Characteristics of children with different types of behavior. The essence of the concept of anxiety and features of anxious children

Olga Knyazeva
Characteristics of children with different types of behavior

Characteristics of children with different types of behavior Currently, the attention of many psychologists around the world is drawn to the problems of child development. This interest is far from accidental, since it is found that the preschool period of life is the period of the most intensive and moral development, when the foundation of physical, mental and moral health is laid. The future of the child largely depends on the conditions under which it will proceed. At the same time, multiple factors influencing the socialization of the individual are also laid down and formed precisely in the preschool period of a child's development. The development of the psychology of a modern person is laid at an early age and is predetermined by the pedagogical characteristics of the impact of society on him, the impact on him of the people around him and, above all, the people closest to the child, his family. This confirms the role that the psychologist-teacher plays in the formation of personality, the formation of its psychological characteristics. In the upbringing and development of a preschooler, all the factors influencing the child are important - both family education and education in a preschool institution.

Demonstrative children. The communication and attitude of the child to other people during preschool age change significantly. So, in the middle of preschool age (4-5 years), the need for recognition and respect appears and begins to dominate. If up to 3-4 years old children directly enjoyed playing with toys, now it is important for them to know how people around them perceive and evaluate their actions. The child seeks to attract the attention of others, sensitively catches signs of attitude towards himself in their views and facial expressions, demonstrates resentment in response to inattention or reproaches of partners. In children's communication at this age, a competitive, competitive beginning appears. A peer becomes the subject of constant comparison with oneself. Through such a comparison of their specific qualities, skills and abilities, the child can evaluate and assert himself as the owner of certain virtues. This stage is natural and necessary for the development of interpersonal relationships. By opposing himself to his peer and thus highlighting his own self, the child can return to his peer and perceive him as an integral, self-valuable personality. Usually by the age of 6-7 there is an ability to appreciate the qualities and skills of other people, a desire to be friends, help, do something together. However, demonstrativeness is often fixed and develops into a personality trait, a stable character trait. Such children are most concerned with showing their superiority in everything. The main motive for the child's actions becomes a positive assessment of others, with the help of which he satisfies his own hypertrophied need for self-affirmation.

Aggressive kids. What is aggressiveness? The word "aggression" (from Latin aggressio) means an attack, an attack. If you open a psychological dictionary, then in it you can find such a definition of this term. Aggression is a motivated destructive behavior that is contrary to the norms and rules of the coexistence of people in society, causing harm to the objects of attack (animate and inanimate, causing physical damage to people (negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression, etc.).

Psychologists note that there are two forms of aggression.

I. Benign aggression is persistent, non-hostile, self-protective behavior. It manifests itself at the moment of danger and is defensive in nature. As soon as the danger is eliminated, the manifestation of this form of aggression also disappears. Benign aggression can be detected from the first months of a child's life. This type of aggression is necessary for the normal adaptation of the baby to the environment, helps him to learn the world, to assert himself.

2. Malignant aggression is hostile, spiteful behavior that hurts other people. Of course, anger, rage, the desire for revenge can also be a means of self-defense, but they nevertheless bring suffering and pain to others. Malignant aggression may occur spontaneously. This form of aggression does not manifest itself immediately after birth, it is activated in case of causing pain to the child or any unpleasant experiences or sensations. Sometimes we may notice that a child takes pleasure in hurting another.

Surely among the children around you there is at least one child with signs of aggressive behavior. He attacks other children during games and activities, calls them names and beats them, takes away and breaks toys. Sometimes such a child, for no apparent reason, begins to kick a peer playing next to him in the sandbox, swings and hits the first object that comes to hand, pours sand on the head and in the eyes of one of the children. When talking to an adult, he deliberately uses rude language, even if he knows that he will be punished for it. If an adult refuses to buy him a chocolate bar or a toy, such a child can stomp on him with his fists and furiously beat his mother, father or grandmother, while shouting all the offensive and evil words known to him. When one of the children does not give up his place on the swing, an aggressive child may push, hit with all his might, scream, pinch or bite the opponent. In a word, he becomes a "thunderstorm" of the children's team, a source of grief. The children whom he offended are upset, the little aggressor himself, who was scolded or spanked, is upset, and the parents are upset, both of the offended child and the offender. The ruffy, pugnacious, unbridled, rude kid who caused the conflict is very difficult to accept for who he is, and even more difficult to understand.

Aggressive children often cannot assess their own aggressiveness. They do not notice that they instill fear and anxiety in those around them, on the contrary, it seems to them that the whole world: both the surrounding children and adults - wants to offend them. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained: aggressive children are afraid and hate others, and those, in turn, are afraid of them and try to avoid meeting little bullies. This happened in the case of Savely.

The emotional world of aggressive children is not rich enough. The palette of their feelings is mainly dominated by gloomy tones, and the number of reactions even to standard situations is very limited, and most often these are defensive reactions. In addition, children cannot look at themselves from the outside and adequately assess their behavior, especially at an early age.

Causes of aggression.

The reasons can be very diverse. Some somatic or brain diseases can contribute to the manifestation of aggressive qualities. But, as practice shows, in preschool childhood, one of the causes of aggressiveness is a violation of parent-child relationships. Warm relations between parents and the child, adequate requirements for him, consistency in upbringing, consistency of requirements for the baby on the part of all family members are unlikely to provoke aggressive behavior.

The style of parenting in the family plays a huge role, and from the first days of a child's life. Sociologist Mead proved that in cases where a child is abruptly weaned from the mother’s breast and communication with the mother is minimized, such qualities as anxiety, suspicion, cruelty, aggressiveness, selfishness are formed in children. And vice versa, where gentleness is present in communication with a child, the child is surrounded by care and attention, these qualities are not developed in children. If an atmosphere of hostility and intransigence reigns in the family, if mom and dad, mom and mother-in-law, grandparents are in conflict with each other, if reproaches, dull discontent, open outbursts of anger are common in the family, the child is likely to adopt just such a style of interaction with those around you. He simply will not have another pattern for his behavior.

The formation of aggressive behavior is also influenced by the nature of the punishments that parents often choose in response to the manifestation of the anger of their child. In such situations, parents can use two polar methods of influence: either condescension or severity. It turns out that aggressive children are equally common in parents who are too “soft” and who are overly strict.

Shy children.

“Well, what are you afraid of? Tell us a poem, because you know it very well! You can't be so cowardly." At these words, the child shrinks from fear, tries to hide behind someone's back, forgetting everything that he really knows well. But adults try not to notice it. How many mental traumas shy children receive from illiterate, often harsh treatment of adults, while they need special sensitivity and tolerance from those around them. A survey of parents of 3-year-old children showed that some degree of shyness is characteristic of 42% of preschoolers.

How does shyness manifest itself?

Parents encounter this character trait of their children most often in situations when they go to visit with them or host guests. The kid at the sight of strangers becomes shy, clings to his mother, does not answer questions from adults. Shyness can be especially pronounced in kindergarten, where the child has to communicate with different teachers, answer in class, and perform at holidays. Sometimes such children are embarrassed to approach a group of peers, they do not dare to join their game. As a rule, shyness is most pronounced in those activities that are new to the baby. He feels insecure, embarrassed to show his ineptitude, afraid to admit it, to ask for help. In general, a shy child is friendly to other people, including strangers, wants to communicate with them, but at the same time experiences great internal stress. It manifests itself in nervous movements, a state of emotional discomfort, fear of turning to an adult, expressing one's desires. Sometimes such a baby does not respond to calls at all or answers in monosyllables, very quietly, down to a whisper. A characteristic feature of the communication of a shy child is its discontinuity, cyclicality: problems with communication can be overcome for a time when he feels free and liberated, and reappear in case of any difficulties. Observations show that shyness that arose in early childhood most often persists throughout the entire preschool age. But it manifests itself most clearly in the fifth year of life. At this age, children develop a need for adult respect. The child reacts sharply to remarks, is offended by a joke, irony in his address, during this period he especially needs praise and approval. So parents and educators need to behave especially carefully and delicately in relation to a shy child.

Julia Stuchaeva
Characteristics of an anxious and hyperactive child

Anxiety is a state of mental stress

impedes success, slows down activity, worsens its effectiveness. Increased anxiety in combination with uncertainty, when it is accompanied by low performance and negative assessments, it is experienced painfully, especially in childhood.

Typical manifestations of anxiety are:




Passivity and stiffness

Inappropriate reactions

Possible redness, tics, stuttering

Causes anxiety:

1. conditioning by psychodynamic properties (more common in choleric and melancholic people)

2. formation under the influence of the type of family education

3. anxiety generates own experience of failure

4. anxiety can also occur in children with good performance and with a high position in the group (due to the excessive claims of the preschooler and at the same time the fear of not being up to the mark of their own requirements)

Ways to overcome anxiety:

1. try to eliminate the main causes of occurrence anxiety, i.e.

Boost self esteem

Instill confidence

Teach communication and interaction skills with others

Provide conditions for high performance

2. mood child on the emotional state of success ( "Remember, the first time you did well")

3. teach to smile to relieve stress

4. teach children special breathing in the situation anxiety(inhale twice as long as exhale, hold the breath)

5. "mental training"- play the situation anxiety both before and after the action (play strong fear, anxiety, fear)

6. encouragement, instilling confidence (smile, sympathy, pat on the back, pat on the shoulder, etc.)

It is unacceptable to strengthen child's anxiety fear of punishment, as the punishment itself, in addition to the punishment by the grief of the adult himself, so the premonition and fear of it must be eliminated.

Hyperactive children - this type causes great trouble for both parents and caregivers. Children who do not comply with the norms and rules of interaction do it consciously, most often due to ignorance of these norms and rules, some personal infantilism, and also due to the predominance of involuntary forms of behavior. They behave spontaneously, without elementary planning and choosing the best ways to respond. This leads to conflicts with peers and adults, a negative emotional response.

Children with "increased energy" exhibit curiosity, a tendency to experimentation: "What happens if you put a hairpin into a socket?". However, it can be supported, put on "scientific basis", i.e., make it controllable, then many negative phenomena are removed, and the desire to prove oneself and high curiosity will remain and will develop positively.

Tactics of behavior with hyperactive children:

The main thing is to be consistent and constant

It is important to speak slowly and calmly

Continuous pulls and bans should be avoided "Do not dare!", "stop", "it is forbidden"

Separate behavior child that prevents dislike from his personality

Provide hyperactive child strict regimen

Be patient, show and explain several times

If you need to do one thing, remove the rest, so as not to interfere

Give standing orders to the extent possible

Explosion warning signals should be anticipated and recognized

distract child and discuss conflict

Knowing about hyperexcitability child include no more than 2-3 children in the game

You can not regret, tease, be afraid hyperactive child treat him kindly

Coordinated tactics of educators and parents in relation to to kid.

Thus, given the data characteristics, you can build further work with children.

Chapter 1. Anxiety as a psychological characteristic of preschool children

    1. Psychological characteristics of children 6 - 7 years old

Formulation of goals, hypotheses and preparation of material;

Conducting research;

Processing of received data;

Working with children, teachers, parents;

At the stage of formulating the goal, the main methods were chosen in accordance with the requirements that apply to research when working with children of senior preschool age. The time and place of the study were thought out, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of children of older preschool age.

