Hygienic lipstick with lip augmentation. We enlarge lips at home in different ways

Home recipes and methods for lip augmentation without surgery or injections. How to use cosmetics correctly when doing makeup in order to visually enlarge your lips?

Voluminous, plump lips are the envy of many girls. It is much easier for those with expressive and plump lips to attract attention and win over members of the stronger sex.

Those who are unlucky enough to have naturally voluminous lips can benefit from lip contouring or lip augmentation surgery. However, such manipulations can be quite expensive. The price for lips starts from one hundred dollars.

How to visually increase lip volume without surgery at home?

If you can’t afford salon procedures, don’t despair - there are several ways to enlarge your lips at home:

  1. Lip massage. Lip massage can be performed in the evening before bed or in the morning before work. To do this, apply a little honey to your lips and massage them with a toothbrush. Thanks to such manipulations, blood circulation in the lips increases, and they look more voluminous and richly red. In addition, a toothbrush allows you to clean the surface of the skin from dead tissue, which makes women's lips softer and more tender. After the massage procedure, lips should be moisturized with cream or lip balm.
  2. In addition to massage, special exercises that can be performed at home, at work and even on vacation will help to enlarge your lips. Here is a link to the most effective exercises for lip augmentation:
  3. A variety of balms and lip glosses with substances that help visually increase the volume of the lips. Full details of these funds will be provided below.
  4. Traditional medicine suggests using various masks to help influence the size of women's lips. Such masks may contain petroleum jelly, glycerin, honey and other elements that promote lip enlargement.
  5. Professionally done makeup will also help to visually enlarge your lips. Mastering certain techniques, you can add quite a lot of volume to your lips.
  6. The Internet and other sources of information offer a number of unusual, strange and sometimes somewhat absurd ways to enlarge your lips at home (vacuum cleaner, lid, pump, cap)

How to enlarge lips with makeup?

Any woman who has professional makeup artist skills or simply knows about some tricks of visual deception can enlarge her lips at home.

High-quality makeup can work wonders. With the help of ordinary cosmetics, you can visually enlarge your lips, even out their contour and fill them with color and shine.

There are a number of secrets, knowing which, any woman can, without leaving home, make her lips seductive:

  • Those with thin lips should avoid dark and bright lipsticks.
  • Lipsticks with glitter and pearl will help add volume to your lips.
  • Matte and velvet lipsticks visually make lips look smaller
  • It is advisable to apply lipsticks and gloss on a powdered base.
  • The contour needs to be drawn a little higher than its natural location, but do not overdo it too much
  • It is advisable to immediately paint your lips with lipstick and then moisturize them with gloss.
  • You can use highlights to enhance your lips. To do this, you need to lighten the middle part of the lip with a highlighter, light pencil or eye shadow before applying lipstick. In this case, it is better to make the corners of the lips one tone darker than the central color.
  • To give some relief to the lips and whiteness of the teeth, it is also advisable to slightly shade the line where the lips close
  • It is better to apply the gloss on the lips so that it does not touch the contour - it is desirable that the contour remains dry and matte. If glitter gets on the contour, it will smear it, which will look very unnatural. It will immediately become noticeable to others that the contour is drawn above the natural line of the lips.
  • It is recommended to use a brush to apply lipstick
  • When applying lipstick, it is necessary to overlap the contour pencil. The line drawn with a pencil should not be visible from under the lipstick.

How to enlarge lips with a pencil?

As mentioned above, to enlarge lips and correct unevenness on them, make-up artists first of all use a pencil. There are a number of secrets and tricks that they use in such cases:

  • To add volume to the lips, makeup artists always use a light (white or light flesh) pencil. They draw a line above the contour of the lips along their entire perimeter. Then shade this line a little
  • After the outline is lightened, you need to carefully draw it with a contour pencil or eyeliner pencil to match the color of your lipstick.
  • It is better to outline the contour of the lips with a poorly sharpened pencil. It then turns out softer, which visually enlarges the lips.
  • If you hold the pencil at a ninety-degree angle to your lips, the contour will be clearer and more stable.
  • Many stylists recommend shading the entire lip contour with a pencil before applying lipstick.

