How to wipe clerical putty from clothes. How to remove putty from clothes or a stain from a corrector? Water based concealer

The proofreader is a very popular tool among the population using paper media. For the first time, its analogues appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century. Over the past years, they have undergone colossal changes that seem insignificant at first glance.

This clerical putty has long been used by employees of offices and government agencies. It is easy to use and allows you to get rid of mistakes made in documents and notebooks. However, if the corrector is used carelessly, stains may appear on the clothes, which are not easy to remove. Schoolchildren, students, office workers often face the problem of cleaning things.

As practice shows, this can be done, the main thing is to start it as soon as possible from the moment of pollution.

Composition features

To determine what actions to take for cleaning, you need to know what chemical composition the corrector has. It is impossible to determine it completely, since it is usually a secret of the manufacturer. There are chemical compounds that are present in any corrective composition, regardless of the company. These include calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide or highly refined gasoline.

The most important criterion is the basis, the composition of which is always indicated.


The simplest and most environmentally friendly type of "stroke". It uses water as a solvent, so correctors are afraid of low temperatures. They are safe for children and allergy sufferers because they are odorless and non-flammable. Water samples are suitable for any paper quality. If the solution thickens, then it can be diluted with water and used again. Users note as a disadvantage the long drying time - about 1 minute.


An alcohol-based concealer is more effective than the first one because it dries faster. The solvent is alcohol, which makes it resistant to low temperatures. However, the "stroke" highly flammable and has a strong odor therefore, they must be used with caution.

When thickening, the corrector can be diluted only with solvents of a similar company.


Oil emulsion combines the advantages of the first two types of correctors. In domestic stores is rare and more expensive.

Liquid and dry

There is a division of corrective products according to the structure into liquid and dry.

The first group includes the following:

  • Correction fluids. They are produced in the form of a plastic bottle, the cap of which is equipped with a brush or applicator. Today, this type of corrector can be considered obsolete, since manufacturers offer more convenient forms.

Inside any liquid corrector there should be a shaker ball, which, when the body is shaken, mixes the composition, making it homogeneous.

  • In the form of a pencil or pen. In this case, the rod is filled not with ink, but with correction fluid. The principle of operation - when pressing on the body, made, as a rule, of soft plastic, a corrective agent enters the resulting void. Advantage - ergonomics and accuracy in correcting small details, disadvantage - difficulties when working with large text. In addition, users note the littering of the writing node, since the “stroke”, drying out, clogs it. The instructions advise not to forget to close it with a protective cap.

  • Dry type correctors include rollerballs. A special twisted tape is placed in a convenient plastic case, which is applied when the roller is held over the surface of the sheet with pressure. The track width varies from 4 to 6 mm. The composition adheres tightly to the paper and is almost invisible. The advantages are the ability to write immediately, no spilling and freezing, good ink coverage. As a rule, the chemical composition of the tape provides practical whiteness, continuity and strength. The lack of a dry “stroke” is a break in the corrective tape if the product is used in violation.

How to scrub at home?

The first rule when a corrector gets on your clothes is not to panic and do not rub the stain, no matter how it hits. A fresh trace must be blotted with a dry cloth, moving from the edge to the center. While the stain dries up, you can study the composition and decide on a method for removing it.

If contamination is obtained from a tape roller, then the item should be soaked briefly in soapy warm water. The tape will get wet and it will be easy to remove it. After the place should be cleaned with a brush and washed.

Water-based putty is the easiest to remove from clothes. It is enough to put a handkerchief under the stain so that the stain does not spread to the sides, and rub it with laundry soap. The main thing is not to rub too hard. Leave it in this form for a few minutes so that the soap components destroy the elements that make up the corrector. In this case, it is not necessary to completely immerse the thing in water. Subsequently, the thing should be washed in the washing machine at maximum speed or manually.

As an operative intervention, experts also advise using a stain remover. To do this, it must be applied to a contaminated place and left for 1-2 minutes, then loaded into an automatic machine and add another 100-150 ml to the drum with linen. Wash at a water temperature not higher than 30-35 degrees.

