Egyptian hairless sphinx cat. Canadian sphinx and bathing

All about sphinxes. How much do sphinxes eat. How many times to feed the sphinx.

There is an opinion that sphinxes eat a lot of food, compared to other breeds. This is not entirely true, this myth could have arisen due to the fact that the sphinxes' taste preferences are very diverse.

Whatever you leave on the kitchen table: leftover food, an apple core, sauerkraut, pickles, sweet jam and so on, it all can easily taste like a sphinx. On the one hand, this is a simple curiosity, on the other hand, it is self-expression. Why aren't we like all cats?

And indeed it is. Sphinxes are fundamentally different from all representatives of the cat family.

All about sphinxes. How many times to bathe the sphinx.

♦ Sphinxing is needed periodically. How did you not know this - why bathe naked cats ?! And what is strange about this, you also have no hair and bare skin, how often do you wash? Especially in hot weather. Yes, yes, we already understood that these are not ordinary cats. So about bathing, the whole point is that if the sphinx is not bathed for a long time, then its skin begins to acquire the smell of an unwashed human, but I did not make a reservation, namely the human body.

You need to bathe them carefully, when lathering they become slippery, like a fish. You can replace bathing with wet rubdowns.

Even while bathing, they are noticeably different from their counterparts, if most cat breeds are afraid of water, then sphinxes, if they bathe without pleasure, do not show aggression when bathing, rather they have a curiosity for water.

But among them there are also fans of the water element who are not averse to wandering knee-deep in water or jumping into the bathroom.

And one more feature (you are not tired of bending your fingers and counting the distinguishing features) you can bathe them with an ordinary human shampoo. After the bath, it is advisable to wrap them in a preheated towel, and you can cover them with a blanket on top.

They will be grateful to you for such care. After bathing, as with people, you can lubricate the skin with baby cream, or quickly absorbed oil. Although this is not absolutely necessary.

All about sphinxes. What sphinxes are afraid of is drafts.

The temperature of the room should be comfortable, this is not a greenhouse, but still. If you feel normal in summer clothes, then sphinxes will also be comfortable. But they love warmth selflessly.

They definitely need it, but the "shop" ones are not suitable for this role - they have a very wide hole. And for the sphinx, the hole can be of small diameter. Regardless of the presence of a house, sphinxes prefer to spend their nights in bed with their owners, and not in the most cozy and comfortable house.

So a live heating pad is provided to you. If you are a needlewoman, then knit a vest for your pet for the winter, but the male half of humanity can make a couch on the battery for the sphinx. Yes, there is something for everyone.

All about sphinxes. Pregnancy and childbirth in sphinxes.

♦ Another of the myths is that sphinxes have problems with childbirth. If such problems arise, then no more often than in other breeds. Their babies are born of the usual size, here they do not differ from the feline brethren, kittens weigh from 80 to 120 grams.

The eyes of babies open very early - for 2-4 days. There are times when kittens are born with their eyes already open. If such a kitten is born in cats of another breed, then it is believed that this baby is no longer a tenant. But for sphinxes, this is normal.

And what charming kittens: two huge ears, a full belly, a tail - a lace, paws - matches and a lot of excess skin - Shar Pei are resting.

After the birth of babies, along with a nursing mother, they must be placed in semi-darkness, at least for the first two weeks. Choose a soft bedding, but not made of fur or fleecy fabric. It should be smooth in texture. The temperature in the room where newborn kittens grow up should be slightly higher than for keeping adult animals.

The Sphynx cat has a special character, which also corresponds to an unusual appearance. These creatures cannot be confused with any other cat breed. The main difference is that they do not have wool. Because of this appearance, people treat them differently. Some categorically do not perceive animals next to them that look like alien creatures. But those who saw the best qualities of pets in them never part with these cats, take care of them, sew different outfits for the purr and simply adore them. But before you start an exotic breed, you need to know who the sphinx is and how to care for it - this is very important. After all, without human attention, he will not survive. It is impossible to say exactly why cats lack hair, because they appeared as a result of natural mutations.

From the history

The Egyptian Sphynx is one of the hairless cat breeds recorded in the last century. As the legends say, such animals were conductors between people and gods.

But there is evidence that the bald cat sphinx was tamed in antiquity, during the time of the Aztecs, who worshiped unusual animals. These creatures were a living decoration of the palaces of the pharaohs of Egypt. There is evidence that a breed of cats that looked unusual existed at the beginning of the century in Mexico, Morocco and India. But since these animals were not given much importance, they died out.

Modern sphinxes appeared in the 60s of the last century in Canada. A completely bald kitten was born to a shorthair cat. This was the reason to try to breed this unique breed, but the experiment was unsuccessful. Newborn kittens turned out to be unviable due to a number of reasons, including due to a lack of knowledge of genetics and the wrong breeding strategy.

But in 1975, the American state of Minnesota became the birthplace of an elite breed of kittens. An ordinary short-haired mother had a naked kitten, then another. Soon, kittens of a similar species were found in the Canadian city of Toronto. Two cats from this trinity came to Europe and became the ancestors of the European branch. They were crossed with animals of the Devon Rex breed. And subsequent kittens of the Canadian Sphynx breed ceased to have wrinkled skin (only the neck and limbs retained such skin folds).

The little sphinx still retains wrinkled skin, but as it grows, it becomes like an elegant figurine.

Breeds and color of cats

The Sphynx cat breed has the following types:

  • Canadian;
  • Don;
  • Petersburg.