How to enlarge your upper lip?

  • Before you draw the upper lip, you must first find its center. As a rule, it is located clearly under the center of the nose
  • If a woman has a defect in the shape of her lips, then she definitely needs to correct it, marking the center where it should be according to the rules
  • The second situation is when the nose is slightly crooked. In this case, you need to skip the previous rule and look for the center according to the symmetry of the face
  • Now you need to draw a bow or semicircles from the center of the lips (it all depends on the natural or desired shape of the lips)
  • The final step will be connecting the tops of the bow to the corners of the mouth.
  • After drawing the contour in this way, it is necessary to shade the entire area of ​​the upper lip, first with a pencil, and then with lipstick, or immediately with lipstick
  • If the upper lip is significantly narrower than the lower lip, it must be moistened with gloss; you can also use the highlight technique

How to enlarge your lower lip?

Increasing the volume of the lower lip is performed according to the same principle as the upper lip. The only difference is that the lower lip can be given relief by darkening some of its sections in the direction from the closure line to the contour. There can be several such dark stripes - from one to five.

How to make your lips look bigger with gloss?

As mentioned above, lip gloss is an excellent tool that helps give lips of any shape additional volume. There are several secrets when choosing and using lip gloss:

  1. Instead of liquid lipsticks, it is better to use glossy glosses
  2. It is desirable that the glitter contains a lot of pearlescent particles that play beautifully and shimmer in the sun
  3. Large mother-of-pearl crystals are only suitable for evening outings, since in daylight such highlights will look out of date and vulgar
  4. To enhance the effect, you can use glitter-plumpers
  5. Double-sided glosses are very convenient. They have a colored base on one side, and a transparent shine on the other, which actually creates additional volume.
  6. Any kind of lip products, be it lipsticks or glosses, should be applied to well-groomed lips

How to enlarge lips with balm?

  • In addition to glosses, special balms can also be used to enlarge lips. Such balms are created on the basis of plumpers
  • Plumpers are substances contained in new generation lipsticks, glosses, balms and creams that can visually increase the volume of lips by exposing them to various irritants. As a rule, such irritants include red pepper extract, cinnamon, ginger, mint, vitamins B and E, and various essential oils.
  • The listed components can cause an additional rush of blood to the skin of the lips, which, firstly, gives the lips a more saturated color, and, secondly, slightly enlarges them
  • However, women with excessively dry and irritated lips should avoid using lip balms. Otherwise, they risk further aggravating the situation and increasing the sensitivity of their lips.

How does lip plumping cream work?

Another effective remedy for lip enlargement is a special lip enlargement cream. Some creams of this type are made on the basis of plumpers and have an irritating effect on the lips, thereby giving them volume.

  • silicone
  • collagen
  • lanolin
  • peptides
  • hyaluronic acid

Unlike the first category, such creams are made on the basis of artificial elements, but their benefits and effectiveness are much greater. In addition, they do not harm the lips, but rather have a positive effect on them.

Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains moisture in the skin of the lips, collagen and other components moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate it. After using lip enhancement cream, lips become firm, smooth and plump.

Lipstick that enhances lips

Lipsticks, like creams, can consist of two types of components:

  • plumpers that have an immediate and short-term effect (with pepper, ginger, mint, etc.)
  • substances that affect the lips gradually and have a longer lasting effect (with hyaluronic acid, collagen, etc.)

How does lip tattoo make lips bigger?

