Essay what is true friendship. Composition on the theme of Friendship (reasoning)

We are familiar with the concept of "friendship" from early childhood. This is one of the first words of a child. Having matured, he puts a special meaning into it, having already learned to give an objective assessment to the people who are in his environment.

It's not easy to be a true friend. This means being able not only to listen, to let them speak out, but also to provide moral support in the form of practical advice and a detailed analysis of what they heard. In more developed countries, there are psychologists for these purposes, it is considered indecent to fill the head of another, even a close one, with your problems, putting a heavy burden of your experiences on his shoulders.

But it seems to me impossible to be completely spiritually naked in front of a stranger, even if he is a high professional. Only personal interest and sincere empathy can help to get rid of sad thoughts and painful situations. Well, how can you relax if you have paid for a clearly fixed time of conversation? The question is kind of rhetorical...

Some people only think that they have friends, creating an artificial impression of their established life. But does everyone have those in conversation with whom we are as honest as we are with ourselves? Naturally, no. Hidden secrets, juicy details, disadvantages and advantages - a friend is dedicated to all this

He is not ashamed to tell how stupid or ridiculous you did to someone. He will never utter a deliberate lie, he is not indifferent to your internal state, what you are currently very puzzled, saddened by. He will not get off with “duty” phrases when specific words or actions are so necessary for you. When a successful turn of events occurs in life, a friend will experience joy no less than your own, being able not to envy is also a criterion for defining friendship.

The common interest should be inherent in the two of you. Equality is also important, when there is no main thing in a relationship, when you listen to each other in the same way. Joint rest, attendance at important events, regular meetings and telephone conversations are of great importance.

It is not true that as time goes by, there are fewer friends. It was invented by people who do not know how to be friends. There are no situations that will separate you, and if they happened in the form of betrayal and deceit, do not be sad, it was not friendship ...

Great art can safely be called the ability to be a friend. After all, this is an unspoken indicator of what kind of person you are. And I feel sorry for people who, due to their rigidity, conflict nature, callousness and inhumanity, remain lonely throughout their lives.

Composition on the topic "True friendship" 4.33 /5 (86.67%) 3 votes

Friendship. Each of us is familiar with this word. We all know what it means. In one of the explanatory dictionaries, this concept is explained as follows: “Friendship is a disinterested personal relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are reciprocity, trust and patience. People who are related by friendship are called friends. Of course, all people have friends, but the question is, are they real or not? How to understand the sincerity of friendships and understand what kind of person is next to you.

Friendship can be false and sincere (real). I would like to share my experience with friendship. Let's start with the first concept.
False friendship is a friendship that usually arises suddenly, it is unreasonable and short-lived. Such “friendship” is not a friendship, but a relationship “of convenience”. That is, one person communicates with another for his own benefit. I will give an example from my own life. I am a school student, so there are many other similar students around me, but they are all the same only at first glance. For several years I have been observing one situation. Two girls, we will not name them, communicate, and, like other girls, they call themselves "best friends." In appearance, everything is fine. On the one hand, they are good friends, help each other with their studies. But! This friendship has a second side. For example, when one of them needs something, she turns to her “girlfriend”. In their free time from study, they practically do not communicate, since the “knowledge” of the second is no longer needed, which means that she herself is not needed either. This friendship is false and will most likely end right after graduation.
True friendship is quite rare, however, we should all try to build sincere friendships. True friendship can be called friendship, proven over the years, as well as a huge number of controversial situations. But this does not mean at all that real friends should constantly quarrel and argue. “Truth is born in a dispute,” says one famous saying. There is nothing more to add, I think. After all, if there are problems, how else to solve them? We need to discuss, talk with each other, try to find a way out, a compromise. That is why true friendship lasts a lifetime. People can live in different cities, but almost immediately rush to help for many kilometers. They can only see each other on holidays, but these meetings will be unforgettable and sincere.
Every person should have real friends, because it's not just support and help at the right time, it's an exchange of positive emotions, happiness, fun and joy given to each other. There is a real friend in my life, with whom we have been communicating since kindergarten and, I hope, our friendship will live on for many years. And I wish every person to find the same friend!