The most famous is the Canadian Sphynx, which has existed for almost half a century. The other two breeds are over 15 years old and have not yet fully formed. These are the main varieties of sphinxes.

What does a modern sphinx cat look like? This animal has a muscular body, a relief muzzle, huge ears and oval-shaped eyes. It's not too big, but not too small either. Until 1987, the Canadian Sphynx was the only type of hairless cat, until a compassionate woman found a hairless kitten on a city street. It happened in Rostov-on-Don. The savior decided that the foundling was sick. But it was a healthy kitten, which is considered the ancestor of a new species of sphinxes, called the Don.

Both of these species are similar in that cats do not have hair, but their appearance and body structure are different. The sphinx of the Canadian species has a more refined musculature. Donskoy - heavier and thicker in the bones. It differs from the first type in almond-shaped eyes, which mow a little.

When they crossed an oriental cat and a Don representative of the breed, they got a Petersburg look. This graceful sphinx has a different description. He has his own characteristics - medium size, high growth and long limbs. The animal is smaller than the Don. The body is covered with a thin undercoat.

The colors of sphinxes are very diverse:

  1. Solid - black, blue, chocolate, purple, red, cream, white.
  2. An animal of tortoiseshell color has a pigmentation of two tones. For example, red and chocolate shades are present in the chocolate turtle.
  3. Tabby, or marble.
  4. Biocolor - a combination of white and the main color (tabby, tortoiseshell and solid color). More often, one ear or tail is white.
  5. Color point, or Siamese. Kittens are born white, but then the tip of the nose, tail, paws and edges of the ears are colored.

The Sphynx can change colors under the influence of sunlight, its skin tans, like a person.

How are they different from other cats?

We give a description of the breed. These cats with a hot, rough body resembling suede (you feel it when you take a pet in your arms) are not averse to sitting on the shoulder of the hostess or owner. Unlike their relatives of other breeds, they are calm about water procedures, they rejoice at the opportunity to splash. They have unusual paws with fingers, between which there are membranes. Therefore, it is not difficult for cats to take food and put it in their mouths.

In addition to the fact that these cats can be admired, they have enough advantages. They are attached to their owners. Being alone is stressful for them, so you should not start a sphinx if the owners are often at work. Showing tenderness, the cats poke their muzzle at the owner and are ready to look for a long time with a bewitching look. The Sphynx cat loves to be noticed and talked to. Pets are artistic, they know how to pose in front of television and video cameras.

A curious animal will always be close to households and other pets. The Sphynx cat has a wonderful character. Aggressiveness is not in her nature, so you can safely get such pets if there are children in the family. They can become good nannies for kids and help parents raise them. Given these qualities, the Sphynx cat is loved for being smart and able to communicate. It is used as a therapy for patients. They are started by adherents of spiritual practices.

The character of sphinxes is very different from that of other breeds. These animals have no fear of dogs. They treat people as equals.

Another important difference is cleanliness. They will tolerate, but will not go to the toilet if the tray is not cleaned.

Sphynx love care

How to care for a Sphynx? Since bald purrs do not have hair, they require special care and maintenance. They should be in well-heated rooms; warm clothes will be needed for walking. Although it cannot be said that cats are very afraid of cool air.

Sphynx care involves respect for their skin. Gentle cats can be affected by acne, sunburn, dermatitis, rashes, so they should be bathed 2-3 times a week in the bathroom. If water procedures are not possible, then the pet's skin should be wiped, for this a special antibacterial agent is used.

It touches how sphinxes sleep - wrapped in a blanket. The head is placed on the pillow. They have a hot body (somewhat elevated temperature, unlike humans), which they press against the hostess or owner during sleep. They sweat like people.

This breed requires special treatment.

A secret accumulates in the ears of cats, which requires periodic cleaning. Sphynxes do not have eyelashes, so you need to take care of their eyes - rinse every day. Due to the hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, acne can disturb pets. This disease is inherited and depends on the color. Especially often it occurs in blue, cream and red sphinxes.

How to prolong the life of cats

Can the Sphynx live longer than usual with the care of high-quality and nutritious food? This question is sometimes asked by pet owners. But how long do sphinxes live? Like ordinary cats - up to 15 years, but the duration of existence depends on the following factors:

  • pedigree;
  • health conditions;
  • care.

If the parents were distinguished by longevity, then small sphinxes can live the same amount. With proper and balanced nutrition, proper care, a cat of this breed has a chance to extend its existence up to 20 years. Care and love for animals significantly increase their lifespan.

An animal becomes an adult by 7 months. A hairless sphinx cat usually brings 3-4 kittens with skin in a fold. After 2-3 weeks, newborn babies begin to stand up and try to walk. Their ears are hanging at this time. Active animals immediately show their unique abilities - intelligence and ingenuity. They start participating in exhibitions from 2-3 years old and continue to do so until old age.

Knowing everything about sphinxes, you can not worry about how comfortable this wonderful creature will be in the house.

How to arrange meals

Due to the increased heat exchange, these animals have an excellent appetite and do not feel the measure in food. A bald cat can eat and gnaw all the time, and everything that falls into his paws goes into his mouth. This should not be allowed, because overeating and eating low-quality food is fraught with the development of urolithiasis. Excessive consumption of meat can cause protein poisoning. If the cat eats often and in large quantities, then obesity develops. Malnutrition is also undesirable, it causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rules for feeding:

  1. Compliance with the norm of nutrition, food should be divided into portions.
  2. It is required to maintain the regime.
  3. You have to watch the cat. Next to it there should be no poisonous substances, plants that the animal can try out of curiosity.

