Forms of work on life safety with children of senior preschool age - consultation for teachers. Consultation for teachers “Formation in preschoolers of a conscious attitude towards issues of personal safety and the safety of others Consultations for teachers on

Consultation for teachers

“Formation of the fundamentals of life safety among pupils”

“The most precious thing a person has is life” N. A. Ostrovsky.

Forming the foundations for the safety and life of children in the context of preschool education is an urgent and significant problem, since it is determined by the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, and for them to gain experience of safe behavior in everyday life.

It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him to face possible difficulties, to form an understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as role models for the child. The concept of safety in parole previously included only the protection of the life and health of children. But the modern world has changed its approach to the problem of security; it also includes such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism.

When introducing children to basic safety, the following objectives should be identified:

- formation of the foundations for maintaining and promoting health;

- education of safe behavior, the ability to anticipate dangerous situations, avoid them if possible, and act if necessary.

Working with children on life safety includes a whole range of tasks:

- acquaintance with household sources of danger, with the necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of ideas about methods of safe behavior in everyday life;

- development of the foundations of ecological culture, nurturing love, responsible and caring attitude towards native nature;

- education of a competent road user;

- fostering a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie.

The implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial foundations of security are carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

- systematic and consistent (any new stage in children’s education is based on what has already been mastered in the previous one);

- accessibility (the complexity of the material takes into account the age characteristics of children);

- inclusion in activities (game, educational, search and other types);

- clarity (safety precautions are best perceived through rich illustrative material);

- dynamism (integration of tasks into different types of activities);

- psychological comfort (removal of stress factors).

Forms of organization of the educational process:

  • classes;
  • memorizing poems;
  • collection of photographic materials;
  • games - activities;
  • learning the rules of safe behavior;
  • conversations;
  • didactic games;
  • outdoor games;
  • reading fiction;
  • viewing illustrations on the topic;
  • observations;
  • excursions;
  • theatrical performances;
  • plot - role-playing games;
  • games - trainings;
  • watching cartoons;
  • work activity;
  • productive activity;
  • guessing riddles;
  • entertainment;
  • leisure;
  • playing out situations of correct and incorrect behavior;
  • meeting interesting people;
  • participation in various competitions;
  • personal example of adults.

Along with traditional forms of education, great attention must be paid to the organization of various types of activities and the acquisition of experience by children. After all, everything we teach children, they should be able to apply in real life, in practice.

A child finds himself in various life situations in which he may simply become confused. Firstly, it is necessary to give children the necessary amount of knowledge of generally accepted human norms of behavior. Secondly, to teach how to act adequately and consciously in a given environment, to help preschoolers master basic behavioral skills at home, on the street, in the park, in transport, and thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

Solving the problems of ensuring a safe, healthy lifestyle is possible only with constant communication between an adult and a child on equal terms: together we look for a way out of a difficult situation, together we discuss the problem, we conduct a dialogue, we learn together, we make discoveries, we are surprised.

To develop safe behavior skills in preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject-based developmental environment in the group. It includes:

1. Safety corner, which contains materials:

- security panel with various types of sockets, switches, locks; street layout with road signs, markings for vehicles and pedestrians, traffic lights; attributes for role-playing games “Drivers and pedestrians”, “Traffic officer”, “Rescuers”, “Ambulance”, etc. Plan diagram of the microdistrict in which the kindergarten is located, marking dangerous areas and places favorable for games ; posters on life safety on the topics “If you are lost on the street”, “Attention! Terrorism! ", "Fire safety for preschoolers", etc.; albums “Medicinal Plants”, “Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms”, “Professions”, “Valeology, or a Healthy Baby”, “If the Baby is Injured”, etc.

Creation of a motor city on the site to use the acquired knowledge in gaming activities.

2. Game library, which contains:

- didactic games “Dangerous - not dangerous”, “Continue the series”, “Name in one word”, “The fourth is extra”, “So - not so”, etc.;

- board and printed games “Basics of Safety”, “Great Walk Around the City”, “Good - Bad”, “Valeology”, “Road Signs”, “Emergencies at Home”, etc.

3. Library, which contains educational and fiction literature, photo albums, illustrations for viewing and discussing various situations.