The organization of the study was the same for all pupils.

The room where the study took place was well lit, there were no extraneous irritants in the room: sharp sounds, smells, new objects.

The study was conducted in the first half of the day (from 9.00 to 9.40); work was carried out on an individual basis.

When carrying out methods for studying anxiety, instructions were explained at the beginning of the work. Then, during individual work with the child, all the results were recorded by the experimenter.

After the study, the results were processed, the data for each child were recorded in the Psychological Diagnostic Card; on the basis of which children were identified in need of psychological assistance and correction.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, parent meetings and individual consultations were held with the announcement of the data obtained and recommendations for the further upbringing and education of children.

With the consent of the parents, a correctional group of children was formed, consisting of 6 people (2 girls and 4 boys).

Corrective work to reduce the anxiety of pupils was carried out on the basis of MDOU No. 87 in a room specially equipped for classes and according to a specially developed program (Appendix 6).

The psychological aspect of the content of the program reflects:

Formation of students' ideas about verbal and non-verbal ways of expressing emotions based on the analysis of external signs of people's behavior in emotionally significant situations;

learning to recognize different moods, emotional experiences;

Teaching pupils techniques and ways to reduce anxiety in various situations;

Formation of the pupils' ability to analyze and evaluate their own state and behavior based on the acquired knowledge and skills (self-organization and self-control).

Classes were held 2 times a week (Monday, Thursday), their duration was 25 - 35 minutes; In total, the children attended 10 classes.

During these classes, various types of work with anxiety were used: fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, game therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.

At the end of the classes, a secondary diagnosis of the study of anxiety was carried out, which made it possible to reflect the dynamics of changes in the studied indicators.

Based on the results of the secondary diagnosis, recommendations were given to parents and educators on further work with the pupil.

2.2. Methodical substantiation of the experiment
Today, the attention of researchers to such a stable personality trait as anxiety is relevant. Modern life makes rather high demands on a person's stress resistance, and such a trait as anxiety is increasingly found as a stable neoplasm. Of particular concern is the manifestation of this trait in preschool age.

The effectiveness of a psychologist's help is determined by the correct isolation of the causes of a particular problem. During the initial collection of information, it is important to understand what exactly prevents the child from interacting, since the external manifestations of various problems may have similarities. For example, shyness and isolation. Children with such problems react very painfully to any changes in their lives, experience fear of strangers and new surroundings. However, these are different issues. A closed child most often does not know what to do, and does not want to communicate, he does not need people around him. A shy kid knows what to do, wants it, but cannot apply his knowledge. Most often, adults turn to a specialist only when shyness obviously begins to interfere with them and the child himself: he is afraid of everything that is not familiar to him, refuses to communicate with peers, constantly blushes when they turn to him. Does not answer, even if he knows the answer to the question, cannot do anything in the presence of strangers, tries to find some secluded corner, begins to stutter strongly or non-stop chatting and talking nonsense. The problem is that the fear of the new, the fear of drawing attention to oneself block the development of both the emotional and intellectual spheres of the child's personality. Such children have poor play activity, since even the simplest everyday task is not solvable for them - to approach another, ask for a toy, agree on a joint game.

Anxiety is included in the symptom complex of shyness. According to E.K. Lyutova and G.B. Monina, anxiety develops in children when they have an internal conflict provoked by excessive demands from adults, their desire to put the child in a position dependent on themselves, the absence of a unified system of requirements, and the presence of anxiety in adults themselves. The mechanism of anxiety lies in the fact that the child is in constant expectation of troubles, problems and conflicts, he does not expect anything good from others.

The work of a psychologist directly with anxious children should be carried out in several directions:

  • development of positive self-perception;

  • increased self-confidence and self-confidence;

  • developing trust in others;

  • correcting fears;

  • removal of bodily tension;

  • development of the ability to express their emotions;

  • development of teamwork skills;

  • development of self-control skills;
The main difficulty with anxious, shy children is to establish contact with him, to develop trusting relationships. In this case, there is no need to rush, it is necessary that the child gets used to the psychologist.

Therefore, at first, the psychologist should systematically visit the group, conduct observations, talk with educators, play games and participate in them.

When the child can more or less freely contact the psychologist, individual or group correctional work can begin in the office.

Anxiety negatively affects the course of many mental processes, as well as many personal characteristics of the child.

In this work, special attention was paid to the problems of anxiety and its correction. The measurement of anxiety as a personality trait is especially important, since this property largely determines the behavior of the subject; anxiety does not help a person, but, on the contrary, begins to interfere with his daily activities. In this case, anxiety can also affect relationships with relatives, peers, educators, and later teachers of the school. Communication becomes selective, emotionally uneven and, as a rule, limited to the old circle of attachments.

Contact with strangers is difficult, it is difficult to start a conversation, confusion and inhibition easily arise when suddenly asked.

Thus, the study of anxiety and its correction provide extensive material for further study of this problem.
In this work, a preparatory group was taken to study the level of anxiety. 20 pupils of the group took part in the diagnostics. The study took place in several stages:

  • selection of diagnostic methods that are intended for
children of preschool age;

  • an interview with parents on issues related to the possible anxiety of their children, tk. children's anxiety can also be the result of a symbiotic relationship between a child and parents, when parents try to protect their children from the difficulties and troubles of life;

  • diagnostics of pupils;

  • interpretation of results;

  • definition of a group of anxious children;

  • selection, systematization of correctional programs;

  • correctional work with children;

  • re-diagnosis;

  • recommendations to educators, parents;

At the first stage of material selection, the following diagnostic methods were determined:

  1. Diagnosis of school anxiety - this method belongs to the projective type. Designed for ages 6-9. Experimental material - two sets of 12 drawings sized 18 x 13 each. Set "A" was for girls, set "B" for boys. The technique was carried out with each child individually. The requirements for conducting are standard for projective methods.
Instruction: Think of a story from the pictures. The pictures are quite unusual. They don't have faces. This was done on purpose, in order to make it more interesting to invent. It is necessary to come up with what mood the boy (girl) has, and why it is.

As a result children's answers were evaluated for all pictures - the general level of anxiety was diagnosed according to "unfavorable" answers, characterizing the mood of the child in the picture as sad, sad, angry, boring. Anxious can be considered a child who gave 7 or more of these answers out of 10.

  1. Projective test "Non-existent animal ". In this technique, children were asked to draw an animal that does not exist in the world. It doesn't matter how well you draw. Draw how you imagine such an animal. Give him a name, tell him."
At the end of the task, the child was asked the following questions: - “What is his name?”, “Where does he live?”, “Is he good or evil?”, “What does he eat?”, “Does he have friends?”, “What kind of animal dream?

Result was evaluated by the position of the drawing on the sheet, by the location of the figure on the sheet, head turn, drawing (eyes, mouth, ears) on the head, parts that rise above the level of the figure (wings, legs, tentacles, carapace details, feathers, etc.)

  1. Methodology "Cheerful - sad ". The child was offered six drawings depicting children in various situations related to school and learning.
The child is asked to describe what, in his opinion, the expression on the faces of the children in the pictures should be - cheerful or sad, and explain why. If the child says “I don’t know”, then additional questions are asked: “What do you think is happening here? Who is pictured here?

According to the children's answers, they interpret results.. Responses that describe a cheerful or serious child reflect the child's positive attitude and were rated as emotional well-being.

If the child gave 5 - 6 "anxious" answers, then this indicates that he has a "painful" attitude towards being in the garden, "school", for him this stage of life is associated with strong emotional experiences.
According to the results diagnosis, a group of anxious children was identified in the amount of 6 people.
With parents These children were interviewed and general recommendations were given to all parents on the relationship with the child.

It was said that one should not “tie” a child to oneself, protecting it from imaginary, non-existent dangers. If this is present in the family, then the child experiences anxiety when left without a mother, is easily lost, worried and afraid. Instead of activity and independence, passivity and dependence develop.

In cases where upbringing is based on excessive demands that the child is unable to cope with or copes with difficulty, anxiety can be caused by the fear of not coping, of doing the wrong thing.

Often, parents cultivate the “correctness” of behavior: the attitude towards the child may include strict control, a strict system of norms and rules, deviation from which entails censure and punishment.

Next step experiment assumed selection of corrective programs adapted for children 6-7 years old, which would create optimal conditions and opportunities to reduce children's anxiety levels.

The literature on the correction of anxiety was studied, which made it possible to select programs y, which would answer the following tasks:

  • to develop in the child the ability to be aware of his fears and anxieties, and through his own effort to learn to overcome them;

  • to teach the child to feel the reliability and safety of what is happening around him;

  • develop basic communication skills;

  • develop self-confidence;
Corrective work was carried out twice a week for 35-45 minutes. Classes were group, where children interacted not only with the teacher - psychologist, but also with each other.

The specificity of this form of work was the purposeful use of group dynamics, i.e. the totality of relationships and interactions that arise between group members.

However, two sessions were held with pupils individually, since I believe that with such psycho-correction the result is deeper, due to the fact that all the attention of the psychologist is directed to only one person.
In the course of psycho-correctional work, such a technique was used as sand therapy, it is becoming more and more popular in psychological practice.

Sand for children is a natural material, and communication with it is necessary. Playing with sand and small objects, the child enters into a dialogue with the world around him, and in response, he reveals his secrets to him.

So , for example, Nastya Z. when she saw the sandbox, she became interested in it. After getting to know her and the figurines, she spontaneously started create my own composition. First, a pit was dug in the center.

This is the sea, - said Nastya.

There are five sunbathing babies along the shore.

These are children who ran away from their parents and have fun while their parents are looking for, - says Nastya.

From the sea there was a path to the house, near which there was a figure of a man.

He looks into the distance and looks for children, - says Nastya. “The adults went to the sea and saw their babies,” she continues, “but one mother never found her little baby. She was upset because she thought he drowned. She sat down by the shore and wept for a long, long time. But suddenly a terrible wind came up, raised the sand and buried her there.

And then Nastya spoke. No, it was not like that, he went into the forest, and his mother found him there.

Nastya, creating a picture, simultaneously commented on it and herself changed the creation of sand therapy.

At that moment, Nastya was experiencing anxiety, as it turned out at that time there was a relationship problem with her mother, who is a significant figure for Nastya.

In the sand painting, the desire to “run away” from the mother (baby dolls playing on their own) was actualized. And on the other hand, there was a feeling of control on the part of adults (the children were “looked out” and found).

I think that this was the starting point on the part of Nastya for her harmonization.
Was also used fairy tale therapy. This is a method where a fabulous form was used to integrate the personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, improve interactions with the outside world.

For example, children were offered to work with the fairy tale "Cloud". Almost all children took an active part in the discussion of the fairy tale. They answered questions with interest, revealed the concept of "nobility", talked about the qualities that people possess. They talked about their qualities, and about the qualities of each other.

Such therapy helped children increase their self-esteem, developed the ability to conduct a dialogue, and reduced personal anxiety. The children became more self-confident.
Game therapy.

In the process of playing activity, the game influenced children, contributed to the creation of close relationships between group members, relieved tension, increased self-esteem, and removed the danger of socially significant consequences.

The game helped the child to acquire certain skills in their activities, including communication, helped to learn social norms of behavior, improve their emotional state.

