What is more stable perfume water or toilet water. Best Eau de Parfum in the Daytime Fragrances category

In this topic, we will tell you how perfumes, eau de parfum and toilet water differ from each other. If you have never noticed the difference before, then after reading this topic, you will be able to distinguish between perfumes and eau de parfum and eau de toilette. We recommend that you read


PERFUME: As a rule, they are a mixture of various essential oils with different aromas, and together creating a unique pleasant aroma. Thus, perfumes differ from eau de parfum and eau de toilette by the concentration of the perfume composition, which reaches up to 30% of the volume, i.e. for 100 ml of perfume, 30 ml are essential oils. Since perfumes differ in concentration, respectively, their smell is more persistent and stronger than that of perfumed or toilet water, which can last up to 12 hours on the body, up to 3 days on clothes and up to several weeks on fur. Perfumes, as a rule, also differ in the volume of the bottle, because they are more concentrated and their process is quite complicated, which means that the cost of perfumes is much higher than that of perfumed and toilet water.

PERFUME WATER: Such a perfume is the most common at present, if perfumes are not easy to find and you can only find them in perfume shops, then eau de parfum is sold more and more often, and it’s better to use it than perfumes, because you want to change fragrances, and if the fragrance will last for two weeks, which means that this is how long you will not be able to change the fragrance of the perfume. Eau de parfum differs from perfumes in that the concentration of perfumery is up to 20% of the volume, more often 15%, which naturally affects the duration of the fragrance. So on the skin, perfume water lasts an average of 5 hours, and on clothes no more than 2 days. We recommend that you read

TOILET WATER: The simplest and cheapest type of perfume, easy to make and cheap to sell. Eau de toilette differs from perfumes and eau de parfum in the concentration of aromatic substances, which reaches only 5% of the volume. Eau de toilette strongly enough gives alcohol, rather than aromatic aromas. Although if the toilet water is good, then it will differ slightly from the perfumed water, except that the smell will stay on you for a short time. So the fragrance lasts 2-3 hours on the skin, and on clothes an average of 10 hours.

COLOGNE: We would like to mention another type of perfumery, this is cologne, which is the lowest content of aromatic substances in its composition, the volume of which reaches up to 2% of the total volume of the bottle. We recommend that you read


Irishka: My opinion on how perfumes such as eau de toilette, perfumed water and perfume differ from each other is as follows: Eau de toilette differs from other perfumes in that it is very weak and has more of an alcohol smell than a fragrance, and almost all artisanal producers make it. Eau de parfum is more difficult to produce, and accordingly, it costs more, but at the same time its smell is really pleasant and persistent. Perfume differs from eau de toilette and eau de parfum in that the concentration of aromatic substances in them is very high, the production is difficult and the smell is very persistent.

Mikhail: These perfumes differ only in price and concentration of aromatic substances, they do not differ in anything else.

Elegant: I'll tell you how cologne differs from all other eau de parfum, but because cologne is the purest alcohol and you can't use it for fragrance, because it smells like a few minutes after you put it on, and then that's it. Yes, it stinks more of alcohol than a pleasant smell.


In material:

Perfumed or perfumed - which is correct?

Indeed, this question is often asked by readers. Is there a difference? To answer you will have to be a little tedious and give in to memories a little.

A few years ago, when we were just starting our VASH-AROMAT.RU project, we also had to solve this issue. Opinions were divided. Some assured that it was necessary to say perfume, because. it is in this form that the word is used in most Russian-language sources. Others insisted on perfumed, as more correct in terms of word formation. Still others - the most irresponsible varmints - assured that they, excuse me, don't care what it's called.

We deliberately ignored the third group of people and went ... to philologists. Yes, we turned to specialists, and they ... confused us even more! All the consultants we interviewed agreed on one thing - at the moment there is no established Russian form of this French term. Then the inconsistencies began:

  • Some assured that the word "perfumery" can only refer to perfumers, but not perfumery. That is, a laboratory or devices, an instrument - they are perfumery, and aromas are perfumed.
  • The latter immediately objected: what about the well-established term “perfumery products”, which denotes all kinds of compositions of various levels of intensity? Do they only belong to perfumers, or do they mean perfumery in general?
  • In one case, a well-established expression, and in another, not well-established, the first parried ...

