Exfoliation of the skin of the face: getting rid of the stratum corneum. Stages of implementation, cost

To improve and give the skin of the face an impeccable look, many different cosmetic procedures have already been invented.

The fair sex is ready to go to many tricks and endure complex manipulations of the beautician with their face in order to look irresistible.

Median peeling of the face is a relatively new procedure that is very popular today and has proven its effectiveness as an effective tool in the fight against skin imperfections.

The concept of the procedure and its effectiveness

Median peeling- This is one of the types of cosmetic peeling.

Its essence lies in the complete removal of the upper layer of the epidermis, due to which the skin increases the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to natural regeneration and improvement in skin quality.

This procedure is suitable for those who wants to achieve the following results:

The effectiveness of the method is noticeable within a week after the procedure.

Many who are familiar with this procedure are pleased with its durability - the effect lasts from six months to two years.

Women who have undergone the procedure note that the skin becomes more dense, uniform, toned.

What happens: types

Median peeling according to the method of carrying out is divided into the following types:

Stages of implementation, cost

Before carrying out a median peeling, it is necessary to consult with specialists (beautician, dermatologist) to find out about the condition of the skin and make sure that the procedure is safe for this type of epidermis.

The procedure itself consists of several stages:

The cost of median peeling varies depending on the region, type and complexity of the procedure, skin type, etc.

The average price of a procedure using trichloroacetic acid is from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles, the median – from 3000 to 8000 rubles.

Cost of the procedure with glycolic and salicylic acid - from 2500 to 5000 rubles.

How to spend at home

The steps of the procedure at home are the same as in the salon. First you need to decide which mixture to use.

This takes into account the type and characteristics of the dermis. Compounds based on lactic and trichloroacetic acid are considered universal.

Peeling steps:

Recipes for peeling preparations are presented below:

  • Salicylic Blend. 3 capsules of acetylsalicylic acid are crushed into powder, poured into 20 ml of water, you can add a few drops of honey. Even more peeling recipes with aspirin -.
  • salt mixture. Prepared according to the proportion 1:1:2 (salt, soda and day cream, respectively). About peelings and we have separate articles.
  • lemon mix. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with non-carbonated mineral water.

  • Peeling badyaga:

  • Lubricate the face with a 5% solution of calcium chloride repeatedly until a dense film is formed. Wash off with mild soap.

    Face peeling from Victoria Boni (calcium chloride, baby soap):

What results to expect

Most of those who have tried the median peeling procedure on themselves note that the skin after it becomes more even, fresher, the complexion acquires a healthy tone. Rashes disappear, small wrinkles disappear.

The procedure is associated with a number of unpleasant manifestations: itching and burning during manipulations, the appearance of crusts and irritations after peeling.

But, as practice shows, the result is worth all the inconvenience, and in a week the woman will be rewarded with beautiful and radiant skin.

This is what the face looks like in the photo before and after the chemical medium (medium) peeling procedure:

Contraindications and precautions

It is possible to carry out the procedure at home only after consulting a specialist or under the supervision of an experienced person in this matter. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable damage to the skin.

On the first day after the procedure, you can not wash, paint, in general, it is better not to touch your face once again. Serum should be applied to the face 2 times a day to accelerate regeneration.

For the first week, it's better to give up. from visiting baths, saunas and avoid places where there is a risk of dirt and dust getting on your face.

After a while, crusts appear on the face. In no case can you rip them off, you need to wait until they fall off on their own.

The young epidermis, which appears after the crusts fall off, will need to be protected from overdrying with a cream with a UV filter. More information can be found in a separate article.

The median peeling procedure has a number of contraindications:

Median peeling helps in most cases to find beautiful and radiant youthful skin. It should be approached with caution, because. Not every type of epidermis is able to endure all manipulations.

It is also worth remembering the possibility of getting burns, carefully study all contraindications, and only after the approval of a specialist, proceed with the procedure.

And after it, you can admire a young, renewed face and accept compliments from others.

It promotes skin rejuvenation as cells are stimulated and regenerated faster due to superficial damage. Thanks to scrubbing, the pores of the sebaceous glands are cleansed and the scars caused by acne are smoothed out.

Skin exfoliation: principle of action

Chemical peels work in three ways:

  • Firstly, due to the cleansing of the dermis from keratinized particles, the growth of the epidermis is stimulated.
  • Secondly, with the removal of several layers of the skin surface, the existing imperfections also disappear.
  • Thirdly, skin tissues begin to rebuild due to a short inflammatory reaction.