Even if there was no soap or powder at hand, do not despair. In the case of a water corrector, shampoo or dishwashing detergent is useful.

All of these processing methods are suitable for any type of fabric.

To dissolve the alcohol corrector, you can either purchase a special liquid "Antishtrich" or use any other liquid that contains alcohol: vodka, cologne, tonic. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • You need to wait until the pollution dries.

  • Then clean it off your pants or jeans with a nail file, brush or any other hard object. These actions will prevent the stain from growing.
  • The thing is laid on a hard surface, which is previously covered with a clean towel or cloth. The main thing is that this lining does not shed. The area around the site of contamination should be gently wetted with water, which will preserve the boundaries of the stain without increasing it. After a piece of clean cloth or a cotton swab, treat the stain with an alcohol solution, moving from the edges to the middle. You can't press hard on it. After 15 minutes, the procedure should be repeated.
  • At the end, the item will need to be washed in the washing machine.

Processing with the anti-stroke tool is similar. After removing hard dried traces, the contamination is covered with a special substance, and after a while it is blotted with a clean napkin.

You can not treat clothes with perfume or toilet water. Firstly, they have a persistent smell that is difficult to get rid of. Secondly, they contain little alcohol, so the effect may be weak.

Removing an oil-based “touch” from a trouser or jacket can be a pain, as removing such stains is like removing emulsion paint from surfaces. The easiest way is to take the item to the dry cleaners.

At home, before removal, dried residues are removed with a brush or nail file. Pre-soaking is contraindicated. Then you can use a chemical designed for this purpose.

Easiest to apply ammonia solution. To do this, water is mixed with ammonia in a ratio of 2: 1 and the stain is wiped with cotton pads or a clean cloth. This should be done from the wrong side of the product, placing napkins on the front side. After 15-20 minutes, the thing is washed in running water. At the end of the treatment, the clothes should be washed in the machine as usual.

Some advise using nail polish remover or other household chemicals. In any of the proposed options, the stain is treated from the wrong side, after checking the reaction of the material to the solvent.

Stubborn stains can rarely be overcome by improvised means. They resort to household chemicals only if the above methods did not help or it was not possible to quickly clean the clothes.

Many solvents such as mineral spirits, kerosene or acetone can damage fabric fibers. To remove contamination, it must be processed on both sides, without rubbing into the material. Subsequently, the thing needs to be washed, perhaps several times. Since a strong smell remains, it is recommended to ventilate the fabric in fresh air. It should be remembered that all these chemicals are flammable, so fire safety is extremely important.

Means for use at home:

  • Soap and laundry detergent are only suitable for the simplest cases of stains from water correctors.
  • Ammonia or ammonia is used for contamination obtained from alcohol or oil corrective fluids. To do this, prepare a solution in which a swab is moistened and applied to the stain.
  • Gasoline must be purified. This is bought in the store, not at gas stations. It is not suitable for synthetic clothing as it dissolves fibers. It is important to remember that gasoline has a specific smell that is difficult to get rid of.

  • Denatured alcohol is used to remove stains from alcohol corrector. Users note an excellent result after application.
  • Vodka or other strong colorless alcoholic drink after application for 15-20 minutes will eliminate small alcohol-based "stroke" impurities.
  • Special means for eliminating the consequences left on clothes are sold in stationery stores. The main thing is to follow the instructions correctly.

From different types of fabric

To a greater extent, the possibility of removing traces of the corrector depends on its composition. However, the material from which the damaged clothes were sewn is also an important factor. No wonder such delicate fabrics as velvet, silk and satin are recommended to be dry-cleaned immediately so as not to spoil the product. During cleaning, the surface or the fibers themselves may be damaged, and hooks will appear.

If there is no certainty, suitable solvents, or time is lost, it is better not to experiment, but to take the clothes to the dry cleaner.

Office workers and parents of schoolchildren are well aware of the problem of the appearance of traces from stationery on clothes. One such essential tool is a correction fluid called corrector. With it, it is easy to make corrections to the written text or drawing. But such a useful thing sometimes causes damage to expensive things. Since you don’t want to part with your favorite things at all, it’s important to figure out how to remove the corrector from clothes. To do this, it is enough to listen to the advice of the same inhabitants.