If the pet suddenly became lethargic and lost its appetite, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian.

A Sphynx kitten should be given more food than a representative of another breed. Since he has no hair, he is active and runs a lot. The frequency of feeding is 6-8 times a day. For 1 time he needs to eat 25 g of food. And so on up to 3 months. By 0.5 years, it is necessary to develop a new regimen: the number of feedings is reduced to 2-3 times, the amount of food received is increased to 50 g.

What to feed the sphinx

What is included in the baby's diet? It resembles a child's menu. A month old kitten receives semolina, milk formula, milk and egg yolk. By 2 months, the kitten needs a supplement in the form of calcined cottage cheese, cheese and minced beef or chicken breast (1 tsp).

From the age of 3 months, his diet becomes more varied, meat in raw and boiled form is included in the menu.

The baby may not refuse vegetables, fruits and herbs seasoned with vegetable oil.

What to feed a sphinx cat? It is best to give natural products. For an animal to be healthy and active, it needs quality food. The list of natural products should include: beef meat, chicken fillet (skin and bones are removed), liver, cereals (rice, buckwheat, wheat groats), vegetables and fruits, greens (spinach, parsley), egg yolk, dairy products, cheese.

Weekly diet:

  1. Raw meat (no more than 40 g) and clean filtered water are needed daily.
  2. Once a week, it is allowed to feed boiled sea low-fat fish, liver, kefir or cottage cheese, egg yolk (can be added to food), cheese.
  3. Beef or chicken kidneys, lungs and hearts are given frozen or boiled (possible with cereals and oatmeal) 2-3 times a week.
  4. 3-4 times a week, cats need boiled chicken and brewer's yeast.

In order to have strong teeth, they give crackers to gnaw, for this it would be appropriate to have a chicken neck once a week. Vegetable oil, green grass (oats and wheat can sprout in a pot on the windowsill), added to the cat's dish, will help improve the pet's digestion.

If an upset stomach occurs, then you can switch to sour-milk products for 3 days. If this was not enough, then the help of a veterinarian will be required.

Feeding without problems

Sometimes it happens that there is no time for cooking, shopping, and you need to feed your cat. There is a way to provide him with nutrition, armed with the following recipe.


  • 1 kg of lean beef or chicken breast scrolled through a meat grinder;
  • 150 g low-fat cheese;
  • 2 carrots;
  • some greens, cauliflower and seaweed;
  • 1 chicken yolk or 3 quail;
  • 5 chalk tablets;
  • 20 drops of vitamin D;
  • brewer's yeast (1 tablespoon) - to replenish the balance of B vitamins.

From all this you need to form portioned balls or small pancakes, put in the freezer. Such food is easy to get and defrost as needed. And the cat will receive the full nutrition necessary for growth and maintenance of health.

You can give ready-made feeds that are sold in the store, but only high-quality premium or super-premium varieties. Cheap food can harm the health of the animal, as it contains additives that do not bring any benefit, but only give a temporary feeling of satiety.

According to the rules, organized care and maintenance, feeding, love and care will help to have an affectionate friend or girlfriend next to you for a long time. In addition, sphinxes have a character that is quite suitable for spending evenings with them, which is important for single people.

None of the breeds of cats evokes such conflicting feelings as sphinxes. A photo of a bald cat of the Sphynx breed causes delight and tenderness in some, while others are horrified. Favorites of the Egyptian pharaohs occupy one of the leading places in terms of content popularity. For those who are just planning to get a hairless cat, we suggest getting to know her better. In this article we will tell you what a Sphynx cat looks like, what care it requires, what diseases it suffers from and what kind of cat food it needs.

Description of the breed

The history of the origin of the Sphynx breed is rooted in ancient Egypt. In those days, hairless cats were known and revered. According to scientists, hairless cats appeared as a result of a natural mutation of the species. Sphinxes gained popularity relatively recently - in the twentieth century.


The main distinguishing feature of the Sphynx cat from the usual representative of the cat world is the absence of hair. But this does not mean that all representatives of the breed are bald. The skin of some of them is covered with a light fluff and feels like a peach to the touch. Others are “fluffy” in certain places: on the nose or back, on the tail or on the legs.

Kittens of some breeds have a “fur coat” and grow bald when they grow up. Sphinxes dress up for the change of season, usually for cold weather. The “hairiness” is influenced by the hormonal background of the animal, and the “fur coat” feels like suede to the touch. The colors of sphinxes are varied.

"Hairless" cats are known for their wrinkling. But in fact, if you shave any - "curly" or fluffy cat, then the effect will be about the same. Kittens are especially striking with folds - they seem to be assembled into an accordion. In adult cats, wrinkles are based on the forehead, shoulders and neck.

body structure

Looking at photos of Sphynx cats, you can notice another feature - these are ears. In some species, they are disproportionately large, while in others they have a rather strange shape, like for a cat. Eyebrows and whiskers in animals are rare and broken, or absent altogether. A wedge-shaped head, "exclusive ears" and slanted eyes complete the spectacular appearance of a bald cat.

The body of the Sphynx looks athletic and muscular. Cats have long thin legs and a thin "rat" tail. On the rounded paws of the sphinx are elongated fingers. The cat's round belly contrasts with the skinny body, bulging out as if a ball had been shoved into it. The weight of the animal ranges from two to seven kilograms, depending on the type of breed.