In order to understand in detail the principle of this procedure, it is necessary to consider the structure of the skin.

The epidermis consists of five layers, where the top layer is stratum corneum and the bottom layer is basal. Young cells live in the basal layer, which gradually age and pass through all layers to the stratum corneum - this is how the skin is constantly renewed.

Average, a cell in the dermis lives for twenty-eight days.

Dead cells tend to accumulate on the surface of the skin, which ultimately leads to clogged pores. For this reason, nutrients hardly penetrate the epidermis, skin renewal slows down, which leads to premature aging.

Chemical peeling is necessary in order to rid the skin of the stratum corneum and renew the epidermis. In this cosmetic procedure, various acids are used that remove layers with dead cells.

Most often, organic acids are used for exfoliation, namely:

  • dairy;
  • pyruvic;
  • fruit;
  • trichloroacetic (for deep peeling).

A specialist cosmetologist independently determines which acid is better to use in a chemical peel based on the characteristics of the patient's skin.


1. Super superficial peeling- the most gentle exfoliation option.

Acid solutions up to 15% are commonly used here. It can be done at any age because it causes only a mild cleansing effect that lasts only a few days. This procedure can be carried out independently at home.

2. Superficial chemical peeling of the face- here the concentration of acid can reach 50%.

Typically, salicylic, fruit, lactic, mandelic and glycolic acids are used for this procedure. Immediately after the procedure, there is a slight redness, which disappears after two hours.

Superficial exfoliation also has a mild effect on the skin: as a result, the complexion improves, pores shrink, the skin becomes more even and acne spots disappear.

3. Median or superficial-median peeling- has a deeper effect on the epidermis.

In this case, trichloroacetic acid is used, as well as glycolic acid with a high concentration and a low Ph content. This also includes retinol (yellow), coral and Jessner peels.

This procedure can be carried out only qualified specialist. The results after the procedure are as follows: acne scars are reduced, pigmentation disappears and pores are significantly narrowed, skin rejuvenation occurs.

4. Deep chemical facial peel performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.

It is characterized by a long recovery period (up to a month). This type of peeling affects the deeper layers of the skin. It is used to correct scars, wrinkles and pigmentation.

Video procedure

A must see for anyone who is afraid of even the mention of chemical exfoliation. In this video, the doctor does a light peeling right in the studio, which you can do yourself at home. In this case, you will see what exactly happens after applying the drug.

For those who are thinking about deep peeling - watch to the end! The 78th woman with skin like a baby will be invited to the studio!

Indications and contraindications

Like any medical procedure, exfoliation of the skin of the face has its indications and contraindications.


  • It is recommended for age-related changes and loss of skin tone, with the appearance of flabbiness and wrinkles.
  • Suitable for the treatment of acne, smoothing scars and scars after acne ( only at the stage of non-inflamed skin).
  • It helps to restore the skin with pigmentation disorders of various types, including freckles, melasma, juvenile and senile lentigo and chloasma.
  • It will be useful for improving the appearance of the skin and cleansing it from dead cells of the epidermis.
  • Serves as a preparatory stage for photography and .


  • categorically forbidden to do to people with hypersensitivity who have active allergic reactions to the drugs used in the procedure;
  • if the skin has recently been exposed to ultraviolet rays (tanned skin);
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • contraindicated in people with viral and infectious skin diseases;
  • hypertension and oncological diseases;
  • with diabetes;
  • when taking estrogens, sulfonamides, retinoids, neuroleptics and tetracycline antibiotics.

Results and aftercare

The specialist, having carefully studied the skin on problem areas, prescribes a course of peeling sessions. Sessions can be performed depending on skin type. 6 to 10 times.

The effect after the course lasts from 5 to 7 months, so this procedure is recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a year.

Chemical peeling can be done at any time of the year, if you are not planning a vacation at sea. However, doctors recommend planning for the autumn-winter period.

After chemical exfoliation, it is necessary to carefully care for the skin. First of all, avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays. In no case can touch and remove the resulting crusts, otherwise new scars will appear. It is also necessary to moisturize the skin more often, using special nourishing creams.

In the first days after medium and deep peels, peeling, redness and dryness of the face are observed.

In this case, the result will not appear immediately. Over time, the skin will acquire a healthy color and radiance, become softer and fresher.

Photos before and after

These photographs show people who, with the help of deep peeling, have reduced or completely got rid of skin defects, wrinkles, and also returned a healthy tone to their faces.