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of educational work in parole. After all, a range of problems related to the safety of a child cannot be solved only within the framework of a kindergarten, so close contact with parents is necessary. Nothing educates as convincingly as the clear example of adults.

The goal of working with parents is to explain the relevance and importance of the problem of children’s safety, to increase the educational level of parents on this issue, and to outline the range of rules that need to be introduced primarily to the family.

When working with parents, it is necessary to use information and analytical direction: conducting surveys. parent survey; educational direction: parent meetings, workshops; visual and informational direction: organization of open days, open viewing of classes and other activities, information at the stand, moving folders, development of leaflets; leisure activities: joint celebrations, leisure activities, excursions; exhibitions of family creative works, products made from waste and natural materials.


for educators

"Safety during

children's play activities

preschool age"

Golubova Elena Vasilievna

May 2016

A game - An activity that is entertaining and interesting for a child is of great importance for his upbringing and development, therefore it requires constant attention and guidance from adults. The child’s play activities include: role-playing games, dramatization games, games with building materials, didactic, outdoor games with rules. Educators must know and comply with child safety requirements.

What dangerous and harmful factors should children be protected from?

    Children should not be left without adult supervision.

    Incorrect selection of children's furniture, as this can lead to poor posture, curvature of the spine, and the development of myopia.

    Insufficient lighting and ill-conceived placement of “book corners,” corners for board games, corners for visual arts can lead to impaired visual acuity in children.

    The presence of extraneous prolonged noise, loud music, loud speech in the group can cause hearing loss.

    Faulty electrical equipment in group rooms and other premises, which can lead to electric shock to children, fire caused by a short circuit.

    Improper storage and use of piercing, cutting small objects, use of equipment and furniture in poor condition or with defects can cause various injuries.

    Failure by children to comply with the rules of safe behavior when moving from a group to a sports hall, music room or other premises of a kindergarten, especially when going up or down stairs, is the cause of various injuries in children.

    When working with children, it is necessary to use durable, serviceable demonstration and educational handout material that meets sanitary, hygienic, didactic, and aesthetic requirements.

    Toys must be hygienic, not broken, for different types of play activities, allowing the motor load to be balanced in accordance with the season of the year and the age of the children (motor toys, table toys, construction toys).

Children's life safety

during outdoor games

    The teacher must know the health status of the children and their deviations in physical development.

    Outdoor games are played indoors and outdoors during walks.

    Permanent and portable equipment is placed along the edges of the playground to provide space for outdoor games.

    To conduct outdoor games in the group room, you should free up more space, if possible, move tables and chairs apart so that they do not interfere with children’s movement.

    For jumping, crawling, throwing, you need special equipment: hoops, arcs, balls, pins...

Safety requirements before starting outdoor games

    Outdoor games should be included in the long-term plan of educational work, as well as in the work plan for every day.

    Outdoor games are carried out with the entire group of children or with a small subgroup.

    Before starting the game, you should pay attention to the well-being, health status of the children in the group, and the suitability of the proposed exercises for each age group.

    The teacher must know the outdoor games that will be used in working with children well in order to clearly explain the meaning, rules, and movements that are in the game.

    Before starting the game, the teacher must inspect the playground, the room, check the fixtures, fastenings of racks, benches, and stairs. Check children's clothes and shoes.

Safety requirements during outdoor games

    Before the games start, the teacher explains the rules of the game.

    While performing movements, the teacher organizes the children in such a way that they do not injure each other, and insures them depending on the preparation, age of the child, height of the equipment, and complexity of the exercises.

    When performing jumps and dismounts, you should land lightly on your toes, compensating for the body load on your legs by squatting slightly.

    Strictly adhere to the requirements of the curriculum regarding workloads.

    It is necessary to alternate between calm and active games.

    In summer, outdoor games are held in a cool, shaded area of ​​the site. In winter, while walking, you need to use running and jumping.

Post-graduation safety requirements

outdoor games

    Check the well-being of children.

    Collect sports equipment and toys.

    It is forbidden to drink cold water and go outside naked.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

    If the child is injured or the child’s well-being worsens, immediately notify the head nurse.