Sphynxes are friendly and sociable cats. They are ready to follow the owner on the heels and meet him at the door. Sphynx cats, like ordinary felines, love games and toys - they will bring an abandoned piece of paper and run after an impromptu mouse, which children like. Cats get along well with all pets.

To make your cat remember its name faster, try to name it as simply as possible. You should not come up with intricate, difficult-to-pronounce nicknames, and let generic long names remain in the documents of the animal. If you do not know what to name a pet, go to special sites where you can find a huge variety of cat names. Determine which one suits your pussy and name it correctly.

Sphynx is one of the smartest cat breeds. They are able to perceive and respond to commands. Their constant "frostiness" makes animals look for a warmer place. It can be a blanket, the owner's knees, or another pet's barrel. Consider the brief characteristics of the varieties of the Sphynx cat breed.

canadian sphynx

The Canadian Sphynx cat breed was born in the Canadian province of Ontario in the sixties of the twentieth century. In the photo, the Canadian Sphynx cat looks very attractive. All the contours of her body have smooth lines, and thick skin gathers in folds. The general impression is complemented by narrow shiny eyes and large, rounded at the tips, ears of the animal. This cat looks like an alien from other worlds.

A distinctive feature of the breed is the almost complete "hairlessness" of its representatives. Newborn kittens are completely covered with folds of skin. With age, some of the folds gradually smooth out, but some remain until the end of the animal's life. There are the following main types of colors of the Canadian Sphynx: tortoiseshell, tobby, bicolor and color-point or Siamese.

Caring for Canadians is quite simple, but has a number of features. An animal of this breed has increased sweating, so its body is wiped with wet wipes. They bathe the cat regularly, and after the bath procedures wipe it dry. Dirt and sulfur can accumulate in the ears of an animal, therefore, they must be cleaned.

Donskoy sphinx

The history of the Don Sphynx breed is interesting and unusual. The ancestor of the breed is called the cat Varvara, which was found on the street by a resident of Rostov-on-Don. The cat was bald and subsequently gave birth to the same kittens - and this is how the breed appeared. Don Sphynx cubs come in several varieties: absolutely “hairless”, “velor” and “brush”.

The first type is characterized by thin elastic skin, on which folds are noticeable. The "hairless" Don Sphynx lack eyebrows and mustaches. The body of velor kittens is covered with a soft short fluff. However, during the first years of life, they shed their "fur coats" and remain naked.

Brush type babies are born with dense hair on the body. Some of the kittens, growing up, lose their hair, and some are “dressed” all their lives. Outwardly, the Don Sphynx of the brush type look pretty cute. Their muzzle is shorter than that of other Donetsk residents, and their cheekbones are more emphasized.

Don Sphynx are extremely affectionate and sociable. They will gladly rub against the owner's cheek or sit on his knees. With other pets, cats behave cute and friendly. Energetic and mobile, they are always ready to chase a mouse or a ball.

Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald

Peterbald was bred after mating an Oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. From the first, the newly-made breed got long paws, the structure of the skull and a graceful body. The Don Sphynx "took away" the "fur coat" from the St. Petersburg ones. The cat's head is elongated and has a rectangular shape. The description is complemented by large, widely spaced ears and beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

Depending on the skin, the kittens of the St. Petersburg Sphynx are divided into several types: naked, flock, velor, brush-point, brush and flat-haired varietta. Piterbalds of black color look advantageous, but this color is inherent only in representatives of the breed with a woolen coat. Petersburg cats are friendly, affectionate and calm. They are very intelligent, obedient and trainable.

Ukrainian Levkoy

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a new breed of Sphynx, but has already managed to gain popularity among European cat lovers. So they decided to call it because of the unusual structure of the ears of animals. Looking at the photo of the representatives of the breed, you can see the similarity of their ears with the flower of the levkoy. The breed was bred in Kyiv - hence the second part of the name.

For crossing used Scottish fold cats and Don Sphynx. From the first, the Levkoy inherited wonderful ears, and from the second - the absence of wool. According to the description of the standard, Levkoys do not have a fur coat, but a light brush is allowed. Folds are visible in the abdomen, neck and head. Ukrainian Levkoy are distinguished by a kind and sociable character, they are easy to train, they are patient and unobtrusive, which is what fans of the Sphynx breed fell in love with.


The elf hairless cat breed was born in the USA - they decided to cross the Canadian Sphynx with the American Curl. This breed is distributed mainly in North America. Its main feature is large ears, with tips gently curved back. Otherwise, elves are similar to cats of other species of the Sphynx breed.

Elves are friendly and affectionate animals. They do not distinguish between members of the family in which they live, but love everyone equally. Cats love to climb on their owner's lap to take a nap in the warmth. Having a playful nature, they drive the ball around the house, attracting attention.

Elf cats can hardly endure loneliness: they get bored when no one is at home, and sincerely rejoice at the return of their owners. To rest, they need a warm secluded place. It can be a special soft basket or a house for cats. Elves are smart animals, it is not difficult to accustom them to a tray or scratching post.


The name of the Bambino cat breed speaks for itself. Its representatives are small in size and retain a childish expression of the muzzle until the end of their lives. Bambinos are called dachshunds in the body of a cat. Indeed, their physiques are similar - cats have an elongated torso and short legs. Bambinos weigh less than other representatives of the Sphynx breed.

Animals look at the world with round, wide-open eyes. The picture is complemented by a wedge-shaped muzzle and large, widely spaced ears. The skin of the cat is soft and pleasant to the touch. Light folds do not spoil it, but look pretty cute.