Exfoliation of the skin of the face: getting rid of the stratum corneum

The daily hygiene procedures that we perform do not allow the skin to completely get rid of the accumulating stratum corneum. Every day its amount increases, there is a violation of the access of oxygen to the cells, and creams applied to the surface of the skin are practically not absorbed. This problem should be solved with the help of special exfoliating products called exfoliants. We will tell about the features, action and secrets of this manipulation in our article.

What information will you learn:

What is the technique

The main task of exfoliation is the removal of horny cells.

The procedure for exfoliating the superficial stratum corneum of the epidermis with the help of chemical compounds is called exfoliation.

The main tasks of this technique are the removal of dead keratinized epithelial cells, as well as deep cleansing of the pores.

One of the most important stages of high-quality facial care is its correct and regular cleansing, accelerating blood circulation, metabolic processes and regeneration in cells, increasing oxygen saturation of tissues.

The appearance of the skin after such a cosmetic procedure is noticeably improved due to the elimination of the accumulated layer of dead cells, which prevents its renewal.

What is the benefit of the procedure

There is an erroneous opinion that exfoliation is harmful, does not bring positive results, but, on the contrary, injures and damages the integrity of skin cells.

This is a misconception, since the procedure of high-quality facial skin cleansing contributes to its rejuvenation and slows down the aging process. Among its advantages are the following:

  • alignment of color and relief of the face;
  • acceleration of cell regeneration processes (updates);
  • deep cleansing of pores from sebaceous plugs, blackheads, pimples and blackheads;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • an increase in the amount of oxygen supplied to the cells of the epidermis;
  • deep penetration under the skin of any cosmetic compositions, the effectiveness of which increases significantly;
  • removal of pigmentation;
  • increasing the degree of hydration and nutrition of cells.

Exfoliation treatment helps with facial hyperpigmentation

In what cases is the technique prohibited?

The procedure for chemical exfoliation of the skin is not allowed for everyone. The acids that make up such products can cause irritation, allergic reactions, and other complications. In the risk category are:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding;
  • women under 22;
  • patients with warts, large moles, dermatological diseases and violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • people prone to allergic and inflammatory reactions on the skin;
  • everyone who has undergone surgery, chemotherapy, and those with cancer;
  • patients whose skin has been exposed to the sun for a long time or irradiation in a solarium.

Only a cosmetologist has the right to decide on the possibility of exfoliation for each specific patient, depending on the condition and type of his skin.

Rules for exfoliation at home

You can perform this procedure on your own only after consulting a cosmetologist who will determine the percentage concentration of the active acid that suits your type of epidermis.

The technique must be carried out with strict observance of the following rules:

  • it is allowed to use high quality exfoliants, the concentration of active substances in which does not exceed 9%. They should be designed specifically for the skin of the face;
  • for dry epidermis, preference should be given to products with AHA-fruit acids, and for fatty ones with BHA-acids (salicylic);
  • be sure to check the expiration date of the product you have chosen and refuse to use if it turned out to be overdue;
  • always test the skin in the area of ​​​​the inner elbow for an allergic reaction before applying the composition to the face;
  • apply the exfoliant to the pre-moistened skin surface of the face along the massage lines, with light movements, excluding the area around the lips and eyes;
  • keep the product on the face should not be longer than a quarter of an hour. If you experience a strong burning sensation, as well as other uncomfortable sensations, immediately wash off the composition from the skin, regardless of the amount of time elapsed.

If the time period of exfoliation is exceeded, burns and excessive dryness of the skin are possible!

  • if you did not get the desired result after the manipulation, the next procedure is allowed to be carried out no earlier than a week later;
  • during the manipulation, the sun's rays should not fall on the skin;
  • at the end of the procedure, the composition should be thoroughly washed off the skin of the face, and a layer of cream with an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect should be applied.

Exfoliants are any scrubs and peels for the face.


Depending on the substances and methods used for peeling, peeling can be chemical, mechanical, laser, radio wave peeling, etc. Any type of peeling thins the stratum corneum, removes small comedones, facilitates access to deeper layers of the skin, expands pores and softens the skin, which often makes peeling a preparatory process for subsequent procedures. Peeling also enhances cell division in the basal layer, and the skin becomes smooth and bright, acquiring a younger and healthier appearance.

Exfoliation is successfully performed if mechanical or chemical means are used.


Mechanical exfoliation uses facial scrub microballoons, crushed almond shells, sugar or salt crystals, pumice, and abrasive materials such as loofah. These facial scrubs are available to the public, retailed and used by consumers.


