What is body lotion for and how to use it? Homemade body lotions.

Lotion for body, it is desirable to understand for yourself what exactly you want to receive. Each skin type has its own means, so it is important to choose the right lotion, otherwise the effect of its use can not wait. In addition, the lotion can perform additional functions, prevent the rapid growth of hair, or give the skin a radiance. It is necessary to decide whether such properties are necessary on an individual basis.

Lotions also differ in the period of the year for which they are intended. Means for winter are more dense, not only moisturize, but also nourish. Whereas lotions for the summer should be almost weightless.

Having settled on a specific remedy, do not apply it to the whole body at once. The risk of allergic reactions is present when using any cosmetics, and if the skin is especially sensitive, then instead of moisturizing, you can get itching and a rash. Therefore, it is first advisable to test the lotion on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and only if there are no negative reactions, use it to the fullest.

Next, you need to decide for which part body plan to use skin lotion. Different areas of the skin require compositions with different components and additives, the drier the skin, the more nourishing lotion should be chosen.

Once a suitable skin care product has been found, all that remains is to apply it to the skin after a shower with light, massage movements. This should be done after each contact of the skin with water, regardless of how many times a day a shower is taken.

Do not try to apply too much on the skin lotion, otherwise there is a high probability that it simply cannot be completely absorbed and the lotion will leave marks on clothes. Therefore, the criterion for the correct application of the means for moisturizing the skin can be considered only its comfortable sensations.

Helpful advice

Owners of sensitive skin are best to purchase special hypoallergenic lotions that do not contain fragrances, this will reduce the likelihood of irritation.


  • how to use body lotion

A word with Roman roots and French origin lotion» is perceived by consumers as a means to cleanse the skin. It is not always so. In fact lotion performs several functions, and cleansing is not always the main one. One of the translations of the word "lotio" means "ablution", it better conveys the essence of this cosmetic product, because "wash" does not always mean "wash". Apply lotion follows in accordance with its purpose.


The broadest group - cleansing lotion s for the face. They are a liquid, which includes various chemical and natural components that help remove excess sebum, dust and other impurities from the face. Apply enough of this lotion and on a cotton pad and wipe the skin of the face and neck with it. Let the moisture dry naturally.

One of the subgroups of cleansers lotion ov - lotion s to remove . Apply this lotion on a cotton pad, remove decorative cosmetics from the skin of the face and lips with movements. The use of some of them does not require any additional procedures. Others lotion They are only a means of properly preparing the skin for the next stage of cleansing. Information about this should be on the packaging.

Tonic lotion s in order to increase the elasticity of the skin, give it a healthy and fresh look. Use lotion as an independent tool during the day, if you do not use foundation, or wipe your face with it before applying makeup. Apply it on the face with a cotton pad or lightly pat it into the skin with your fingertips.

soothing lotion They are needed in order to relieve inflammation and irritation of the skin. Calming lotion softens the skin, relieves pain. It is used not only for the skin of the face, but also for the body. Calming agents are widely used lotion s applied. Apply such lotion s palm, fingertips or cotton pad depending on the area of ​​application.

Moisturizers lotion They are also designed not only for the face, but also for the body. Such lotion They are needed in order to restore elasticity to the skin, soften it and nourish it with moisture. Depending on the purpose, they may have a different consistency - from watery to relatively liquid cream. Apply liquid moisturizers with a cotton pad, creams with fingertips or palms (depending on body part).

Revitalizing and nourishing lotion They can be in the form of a liquid or a fairly thick, but light creamy substance. They are needed in order to nourish the skin of the face or body with beneficial components. Often such lotion We recommend applying at night before bed. Apply them according to package directions.

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For dry skin, you can use various vegetable oils that will perfectly moisturize the skin. Cosmetic oils such as olive, sesame, coconut, almond, corn, and rose hips are very suitable. Based on these oils, you can prepare a lotion for dry skin of the face and body at home, which will provide invaluable benefits to your skin.

You will need

  • Rosehip oil, castor oil, corn oil, vitamin A concentrate, liquid honey, carrot juice, cream, sea water.


Olive oil protects and moisturizes the skin. Coconut oil nourishes and moisturizes, gives the skin a fresh look. Almond oil penetrates well into the deeper layers of the skin. Castor oil has a calming effect. But rosehip oil is called the "queen of natural oils." It is often used to treat stretch mark scars, age spots, and to fight wrinkles.