The character of a bald cat is soft, affectionate and loving. She will not miss the moment to climb into the owner's arms or settle down next to her. They are extremely playful and agile animals that love to run and jump. They jump, however, not very high, the reason for this is short paws.


The average life expectancy of sphinxes is twelve to fifteen years. Its duration depends on the conditions in which the cat lives and what diseases bother him. For the most part, Sphynx cats do not complain about health, but there are a number of diseases that are typical for representatives of the breed:

  1. Sphynxes are prone to infectious diseases. Usually cats easily tolerate them, and after recovery they acquire immunity. To protect cats from this type of disease, they need to be vaccinated regularly.
  2. Salmonellosis is a serious infectious disease of cats. Its symptoms are: refusal to feed, agitation, apathy, diarrhea, vomiting. Treat salmonellosis under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  3. Rabies can lie in wait for sphinxes that come into contact with other animals. During an illness in cats, there are sharp jumps in behavior - apathy is replaced by aggression. Convulsions lead to muscle paralysis and the animal dies. To prevent infection with this type of disease, sphinxes should not communicate with unfamiliar stray animals, and starting from three months, it is shown to be vaccinated.
  4. Sphynx cats are prone to a condition called feline acne. This is an acne rash that affects the skin of an animal. Rashes are observed in the abdomen, on the chin, on the muzzle. Pimples fester, burst, and then dry up. The disease often has a hereditary character and can accompany the animal throughout life - either appearing or disappearing. To reduce acne, use special disinfectants and ointments for the skin.
  5. Sphynxes are prone to allergies to food and external environmental factors.

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Warmth is key for cats

Caring for Sphynx kittens does not require titanic efforts on the part of the owners, but it has some features. Hairless cats are extremely “frozen” - therefore, the temperature in the apartment where the cat lives should be at least twenty degrees. Dampness and drafts are also not allowed. If the temperature in the house is low, then the cat can be put on special clothes for animals. Buying it today is not a problem, and lovers of sewing or knitting will be able to make it on their own.

Trying to keep warm, sphinxes like to lie near the radiator or sunbathe in the sun. And one and the second can be dangerous for the animal. Cats burn in the sun, and their delicate body can get burned from a battery or a fireplace. Sphynxes sweat profusely, so they need to be bathed regularly and wiped with a damp cloth. Wash the cat in such a way that water does not get into his ears and eyes.

The large ears of the sphinx are not protected by hair, so they need to be looked after - carefully cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in water. Otherwise, otitis media may develop. To prevent the cat from scratching itself, its claws are cut as it grows. The procedure is performed with special nippers.


Your pet's health directly depends on what he eats. The diet of the sphinx should include meat, fish, cottage cheese. Meat choose low-fat varieties: beef or chicken. To saturate the animal's body with fiber, give the animal boiled carrots, cauliflower, zucchini - choose the product that your pet eats. If the cat eats chicken eggs, then offer her the yolk that sphinxes need, but not more than once a week.

To provide the body of the animal with vitamins, it is necessary to include vegetables and greens in the diet. They are crushed and added to the meat. The problem is that not every cat eats such a "supplement". If yours is one of the “choosy” ones, buy him a special germinated grass.

Purchase and breeding

If you have purchased a Sphynx kitten for the soul, and are not going to breed, then be prepared for such a very unpleasant phenomenon as “spring exacerbation”. This problem affects boys and girls, and sterilization will help solve it. You can castrate a cat from the age of seven months. For this, you need to contact your veterinarian.


As for how much a representative of the Sphynx breed costs, it depends on many factors. The first is the type of breed. For example, the price for kittens of the Don Sphynx breed starts from one hundred and fifty US dollars, which in rubles is close to ten thousand. Approximately the same price is for the Peterbald and the Canadian Sphynx. The price of elf kittens starts from five hundred dollars.

The cost is affected by the class of the kitten - the higher it is, the more expensive you will have to pay for it. The price of Sphynx kittens of the pet class is the lowest. Pet-class are pets that are unsuitable for breeding and must be sterilized. The breeding class is bought for breeding, and the price of its representatives is in the middle range of cost. Show-class kittens take part in exhibitions, have an excellent pedigree and are more expensive than others.

The Canadian Sphynx is a breed of hairless, almost completely hairless cats. Although it should be noted that this is no longer the same domestic cat in our usual sense. Together with the mutation, the sphinxes changed not only their appearance, but also their character, turning from an independent predator into a kind creature with a hot body. It is generally accepted that this breed is one of the most loving of the entire cat family.

Canadian Sphynx cat

This breed is quite young, she is about 40 years old. In Russia, about 15 years ago, 2 more breeds of naked sphinxes were bred, thus there are 3 breeds of them:

  • Canadian;
  • Don (in other words - Don bald);
  • Petersburg (also known as Peterbald).

Cat character

It is very interesting to listen to the stories of people who got a Sphynx, but before that they had an ordinary cat. The Sphinx simply cannot stand loneliness, he always needs to be in the hands of a person, you will hear their soothing purr almost constantly.

If a house is important for an ordinary cat, then it is important for our sphinx that there is an owner in this house. He will sleep with you under the covers, with his head on the pillow, you can talk to him, and he will not stop looking into your eyes, which is unusual for animals, as if he understands what you are telling him about. This breed has a good memory, quick wit, with a great desire to train.

The cat is playing

The reaction of people who see a bald cat for the first time is interesting. As a rule, the reaction is somewhat negative - something bald, hot, with huge ears, and also pink, is walking around.

