How to kiss. How to learn to kiss passionately, or How to make your kiss unforgettable

A kiss allows you to understand how deep the feelings are between lovers, so it should be given special attention. There are many techniques on how to kiss a guy or girl correctly. Kisses can be with or without tongue, sometimes they differ depending on the situation and further intentions. Moreover, almost any romantic kiss can be divided into two stages: what precedes it, and the process itself, which can cause a storm of emotions.

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Kissing options

There are many types of kisses - from greetings, when people simply peck each other on the cheek when they meet, to long and hot ones, which are only possible between lovers. The most common types of kisses during romantic relationships include:

  • Romantic. Happens when feelings arise. First they touch the earlobes, neck, cheeks, and only then move to the lips themselves. They start with hesitant and timid movements without language. Kisses are gentle and beautiful, short, without smacking.
  • Passionate. This category includes the popular French kiss, lip biting, and tongue dancing.
  • Body kisses. The person begins to “explore” the partner’s sensitive areas with his lips: the curves of the legs, arms, neck, chest, stomach.

Execution technique

The kissing pattern is the same for both sexes. You need to take care of the condition of your lips: exfoliate or apply balm. Even guys need to soften their lips with chapstick. You need to act relaxed and open: look into the eyes, do not cross your arms over your chest, do not cover your face, maintain a winning smile.

Technique for kissing with tongue passionately:

  1. 1. Gently look into your partner’s eyes and lightly touch his lips. Perform light squeezing and pinching with your lips for a couple of seconds.
  2. 2. Then moisten your lips by running the tip of your tongue over your partner’s lips. If he opened his mouth, then it’s definitely worth continuing.
  3. 3. Penetrate the mouth with your tongue, but do it without pressure, so that the kiss is not harsh, but rather gentle. Start moving your tongue in different directions: left and right, up and down. You can close your eyes to immerse yourself in the process. You need to watch your salivation; slobbery kisses do not cause much delight in anyone.
  4. 4. Finally, touch your foreheads and look straight into your partner’s eyes.

Without a tongue they kiss in the same way, only the third point is excluded. You need to clasp and compress your lips with your lips, bite them, suck. The order of actions is arbitrary. At the same time, you can kiss passionately without a tongue, focusing on caresses with your lips. You can hug your partner with your hands, touch the skin, slide over the body. Before such a kiss, it is better for a girl to wipe off her lipstick.

When French kissing you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. A French kiss is not complete without hugging. You can run your fingers through your partner's hair - this helps to get closer.
  2. 2. When gradually bringing the heads closer together, you need to look into your partner’s eyes.
  3. 3. When closing the lips, they choke with the nose. They start with licking their lips and light kisses. Smoothly transition to a tongue kiss.

Learning how to kiss well is quite easy. Everything happens unexpectedly, because a person acts on an intuitive level. You just need to fully surrender to the process, be relaxed, especially if the kiss is desired. Then no problems will arise, and this type of caresses will leave only positive impressions.

You should not quickly move on to kissing with the tongue if you are not sure of your feelings. First you need to learn how to kiss correctly, learn kissing techniques. You can even do this without a partner. There are many instructions on how to hone your skills, for example, on a tomato. To do this, resort to the following steps in stages:

  1. 1. Stand in front of the mirror and take a tomato or apple.
  2. 2. Slowly touch the fruit with your mouth slightly open.
  3. 3. Gently suck the apple with your lips, lightly capturing it with your lips.
  4. 4. They represent not the fetus, but the partner’s lips.
  5. 5. Gently move their lips over the fruit, close their eyes and tilt their head to the right and then to the left.

You can train in the same way on your own hand.

How to start kissing

What is important here is the situation, the general mood and feelings for the other half. A man should invite a girl on a romantic date. If both have “butterflies in the stomach”, then you can already move on to action. You need to monitor your partner's reaction. Response movements, a burning gaze, stroking - all this will indicate whether it is possible to begin to act.