To successfully deal with the stain, you need to act immediately. If you leave it for a few days, it will be much more difficult to remove the pollution. In this case, you must follow the rules:

  1. Concealer that has been spilled should not be thrown away. A careful study of the instructions or just the sticker on the jar will determine its type;
  2. After determining the type of corrector, it is necessary to choose a cleaning method;
  3. You need to start processing immediately after identifying the stain.

When choosing a cleaning method, it is important to consider the type of fabric. If velvet, silk or velor products are dirty, it is not recommended to clean them at home. It is better to contact the dry cleaners. If we are talking about fabrics that are more resistant to chemical and physical influences, then you can try to cope on your own.

Many people want to know how putty is washed with ordinary powder. It depends on the type of correction fluid. There are three main types of corrector that are commonly used in everyday life:

  • Based on alcohol;
  • emulsion;
  • Water based.

The easiest to clean is considered to be a water-based lubricating fluid.Freeze the stain before removing putty from clothing. To do this, put the item in the freezer for about half an hour.

In most cases, the substance itself will begin to crack and flake off into small particles. In this case, it is only necessary to treat the surface with a dry brush. If the expected effect could not be obtained, you can try to freeze the thing again.

In cases where this method has not brought results, it is necessary to use others. This usually indicates a more complex composition of the product, which is resistant to low temperatures. Emulsion
Water based
alcohol based

Stain removal methods

Fresh traces of correction fluid on clothing can simply be wiped off. For this, an ordinary wet wipe, which is in almost all women's handbags, is suitable. It is important to follow the rule: move from the edges to the central part of the spot. If there is no wet wipe, you can use a paper handkerchief.When processing delicate fabrics, it is recommended to turn the product inside out before wiping off dirt from the corrector.

Water based

This putty is considered the most environmentally friendly, since water acts as a solvent in it. Such a liquid, when dried, is simply diluted with water and continues to be used for its intended purpose. It dries longer, which can play into the hands of the owner of soiled clothes.

How to remove corrector from clothes if it is water-based? There are several ways to get rid of stains:

  1. Standard machine wash with soak. To do this, before cleaning the surface of the clothing from the stroke, the item must be soaked in cold water with soap dissolved in it. In order for the cleanser to work, it is necessary to leave the product in the solution for half an hour. After that, the processed item must be sent to the washing machine. When choosing a washing mode, you need to build on the degree of contamination and the type of fabric;
  2. Washing with pretreatment. You can remove the corrector stain from clothes by washing the item under running water. For such washing it is necessary to use laundry soap.

How to wash a water-based corrector if the stain is small? It is enough to add washing powder to a basin of hot water and wash the product.

Machine wash
laundry soap washing powder


Alcohol correctors are fast drying and have a strong odor. How to wash a corrector from clothes at home if it consists of water and alcohol?

How to remove a stain from a corrector on clothes if it is based on an emulsion? This contamination is the most difficult to remove. Since such corrective putties are rare, before drawing a stroke, you need to prepare everything necessary for the processing process:

  • cleaning chemical;
  • Cotton pad or swab;
  • Pure white cloth;
  • Napkin.

All this will allow you to complete all the cleaning steps without interrupting the process.If alcohol corrector gets on your clothes, you need to act quickly. Well cleans clothes from putty denatured alcohol. To do this, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Gauze, folded in several layers, or a white cotton cloth should be applied to the contaminated area;
  2. Then treat the stain on the front surface with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol;
  3. After cleaning, the product should be thoroughly rinsed in clean water;
  4. Then you need to hang the thing to dry naturally.

How to wipe office putty? Oil or emulsion correctors can be removed with the following substances:

  • Kerosene;
  • white spirit;
  • Alcohol (methylated);
  • A solution of ammonia;
  • Acetone (or any nail polish remover);
  • A thinner used to thin paint.

Gasoline is effective, but it leaves a lingering odor on clothes that is difficult to get rid of. After processing, you will have to wash the item several times to remove the obsessive odor. Only purified type of gasoline is used. It is purchased in stores, not at gas stations.