And parents were offered to carry out such game therapy at home, by the parents themselves, the benefits of this will be more obvious. After all, not only the child will change; Parents change, relationships between children and parents change. Parents understand children better.

And the game allows you to survive traumatic life circumstances in a child in a lighter form.

Parents were offered games:

"Brave Mice"

A cat and a mouse are selected. The cat sleeps in the house, the mouse runs and squeaks. The cat wakes up and catches up with the mouse. The mouse can hide in the house. Then they switch roles.


A sheet is put on the leader, he becomes a ghost, runs after the other players and scares them with loud cries: “U-u-u ...” The one he caught becomes the leader.

"Bee in the Dark"

The adult pronounces the text, and the child performs the actions: “The bee flew from flower to flower (chairs and sofas are used as flowers). When the bee flew in, ate nectar, she fell asleep in a beautiful flower (under a chair or table). Night fell, and the petals of the flower began to close (a chair or table is covered with a dark cloth). The sun rose (the material is removed), and the bee again began to have fun, flying from flower to flower. The game can be repeated by increasing the density of matter, i.e. degree of darkness.

"Owl and hares"

The game must be played in the evening, in order to be able to create darkness. The light must be dimmed gradually.

An owl and hares (or a hare) are selected. When the light is on (day), the owl sleeps and the hares jump. When the light turns off (night falls), the owl flies out, looking for hares and shouting: “Oo-o-o.” The rabbits freeze. If an owl finds a hare, it becomes an owl.

In the classroom, I used music therapy, which also contributed to the correction of emotional deviations, anxiety, deviations in behavior. Relaxation exercises were carried out.

To reduce the feeling of anxiety, parents were recommended to purchase audio cassettes, CDs with traditional classical music.

For example, to reduce feelings of anxiety and uncertainty - Chopin's Mazurka, Strauss's Waltzes, Rubinstein's Melodies.

The method used art therapy- this is one of the most productive and indispensable ways in psychological work with children.

This method is used for psycho-correction with artistic techniques, such as drawing, modeling.

While drawing, the opportunity was offered to play through the situation of anxiety through drawing. After all, it is he who can tell more than the child himself.

Working on the drawing helped to express the feelings of the child, relieve internal tension.

By results of corrective work individual consultations were held with the parents of each child. A conversation was held on how to continue work to relieve anxiety in the family circle. Recommendations were made individually for each child.

A conversation was held with educators regarding the children of this group of children. Recommendations for working with this group of children were also issued.

In the future, it is planned to continue monitoring the children of this group by a teacher-psychologist.
All methods of psycho-correction of anxiety required the psychologist to be able to individually select one or another method of working with a child, taking into account the peculiarities of his age-related development and without harming his mental and physical health. And this was possible, since repeated diagnostics showed significant dynamics in the removal of anxiety in children. (see tables, diagrams).
In the course of psycho-correctional work, the characteristics of children were revealed. Each parent was given recommendations individually, on the further trajectory of behavior and interaction with children.

2.3. Dynamics of changes in anxiety in children aged 6-7 years based on the results of corrective work
At the beginning of remedial classes, the pupils had the results in terms of anxiety, shown in Table 1.
Table 1 - Table of results of the input diagnostics of pupils

correction group.

I.F. child

garden number

Personal anxiety

interpersonal anxiety

school anxiety


Egor B.






Nastya Z.






Timur G.






Vova S.






Diamond G.






Diana W.





The table shows the designations:

N - low level of anxiety;

C - average level of anxiety;

B - high level of anxiety;

During the course of the program, there were identified

the following psychological characteristics of children:
Egor P. is an active, agile, somewhat aggressive child towards boys; at the same time attentive to girls; pronounced fear of interaction with children in a group, especially with leaders and with a teacher in preparatory classes for school; in the group, he most often initiated various games and ways of solving problems; of the correction methods, he responded positively to outdoor games, sand therapy and fairy tale therapy;

Nastya Z. - has pronounced features of a melancholic; enthusiastically starts work, but quickly gets tired, becomes apathetic, requires constant positive support and evaluation; little contact; prefers to work alone; at the beginning of a new task, a pronounced, pronounced anxiety is noted; in his work he gives preference to various forms of art therapy;

Timur G. - shy, calm; in outdoor games it is revealed, it can be a leader; personal anxiety is more provoked by self-doubt; in work, preference is given to outdoor games; in tasks that require paying attention to oneself, he has complexes, sometimes refuses to complete the task;

Vova S. - reacts to the beginning of a new lesson with increased anxiety, but then quickly adapts; quick-witted, one of the first to complete tasks; reasonable, the guys listen to modeling from plasticine.

Diamond G. - movable; active, seeks to take a leadership position, but he rarely succeeds, which makes the boy nervous; inattentive, performs the instruction only with 2 - 3 repetitions; cocky, provokes others to aggressive behavior; among working methods, preference is given to outdoor games and drawing; likes to talk about himself, takes an active part in the discussion;

Diana V. - demonstrative, likes to talk about herself, in communication chooses 2 - 3 guys over whom she feels superior, mobile, emotional; the greatest anxiety is caused by communication with the educator and parents; prefers to work alone, associated with drawing.

At the end of the classes, in addition to the implementation of the main anxiety reduction program, methods for assessing the effectiveness of corrective work were included. These methods were carried out on an individual basis with pupils, the results were recorded by a psychologist in specially prepared forms.

Thus, according to the results of the control diagnostics, the results reflected in Table 2 were obtained:

Table 2 - Summary table of the results of the control diagnostics of students in the correctional group:

I.F. child

garden number

Personal anxiety

interpersonal anxiety

school anxiety


Egor B.






Nastya Z.






Timur G.






Vova S.






Diamond G.






Diana W.





Analysis of the level of anxiety in the input diagnostics of pupils of the correctional group

Analysis of the level of anxiety in the control diagnostics of pupils of the correctional group

Thus, according to the results of corrective measures, 87.8% of the pupils have a positive trend in changes in anxiety.
Nastya Z., Timur G., Almaz G., Diana V. Significant changes in interpersonal relations are noticeable, the guys have become more tolerant of the shortcomings of others, bolder in building new relationships. Thanks to a thorough analysis of various school situations that caused anxiety among the children, there was a decrease in this indicator in 57% of cases.

At the same time, % of the guys (person) experienced only a partial decrease in anxiety. Egor B. showed a decrease in interpersonal anxiety, while personal anxiety remains at the same level, which, in our opinion, is due to unstable self-esteem and self-doubt. Almaz G. showed a decrease in school anxiety, but the indicators of personal and self-assessment anxiety remained at the initial level.

Thus, based on the results of correctional work, in order to consolidate and improve its results, the children and their parents were given the following recommendations.

Thus, according to the results of correctional work in order to consolidate and improve its results, children and their parents were given the following recommendations:

Egor B., Nastya Z. - visiting any sports section, swimming pool or dancing in order to relieve tension and relaxation; compliance with the regime and rest;

Almaz G. - compliance with the regimen, planning the daily routine of the child; mandatory positive reinforcement of behavior and activities; it is possible to repeat the course of remedial classes to reduce anxiety;

Vova S., Timur G. - compliance with the regime, a rational combination of physical and mental labor in order to increase efficiency; constant positive reinforcement of labor results; Diana V. - work with dignity, self-confidence; continuous positive reinforcement regarding the success of the child.

Preschool, primary school age is one of the most problematic ages in psychology. At this age, children, most of all, are prone to experiencing anxiety, anxiety, and are capable of aggressive actions in connection with this. Therefore, it is important to prevent such an attitude of children to the world around them. This requires a detailed study of these phenomena and the development of ways to overcome them.

Considering the relevance of the problem of anxiety and its correction, the theoretical foundations of this topic, in this work the hypothesis put forward was confirmed by 89% (in 5 cases out of 6). When considering the dynamics of changes in anxiety, it was found that the indicators of anxiety in all parameters: personal, school, interpersonal, changed their values ​​in the direction of their decrease.

Partial confirmation of the hypothesis indicates the correctness of the chosen direction in the work, but at the same time requires further enhanced theoretical and practical development in the field of anxiety characteristics and its correction.

Anxiety is an individual psychological feature, when a person is very worried about minor reasons, danger is constantly expected. It is also a negative emotion associated with personality traits, temperament or a weakened nervous system. In anxious kids, adaptation in the team is disrupted, which breaks their happy existence. Are parents able to help their child on their own or do you need professional help? Let's figure it out.

Child anxiety is one of the problems of the modern world. It is manifested by fear of changing living conditions or situations. Anxiety is a persistent constant worry that does not go away, such as the fear of the dark with the onset of the day. The child is shy, cannot adapt to an unusual environment, is afraid of strangers, he is afraid of a new team. This condition affects the development, psychological balance, health of a small person, he has great difficulties in communication.

Specialists in child psychology believe that among kindergarteners and younger schoolchildren, male children are more likely to suffer from anxiety, and women over the age of 12 years old. Having committed some kind of misconduct, girls are more worried about relationships (what adults or girlfriends will think), and boys are worried about possible punishment.

Anxious child finds it difficult to adjust to unfamiliar surroundings

Causes and factors for the appearance of an increased level of anxiety

The causes of anxiety syndrome in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren can be:

  • violation of relationships, dysfunctional family situation, divorce of parents;
  • improper upbringing (high expectations, pressure on the child, humiliation of the individual, conflicting demands);
  • heredity or birth trauma, diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy;
  • diseases or infections that occurred in infancy.

Types and types of anxiety: situational, personal, separation

Experts distinguish two main types of anxiety:

  • situational - associated with some event that happened to the child, shocked him and left a negative imprint on the behavior of the baby. She is correctable. Try to avoid such situations by talking, explaining to the baby why and how this happened;

    The first visit to kindergarten or school can also lead to the development of situational anxiety. Children, getting used to new conditions of life, show irritability, emotional excitability, act up. After a certain period of adaptation (from a month to six months), everything usually returns to normal.

  • personal - often transmitted and adopted from parents, in particular, a nervous and restless mother, but it can also be an innate feature of the psyche and temperament. This applies to children - pessimists and melancholic.

There is also such a thing as separation anxiety - the fear of separation from relatives or a place to which the child is emotionally attached. Her first signs appear in most babies: the little one gets scared and cries if the mother simply disappeared from his field of vision. Usually, with the passage of time and with the right behavior of the parents, this disappears by two years. You need to accustom your child to begin with short partings. Further, to ensure that he can independently engage in toys, calmly and without tantrums to stay with other adults.

It's hard for kids to let go of their mother

To prevent such anxiety from becoming lingering, you need to:

  • if the baby bursts into tears, sit down next to him, hug him, comfort him in a calm voice, calm him down, but not grab him in his arms;
  • distract when the child stops crying;
  • play hide-and-seek and peek-a-boo so that the child gets used to the short-term absence of the mother;
  • leaving to say goodbye to him, waving his hand, explaining where mother went and when she would return.

Aggressive disposition, shyness, impulsive behavior and other signs of the onset of the disorder: a portrait of an anxious child

It is impossible not to pay attention to the increased anxiety of children: this condition will not go away on its own, but will only get worse. The constant anxiety of the child and the fear of seemingly ordinary things is a signal that there are violations in his life.

