Feng shui conception. Feng Shui for conceiving a child

A child in the house is a real happiness, the love of our life. Children paint the light in all the colors of the rainbow, they look like little angels, always carefree and laughing. In addition, children give us a sea of ​​positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Sometimes it happens that a child is not born in a family, a man and a woman begin to cry, torment themselves, some even reach hysterics, become depressed, become powerless. Are childless couples never able to give birth to a healthy baby? Not really, believe in yourself! First, it is important to heal from the inside in order to overcome the barrier within yourself.

Feng Shui is very effective as it can help you conceive a child. The most important thing is an agreement with higher powers on the regulation of the beneficial Qi energy in the room. Activating the western sector can do wonders! Feng Shui for conceiving a baby helps to attract useful people into your life, cheer you up and even change the situation. First of all, pay attention to your "internal Feng Shui". It is very important not to think about negative situations, but, on the contrary, to direct your own thoughts in a positive direction. Develop your own optimism, believe in the best. Faith and action are the most powerful medicines in the world!

Feng Shui professionals advise you to resort to some tips in order to quickly conceive a child.

The western sector is responsible for the sphere of children. Thanks to the Bagua grid and the compass, you can determine the west in your home, and find out how feng shui affects the birth of children. In addition, the western part of the dwelling is responsible for life intentions.

We resort to the help of talismans

Here are some tips for activating the western quadrant to conceive a toddler:

  • Remove old rubbish and things from the zone, then the problem will go away. Feng Shui masters in this case are advised to carry out a thorough cleaning, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth;
  • Traditionally, the western sector corresponds to silver and white colors, so you can put a picture of a pomegranate, drawings with children, a figurine of Hottei in this area;
  • A popular painting called "100 Children" will also allow you to conceive a child;
  • The most prosperous symbol for conceiving a child is a figurine of an elephant. This interesting talisman has already brought happiness to many women. Acquire an elephant only with its trunk pressed down;
  • Any object or symbol that brings good luck and offspring can decorate your room, for example, a vase, a white tiger, fish, bells, and musical instruments will do.

Not everything in life happens according to our desire, unfortunately. And even the brightest and kindest desires do not come true immediately or require great effort. If you have not been able to get pregnant for a long time, you have tried a lot of means, try to approach this problem from the other side.

Many psychologists advise to study feng shui and everything related to feng shui techniques for pregnancy. So you mentally push yourself to fulfill your dream and set yourself up for a positive outcome of the idea.

Feng Shui for the birth of children: symbols

So, what does feng shui for conceiving a child include? To get started, decorate your apartment with a picture of hundreds of kids. The Chinese consider such a picture a positive symbol, and it does not matter what it is painted on - on paper, canvas or printed. True, the most effective in China is considered a crystal ball, where there are small children inside.

You can get any photo of children from the Internet and make a simple collage. Next, print it on a printer and place it in a beautiful frame. Photos do not have to be different, the main thing is their number. If you know how to draw - depict a schematic face of a girl and a boy on a vase, tapestry, screen and alternate. In general, the main desire and fantasy.

The finished product must be hung on the western wall or in the west of the apartment. In addition, according to the rules of Feng Shui, the symbol must be illuminated with at least one light bulb, since light activates the action of talismans and symbols. At the same time, you can place children's toys and plants in the west that grow quickly.

In the same part of the apartment, place grenades, their image, figures. Since ancient times, the pomegranate has been a symbol of fertility. The figurine of an elephant with its trunk lowered has the same meaning (pay attention to this, because the opposite position is a symbol of victory and triumph).

But this should not stop the decoration of the apartment. You can enhance their effect by placing them among white and metallic colors. The element of the western part of the apartment is metal, so its symbolism should be everywhere. Pay attention to whether water symbols are placed in this sector.

Favorable areas of the apartment and their environment for pregnancy

You can argue for a long time about the effectiveness of feng shui for the birth of children, but a positive attitude and visualization of a happy event, of course, brings the dream closer to fulfillment.

Also, let's remember how the apartment is placed in relation to the horizon. According to Feng Shui, the west is considered the sector of children, the southwest is responsible for the feminine in the house. It should always be clean and everything should be in harmony.

To conceive a child, the main thing is to maintain an atmosphere of love in the house, so the symbols of swans, your wedding photo will not be superfluous here. Feng Shui also teaches us that if you want to have a baby, you need to cover yourself with the colors of fertility and earth, that is, brown, red, orange.

By the way, do not deprive the attention of the matrimonial bed, because it is the main element in the desire to conceive a child. It should be located headboard in the direction of the male part of the apartment. Often, wanting to get pregnant, we ask for help from someone. The Chinese believed that small bells help to call for the desired help.