If things are contaminated with such a corrector, they cannot be washed or soaked. Instead, you need to brush off the dried residues of the product with a brush, and then apply the stain remover from the inside. Before removing the stain from the stroke, it is better to put a white cloth under the surface.

Whatever solvent is chosen to remove the stain from the corrector on clothes, proceed as follows:

  1. Apply a few drops of the chemical agent to the contaminated area and distribute it with a cotton swab;
  2. Record the time and after 15 minutes start processing;
  3. Then moisten a cotton pad in the liquid and clean the stain with gentle movements from the edges to the center;
  4. After that, the stain must be blotted with a paper towel or napkin and sent to the washing machine.

Before using any cleanser, test it on a cloth. To do this, it is enough to apply a small amount to the seam or other inconspicuous part of the product.

Alcohol corrector is quite difficult to clean. Before removing putty from clothes, it is best to let it dry and then try to remove it with a brush. If the entire stain is not gone, you can try to wash the putty with a swab dipped in cosmetic tonic, cologne or vodka. The cleaned item must be washed in the machine to consolidate the result. Acetone
White Spirit

Solvent Based

Solvent-based correctors are usually available in the form of pencils or original pens. Due to the unique composition, they can be applied as accurately and thinly as possible.

Before removing a corrector stain from clothing, you must select a product and test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.Next, you should step by step to remove the annoying stain:

  1. To begin with, it is important to determine the substance used:
    • Various types of chemicals can be applied to standard fabrics;
    • If the fabric is dense, kerosene or refined gasoline can be used;
    • It is better not to process thin fabrics on your own.
  2. If the stain appeared a long time ago, clean the corrector with an old toothbrush or soft clothes brush. In many cases, most of the stain is removed;
  3. The product must be turned inside out and put a cloth under the contaminated area;
  4. Then dampen a cotton swab or disc in the cleaner. If there are only small splashes of putty on the fabric, it is enough to take a cotton swab and use it to carefully process subtle traces of splashes;
  5. After the most contaminated place is cleaned, the thing should be washed in soapy water or using a quality powder.

Barcode corrector

Roller putties are a separate group of dry corrector. They are a twisted tape placed in a plastic case. It is applied by pressing the roller on the paper. The chemical composition provides good coverage. However, if you handle the stationery carelessly, you can stick the tape on your clothes. In this case, a problem arises: how to wash off the adhering strip of white solidified liquid. The hard corrector is removed simply:

  1. Soak the item in soapy water for 40-60 minutes. When soaking, the water should be cool;
  2. Then gently remove the stroke from the clothes. If it is removed with a tape, it will be enough to wash the product in the machine, setting the delicate mode, and forget about the problem..

A particularly serious problem is a stubborn proofreader. It is difficult to take out. And the methods listed above can be completely ineffective. In these cases, it is worth using special methods of influencing complex spots.

Application of nail file:

  1. Before removing the corrector stain, the product must be laid out on a hard surface;
  2. Place a piece of cloth under it that will absorb excess moisture and prevent the area of ​​contamination from expanding;
  3. Soak a cotton pad in an alcohol-containing substance and wipe the stain with it;
  4. The resulting stains can be removed by washing. For her, you need to choose a liquid powder combined with an air conditioner;
  5. The item itself should be dried in a ventilated area. For drying, it is not recommended to use heating devices, as the smell will remain, the quality of the fabric may be damaged.

Chemical processing. If it is necessary to remove a more difficult putty stain, chemistry will be needed. The following cleaning agents are suitable as cleaning agents:

  • Solvent;
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Acetone.

To remove the putty, it is enough to impregnate only the top layer of the fabric. More thorough smearing leads to a deeper damage to the product. The cleanser itself must be washed off in time with clean water.

The use of specialized tools. If standard recipe options do not help to remove the corrector from clothes, in some cases it is possible to use specialized stain removers. However, after using them, you need to quickly and thoroughly wash the item. Since manufacturers offer a wide range of different products, it is necessary to select it for each case, taking into account the possibility of using a cleaner on a particular fabric.