Symptoms to look out for:

  • low self-esteem, timidity, lack of confidence in themselves and their intellectual abilities (they think that they will not succeed, they are not beautiful and smart enough), an inferiority complex;
  • complete humility or absolute uncontrollability, demonstrative rudeness, excessive touchiness;
  • refusal to play something new, to do something unusual;
  • neuroses (nail biting, hair pulling);
  • somatic (nervous) problems (dizziness, weakness, cramps in the throat, shortness of breath, palpitations);
  • isolation, lack of communication, secrecy, constant expectation of something bad, depressive behavior;
  • tearfulness, fearfulness and absent-mindedness;
  • trouble falling asleep and restless sleep.

If the situation is serious, you need to seek advice from a specialist who will talk with the baby and his parents, create a psychological portrait of the child, and conduct tests to determine the degree of anxiety.

Tests for observations and conversations in order to determine the level of anxiety

There are a sufficient number of tests (in the form of questionnaires or drawings) that will help identify an anxious child.

Questions for Parents of Preschoolers

The fear of separation from parents often appears in children in kindergarten. It is accompanied by constantly recurring, excessive:

  • frustration, sadness at parting;
  • anxiety about loss, that an adult might feel bad;
  • fear that some event will lead him to a break with his family;
  • refusal to go to kindergarten;
  • fear of being alone;
  • fear of falling asleep alone;
  • nightmares in which the child is separated from someone;
  • complaints of malaise (headache, abdominal pain).

Children with separation anxiety can get really sick when they think too much about what is bothering them. If during the month of observations at least three of the listed fears appeared, then anxiety has a place to be.

Diagnosis of anxiety in children of primary school age (grades 1-4)

  1. Cannot work for a long time without getting tired.
  2. It's hard for him to focus on anything.
  3. Any task causes unnecessary anxiety.
  4. During exercise, he is very tense, constrained.
  5. Embarrassed more often than others.
  6. Often talks about stressful situations.
  7. As a rule, blushes in unfamiliar surroundings.
  8. Complains that he has terrible dreams.
  9. His hands are usually cold and damp.
  10. He often has an upset stool.
  11. Sweats profusely when excited.
  12. Does not have a good appetite.
  13. Sleeps restlessly, falls asleep with difficulty.
  14. Shy, many things cause him fear.
  15. Usually restless, easily upset.
  16. Often unable to hold back tears.
  17. Doesn't handle waiting well.
  18. Doesn't like to take on a new job.
  19. Unsure of himself and his abilities.
  20. Afraid to face difficulties.

The number of affirmative answers shows the degree of anxiety of the child. High - from 15 and more, average 7-14, low 1-6.

CMAS Explicit Anxiety Scale for schoolchildren up to adolescence

This is a kid-friendly version. The guys must characterize each sentence as true or false immediately, without thinking for a long time. You cannot answer the same question twice.

The test is carried out by psychologists with groups of children, for younger students it is preferable to have an individual conversation, if the baby does not read well, the survey is conducted orally.

CMAS (The Children's Form of Manifest Anxiety Scale) is a test for detecting the degree of anxiety in schoolchildren aged 8–12.

Questionnaire for identifying fears and anxiety-phobic disorders

  1. It's hard for you to think of just one thing.
  2. It makes you uncomfortable if someone watches you when you are doing something.
  3. You really want to be the best in everything.
  4. You blush easily.
  5. Everyone you know, you like.
  6. Often you notice that your heart is beating fast.
  7. You are very shy.
  8. Sometimes you want to be as far away from here as possible.
  9. You feel like others are doing better than you.
  10. In games, you like to win more than lose.
  11. Deep down inside you are afraid of many things.
  12. You often feel that others are unhappy with you.
  13. You are afraid to be alone at home.
  14. It's hard for you to decide on anything.
  15. You get nervous if you can't do what you want to do.
  16. Often something torments you, but you can’t understand what.
  17. You are always polite to everyone.
  18. You worry about what your parents will tell you.
  19. It's easy to piss you off.
  20. Often you find it difficult to breathe.
  21. You always behave yourself.
  22. Your hands are sweaty.
  23. You need to go to the toilet more often than other children.
  24. The other guys are luckier than you.
  25. It matters to you what others think of you.
  26. You often have difficulty swallowing.
  27. Often worried about what, as it turns out later, did not matter.
  28. You are easy to offend.
  29. You are constantly tormented by whether you are doing everything right, the way it should be.
  30. You never brag.
  31. You are afraid that something might happen to you.
  32. It's hard for you to sleep at night.
  33. You worry a lot about grades.
  34. You are never late.
  35. You often feel insecure about yourself.
  36. You always speak the truth.
  37. You feel like no one understands you.
  38. You are afraid that they will tell you: “You are doing everything badly.”
  39. You are afraid of the dark.
  40. You find it difficult to concentrate on your studies.
  41. Sometimes you get angry.
  42. Your stomach often hurts.
  43. You get scared when you're alone in a dark room before going to bed.
  44. You often do things that shouldn't be done.
  45. You often have a headache.
  46. You're worried that something will happen to your parents.
  47. You sometimes don't keep your promises.
  48. You are often tired.
  49. You are often rude to parents and other adults.
  50. You often have nightmares.
  51. You feel like the other guys are laughing at you.
  52. Sometimes you lie.
  53. You are afraid that something bad will happen to you.

Method of calculation of results

After filling out the form, the result is studied by professional psychologists.

  1. Data are calculated on the subscale of social desirability (the tendency to present oneself in a predominantly favorable light):
    • answer “true” to questions 5, 17, 21, 30, 34, 36;
    • "wrong" - 10, 41, 47, 49, 52.

      The total number of answers should not exceed 9. This or a higher result indicates that the child answered unreliably, his remarks may be distorted under the influence of the desire to hide his shortcomings, to please, to guess the correct option.

  2. The answers are considered “true” on the anxiety subscale (manifestation of fears in different situations) for items: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12.13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53.

The amount received is a preliminary analysis. Further, the data is processed by specialists.

Initial stage.

  1. Sheets in which the answers are the same (all “true” or “false”) are viewed and selected, this is a dubious result.
  2. Errors are studied: double options, omissions, strikethroughs, reasoning. No more than three mistakes are allowed. If there are five or more of them, then it is difficult for the child to make a choice or he avoids answering, which is interpreted as hidden anxiety.

Main stage.

  1. Data are read on subscales of social desirability and anxiety.
  2. Grades are translated into a ten-point scale. To do this, the results of each child are compared with the normative indicators of a group of children of the corresponding age and gender.
  3. Based on the information received, a conclusion is made about the level of general anxiety of the subject.

The level of anxiety in boys and girls on a ten-point scale - table

Gender and age groups (results in points)
7 years 8–9 years old 10–11 years old 12 years old
girls boys girls boys girls boys girls boys
1 0–2 0–3 0 0–1 0–3 0–2 0–6 0–5
2 3–4 4–6 1–3 2–4 4–7 3–6 7–9 6–8
3 5–7 7–9 4–7 5–7 8–10 7–9 10–13 9–11
4 8–10 10–12 8–11 8–11 11–14 10–13 14–16 12–14
5 11–14 13–15 12–15 12–14 15–18 14–16 17–20 15–17
6 15–18 16–18 16–19 15–17 19–21 17–20 21–23 18–20
7 19–21 19–21 20–22 18–20 22–25 21–23 24–27 21–22
8 22–25 22–24 23–26 21–23 26–28 24–27 28–30 23–25
9 26–29 24–26 27–30 24–26 29–32 28–30 31–33 26–28
10 29 and over 27 and over 31 and over 27 and over 33 and over 31 and over 34 or more 29 and over

Characteristics of all levels of childhood anxiety from high to low - table

Preliminary evaluation of results Characteristic Note
1–2 The state of anxiety is not characteristic of the subject Such excessive calmness may or may not be protective.
3–6 Normal level of anxiety The usual degree of anxiety necessary for adaptation and vigorous activity
7–8 Slightly increased anxiety Slightly elevated step, often associated with a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife
9 Clearly high anxiety Usually generalized.
10 Very high anxiety Risk group

The study of the state of the child on the scale of anxiety Kudrin

The student evaluates the proposed statements by putting:

  • "++" if the described circumstances are very unpleasant for him (3 points);
  • "+" - a little unpleasant (2 points);
  • "0" - does not cause excitement at all (0 points).

This method shows the child's attitude to himself, situations related to learning, communication with teachers and peers.

  1. Answer at the blackboard in class.
  2. Your mom or dad scolds you.
  3. Meet the kids from school.
  4. You will go, and guests to strangers.
  5. You are left alone at home.
  6. You come and talk to the teacher.
  7. You can't do your homework in class.
  8. You compare yourself to other guys.
  9. You think about your business.
  10. They look at you like you are small.
  11. You often cry.
  12. Your teacher suddenly asks you a question in class.
  13. No one pays attention to you in class when you did a good, beautiful job.
  14. Disagree with you, argue with you.
  15. You meet with older guys in the courtyard at the entrance.
  16. They do not pay attention to you when you do something, play.
  17. You have terrible dreams.
  18. The teacher gives a difficult task.
  19. You choose the main roles in the game.
  20. Evaluate your work at home or the guys.
  21. You don't understand the teacher's explanation.
  22. Children laugh when you answer in class.
  23. You watch horror on TV, they tell you "scary" stories.
  24. Think about what will happen when you grow up big.
  25. Adults (mom, dad, teacher) get angry at you (it is not clear why).
  26. The teacher evaluates your work that you have done in the lesson.
  27. You are looked at (observed) when you do something.
  28. Something is not working for you.
  29. The guys don’t play with you (they never take a game), they don’t make friends with you.
  30. The teacher makes a comment in class.

The results are calculated both for each individual type of anxiety, and in general:

  • 20 points or more in each section (or 60 in total) - high level;
  • 10–15 (up to 20) - the norm;
  • 5 on average is a high point of calm.

The latter situation suggests that the child does not adequately assess reality, does not allow negative experience into consciousness. This interferes with the normal formation of personality.

Working out questions - table

Type of anxiety Test questions
educational 1 6 7 12 13 18 21 22 26 30
self-evaluative 5 8 9 11 17 19 20 23 24 28
interpersonal 2 3 4 10 14 15 16 25 27 29

Pedagogical methods and programs for the correction of anxiety syndrome

Correction of anxiety in children is not an easy and fast business, but painstaking daily work.

Communicating with children should be tactful and trusting.

To communicate with babies prone to anxiety, you need to sincerely, affectionately call by name, approve in public. It is better to deal with them constructively in three directions:

  • help build self-confidence;
  • to teach the ability to control one's state in different situations;
  • show how you can calm down and relieve tension in the muscles.

When working with an anxious child, you should not:

  • question the authority of other adults (teachers, caregivers);
  • make high demands that he will not be able to fulfill;
  • draw parallels with other, more successful students.

It is very important for every crumb to feel protected, to trust relatives and to be sure that he is loved.

Game therapy as a method of psychotherapeutic influence

With the help of play therapy, observing the child, you can understand his worries and overcome them. Children love and want to play, they are liberated and show interest. For anxious guys, you need to avoid competitive aspects (who is faster).

Experienced professionals know many group and individual games to relax, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety.