    Provide the victim with first aid, and if necessary, call an ambulance.

    Notify the manager or methodologist about the accident.

Life safety of children during

walks in the open air

    The walk is carried out daily in any weather, with the exception of adverse weather conditions.

    The duration of a walk in the fresh air must meet physiological requirements.

    Children's clothing and shoes must be appropriate for the weather.

    During a walk outside the kindergarten, the teacher reminds children of the rules of behavior when crossing a pedestrian crossing. Such walks must be accompanied by two adults, who must have a first aid kit and drinking water.

Safety requirements before starting a walk

    To prevent injury, the walking area must be thoroughly inspected. There should be no broken glass, garbage, poisonous plants, or mushrooms.

    Before starting the walk, the teacher must moisten and loosen the sand in the sandbox.

    During the walk, the teacher should see all children in sight.

    The teacher must be nearby during children’s independent active activities using play equipment.

    In the warm season, it is mandatory to have boiled water and adhere to the drinking regime while walking.

    All toys and sports equipment used during a walk must be in good working order and meet hygiene standards.

    After the walk is over, the teacher should lead the children into the group in an organized manner.

From all that has been said, it should be concluded that during a walk it is necessary to organize interesting and useful activities, conduct games and physical exercises, which will eliminate accidents and will contribute to the psychological well-being and full education of each child.


on ecology

"Protect the environment"

Golubova Elena Vasilievna

Senior teacher: Reshetnikova A.O.

The beginning of the 21st century, unfortunately, for us, adults, for parents, for our children, is a time of anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Terrorist attacks with numerous victims of children and the elderly, contract killings, rampant banditry, theft of children, an increase in the frequency of manifestations of the destructive forces of nature, the number of industrial accidents and catastrophes, the lack of skills for correct behavior in various threatening and emergency situations - all or almost all of the above have devalued what is most precious to them. human life. As A.I. Muravykh notes, “ensuring life safety is, in essence, creating conditions in the system under which the action of deterministic or random factors causing the appearance of danger is limited and ultimately leads to a reduction in danger to an acceptable level.”

Therefore, there was a need to find a mechanism for developing in the younger generation a conscious and responsible attitude to the preservation of life and health, to issues of personal safety and the safety of others. Experts from various scientific fields note that education should be such a mechanism. This training should take place at all stages of a person’s life, and should begin from preschool age.

Preschool age is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the child’s physical capabilities, which, combined with increased curiosity and the desire for independence, often lead to the occurrence of traumatically dangerous situations. A huge amount of work on teaching safe behavior is carried out in preschool institutions using various techniques and methods, which helps to gradually increase the level of formation of basic rules of safe behavior for children and the implementation of the correct actions when dangerous situations arise. Also significant is the problem of creating conditions in the family that allow the child to systematically accumulate experience in safe behavior.

How to ensure a safe and healthy lifestyle for our children? A child finds himself in various life situations, the way out of which requires knowledge and skills from him.

In order for the child not to get confused and make the right decision, it is necessary: ​​firstly, to give a certain amount of knowledge about generally accepted human norms of behavior; secondly, to teach how to act adequately, consciously in a given environment or situation, to help preschoolers master basic behavior skills at home, on the street, in the park, in transport; thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

At the same time, it is important to teach the child to explain his own behavior. If he can explain how he behaved, whether it was good or bad, why it happened to him, and how it made him feel, then he will be better able to understand what he is doing wrong. A child who can explain what is happening to him helps us adults understand him better, and therefore eliminates many problems and troubles.

While children are in the caring hands of their parents, adults, and especially children, do not think seriously about safety issues. It is possible to completely protect a child from any incidents provided that adults stay next to him all day, do not leave a single step, and even hold his hand. But soon there will come a time in the life of the family when the child will have to be let go. Is the child ready to take independent steps? Will he be able to protect himself and avoid danger? We need to think and take care of this now, while he is next to us.

Don't waste time! It will be very difficult to catch up with him. Each of our shortcomings regarding issues of personal safety can subsequently turn into disaster. Considering this fact, we will try to give you some tips and recommendations.