For chemical exfoliation, scrubs containing salicylic acid, glycolic acid, plant enzymes (proteases), citric acid or malic acid are used, which can be used by a dermatologist both in high concentration and in low concentration - consumers.

The purpose of exfoliation is to promote skin rejuvenation and prevent unwanted skin conditions such as acne scars or ingrown hairs. The use of the term is associated with daily skin care. Cosmetic procedures such as dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are used in special cases of exfoliation: when removing the surface layer of the skin, similar to polishing.

It is very important to exfoliate the skin no more than 2 times a week unless using a daily exfoliator. We must be careful with the skin, do not make strong pressure - it is easy to pat the face horizontally. It is better to apply a light exfoliation with small crystals to avoid skin irritation. It is not advised to exfoliate against hair growth immediately after a shower and not to shave, despite the fact that this is useful in preventing ingrown hairs.

see also

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Many say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but, nevertheless, no one will deny that the face is also the calling card of any person.
Facial peeling at home will help rejuvenate and tighten the skin. Agree, it is pleasant to look at a well-groomed and clean face, but, unfortunately, not everyone is given such skin that does not require additional cosmetics. The skin is made up of two layers - the dermis (inner) and the epidermis (outer). After a certain time, skin cells die off, and new ones take their place. This process is called skin renewal, regeneration.

Otherwise, if the skin cannot be renewed naturally, then it begins to age. If such a process occurs, many girls and women with problem skin give a lot of money for the services of cosmetologists and a variety of masks. Although peeling at home can do the same (and sometimes better) than a cosmetologist, who will need to pay quite a lot of money. Facial peeling at home is nothing but a real way to refresh and also cleanse your skin. No need to throw a lot of money on expensive doctors, it is enough to use natural products that can prevent skin aging.

Peeling classification

Any peeling for the face can make the skin regenerate. It is during this procedure that the top layer of dead skin cells is removed, thereby creating the effect of its damage. This is where the body comes into play. It begins an active process of restoring dead cells with new ones, filling the skin with the nutrients that it needs.
Classification of peeling according to the depth of exposure:
1. Surface peeling of the face. It acts on the surface layer of the skin. This is enough to smooth out wrinkles, and in certain cases, get rid of age spots;
2. Medium face peeling. It serves to correct age-related changes on the skin (skin folds, stretch marks, deep wrinkles). Affects the deep layers of the skin, and also reaches the upper dermis;
3. Deep peeling of the face is one of the most aggressive. It can only be done in a hospital and under anesthesia, as it is considered a full-fledged operation. Thanks to this method, you can achieve excellent results. Deep peeling of the face fully removes age spots, deep wrinkles and stretch marks.

To date, you can find more than 50 types of peeling, but the most optimal of them remains superficial.

Facial peeling at home

For any cosmetic procedure, there are some restrictions that must be strictly observed. There are several rules that must be followed if this procedure is to take place at home. Do not peel yourself if you suffer from one of the following annoying conditions:
viral infections (herpes, warts, etc.);
damaged skin (at least a week must pass after damage);
skin sensitivity.

Peeling at home differs from going to a beauty parlor in that it will only act on the surface layer of the skin. The effect of this procedure will not be so long, the results are not immediately noticeable. Regular cleansing of the face will help transform the skin.

How to do peeling at home?

Recipes for home peeling, as well as the rules for making masks, can be found on the Internet. A few of them will be described below.
Recipes for oily skin:
1. In order to prepare this mixture, you need to take one lemon and 1.5 teaspoons of sugar. Mix lemon juice and sugar, and then dip a cotton swab into this mixture and wipe your face.
2. Peeling based on soda. You need to take 2 tablespoons of soda and about the same amount of kefir. The result should be a thick mass.

Recipes for dry skin:
1. You need to take 3 strawberries and 1 medium apple. All this is mixed into a thick mass, which should be applied to the face for 5 minutes (it is acidic and may tingle slightly).
2. In order to make peeling with dry cream, you need to take 1 large spoon of the latter and add 2 large spoons of barley and rice flour to it.

Recipes for problem skin:
1. You need to take 4 tablespoons of pomegranate seeds, mix them with 4 small tablespoons of lemon juice. Add 2 tablespoons of almonds to this mixture. All this must be crushed with a blender. The mask should be applied for 10 minutes.
2. You need to take 4 tablespoons of sea salt and beat them with protein. Apply the mask to the skin in an even layer and wash off after 10 minutes.

It is also important to remember that for oily skin, home peeling should be done every day. It is for such skin that it is most useful. For problematic skin, this procedure should be carried out once every 10 days, and for dry skin - even less frequently.