  1. If a chemical is used as a cleaning agent (be it acetone or gasoline), it should not be rubbed into the fabric, as this will damage the fibers. In this case, it is necessary to apply the product as carefully as possible on the contaminated surface;
  2. To prevent the substance from spreading and to prevent further smearing on the fabric, it is necessary to place a clean unnecessary piece of fabric under the thing. It is also recommended to wet the area around the stain with water so that the solvent does not spread over a large area;
  3. If the corrector had time to dry before processing, you can usually try to cut it off with a nail file, and only after that start getting rid of putty on clothes;
  4. Delicate or thin fabrics are processed only from the wrong side. In this case, the likelihood of new spots on the front side is minimized;
  5. Do not allow solvents or other chemicals to remain on the surface of the fabric for a long time. As soon as the contamination is eliminated, the remnants of the funds must be removed immediately;
  6. In the absence of any solvents at hand, you can use alcohol. At the same time, it is important that it be transparent. The application of cognac or tinctures is prohibited, as they leave stains and aggravate the situation. This method is applicable before important meetings, when there is simply no time to wash clothes from the corrector;
  7. When washing, the water should not be too hot. But it is better to choose the mode with maximum speed, so that the remnants of the product used are better washed;
  8. Before wiping a stroke from clothes, you need to think a few times. After detecting a fresh spot, you should not try to smear it, as this will lead to a deeper penetration of the substance into the fibers of the fabric;
  9. You can not use perfumes and toilet water for cleansing. They do not contain enough alcohol to remove impurities, however, the essential oils that make up the composition leave a strong smell. It is very difficult to get rid of it afterwards;
  10. To minimize the possibility of bar tape contamination, it is recommended to purchase models with a transparent body. In this case, you can notice a break in the tape or its twisting in a timely manner.

Do not avoid the use of ready-made products in order to remove the putty stain. For those who constantly use corrective putty, it is recommended to purchase a special tool for removing such stains. It is sold in the same place as the corrector itself. The tool provides instructions for its use. The most famous version of the cleaner is "Antishtrich". This is a liquid that in the shortest possible time allows you to get rid of stains on almost any fabric. It is applied as follows:

  1. The resulting pollution is slightly dried;
  2. The field of which the place is cleaned by dry cleaning;
  3. The agent is applied to the contaminated surface;
  4. Then the cleaned area should be blotted with a clean cloth;
  5. After that, the fabric is left to dry;
  6. If necessary, the cleaning process can be repeated.

Timely detection and cleaning of clothing from spots of corrective putty will keep the item in proper condition. And the use of gentle means will eliminate annoying oversights without harming the appearance of clothing and the structure of the fibers of the material.


Stroke spots on clothes are a nuisance that affects both adults and children. Schoolchildren, students and office workers who use the clerical proofreader on an ongoing basis are especially affected. Fortunately, in almost any case, the stain can be removed from the fabric without even damaging it.

We study the composition

Getting rid of a white spot should begin with studying the composition of the corrector, which is usually written on the bottle. It is not possible to determine it completely, since more often it is a company secret. There are certain chemical compounds that are present in any corrective composition, regardless of the manufacturer. These include calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide, as well as highly refined gasoline. However, the main criterion is the base, and its composition can always be found on the label.

There are several variations of "putty":

  • water based;
  • alcohol based;
  • oil based;
  • emulsion based.

In addition, there is also a dry corrector, so in no case do not panic and do not use the first remedy that comes to hand. Better figure out what you're dealing with first. The technique will be approximately the same, but the cleansers are different.

Methods for removing various stains

Having determined the composition of the corrector, select the appropriate method for removing contamination. The sooner you start cleaning, the more effectively you will deal with the problem. The easiest way to clean is dry or water-based corrector, the most difficult is oil-based options.

Water corrector - environmentally friendly, harmless to health, safe for children and people with allergies. It does not smell and copes well with paper of any quality, and if it dries, it can be diluted with plain water. Unfortunately, the water stroke dries for quite a long time - up to 1 minute and does not tolerate low temperatures.