But as soon as you take it in your hands, feel all the tenderness and kindness of the animal, how the opinion changes to the opposite. It is worth looking into his large, mesmerizing amber eyes, and that's it, you start looking for an advertisement for the sale of kittens of this breed.

We buy a kitten

You can also buy a Canadian Sphynx cat on an ad, but still, for guarantees, it is better to purchase it in a specialized cattery.

Kittens of the cattery

In such institutions there are guarantees that the animal does not get sick, it has already been accustomed to the tray, all the necessary vaccinations have been made. Also in nurseries they give out a pedigree, information about the kitten's parents, their distinctive character traits, in order to understand what to expect from a new family member.

For the most part, Canadian Sphynx catteries begin to sell no earlier than their three-month-old age, while they feed on mother's milk. After the purchase, the nurseries will keep in touch with you, if you have any questions or difficulties, you can always contact them.

pet care

Firstly, sphinxes are very thermophilic. Their body temperature is 39 degrees, they are always hot, because. devoid of wool, very high heat dissipation. There can be no drafts, otherwise the cat may catch a cold.

Secondly, it takes a lot of energy to generate so much heat, so sphinxes eat more than ordinary cats. They have a constantly excellent appetite, they eat almost everything, which is very good.

Cat food

Sphinx won't refuse even sushi

Although they are not picky in food, it is still better to stick to the following list:

  • Raw and boiled lean meat;
  • Poultry, also raw or boiled. It is very useful sometimes to give chicken necks - they clean the pet's teeth, strengthen its skeleton;
  • Leaver;
  • Sea fish, but not more than once a week;
  • Dairy products, including fermented milk;
  • Chicken eggs, can be raw;
  • Vegetables, greens.

A cat should always have a bowl of fresh water! If the sphinx loves dry food, then the water must be monitored more carefully, because. these foods make you thirsty.

Although they can’t have sweets, sphinxes have an unusual addiction to chocolate. A piece of chocolate a week will not harm the cat, sometimes they need to be pampered, they will reciprocate.

Canadian sphinx and bathing

Another feature of the breed from other cats is indifference to water. Not that sphinxes like to swim, as, for example, but they won’t break out of their hands and drape from the bathroom.

Water procedures of the Canadian Sphynx

Let's give you one piece of advice. Since all breeds of cats have problems with determining the surface of the water (they distinguish it very poorly), therefore it is better to place the cat in an empty bathroom, and only then start to draw water.

You need to bathe them a couple of times a month, using special shampoos for animals bought at a pet store. After taking a bath, be sure to thoroughly dry the animal with a towel. If the cat goes into the rooms wet, she can catch a cold from hypothermia. It is also better not to use a hair dryer.

After the bath, you may also need to clean your ears. We do it with a cotton swab, just like people do. The brown secret in the ears is a natural phenomenon, like sulfur in humans, and they should be cleaned solely for hygienic reasons, this does not interfere with the cat at all.

Also, if required, you can trim the nails, they are steamed after the bath and are easier to process.

Sphinx breeding

Puberty in a cat occurs a year after birth, just like in cats. Canadian Sphynx kittens are sometimes born with a little fluff on the tail or scruff, but then it subsides. The number of kittens in a litter is from 2 to 5, most often 4.

They open their eyes earlier than ordinary cats, already on the third day. Ears rise in a couple of weeks. Intellectually, kittens develop faster than physically.

Sphinx diseases

We note right away that sphinxes are simply distinguished by excellent health and strong immunity. In Europe, they even walk in the snow; short-term hypothermia does not harm them at all. Of course, no one canceled the vaccination.

But, nevertheless, sometimes cats get sick. It could be:

  • Rhinotracheitis. This is an acute viral disease that affects the eyes and lungs of the animal. But having been ill once, immunity is developed for the rest of your life;
  • Panleukopenia. A deadly virus, a large percentage of deaths. Affects cats of all ages, but kittens are more difficult to tolerate. The virus in the external environment can exist for up to a year;
  • Keratitis. This is a cat eye disease. By the way, their eyes are less protected than those of an ordinary cat, since there are no eyelashes. With this disease, the eyes begin to water, then photophobia sets in, if left untreated, glaucoma and cataracts develop.

Cat's eye infected with keratitis

And, of course, there may be worms. But in our time - this is not a problem, all treatment comes down to taking just one pill.

Try to use disinfectants while cleaning the house, at the slightest sign of illness, immediately contact the veterinary clinic, and your pet will live a long and happy life, which, by the way, is about 15 years.

The despicable look of a cat

And finally - the Canadian Sphynx, a photo of a cat with a contemptuous look that she will give you if you are a bad owner for her.

Do not bring to this, this beast requires affection, care, love and attention.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Without wool. With folds on the skin. Pot-bellied. With locator ears. Huge eyes ... But still, this is a real cat. Someone will say: “The Canadian Sphynx is a freak!” But those who were lucky enough to get to know this amazing creature closer, consider the "moon cat" the most beautiful, charming, intelligent and loving creature in the world.

Hairless cats can be treated differently. However, due to the non-standard appearance, interest in them is always increased. It is impossible not to notice, not to talk about them. Where did this unique breed come from and why is it considered the elite of the cat world?

A theory is put forward according to which the ancestors of the modern hairless cat lived in ancient times, during the Aztec civilization. Like it or not, the existence of Mexican hairless cats is confirmed by a historical fact - the last pair of this ancient breed was shown at exhibitions in the USA 100 years ago and disappeared into oblivion only in the 30s of the 20th century.