  • Another procedure that is neither home nor complex cosmetic procedures is permanent makeup. This method of lip augmentation allows you not only to visually add volume to your lips, but also to correct their contour and color them in a natural, rich color.
  • Permanent makeup is the same as tattooing, only for a certain period of time
  • During the permanent makeup procedure, a coloring pigment is injected under the skin. With the right selection of color palettes, you can visually enlarge your lips and make them natural, and at the same time even more attractive.
  • Permanent makeup is especially suitable for those who want to correct the shape of their lips and saturate them with color. As a bonus, you can also increase them slightly
  • The effect of the procedure lasts up to five years. Throughout this period, it is necessary to carry out corrections at certain times.
  • Permanent makeup is not as expensive a procedure as injections with fillers (hyaluronic acid), and has fewer contraindications, which is why most women prefer it

Shape of enlarged lips: photo

Lip augmentation using vacuum

How to enlarge lips with a vacuum
  • Today, many manufacturers produce a lot of devices for increasing lip volume using vacuum. One such device is a vacuum massager for lip augmentation.
  • The principle of operation of such a massager is that the lips are placed in a special device in which a piston is located
  • The piston begins to draw air from the body of the massager, thereby creating a vacuum. After the piston has completely sucked out all the air, the lips must be kept in a vacuum for some time.
  • When the suction cup is removed, the lips look many times larger and fuller than usual

However, such creative and extreme methods of lip augmentation also have their contraindications and negative sides:

  1. Young girls are better off doing this procedure under the supervision of their parents, as they risk damaging their lips
  2. When using a vacuum, the skin around the mouth is stretched, which leads to the appearance of additional wrinkles
  3. The use of a vacuum can cause hematomas, bruises and bruises
  4. The effect of such procedures lasts a mere trifle - no more than an hour. This is only enough to make a spectacular photo shoot.

However, is it worth it?

In general, carrying out such procedures is an extremely dangerous thing, so it is better to refrain from such artisanal methods of lip augmentation.

  • The vacuum principle also works with the cap from a plastic bottle or hairspray.
  • The lips are placed in the lid, then all the air is sucked out of it with the mouth. When your lips stick close to the edges of the lid, you need to leave them in this position for a while
  • After removing the lid from your mouth, your lips will look visually larger than before.

How can you enlarge your lips with a vacuum cleaner?

  • Another stupid and rather dangerous way to enlarge lips is to use a vacuum cleaner.
  • Some people manage to insert their lips into the vacuum cleaner tube and turn it on. It is believed that this way the lips should increase significantly
  • This is perhaps the most dangerous and absurd home method of lip augmentation. It is not recommended to repeat it to anyone

Lip augmentation with a cap

Either American or Chinese inventors came up with the idea of ​​using a vacuum in their device. They created a special cap into which the lips are inserted and air is pumped out through the mouth.

As in the case of a vacuum, lovely ladies need to be very careful and not blindly believe advertising. Yes, there will be an effect, but it will be short-lived. In addition, this method of lip augmentation is not entirely safe.

A lip enlargement pump is a type of vacuum massager. Before using it, you also need to apply cream or balm to your lips, and then draw in air. Thanks to the vacuum, the lips swell and increase in volume.

How to enlarge lips with pepper?

Traditional medicine advises using the irritating and burning properties of red pepper to enlarge your lips.

However, it should be said right away that this method is extremely painful and almost unbearable. There are two options for using pepper to enlarge lips:

  1. For the most desperate and patient. Grind a small pod of hot red pepper, add a glass of hot water and leave. We soak a napkin or cotton wool in the still warm pepper infusion and apply it to the lips for thirty seconds. You need to be prepared for the fact that the oven will be very strong, but your lips will also swell significantly from such tests
  2. A slightly lighter option. Mix crushed red pepper with vaseline and apply this mixture to your lips. We endure the unpleasant sensations for no more than three minutes. Remove the remaining mixture with a napkin and moisturize your lips with balm or cream.

  • Dear ladies! All methods that involve the use of a vacuum are not medically approved manipulations
  • Therefore, their use may pose a danger to your health and cause irreparable harm to your lips.
  • It is better to use less radical, less fast-acting, but at the same time safer methods for giving lips additional volume (makeup products, creams and balms)

What is the best way to enlarge your lips: “Before” and “After” photos

Video: How to enlarge lips with makeup?