Before deep kissing, you need to think about oral hygiene. To do this, they brush their teeth in the morning and in the evenings, removing plaque not only from the teeth, but also from the tongue, on which a huge number of bacteria settle. After eating, you should rinse your mouth or use dental floss. Holes in the enamel, the presence of caries, yellowness - this kills a person’s self-confidence. As a result, during the kiss he gets nervous and makes mistakes.

If you have never had to kiss for real, namely with the tongue, then this does not mean anything. It's absolutely easy to learn! After reading our step-by-step recommendations, you will learn:

  • how to learn to kiss passionately correctly;
  • how to achieve the most unforgettable kiss;
  • what mistakes should be avoided when french kissing.

How to behave when kissing passionately

Do not eat heavy food (meat, fish dishes) and do not smoke before a kiss, because a specific kiss is unlikely to be pleasant to your partner. Brush your teeth or use breath fresheners. Don’t get carried away with perfume either; in other words, don’t overwhelm yourself with perfume! After all, a strong smell can shorten the duration of a kiss or even discourage someone from kissing you.

Relax and don't think about anything. Extra thoughts and worries about how everything will go can only get in the way. Imagine a blue sky, and your thoughts are clouds that you disperse with your hands. Then just concentrate on the kiss itself and enjoy it.

Breathe through your nose when you kiss. This will not only make your kiss much longer, but will also make it more enjoyable for your partner. If you are used to breathing through your mouth, then urgently get rid of this habit. Practice in advance so you don't feel discomfort later.

Find a use for your hands. They should not hang like whips. While kissing, you can hug your partner's neck and caress it with your fingertips. Don't forget to change the position of your hands, move them to the guy's back or face and gently stroke him.

Trust your partner, don't isolate yourself. Just surrender to the beautiful moment.

Where should you start with the kiss itself?

First, lick your lips with your tongue and look the guy straight in the eyes. He will take this as a call to action. A passionate kiss, like any one, is better to start with a light touch of your slightly parted lips to your partner’s lips. This is a kind of light, gentle kiss (photo on the right). However, after this, you do not move away from your partner, but continue to press your lips to his, thereby showing that you expect him to continue. In order to “stimulate” the guy to further actions even more, you can also run the tip of your tongue over his lips.

Most often, after such preparation, the young man himself opens his lips, but if this does not happen, then you can slightly push the tip of your tongue between them. And take your time, the slower you start, the more exciting and enjoyable your further love play will be. In the photo we see how to learn to kiss passionately.

What we do with our tongue. How to learn to kiss passionately

With your tongue you can caress the lips of a young man, penetrate his mouth and even arrange some kind of competitions using his tongue. The main thing is not to stop, strive to explore your partner’s entire mouth. However, in the classic version, a passionate kiss dispenses with the tongue and is limited to only gentle biting and, as it were, swallowing the young man’s lips. While passion involves its use, which adds spice to the kiss and brings a lot of pleasure to both partners.

Let's take a closer look at the whole process of using the tongue in a passionate French kiss

Once your kiss has begun, run your tongue along the inside of your partner's lips. You can also lightly lick them. Then touch his tongue with your tongue. Next, move it across the sky, which has many nerve endings and is one of the erogenous zones. If you touch him with just the tip of your tongue, slowly moving it back and forth, you will arouse him quite quickly. However, remember the golden rule: everything should be in moderation. If you overdo it, your actions will cause tickling.

After using one method, change it to another, for example, try the “mill”. This technique involves rotating your tongue in a circle around your partner’s mouth. It is also worth playing with his tongue, sometimes wrapping your lips around it, sometimes lightly sucking. Most men like the last technique; it has a stimulating effect on them. This method is successfully combined with the method of drawing your partner’s tongue inside your mouth. This is done like this: use suction movements to retract his tongue, then loosen your grip or release for a while and capture him again.