The modern sphinx differs in many respects from its cousin ancestor. Mexican hairless cats had an elongated body, a wedge-shaped head, large ears, a straight and long tail, and amber-colored eyes. And the mustache that their Canadian descendants lost. And by winter, the Mexicans on the back and tail were overgrown with wool. In the 21st century, hairless cats, including the Canadian Sphynx, remain naked all year round.

A brief history of the Canadian looks like this:

  • 1966 In Ontario (Canada), an ordinary cat gave the owners of Prunt - an unusual bald cat. After mating Prunt with his parent, several kittens without hair appeared at once. The “ancestor” of the family continued to be bred with hairless cats in order to preserve the hairless gene;
  • early 70s. 2 varieties of sphinxes were bred, with minor external differences. But soon the breeding of bald cats born from the Prunt line stops due to a small gene pool, lack of experience among breeders, and high mortality of kittens;
  • 1971 Breed status revoked;
  • 1975 In Waden (Minnesota, USA), a hairless kitten Epidermis was born;
  • 1976 In the same city, a hairless cat was born from another mother. Both kittens are transported to Oregon, where Epidermis and his hairless "wife" become the founders of the Canadian Sphynx breed and other elite varieties of hairless cats;
  • 1978 In Toronto, right on the street, they find three naked kittens - Punky, Paloma and Bambi. Babies are taken to the Netherlands, where the breeding of European lines of hairless cats begins, by crossing with Devon Rex and Sphynx;
  • 1998 The breed is officially recognized by the CFA.

This is how the Canadian Sphynx appeared. As for the progenitor of the breed, they are considered the Epidermis cat, who lived a long life and gave birth to numerous offspring. By the way, now sphinxes live on average 13-15 years, but their ancestors lived much longer - up to 20 years or more.

The unique appearance of the Canadian

If the body of a cat is not covered with hair, this does not mean that it belongs to Canadians. The criteria that determine the standard of this breed are extremely strict. A meager deviation turns the sphinx into an ordinary cat without hair.

The description of the breed should begin with the features of appearance. The outlines of the body and head of cats are smooth, soft, fluid. There is not a single straight line in the figure, the forms are rounded, convex. The chest is massive. The tummy of thoroughbred sphinxes is round, like a ball.

The front paws are slightly crooked, which, however, does not prevent the cats from moving with inimitable grace. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front. The tail is proportional in length to the body, flexible like a whip. Medium thickness, pointed at the tip, gently curved.

The head is small, neat, in the form of a modified wedge with rounded contours. The muzzle is short, with clear outlines, sharply protruding cheekbones. The sphinx of the Canadian line does not have whiskers, although a vibrissa is desirable. The ears are unusually large for domestic cats, rounded at the tips, set wide apart, without brushes.

The eyes are slightly slanted, large, shaped like a lemon. According to the standard, the color of the eyes of the Canadian Sphynx should create harmony with the color.

Speaking about the Canadian Sphynx breed, it is imperative to include such a feature as body temperature in a brief description. They are not just called "warmers". The temperature of a kitten is on average 42 degrees, adults are a little colder - 39-40 degrees throughout the body.

The skin is thick, with numerous folds. Kittens of the Canadian Sphynx are completely “wrinkled” for up to a month, but as they grow older, the folds on the body disappear. In adults, wrinkles are located on the head and neck. Slightly less wrinkles on the tummy and torso. A large number of folds is considered the dignity of a cat and, on the contrary, sphinxes with a small number of wrinkles are recognized as a “marriage”.

To the touch, the Canadian Sphynx, as evidenced by the reviews of the owners, is like kid suede. The skin is not completely naked, but covered with a short fluff, which creates a velvety effect. Hair can grow back on the nose, outside of the ears and on the fingers during periods of low temperatures, as a result of hormonal disruptions, due to an unbalanced diet.

The color of the skin is clear due to pronounced pigmentation. Most often, sphinxes are piebald and white. Less commonly, cats may be solid or tortoiseshell. The most beautiful representatives of the Canadian Sphynx breed, if you look at the photo, are mink-colored cats with eyes that are a shade of the spring sky.

Canadian and Don Sphynx: visual differences

Often people do not see a significant difference in the breeds of hairless cats and do not understand how it differs from the Canadian one. But there are many differences.

For example, the hairless gene. In the Don Sphynx it is dominant, in the Canadian it is recessive. Canadians are covered with light down, while Don cats are most often completely bald. Don bald purrs are classified into 4 subspecies according to the length of the coat: naked, velor, sphinx brush, with flock cover.

Canadian from the Don Sphynx differ in the shape of the skull, eyes, physique, the number of folds on the neck and in the armpits. It can be said about the Canadian sphinxes that they are built more harmoniously and more gracefully. Don hairless cats look more massive due to their dense physique, wide chest and well-developed muscles.

And further. Mustaches on the muzzle are very rare in Canadians, but a small tassel can grow on the tip of the tail. , on the contrary, vibrissae have, but the tip of their tail is always bare.


Not only the appearance, but also the character of the adult Canadian Sphynx has special qualities. Cats are quite mobile, but at the same time their temperament is even. The main features are attachment to the owner, good nature, love of love, peacefulness.

They treat people as if they were their own and treat them as equals. In "conversations" they use developed facial expressions, the ability to change the timbre of the voice, pronounce many sounds with different intonations.