The modern beauty industry offers girls and women a large number of universal products that help quickly and easily correct facial features. The main advantage of these options is safety and instant action. One such cosmetic product is lip plumper. Most often, the main components of such products are natural extracts that have an irritating effect on the skin.


Lip plumping lipstick is somewhat different from the options that we are used to using to create makeup in everyday life. As already noted, The basis of such products is skin irritating menthol, mint, pepper or hyaluronic acid. Often these components are supplemented with other components.

It is worth noting that lipstick with such a base is the simplest and most affordable option for adding additional volume. The peculiarity of this cosmetics is its safety. Lipstick has a mild irritating effect that increases blood flow, making it possible to quickly and easily enlarge your lips.

Today such cosmetics can be purchased at any specialized store. The cost of products varies - it all depends on the composition and manufacturer of the product.

Lipstick with a plumping effect is best used for thin lips. To achieve the desired volume, it is recommended to apply cosmetics periodically. The active ingredients present in the composition with regular exposure can harm sensitive skin.

Sometimes lipsticks for enlargement need to be used throughout the day. This is due to the fact that some products have a cumulative effect. Others, on the contrary, begin to act immediately after application. If the composition contains a large number of active substances, using such cosmetics you can increase the volume by 15-20%


Lip augmentation using this lipstick occurs due to the composition, which contains natural active substances. Often, instead of menthol, the base of the product includes an equally irritating component - pepper. The disadvantage of this lipstick is that the smell of this ingredient is felt immediately after application. But today, cosmetics manufacturers are trying to improve their creation technology and therefore lipsticks with pepper are supplemented with other aromatic and natural ingredients.

Quite often, hyaluronic acid is used in high-quality plumping lipsticks. Experts note that such a component does not harm the skin in any way, but rather, on the contrary, saturates it with useful components. The composition with hyaluronic acid is supplemented with others ingredients, namely:

  • plant extracts;
  • essential oils;
  • silicones.

Cosmetics contain active substances that have a beneficial effect on blood circulation. Due to such processes, lip enlargement occurs without the use of radical methods.

The best means

Modern cosmetic brands never tire of delighting their fans with various new products, and plumping lipstick is no exception in this case. On store shelves you can find many different options that will help you get the desired volume in a short time.

One of these types is lipstick “100% color” from Faberlic. Cosmetics from this series are presented in soft nude shades, which is a huge advantage. Calm colors add naturalness to the look and at the same time help achieve the desired enlargement effect. The advantage of lipstick is that it perfectly moisturizes the skin during use. Cosmetics are suitable for both hot summer days and cool winter weather.

A good choice for creating everyday makeup is lipstick Avon Mark with 3D volume effect. Cosmetics from this series have an original design. Lipsticks have soft, delicate shades that perfectly highlight a woman's natural attractiveness. The main advantage of cosmetics is that after using it, lips gain volume and look plumper.

One of the most famous modern cosmetic companies is Oriflame. This brand decided not to give up its leadership position and introduced lipstick created using a unique technology - “3D Plumping”. This complex includes natural components, the main one of which is hyaluronic acid.

Which color to choose

You can add extra volume with the right shade of lipstick. Many makeup artists recommend choosing not too bright, but expressive tones, especially for those with thin lips. There are several rules that you need to follow when choosing the right shade.

Those with plump lips should take a closer look at bronze and brown tones. The advantage of these shades is their lightness and unobtrusiveness. Thanks to them, makeup looks natural and attractive.

Those with thin, small lips need to choose light shades that will not look too pretentious. Nude tones will be the ideal choice.

An important point is not only the shade of cosmetics, but also how you apply it to your lips. In this matter, the advice of professionals will help, who use little tricks in order to give the desired volume and naturalness.

First you need to dry your lips with a napkin, then apply foundation. For these purposes, it is best to use high-quality cream powder. Thanks to it, the lipstick does not spread over the lips, and the color looks more rich and expressive. The next stage is contouring. Its color should match the shade of lipstick.