My advice on how to learn to kiss passionately: while kissing, imagine that your tongues are making love. If you have not yet had personal sexual experience, then remember stills from movies, stories from friends, or explicit scenes from books you have read. The movements of the tongues should be coherent, not chaotic. Follow the beat that your partner sets, repeat his movements. If he is passive, then set your tone. Catch the general rhythm, and then everything will be fine.

The main thing to remember is that no matter what method you use, you should always be gentle and attentive to your loved one's reactions.

TOthat's correctoh finishkiss passionately?

There is no difficulty in this, except that you should not end the kiss too abruptly. To make the process natural, you must first slow down the pace of tongue movement and then remove it from your partner’s mouth. It’s better to end with a short one, in other words, “smacking.”

Common mistakes made when kissing with tongue

1 .Don't push your tongue in too deep into your young man's mouth. At a minimum, this will lead to unpleasant sensations and possible easy withdrawal. And at most, touching the throat with the tongue causes tickling and a nauseating reflex in most people. If you do not want the kiss to end prematurely, then it is better to moderate your ardor.

2. Active and chaotic tongue movements"back and forth." This is reminiscent of the windshield wipers on a car. Sweeping, uncontrolled movements of your tongue are unlikely to be received with a bang by your partner. Relax him and caress him very gently.

3. Strong suction or intense biting partner's language. The imitation of a vacuum cleaner is good, but in moderation, without prolonged retraction. Tongue bites should be short, playful and gentle. Press lightly with your teeth, without force. Excessive manipulation can cause serious pain to a young man, because the tongue has many nerve endings.

4. Don't forget to swallow your saliva. It’s rare that anyone likes very wet lips or the squelching of their tongue in their partner’s saliva.

5. Lack of body and arm movements while kissing. Don't stand like a pillar. Move, press your whole body closer, and then move away a little. Gently or, on the contrary, passionately (at your discretion) caress the back of your partner’s head, neck, shoulders, back, buttocks with your hands. This is very exciting and adds brightness to the kissing experience.

Finally. How do you still achieve an unforgettable kiss?

So, if we have sorted out the question of how to learn to kiss passionately, then the task of achieving an unforgettable kiss still remains relevant. You can talk for a long time about how we kiss, about the ideal option, but still not come to a common opinion. The fact is that there is no panacea for all occasions. Having re-read and thoroughly studied all the kissing techniques, you will not find a universal option.

The whole “trick” of an unforgettable kiss is its individuality! Remember: in all centuries, the best seductress was considered the one who could find a special approach to a man. The stronger sex appreciates what it did not receive from other women. This is why a real lady never repeats herself.

This also applies to kissing. What one person likes may be completely different. For example, one person loves stroking the tongue, another loves gentle sucking, and a third prefers biting. That is why, during a kiss, try to listen to your partner, tune in to his wavelength and follow his desires.

What makes a kiss unforgettable is only the feelings you have for the person. Try to convey to the man all the passion, love, tenderness that you feel for him. Let this moment become a reflection of your soul. If you put strong feelings into it, then the kiss for your chosen one will become truly unforgettable and endlessly desirable.

French kiss, passionate kiss... Some people don’t even know if there is a difference between these concepts! And were all these concepts somehow differentiated before? But some kissed well and skillfully, while others did not succeed passionately and beautifully. But if you remember the cinema of the USSR, they loved to show kisses on the lips on the entire screen! And this is because sex scenes were mostly prohibited, as they were considered obscene. They thought that the viewer would already understand what exactly would follow the kiss. That’s right, exactly what we “didn’t have” in our country, that is, sex, according to one woman who took part in the teleconference. Can a kiss be considered sex in this case? Some say that this action is, as it were, borderline, transitional. At the same time, teenagers, for example, can kiss - and nothing more. Simply because it is not yet time for them to engage in any other intimate activities. After all, at this age there is more even a purely “sports interest” than a strong sexual desire. But this is the right age to learn to kiss. Of course, nature itself suggests a lot here. But for this to happen, you need to overcome the first timidity. How will you overcome it when you don’t know where to start with that first kiss? So the first task is to develop self-confidence. The more you know, the calmer you will be when you have to do something for the first time. So it would be a good idea to have a theory. After all, you don’t want it to turn out like in the famous ditty:

My darling doesn’t kiss me, he says: “Later, later.”
I come, and he’s on the stove, training with the cat.