Take rosehip, castor and corn oils, 2 tablespoons each. Mix everything into a homogeneous mixture.

Add 20 drops of vitamin A concentrate to this mixture. This vitamin is an excellent antioxidant. As well as the undisputed leader in the struggle for beauty, radiance and a fresh look. Retinol, as it is also called in cosmetology, accelerates the process of skin cell renewal, it also improves blood circulation and strengthens capillaries. It has a good ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, thereby accelerating the healing of wounds and scars. This vitamin fights even deep wrinkles, improves skin color, fights pigmentation and even evens out the relief.

Then add 2 teaspoons of liquid honey to the mixture. Bee natural honey is a huge pantry of various microelements and vitamins. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Pour in 1/2 cup carrot juice, 1/2 cup cream and 2 tablespoons sea water. Carrot juice will restore a healthy look to the skin. Cream will make the skin velvety. Sea water will tighten already flabby skin.

Now mix thoroughly and shake into a homogeneous mixture. Store best in the refrigerator for up to a week.


The cream consists only of natural products and does not contain preservatives. And since it also contains natural carrot juice and cream, it has a very short shelf life.

The benefits of self-tanning are obvious to everyone - this is the absence of the risk of sunburn, and how quickly you can get the perfect skin tone. Its main drawback, due to which many women do not use self-tanning, is the complexity of application.

Preparation for application

Not recommended before bed. Otherwise, firstly, ugly stains may remain on the bedding, which will be extremely difficult to remove. But secondly, what is even more unpleasant, stains can remain on your skin. It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning.

It is undesirable to shave your legs on this day, as the cream may lie unevenly.

Before using a self-tanning cream or spray, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face and body. It is best to use a scrub or hard washcloth for this.

Keep in mind that it is impossible to apply the cream immediately after bathing - the skin must be perfectly dry, otherwise the appearance of spots and streaks cannot be avoided. As a last resort, if you don't have too much time, dry yourself thoroughly with a towel and dry your skin with a hair dryer.

Apply a little body lotion to your elbows and knees, otherwise the skin in these places will be darker than in other areas.


It is best to apply self-tanner with latex gloves on your hands. If you don't have gloves, wash (and dry thoroughly!) your hands often if you don't want your palms to turn bright orange. At the same time, pay special attention to the skin between the fingers - it stains the most.

Start applying self-tanner from the bottom up - starting from the legs. Squeeze the cream out of the tube little by little. It is best to apply the product on the skin with even long strokes, rubbing thoroughly.

A few minutes after application, when the cream dries slightly, you can rub the skin with a terry towel or a dry washcloth-glove.

After tanning

Try not only not to get dressed immediately after applying self-tanning (at least 15-20 minutes), but also not to sit down or lean against anything.

Exclude water procedures on this day, and in the first hours after application, try not to get a single drop of water on the skin. Do not wear light-colored clothing on this day, as marks may remain on it. Do not use any moisturizers for several hours.

In addition, on this day you should not play sports or go out into the hot sun. Sweat on the skin can nullify all your efforts.

In order for the color of your tan to be preserved, it should be renewed from time to time (every one to two weeks).

If all these tricks seem too complicated for you, you can use a moisturizing body lotion with a slight tanning effect instead of self-tanning. In this case, the desired effect will not be achieved immediately, but within a few days, but the color will fall on the skin more evenly.

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Recent studies have convincingly proven the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin - it becomes dry, ages quickly, and the risk of developing malignant diseases increases. However, the fashion for a tan does not go away. To resolve this contradiction help special cosmetics - tanning.

What is self-tanning

Self-tanning is a cosmetic base containing a coloring agent that gives the skin a dark tint. According to the principle of action, self-tanning is divided into bronzants, auto-bronzates and tanning accelerators.

Bronzers are tonal products that color the skin in the desired shade. They are not very convenient to use, because they stain clothes and are quickly washed off, forming uneven spots on the skin.

Tanning accelerators stimulate the production of melanin pigment in the skin, which, theoretically, can lead to cancer.

Autobronzates give a longer lasting effect compared to bronzers. Their active ingredient is the polysaccharide dihydroxyacetone. When this molecule interacts with proteins and amino acids of the skin, a melanoid polymer is formed, which stains the upper layers of the skin in a dark color. With the death of horny cells, the tanning effect gradually disappears. The advantage of dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is that it does not dry out the skin. Melanoids produced under its influence absorb ultraviolet rays 315-400 nm long (type A) and, therefore, can be considered photoprotectors. At the same time, melanoids do not protect the skin from UV radiation with a length of 280-315 nm (type B).