You need to apply lipstick slowly so as not to go beyond the marked contours. After this, the process of applying cosmetics can be considered complete.

You will learn how to visually increase the volume of your lips using makeup in the following video tutorial.

How to choose

When choosing lipstick to enhance your lips, you need to consider several important points. The first thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing is the composition. It was already mentioned above that the products should contain natural ingredients. Color compositions, oils and wax are mandatory components of any type of cosmetics. Sunscreen additives and vitamins should be used as additional components.

It is worth considering that voluminous lipstick contains plant extracts, which cause slight irritation, resulting in swelling. These types include mint, ginger and pepper.

Cosmetics that add volume also contain optical pigments. The principle of operation of these components is to reflect light. This gives the lips a natural shine.

The next important criterion is the type of cosmetics. To enlarge your lips, you need to choose satin lipstick. Lips look much more attractive and seem somewhat fuller. You should avoid matte types, as they rarely provide additional volume. But this option is perfect for creating natural everyday makeup.

Matte lipsticks suit those with plump lips. With the help of such decorative cosmetics you can make an expressive accent in both everyday and evening makeup.

If you are looking for a colorless lipstick, you need to pay attention to a special lip plumping cream. These products contain hyaluronic acid, which adds additional volume. In appearance, this option resembles a regular hygienic lipstick. The product is ideal for caring for sensitive skin. The components penetrate the cells and nourish them from the inside.

Plump lips are always attractive and beautiful. What tricks do ladies go to in order to achieve this desired shape? Someone turns to a surgeon for help, someone gets beauty injections, someone tries it once and can no longer stop, only disfiguring their natural lip shape. But you don’t always need to take such radical measures; you can achieve the desired effect without surgery, with the right makeup and good cosmetics. Every girl's makeup bag contains a pencil, lipstick or lip gloss, and there is so much more that can be found on the beauty market! Why not try lipstick, the manufacturers of which promise to enlarge your lips no worse than a surgeon can do. In any case, if your lips are not too plump, but you want to make them visually juicier without spending money on expensive injections, then lipstick with an enlarging effect is just what you need.

What types of lip plumping lipsticks are there?

In general, all lipsticks produced today can be divided into three groups. The first includes products that enlarge lips due to their visual effect. The second is an increase due to a rush of blood. The third category includes lipsticks that contain hyaluronic acid.

What are the features

If you are not satisfied with the size of your lips, then with the help of proper makeup, all this can be easily corrected. Whatever one may say, decorative cosmetics are a terrible force, just look at what makeup artists create with the help of the most seemingly basic products. With its help, you can not only correct your shortcomings, focusing on your strengths, but also make yourself a completely different person. You can visually enlarge your lips using the right texture and shade. Here, matte lipsticks will not help, but will only tighten the skin and can even create the opposite effect. Make a choice in favor of nourishing lipsticks with a volumizing effect that will do the job perfectly.

How to achieve the desired volume

When choosing lipstick, you will have to pay attention to the composition of the product. The chemical composition should be as follows:

  • Silicones are substances whose task is to fill cracks and wrinkles in the skin by smoothing them out.
  • Also, nowhere without active substances that improve blood circulation.
  • Hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the epithelium and makes sponges juicier.

Of course, it won’t be possible to make lips several times larger, as surgeons do. But using lipstick is absolutely safe, and the visual effect is guaranteed.

Duration of exposure

There are the following components that provide volume over the duration of exposure:

  • An instant result, which is achieved due to the fact that the composition of the lipstick or gloss includes pepper, menthol, ginger, eucalyptus. These elements irritate the delicate and very sensitive surface of the lips. A slight burning sensation is created, a chill runs through the skin, a tingling sensation may be felt, due to this a slight swelling of the lips is created. Usually, after the lipstick or gloss is removed, these sensations go away.
  • The long-term effect depends on the fact that the lipstick contains a protein complex, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. And if in the first case, after removing the lipstick, the effect disappears, then the second option works even after stopping use, all because the skin is nourished, filled with elements, due to which volume is added to the lips.