By the way, about cats! There really is a lot to learn from these animals. Namely, tenderness. It’s worth watching your Muska or Barsik to catch how they move, for example, when they want to show all their feline love for their owner. They rub their muzzle and always squint their eyes. Most people on the planet also close their eyes when they kiss. So don't make it a point to look at your partner when you kiss. One of the writers even made a remark on this topic that it is difficult to trust such people who kiss with their eyes open. Why does this happen? The fact is that when a person's eyes are closed, he is effectively blind. And like a blind person, his other senses begin to become more intense in order to compensate for the lack of ability to see. Including tactile sensations and touch become sharper. This means that the effect of the kiss will be much deeper and stronger. Surprisingly, when kissing it is important to smell your partner. And it should be pleasant. That is, you shouldn’t go on a date without eating something with onions or garlic beforehand. But using mint chewing gum as a rescue remedy is also not an option. Not everyone likes the smell of mint. Some people prefer, for example, lemon aroma, because it is associated with freshness. And mint - with toothpaste, morning rush and a crazy race to work or study. These associations make it difficult to relax, which is what it takes to give a good kiss on the lips. It is not very good if one of the partners smells of tobacco or alcoholic beverages. If you take something before a kiss, then both should do it. For example, drink a glass of champagne. If both of you smell the same drink, then the smell will not be noticeable to either of you.

How to learn to kiss on the lips

Let's return to training “with a cat”. Let's just remember our childhood. One of our relatives always kissed us on the cheeks, on the top of the head, on the nose. And this was done with the greatest tenderness. You also need to kiss with the same caring attitude towards your partner. Passion is passion, but when you love, you need to value and protect the object of your affection, and not try to “tear” and “crumple” it. Also, during a kiss, there is no need to try to bite your partner. Such a gesture can frighten someone who is kissing for the first time. And then it will be easier to even get sex from this person, and not kisses! The same applies to kissing with the tongue. If you have heard information that all kisses on the lips are done with the tongue, then this is not true. There are different techniques, and you need to use the one that both would like. First you need to learn how to kiss without tongue, because it is easier and everyone will like it. It won’t be difficult to add tongue movements later. So, let's learn the basics of kissing on the lips
    No tongue. Such a kiss can look like a friendly one. They just kissed each other on the lips - that’s all! You just need to linger a little while doing this. You can gently grab your partner’s lips with your lips. How to do it? To practice, place your own index finger horizontally in front of your mouth and try to grab it only with your lips, slightly squeeze them and fix it. Your finger will help you feel how hard you can squeeze something with your lips. Now try to make these touches as gentle as possible. You can also try to draw on your finger as if you are trying to pick an imaginary flower from it with your lips. Then make wave-like movements. After all, you have to do the same thing with the lips of your loved one. Now let's study where the most sensitive areas on the lips are. Firstly, these are the very edges of the lips, the edging of the mouth. This is the part where girls draw a line with a lip pencil. Secondly, this is another border - between the delicate skin of the lips and the mucous membrane inside the mouth. With a good kissing technique, you need to influence these places in order to evoke the greatest possible feeling of euphoria in your partner. Kissing with tongue. When language is used, it is done in different ways. Some people like to penetrate their partner’s mouth deeply with their tongue, others prefer to act on the surface. If you have just started kissing, and have not done this at all before, then try running your tongue over the internal sensitive areas. You shouldn’t strain your tongue too much, but it shouldn’t hang out limply either. There is an opinion that only a guy can “use” his tongue, and a girl should not do this. The truth is that this is a matter for both, and you need to kiss in such a way that it is pleasant for both. Even if partners like it when something like a sword duel takes place in their mouths, only in reality - on tongues, then this is also acceptable and wonderful. Passionate. This kiss is different in that the lips of the partners are closed so tightly that breathing is possible only through the nose. If you have a runny nose, then don’t even think about doing these kisses, but prefer a different type. Of course, during such a kiss you should not try to pull your partner’s lips into your mouth, because this can hurt the person. But you can and should pull them slightly towards yourself. Passionate kisses are done both with and without the tongue. More precisely, the partners’ tongues will most likely touch in this position, but whether to act with them or not is up to both of you to decide.