The alcohol-based corrector dries quickly, can be kept even in the cold, but, like any alcohol-containing device, it is quite dangerous. If used incorrectly, it can ignite easily, it also smells quite strongly, so you need to use it with special care. Often such a corrector is sold complete with an alcohol-based solvent, with which you can reanimate the dried solution.

"Putty" on an emulsion or oil basis combines the properties of the other two varieties. It is considered the most resistant, dries quickly and has high frost resistance. Separately, a dry corrector is isolated - this is a dry composition in the form of a tape, which is located in a convenient coil. Using such a stroke, you do not have to wait long for it to dry, but with it you will not be able to correct errors and errors of a small size.

In addition, there are liquid and dry "putties". The former include correction fluids in a plastic bottle with a convenient brush, as well as pencils / pens filled with correction fluid. To dry - strokes-rollers, inside of which a tightly twisted tape with a densely applied dry composition is placed.

Water based

To wash a water-based product, you need to carry out a few simple manipulations:

  • first of all, dilute laundry soap or washing powder in a basin with the coldest possible water (strokes of this kind are afraid of low temperatures);
  • soak clothes in liquid for 20-30 minutes;
  • then wash the item in the washing machine on a program suitable for this type of fabric.

As you can see, removing clerical putty is not difficult. Even with black trousers, stains will completely disappear. Also, there is another way:

  • wet the spot with ice water;
  • then apply a few drops of lemon juice on it for 15-20 minutes;
  • then wash the item in the machine.

Remember that stroke splashes are completely washed off only if there is a pre-soak. Do not try to wipe off the "putty" - it will only be absorbed deeper into the fibers.


The essence of eliminating such pollution is as follows: it must be soaked with the same that is at the base of the corrector. If you're trying to clean an alcohol-based finish from a jacket at home, wait until it's completely dry before picking up an alcohol-based cleaner in the meantime. Then carefully try to scrape the paint off the clothes mechanically: with a nail file with a soft abrasive coating, an old toothbrush, or some kind of blunt object.

Lay the item out on a flat surface with a clean, non-staining cotton cloth or a few paper towels under the wrong side. It is important that the lining does not shed. Wipe the rest of the stroke with soft surface movements with a cotton swab or a cloth soaked in ethyl or denatured alcohol, alcohol-based cologne or vodka. This action can be repeated twice. Finish the procedure with the usual procedure in the washing machine.

You can also quickly remove dirt, for example, from trousers, if you wash clothes in warm water, to which ammonia is added.

Do not forget to pre-treat the surface of the pants with an ammonia solution and place the cotton wool soaked in it for 10-15 minutes.

In some cases, nail polish remover will help. The dense material used to make jeans can be treated with refined gasoline, which can be bought at the store. Wet the cotton wool, hold it on the stain for 2-3 minutes, and then send the item to the washing machine.


If you want to clean an oil-based or emulsion-based corrector, prepare a clean cloth, cotton wool and solvent - kerosene, acetone, white spirit. The oil is difficult to clean, so you have to use chemicals. First, check the mortar at the seams. If the fabrics do not lose color and do not deform, then you can start processing the contaminated surface.

Wet the space around the pollution with water - so the stain will not spread and retain its boundaries. Treat the stain with a cotton swab twice with methodical movements: from the edges to the center. And the third time - from the wrong side. Do not rub solvent into the material! Then machine wash using liquid powder in combination with fabric softener. Don't forget to air your clothes well.

If the solvent damages the fabric, then it is better to turn to professionals and take it to dry cleaning. You can also try to treat the surface with a solution of water and ammonia (2 to 1 ratio). It is likely that the usual dishwashing detergent will also help - apply it to the wetted area, leave for an hour, and then follow the usual algorithm.

In the same way, the solvent-based corrector can be eliminated. The only difference is it is better to treat the stain from the wrong side. Also, when faced with this kind of "putty", soak the clothes in warm water for half an hour, then add stain remover and wash the item by hand. Then follow the algorithm described above.