  1. Breathing game "Ship and Wind" will help cheer up a tired baby. Let him imagine that a sailboat sailing on the sea suddenly stopped. To help him move on, you need to blow hard: inhale the air, and then exhale noisily through your mouth. It turned out the wind that will drive the boat. The exercise is repeated several times.
  2. Playing Bunnies and Elephants raises self-esteem. At first you will be a cowardly bunny. What does a hare do when he is scared? That's right, trembling, show me how. What will the bunny do when he sees the wolf? That's right, quickly run away, show it. Now imagine that you are a big, strong, brave elephant. Show how measuredly, slowly and without fear, he walks. What does an elephant do when it sees a person? Nothing, he is not afraid, but calmly moves on, because people are his friends, show me how. Show me what an elephant does when it sees a tiger? He does not freeze from fear and calmly continues on his way.

Breathing exercises will relax the muscles

Tales to help: features of fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale therapy is an excellent means of soft influence on a child. Children are happy to listen to interesting stories, ask to read at night. They associate themselves with brave heroes, pity the weak. You just need to pick the right ones.

There are special psychotherapeutic fairy tales for getting rid of fear, self-doubt, fear of independent action. You can start a story and invite your child to finish it. Take "Hard Times" for example.

Hares lived in the forest: mom, dad and a hare. One day, a hare-father says to a hare-mother: “Hard times have come. I thought for a long time how we could survive, and came up with an idea. Let's…” What do you think the father hare said?

The continuation, invented by the baby, will help to understand what he feels in his family.

Art therapy to reduce anxiety and calm the baby

Art therapy is an important and effective direction for correcting children's problems. Classes do not require any special artistic skills. The child does as he can and feels, and his works express thoughts and state of mind.

There are many directions in art therapy:

  • isotherapy (drawing your fears on paper, drawing with your fingers, modeling from plasticine or clay);
  • phototherapy (using photographs or slides to overcome emotional difficulties);
  • sand therapy (ordinary games in the sandbox, drawing with grains of sand);
  • music therapy (listening to specially selected music or playing the sounds of musical instruments);
  • dance therapy (the use of dance or movement as a process of combining the emotional and physical state).

In the classroom, children fantasize. The use of improvised means (clay, paints, threads, pasta, cereals, stones and sand) develops fine motor skills. Exercises with music and dancing, singing help to reduce tension, extinguish bad emotions, overcome anxiety. During the process, a preschooler or primary school student learns to communicate with peers, begins to gradually believe in himself, and receives interesting knowledge.

Game as a way of psychological correction of child's behavior - gallery

Anxiety in children with disabilities (HIA)

Specially trained psychologists should work with such children, who help not only their little patients, but also conduct trainings for their parents, as they live in a state of persistent anxiety and often despair.

In children with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy), a high level of anxiety is due to limited movements, frequent stays in the hospital, and worries about physical weakness.

In children suffering from mental retardation, anxiety increases at school, as it is difficult for them to match their usual peers. They may not be accepted by the team, it is difficult for such children to cope with the program and sit through the entire lesson. Exaggerated expectations of parents are also traumatic.

  • individual approach to everyone (take into account the characteristics of age, gender, disorders, mental development and condition);
  • inadmissibility of fatigue (frequently change tasks, alternate mental and practical work, submit material in small portions);
  • use methods that activate mental activity (developing speech, writing, reading skills);
  • timely and tactful help, encouragement for the smallest successes, development of self-confidence.

The influence of parents on the occurrence of anxiety, divorce in the family

The family microclimate is an extremely important factor in the normal life and development of the child. For a small person, native people are his circle in which he exists, learns to love or not love, rejoice, empathize.

The influence of mom and dad on the baby is huge, it can be favorable and, unfortunately, negative. Children become anxious if dictatorship reigns in the family, quarrels and conflicts occur, they begin to fear, withdraw into themselves, lie, play around.

The child, of course, should grow up in a complete family, with mom and dad, sisters and brothers, grandparents, where everyone loves him and he loves everyone, and this is ideal. But, unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. The divorce of parents is a disaster for the baby, his emotional and mental state is under threat. Often he blames himself for this: he didn’t obey, he didn’t try hard enough. Moreover, unrest is deposited in the subconscious and negatively affects later life. Mom and dad should get divorced as civilized and intelligent as possible, but if this does not work out, the little one should not hear swearing and insults.

Divorce of parents is a disaster for a child

Psychologists say that after a divorce, children's anxiety intensifies. You need to talk a lot with children, explain honestly, if possible, why this happened.

If the baby stayed with one of the parents, the second should come and spend time with him, and also talk, answer questions, and not just pay off with gifts, because the baby loves both mom and dad. It is necessary to do everything possible to minimize the emotional trauma of the child, otherwise he will not grow up as a happy person.

A boy who was not the Son of the Father in childhood, deprived of his positive influence, may not become the Father of the Son and pass on to him his adequate experience of gender-role behavior and protection from everyday dangers and fears.
In addition, the divorce of parents in children of older preschool age has a greater adverse effect on boys than on girls. The lack of influence of the father in the family or his absence can make it most difficult for boys to develop sex-appropriate communication skills with peers, cause self-doubt, a feeling of powerlessness and doom in the face of danger, albeit imaginary, but filling consciousness.

Zakharov A.I.

Nobody wants their child to become anxious. But it happens that even the most loving parents contribute to this, if they make excessive demands on the baby, which he is not able to fulfill, they want to embody their unfulfilled dreams and aspirations in him. A son or daughter eventually begins to understand that they do not meet the requirements, an inferiority complex develops.

Memo: wishes for parents in matters of education and communication

  1. Understand the child's worries and agree with them. Be interested in how he lives, what he thinks, what he is afraid of, talk about it, discuss current situations together, look for a way out, draw conclusions from the troubles that have happened, because this is how experience is gained. A small person must be absolutely sure that with his worries he can always come running to mom or dad. You need to sympathize, even if children's problems seem like sheer nonsense.
  2. Create conditions, help overcome tightness (if your child is afraid to make a purchase in the store, make it with him, thereby setting a personal example).
  3. Pre-prepare the baby for changes in life and important events, explain what will happen and how.
  4. In difficult situations, do not do everything for your son or daughter, offer to think for yourself, sometimes it is enough that one of your relatives is nearby.
  5. It is impossible to stimulate the child's capacity by describing the expected difficulties in an unfavorable way (for example, emphasizing what a difficult dictation awaits him). Optimism is an anti-anxiety quality.
  6. Talk about your experiences in the past tense (at first it was scary, but then everything worked out).
  7. In every unpleasant situation, find good moments (mistakes in the lesson - it happens, but you understand what to pay attention to).
  8. Teach your offspring to set small real tasks for themselves and fulfill them, bring up responsibility in them.
  9. Show how to relax and calm down (breathing exercises, good thoughts, count to ten).
  10. Hug, kiss, stroke your head more often - everyone needs tactile contact.
  11. Do not undermine the authority of other adults with whom the boy or girl communicates.
  12. Act consistently (do not suddenly prohibit what was previously allowed) and unanimously (if mom says no, then dad, grandmother and everyone else supports her).
  13. Do not demand the impossible, once again help the baby.
  14. Praise any small successes.
  15. Trust the child and be sincere with him.
  16. Choose for him a circle of interests, where he will not feel worse than others.
  17. Punish and reprimand as little as possible. But if such measures are necessary, then do not humiliate.

Parents should try to follow these principles, give the baby some freedom, let him learn to make decisions on his own, but never leave him face to face with difficulties for which he is not yet ready.

Be your child's best friend

Recommendations for educators (educators and teachers) in working with children

  1. Tasks for the student should correspond to his abilities. Complex and obviously impossible assignments doom to defeat, lower self-esteem.
  2. A benevolent emotional background and confidence in the baby are the key to success (you will definitely succeed).
  3. Comparison with other children is unacceptable. You can only compare the achievements of the child himself (you did well, and tomorrow will be even better).
  4. Public speaking or competition is not for the anxious little one.
  5. A detailed task plan will help an insecure kid cope with the task (first you do this, then that).
  6. Humiliation is unacceptable: you cannot shame such a child in front of other children.
  7. Calling by name increases self-confidence.

Pedagogical work, the work of psychologists and parents, the agreement between them and the desire to help will not remain without positive consequences.

How to help an anxious child - video

List of literature on the psychology of childhood anxiety to accompany parents who want to delve deeper into this topic

Many books, articles and scientific papers have been written about the problem of childhood anxiety and how to correct it.

  1. A.I. Zakharov "Prevention of deviations in the behavior of the child." The Russian honored psychologist in his book analyzes the causes of psychological disorders in the behavior of preschoolers, ways to correct and prevent them with the help of games and drawing.
  2. A.M. Parishioners "Anxiety in children and adolescents: psychological nature and age dynamics." The author presents the results of a long-term study devoted to the study of anxiety from preschool to adolescence. The reasons for its appearance and ways of expression in different years of children's lives are considered.
  3. P. Baker, M. Alvord "Criteria for determining anxiety in children." American psychologists have developed a scale of anxiety of the child according to his behavior.
  4. V.M. Astapov "Anxiety in children". Honored scientist dedicated the book to the consideration and analysis of emotional disorders.
  5. L.M. Kostin, Play therapy with anxious children. The publication analyzes in detail the importance of play therapy in the process of correcting psychological disorders, describes ready-made educational programs.
  6. O.V. Khukhlaeva, O.E. Khukhlaev "Labyrinth of the Soul: Therapeutic Tales". The authors have collected a collection of psycho-correctional and therapeutic fairy tales for preschoolers and primary school students.

Works by Astapov, Baker, Kostina, Alvord and other psychologists - photo gallery

Young children are defenseless, they need timely, qualified assistance, which must be provided tactfully and kindly, with faith in success. Adult support, timely counseling from experienced professionals, the implementation of recommendations will help in the fight against anxiety.

Chapter 1. Anxiety as a psychological characteristic of preschool children

1.1. Psychological characteristics of children 6 - 7 years old

Children of older preschool age have already formed a fairly high competence in various activities and in the field of relationships. This competence is manifested primarily in the ability to make their own decisions based on existing knowledge, skills and abilities.

The child develops a stable positive attitude towards himself, self-confidence. He is able to show emotionality and independence in solving social and domestic problems. When organizing joint games, he uses an agreement, knows how to take into account the interests of others, to some extent restrain his emotional impulses.

The development of arbitrariness and volitional beginning is manifested in the ability of an adult to follow the rules of the game. The child seeks to qualitatively perform any task, compare with the model and redo it if something did not work out.

Attempts to independently come up with explanations for various phenomena indicate a new stage in the development of cognitive abilities. The child is actively interested in cognitive literature, symbolic images, graphic diagrams, and makes attempts to use them independently.

Children of older preschool age are characterized by the predominance of socially significant motives over personal ones. There is a gradual resolution of the contradiction between egocentrism and the collectivist orientation of the personality in favor of decentration. In the process of assimilation of moral norms and rules, an active attitude to one's own life is formed, empathy and sympathy develop.

The self-assessment of a child of older preschool age is quite adequate; its overestimation is more characteristic than its underestimation. The child evaluates the result of activity more objectively than behavior.

At 6 - 7 years old, visual - figurative thinking with elements of the abstract develops. Nevertheless, the child still experiences difficulties in comparing several attributes of objects at once, in identifying the most significant in objects and phenomena, in transferring the acquired skills of mental activity to solving new problems.