Confused? Now imagine what we experienced, provided that I shortened this "argument" many, many, many times over. But we made a conclusion, we were able to make a decision, and it turned out to be unambiguous! Of all of us, the third group of fools turned out to be closest to the truth:

With such a complexity of the solution, it does not matter how to translate into Russian - perfume or eau de parfum - the main thing is to understand that we are talking about the same thing, about Eau de Parfum.

What is eau de parfum?

Having finished with unsuccessful verbal "research", let's see what Eau de Parfum is. Eau de parfum is one of the types of concentration of aromatic compositions.. There is already a full explanation on this issue in our guide - see it if you haven't done it before. Briefly recall the most common:



Parfum / Perfume

Although it is now customary to call any fragrance perfume, but initially it was the maximum concentration of Perfume that bore this proud name. The content of aromatic substances is about 30% in the total volume of the liquid.


This is also one of the maximum concentrations, however, the content of substances is permissible in a wider range - from 15% to 40%. That is, it can be both richer than Perfume and “lighter”. The most commonly used is 20%.

Eau de Parfum

It's just our heroine! The concentration of EDP is about 15% (10% - 20% is acceptable).

Parfum de Toilette

A term rarely used today, with an EDP level of aromatics. Below I will dwell on it in more detail.

Eau de Toilette

Very common and familiar to many eau de toilette. Concentration about 10% (with a tolerance in the region of 5% - 15%).

Eau de Cologne

The lowest concentration of substances is about 5%. We talked more about cologne in.

So, eau de parfum is a type of perfumery product with a concentration of aromatic substances of about 15%. Those. less than perfume (in the sense of Perfume), but more than eau de toilette.

Day perfume: fairy tale or reality?

Just a few words about Parfum de Toilette. The term "Daytime perfume", which is often translated as the name of this concentration, appeared a very long time ago. It's hard to say exactly when, there are different opinions.

The bottom line was that times were changing, and the desire to smell as strong as possible went into oblivion. This fits perfectly into the logic of today, but then people only began to come to the conclusion that Perfume might look excessive on a warm day. I don’t want to repeat the hackneyed and unpleasant thesis that “the French have learned to wash themselves,” but I think that “there is no smoke without fire.”

In any case, perfume was needed, but "easier" than evening. They became Parfum de Toilette. It is easy to guess that EDP, EDT, EDC appeared later, that is, even less saturated concentrations. "Daytime perfume" - remained in the lists as a tribute to the past, but in practice this term is used very rarely now.

Parfum de Toilette by Salvatore Ferragamo

Perhaps, over time, this concept will acquire new meanings, then we will talk about it separately, but for now we will consider that, in fact, it is a synonym for Eau de Parfum.

Perfume and toilet water: what's the difference?

I think now you yourself are able to answer this question. Yes, the whole difference is in concentration - eau de toilette is less saturated. But this is what is called "by definition". In fact, as usual, everything is relative. Just look at the allowable concentrations of both options:

  • EDP: 10% - 20%.
  • EDT: 5% - 15%.

Do you understand? That is, both perfumed and eau de toilette can have, for example, a concentration of 12%. And what is their difference then?

The answer is simple: in a stupid, hackneyed, terribly banal, but still the only correct phrase - "as a rule." As a rule, parfvoda is more concentrated than eau de toilette. Usually more intense. Usually more durable. But everything can be different.

A bit of history

Do not worry, I will not climb into the wilds of the ages to find the answer from the ancient Egyptians. Enough of recent history. Until the end of the 20th century, the same fragrances were produced in different concentrations, but according to the same perfume composition formula. In other words, the smell was the same, but the durability and intensity were different. Of course, there were also small technological differences, but basically the noses did not distinguish them.

Chanel No 5, the poster shows several different concentrations

A striking example is the world famous. Our compatriot Ernest Beau created it in 1921, and with the same composition it was released as perfume, and as EDP, and as EDT until 1986, when the EDP version was reissued.

What do we see today, in the days of ultra-mass production? Perfumers, laboratories, factories churn out dozens of "novelties" a year for each brand. It is worth at least somehow showing itself to some kind of fragrance, and it immediately becomes a "flagship", i.e. using the name that has become popular, they begin to create dozens for it, and they try to distinguish between them (including) concentrations.