The eastern part of the apartment is the family zone. Here it is just necessary to place symbols of water, sea, waves. A vase of water with bamboo branches dipped into it will look beautiful enough.

When decorating a house with symbols and talismans, it should be remembered that quantity is not always quality and you should not litter the space with a bunch of rubbish. Feng Shui to get pregnant in any case should be within reason. The interior of the apartment, in which the little man will appear very soon, should be bright and pleasant.

And pretty little talismans can only complement it and create a sense of harmony of a person with his housing and life. Clean your apartment of unnecessary things, throw away broken dishes and believe that prosperity will come to your house very soon along with the realization of a small dream.

Children are always happiness, and desired children are doubly happiness. But it happens that the planned pregnancy still does not come. Then it's time to use the help of Feng Shui to conceive a child.

Today, the online magazine "Korolevnam.ru" will tell you how to plan a pregnancy according to all the rules of Feng Shui.

Let's activate the children's sector

Our house, in which we live, provides us with not only comfort, but also can affect the quality of our life, including this aspect.

The children's zone, according to Feng Shui, occupies the western part of the house. To activate it, you need to place as many elements related to children as possible there, thereby launching a program for early conception.

Many psychologists, as well as Chinese scientists, have long come to the conclusion that the image of children in this part of the apartment contributes to the onset of a rapid pregnancy.

Images of children can be drawn on pictures, towels, vases. But the crystal ball, inside of which a child is depicted, is considered especially effective.

Feng Shui talismans for conception - fish, elephant, flowers

Images of fish have long served as a symbol of the onset of pregnancy (it is not for nothing that one of the signs of an imminent pregnancy has long been considered a dream in which a girl sees a fish).

  1. fish feng shui for conception have long lived up to the expectations of many women, so by placing them in the western zone of your home, you will further activate your dream.
  2. Also elephant figurine , is a successful feng shui talisman for the birth of a child.
  3. And finally get rid of all unnecessary junk in your house. It's high time to clean the closet of unnecessary things, throw away old things that have been gathering dust for a long time and clog up your space. This ordinary, at first glance, action will cleanse your house of old energy and let in a new one, which will allow you to conceive a new life.
  4. Buy a couple indoor flowers and revive the energy of your room, because it is not in vain that flowers often bloom to add to the family.

Feng Shui card for the birth of children in the family

Based on the teachings of Feng Shui, you can also resort to. To do this, you need to take whatman paper, in the center, placing your photo with the baby in your arms, and filling the edges with your dreams: depict yourself and your husband at the moment when you pick up the child from the hospital or draw in detail the nursery where you play with the baby.

Think over everything in the smallest detail, enliven your picture, imagining that you already have it.

Programming the gender of the child according to Feng Shui

So, we have already activated the children's zone, now let's try to plan the baby's gender: to do this, place a picture of a child of the gender you want in this zone. Also, talismans can help you with this.

To conceive a boy

Women who dream of having a son should hold the figurine of an elephant by its tail. The Feng Shui teaching says that this will allow you to give birth to a boy.

To give birth to a girl

Feng Shui for conceiving a girl also contains many secrets. Suppose a woman who dreams of a daughter should sleep with her head to the south. Feng Shui masters also advise hanging a coniferous branch in the room.

It is necessary to dream about the desired sex of the child long before the intended conception. Thinking about your child, imagine him, for example, with a doll in his hands (if you dream of a girl), or if you want a boy, dream about how you play cars with him.

Many scientists have come to the conclusion that if a man really dreams of a boy, then certain chromosomes are produced in his body, which are responsible for the sex of the unborn child, so coordinate this with the future father.

The main thing is to sincerely wish the baby to appear, contact the Higher Forces with a request for this gift as often as possible.

You can talk for a long time about the effectiveness of all these Feng Shui tips for having children, but a positive attitude and visualization of pregnancy will only bring you closer to that happy day where you will see these coveted two stripes on the test. What do you want!

Every woman (with very rare exceptions) dreams of becoming a mother someday. There is nothing more beautiful than the smile of your baby, when he pulls his tiny hands towards you, calls you mom. Children are the meaning of our life, the greatest happiness and joy. Unfortunately, not every one of us manages to get pregnant as soon as the desire to become a mother appears. Sometimes long examinations and treatment do not give the desired result, and the woman falls into despair. And in vain. First you need to try another effective remedy - Feng Shui.