In addition, modern self-tanning products may contain antioxidants that protect the skin from aging; moisturizing and nourishing substances; components that protect against UV radiation. For visiting discos and nightclubs, self-tanning with reflective particles that give a radiant and shimmering effect is suitable. Due to this, the skin is visually evened out and looks fresher.

How to choose self-tanner

First of all, you should pay attention to the expiration date of the product. If it has expired, you should not use self-tanning - it can lose its even consistency and leave uneven stains on the skin. In addition, when using such a tool, the risk of an allergic reaction increases.

On owners of white skin, blond or red hair and light eyes, a dark intense tan will look rough and unnatural. They are more suitable for products with a tinting effect: moisturizing milk or modeling body lotion, the labels of which indicate light. In these products, the concentration of DHA is 2.5-3%. If you are going to spend a lot of time in the sun, choose a self-tanner with SPF ingredients.

If you have blond or brown hair and brown or gray eyes, you can choose a medium type product that contains 3-4% DHA. To achieve a natural look of the skin and its gradual darkening, it is better to use lotion, milk or mousse. Self-tanning cream gives a stronger and faster result.

For dark eyes and hair, products marked dark with a DHA content of 5% are suitable. If you do not have a goal of giving your skin a chocolate color, you should also use lotion or milk as a milder remedy.

For instant correction of skin tone on the face, neck and décolleté, it is convenient to use self-tanning wipes. Self-tanning spray also saves time: it is quickly sprayed over the body and dries within 10 minutes.

To make sure that the chosen remedy suits you, apply it on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the body and check the result after 2-3 hours. You can also lubricate a test paper with self-tanner and apply it to your body. The tan should be darker than the skin by no more than 1-2 tones.

Modern manufacturers of cosmetic products produce many lotions. However, among such a variety it is difficult to choose a tool that would satisfy in all respects. That is why women are increasingly turning to folk recipes.

Peppermint and St. John's wort are great for normal to oily skin. These herbs give it a matte healthy color, tone and narrow enlarged pores. The fresh aroma of the lotion uplifts the mood and relieves fatigue. Mix 2 tbsp. dry herb St. John's wort and mint leaves. Pour the resulting collection with a glass of boiling water and put on a slow fire. Keep for 10 minutes, then cover and leave for several hours. Strain the product and dilute with vodka in equal proportions. Pour the lotion into a bottle and use for skin care. Store the product away from direct sunlight and in an airtight container.

A collection of mint, chamomile and plantain is used to prepare lotions designed to care for dry and sensitive skin. Take 1 tbsp. each herb and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Cover the dish with a lid and wait 40-60 minutes. Then strain and carefully add 1 tbsp. starch. Watch carefully to make sure there are no lumps. Apply the product to clean, steamed skin and rinse with cool water after half an hour. The lotion has tonic properties, it soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation.

Pour 1 tsp into a glass of dry wine. salicylic alcohol and add 4 tbsp. dried chamomile. Pour the product into a dark glass container and refrigerate. After 5 days, strain the infusion. Apply it with a cotton pad on clean skin and keep it for 10-15 minutes. After that, the product should be washed off with cool water. Wine-based lotion perfectly tones and soothes the skin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and relieves irritation.

To get rid of on the body, mix 1 tbsp. chamomile and sage flowers. Collection pour 200 ml of hot water and leave for an hour. In the finished infusion, add the juice of one lemon, finely grated lemon zest, a glass of vodka and 1 tbsp each. apple cider vinegar and camphor alcohol. Leave the lotion for a week, strain and use to treat the skin after water procedures.

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According to statistics, 98% of women regularly use creams, 80% - masks, 70% - scrubs. And only 50% use lotion as a facial cleanser. At the same time, about half do not know how to use it or use it not quite for its intended purpose. The fair sex themselves think out the functionality of this cosmetic product. So there is a need to dispel the myths and reveal the whole truth about it: the rules of application, types, composition and the best brands in the modern market and in home cosmetology.


Depending on the functionality that they perform, face lotions are different.