In an older preschooler, the imagination needs to be supported by an object to a lesser extent than at previous stages of development. It turns into internal activity, which manifests itself in verbal creativity (counting books, teasers, poems), in creating drawings, modeling, etc.

There is a gradual transition from the game as a leading activity to learning.

Thus, the senior preschool age is a period of great changes and experiences in the life of a child, which requires careful study and consideration of each individual event.

1.2. The essence of anxiety in preschool children

Emotions and feelings reflect a person's direct experience of the life meaning of objects and phenomena of reality. Feelings accompany all types of human activity and behavior.

The concept of "anxiety" is multifaceted. It has been noted in dictionaries since 1771. There are many versions explaining the origin of this term. Most studies agree that this concept should be considered in a differentiated way - as a situational phenomenon and as a personal characteristic.

In the psychological dictionary, "anxiety" is considered as an individual's tendency to experience anxiety, characterized by a low threshold for the occurrence of an anxiety reaction: one of the main parameters of individual differences, stimuli acquire an emotional coloring.

According to the opinion, anxiety is defined as the property of a person to come into a state of increased anxiety, to experience fear and anxiety in specific social situations.

interprets anxiety as an individual psychological feature, consisting in an increased tendency to experience anxiety in a variety of life situations, including those social characteristics that do not imply this.

From the definition of concepts it follows that anxiety can be considered as:

Psychological phenomenon;

Individual psychological feature of the person;

A person's tendency to experience anxiety;

A state of heightened anxiety;

At the psychological level, anxiety is felt as tension, preoccupation, anxiety, nervousness and is experienced in the form of feelings of uncertainty, helplessness, powerlessness, insecurity, loneliness, impending failure, inability to make a decision, and more.

At the physiological level, anxiety reactions are manifested in an increase in heart rate, increased respiration, an increase in the minute volume of blood circulation, an increase in blood pressure, an increase in general excitability, a decrease in sensitivity thresholds, when previously neutral.

The concept of anxiety includes the concepts: "anxiety", "fear", "anxiety". Consider the essence of each.

Anxiety is an emotionally heightened sense of impending danger.

Anxiety, unlike fear, is not always a negatively perceived feeling, since it is also possible in the form of joyful excitement, exciting expectations.

The unifying beginning for fear and anxiety is a feeling of anxiety. It manifests itself in the presence of unnecessary movements or, conversely, immobility. The person is lost, speaks in a trembling voice, or is completely silent.

Along with the definition, researchers identify different types and levels of anxiety.

C. Spielberger identifies two types of anxiety: personal and situational (reactive).

Personal anxiety implies a wide range of objectively safe circumstances as containing a threat (anxiety as a personality trait). This is a stable individual characteristic that reflects the subject's predisposition to anxiety and suggests that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide "fan" of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction. As a predisposition, personal anxiety is activated when certain stimuli are perceived by a person as dangerous, threats to his prestige, self-esteem, self-respect associated with specific situations.

Situational anxiety usually occurs as a short-term reaction to some specific situation that objectively threatens a person. This state is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: tension, anxiety, concern, nervousness. This state occurs as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation and can be different in intensity and dynamic over time.

identifies types of anxiety based on situations in which a child may be:

School anxiety - implies obsessively pursuing some children "fear of going to school", "fear of polls" (the basis of this fear is the fear of making a mistake, committing stupidity, being embarrassed, being ridiculed); - self-esteem anxiety - is formed as a result of comparing the image of the real "I" (what a person really is) with the image of the ideal "I" (how a person wants to see himself). A low degree of coincidence between these formations forms this type of anxiety; - interpersonal anxiety - due to the sphere of interpersonal relationships, since it is directly related to how a person is evaluated by others. Differences in assessments given by a person to himself and received by him from others are an important source of anxiety. This type of anxiety will be high to the extent that significant others tend, according to the individual, to judge him negatively, to treat him critically and with disapproval.

In addition to the varieties of anxiety, its level structure is also considered. identifies two levels of anxiety: low and high. A low level is necessary for normal adaptation to the environment, and a high one causes discomfort for a person in the society around him. , distinguish three levels of anxiety associated with activity: destructive, insufficient and constructive. Anxiety as a psychological feature can take many forms. According to the opinion, the form of anxiety is understood as a special combination of the nature of the experience, the awareness of verbal and non-verbal expression in the characteristics of behavior, communication and activity. She identified open and closed forms of anxiety.

Open forms: acute, unregulated anxiety; adjustable and compensatory anxiety; cultivated anxiety. Closed - (disguised) forms of anxiety are called "masks" by her. For example, aggressiveness acts as such masks. The influence of anxiety on personal development, although it was first noted by S. Kierkegaard, who considered anxiety to be the main factor determining the history of human life.

Anxiety has a pronounced age specificity, which is found in its sources, content, forms of manifestation of compensation and protection. For each age period, there are certain areas, objects of reality that cause increased anxiety for most children, regardless of the presence of a real threat or anxiety as a stable education. Thus, the state of anxiety has its own special dynamics in connection with the peculiarities of the age development of children. And this is the main idea for the study of this problem in the future.

When describing the psychological characteristics of children 6-7 years of age, great importance is given to the restructuring of the emotional sphere of the child. There are profound changes in terms of experiences, prepared by the whole course of personal development in preschool age. A chain of failures or successes (in school, in broad communication), each time experienced by the child in approximately the same way, leads to the formation of a stable affective complex - a feeling of inferiority, humiliation, hurt pride or a sense of self-worth, competence, exclusivity. A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory characteristic of an individual's vigorous activity. Each person has their own optimal, or desirable level of anxiety - this is useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his state in this respect is an essential component of self-control and self-education for him.

According to the opinion, individuals belonging to the category of highly anxious tend to see a wide range of situations as a threat to their self-esteem and life. Anxiety has a negative impact on personal development; the presence of anxiety indicates its trouble.

Sustained personal anxiety occurs in children with such traits as vulnerability, increased impressionability, suspiciousness. This type of anxiety acts as a reaction to the threat of something that does not exist, does not have a clear image, but threatens a person with the loss of himself, the loss of his Self. Such anxiety in a preschooler is due to an internal conflict between two conflicting aspirations, when something important for him at the same time attracts and repels. An anxious child becomes socially maladjusted and therefore he withdraws into his inner world. He can also become aggressive, because aggressiveness relieves anxiety. Anxious children are not a completely prosperous contingent: their performance can be extremely low. An excessively high level, as well as an excessively low level, is a maladaptive reaction, which manifests itself in a general disorganization of behavior and activity and requires various methods of correction. Attention should also be paid to children characterized by "excessive calmness." Such insensitivity to trouble is, as a rule, compensatory in nature and prevents the full formation of personality. Emotional distress in this case persists due to an inadequate attitude to reality, negatively affecting the productivity of activity. When describing six to seven years of age, attention should be paid to such a characteristic as school anxiety.

Entering the threshold of a new, school life, the child is faced with the emergence of a new fear. There is even a term "school phobia", which refers to the obsessive stalking fear of some children before attending school. But often it is not so much about the fear of school, but about the fear of leaving home, separation from parents, to whom the child is anxiously attached, moreover, often ill and being in conditions of overprotection. Sometimes parents themselves are afraid of school and involuntarily instill this fear in children or dramatize the problems of starting school, perform tasks instead of children, and also control them unnecessarily.

As a rule, faithful, beloved, active and inquisitive children do not feel fear of going to school, striving to cope with learning problems on their own and build relationships with peers. Another thing is when we are talking about a hypertrophied level of claims, about children who have not acquired the necessary experience of communicating with their peers before school, are overly attached to their mother and are not self-confident enough.

In this case, they are also afraid of not meeting the expectations of their parents, experiencing difficulties in adapting to the school community and fear of the teacher. In addition to the fear of going to kindergarten, and then to school, there is often a fear of surveys. At the heart of this fear lies the fear of making a mistake, committing stupidity, being embarrassed, being ridiculed. As a rule, anxious, timid children are afraid to answer questions. Most of all, such children are afraid to answer at the blackboard. A psychodiagnostic study of children from the senior preparatory group showed that increased anxiety in them causes overwork, that is, a temporary decrease in working capacity under the influence of prolonged exposure to stress. Energy is spent not on educational activities, but on the suppression of anxiety.

1.3. Correctional work of a psychologist as a way to reduce anxiety in preschool children

Psychological correction () is a system of measures aimed at correcting the shortcomings of psychology or human behavior with the help of special means of psychological influence. Psychological correction is subject to shortcomings that do not have an organic basis, for example, anxiety. Psychocorrection deals with already formed personality traits or types of behavior and is aimed at changing them. A psycho-correctional situation includes five main elements: - a person who has a problem (on his own or with the help of an outsider) and who needs psychological help, in psycho-correction, is a client; - a person who helps and, thanks to training or experience, is perceived as able to change, to provide assistance, is a psychologist, psychocorrector; - the theory that is used to explain the client's problems; - a set of procedures (techniques, methods) used to solve customer problems; - a special social relationship between the client and the psychologist, which helps to alleviate the problems of the client. Carrying out correctional work requires a certain preparation from the psychologist, which includes a theoretical component (knowledge of the theoretical foundations of correctional work, methods of correction, etc.), a practical component (knowledge of specific methods and techniques of correction) and the personal readiness of a specialist, i.e. psychological elaboration of the psychologist's own problems in those areas that he intends to correct with the client. The psycho-correctional complex includes 4 main blocks: - diagnostic block - its purpose is to diagnose the features of personality development, identify risk factors, form a general program of psychological correction; - installation block - its purpose is to induce a desire to interact, relieve anxiety, increase the client's self-confidence, form a desire to cooperate with a psychologist; - correctional block - its goal is to harmonize and optimize the development of the client, the transition from the negative phase of development to the positive, mastering the ways of interacting with the world and with oneself, certain ways of activity; - block for evaluating the effectiveness of corrective actions - its purpose is to measure the psychological content and dynamics of reactions, promote the emergence of positive behavioral reactions and experiences, stabilize positive self-esteem; In the practice of psychological correction, two forms of work with clients are distinguished: individual and group. In the case of individual psycho-correction, the psychologist works with the client one-on-one in the absence of unauthorized persons. This form of work provides confidentiality, secrecy and, in its result, is deeper; All attention of the psychologist is directed to only one person. In the group form of psycho-correction, the psychologist works with a group of clients who, in the psycho-correctional process, interact not only with the psychologist, but also with each other. The specificity of this form of work lies in the purposeful use of group dynamics, i.e., the entire set of relationships and interactions that arise between group members. Thus, psychological correction is a rather long and difficult process that requires not only special knowledge and skills of a psychologist, but also a certain attitude of the client to the work being done.

Methods of practical correction of anxiety in children 6-7 years old The methods of psychological correction of anxiety in practice are very diverse, they are used in combination at the discretion of the psychologist, and each of these methods has its own specifics of use and certain advantages in terms of the results of work.