This ancient teaching is used in China to improve and harmonize all areas of life - it is not surprising that the Chinese themselves and their ancient ancestors did not know the problems with childbearing. Perhaps we should take the advice of ancient science.

The first thing to do is to activate the western sector of your house, which is responsible for children.

First, we dismantle the blockages in these places in order to give access to energy. By the way, pay attention not only to the western part of your house, but also to the bedroom, and especially to the bed. More precisely, do not forget to look under it - very often old books, magazines, etc. accumulate there.

Now you can activate the western sector. To do this, you need to hang "wind music", bells, crystal crystals on red ribbons in the western part of the apartment or house. There you can also put a pot with a pomegranate tree, which is a symbol of fertility. Or at least ficus. It is necessary not only to take care of the plant, but to communicate with it, as with a living one. Rubbing the leaves and watering, tell him how you dream of a baby.

In the western zone of the house and in the bedroom, place various symbols of fertility - figurines, figurines (netsuke), paintings depicting apple trees, pomegranates, apricots, persimmons, the moon, and children. You can also put figurines of angels, photos of children, your photos with children (for example, your relatives) there. A very useful symbol is Fu-xing, the God of happiness in Chinese mythology, depicted with a boy and peach fruits. It brings happiness and health and protects children from disease.

The crystal egg is also a symbol of fertility, eternal life and renewal. Place the egg figurine (can be made of marble, malachite or metal) in the western sector of the house and in the bedroom.

Another lucky symbol is the fish. Put an image of two fish under the mattress of your bed (on the side where you sleep) - and very soon you will become pregnant. For the same purposes, you can wear an amulet around your neck - in the form of a crane with a peach fruit. The crane is similar to the symbol of the stork in Slavic culture, bringing children. You can also wear special amulets with stones that give fertility, help you get pregnant and give birth. These stones include diamond, amethyst, emerald, rock crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli, malachite, rhodonite, carnelian, topaz, amber, jasper. An amulet or just a stone can be worn around the neck, as well as put it in the western sector of your house.

In the bedroom, you can place figures of blue animals (if you want a boy, then be sure to pair them!) Or pink (if you want a girl, then one) color - for example, elephants, rabbits or fish.

Now you need to activate the assistant zone, which is located in the northwestern part of your house. There you can place icons of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms, Nicholas the Wonderworker and others. If you don't believe in God, put an image of a happy Buddha with children there.

The creators of the ancient teachings believed that the atmosphere that reigns at home is of great importance. Because children themselves choose where, when and with which parents they are born. Perhaps something weighs on you, or you have a tense relationship with your husband or with someone from your family at home. For the appearance of a child, you need to try to create the most favorable atmosphere - happiness and love, so that he feels like he is expected.
Ekaterina Kruglova

Children are flowers, happiness and love of our life. They are able to paint the world in all the colors of the rainbow and give us a whole range of positive emotions and feelings. The Universe has given every woman an amazing opportunity - to grow a small seed inside herself. However, not everyone can even plant it.

You know, I won’t speak for everyone, but when I couldn’t get pregnant for a long time, it felt like the world around me was just collapsing. I often cried, with pain in my heart I looked at other people's babies, and in my head one thought beat into hysterics: “Is it really possible that I will never have a child?” Admitting you are powerless is like folding your arms and going with the flow. If you recognize yourself in these lines, then please believe in yourself! Miracles, however, happen, and they are found at every turn. A sick soul will not help overcome the barrier, this has already been tested ... it is very important to be treated from the inside.

- this is a very good way to negotiate with the Higher forces and regulate the flow of positive energy in your space. I do not promise you an early pregnancy, although my friend was pregnant a month after she activated the western sector! And this despite the fact that before that she and her husband had been working in this direction for more than a year.

It can help to attract the right people (maybe doctors of the soul and body), situations, mood, in general, everything that you need for complete healing and pregnancy.

As I said, first of all you need to take care of your inner Feng Shui! Fight with, develop your optimism and faith in the best. No matter what anyone says, but this is a very strong medicine!!!

And, secondly, use the main advice from the leading masters of this teaching (do what you like best).

  • Activation of the western sector. As you remember, it is the West that is responsible for the sphere of children. Sector color: gray, silver, white. You can put pictures of babies, magazines for parents, pictures of peas, a pomegranate, a figurine of Hottei with children there, or hang the famous painting "100 children", which is a symbol of childbirth.
  • Set up the elephants! An interesting talisman, but it has already helped many women! You can use the elephant figurines as follows: either place two elephants on either side of the entrance to the bedroom (near the door) with their trunks pointing into the room, or place one in the western sector. You need to buy elephants with the trunk pressed down!