They solve the following tasks:

  • known for their antibacterial properties: when applied to an abscess, the infection is blocked and does not spread further;
  • cleanse of dead cells;
  • relieve "fatigue" of the skin;
  • remove dust, sebaceous deposits, dirt, residues from pores;
  • improve complexion, make it more natural;
  • accelerate the process of regeneration (healing), if we are talking about minor injuries;
  • soothe all sorts of irritations.

From the functions put into the lotion formula by the manufacturer, it can belong to the following types:

  1. Moisturizer designed for dry skin.
  2. Cleansing - from black dots, well dissolves dirt and greasy plugs in the pores.
  3. Narrowing pores, mattifying - for oily skin, perfectly copes with an unpleasant greasy film on the face.
  4. Anti-inflammatory saves from acne and blackheads, is intended for teenagers, sometimes it becomes a real salvation for those whose epidermis is prone to various rashes and irritations.
  5. Sunscreen is very popular and relevant when traveling to resorts in hot countries. If you can not use too often, then the lotion is ideal for this purpose. It can be applied many times throughout the day.
  6. Soothing - for sensitive epidermis, it improves its condition, relieves hyperemia, reduces the number of rashes, prevents irritation in the future.
  7. Nutritious - universal. It is suitable for everyone, it can be used throughout the year.
  8. Corrective, usually intended for problematic or oily skin. It tightens pores, gives matte for some time and perfectly replaces foundation.
  9. Tonic, can be called a "two-in-one" tool. After it, it is not necessary to use a tonic: it also performs its function - refreshment.
  10. Exfoliating has a deeper effect on the layers of the dermis. It removes dirt not only from the surface of the skin, but also penetrates deep into the pores. It is considered one of the most effective of all facial cleansers.

Study the pros and cons of these funds, ratings of the best, recommendations for the use of each of these types. Useful information will allow you not to make a mistake with the choice of the purchased product and teach you how to use it correctly. When buying, do not forget to carefully look at the composition of the miracle liquid: its effect on the skin will depend on it.

About the origin of the name. The word "lotion" comes from the Latin "lotio", which translates as "washing, ablution".


The composition of the face lotion includes primarily water - thermal or micellar. It is enriched with all kinds of active substances that perform cleansing and nourishing functions. Depending on the ingredients, these cosmetic products are divided into the following types.


They consist of 50% ethyl alcohol, which perfectly, practically without residue, dissolves all the dirt on the surface of the skin and simultaneously disinfects it.

Other auxiliary ingredients:

  • antiseptics (acids such as benzoic and salicylic), which have antibacterial and disinfectant properties;
  • boric acid;
  • plant extracts;
  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • fragrances;
  • aluminum salts - have a lifting effect, are necessary to narrow the pores.

You need to understand that alcohol is an aggressive environment, which, evaporating, takes away not only particles of fat and dust, but also some of the substances that the skin needs. Therefore, this lotion is recommended only for oily skin, and no more than 2 times a day. It can dry wounds, pimples, cleanse the epidermis of natural fat, and narrow pores. With regular and proper use of the product, the epidermis acquires a fresh, healthy look. But with dry skin, it is contraindicated, even if the solution is of low concentration and glycerin is listed in the composition. This will dry it out even more and lead to inflammation.


The basis of such face lotions is alkali (sodium hydroxide). It is also the main component of soap, which has a cleansing effect. The disadvantage of such funds is that they are able to change the usual (acidic) environment of the epidermis to an alkaline one. Their prolonged use will lead to the complete removal of the protective layer. The exception is slightly alkaline solutions, which are difficult to do without for problematic, oily skin. In these cases, they perfectly clean and disinfect, eliminating inflammation and infection.


The active substance are acids: boric, lactic, citric, fruit. They restore the acid-base balance, softening, preventing its aging, eliminating the unhealthy gray color. Able to increase tone, whiten age spots, improve blood circulation, narrow enlarged pores. But directly with their direct task - cleansing - they cope poorly.

In addition to alcohol, acids and alkalis, the composition also usually includes plant extracts that have anti-inflammatory and cleansing functions:

  • parsley;
  • lemon
  • chamomile;
  • algae;
  • beans;
  • ivy;
  • calendula, etc.

Choose the most natural facial lotion, in which there are more plant extracts than chemical and synthetic components. Pay special attention to the ingredient called Alcohol (alcohol). It should be within the normal range so that the skin does not suffer from drying out:

  • if the product contains 35-38%, it can only be used for very oily epidermis;
  • if 30-35% - for medium oily skin;
  • 22-30% - for normal and mixed;
  • 18-27% - for dry.