To introduce a child to safe behavior, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles:

  1. Sequences: In order to avoid situations dangerous to one’s own life and the lives of other people, it is necessary to form a certain culture of thinking and behavior. This process must take place systematically and sequentially - from the familiar to the unfamiliar, any stage of learning is based on what has already been mastered in previous experience. This kind of work should be done from an early age.
  2. Education by example: Children prefer their observations of the real behavior of adults to boring moral teachings. And if one thing disagrees with the other, then it is difficult to demand that the child follow the rules. The example of elders in developing a strong habit in a child of how to behave in a given problem situation in accordance with the norms and rules of behavior is the main factor in education and disciplined behavior. (For example, vehicle collisions occur when a child and his parents cross the roadway. It is the parents who violate the rules of crossing (they walk in an unspecified place, on a prohibited traffic light sign, in front of nearby traffic, etc.) Therefore, here the child’s own child has an important educational function. example of parents.
  3. Correspondence of the form of education to the age of the child: The appropriateness of this or that behavior should be in the context of the needs of the child, as well as his age-related capabilities. The process of teaching your children should correspond to their age capabilities, bordering on the ways of conveying this or that information in its various forms.
  4. The inclusion of learning in the context of everyday life: Knowledge should become the basis of a child’s life. An essential aspect of learning is the practical consolidation of knowledge. Due to the concreteness and figurativeness of children's thinking, learning should be visual and take place in natural conditions. Adults are obliged to consolidate this knowledge in practice, expanding the possibilities of its practical application. You can include them in educational, active, role-playing and didactic games, problem game situations, etc.
  5. Encouraging the child to take responsibility for his own safety and the safety of others: It is necessary to teach the child to independently assess the situation, since an adult cannot always be near the child. This skill can be facilitated by the responsibility of being responsible for another living being. Naturally, it is impossible without dry rules. But we must remember that a child remembers well only what is emotionally charged for him and can be used practically.

Based on the characteristics of children’s perception and understanding of information, we can distinguish the following types of work in the family to develop the personal safety of children’s behavior:

Familiarization through works of fiction: riddles, fairy tales by S.Ya. Marshak “Cat’s House”, “The Tale of an Unknown Hero”, etc.; poems by E. Khorinskaya “Small Match”, S. Ya, Marshak “Fire”, etc.; stories by V. Galchenko “The Adventures of a Fireman”, B. Zhitkov “First Alarm”, M. Postupalskaya “Forever Alive”, “Stories about Fire” by E. Vasiliev “To avoid trouble, do it right”, S. Oboev “The ABC of Safety” ; looking at illustrations “Children by the fire”, “On the hunt”, etc.; examining posters, sets of postcards, etc. It is very important for parents to talk with their child about the work they read, to clarify the child’s opinion about the actions of the characters.

Game activity: didactic games: “Disorder”, “The ABC of Safety”, “Rules of Etiquette or How to Behave Correctly in Society”, “I am a Rescuer”, “The ABC of Health”, “Guess the Object”, “Draw a Riddle”, “Connect point by point”, “So and not so”.

Outdoor games: “Red, yellow, green”, “Kidnappers and resourceful guys”, “Fire”, “One, two, three, find what can be dangerous”.

Observations and excursions: during them, discuss emerging situations with your child, finding the right way out together with your child.

Of particular importance for a child’s mastery of the ABCs of road traffic are walks between adults and children, during which they can teach the ability to navigate the road environment, understand and comply with safety requirements. For this purpose, it is useful to comment on the path from kindergarten, indicating where and how to cross the street, which side to bypass a standing tram, and draw the child’s attention to areas with heavy traffic, as well as places where public transport stops. Preschool children should develop the habit of staying away from any object that interferes with examining both sides of the road without making sure that the crossing is safe.

Joint creative activity of children and parents. It is advisable to reflect the knowledge acquired by the child in drawings, crafts, and consolidate them in dramatization games and reenactments of problem situations. For example, parents and their child draw a plan diagram of their apartment, find and circle in red pencil what they think are dangerous places, justifying their answers. Consolidating knowledge of traffic rules is possible by taking on the role of a police officer, a vehicle driver, or a pedestrian. Raising children in line with responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, the formation of an understanding of the reality of the problem and the need to comply with norms and rules of behavior is a constant process in which everyone must participate: both teachers and parents. Then the children's lives will be safe.