The Canadian Sphynx cat breed is decorative. The hunting instinct in animals is practically erased. Sphynxes are absolutely non-aggressive - this quality in cats was rejected when breeding the breed. Animals are unusually affectionate, kind. For the Sphinx to scratch and bite? This is nonsense! Moreover, it is not easy to make a bald purr angry, to make her nervous.

Children are treated wonderfully. They love to play with them for hours. What is important, there are no pronounced pain points on the dense velvet skin of the Canadian Sphynx. By inadvertently grabbing and squeezing the cat, the child does not hurt them.

Sphinxes are not characterized by harmfulness, capriciousness, vindictiveness. Even after an undeserved censure, cats rarely take offense at the owner and are the first to reconcile. However, you should not shout and severely punish the sphinx - the psyche of these cats is extremely vulnerable. Once in a stressful situation, the Canadian Sphynx can get severe psychological trauma.

Character traits characteristic of sphinxes are sociability, curiosity, sociability. They get along well with people and animals with whom they have to live under the same roof. Absolutely not afraid of dogs. Hairless cats love to be the center of attention, they follow the owner around the house, “helping” him with household chores. Loneliness is very hard to bear.

Canadian sphinxes are unusually intelligent and easily trained creatures. They quickly remember their name, behave “decently” while walking on the street, and lend themselves well to training. Cats of this breed have long tenacious fingers, with which they easily open doors, windows, drawers. Using this feature, the sphinx can be taught simple commands and tricks.

The content of the sphinxes. Care rules

The cat is special, so you need to take care and care for it reverently. So, sphinxes are very fond of warmth. In a house where a hairless cat lives, there should be no drafts. The optimum air temperature is 25 degrees. In the cold season, even in an apartment, put on a sphinx in a warm suit - the pet will not resist this.

They love to sleep in bed with the owner, which is desirable for them not to refuse. Additionally, the pet needs to purchase a comfortable warm housewhere he can relax during the day. The mattress and soft bedding in the cat's "bedroom" should be changed regularly.

Sphynxes are active and playful. Taking a kitten, you need to immediately buy him various toys, multifunctional complexes with labyrinths, gymnastic equipment, so that he has something to do in the absence of the owners. The list of necessary accessories necessarily includes a scratching post. And so that the cat does not inadvertently scratch itself, it is additionally necessary to cut its claws by 3-4 mm.

Unlike other cat breeds, caring for the Canadian Sphynx does not involve frequent walks on the street. But since they still need physical activity, fresh air and sunbathing, sphinxes need to be walked sometimes. This should be done 1-2 times a month and only in warm (not hot!) Sunny weather.

Bald cats like to bask in the sun. From the "tan" their skin takes on warm shades. However, prolonged sunbathing is contraindicated for sphinxes - the skin can burn and peel off in shreds, like in humans.

Sphinxes sweat. Not like other cats, but with the whole body. Sweat has a specific smell and settles on the body with a brownish coating. Wash it off with a damp sponge. Ears, in which dark secretions quickly accumulate, are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Bathing hairless cats often does not make sense - 1 time per week will be enough. In this case, it is advisable to use special cosmetics or a mild baby shampoo with a neutral pH. After the bath, the Canadian Sphynx must be wiped dry and placed in heat. Hypothermia is highly undesirable and dangerous!

The diet of Canadian Sphynx cats is simple, as is the care and maintenance of these animals. The main rule is a balanced diet. The best option is a mixed diet consisting of high-quality feed (solid, canned) and natural products. Many sphinxes are not allowed, although they are omnivores. From natural feeds, preference is given to meat (lamb, beef, turkey, chicken), boiled offal, sea fish, eggs (boiled), dairy products, cereals, vegetables. Kittens and lactating cats can be given low-fat cream


Canadian sphinxes become ready for procreation by one and a half years. In cats, the first estrus occurs at 5-12 months, the puberty of cats is closer to a year. However, for a cat, mating during the first estrus is strictly prohibited, and cats do not need it. It is allowed to breed sphinxes at the age of 1.5-2 years.

For mating, a cat is brought to the cat's house. The owner of the "groom" must provide the "bride" with the most comfortable conditions for temporary residence. Be sure to equip a corner where the cat, if she doesn’t like the cat, could hide from him.

Mating Canadian Sphynx is not a quick, sometimes difficult process. Pet owners should supervise it and, if necessary, help pets. The most favorable time for mating sphinxes is 3-5 days of estrus in a cat.

On the eve of the meeting of the cat and the cat, the owners need to show their pets to the veterinarian to exclude the possibility of any diseases. Animals must be dewormed 2 weeks before mating. The cat and the cat are trimmed clawsso that in the process of love games they do not hurt each other.

Important! Before the date on which mating of sphinxes is scheduled, the female is not bathed. Water washes away the specific smell that attracts the male, as a result of which the "wedding" may not take place.


Despite all the eccentricity of the breed, Canadian Sphynxes have strong immunity. Adult cats practically do not get sick. If they catch an infection, they quickly recover and recover, developing immunity to the virus for life.

Kittens and young animals get sick more often, especially with respiratory diseases. But this is not a big problem, since babies are vaccinated in the nursery. The first vaccination with a live vaccine may cause complications in the form of malaise caused by a live virus.

Adult cats tolerate standard vaccinations and vaccination with live vaccines well. It has already been mentioned above how long Canadian sphinxes live. But the figures given are the average life expectancy of hairless cats. If you take care of your pet's health, provide him with favorable living conditions and proper nutrition, sphinxes can live up to 20 years.