The right choice of facial lotion is a guarantee of its effectiveness. Make sure that skin cleansing with this cosmetic product is gentle and of high quality.

Rules for applying the lotion

Some useful tips on how to use the lotion to maximize cleansing:

  1. . You can just wash your face or use milk / cream for this purpose.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad liberally with lotion.
  3. With gentle massage movements, wipe the face, neck, décolleté area with it.
  4. As the cotton pad dries, it must be moistened again.
  5. After that, a tonic is applied, which refreshes.
  6. Next, you can already use the cream for which the skin is maximally prepared.

It is necessary to apply the liquid in this sequence: after washing, but before tonic and cream, and not vice versa. If you do it randomly, without any order, the skin will experience constant stress, not knowing what to expect in the next moment. For her health and beauty, such a schedule is very important.

Question answer

  • What is the difference between lotion and facial toner?

These are two different concepts. The lotion is a kind of exfoliant, as it is needed to cleanse the face, to prepare the skin for subsequent cosmetic procedures. The tonic simply refreshes, invigorates the epidermis, being almost the final stage of care.

  • Can they interchange each other?

If only it is written in their functionality on the packaging. For example, a large number of 2-in-1 products are now being produced.

  • Do I need to rinse?

No, this product does not require rinsing with water or any other liquid.

  • Can it be used before a tanning bed?

Yes, if the cream lies on top of it.

It remains only to decide which lotion you will use - store-bought (industrial, branded) or homemade.

Rating of the best brands

To choose the best facial lotion from among those offered on the modern market, you will have to look through a lot of ratings, TOPs and reviews. It is advisable to study the offers of leading brands and their lines of cosmetics, which include face lotions, before buying. Usually these are series designed to care for oily and problem skin. The next ten were especially in demand today.

  1. Clearskin Professional - corrective for problematic facial skin from Avon (USA). $3.
  2. Alpha Complex Face lotion - with fruit acids from Holy Land (Israel). $20.
  3. Alcohol-free with salicylic acid from Propeller (Russia). $1.3.
  4. Cleansing from black dots from Clean & Clear (France). $4.9
  5. Arbutin Whitening Lotion - whitening with arbutin from Hada Labo (Japan). $19.
  6. Enriched Balancing Softener - emollient with enriched texture from Shiseido (Japan). $45.8
  7. Physiogel - physiogel from Stiefel Laboratories (Ireland). $6.9
  8. Diakon Tau - cleansing antibacterial from Biogena (Italy). $29.
  9. White Aura Skin Lotion - brightening from South Korea. $47.
  10. AHA Body & Face Lotion - for face and body with aha acids from CNC (Germany). $31.

This rating will help you navigate the variety of products on the market today. The coverage of producing countries is large: France, USA, Japan, Israel, Russia, Ireland. There is a mass market, accessible to everyone, and a premium class, which not everyone can go broke. The price range is not small: from $1.3 to $47. You can also try to prepare this cosmetic product at home.

Question price. One of the most expensive face lotions is Balancing Lotion from Salon de Flouveil (Japan). It is a balancing cosmetic product with hyaluronic acid. It costs more than $300 (20,000 rubles).

homemade recipes

Recipes for the face are presented in abundance. Perhaps there is not a single product from which it could not be prepared. Each of them performs certain tasks, solving skin problems.

  • laurel

Bay leaf lotion disinfects, dries, saves from acne, ideal for problematic and teenage skin. Pour chopped lavrushka (5 leaves) with vodka (100 ml) in a glass container. Close the container tightly, put it in a dark place, stand for 5 days, strain. Gently wipe the acne-affected areas of the face, neck, décolleté 3-4 times a day.

  • Mint

If you make mint, it will not only soothe the irritated epidermis, but also perform a whitening function. So feel free to use it to lighten age spots. Pour 10 mint leaves with 100 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Add 100 ml fresh cucumber juice. Do not strain. Shelf life - 1 week.

  • cucumber

Whitens age spots. Grate 3 medium-sized fresh cucumbers (with the skin on) on a coarse grater. Transfer the entire mass to the jar. Add 300 ml of vodka. Close the lid, leave for 2 weeks in sunlight. Strain, keep in the refrigerator. Shelf life - up to six months.

