardrobe of every modern woman.

In the collections of modern brands, blouses are presented in a wide variety. Depending on the current trends of the season, their colors, decor and even style change. However, there are features that remain unchanged over the years, and it is on their basis that stylists recommend choosing women's blouses.

Blouse type

  • The classic model is characterized by a laconic cut, due to which it resembles a men's shirt. A simple, modest decor is allowed in its design, however, if these are women's blouses for going out, they are decorated with catchy and original elements: draperies, flounces, ruffles, lace inserts.
  • Shirts - despite the name, we are talking about such wardrobe items as blouses. These models are the basis for creating an office image. Fans of the classic style often use similar women's blouses in everyday ensembles.
  • Tunics - models that also belong to such a category as blouses. They differ from their counterparts in a more democratic cut, material texture, and color scheme. Such women's blouses are a "classic" of beach fashion, however, tunics look no less impressive in the framework of an ordinary urban look.


  • Linen is a hygienic fabric, considered the safest, most practical and comfortable. Linen women's blouses look organic in a summer look. Blouses made of this fabric occupy a special place in the wardrobe of fans of authentic ethnic style.
  • Synthetics - many modern girls are biased towards such a fabric, which is completely in vain. Women's blouses, presented in the collections of well-known brands, are made exclusively from high-quality materials that are safe for health. According to their characteristics, blouses are often not inferior to models made from natural fabrics.
  • Cotton is a practical and comfortable material, blouses from which today can be found in the lines of almost every well-known brand. Such women's blouses are the best option for a hot summer: cotton perfectly lets air through and allows the skin to "breathe" even in the hottest time.
  • Silk - blouses made from this material remain the "classics" of evening fashion. They harmoniously complement stylish skirts, elegant trousers. Many girls decorate such women's blouses with brooches, beads, bows and other accessories.
  • Chiffon - blouses made from it look no less impressive and stylish than silk models. Often women's blouses are made of very thin, translucent chiffon. Such clothes look quite bold and frank, but at the same time not vulgar.
  • Guipure - blouses made from this material, in combination with properly selected skirts, often become a worthy alternative to luxurious evening and cocktail dresses. As a rule, such blouses are beautifully and effectively decorated with various decorative elements.

Sleeve length and shape

The length and shape of the sleeves is a characteristic that is important to pay special attention to when choosing blouses. The convenience and practicality of this model depends on it:

  • Long sleeve blouses are an invariable attribute of a strict business style, which provides for conservative cut clothes. However, even the most discreet women's long-sleeved blouses are successfully played up with original, eye-catching accessories.
  • Blouses with short sleeves are the best option for a hot summer. Similar models are allowed within the office dress code. But in this case, the sleeve of the blouse still should not be too short.
  • Blouses with puff sleeves are an element of a feminine, romantic and slightly frivolous look. These women's blouses are suitable both as an everyday option and for creating a luxurious evening look.
  • Blouses with raglan sleeves - this model belongs to the sporty style and looks most harmoniously within the framework of the corresponding image. Also, these women's blouses effectively complement the casual style ensemble in combination with jeans, short skirts and even shorts.
  • Blouses with 3/4 sleeves are another suitable option for an office look. Stylists recommend pairing them with midi skirts or dress pants. As part of a casual ensemble, such women's blouses look harmoniously with jeans.
  • Blouses with batwing sleeves are very feminine and romantic models that effectively complement the evening look. Similar women's blouses are successfully combined with long skirts made of light, flowing fabrics.
  • Blouses with flounced sleeves are a good solution for going out, in particular for events that do not have a strict dress code. These are quite democratic women's blouses, which are distinguished by their versatility - they are combined with almost every basic item of women's wardrobe.

Neck type

Neck type - a characteristic due to which blouses acquire their individuality and are selected for one or another ensemble:

  • A frill is an element of a luxurious, spectacular blouse designed for publication. Such decoration gives any image of solidity, solemnity. Such women's blouses do not require additional accessories: the main focus is on the lush frill.
  • Stand - women's blouses with a collar of this type are suitable for a casual look in a casual style, as well as for office ensembles. The collar provides a unique effect - it makes the neck visually longer and thinner. Often girls choose such blouses to give their figure visual harmony.
  • In the shape of the letter V - a kind of "classic": many women's blouses have a V-shaped neckline. Just like the stand, it has a visual effect, and stylists recommend choosing similar blouses for short and plump girls.