There are the following methods of psychocorrection of anxiety:

Play therapy - a method of influencing children and adults using the game; games contribute to the creation of close relationships between group members, relieve tension, anxiety, fear of the environment, increase self-esteem, allow you to test yourself in various situations of communication, removing the danger of socially significant consequences;

Art therapy is a specialized form of therapy based on art, primarily on visual and creative activities, with the help of which a person cognizes himself and self-actualizes; among the options for art therapy are used: the use of existing works of art through their analysis and interpretation by clients; encouragement of clients to independent creativity; use of an existing work of art and independent creativity of clients; creativity of the psychologist himself (sculpting, drawing, etc.), aimed at establishing interaction with the client;

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of correction; are actively used in the correction of emotional deviations, fears, motor and speech disorders, deviations in behavior, with communication difficulties, etc.;

Bibliotherapy - a corrective impact on the client by reading specially selected literature in order to normalize or optimize his mental state; the corrective effect of reading is manifested in the fact that certain images and related feelings, desires, thoughts, learned with the help of books, make up for the lack of their own images, replace disturbing thoughts and feelings, or direct them to new goals;

Dance therapy is a method that uses various types of dance to correct emotional disorders, communication disorders, interpersonal interaction; the main purpose of this method is the development of awareness of one's own body, the development of communication skills, the study of feelings, etc.;

Fairy tale therapy is a method that uses a fairy tale form to integrate a personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, improve interactions with the outside world;

Puppet therapy (private method of art therapy) - a method based on the identification of a child or an adult with a favorite cartoon character, fairy tale and favorite toy; here the doll is used as an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult (psychologist, educator, parent); used in the correction of fears, stuttering, behavioral disorders, etc.;

Psycho-gymnastics is a method that includes a course of special classes aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the human psyche, both cognitive and emotional-personal; used when establishing contact, relieving stress, working out feedback, etc .;

The listed methods of psychocorrection of anxiety during their implementation require the theoretical knowledge of the psychologist in matters of correction and expected results, as well as the ability to individually select one or another method of working with a child, taking into account the peculiarities of his age development and without harming his mental and physical health.


Preschool, primary school age is one of the most problematic ages in psychology. At this age, children, most of all, are prone to experiencing anxiety, anxiety, and are capable of aggressive actions in connection with this. A large number of problems are associated with the development of a new social role of the child - the role of a schoolchild, which carries a large number of requirements and changes that are sometimes beyond the child's strength.

Therefore, it is important to be close to the child during his entry into a new phase of life, "to go hand in hand with him", to help in solving unknown issues and tasks; overcome his negative attitude towards the world around him.

Not only the parents of the child should be involved in this process.

The joint work of medical workers, kindergarten teachers, school teachers, psychologists, etc. can help reduce anxiety in children, create prerequisites for the adaptation of these children in normal living conditions (social adaptation), and, therefore, creates favorable conditions for personality development .

A psychologist as a narrow specialist needs to study in detail such psychological characteristics as anxiety, aggressiveness, self-esteem, interpersonal communications of children, etc., in order, if necessary, to explain to the child what is happening to him and help in the prevention and correction of various psychological deviations.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of anxiety in preschool children and its correction

2.1 The logic of the experiment

The study was conducted at the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 87.

The study involved 20 pupils of the senior preparatory group, among whom 10 boys and 10 girls were diagnosed.

The study was carried out in 5 stages:

The study of the characteristics of anxiety of pupils of the senior

preparatory group (personal, interpersonal and school anxiety).

Identification of a group of children in need of psychological assistance and correction;

Consultation of parents of children of the identified group;

Conducting remedial classes to reduce anxiety for the identified group of children;

The study of the dynamics of changes in anxiety based on the results of corrective measures.

Each stage included the following steps:

Formulation of goals, hypotheses and preparation of material;

Conducting research;

Processing of received data;

Working with children, teachers, parents;

At the stage of formulating the goal, the main methods were chosen in accordance with the requirements that apply to research when working with children of senior preschool age. The time and place of the study were thought out, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of children of older preschool age.

The organization of the study was the same for all pupils.

The room where the study took place was well lit, there were no extraneous irritants in the room: sharp sounds, smells, new objects.

The study was conducted in the first half of the day (from 9.00 to 9.40); work was carried out on an individual basis.

When carrying out methods for studying anxiety, instructions were explained at the beginning of the work. Then, during individual work with the child, all the results were recorded by the experimenter.

After the study, the results were processed, the data for each child were recorded in the Psychological Diagnostic Card; on the basis of which children were identified in need of psychological assistance and correction.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, parent meetings and individual consultations were held with the announcement of the data obtained and recommendations for the further upbringing and education of children.

With the consent of the parents, a correctional group of children was formed, consisting of 6 people (2 girls and 4 boys).

Corrective work to reduce the anxiety of pupils was carried out on the basis of MDOU No. 87 in a room specially equipped for classes and according to a specially developed program (Appendix 6).

The psychological aspect of the content of the program reflects:

Formation of students' ideas about verbal and non-verbal ways of expressing emotions based on the analysis of external signs of people's behavior in emotionally significant situations;

learning to recognize different moods, emotional experiences;

Teaching pupils techniques and ways to reduce anxiety in various situations;

Formation of the pupils' ability to analyze and evaluate their own state and behavior based on the acquired knowledge and skills (self-organization and self-control).

Classes were held 2 times a week (Monday, Thursday), their duration was 25 - 35 minutes; In total, the children attended 10 classes.

During these classes, various types of work with anxiety were used: fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, game therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.

At the end of the classes, a secondary diagnosis of the study of anxiety was carried out, which made it possible to reflect the dynamics of changes in the studied indicators.

Based on the results of the secondary diagnosis, recommendations were given to parents and educators on further work with the pupil.

2.2. Methodical substantiation of the experiment

Today, the attention of researchers to such a stable personality trait as anxiety is relevant. Modern life makes rather high demands on a person's stress resistance, and such a trait as anxiety is increasingly found as a stable neoplasm. Of particular concern is the manifestation of this trait in preschool age.

The effectiveness of a psychologist's help is determined by the correct isolation of the causes of a particular problem. During the initial collection of information, it is important to understand what exactly prevents the child from interacting, since the external manifestations of various problems may have similarities. For example, shyness and isolation. Children with such problems react very painfully to any changes in their lives, experience fear of strangers and new surroundings. However, these are different issues. A closed child most often does not know what to do, and does not want to communicate, he does not need people around him. A shy kid knows what to do, wants it, but cannot apply his knowledge. Most often, adults turn to a specialist only when shyness obviously begins to interfere with them and the child himself: he is afraid of everything that is not familiar to him, refuses to communicate with peers, constantly blushes when they turn to him. Does not answer, even if he knows the answer to the question, cannot do anything in the presence of strangers, tries to find some secluded corner, begins to stutter strongly or non-stop chatting and talking nonsense. The problem is that the fear of the new, the fear of drawing attention to oneself block the development of both the emotional and intellectual spheres of the child's personality. Such children have poor play activity, since even the simplest everyday task is not solvable for them - to approach another, ask for a toy, agree on a joint game.

Anxiety is included in the symptom complex of shyness. According to and, anxiety develops in children when they have an internal conflict provoked by excessive demands from adults, their desire to put the child in a position dependent on themselves, the absence of a unified system of requirements, and the presence of anxiety in adults themselves. The mechanism of anxiety lies in the fact that the child is in constant expectation of troubles, problems and conflicts, he does not expect anything good from others.

The work of a psychologist directly with anxious children should be carried out in several directions:

development of positive self-perception;

Increased self-confidence and self-confidence;

development of trust in others;

correction of fears;

removal of bodily tension;

development of the ability to express their emotions;

development of teamwork skills;

development of self-control skills;

The main difficulty with anxious, shy children is to establish contact with him, to develop trusting relationships. In this case, there is no need to rush, it is necessary that the child gets used to the psychologist.

Therefore, at first, the psychologist should systematically visit the group, conduct observations, talk with educators, play games and participate in them.

When the child can more or less freely contact the psychologist, individual or group correctional work can begin in the office.

Anxiety negatively affects the course of many mental processes, as well as many personal characteristics of the child.

In this work, special attention was paid to the problems of anxiety and its correction. The measurement of anxiety as a personality trait is especially important, since this property largely determines the behavior of the subject; anxiety does not help a person, but, on the contrary, begins to interfere with his daily activities. In this case, anxiety can also affect relationships with relatives, peers, educators, and later teachers of the school. Communication becomes selective, emotionally uneven and, as a rule, limited to the old circle of attachments.

Contact with strangers is difficult, it is difficult to start a conversation, confusion and inhibition easily arise when suddenly asked.

Thus, the study of anxiety and its correction provide extensive material for further study of this problem.

In this work, a preparatory group was taken to study the level of anxiety. 20 pupils of the group took part in the diagnostics. The study took place in several stages:

selection of diagnostic methods that are intended for

children of preschool age;

Interviewing parents on issues related to the possible anxiety of their children, since children's anxiety can also be the result of a symbiotic relationship between a child and parents, when parents try to protect their children from the difficulties and troubles of life;

diagnostics of pupils;

· interpretation of the results;

Identification of a group of anxious children;

selection, systematization of correctional programs;

correctional work with children;

At the first stage of material selection, the following diagnostic methods were determined:

1. Diagnosis of school anxiety- this method belongs to the projective type. Designed for ages 6-9. Experimental material - two sets of 12 drawings sized 18 x 13 each. Set "A" was for girls, set "B" for boys. The technique was carried out with each child individually. The requirements for conducting are standard for projective methods.

Instruction: Think of a story from the pictures. The pictures are quite unusual. They don't have faces. This was done on purpose, in order to make it more interesting to invent. It is necessary to come up with what mood the boy (girl) has, and why it is.

As a result children's answers were evaluated for all pictures - the general level of anxiety was diagnosed according to "unfavorable" answers, characterizing the mood of the child in the picture as sad, sad, angry, boring. Anxious can be considered a child who gave 7 or more of these answers out of 10.

2. Projective test "Non-existent animal". In this technique, children were asked to draw an animal that does not exist in the world. It doesn't matter how well you draw. Draw how you imagine such an animal. Give him a name, tell him."

At the end of the task, the child was asked the following questions: - “What is his name?”, “Where does he live?”, “Is he good or evil?”, “What does he eat?”, “Does he have friends?”, “What kind of animal dream?

Result was evaluated by the position of the drawing on the sheet, by the location of the figure on the sheet, head turn, drawing (eyes, mouth, ears) on the head, parts that rise above the level of the figure (wings, legs, tentacles, shell details, feathers, etc.)

3. Methodology "Cheerful - sad". The child was offered six drawings depicting children in various situations related to school and learning.

The child is asked to describe what, in his opinion, the expression on the faces of the children in the pictures should be - cheerful or sad, and explain why. If the child says “I don’t know”, then additional questions are asked: “What do you think is happening here? Who is pictured here?

According to the children's answers, they interpret results.. Responses that describe a cheerful or serious child reflect the child's positive attitude and were rated as emotional well-being.

If the child gave 5 - 6 "anxious" answers, then this indicates that he has a "painful" attitude towards being in the garden, "school", for him this stage of life is associated with strong emotional experiences.

According to the results diagnosis, a group of anxious children was identified in the amount of 6 people.

With parents These children were interviewed and general recommendations were given to all parents on the relationship with the child.

It was said that one should not “tie” a child to oneself, protecting it from imaginary, non-existent dangers. If this is present in the family, then the child experiences anxiety when left without a mother, is easily lost, worried and afraid. Instead of activity and independence, passivity and dependence develop.