  • with aloe

Heals pimples and acne. Grind 2-3 large leaves of aloe, pour 1 liter of boiled, but already cold water. Boil the resulting liquid for 5-7 minutes, cool, strain.

  • Tea

Tones and refreshes. Pour 2 green tea bags with 200 ml of boiling water, add 50 ml of lemon juice, 2 drops of lavender essential oil. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool, remove the bags, pour the liquid into a glass container, store in the refrigerator for 5 days.

  • with parsley

Improves complexion. Mix 1 tbsp. l .: chopped parsley, mint, chamomile flowers, sage herb, rose petals and aloe leaves. Pour 200 ml of hot water, leave for an hour.

  • Herbal

You can use different herbs: with chamomile, aloe, rose, calendula, mint - this lotion cleans the pores, soothes irritations. They need to be mixed in equal proportions, then pour 50 g of the resulting mixture into 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour under the lid, strain.

  • Citric

It has disinfectant and bleaching properties. Squeeze juice from 1 lemon, add 100 ml of cream, 1 yolk. Beat, pour in 50 ml of vodka. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

  • With apple cider vinegar

Dries up pimples. In a glass container, mix 50 ml of apple cider vinegar 6%, 5 g of propolis. Leave for 10 min. Pour 200 ml of cold water, leave for 3 days. Strain, pour in 5 ml of liquid honey, mix thoroughly.

  • Aspirin

It treats skin diseases, relieves acne and acne, if they are a consequence of metabolic disorders. Grind into powder 3 tablets of aspirin and chloramphenicol. Mix with tincture of calendula (the volume of a pharmacy bottle). Wipe only rashes twice a day.

Any recipe from this list will allow you to create the perfect skin cleanser with your own hands. There should be face lotions on the dressing table of every woman who cares about her appearance, and you need to know how to use them so that they cleanse the skin as effectively as possible. Without this, there will be no full-fledged care for the epidermis.

for skin

Hello dear readers!

I was seen in an unforgivable omission for a modern woman. I confess - until yesterday, I had no idea what lotion is and even more so how to use lotion.

No, I knew that women use it for skin care, but it somehow ran parallel to my life.

Moreover, you may be horrified, but lotion and tonic for me were almost synonymous. And in the process of searching for useful recipes for the face, I ran into this huge gap in my knowledge of skin care)

I diligently collected the most interesting and useful things you could learn about lotions, and how they differ from tonics. And as the gap in my knowledge filled, I began to understand that the use of lotion and tonic is an important step in skin care.

Lotions- means for skin care, with a cosmetic and hygienic effect. Lotion from the word lotio (Roman) means "washing" or "washing." And it is used to cleanse the skin of the face. How to use the lotion, you will learn further.

Lotions- these are alcohol, water, acidic, alkaline solutions of biologically active substances (juices, infusions of herbs and other plants). Water-alcohol lotions are more common.

They contain many active ingredients, including alcohol or other antiseptics. As a result, lotions are able not only to remove impurities and dead cells, but also to deal with certain cosmetic skin problems (unlike tonics). For example, with rashes, acne, age spots.

Lotion is selected depending on the type of skin.

Women with different skin types can use alcohol-based lotions, but each type has a different alcohol content. So, the % alcohol content should be:

for very oily skin - 35-38% alcohol

for oily skin - 30-35% alcohol

for normal and mixed - 22-30% alcohol

for dry skin - 18-27% alcohol

For oily skin, alcohol and alkaline are suitable, and for dry skin, water or acidic ones are better suited (as alcohols additionally dry the skin, but the components of aqueous and acidic ones moisturize and increase the tone of dry skin).

Learn more about how different types of lotions work:

The most common- alcohol lotion, is able to clean, disinfect, dry pimples well. At the same time, it can dry out the skin and cause irritation, so it should be used only for oily skin, no more than every other day.

After wiping the face, it is necessary to treat the face with a soothing tonic or apply a light soothing cream.

Water lotions are suitable for any type of skin. These are the safest cleaners and are suitable for daily use. They can be used several times a day.

They mainly contain lactic, citric or 4% boric acid, due to which they are able to whiten the skin. Such a lotion narrows the pores well, improves the blood supply to the skin, improves its tone, but cannot completely cleanse the skin. Because of what, it is desirable to use it after cleaning the skin with water with foam or cosmetic milk.