When people kiss, not only their lips take part in this. We said about the eyes: it is better to close them. But don't forget about your hands. You can only hold your hands behind your back when you kiss in one case - if you were kidnapped by attackers and both of you were tied up. Then you simply will have no other choice. But when you are free, you need to at least gently hug your partner. If you stroke his neck or shoulders at the same time, you will show your passion for him, all your good attitude, all your love. Before kissing, you can run your hand over the guy’s chest, stroke it, and then cling to it. All this will show your dedication and caring.

How to learn to kiss for the first time

Of course, if the guy is experienced in kissing, then not much is required from you: you just need to peck him on the lips, pull back slightly and close your eyes. Then he will understand that you are ready for a more passionate and longer kiss, so he will take the initiative into his own hands. And if he is interested in you kissing him well, he will tell you how he likes to do it.

French kiss - passionate kiss with tongue

One of the options is a French kiss with tongue. This is exactly the case when it is good to run your tongue along the lips, namely along the inner edge, of your partner. After paying attention to the edge, you can lick the guy’s tongue in a circular motion, but you need to keep your teeth away from his tongue so as not to accidentally bite in a fit of passion.

How to learn this kissing technique

You need to use the imitation reflex. How do we learn to dance at a disco? We watch how others move and repeat after them. You can do the same thing if you watch your kissing technique. This could either be a scene from a love drama or a special video. Turn on the video and play it several times, because the imitation reflex will work better when you try to repeat it more than once.

How to learn to kiss with tongue without a partner

On the Internet you can often find advice such as training... on tomatoes. This is not bullying or trolling in any way. It’s just that a tomato is somehow close in density and tenderness of the skin to the lips. If you eat a whole tomato, then at some point you will definitely have to suck the juice out of this fruit so as not to splatter. Remember the feeling on your lips when you extract the juice from a tomato. This will give a good idea of ​​a passionate kiss. All that remains is to work on the tongue kissing technique. Surprisingly, you don’t need to use any items at all for this.

Learn how to properly move your tongue while kissing

So, we open our mouths slightly and begin to run our own tongue over our own lips. Along the same inner edge. It will be a good “feedback” due to its high sensitivity. It is this zone that will tell you at what speed the tongue should move so that it can cause pleasant sensations. To learn how to lick your partner's tongue, a popsicle, an orange slice, a banana, or any round object that you can run your tongue around will do.

You can learn to kiss on tomatoes

Now we take a tomato and begin to move our lips along its skin. We try to stick to the surface of the fruit without biting through it. If it works, then you can repeat everything in front of the mirror. In this case, you can slowly tilt your head to the right and left. You need to do everything without haste, otherwise, if you are too fussy and hasty, you will look in front of your partner as if you don’t like kissing at all and want to quickly finish this “procedure”.

Who should initiate the kiss?

Usually the initiator of a kiss is the stronger sex. But what can you do when both you and your partner are essentially “green” teenagers? It is difficult for him to guess what you want. And you shouldn’t be offended by him for this: he’s just still inexperienced. But you are his first! If you understand that you need to take the initiative into your own hands, then try just peck him on the lips and pull away. He certainly will not remain indifferent to this “invitation”. In the worst case, if he himself does not know how to kiss, he will repeat your gesture. And that's already good. At least the guy will start studying the topic of how to kiss properly before the next date. And he will even succeed! Your task is to delicately wait for this moment, and not attack with ridicule or, worse, with reproaches.