It is this characteristic that often becomes decisive when choosing a blouse:

  • Fitted cut - women's blouses made in it make the silhouette proportional and complete. However, such blouses are not suitable for everyone: those girls whose figure is far from perfect should abandon such models.
  • Straight cut is the most popular option. Straight cut blouses are suitable for women with any type of figure. They will be especially appreciated by the fair sex, with magnificent forms. As a rule, stylists advise wearing straight-cut blouses and shirts over a skirt or trousers.
  • Loose fit - practical and comfortable blouses, ideal as an everyday option. This cut hides figure flaws, but stylists recommend observing the measure. Too voluminous women's blouses can make the figure visually more massive and overweight.


This element is present in the design of many items of women's wardrobe. Of course, blouses are no exception:

  • Patch pockets - these elements are most often complemented by women's blouses in casual or military style. These blouses go well with jeans, tight pants, and shorts. At the same time, in the design of the clothes chosen for them, there should be no pockets - otherwise, the image will look overloaded.
  • Chest pockets - they are complemented by classic office blouses. Pockets should not be too large - in this design, women's blouses look shapeless and give the figure an unnecessary volume, make it heavy and squat.

And now let's decide what to combine these skirts with.

1. White dress shirt

Number one on our list is the white blouse. This is something that will never cease to be relevant. Choose from two options: either a masculine-style cotton shirt, or a more feminine blouse in silk, viscose, or polyester.

The beauty is that you can combine a white blouse with 70% of your wardrobe: with any jeans (straight, skinny, boyfriend), skirts (, sun, midi, mini), trousers (chinos, culottes, flares), shorts. It is ideal for interviews, business meetings, workdays. She sits well on both thin and full girls, and is allowed to be worn at any age. In general, definitely a must have.

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Secret from the star

Victoria Beckham is a lover of white shirts: she likes discreet and elegant looks. In the first photo, Victoria wore a white blouse along with black trousers. And on the second - with a black midi skirt.

2. Printed blouse

The second obligatory blouse is with a bright print. Flowers, polka dots, stripes, seals, leopard, hearts: whatever your soul desires and what. And if a white blouse seems like a good option for an official outing, then a printed shirt is suitable for meeting with friends, dating, going to the cinema, to an exhibition, to a concert, shopping.

With what to wear it - with a skirt or trousers, decide for yourself. However, do not forget that you need to be careful with the print: it can easily make you look old or, conversely, make it look like a five-year-old girl.

Secret from the star

Rising star Emma Roberts is only 24, so she can afford a sweetheart blouse and high-waisted jeans. In the second case, Emma chose a light blue blouse with an interesting pattern.

3. Transparent blouse

When creating an image with any transparent things, it is very important to observe the fine line between vulgarity and beauty. Wearing fancy lace underwear under such a thing or wearing nothing at all is bad manners, but choosing a simple top or the same color for a blouse is a completely different matter.

You should also pay attention to transparent blouses with patterns: the print will "darken" your naked places. In addition, you can wear under the blouse not only a bra, but also a bodysuit or a corset.

Secret from the star

Miranda Kerr often appears in public in a transparent blouse. In the first photo, she wore a blouse with pockets that hide everything that should not be seen by others. In the second photo - a beautiful evening dress, which combines a transparent blouse and a bandeau top.

4. Feminine blouse with a bow / ruffles / jabot

To be feminine and romantic, you definitely need a beautiful blouse with some kind of decorative element, such as a jabot or a bow.

Of course, such blouses require an appropriate “environment”: elegant suits, tight or very wide trousers, high heels. A small detail transforms the image so much that it no longer requires any other decorations.

Secret from the star

Hot beauty Jennifer Lopez loves to wear feminine blouses: both with bows and with ruffles. She perfectly combines beautiful unusual blouses with flared trousers.

Blouses are one of the most popular items in a women's wardrobe. And this is not at all surprising, because they amaze with a variety of models and convenience. With the help of a blouse, you can create absolutely any image.

Blouses can be made from a variety of materials and for a variety of purposes to suit any woman. Sleeveless blouses look interesting.


Most often, girls buy such a blouse for a party. After all, every girl wants to shine, to be unique, irresistible and bright. Most often, chiffon blouses are chosen for parties. In summer, such a light blouse will not constrain movements and create a mysterious image. Translucent blouses, which fit perfectly on the female figure, are especially popular.

For work or formal events, blouses should be chosen especially carefully. Transparent options are not suitable here, so choose sophisticated and strict models. Most often, sleeveless blouses made of silk are chosen for such cases. Such blouses will give you confidence that such a blouse will look stylish and expensive on you.