Consultation for educators “Safety of preschool children”

Social problems of our time especially affect children. Such characteristics of preschool children as receptivity, trust in the adults around them, openness in communication and curiosity determine behavior in a dangerous situation and contribute to their vulnerability. Preschoolers often experience poor development of skills in analyzing the situation and predicting the consequences of their actions. Thus, there is a need to protect children from dangers, without suppressing their natural curiosity, openness and trust in the world, without frightening them and preparing them for a full life. In this regard, it is necessary to search for pedagogical conditions for ensuring the social security of the child.

To solve these problems it is necessary:

Provide an educational and educational influence on children in educational activities and in free activities;

Organize problem and play situations that ensure developmental interaction between children;

Create a developing object-based play environment that encourages the use of familiar rules in independent and joint activities of adults and children.

First, it is necessary to highlight the rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained in detail to children and then monitored for their implementation.

But safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street or at home, so the main task of adults is to encourage their development of independence and responsibility. In this regard, more attention should be paid to the organization of various types of activities and the children’s acquisition of experience. After all, everything that children are taught, they must be able to apply in real life, in practice.

The life safety program includes 5 sections:

Section IThe child communicates with other people.

Section II.Child and nature.

Section III.The child is at home.

Section IV.Health and emotional well-being of the child.

Section VChild on the streets of the city.

Use a variety of methodological techniques:

1. It is advisable to role-play different situations: p the child is home alone; the child is at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child with adults, etc.

2. Study literature on child safety.

Great importance is given to reading works of art, namely fairy tales. Fairy tales are a textbook by which a little person begins to learn to live. The content of fairy tales is the life experience of many generations. In fairy tales we learn the very safety lessons that our children should learn. By listening and “discussing” folk tales with you, playing in them, your baby will easily learn some new situation or problem that a growing person will have to face in real life.

3. Pay attention to the illustrations.

Children have figurative memory. The child’s psyche “safeguards” that what the baby saw will remain before his eyes.

For this section, in our group we have a selection of illustrations, books, and children’s presentations.

4.Ask questions.

If the child cannot speak yet (or speaks poorly), he will still understand you. The point of the question is not even to immediately get the correct answer. The question emphasizes the main thing and makes you think. And this is exactly what you (we) need.

Encourage your child to ask you questions (however, they can do this without any problems, the main thing here is not to stray from the topic).

React emotionally. Young children are able to ask and answer with gestures, sounds, and actions. They react emotionally, and what is lived through emotions remains deeper in us.


A walk is an ideal time to talk to your child about his safety. Of course, 5-7 year old children, as a rule, have difficulty accepting “naked” advice on how to behave in a dangerous situation or how to avoid it. But if we present them, so to speak, “with reference” to specific circumstances...

6. Play is a very important moment in the life of young children.

It is through play that they learn about the world and become accustomed to it. So play together role-playing games, didactic games to develop cognitive processes in children.

You can use the following didactic games:

“Which of these people are your relatives?”

"Who's the odd one out"

"How can you finish a sentence"

“Guess by the sign”, etc.

If you find out that a child did the right thing in difficult circumstances, you should definitely praise him. This will help him be more confident in the future. If a child has done something wrong, there is no need to scold him - calmly explain the mistake he made and tell him about the possible consequences.

Work with children must be carried out systematically. Teaching safe behavior is a job that takes many years. You won't achieve anything here with one or two conversations.

The goal of “safe” upbringing is to instill in the child confidence in his capabilities, that if he strictly follows certain rules of behavior, he will not find himself in a dangerous situation, and if this happens, he will find a way out of it.

Each safe behavior skill is practiced gradually. Check whether the child has understood what you said. Find out what turns out to be unclear. It has already been emphasized that compliance with safety rules should be made automatic. Only then is the child’s safety guaranteed.

So, we can draw conclusions that to conduct GCD on “Basics of life safety for preschool children”, you can use a variety of methodological techniques:





stories from life,

works of art,


drawing on various topics.

Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in extreme situations and learn to make decisions independently and then no trouble will happen.

But we must remember that the main thing is the personal example of parents, educators and just adults.