I didn’t like kissing, what should I do?

Not always and not everyone is unequivocally fascinated by their first kissing experience. There might be something you didn't like. Let’s immediately note the topic “this is indecent.” Everyone has complexes, and if your partner started right off the bat, that is, very passionately, then this could simply frighten you. You need to ask him to kiss less passionately, because you are not used to it yet. But there may be other reasons why either you or he didn't enjoy the kiss. Don’t give up this pleasant expression of love forever! 1) Find out the reasons (bad breath from the partner after cigarettes, alcohol, etc.) For example, you just didn’t like the smell. Does your boyfriend smoke? Ask him not to smoke before kissing. If he respects you, he will understand. Alcohol? Drink the same drink and then everything will be fine. It's worse if he has bad breath coming from a sore tooth or throat. Not everyone can say this directly. You can simply try to take care of yourself, such as giving you a lollipop for a sore throat. And along with it, the smell will disappear for a while. For sick teeth, you can offer an ointment that will alleviate the condition and at the same time remove the smell. 2) Practice (perhaps, if this is the first time, excitement prevailed, the wrong kissing technique was chosen, for example, the partner does not like kissing with the tongue, and you did not skillfully insist on this, etc.) Sometimes partners do not have time to discuss, which kisses they like best, and everyone tries their best. After all, sometimes two people merge spontaneously in a kiss. And then one of them begins to “work” with the language, and the second has no idea at all that this can be done. Naturally, the second one will be shocked. This will create an element of awkwardness, because of which you won’t like the kiss.

What are the benefits and harms of kissing for the body?

First we should talk about the bad. It sounds trivial, but through saliva you can get those infections that are not airborne. That is, in addition to a cold, you can catch, for example, hepatitis or tuberculosis. But a person would not deliberately infect his beloved girl. If he knows about his illness, he will always warn about it. Also in one of the films it was said that when kissing, blood pressure jumps. But this is only part of the “process”. A kiss makes your heart flutter. And this is a cardio load, that is, training the heart muscle. These actions change the hormonal composition of the blood: endorphin, the hormone of happiness, enters there. It not only evokes a feeling of flight, but also helps recovery from illnesses and improves general condition. So kisses, if they are from the heart, can become a cure even for chronic ailments. Therefore, kiss your health! Love and respect each other, and then over time you will no longer have questions about how to kiss better. You will find a great solution yourself.

Dating and Pickup

How to kiss with tongue (passionately)

If ordinary kisses are already taken for granted, then kisses with the tongue or they are kisses “passionately” are already considered to take the relationship to a new level. Therefore, you should definitely learn the technique of French kissing, which not only makes the girl’s lips wet, but also something else!

So, translated from French, such wet kisses are called “kiss of the soul,” which quite frankly hints at both physical and mental intimacy. However, without preparation, it is not so easy to make a high-quality tongue kiss and “connect your souls,” so you should definitely read our article and watch the video.

What does a kiss give us? It is believed that by kissing a girl can determine a guy’s mood and determine the future of their relationship: should they date or is it better to break up? Therefore, the kiss should not only be pleasant, but also flawless, so that the girl transfers this magical feeling to all future relationships. And this can be achieved.

Before the tongue kiss

Confidence. If you behave insecure and shy, then only “mommies” will want to kiss you and stroke their pride that they “helped” the guy take such an important step. The rest of the girls will openly lose interest in you, and not only will they not kiss you, but they may even leave for someone else. Therefore, forget about inner excitement and questions like: “Will she like it?”, “Will it work out for me?” Even if you don’t do everything so clearly at first, you will feel confident: the girl will play along with you. And this is what we need!

Pleasant breath. If you forget to brush your teeth before kissing a girl, or eat not the freshest shawarma, then your chances of a normal tongue kiss will drop to zero. Girls will forgive you for a little carelessness in a kiss, but they will never forgive you for bad breath.