Before choosing a sleeveless blouse for yourself, make sure that its fabric is not too dense. Perfectly in this case, natural cotton is suitable, which is very pleasant to the body and does not soar in the summer. These blouses are perfect for those who have to work in the summer.


In order to choose the right blouse, you should know what styles or models it can be.

Sheer blouses are very popular and are suitable for many occasions. With their help, you can create a romantic or sexy image. The main thing is to wear them in suitable situations where you can show yourself in all its glory. However, do not forget that such blouses should be complemented with appropriate clothing.

Long blouses also look great. They are perfect for both parties and everyday wear. Plain blouses in soothing colors will give the girls elegance.

When choosing such blouses, you should also take into account the parameters of the girl. After all, what suits thin girls will not look very good on chubby ones. With the help of an elongated blouse, you can hide some of the flaws in your figure if you choose the right style and color. And a huge choice of length will allow you to realize all your fantasies in order to look spectacular.

Often young girls choose short blouses and sometimes they don’t know how to wear them correctly. To do this correctly, you should have a sense of style and see if such a blouse suits you and what you can wear it with. If you are not sure about this, it is better to choose something else for yourself.

Also keep the proportions in color. There are no age restrictions for short blouses. If you choose it correctly, then it will be able to decorate both young girls and adult ladies.

In summer, girls simply need light blouses that can be combined with both formal clothes and beach shorts. A collar can give a highlight to a sleeveless blouse. It will add elegance to you. These blouses are very similar to shirts, so you can even go to formal events in them. However, such a blouse will not be specifically designed for any specific event. The collar on the blouse will help the girl to demonstrate her individuality and express herself.

Peplum blouses are also popular. They look quite bright and impressive, besides they add elegance to the image. In addition, this detail can hide some figure flaws and make the owner's hips more attractive and rounded.

Lace can give a special elegance to such a blouse. This decorative element brings originality and attractiveness to the female image. You can wear these blouses both on special occasions and every day.


When choosing the material of a blouse, you should understand what you will wear it with and which model suits your figure best. The properties of the fabric are very important when choosing a blouse, because one fabric stretches and the other is wrinkled. And sometimes tissues in general can cause allergies.

For the holidays, a satin blouse is best. This luxurious material is able to give the girl grace and elegance. It is suitable for those who like to create unique and inimitable images. Satin is a fabric that is dense, smooth and pleasant to the touch. It is easy to drape and does not irritate the skin. A plain satin blouse looks best, but interesting patterns are also a good choice. Currently, there are several types of satin: semi-silk, silk, etc. However, the best choice would be natural satin, in which your skin can breathe.

Denim blouses are suitable for those who want to look beautiful, and at the same time to be comfortable. For everyday style, this blouse is perfect. It will also suit fans of the style of the eighties or fans of rock and roll.

Chiffon blouses are very popular because of their lightness and airiness. If you choose the right addition to such a blouse, then you will look more attractive and mysterious. A chiffon blouse should fit well. In addition, you should remember that she can expose her shortcomings.

Guipure blouses will suit delicate and fragile girls. They are especially suitable for a date or a special occasion. Guipure blouses can be completely different, so you can choose exactly the model that suits you best. Such blouses can be completely made of guipure, or they can only have guipure inserts.

The leader among sleeveless blouses are silk blouses, which can also have different styles: from business to romantic. They can be made entirely of silk, or they can have synthetic additives. This will affect both the look of the blouse and its cut, but it will still look great if it is properly fitted to the figure.

Blue sleeveless blouses look very interesting. They can be of different shades. This color can go well with others. Many bright shades are combined with blue, such as orange or emerald green. Less saturated colors will also be combined with it. Pair a blue blouse with black for a more formal look.

A yellow blouse is a more summer option and is suitable for a party, outing or special occasions. This color is sunny and positive, it is able to charge you with a good mood.

A green blouse will look fresh and mysterious. Almost every girl has it, many colors are combined with it, and your image can become more attractive. White color is combined with all others, and such a blouse can become universal.

Black blouses are also common, with which you can combine any unusual blouse. A black blouse will never go out of fashion, because it looks great on girls with any type of figure.
With what to combine?

Girls, when purchasing a blouse, think about what it can be worn with. You first decide what image you want to create, and choose the model, color and fabric of the blouse.

White and black blouses are perfect for formal style, which women usually create with strict skirts or trousers in soothing colors. Blouses in bright colors, as well as denim or guipure models, are usually combined with not very bright shorts, skirts or jeans.