There are also many tricks that can enlarge your lips quickly and effectively.

How to enlarge lips

Makeup artists know so many manipulations that it is impossible to remember them all. Makeup is a real art, a subtle science, which not every woman can master. Take note of these simple tips:

  • If you have thin lips, then rich matte lipsticks, especially dark shades, will only aggravate the situation, emphasizing their subtlety. You should also be wary of bright red and crimson shades. The only exceptions are glosses of these colors; they look good on the lips.
  • Honey, peach, and caramel-colored lipsticks have an enhancing effect.
  • Pearlescent glosses, which contain reflective elements, visually enlarge the lips.
  • You can adjust the shape and size of your lips using foundation.
  • You can visually enlarge your lips using a contour pencil; the main thing is to learn how to use it correctly. In any case, the pencil should be applied so that it is not noticeable, no matter whether the contour of the lipstick is darker or matches the color.
  • What lipstick color increases lip volume? First of all, this is a pastel color scheme; there is no place for dark and bright tones. Natural swelling is achieved only through an emphasis on naturalness. The color of lipstick should match your skin tone.
  • For those with pale skin, pink and peach tones are suitable, and for tanned ladies - natural beige and caramel.

Proper makeup is the key to success, and you can achieve an ideal result with the help of good decorative cosmetics.

The best lipsticks that plump up your lips

Which lipstick increases lip volume? To choose a truly worthy option and not make a mistake with the choice, it is better to give preference to well-known brands. The best option to find the perfect lipstick that increases lip volume is reviews. Let's turn to lipsticks in the mid-price category.


Two lipsticks that increase lip volume are very popular: maxi-volume with SPF 15 and 3D-fascination. Each series has a large palette of colors. As for lipstick with 3D volume, the result is achieved due to collagen, which fills wrinkles and cracks on the surface of the lips. The composition includes pomegranate extract and jojoba oil - these elements not only moisturize, but also help retain moisture in the cells, which eliminates dry lips. The lipstick is applied without lumps, in an even layer, without a sticky feeling. If you believe the reviews, the lipstick can even survive a meal and remain on the lips.

An equally worthy option from Avon is lipstick with a volume effect. It has a wide palette of colors, despite the fact that makeup artists do not recommend using bright colors to enlarge lips, the series has quite rich and deep shades. The smell is light, not chemical. The lipstick can be layered, thereby making the color more saturated, while the product perfectly moisturizes, lays down in an even layer and remains on the lips for a long time. The main thing is to let it absorb into the lips, this happens within a couple of seconds. To enhance the effect of lipstick even more, it is recommended to apply gloss over it.

Dior Lip Maximizer Collagen Activ High Volume Lip Plumper

Lipstick that increases the volume of lips, Plumping “Dior” has won the hearts of many makeup artists and has firmly settled in the cosmetic bags of modern beauties. This is because it really plumps up your lips, making them look juicier. The color is light pearlescent, almost invisible. Judging by the reviews, the gloss itself smells pleasant, and due to the fact that it contains collagen, the lips are perfectly moisturized, and cracks and folds are perfectly smoothed out. It begins to work on the lips with lightning speed, the skin becomes cold and a slight tingling sensation is felt, and the gloss lasts quite a long time. A small disadvantage of the product is that it is a little sticky, but nevertheless there is no feeling of heaviness on the lips, and this stickiness is practically not felt. The skin becomes smoother and the lips become plumper than usual.

Oriflame Maxi Lip Gloss

A budget option, which is available in two types: soft pink with slightly noticeable mother-of-pearl and completely transparent. According to reviews, you can see that at first the pearl seems even too noticeable, but once it is evenly distributed over the skin of the lips, the gloss takes on a completely different look. After some time, a slight tingling sensation is felt, as if the lips are burning. Plumping Gloss, a lip plumping lipstick, generally copes with its task.