True friendship is a gift that should be treasured and not lost. If you are lucky enough to find a devoted and faithful friend, then you are a happy person. Friendship can also reveal many wonderful qualities in a person that will adorn him and make life full and harmonious. I will try to speculate what exactly such a concept as friendship opens up in a person.

The first thing I want to write about is that friendship can show a person's loyalty. Let's consider such an example. Two friends Olya and Lena have known each other for a long time, they are friendly and consider themselves close people. But there is a quarrel between them. One friend behaves with dignity, does not say anything bad and does not discuss Olya behind her back. And the second, on the contrary, slanders a lot of nasty things about Lena, thinks up all sorts of nonsense and behaves unworthily. Which of the two girls proved to be a true friend? Of course Lena. Despite the insults, she behaved wisely and correctly. You can call her a real friend. But Olya did not show herself from the best side, and it is unlikely that someone will want to see such a friend near her.

And friendship reveals selfless help. If there is friendship between people, then they will always come to each other to help, support and demand nothing in return. By the way, difficult situations perfectly show who can be considered a friend, and who has shown himself from a selfish side.

True friendship confirms itself over the years and during this time a person shows himself from all sides, both from good and from bad. Everyone will agree with me that over time, some people leave our lives, while others become so close that it is impossible to imagine our life without them. Friendship makes us more human, reveals sociability, empathy, compassion and understanding of the feelings of another person.

Friendship is great. Appreciate and cherish your friends, because they make us better and decorate life with bright colors.

Essay 2

A good friend is a valuable gift. A true friend accepts us for who we are, knows our shortcomings, and yet loves and appreciates us. He will hide our shortcomings and only show us in a positive light to others. Friendship is a word that in itself brings warmth, freshness and hope. How happy can a person be without a friend? Will there be joy in our life if there are no friends in it? What is friendship, and can we live without it?

Friends are people with whom we feel good, spend pleasant time, there is mutual understanding and respect between friends. Without a friend, life would be not only boring, but also difficult. One can have many friends, but only one or two of them are very close to us. When a sincere friend is around you, you feel more confident, safer, happier.

True friendship is hard to find, it is a precious gift that we can enjoy when we find it. To maintain a sincere friendship, care is needed. True friendship can exist between good and educated people. In sincere friendship there is no place for arrogance, hypocrisy, selfishness, lies, jealousy and hatred. You should choose carefully, because expectations do not always come true and good friends are rare. Superficial friendship can't leave traces, people come into our lives and go, but sometimes some friends can change us a lot, so we should always choose a good friend as a friend.

Real friendship

True friendship is the most selfless feeling a person can experience. Sometimes the beginning of a friendship is magical: to start getting to know and trust the other. But the best thing is that you are free to be yourself without having to please anyone. However, he is your friend because he accepts you for who you are without trying to change you. Your friend is always by your side no matter what you do, but if he thinks you are wrong, he says so. It is for this reason that friends are with us in any situation and whatever they do, they support us.

But in a stable friendship you can only give and give, otherwise it would not be a real friendship. You serve a friend because you want to, not because you want something in return! But not every friendship is always perfect.

It is only natural that disputes arise between you. For your relationship to end, you must put yourself in the position of the other. If you are wrong, you must admit it. Making excuses doesn't show weakness; on the contrary, it simply shows your maturity. If you are trying to say what you think, you must accept the sincerity of the other. In fact, it is not so difficult to understand another person, it is much more difficult to come to terms with your own ego, some kind of stable views that you consider yourself. However, in friendship, you may not be ego-conscious, you may not hold on to your own inner concepts in order to understand the other.

If you think a friend is having a problem, reach out for help. Even if you don't know how to help, your presence means a lot. At the same time, of course, you need to try to help in all available ways, but just support gives a lot, you are able to share various hardships with your friend, you perceive from him not only joy, but also sorrows, and they are also perceived joyfully, as you help, support and stay true.

But sometimes friendships can break down in a very short time. How? If you betray another's trust - if you pass on his secret, for example. Unwittingly or not, it is not easy to overcome. Our little secrets are something unique and very personal. They mean as much as the secrets of others. So before revealing someone's secret, think about how you would feel if you published yours. Basically, it's nice to share your secrets with someone you rely on, but be careful... if you've gotten to know this person recently, even if they trust you, always remember this.

9, 11 grade. USE. OGE.