It is suitable for any skin. Not a substitute for abundant rubbing, in the event that you suddenly have to wash yourself with soap and water (which is not recommended when caring for your skin). If used properly, an acidic lotion can significantly shrink large pores and prevent blackheads from forming. Oily skin will lose excess greasiness and can always look fresh.

Alkaline lotions are also mainly intended for oily skin care. Soaked with a cotton swab, you need to carefully wipe the inflamed skin (with purulent inflammation, acne).

The lotion is used to cleanse and combat skin problems.

But tonics play a different role in skin care. They are designed to refresh, tone, moisturize and nourish the skin, shrink pores and prepare the skin for a better acceptance of the cream.

Now, let's figure out at what stage of facial care you need to use lotion.

By the way, in the near future I plan to analyze in detail all the stages of facial skin care - what, why, and how to do it so that your skin is the envy of everyone + tell recipes for simple, healthy summer face masks.

1. If you are going to use an acidic type of lotion, be sure to first clean the skin of cosmetics and dirt (cosmetic milk, cream) or wash with foam. If a different type, this step can be skipped.

2. Now, you can already use a lotion to cleanse the skin, which will cleanse the skin more thoroughly - remove the remnants of cosmetic cream, milk, excess fat and other impurities. You need to abundantly moisten a cotton swab with lotion and carefully wipe your face and neck, by.

Once, twice, until the cotton is completely clean.

Penetrating deep into the pores of the skin, it will act on the skin in the right way.

3. But they complete the cleaning process with a tonic. It helps restore the acid-base balance of the skin, refreshes, nourishes, closes pores.

4. After that, you can already apply a nourishing cream. Such a sequence of actions in facial care will keep the skin supple and fresh for a long time.

Lotions are absolutely not necessary to purchase in the store, at home you can prepare a lot of very diverse and very skin-friendly facial cleansers.

Do you have any favorite lotions? And why do you like them? And I continue to collect recipes for homemade skin care products, which I will publish soon. Come visit me.

Facial lotion is a cosmetic product that many women like. As a skin care product, the lotion penetrates deep into the skin and helps fight skin problems. It can be cosmetic or moisturizing, for dry skin or normal. The correct choice can affect the final result.

To take care of the dermis fully, you need to use a lotion for deep cleansing of the skin. Few people know that such a remedy is not inferior to expensive creams. With lotion can solve the problem of acne, dark spots on the skin and other diseases of the upper and deep layers of the epidermis.

Benefit of the remedy

Being a basic tool in cosmetology, the lotion perfectly cleanses the skin. If the composition of the product is natural, then it can have a therapeutic effect.

There are several reasons why you need face lotion:

  • it removes dirt, sebum, cosmetics from the skin;
  • eliminates the remains of dead cells;
  • fights the focus of inflammation;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • improves complexion;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • removes signs of fatigue.

In order for the drug to bring an effect and not harm, you need to choose the right composition, be able to use this cosmetics, and in the case of self-production, choose the right proportions.

Instructions for use

Application Features:

  • Before use, it is worth checking the reaction on the wrist. After applying the product, you need to wait a few hours. If there are no rashes and itching, then it is safe to use the composition;
  • After washing, the lotion is applied to the morning and evening;
  • Homemade product should be stored in a dark and cool place.

By following such a simple instruction, you can get the maximum benefit from such a simple procedure.

Varieties of lotions

The composition and properties of the product determine its classification. Usually isolated therapeutic, prophylactic lotions. And also characterize the product by skin type, that is, for dry, combination, oily and normal. What is the best product to choose - the buyer decides on his own or consults with a dermatologist.

Composition and components

To choose the right tool, you need to understand the composition and main components. The main component is water, which maintains the level of moisture. The second important ingredient is alcohol. Ethyl alcohol tones and has a softening effect. In addition, it degreases the cover, has a tonic and disinfectant effect.

Lotion contains:

If the product contains natural ingredients, then it may contain an extract of chamomile, calendula, hawthorn, sea buckthorn and other herbs.

Tool Functions

If the product is intended for hygienic use, then it provides cleansing, tones the skin, and relieves irritation. In addition, it can reduce the formation of acne, as well as prevent inflammation.

The remedy cleanses, has a tonic and antiseptic effect. Medicinal compositions have a septic, bactericidal property.