Here is another striking example - Miss Dior. Appearing in 1947, she was both, and, but with the same composition. But her time is gone, and the perfume was discontinued. Then they returned, liked the public, and ...:

  • 2014 Dior Les Extraits: Miss Dior Original Extrait de Parfum.
  • Confused? It's only the beginning!

    Which is better: eau de toilette or perfumed water?

    And what, excuse me, is better, an evening dress or pajamas? Expensive suit or parka for fishing. Nothing is better! There is no such choice at all. Each circumstance has its own things. So are the flavors.

    But still, this ridiculous desire to compare and choose “what is cooler” is inherent not only to consumers, but also to manufacturers. Eminent brands, although they indulge in commercial tricks with various flankers, try to maintain compliance with concentrations. And how accurately do those for whom perfumery is, let's say, a side product, classify their fragrances?

    A striking example in this sense is the Americans. Look at the famous ones, such as, for example,. This brand has everything according to the rules, everything is in accordance with the rules. Now take a look at American manufacturers (I won't name them on purpose) who use the names of pop stars or generally produce panties, and only then perfume. Ibid solidEaudeperfume!

    They do not produce eau de toilette in principle (in most cases, of course, there are exceptions). Why? Because eau de parfum is "cooler". How? I have no idea! Apparently because the word “perfume” is there, and the French phrase itself sounds exotic to the American ear. What is the actual concentration of aromatic substances? Yes, don't care!

    What to choose: Eau de Parfum or Eau de Toilette?

    Maybe I'm too strict about American products. Despite the conventionality and pseudo-toughness, there are many interesting flavors among them. How to choose?

    Always choose only according to your likes, paying attention to the opinions of others, but to a lesser extent! Remember we talked about? It always works, and the choice of perfume concentration is no exception. Of course, do not forget about.

    So, the circumstances (day, evening, work, party, etc.) and your sympathy - these are the two main arguments in favor of choosing an eau de toilette or eau de parfum. The rest is just as important, but they are the main ones.


    I do not rule out that after my explanation you were a little upset. Like, I really wanted exact answers, but it turns out that there is no particular certainty. I'm sorry, but C "est la vie. Everyone wants clear instructions that this is white and this is black, but this happens infrequently. And everyone who tries to tell you clear wording is at least mistaken. If you are not acquainted for the first day with perfume, you know that I'm right.

    It's not hard to understand just trust yourself! Try, choose, do not be afraid to experiment. Enjoy your scent!

    Sergei Polye, specially

    For the VASH-AROMAT.RU project

    As illustrations used photos found on the Internet in the public domain.

    Collages of them can also be used.

The perfume shop has a large selection of perfumes for women - there are perfumes, eau de toilette, eau de parfum. What to choose? Perfume is more expensive - so they are better?


An evening dress is more expensive than beach shorts, but this does not mean that you will go to the beach in an evening dress or weed the beds in your backyard.

The choice of perfume is carried out primarily by smell - whether you like it or not. There are fragrances that are produced only in the form of eau de toilette, others - only in the form of perfume. But most of the names of fragrances are presented in the form of perfumes, and in the form of eau de toilette, and in the form of eau de parfum. An important selection criterion is the purpose of using the smell, i.e. conditions and circumstances of its application (evening or morning, celebration or everyday life, summer or winter ...). To do this, you need to know how perfumes, perfumed water and toilet water differ from each other.

Perfume(Parfum, Extrait - French, Perfume - English). The content of aromatic substances is 20 - 30%, and sometimes more, on average 23%. The aromatic composition is dissolved in 90% alcohol. This is the most concentrated type of perfumery products. The smell is very persistent - at least 5 hours, on average up to 24 hours. Applied by drip only. The vial is small 5 - 15 ml. Perfume should usually "open up" after some time after being applied to warm and always clean skin (and without rubbing). Usually applied on the neck, behind the ears, on the wrists, on the elbow, on the temples, in the hollow between the breasts. Perfume has pronounced plume notes. It is recommended to use in the evening and in the cold season.

perfumed water or toilet perfume(Eau De Parfum, abbreviated as EDP). The content of aromatic substances is 10 - 20%. Aromatic concentrate dissolved in 90% alcohol. The scent lasts 5-6 hours. The scent is lighter so you can use it all day long. No wonder eau de parfum is also called daytime perfume. Eau de Parfum differs from perfumes in that the plume notes are less pronounced, and the “heart” of the fragrance is stronger. Usually available as a spray.