Therefore, make sure that this moment is carefully checked before meeting a girl, and take a pack of mints or chewing gum with you to the meeting. A really basic thing that, unfortunately, guys forget about.

Cozy place. Such open kisses bring a lot of passion to a relationship, however, they cause censure from the adult generation. Therefore, in order not to incur troubles and law enforcement agencies caused by local grandmothers, it is better to choose a quieter place.

Kissing technique with tongue

Let's start right. A kiss with a tongue is part of a symphony of passion, so you shouldn’t just attack a girl with it. If you try to immediately put your tongue in your girlfriend’s mouth, then she will definitely not appreciate your action. Therefore, follow the instructions and do everything consistently.

Hugs and body position. The ideal position of the hands can be called their location on her waist, but this should not be a static pose, do not forget to carefully caress the girl, lightly stroking her back, tummy and neck. This turns girls on and they relax.

If your relationship is already close enough, then you can give up if you expect subsequent sex. Of course, it is risky, but under passion, girls behave more freely.

You should tilt your head a little to the side to avoid awkwardness when your nose rests against hers. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but it should be avoided.

From a simple kiss to a tongue kiss. First, you need to warm up your girl with regular kisses and tactile sensations (touches). After you feel that the girl is “going into you” more and more (leaning on you), you need to ask permission to kiss. This is done by opening your mouth a little wider and touching her lip with the tip of your tongue. If this action does not confuse the girl, then you have received permission to kiss. Now you can carefully enter your tongue into the girl’s mouth and touch her tongue. Such gentle touches bring great pleasure.

French Kiss. Now it's time for our long-awaited kiss. You lightly press the girl to you with your hands and start a kiss: carefully run your tongue first clockwise over her lips, and then go deeper into her mouth and also move clockwise. You need to play a little with her tongue and go under the girl’s tongue - there is a very sensitive place there. Usually at this moment girls also start playing with you. You can even slightly “bite” her tongue, but be careful - you can hurt the girl, since it is difficult to calculate your strength.

Finishing with a French kiss: The French kiss does not end, but gradually becomes slower until you again run your tongue over your girlfriend’s lips, then carefully pull it out and continue kissing without a tongue. Thus, you give the girl a continuation that will turn her on even more. Often, after you finish such a kiss, the girl attacks you again. If so, then you are handsome!

Mistakes when kissing with tongue

Drooling. Of course, in explicit films we are shown profuse drooling and admiring faces of girls at what is happening, but in fact this has nothing to do with reality. Many girls don’t feel very comfortable when you start licking them and “watering” them with copious amounts of drool. Therefore, control this moment.

Depth. You shouldn't stick your tongue too deep into your girlfriend's mouth. This can cause discomfort and sometimes a gag reflex. We think you'll agree that this isn't the best outcome for a kiss!

About the French kiss. Wet kisses are considered a great spice that you can add to your relationship, but they should not become commonplace, so they should not be overused.

Correct French kisses

It’s rare that anyone can learn to kiss with the tongue correctly the first time, but usually after 2-3 times everything becomes obvious and understandable. So if you want to learn how to kiss with tongue, you need a girl and a little confidence. Believe me, in just a couple of days you will be able to do this perfectly!

Kisses are always pleasant. The French kiss, also known as a kiss with the tongue, gives special pleasure. During it, two people experience feelings that a regular kiss on the lips or cheek will not give. Kissing with tongue at first glance seems difficult, but in fact everything is easy and simple, you just need to kiss once or twice. But many who have not yet kissed so deeply are afraid that they won’t succeed and are embarrassed to kiss their partners like that, since kissing with the tongue is something out of the ordinary for them. But in vain! Throw all your fears and complexes aside! Below are some tips on how to properly kiss on the lips with your tongue.