But not immediately, but after a couple of minutes, so don’t get upset right away, but wait until the shine starts to take effect. The option is very budget-friendly, so there’s no need to talk about how long you’ll wear the gloss on your lips. Overall a decent option for the money.

More than half of all girls dream of plump lips. What methods do they resort to in order to achieve the desired result: they decide to undergo surgery, give injections of Botox and hyaluronic acid, etc. In fact, thin lips are not a death sentence. You can achieve the push up effect without even leaving home, using a contour pencil, lipstick and several other makeup products that every girl has in her arsenal.

We will tell you how to visually enlarge your lips at home using cosmetics in our article. Here we will consider what tools will be needed for this.

  1. Preparing the surface for applying makeup. Don't forget to use a scrub to remove dead epithelium from your skin and lips. Even out your complexion with foundation or highlighter.
  2. Shade matters - preference should be given to contour pencils and lipsticks in light shades.
  3. Don't overdo it with volume. The line drawn with a pencil should extend only a few millimeters beyond the natural contour of the lips. Otherwise it will look ugly and vulgar.

Cosmetics for lip makeup

Before you start applying makeup, you need to make sure that all the cosmetics necessary for this are available. Be sure to purchase:

  1. Lip liner. Choosing the right shade plays a crucial role in creating the effect of plump lips. As in the case of clothes, the principle should be adhered to: light colors visually increase volume, and dark colors reduce it. Give preference to beige, light pink, peach or coral shades if you have thin lips, or red and crimson if you have full lips.
  2. Lipstick. Those with thin lips should avoid matte textures. Lipstick with a pearlescent or satin sheen is more suitable for them.
  3. Lip gloss. It's no secret that a moisturized or shiny surface visually increases volume. This is exactly the effect that lip gloss can achieve: transparent or colored. You can apply it directly to lipstick.
  4. Lip varnish is both a lipstick and a gloss 2 in 1. A new product among makeup products has a rich color and is applied directly to the surface of the lips, moisturizing them, enriching them with vitamins and creating a voluminous 3D effect.

Additionally, you will need lip makeup products such as a lipstick brush, foundation sponges and napkins. It is important to ensure that the pencil is sufficiently durable, otherwise the applied contour will quickly be erased.

How to visually enlarge your lips with a pencil

This is the method of applying makeup that professionals use. Using a similar technique, you can enlarge your lips using lipstick in pastel or brighter colors.

How to visually enlarge your lips using a pencil using a technique from professionals:

  1. First, the lip line is clearly drawn using a pencil several tones brighter than the natural lip color, protruding a few millimeters beyond the contour.
  2. Then, several vertical lines are drawn on the lower lip with the same pencil. This will create additional volume.
  3. Particular attention is paid to the corners of the lips, which should also be clearly drawn.
  4. After this, using a thin and flat brush, lipstick is applied to the outlined surface of the lips. The tone of the lipstick and pencil should match or be a little paler.

Lip makeup with 3D effect

Doing such voluminous makeup is not at all difficult. However, in addition to the above cosmetics, you will need a dry pearlescent sheen.

How to visually enlarge lips at home using the 3D effect technique:

  1. First, lip gloss or lipstick of a brighter shade is applied to the lips.
  2. Then a contour pencil is applied along the lip line, matching the color of the lipstick or gloss.
  3. Now the surface is covered with brighter lipstick. Next, you need to blot off the excess with a napkin, and apply pearlescent gloss on top of your lips using a brush.
  4. Now bright lipstick or gloss is applied again to the gloss.

Ombre technique for dramatic lip augmentation

The presented technique will visually enlarge thin lips and emphasize full ones.

How to visually enlarge lips using the ombre technique:

  1. Use a dark pencil to highlight the contour of the lips, slightly protruding beyond the contour.
  2. Next, using at least 2-3 tones, draw a few more lines with pencils below the indicated contour.
  3. Press your lips together for a few seconds to evenly distribute the color on the surface.
  4. Apply pearlescent gloss, which will visually increase volume.