Eau de Toilette(Eau de Toilette, abbreviated as EDT). The concentration of aromatic substances 4 - 10% in 80 - 85% alcohol. Less resistant - up to 4 hours. The fragrance is light, unobtrusive, with brighter top and middle notes and weak plume notes. Can be used multiple times throughout the day, during outdoor activities, sports, great for summer time. Large volume bottles (30 - 100 ml and more) with a spray bottle. It is recommended to spray from the bottle into the air and quickly stand under a shower of small droplets. The most popular "format", many well-known brands produce their products only in it.

What is the difference between eau de toilette and perfume? Having looked into a perfumery boutique, you can wander for a long time in the cycle of smells, occasionally “shaking off” the dope from yourself with coffee beans.

And now, having finally found That Very Aroma, you come to an equally difficult decision - in what form to purchase it?

Perfume, eau de toilette or perfume water - what are the differences, which option will be more resistant and profitable to buy?

The recipe for making fragrant products is the same for any kind: water and alcohol are complemented by an exquisite perfume composition.

The durability of the fragrance on the skin, the manifestation of the three main notes and, of course, the cost depend on the mixing ratio.

So, eau de parfum, unlike toilet water, erodes more slowly, lasts longer and reveals the composition in all colors.

The higher the concentration of essential oils (and the spread varies from 1% to 30%), the more impressive the price will be. Let's see what perfumes are, to whom they are more suitable and what is the percentage of fragrant substances in them.

1. Perfume: concentration from 20 to 30% (usually 23-24%)

Perfumes on the packaging are indicated by the familiar word Parfume. They stay on the fabric for more than 24 hours, on the skin - at least six.

Perfume has very clear plume (finish, end) notes, so it is not recommended to apply a highly concentrated fragrance in the morning.

The proportion of essential oils and alcohol plays a decisive role in the persistence, richness of the fragrance, and even in its development on the skin.

In a cheap, homemade eau de toilette, you will notice the smell of alcohol, often interrupting the main bouquet. But strong perfumes allow you to thoroughly feel the composition, from the top notes and notes of the heart to the exciting train.

2. Eau de Parfum: concentration of 15% or more

Eau de Parfum (EDP)- the middle sister in this family, close to spirits in composition and persistent disposition. Eau de Parfum stays on clothes for almost the whole day, on the skin - about four to five hours.

Sometimes it is called toilet or "day" perfume, emphasizing its intermediate location and unobtrusive aroma. The middle notes of the heart are the brightest in the bouquet.

A lower concentration of the essential base is practical in daily use.

Firstly, this tool is cheaper than its older brother, and secondly, it does not show strong, plume chords so sharply. In general, the fragrance sounds softer, all notes are balanced and do not scream.

3. Toilet water: concentration about 8-10%

Eau de Toilette (EDT)- the younger relative of solid perfumes. It is distinguished by lightness, ostentatious brightness of the top and heart notes and absolute indifference to the plume shades.

Ideal during sports, during the hot season, during a variety of activities and recreation.

Eau de toilette is very popular because of the low price (you can have many fragrances on the shelf at once). Her durability is unenviable, but it can be updated at least five times a day.

4. Cologne: concentration usually 3%, maximum 5%

Cologne (literally Eau de Cologne) is another representative of the world of perfumery, familiar to domestic gentlemen. It stays on the body for only a couple of hours, then disappears without a trace.

He practically does not distinguish three phases of opening in his bouquet: both at the time of application and after an hour it feels identical.

It is characterized by harsh alcohol nuances and a general tendency to a final, tart note from the first minutes.

5. Weak products with perfume additives

These include perfumed deodorant, as well as sports or refreshing water (the concentration of esters is not more than 1-2%).

In addition, European brands produce care products with basic fragrant additives (shower gel, body milk and cream, fluid and hairspray).

All of them leave a light perfume trail after application, but they sound unobtrusive and natural. They are ideal for those who do not like to wear a bright scent and prefer natural nuances.

And similar products can be combined with eau de toilette or eau de parfum from the same collection. Then the fragrance will envelop from all sides and last even longer, showing notes of the heart for two to three hours.

Perfumes: what is the difference and which one to choose

In the issue of durability, not only the concentration of fragrant substances is important, but also specific essential oils.