To wipe off a dry tape corrector, proceed in the same way as with a water-based stroke. Soak clothes in soapy water for 40 minutes, and then wash in the machine on a delicate cycle. The tape will quickly soak and quickly move away from the clothes, then it remains to carry out minimal processing.

If desired, wipe the item with a brush before washing. After the washing machine, there will be no trace of the corrector.

  • don't even try to remove concealer yourself from delicate fabrics such as silk, wool, satin, velvet (and other fleecy patterns). In case of failure, you will simply lose the thing, so give up on independent experiments;
  • if the corrector is liquid, then first you need to absorb the excess with a dry or damp cloth, and then wait for it to dry completely;
  • it is better to soak clothes for 10-15 minutes in water at room temperature;
  • do not rub the corrector until it is completely dry. So, on the contrary, you “drive” the substance deeper into the material. In addition, the area of ​​pollution will increase;
  • try to process the fabric from the wrong side, especially if you work with a solvent;
  • at the end of the procedure, be sure to dry the thing in a well-ventilated place;

  • if the durability of the fabric is in doubt, then conduct a “test drive” on a hidden area, for example, seams, or on a fragment of a similar material;
  • the fresher the pollution, the easier it will be to deal with it;
  • when cleaning the corrector, try to avoid using high temperature water. Boiling water will only aggravate the situation - the corrector will “brew”, so it will be almost impossible not to eliminate it;
  • do not use bleaches and stain removers;
  • remove small spots with cotton swabs, not discs or fabric patches;
  • products that are used to “dilute” a dried stroke can also be used to remove stains from clothes. Apply them according to the instructions. However, do not take risks with thin and delicate fabrics;
  • pure acetone is used in cases of absolutely white things;
  • washing water cannot be very hot, but it is better to set the speed of the “drum” high;

Soften the putty with chemicals or heat. Fresh putty can usually be removed without softening, but old putty that has completely hardened may need to be softened first to make it supple, making it easier to remove. You can usually do this with water, vinegar, chemicals, or heat, depending on the type of putty.

  • An industrial putty remover is the simplest choice and may be your best bet for silicone putty. Apply putty remover by squeezing a large enough bead onto the seal line with old putty, completely covering it from end to end. Leave for a few hours as directed on the label.
  • If you are dealing with a water-based non-acrylic putty, you can dampen the putty with a rag soaked in water for 72 hours to effectively soften it.
  • If you're using a water-based acrylic putty or a PVA putty, dampen the putty with isopropyl alcohol.
  • To use heat to remove putty on any substrate, heat the putty with a hair dryer at the lowest setting for 30 to 40 seconds. Stain cleaning is done in an area of ​​8 inches (20 cm) at a time.

Cut off the old putty in layers with a blade. Use a small blade to dig into the old putty and run it along the putty line.

  • In addition, you can cut the putty end to end, along the entire length in half. It can even cause individual pieces to fall out on their own.

    • If you cut along the entire length of the putty line, pull up from one end towards the other to remove as much as possible.
  • Clean off any remaining putty. Use a glass scraper to remove any visible putty residue. Hold the scraper at a slight angle, making sure the blade is snug against the surface without being skewed to avoid scratching it.

    • You can also use a spatula or similar tool. Keep in mind that the tool you are using should be fairly flat with slightly rounded edges. You don't need to cut the putty further with this tool; all you need is a putty-cleaning tool.
  • Pull the putty out of deep cracks with needle nose pliers. If you can't get to some of the pieces of putty with a scraper, use needle nose pliers to grab and pull out the visible pieces.

    • Needle nose pliers are preferred over others as they are narrower and easier to maneuver to get putty out of small crevices.
  • School pupils, students, and office workers quite often deal with such a thing as a proofreader. Rough handling can cause streak marks that are not easy to remove. For this reason, many people are interested in how to remove stroke stains as quickly and efficiently as possible without harm to clothes. It is absolutely not necessary to refuse to wear clothes soiled in the corrector or to throw them away at all - there are many effective ways to remove a stain from a stroke without loss. If you don’t know how to remove a streak stain, don’t be disappointed ahead of time - this guide on how to remove a corrector stain from clothes will help you understand what methods and recipes should be used.