Natural lip makeup

Naturel lips are ideal for daytime makeup. When bright colors are completely inappropriate, natural swelling will emphasize the romance and naturalness of the image.

How to enlarge your lips with makeup so that they look as natural as possible. The sequence of actions consists of the following steps:

  1. Apply a natural shade of lipstick to your lips (you can use a hygienic one).
  2. Powder the surface of the lips and the skin above them to create a smooth, crack-free surface.
  3. Apply a contour pencil of a natural color (or a shade darker), extending a few millimeters onto the border of the lips.
  4. Cover your lips with a natural color lipstick and apply lip gloss on top. It is its radiant effect that will add the necessary volume.

What is a lip plumper

Lately, plumpers have become increasingly popular among girls with thin lips. These innovative makeup products are similar to lip gloss, containing special substances that help increase lip volume. The plumper contains hyaluronic acid, collagen, cayenne pepper, menthol and a number of other components.

It is applied similarly to lip gloss. At first, a slight burning sensation is felt, and then the lips seem to begin to grow by leaps and bounds. This effect is explained by their warming up and increased blood flow. Thanks to the plumper, thin lips naturally become plump and pink. This is one of the most effective ways to enlarge your lips using makeup.

The only drawback of this cosmetic product is its short-lived effect. You should always have a plumper to increase volume with you so that you can quickly correct your makeup if necessary.

All without deception and, perhaps, even without Photoshop. Certain colors, textures, ingredients, and finally, methods of applying lipsticks and glosses can bring you closer to the desired ideal. Celebrity makeup artists know this and successfully apply their knowledge in practice.

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Secret one: the right shades

Black makes you look slimmer, white makes you look fat: this rule applies not only to clothes, but also to cosmetics. Light shades give the lips visual volume, while dark shades make them narrower and flatter. Give your preference to pastel colors in pink, light coral, peach or natural beige tones. Avoid red, raspberry, and orange if your lips are very thin, as bright colors will only draw attention to this part of the face. In this case, it is better to focus on the eyes.

Secret two: the right textures

The texture of the lip product is no less important. If you prefer lipsticks, let them be creamy, satin, pearlescent, but in no case matte or velvety. When the surface of the lips does not reflect light, they appear smaller than they actually are. The best reflectors are lip glosses, especially those with a mirror or wet effect, pearlescent particles, and small sparkles. Apply them alone or over lipstick. You can’t do without such glosses in the new season: from September to February, lips the color of blueberries, wine and chocolate will be especially popular.

If cosmetic layer cakes aren't your thing, try lip varnish. Its advantages are rich pigment, like lipstick, and a 3D effect, like gloss. The formula with polymers and oils smoothes the surface of the lips, providing additional volume. In recent years, these products have appeared in almost all leaders of the cosmetic market.

Secret five: additional tricks

There are several more ways to enhance the push up effect:

1. Draw a “Cupid’s bow” with a highlighter, reflective concealer or pearl shadows.

2. After drawing the new outline, shade the difference between it and the natural outline with a pencil.

3. In the center of the lower lip, place a dot with a lighter shade, clear gloss or highlighter on top of the lipstick. Close your lips.

Secret three: special means


The new contour of the upper lip after correction should resemble the letter “M”. To do this, the “bird” must be as sharp as possible. The M-shape is ideal for creating the image of a vamp.


The shape of an unopened flower bud saves those with long lips, like Julia Roberts and Sofia Vergara. Step back about half a centimeter from the outer corners, and from these points draw lines just above and just below the outline.

It is not difficult to change the shape of the lips only in the case of a flat relief, when the contour does not protrude much forward (example - Monica Bellucci) - the new lips will be impossible to distinguish from the “old” ones. The amplitude of the adjustment should be no more than one millimeter, otherwise the “substitution” will look unnatural. Remember that only the upper lip is enlarged; the lower lip only needs to be adjusted in shape.