In cases where upbringing is based on excessive demands that the child is unable to cope with or copes with difficulty, anxiety can be caused by the fear of not coping, of doing the wrong thing.

Often, parents cultivate the “correctness” of behavior: the attitude towards the child may include strict control, a strict system of norms and rules, deviation from which entails censure and punishment.

Next step experiment assumed selection of corrective programs adapted for children 6-7 years old, which would create optimal conditions and opportunities to reduce children's anxiety levels.

The literature on the correction of anxiety was studied, which made it possible to select programs y, which would answer the following tasks:

to develop in the child the ability to be aware of their fears and anxieties, and through their own efforts to learn to overcome them;

To teach the child to feel the reliability and safety of what is happening around him;

Develop basic communication skills

develop self-confidence;

Corrective work was carried out twice a week for 35-45 minutes. Classes were group, where children interacted not only with the teacher - psychologist, but also with each other.

The specificity of this form of work was the purposeful use of group dynamics, that is, the entire set of relationships and interactions that arise between group members.

However, two sessions were held with pupils individually, since I believe that with such psycho-correction the result is deeper, due to the fact that all the attention of the psychologist is directed to only one person.

In the course of psycho-correctional work, such a technique was used as sand therapy, it is becoming more and more popular in psychological practice.

Sand for children is a natural material, and communication with it is necessary. Playing with sand and small objects, the child enters into a dialogue with the world around him, and in response, he reveals his secrets to him.

So , for example, Nastya Z. when she saw the sandbox, she became interested in it. After getting to know her and the figurines, she spontaneously started create my own composition. First, a pit was dug in the center.

This is the sea, - said Nastya.

There are five sunbathing babies along the shore.

These are children who ran away from their parents and have fun while their parents are looking for, - says Nastya.

From the sea there was a path to the house, near which there was a figure of a man.

He looks into the distance and looks for children, - says Nastya. “The adults went to the sea and saw their babies,” she continues, “but one mother never found her little baby. She was upset because she thought he drowned. She sat down by the shore and wept for a long, long time. But suddenly a terrible wind came up, raised the sand and buried her there.

And then Nastya spoke. No, it was not like that, he went into the forest, and his mother found him there.

Nastya, creating a picture, simultaneously commented on it and herself changed the creation of sand therapy.

At that moment, Nastya was experiencing anxiety, as it turned out at that time there was a relationship problem with her mother, who is a significant figure for Nastya.

In the sand painting, the desire to “run away” from the mother (baby dolls playing on their own) was actualized. And on the other hand, there was a feeling of control on the part of adults (the children were “looked out” and found).

I think that this was the starting point on the part of Nastya for her harmonization.

Was also used fairy tale therapy. This is a method where a fabulous form was used to integrate the personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, improve interactions with the outside world.

For example, children were offered to work with the fairy tale "Cloud". Almost all children took an active part in the discussion of the fairy tale. They answered questions with interest, revealed the concept of "nobility", talked about the qualities that people possess. They talked about their qualities, and about the qualities of each other.

Such therapy helped children increase their self-esteem, developed the ability to conduct a dialogue, and reduced personal anxiety. The children became more self-confident.

Game therapy.

In the process of playing activity, the game influenced children, contributed to the creation of close relationships between group members, relieved tension, increased self-esteem, and removed the danger of socially significant consequences.

The game helped the child to acquire certain skills in their activities, including communication, helped to learn social norms of behavior, improve their emotional state.

And parents were offered to carry out such game therapy at home, by the parents themselves, the benefits of this will be more obvious. After all, not only the child will change; Parents change, relationships between children and parents change. Parents understand children better.

And the game allows you to survive traumatic life circumstances in a child in a lighter form.

Parents were offered games:

"Brave Mice"

A cat and a mouse are selected. The cat sleeps in the house, the mouse runs and squeaks. The cat wakes up and catches up with the mouse. The mouse can hide in the house. Then they switch roles.


A sheet is put on the leader, he becomes a ghost, runs after the other players and scares them with loud cries: “U-u-u ...” The one he caught becomes the leader.

"Bee in the Dark"

The adult pronounces the text, and the child performs the actions: “The bee flew from flower to flower (chairs and sofas are used as flowers). When the bee flew in, ate nectar, she fell asleep in a beautiful flower (under a chair or table). Night fell, and the petals of the flower began to close (a chair or table is covered with a dark cloth). The sun rose (the material is removed), and the bee again began to have fun, flying from flower to flower. The game can be repeated by increasing the density of matter, i.e. the degree of darkness.

"Owl and hares"

The game must be played in the evening, in order to be able to create darkness. The light must be dimmed gradually.

An owl and hares (or a hare) are selected. When the light is on (day), the owl sleeps and the hares jump. When the light turns off (night falls), the owl flies out, looking for hares and shouting: “Oo-o-o.” The rabbits freeze. If an owl finds a hare, it becomes an owl.

In the classroom, I used music therapy, which also contributed to the correction of emotional deviations, anxiety, deviations in behavior. Relaxation exercises were carried out.

To reduce the feeling of anxiety, parents were recommended to purchase audio cassettes, CDs with traditional classical music.

For example, to reduce feelings of anxiety and uncertainty - Chopin's Mazurka, Strauss's Waltzes, Rubinstein's Melodies.

The method used art therapy- this is one of the most productive and indispensable ways in psychological work with children.

This method is used for psycho-correction with artistic techniques, such as drawing, modeling.

While drawing, the opportunity was offered to play through the situation of anxiety through drawing. After all, it is he who can tell more than the child himself.

Working on the drawing helped to express the feelings of the child, relieve internal tension.

By results of corrective work individual consultations were held with the parents of each child. A conversation was held on how to continue work to relieve anxiety in the family circle. Recommendations were made individually for each child.

A conversation was held with educators regarding the children of this group of children. Recommendations for working with this group of children were also issued.

In the future, it is planned to continue monitoring the children of this group by a teacher-psychologist.

All methods of psycho-correction of anxiety required the psychologist to be able to individually select one or another method of working with a child, taking into account the peculiarities of his age-related development and without harming his mental and physical health. And this was possible, since repeated diagnostics showed significant dynamics in the removal of anxiety in children. (see tables, diagrams).

In the course of psycho-correctional work, the characteristics of children were revealed. Each parent was given recommendations individually, on the further trajectory of behavior and interaction with children.

2.3. Dynamics of changes in anxiety in children aged 6-7 years based on the results of corrective work

At the beginning of remedial classes, the pupils had the results in terms of anxiety, shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Table of results of the input diagnostics of pupils

correction group.

I.F. baby

Personal anxiety

interpersonal anxiety

school anxiety

The table shows the designations:

N - low level of anxiety;

C - average level of anxiety;

B - high level of anxiety;

During the course of the program, there were identified

the following psychological characteristics of children:

Egor P. is an active, agile, somewhat aggressive child towards boys; at the same time attentive to girls; a pronounced fear of interacting with children in a group, especially with leaders and with a teacher in preparatory classes for school; in the group, he most often initiated various games and ways of solving problems; of the correction methods, he responded positively to outdoor games, sand therapy and fairy tale therapy;

Nastya Z. - has pronounced features of a melancholic; enthusiastically starts work, but quickly gets tired, becomes apathetic, requires constant positive support and evaluation; little contact; prefers to work alone; at the beginning of a new task, a pronounced, pronounced anxiety is noted; in his work he gives preference to various forms of art therapy;

Timur G. - shy, calm; in outdoor games it is revealed, it can be a leader; personal anxiety is more provoked by self-doubt; in work, preference is given to outdoor games; in tasks that require paying attention to oneself, he has complexes, sometimes refuses to complete the task;

Vova S. - reacts to the beginning of a new lesson with increased anxiety, but then quickly adapts; quick-witted, one of the first to complete tasks; reasonable, the guys listen to modeling from plasticine.

Diamond G. - movable; active, seeks to take a leadership position, but he rarely succeeds, which makes the boy nervous; inattentive, performs the instruction only with 2 - 3 repetitions; cocky, provokes others to aggressive behavior; among working methods, preference is given to outdoor games and drawing; likes to talk about himself, takes an active part in the discussion;

Diana V. - demonstrative, likes to talk about herself, in communication chooses 2 - 3 guys over whom she feels superior, mobile, emotional; the greatest anxiety is caused by communication with the educator and parents; prefers to work alone, associated with drawing.

At the end of the classes, in addition to the implementation of the main anxiety reduction program, methods for assessing the effectiveness of corrective work were included. These methods were carried out on an individual basis with pupils, the results were recorded by a psychologist in specially prepared forms.

Thus, according to the results of the control diagnostics, the results reflected in Table 2 were obtained:

Table 2 - Summary table of the results of the control diagnostics of students in the correctional group:

I.F. baby

Personal anxiety

interpersonal anxiety

school anxiety

Analysis of the level of anxiety in the input diagnostics of pupils of the correctional group

Analysis of the level of anxiety in the control diagnostics of pupils of the correctional group

Thus, according to the results of corrective measures, 87.8% of the pupils have a positive trend in changes in anxiety.

Nastya Z., Timur G., Almaz G., Diana V. Significant changes in interpersonal relations are noticeable, the guys have become more tolerant of the shortcomings of others, bolder in building new relationships. Thanks to a thorough analysis of various school situations that caused anxiety among the children, there was a decrease in this indicator in 57% of cases.

At the same time, % of the guys (person) experienced only a partial decrease in anxiety. Egor B. showed a decrease in interpersonal anxiety, while personal anxiety remains at the same level, which, in our opinion, is due to unstable self-esteem and self-doubt. Almaz G. showed a decrease in school anxiety, but the indicators of personal and self-assessment anxiety remained at the initial level.

Thus, based on the results of correctional work, in order to consolidate and improve its results, the children and their parents were given the following recommendations.

Thus, according to the results of correctional work in order to consolidate and improve its results, children and their parents were given the following recommendations:

Egor B., Nastya Z. - visiting any sports section, swimming pool or dancing in order to relieve tension and relaxation; compliance with the regime and rest;

Almaz G. - compliance with the regimen, planning the daily routine of the child; mandatory positive reinforcement of behavior and activities; it is possible to repeat the course of remedial classes to reduce anxiety;

Vova S., Timur G. - compliance with the regime, a rational combination of physical and mental labor in order to increase efficiency; constant positive reinforcement of labor results; Diana V. - work with dignity, self-confidence; continuous positive reinforcement regarding the success of the child.


Preschool, primary school age is one of the most problematic ages in psychology. At this age, children, most of all, are prone to experiencing anxiety, anxiety, and are capable of aggressive actions in connection with this. Therefore, it is important to prevent such an attitude of children to the world around them. This requires a detailed study of these phenomena and the development of ways to overcome them.

Considering the relevance of the problem of anxiety and its correction, the theoretical foundations of this topic, in this work the hypothesis put forward was confirmed by 89% (in 5 cases out of 6). When considering the dynamics of changes in anxiety, it was found that the indicators of anxiety in all parameters: personal, school, interpersonal, changed their values ​​in the direction of their decrease.

Partial confirmation of the hypothesis indicates the correctness of the chosen direction in the work, but at the same time requires further enhanced theoretical and practical development in the field of anxiety characteristics and its correction.