How to learn to kiss with your tongue

  • If you have never kissed with tongue before, then make your first kiss unforgettable. Let this happen on a romantic date with a person you are in love with or who you like very much. A kiss largely depends on your feelings for the person you are kissing. Believe me, a kiss out of interest and a kiss with the person you are in love with are like heaven and earth. The sensations in the second case are much more pleasant.
  • Think about how you look. A kiss with the tongue is a rather intimate caress. Make sure your partner doesn't feel uncomfortable. You must be neat and tidy.
  • If you are still a complete beginner and don’t know how to kiss with your tongue correctly, remember that it will probably be WRONG. So, you can’t: strong and large quantities of perfume or cologne, greasy and bitter lipstick, a lot of cosmetics on the face, bad breath, dirty teeth and mouth.
  • Needed: clean, neat clothes, a light pleasant smell of perfume, fresh breath.
  • Choose an appropriate setting. It’s better to kiss a girl with your tongue for the first time alone, in a quiet, relaxing environment and with the confidence that no one and nothing can interfere with you.
  • So, how to kiss with your tongue. Relax. If you are tense, you will not be able to move your tongue naturally, and this is one of the main conditions. The first kiss should not be sluggish or forceful, too short or too long. Try to find a middle ground.
  • It is not always appropriate to tell your partner that you are going to kiss him, and even explain in what way. You certainly shouldn’t say: “Turn to me, open your mouth, and I’ll kiss you!” But talking about the kiss is a good way to find out if your partner wants you to kiss him. Try to ask the question in a light and cheerful tone. For example: “What if I kiss you?” or “Can I kiss you?” Remember that everything depends on the situation. It is better to ask the second question directly to your partner’s eyes. By his reaction, even if you do not receive a direct answer, you can understand whether your partner wants a kiss.
  • Don't try to hold your breath before kissing. People breathe calmly when they kiss.
  • Many people wonder how to hold their head while kissing. To prevent your nose from getting in the way, you should position your head at a slight angle to your partner’s head.
  • Hug your partner while kissing. At the first kiss, you should not move on to exciting caresses. It is best for girls to hug a guy by the shoulders or neck. Young people usually hug the girl around the waist while kissing. Stroke your partner on the back, back of the head, and hair.

Kissing technique with tongue

Now let's talk more about the kissing process itself.

  1. Again, we decided to use visual material to explain how to kiss with your tongue correctly. The pictures reflect the kissing technique quite well. You can find other pictures, there are many of them on the Internet. Visual material is always good to use when learning something. Pictures and photos of how to kiss with tongue are useful material for beginners.
  2. Before kissing, look your partner in the eyes, expressing your feelings to him with your gaze. The gaze should be direct and open. Let your partner read sincere desire in your eyes.
  3. Gently hug your partner and pull him closer to you. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  4. First, kiss your partner a little on the lips, then open yours slightly. By doing this you will make it clear that you are ready for closer contact.
  5. Gently insert your tongue into your partner's mouth, touch his tongue and begin stroking him. Remember that everything should happen naturally and effortlessly, so your tongue should not be too tense, but also sluggish.
  6. When kissing, the tongues move mutually and stroke each other. You can stroke the tongue along the back, under the root and along the edges. The main thing is to do it with feeling.
  7. During a kiss, lips should touch and move. The movement of the lips during a kiss is associated with pressure on the partner's lips. You either lightly press on his lips, then relax, then open your lips wider, then close them as far as your tongue allows. This happens throughout the kiss.
  8. The lips should not be in the same position as the partner's lips. When kissing, don't be afraid to kiss the skin around your lips.
  9. You can vary the depth, speed and style of the kiss. You can make the kiss deep and passionate (as far as the length of the tongue allows) and not very deep, but gentle. You can kiss quickly (but the main thing is not to overdo it with speed) and slowly. You can also change the movements themselves when kissing. You can stroke the entire surface of the tongue or kiss only with the tips of the tongues. You can do one movement for a longer time (for example, caress the tip of your tongue for a long time). There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is that both partners have a desire to bring them to life!

And remember that learning to kiss perfectly can only be done through active practice. Happy kisses to you!