For example, aromas of cinnamon, cardamom, amber, sandalwood and cedar are heard longer than citrus nuances.

Therefore, a "woody" cologne may be more long-lasting than fruity-floral water.

Tips from stylists and perfumers

In the cold season, give preference to perfumes and perfume water.

In summer, light eau de toilette or refreshing sports water sounds harmoniously.

Wear floral, fresh aquatic and citrus scents during the hot season, and save heavy bouquets for the off-season. The warmer it is outside, the stronger the spicy notes are pressed, but in the cold they sound muffled.

In the evening, perfumes show themselves better, in the morning - perfumed or toilet water.

Mature, adult, luxurious, autumnal, evening fragrances are considered to be fragrances that are assigned categories: “oriental”, “woody”, “chypre” and “fougère”. Sandalwood, moss, spices, musk, patchouli, coumarin are clearly felt in them.

Floral, citrus, fruit bouquets are considered young, ideal for first dates and morning tea parties.

A high-quality perfume can be worn all day without parting with it even at night. But for some, durability is not such a plus. This applies to those who like, but quickly get bored with strong, spicy, tart perfumes.

For them, the option with toilet water is also acceptable because it disappears faster. A favorite fragrance can always be renewed.

Probably, each of us had to face a difficult choice in a perfume shop - what to buy? After half a dozen test sticks, a sip of the aroma of coffee beans, a lot of doubts and worries, you finally decided on a perfume, but now you face another dilemma - in what concentration should you buy it? Perfume, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, cologne… The difference here is not only in price.

All types of perfumery consist mainly of aromatic concentrate, alcohol and water and differ only in the ratio of these components. As part of perfumery, a small content of dyes and antioxidants is allowed, which do not affect the change in the smell of perfume. Norms of concentration of fragrant substances for different types of perfumery in different countries are different, but always fluctuate within certain limits.


Perfume (Parfum (fr), Perfume (eng)) is the most concentrated and persistent, as well as the most expensive type of perfume, recommended for use in the evening and during the cold season. The spirits have strongly pronounced final, plume notes. That is why, in the morning, when the perception of aromas is especially acute, as well as in the heat, which enhances spicy and heavy aromas, it is better not to use perfumes. The content of aromatic substances in perfumes ranges from 20 to 30%, with an average of 23% in 90% alcohol.

perfumed water

Eau de Parfum (Eau de Parfum) The term Parfum de Toilette is sometimes used - toilet perfume - a type of perfumery, which, in terms of concentration of fragrant substances, is between perfume and toilet water of 12-20% of fragrant substances in 90% alcohol. Eau de parfum is called daytime perfume. They can be used throughout the day. Eau de parfum differs from perfumes in that the "heart" of the fragrance is more pronounced in it, and the plume notes are much weaker. Well keep aroma within 5-7 hours. The abundant use of eau de parfum in the morning does not help to keep the smell for the whole day, but only makes it too harsh in the first hours.

Eau de Toilette

Toilet water (Eau de Toilette) - a light type of perfumery, in which the top and middle notes sound brightly, and the loops are felt only slightly. The concentration of the aromatic composition is 8-10% in 80-85% alcohol. Eau de toilette is designed to be used several times a day, and is suitable for use during the working day, in hot climates, for sports and outdoor activities.


Cologne (Eau de Cologne) is the lightest type of perfume used mainly for men. The purpose and properties of cologne are the same as those of toilet water, but the concentration of fragrant substances is even less - 3-8% in 70-80% alcohol.

Perfumed deodorant

Perfumed deodorant (Deo Parfum) - a product that combines the properties of perfumery and personal care products. The concentration of aromatic substances in perfumed deodorants can vary from 3 to 10%.

Perfumed body care products

To keep the smell of your favorite fragrance as long as possible, it is more advisable to use perfumed body care products in addition - body milk, shower gel, hair spray, etc. The fatty components contained in them slightly fix the smell, preventing it from quickly evaporating . Scented body care products are any cosmetic products (cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing) that use the base fragrance of a perfume as a fragrance. The fragrance content in care products is usually not high, sometimes even less than 1%, but the layering effect obtained by consistently using all the products in the line helps to significantly increase the durability of the smell. For example, perfumed body milk retains its aroma with an emphasis on heart notes for 2-3 hours.

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