    5 Useful Rules for Stroke Removal

    You may have some idea of ​​how to remove concealer from clothes, and even then, a guide on how to remove putty can help you. It is also not superfluous to remember the rules that will help you deal with any pollution resulting from working with the corrector:

    • Before removing putty from jeans and other clothing, blot the stroke with a tissue or paper before the stain is completely dry. This will greatly facilitate the subsequent removal of the stain.
    • To increase the effectiveness of the wash, soak the item in warm water for 10-15 minutes before removing the stroke from the clothes. This will especially help if you want to eliminate a dried stain.
    • Do not rub a fresh stain - this will only increase its area and help it penetrate deep into the fabric.
    • Before removing a streak stain from clothing with a caustic or aggressive substance, check the reaction of the fabric to the selected product. To do this, apply a small amount on an inconspicuous place. Restoring damaged clothing will be more difficult than washing corrector, so be careful.
    • How to remove a stain from stroke putty quickly and without a trace? Treat dirt from the inside out.

    Now that you know the useful tips for removing a stroke, you can begin to figure out how to remove a stain from a corrector, and what kind of tools can be used to quickly achieve your goal.

    Ways to remove streak stains from clothes

    Before you remove a stain from a stroke, it is very important to find out what kind of corrector it was left with. The fact is that proofreaders come in several bases - water, emulsion and alcohol. The question of how to remove a water-based stroke stain is usually not worth it, because for this it is enough to soak the clothes in water and wait until the contamination is completely dissolved in it. You will have to fight with an emulsion or alcohol stroke, and you need to do it correctly. How to remove putty from clothes without risk? Try recipes:

    • Powder. If you don't know how to remove a putty stain, use an ordinary laundry detergent. Please note that this method of how to remove a putty stain is only suitable if the stroke is water-based - in other cases, a positive result is not guaranteed. Wash clothes in a washing machine or a container with the addition of powder, then dry - the stain will definitely disappear.
    • Ammonia. How to remove stains from alcohol-based putty? This is an actual question, the solution of which is simpler than it seems. Take a suitable container and pour warm water into it. It is necessary to dissolve a small amount of ammonia in it and stir it thoroughly. Before removing the corrector from clothing, soak a cotton swab in the prepared solution and apply it to the stain. It is enough to hold the tampon for 10-15 minutes, then wash and dry things thoroughly.
    • Petrol. Before you wash the corrector from your clothes with gasoline, make sure that the gasoline is purified - you need to buy this at a hardware store, and not at a gas station. Also, do not forget before washing the corrector, make sure that the clothes are not made of synthetics - they simply will not withstand such a procedure. If everything is fine, soak cotton wool in clean gasoline and apply it to the stroke stain. Hold for a few minutes and send the clothes to the washing machine.
    • Denatured alcohol. How to wash the corrector from trousers if there was no gasoline at hand? You can use denatured alcohol for such purposes. You need to fold the gauze in several layers, and then put it under the stain from the inside of the clothes. From above, the surface of the stain is treated with cotton wool soaked in denatured alcohol. When the stain is completely removed, the clothes should be washed and dried well.
    • Special tool. Not many people who are interested in how to remove a stroke are aware of the existence of special liquids that can be bought at an office supply store. They are specially designed to remove corrector from various surfaces, including clothing. Follow instructions.
    • Solvent. How to remove putty from clothes if there is no opportunity or desire to spend money on a special product? You can use a tool similar in principle of action - White Spirit or any other similar solvent. Just don't use solvents if you have synthetics.
    • Vodka. If you know how to remove a corrector stain on clothes, but there is nothing at hand, you can use vodka or other strong alcohol without color. Apply some alcohol to the stain, then wait for 15-20 minutes and wash the treated clothes in the washing machine.

    Of course, there are other equally effective ways to wash corrector from jeans and other clothes. You can try both of these tips, and experiment with other recommendations than to remove a stain on clothes from a stroke. In any case, experimenting is better than throwing away clothes right away. Use only proven methods of how and with what you can remove a stroke from clothes so as not to risk it!