In order not to harm normal and dry skin, you can use tonics that are alcohol-free or contain it in a minimal amount. Wipe your face in circular motions without touching the skin of the lips and the area around the eyes. If the composition is used for the body, then you need to apply it to the moistened dermis.

Composition for dry dermis should not contain alcohol. Glycerin, propylene, panthenol are welcome in such a lotion. Extracts of chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine and nettle actively cleanse the dry dermis from pollution. Medicinal herbs can soothe and nourish the skin. Herbs may also be suitable for sensitive skin.

Oily skin is shiny. It appears more fat and acne. In order not to provoke the production of sebum, manufacturers of cosmetics for this type of skin try not to use it as part of alcohols. It is advisable to use a product that does not contain dyes and strong fragrances. A good lotion should not contain more than 40% alcohol in its composition.

Moisturizing face lotion

Moisturizing facial lotion can replace moisturizer. The first product absorbs faster and is easier to apply, it does not create a greasy effect and does not clog pores. It is necessary to use such a tool not only for dry and sensitive skin types, but also for normal ones. In the summer time of the year moisturizing lotion replaces cream.

Oils are responsible for moisturizing in such a product, which do not pose any danger to oily skin. Such oils can be olive oil, argan oil, as well as other types of exotic oils.

Apply a moisturizing toner to a cleansed face. After application, the skin is massaged for two minutes in a circular motion. Rinse off is not required. Important avoid contact with the area around the eyes. For such delicate areas of the skin, other care products have been developed.

Lotion is needed to moisturize the skin of the whole body. It has its own specific features that are associated with its composition.

    The lotion has a very liquid consistency, so it usually cannot contain heavy oils. That is, lotions that contain coconut oil or shea are a myth, rather a heavily diluted body cream.

    The lotion is not suitable for deep nourishment of the skin. It is too light and moisturizes only its upper layers.

Using the lotion is very easy. As a rule, it is applied to the entire body immediately after a shower and is not washed off. But some companies, such as Nivea, have products that require you to rinse your skin again.

The product can be applied after sun exposure to soothe the skin. It is not suitable for the treatment of sunburn, but it will be a good prevention of drying out of the dermis in between sunbathing.

3 secrets of lotion application

There are 3 specific ways to apply body lotion. Knowing them, you will turn the usual daily procedure into a small cosmetic experiment.

Secret 1: For an amazing scent

The lotion can be used to create a fragrant plume.

Very often, body lotions come in gift sets along with perfume. Nutrient duplicates fragrance. When you use body lotion and perfume from the same range, the scent lasts much longer.

If you are not a fan of strong fragrances, body lotion can create a subtle, subtle scent. Simply add a little of your favorite Eau de Parfum or Essential Oil to a sachet of nourishing treatment and smooth it over your skin. Your favorite fragrance will accompany you with a light veil throughout the day.

It is better not to use toilet water for these purposes. The fact is that eau de parfum itself is more resistant than eau de toilette. Accordingly, the effect of the use of these funds will last in different ways.

Secret 2: For shine

Lotion can make your skin glow.

From the moment natural beauty came into fashion, the desire for total matte skin has sunk into oblivion. Highlighters and foundations with shimmers began to be actively sold. These products allow you to give the skin a natural healthy glow.

A similar effect can be achieved with a moisturizing lotion. Purchase a shimmery powder or fine glitter, add to a portion of the lotion and spread over the body.

This technique can be used in preparation for the solemn event. Your skin will literally glow.

Secret 3: For sensitive skin

This secret will tell you how to use lotion to care for sensitive skin. It has nothing to do with lineup changes. The main problem of sensitive skin is the tendency to allergic reactions. Therefore, to care for her, it is desirable to use cosmetics with a minimum amount of ingredients in the composition.

Body lotions can be the perfect solution for moisturizing dry, sensitive skin. They are light, do not clog pores and will not lead to the formation of acne and inflammation.

But often manufacturers add flavorings and dyes to the products. It is difficult to predict the reaction of sensitive skin to them.

But there is a solution. Buy baby body lotion. It is always hypoallergenic and does not contain odors. The texture of the baby lotion is quite liquid and light so that the baby's skin does not rot, but at the same time nourishing.

Taking care of your skin is very important, so remember to moisturize regularly. And whether to use body lotion or any other remedy from ours is up to you.

Have you used body lotion? Did you like the effect of its application? Share your feedback on the products you've tried!
